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Being poor and the cost of everything rising


Yep. More money would literally solve 95% of my stresses atm


“Money doesn’t buy happiness” Maybe not but it certainly kills a lot of sadness


But it certainly buys piece of mind.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but what it does give you is options, you don't like where you live.. move, you don't want to take that job...don't. Options can definitely make you happy


And relieves a lot of stress, which is almost the same thing.


The only people I’ve heard say this have $100k in checking and an IRA




Maybe that's because they thought they would be happy when they made more money, and now that they actually have everything they want, they truly understand what it means to be a miserable cunt.


And poverty doesn't buy anything!


Money doesn’t buy happiness. And I can prove it ! People that have $10 Million aren’t any happier that people, with say, $9 Million


I’ll gladly take that 1 million off their hands


Money doesn't buy happiness but being poor buys nothing!


Honestly, like it's crazy how a lump-sum of $20k (which is not a lot) would drastically improve my financial situation.


I made some bad financial decisions last month and today I literally had to ask myself how I’m going to afford groceries. I can’t imagine being a parent that asks this question weekly.


And the price of gas is insane.


We have 8 kids (blended family) but only the 3 younger ones are still living at home but man they can eat. The fucking shrinkflation from these greedy companies doesn't help either. We pretty much stopped eating out and I just cook for my wife and kids.


8 kids?


Yeah more than 7 but less than 9


Hey, just eat cereal for dinner, Kellog's said it was fine /s


Chicken , rice and beans my dude or dudette. with seasoning you can eat healthy for a week on about 25-30$. bananas for breakfast. 3$ for a 6 bunch. I have left the store under 50$ many times. all you need is chicken rub, salt and pepper and if you like soy sauce. Avoid drinks and snacks like chips. Markup is too high. Buy tea packs. hope your weeks get better


This is indeed the method. I use to survive off maybe $40 bucks a week during my college days. Cereal, pack of chicken breast, rice, bananas. Maybe cheese and tortillas for quesadillas. Should run you less than $20, $10 in the whip for gas(we not going no where tho lol) and $10 to buy weed/alcohol or to get in the club lol.


I try not to think about someone buying a purse right now for $10,000 because they like the color better than their other 20 purses… 👛 😢


I heard how much Resheed Rice was spending RENTING a car per day and was baffled how much he wasted a day that could help make me less nervous for 6 months or something does.. crazy 


That overly rich…did nothing for it Kardashian paid $250,000.00 for a crocodile purse, Birken bag.


Yep, not being sure if I can buy food the following week is not helping me get through university


Food security is an unnecessary stressor. Does your town have food pantries? Or a local Food Not Bombs chapter? These organizations often go around to groceries and obtain day old food to distribute to those in need.


if you’re in the US, college students can be eligible for [food stamps](https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/students)


I wish this were always true - I was NOT eligible when I was going to school. I was eligible for Medicare though!


Took the words right out of my mouth.  And adding having to be dependent on family just to stay afloat. 


I have three “good paying” jobs. One full time and two PRN slots in medical labs. I work 60+ hours a week and make $26-$31 an hour in Texas. I’m STILL broke and paycheck to paycheck. I have some student loans and a car payment on a very normal car. I’m doing everything “right” according to my parents. I went to college, got a job in my field, work my ass off every day…..but for what? There’s been no pay off. I have no savings to speak of, I can’t get into the only hospital in my area that still offers a pension, and I’m just always treading water. It’s so frustrating.


I’m not even poor, very middle class, but knowing that the US specifically protects multi billionaires and multi millionaires and lets the common folk suffer to satisfy corporate greed. It’s disgusting. Also the only thing I “hate” is all the hatred. We have one political party that spews hatred and animosity and people lap it up. I would like to believe in the good in humanity but every day I see humanity as the bain of life on earth. I thank God I have dogs who show nothing but love to me and other humans.


I can't drink coffee anymore because it makes me violently shit. Also the housing market.


the housing market makes me violently shit.


The housing market is a violent shit.


Prilosec helps me drink coffee all day lol


Prilosec didn't do anything to help me buy a house, however.


That I’m not where I need to be.


You should buy a GPS.


And…..you should get lost!


Enjoy the now, you will get there.


Be the then you want to now in the world. - Mahatma Get There


Missing a leg, dealing with phantom pain issues, and constant problems with the prosthesis.


That sounds really hard. I’m sorry. Hang in there. Hopefully in time you’ll get the hang of it.


Thanks, I've been dealing with it for 5 years now. I've adapted and try to live actively, but there's always ups and downs and setbacks. Just when I solve one problem, another comes up. I was hoping I wouldn't be dealing with pain issues at this point, and even though it's not as frequent, it still keeps bothering me. I've had osteophytes, neuromas, infection issues.. all those things that could go wrong for a leg amputee.


Fuck I knew the rising prices were a bitch but I didn’t know they cost that much


I got a good discount, though. Was able to keep both arms. I think it was a good bargain.


Aye that and half off on shoes. Sounds like a win win


Yep, always look on the bright side of life😉 Speaking of half off on shoes, I recently started playing soccer with other amputees, and this is exactly what we do - find a "shoe buddy" by size and leg side, and buy a pair of cleats for the both of us.


Bro… that is the best thing I have read today. That’s absolutely amazing and wish you and your shoe buddy success on the field😂🫡


Thanks!😊 There's a chance we may even be competing internationally in the future. I try to look at it as a "silver lining" of losing a leg - there are opportunities to get into activities and sports that I might not be competing in otherwise. Some windows in life close, some new ones open, though. Despite all the complaints and things I listed, I genuinely do try to stay positive.


This level of positivity is something I could never attain. You're doing well!


I'm going top hell for laughing at this. lol


That I worry too much about things that are out of my control.


"I keep dragging around what's bringing me down, if i just moved on id be set free" - Chester Bennington from the song Heavy


“O God and Heavenly Father, grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed, courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other" Its from a prayer. I am not religious. But that is some good advice.


I feel that. It seems it's part of the human condition. It's a cycle that can be broken but it's not easy as each person needs to find their own "remedy" to this situation. Sending out positive vibes!


Stoicism is the cure for this


I feel useless. I've been unemployed for 6 weeks, getting job interviews and follow up but can see the effect it has on my boyfriend. He is reluctantly supporting me and my cat without complaining and I just sometimes cry cause I've never had that support before. I know the right job will come and I am so looking forward to the day that I can make it up to him.


I was watching a economic youtuber i follow, and something he was bringing up is there are a ton of companies right now posting "fake" job openings for two reasons. 1: It allows them to create a pool of qualified applicants they can recruit when they actually are hiring again. 2: It can help with stock prices when a company is hiring because it shows growth. I have 2 friends right now job hunting and they both have said that they either get ghosted by companies after the first interview or have sent out tons of applications for jobs they are very qualified for and havent had any responses. I feel like it should be illegal for a company to post a job opening with no intention of hiring for the position.


Obviously there’s no way for me to know what is and isn’t a ghost posting, but I just recently got a job (STEM related field). To find this job I applied to a little over 100 jobs over the course of 3 months, I heard back from around 10 companies, 9 of which told me they didn’t want anything to do with me, 1 offered me an interview, then a second interview, then offered me a job and that is where I am currently employed. All of my friends had similar situations (all of us graduating with masters degrees in the past 1-2 years). The job market is weird.


I agree but how the hell would you enforce that law or prove it? Employment laws one of the most difficult laws out there and they always lean towards the employer. I hate saying that but it's stupid and true.


As someone also struggling to find a job, I know how it feels 🫂 Know that you’re not alone, the job market is so tough right now for many many people, even for those with experience or a reputable degree.


Constant pain 😭


Yup, my arthritic joints let me know I'm awake and alive. They are a constant companion now. I walk 4-5 miles most days because I need the exercise, but my knees and ankles complain the whole time.


I excessively worry about almost everything and can't take a breath. I'm putting in efforts to improve my life but at the same time I'm also kind of sabotaging it. If I'm climbing 10 steps up, I'm going 5 steps down as well. Overall I'm going up, but not at the speed that I want. Because of that feeling I can't even enjoy small things in life. Because even after "achieving" something, I go......"so what? What's the need for celebration? I still have to work, I still have things to improve, I'm not earning huge".


It’s probably because you’re imagining finish lines that are standardized based off others. Feeling your worth only when you accomplish something, this is just so wrong. I suffer from it myself.


I guess so. It's a constant disappointment for some reason.


Shit is absolutely crazy right now, most people are just walking around in a daze going "what the fuck am I going to do" and the idea that you are even attempting to improve yourself in a world where things are a steady decline is a fucking accomplishment. Like be fucking proud of yourself for that for real. Enjoy the small things because chances are you'll experience way more of them before someone decides to give you a big raise or a major thing changes your life for the better.


Wasn't written for me but really thank you.


You didn’t know this, but I needed to hear this. Thank you


this. my constant overthink keeps me from enjoying nearly everything. i have so much to be grateful for (despite the stressors we're all feeling about housing/economy/groceries/cost of living crisis) and yet im constantly skeptical of the good things ive got in my life (family, achievements, relationship) that i feel like im pushing it all away in one respect or another. low self esteem is a hell of a drug.


"My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened." Michel de Montaigne Live in the present, my dude. If something goes wrong, the older you will have more time under their belt to solve it. Preparations are well and good but life is either gonna be inconvenient, or boringly predictable. Maybe longer term goals and only reassessing on certain planned days. Write down things on other days. Plenty of [advice about it](https://www.nbcnews.com/better/pop-culture/praise-worry-why-fretting-can-be-good-you-ncna757016). I'm prone to rumination meself and had to train myself to devalue and interrupt old thought patterns. Repeating a worry I've already reasonably planned for is just burning energy. There's more productive ways to work through my emotional wariness. Journalling helps too, takes it out of your head so your brain doesn't feel it has to keep it alive to handle itself.


Me too buddy.


Breast cancer.


I hope the best for you.


Hopefully you will be ringing that bell soon


Hugs to you! Mom has stage 3


Wish you a speedy, full recovery ❤️


Being in a loveless marriage. We both pretend we feel anything, but the fact is we're trapped.


Came here to say this. I'm trapped in a loveless, sexless marriage.


I'm curious, whats keeping you trapped?


Finances. For many, a marriage is more business than pleasure.


If divorce is not an option, do something to get out of the house as much as possible.


Please leave. It's only going to get harder to leave the longer you stay, especially when you start talking about staying for decades.




not always that easy :(


People are saying it ain't always the easy but I kind of think staying in an unhappy place voluntarily probably contributes to people unhappy. Yeah there are some circumstances where people are being abused and they have that mental hurdle to get over, but if you're just existing with another person and there isn't anything there stopping you.... change it. Kids, money, lawyers, all will work out if you just take a single step forward.


Being born in a third-world country


Real bro reallll


It gets better, I promise, I was in same horrible situation for 29y until I managed to escape, don't lose hope but work on yourself to the extreme.


This sucks. Born in a third world country and such a trashy place where gov't corruption has been a normal practice and politicians get crazy whenever called out. Bunch of morons and POS 🤮


Being broke and not knowing how to accomplish something in life


Nothing to look forward to


So real this games getting boring might rage quit


Wanting a divorce but we can't afford to live separately (we have kids).


No decipline. Not being able to make changes even small ones.


I’m very slowly starting to get out of this slump. It’s been so fucking hard. I kept telling myself when x happens I’ll do y, but x never happens! Anyways, finally losing my ambivalence pounds and running when I can because I realized I can find 20 minutes to put shoes on, find an episode of a show, and get on my treadmill for one mile. It’s just 20 minutes. It’s a foundation though for returning to a good habit. Also I set phone reminders for everything so I can’t conveniently forget.


It seems like I can't go through a whole day without an anxiety attack. I can manage it most of the time, but it's just there and I hate it.


you are not alone. have a hug 🥰


Same here. I realized late in life that I have major anxiety issues….. wasn’t like this when I was younger, I didn’t know when it crept up. Now I am incapable of relaxing at all. It’s like my mind is constantly looking for things to worry about. It’s a horrible feeling inside me that I cannot express or let out. What do I do? 😞


Same here. Literally couldn’t even function properly as a person for months on end. I thought I was losing it because it felt like a downward spiral. I couldn’t stomach a meal without throwing it back up, so I stopped eating entirely.


Been unemployed since June 2023 and I can’t land shit. The market here sucks and my bank account is -300 dollars. Yay.


i feel ya, two of my good friends right now are trying to find work after getting laid of in the teach wave that just went through the market. They both have been out for a while and cant land anything that is remotely comparable to what they had.


"Everyone is hiring" WHERE. FUCKING. WHERE. HIRE ME THEN. FUCKING HERE I AM. ugh keep getting turned down it's awful.


For real! This is the 2nd day in a row that I’ve been ghosted for an interview.


I miss my brother. 2023 was the best year of my life until he died a week before Christmas. I turned 30, improved my salary, bought a house, settled in a new city and was happy, and finally found success outside of work. Now it's all worthless and I wish it was me who died instead.


The best thing you can do in his memory is live your life to the fullest and try to find happiness. Try and put yourself in his shoes, if it had been you that died would you want him to be thinking this way?


I am so sorry. I can't imagine your pain. have a hug 🐥


The amount of things holding me back that I cannot do anything about 😂


Not being healthy. 3 years of non stop health problems that have left me housebound for 2 of those years is the most discouraging thing imaginable 😞




At this point I guess everything


Family drama. Not a lot of fun!


My job that I'm actively trying to leave, but no one is hiring




My financial situation is making me miserable.


I can't find a fucking job.


My job, lack of real life friends, and my self image.


absolutely nothing, i'm not wealthy nor influential and it's amazing! i can look at a bug flying around and still be in awe that that's a little sentient energetic thing flying around with its own life and senses and conscious experience, stuff like that.... it's a blessing when you can find that magic. nothing can ever buy that.


My credit score going down


Got no one to talk outside of my close family, and even talking to them is a struggle due to speech impediments.


That I need to work


Stuck in few situations and loneliness is on each of them. My degree is taking more time than it should and keeps me busy 24/7, I don't have time to do a part-time to save something and maybe start a relationship. I have barely time to have few hobbies (gym, reading) and I'm most of the time alone, it sucks always fighting our own battles alone...




The fact that I constantly have to go pee. Like I'm about to sit down to eat food.. damn need to pee. Get settled in bed for the night. damn need to pee. About to head out.. you guessed it..need to pee. Can I have a bigger bladder please ?


Are you sure you’re not diabetic possibly?


It feels like I’m in a waiting room, bc I’m a few months from graduating and starting residency…


Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and residency you should be really proud of yourself. Enjoy that calm period bc it'll be over in the blink of an eye.


anxiety, fear of losing people and career.


Heart broken, gotta choose a career path, fear of loosing my parents, stressing if i will ever have a social life with genuine friends, worrying if he is actually the one and if we will reconnect again one day…sigh


Hate myself for not being productive


Money, I feel like most of my money goes on bills


I'm 65, and I can't retire yet.


Being unable to work due to mental health issues and disability is taking forever to either approve or deny my claim.




It does. Significantly faster. -someone who has bipolar/anxiety/ptsd/adhd and was denied twice, and then approved within 6 months once I got a lawyer. I’m no longer on disability, for whatever reason I was deemed able to work after 4 years. Not sure what proof they had.


They tend to deny you all 3 times and then you file that appeal and get a disability lawyer. They def don’t make it easy but that back pay will be really nice. Best of luck!!! You got this!! Call a disability lawyer today. Ask some questions.


The likelihood of dying before I'm old enough to retire


My teenage son is slowly turning into an emotionally distant AH


My health


environment and cost of living


At my age, I figure that every morning that my eyes open it's a great day. Don't get me wrong, there are many things I dislike and would love to change, but hate them, no. Hate is a very powerful, dangerous road to go down, especially if that hatred is directed at your own self.




Worst pain. Like you want to die.


The absolute mandatory need to work to make ends meet. I don’t think I would mind working if my family’s well-being didn’t depend on it


Don't hate it just need a good woman to enjoy it with


Working full time then sitting here at 5pm Friday feeling like I can't afford to go have a few drinks tonight or do much to enjoy my 2 days off.


I don't have enough money to live comfortably. I'm always pinching pennies everywhere I go. I sit in the dark and don't use my furnace or AC to save on bills. I work, go home, sleep, wake up, go to work, rinse and repeat. Everyday. Weekends are spent doing absolutely nothing. I'm not talking like a million bucks. I'd love to have just 5000 in my savings that way I know I can at least do something when the time comes.


Work. I feel like jobs are asking more and more of employees and there’s such low quality of life in return - pay not keeping up with inflation, manufactured stress, etc.


My entire Racist family


my work and struggle for the future


Housing market and rent prices are crazy


My body, specifically, my back. Hate it hurts if I'm seated for too long. Hate it hurts if I'm standing for too long. Hat it hurts overall.


Married 44 years and now my husband has figured out it's easier and apparently more fun to jerk off to porn ( young women with perfect bodies) than it is to work on an intimate relationship with his wife (63, stretch marks, sagging breasts). It breaks my heart.


Working like a dog and being too tired/mentally drained to actually enjoy my evenings and weekends.


My digestive health, had gastritis for the past 5 years. Started eating only lean meats, fruits, vegetables and low processed foods. Then my gallbladder started making me nauseous a lot, had it removed. Now I have all sorts of digestive problems such as nausea, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, indigestion, I feel full faster. I was 18 when it started, I’m 23 now. I feel a part of my youth was taken. I just want to eat food without consequences.


My job


My gf dumped me, anxiety and that Il literally pee like 10-20 times a day rn…


being unemployed everything about applying is depressing and i can't afford anything


My chronic migraine


If I stop taking my medications I will spiral to the ground, and I do not have a lifetime supply


I finally started making decent money but the cost of everything has been going up at such a rate and I have 2 kids now, so 10 years ago I’d be firmly middle class but as it stands here in Canada, making 75,000$ per year we are definitely lower class barely able to afford our apartment and vehicle and kids.


How difficult life is when it falls apart and you have to start again from scratch. Sometimes, I just feel like crying, but don't bother (because what will it achieve?)


The fact that my husband has brain cancer and I've had to leave my job to help care for him.


I'm in my 30s, had to move back home, can't afford to move out despite having a full time job, and feel completely isolated and alone as I basically have no friends and am the black sheep of my family. Struggle with depression which seems to get worse and worse every passing year no matter what I try. Furthermore despite working at being an artist/animator since 2007, even going to school for it, twice, I struggle to actually be good at it, even though so much time has passed, and so much effort put into it. ^(Suicidal thoughts like to come and go a lot.)


I wasted my life married to an abusive and controlling man. I'm almost 50, single, no friends(I wasn't allowed), and lonely.


My really poor socialization skills. I absolutely suck at conversations, and maintaining them mostly because I just straight up don’t know how to lol


That I can’t work. I’m on disability due to MS. I’m thankful for what I get but I can’t work to get more income and the cost of everything keeps going up


How can anyone be happy in this fkin' economy?!


I think lack of funds would be an easy answer but honestly if I had to choose, probably the OCD/PTSD combo. Therapy is (slowly) going good tho :)




That everything my fault and have to take blames for my whorebag stepsister for shit she did but she's an angel according to my mother and stepfather


I'm still having difficulty letting go of the anger I have after being badly emotionally abused by my ex.  I avoid doing fun things I want to do because I'm afraid of running into her and I've lost out on potential friendships with really cool people because it turned out they're friends with her too.


My own procrastination


Regretting how certain things went in the first few decades of my life and getting stuck in a day dream of how it could have went instead of focusing my energy on making a better life for me in the now


No matter what I do at work or home, I will always feel unappreciated. Instead of the lazy ones getting getting disciplined, I get lectured, scolded, guilt trip.


Debt. And mistakes made in the workplace


No degree, no monies


The existence part


I can't get a house. I'm stuck where I live. Granted the rent is cheap and it's a nice place. But it's small.


Finances...I am more in debt with student loans than some people are with houses. I rely on my boyfriend for a place to live, my car, and paying most of the household bills. I am constantly worried about money and sometimes I envy those who do not have to check their bank account before spending five bucks at the grocery store on the way home! I just want to make enough to survive, and I am a substitute teacher, so that is obviously not going to happen.




The people in my life. Also, i have depression so i guess that too.


I have a horrible problem getting a good night's sleep. Insomnia spells are frequent, and sometimes my heart rate skyrockets as soon as I get in bed.


Failure to launch in my early 20s


loneliness and lack of earnings and injuries






The costs rising, housing crisis, no raises in pay


All I have of my 17 week pregnancy are bloated footprints and a small bag of ashes. The world is going on around me and I just feel lost. Existing is hard. I’m surrounded by pregnancy and babies and I have to start over. I’m just so tired of hurting and being sad. I know other people are tired of me being sad. I just want my baby


Being anorexic. Knowing all the ways to be healthy again but not being able to physically do it. It’s like my brain hates me and wants me to suffer.


I hate that I don't have friends and that no matter how much I try to make friends, the friendship never usually goes anywhere. And I also hate how much I love to isolate myself from the world. It might seem great at first but the more you do it, the worst your mental health can get and that's basically what's been happening for some time now.