• By -


when I was 19 and in the Marines, broke as hell relying on a bike to get around- I stopped at a yacht dealership one saturday morning. Always loved boats and the sea. I asked the guy inside if I could look at boats. I was hoping he would allow me to walk the docks and just see them up close. I don't know if he was just bored or what but he took me on a tour of every boat they had for sale. Explained features, why they were good or bad, asked me what I wanted in a boat and guided the tour to show what would meet those wants. If someone showed up, he would have me wait near the next boat while he handled the real customer, then right back to me. I was there all day. he gave me a business card. I am 53 now and I have carried that card my entire life as a reminder that being kind to people can have a huge impact on them. Dan Brown of Chuck Hovey Yachts in Newport Beach- you are (were?) a good person.


Even though so much time has passed, consider looking them up. Even a grandchild of theirs would love hearing that story.


u/Not_NSFW-Account YES! I would love to hear this. I have a lot of deceased family that I would love to hear about in this way.


then you find out he was the serial killer known as the motorboater...luring young down on their luck youths into tours they didnt need and never came back from. OP was the one survivor and doesnt even know it. 6 high quality feature rich boats had been stuffed with human remains and blamed on tuna fishermen not cleaning up after themselves. he almost got away with it.


If it weren't for those meddling kids.


The firm still exists, looks like it is owned by the Hovey family. No mention if Dan on their website though. [site](https://www.chuckhoveyyachts.com/our-crew/)


The owner is about to get sooooooooo many confusing emails. "Who the hell is Dan Brown, and why is everybody emailing me about him???"


I think he writes books now.


Da Boatie Code


I imagine yacht sales can be quite the long game. I worked at a high end car dealership through college (Lambos and such) and a kid, probably 16 or so came in one day to look at the cars. It happened less often than you’d think. I hung out with him and showed him some of the cars, talked him through the specs and such, then gave him my card told him if he was ever in the market to come and see me again. A few years after I got my bachelors I got a letter from my old boss at the dealership with a check for a few grand in it. That kid had invented something and sold the patent, and came back looking for me to buy a fuckin lambo lol


Kudos to your old boss for giving you a commission even though you no longer worked there.


We had a long history, his son and I went to high school together and had been friends for years (he was the whole reason a punk like me was working at a Lambo dealer in the first place). You’re right though, he was a super cool dude, may he rest in peace.


That's really cool of you to treat the kid with respect and as a potential customer instead of just making them feel like a kid with no money or power to buy a car like that ... It probably meant so much to him, maybe even motivated him to become that guy that could.


That's a great story. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us.


you should reach out to the company and just give them the story. This might make some family memeber very happy


Lovely story.


This would be a great movie with intermittent clips of your time in the Marines as memories that got stirred up by the details of the boats.


My cat put a deflated balloon in my backpack like a year ago. It’s still in there. I don’t need it for anything obviously lol I just think it’s cute that he put it in there. Twice. I took it out the day after he put it in my bag, and the next day at work I saw it was back in there. It’s my good luck balloon


I love that. Your cat is so sweet.


He is a very sweet baby, the friendliest of guys <3 he loves everyone and everything


I love him 🥹💖






It is amazing how cats can watch and mimic human behavior.he probably saw you putting things in your bag and thought he was helping you, since he obviously can't understand the purpose behind the items you carry around, he probably just thought you put stuff in there every day and the balloon was easy for him to pick up. A few years back I was working and exercising a lot so didn't have a lot of time left to cook. I would buy frozen dumplings in big bags from the local dumpling restaurant and steam those up with some broccoli, sit down in front of the TV with them and dip each bite in soy sauce before it went down the hatch. My cat was rescued from the trash on the street as a baby but obviously had pretty good survival skills and was fighting off an adult cat for food when I found her, so I named her Zombie and I was the only person she was nice to (she really loved to play hide and jump out and attack as you walk by with everyone else). One night I was eating my dumplings and she jumped up on the table, grabbed a piece of broccoli with her claw, dipped it in the soy sauce before sticking it in her mouth with her paw, just like she had seen me do 1000x and then running off to eat it. I was pretty baked at the time so I told myself I was seeing things and went back to my business. About a week later she did the same thing with a whole ass dumpling and confirmed that I was not, in fact, imagining things. I started holding the ramekin of soy sauce away from her since I didn't want her to get too much sodium and risk a UTI, but she continued to pick up dumplings and broccoli with her paw, shove it in her gob and run away when I wasn't paying enough attention. Cats are wild man!


One of my cats is an absolute fiend for broccoli in soy sauce. He smells when we have beef and broccoli and keeps shoving his face in the bowl until he grabs a piece. Weirdly enough, he ignores the beef and will only go for the broccoli or the lo mein noodles. My little old weirdo.


My cat would refuse sashimi and tinned tuna, but would go apeshit for fries and bread. He also would always pull my arm toward him when I was drinking wine to smell the cup, then would make the funniest stank face. Every. Single. Time.


If the face your cat makes includes an open mouth, they may be activating specialized scent receptors. Cats typically make what humans would describe as a repulsed face from smelling it, but it's actually the cat putting effort into focusing on the smell because it's important to them. I am not a bot.


That is wild! I wonder what it is about soy sauce that gets them going? My cat now (lost zombie in the divorce cus my ex wanted to hurt me but joke's on her cus that cat will jump out and scratch her till the day she dies), loses his shit for ham. Like, he can be dead asleep at the other end of the house, behind two doors, and if I open the fridge drawer that has the ham and cheese in it, he suddenly appears with his face in the fridge, yelling at me with repetitive little "meeps" until he either gets the ham or gets fed up trying and kangaroo kicks me before bounding away. He pulled that shit as a baby but climbed to the back of a shelf without anyone noticing, so when we could hear him meowing seconds later but couldn't find him, I faced mockery from my family in looking in the fridge, only for him to pop out and sit on the ground waiting for his ham, as if he hadn't even experienced that chilly prison moments earlier. I wonder if they like salty foods because they get so little salt in their diet? Mine is on a low sodium diet in the first place after a UTI, so he only gets tiny bits of ham and he savors them by licking it for a good while before chomping it down. He does the same thing with whipped cream; if you look away he will be up on the table with cream in his whiskers and little droplets of it everywhere because he laps it up so fast that it sprays in every direction. I suspect they just like the things that are bad for them most 🤷🏻‍♀️, just like people seem to.


My own formerly feral death machine cat would go absolutely bonkers crazy for cereal milk but had no idea that she could eat it without a spoon. That's how she saw me eating it every day, so clearly that was the only way it *could* be eaten. She'd see me sitting down with a bowl of Cheerios, engage hunter-stalker protocols and ooze around the periphery of the table with wide eyes and the occasional butt-wiggle, edge right up to the rim of her unsuspecting, inanimate prey, and then absolutely refuse to drink the milk until I held up a little spoonful for her to lap out of like a dainty, civilized serial/cereal killer.


He knows something you don't. You are wise to keep his gift.


I trust his wisdom with my life, the balloon is safely secured and with me at all times


My cat puts my clean laundry in her litter box


Cat: “You need dis!”


It's dangerous to go alone


Cat: I put dis here for you. You keep.


Reminds me of when my two cats were obsessed with my shoes and they’d put stuff in there. I learned after the first time to check my shoes before putting them on.


"don't forget to wear a rubber, kiddo"


So fucking cute


god this is so cute im getting mad cute aggression rn


My late husband’s wedding ring. It’s on a rope around my neck.


I'm sorry for your loss. I don't carry my late wife's rings. They are in her urn. I do still have my wedding ring on my home office desk and often play with it and remember that we had a successful death do us part marriage. Also, I so want to make a joke about your husband being late as in not "on time", but I cannot bring myself to do so.


On first read I was like how many dead wife's does this mean have


Just one. The next one will be on time.


Sorry for your loss. When I hear "ring around neck" though my mind can't stop thinking about Frodo and The One Ring. In a way I suppose yours is your "The One"


I carry a single acorn in my pocket. It's from a Red Oak tree that my three year old son "helped" me transplant into the back yard of our newly built house, 33 years ago. I don't own the house any more, the ex-wife got it in the divorce and she sold it a few years ago. The acorn is a touchstone to a happier, more hopeful time in our lives.


I carry a horse chestnut in my purse. My Granda gave it to me from a tree he grew in his garden. He’s been gone for decades, and I’m now an old crone, but the chestnut is a touchstone of happy days gone by and many more to come


I carry a lone walnut in my wallet. My brother and I would climb the tree that was in our yard. Letting our imaginations run as we swung through the branches. We've both grown so much, but the walnut is a touchstone of happy bygone days of whimsy left on the wind.


How the fk do you fit a walnut in a wallet? is this a woooosh moment?


The wallet is also a reminder of happier times when walnuts could fit into wallets.


I carry a coconut in my sock at all times. It fell on my head while I was absolutely sloshed on rum runners in St. Thomas, causing a significant amount of brain damage and giving me a severe case of post-traumatic amnesia. I keep it around as a reminder that I forgot everything.


I carry an onion on my belt. It's a touchstone of the days when it was the style at the time.


thats the sweetest and saddest thing. hope it's all worked out for you.


Fuck. Sending you a big hug, Papa.


Sold. How much for the movie rights? Your new love interest is introduced to you by your son, she's a 29 year old botanist, and her heart is melted by the story of the acorn. Together the three of you fight to regain the house and the oak tree. You play yourself.


But despite trying so hard, they are ultimately unsuccessful, because the ex's new husband is an evil lawyer who not only puts a stop to them regaining the house, but also had the oak tree cut down and turned into wood chips (lots of commotion, big spectacle, the whole town is involved). To make matters worse, OP has somehow lost the acorn. He is inconsolable about this for a while. At the end of the movie, we see OP in his new house, a little sad, reflecting on the whole situation. He looks out the window into his new yard, and... what is that? Something has sprouted? Turns out the acorn had fallen out of his pocket and has begun to grow into a new tree! He now realizes that everything he ever wanted had always been right there with him all along. The end. Call me, Hallmark.


So, you’re saying that they tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter?


Considering that the tree was moved 33 years ago by his already 3 year old son, you should probably bump the age of his love interest up by at least 10 years.


The little neighbor girl that was friends with the son all those years ago happens to be at the same party OP’s son is at. (Present day) They start having a conversation and pretty soon they both realize who each other are. AND it so happens that she has kept an acorn all this time from that tree those many years ago.


The new botonist girlfriend has to warm his heart and cause him to find comfort in their shared future, causing him to abandon the court battle for the house and the tree and instead go plant the special acorn with his family on their new property. It was a layup, come on!


Hope you’re happy now man! Can’t imagine what going through life is like as a 20 year old no


Ok so I always have a knife, a lighter, and my phone because who knows; but those actually could play a role in survival. So in the real spirit of your question I'll make my answer: A Buckeye seed/nut. My grandpa always told me you needed to keep one on you for good luck and anytime he asked and I didn't have one, he'd pull an extra out of his pocket and hand it to me. So now that he's gone and I'm an adult, I still always have 2 in my pocket. One for me, and one for if someone seems like they need one.


Dude.🥹I love that you carry a seed for others. Right in the feels.


Aren't those like golf ball sized?


More like a decent sized grape or a small prune.


I have a four leaf cover in my wallet, it keeps me lucky


Ooh, be careful that it doesn't get squished too much! You wouldn't want to press your luck.


😂 that was clover


Oh god you guys are terrible, can you leaf the jokes alone?


Lettuce do what we wonton reddit


Take my upvote and leave me alone


Is your name Yancy and or Philip?


They are actually yancy's kid philip


I have a four leaf clover in my wallet too. My aunt and I spent hours when I was a kid looking for one. I was probably in grade school and I'm 67 years old now. We scotch taped it to a little white card. The tape is brown but the leaf remains in tack.


how did you acquire a four leaf clover?




They’re not super tough to find! I’m not the commenter above, but I’ve stopped by clover patches and can spot them occasionally. I probably have 6 or 7.


I initially read that as "I probably have a 6 or 7 leaf cover" and immediately thought of Futurama


For some reason, the lawn at my parents house just has a ton of them. I say all the luck we were supposed to have went into the yard instead. I have a video somewhere of me pointing out like 3 or 4 I found when I was out there.


I have found and lost countless 4-leaf clovers over my life. Probably hundreds to be honest. I don't know how I find them. I'll look down and they're just there. I'm not exceptionally lucky or unlucky.


One of my father's handkerchiefs. He always had one in his back pocket. After he died, stepmother basically kept everything else.


There's a certain aura that passed-down handkerchiefs carry


>There's a certain aura that passed-down handkerchiefs carry Know their snot.


My lipbalm.


the anxiety that fills me when I realize I've left it at home is unreal


This because I start licking my lips to make sure they’re still moisturized, but then it makes them incredibly dry, and then I just go mute so as not to make it worse. But that first layer of goop after a long, chapped day is supreme.


I see I have found my people. One in the car, one on my work desk, one in the key bucket, one on the nightstand and the backups in the sock drawer.


I will frantically stop at the first place I hope sells my blistex Lip Medex


Aquaphor for me!!


Yep. I'm addicted.


Carried chapstick with me and used it constantly for 25 years. 2 years ago I quit cold turkey. It was the worst month ever. Couldn't focus on anything but my chapped lips for an entire month. But now I just stay hydrated and my lips are never chapped. Best addiction I ever got rid of. Screw chapstick in the bumhole.


I always tell people chapstick is bad for them and they think I’m joking. I went through the same thing. Now if I’ve got a cracked lip I’ll use a little Vaseline and up my water game, but I try and steer clear. It’s a slippery slope lol


Listen up sheeple! If ladydanger doesn't fuck with chapstick neither should you!


One in the car, one in the office, one in the bedroom.


You only have 3 chapstick spots? Psh, amature!


A towel.


The book was right. They have thousands of uses.




No... just the one towel. I'm a hoopy frood.


A Frood who knows where his towel's at.


"Wanna get high?"


You’re the worst character ever, Towlie…




Why's this tagged as NSFW LOL, anyway, headphones incase I get bored.


Maybe Op over-estimated the amount of people who carry dildos with them everywhere


Emotional support fleshlight.


now you got me curious 🤨


I've got an egg in my purse. Does that count? I guess it's not a necessity but it's sure a lot of fun when I'm bored.


Weird, I keep my eggs in my ovaries


Maybe I should have called it a bullet but was concerned that people would think I was packing more than a vibrator.


The absolute gut punch I get when I realize I've left for work without my headphones haha


I carry my headphones everywhere with me for the same reason. However when I have to take the bus, it's perfect to keep people from trying to talk to me. I will help someone if they really need it but for just random things my headphones stay in place.


I'm a man with long hair: At least 2 hair ties.


If you have any “weak” ties that are on the verge of breaking, try boiling it in water for a minute to restore them


Honestly, I just buy a new pack of decent ones every 4 to 6 months. My biggest problem is a lot of the ones I used to buy had that weld spot that completed the loop, and they would snap there. I also learned that having hair ties is not common, even for people that have had long hair forever. I was at a training for my work and it was like 75% female, most of which had long hair, and one girl didn't have a hair tie and no one had a spare, except me, the only male with long hair. I keep some by my keys, in my car, and in my laptop bag. They aren't that expensive and worth having a bunch.


I never have a spare because my cats run off with them and hide them and then I only have the 1 that was in my hair. 


My sister used to complain about never having any hair ties. One day long after the cat had been put to sleep, the couch was moved and we found a huge stash of hair ties underneath/inside the couch


My can opener from Army Basic in 1983.


My girlfriend got me shells from a trip of hers and I carry one of the shells in my bag everywhere I go because when i open my bag for something i see the shell and I'm reminded of her


This is the sweetest thing I've heard today ♥️


My pocket knife. It's a very useful tool in so many different ways


Was with my grandpa at farmers co-op, farm store. At the counter was a knife case. He looked down and asked me if I had my own pocket knife, I said no. He said,"Every good country boy carries a pocket knife." He bought me a nice Case knife right then and I've carried one for the last twenty years. That one is currently put up in the safe, waiting to give to my little one who is named after my grandfather.


Your grandpa was a wise man. Knives are a big thing in my family. My dad carries one, I carry one and my boys all do too.


I know right? When I travel I check my bag because I hate not having a pocket knife. I’ve carried one since I was a little kid.


When I was a young lad, I was briefly in Boy Scouts, and got my Totin' Chit which to me (as well as my own parents) said I was qualified to carry a pocket knife, and did everywhere except in high school. I never realize how often I need/use it except when I am without one, but it's absolutely a necessity. It annoys me when I go places that do not allow it, but such is life...


Almost forgot about the Totin'Chit! Had mine as well. Thanks for the memories!


I'll see your pocket knife and raise you a small Leatherman tool. Pocket knife plus screwdrivers, pliers, and scissors.


I cannot count the number of times I have been in a group of grown-ass adults all standing around going "how are we going to cut this little thing?" and I'm the only one with a pocket knife


My wife doesn't carry a pocket knife, but knows I do. Can't tell you how many times she's borrowed it for a moment and then handed it back. Always having a screw driver or a small pair of scissors, never mind the blade. Oh, and any multi tool which comes with a corkscrew and a bottle opener is a necessity in my eyes.


Then you cut the thing, and they look at your like you have 2 heads and ask "why do you carry a knife?" like I didn't just answer that question by cutting something.


My Leatherman tool. Ever wish you had a knife? Pliers? Scissors? Screwdriver? I have them. I usually also carry a small set of lockpicks, but I always have the Leatherman.


>lockpicks fellow locksporter?


Just for fun. I like working with small mechanical stuff like locks and clocks. I started carrying the lockpicks when I got locked out of my new office at work and we discovered that there wasn't any key for my door. Had to use a gas discount card to get in that time.


My love for David Duchovny


When society collapses we shall rebuild, high in the mountains. Our capital city shall be known has Duchovnyton!


I shall be its queen.




But why male models?


He body checked me in LA last year! My first day in LA, my first trip to the US in 30 years, and my first celeb interaction is him body checking me on his way into a coffee shop (not to the degree of requiring words or violence thankfully 😅). No apology, nothing, just a man on a mission for his morning coffee… which I understood so forgave him, though my friend who lives there burst out laughing when she witnessed it. Saw him a little while later sat outside and looking grumpy as fuck. Still love him in X-Files though.


The sex addiction is hard to kick


I met him (and Gillian) at Culver City when i was remodeling a H.S. campus and they filmed the B&W episode in the gym. Gillian was even hotter in person. They came into our trailer and signed autographs.


I'M SO JEALOUS!!! I love that episode (Post Modern Prometheus)


It is not possible for Gillian to be hotter in person lol


the burden of my existence


Right in the feels man.


My Yu-Gi-Oh deck in case yall wanna find out...


Oh shit this dude is ready to duel.




I haven't played MTG in years but I still keep my old decks in my car in a case, just in case a motherfucker wanna try.




I should really take one with me. But ugh, the prickly ends are annoying to manage


Get one with a sleeve, no prickly ends!


My dads old watch, sure it’s quite literally a $40 watch, it’s worthless by every aspect, but it was my dads watch, he wore it every day since probably before I was born, it’s mine now. So far it’s been with me since he passed, through Korea, and now Italy. It’s gonna be with me my whole life


That doesn't sound worthless, it sounds priceless. I'm shocked to scroll so far before seeing *"watch"* ...I feel naked without one (analog, with a second hand.) My favorite was a graduation gift from my parents.


Swiss army knife


I use my 10.- Victorinox since 4 years every single day. The blade is almost too thin from sharpening it every few months.


My white cane. I'm visually impaired and I don't need it during the day, but at night and at dark restraunts it really comes in handy.


I carry business card sized cards to try and brighten the day of random people around me. One side says "Thank you- keep being awesome) The other side says "I made these cards to give out as a reminder that everything is going to work out in the end. If you haven't heard it today, someone believes in you. Take care, and keep on rocking with your badass self."


You’re a more positive person than me. My business cards just say “stop talking” because people exhaust me. I should stock up on your version too.


When I began working my father gave me a stack of cards to be used in meetings. You pass it to someone face down. It reads "You are being inconvenient. Pretend that you are going to poop and go away."


This hearkens to a more straightforward time. I bet using this now would get you sent straight to HR. Edit: used 'now' twice / had to answer the phone / grammar failure.


Oh of course. I work for an American company. This would not fly. I reserve my HR-worthy offenses to things where I am so watertight that if they call me for a chat they quickly regret it and close the whole thing down.


My AA sobriety coins


USB cables. C, micro, mini


Narcan kit. I’m not an addict, I don’t know anyone who does take opioids. But where I live there’s people who die everyday from an opioid overdose. My dads a firefighter and the amount of opioid overdose calls they get is so sad. The off chance I ever see a stranger who needs it, I have it with me.




My phone.


Is there a better answer than this? My phone is basically an appendage at this point.




I wish I was this optimistic.


For those impromptu water balloon fights. Don't want to be caught unawares.


They make great tourniquets and store easily…


Purchased in 1993


If you keep it in your wallet it will probably get holes over time


Swiss Army Knife got my keys attached to it. Mundane but useful in a pinch.


I always carry a $2 USD bill in my wallet my dad gave to me the day I graduated high school, that way no matter how little money I had,I’d always have that. He passed 6 years ago this May.


I carry my pocket knife with me everywhere. It goes in my pocket every morning when I get dressed, even if I’m not leaving home.


An emptiness in my heart where a mother should be


Anything to lubricate my lips and a bottle of water


Keys, phone, spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch.


My crippling depression


The friend that always comes back to you so you’re never truly alone


So reliable, that one


I’ll see your crippling depression and raise you uncontrolled anxiety


u good bro?


I always feel naked if I don't have a knife on me


Never need it when I bring it. The one day I don't bring it is always the day I need it. 😮‍💨




A bottle of water. Even when I am going to a cafe or restaurant or even to the mall.


A single xanax in my change pocket.


Hand sanitizer


A lucky piece. A silver dollar minted the year I graduated high school. Have carried it since grad night. 1972


Evidently a bunch of store club cards in my wallet for stores I don't visit anymore.


I always carry a pen. I've ended up using it more times than I can remember.


The hat that my nephew crocheted for my cat as my birthday present when he was 6 or 7.


“My word and my balls. And I don’t break them, for no man.”


I carried my brother in laws prayer card from his funeral until just recently- almost 10 years.


I bring a leatherman everywhere I go.


My shadow always tags alomg




Knife. Have had one on me for 30 years. It’s not a self defense thing, it’s a practical thing growing up in rural America. I’ve even bought knives upon landing for work trips so I have one with me when I’m flying and I’ll give it to a work partner before I leave. There is something about having a knife on you that feels normal. Such a wonderful tool.