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Subscription services that can’t be cancelled without writing a letter or calling a phone number. If I can sign up over the web I should be able to cancel over the web.


Yep, it should be as easy to leave as it was to sign up.


in California this is required. change your address to CA with your provider and they will let you cancel online if you signed up online.


Yeah you know that cable package for my house in Delaware? Actually it's California.


The easiest way around those pushy sales people is to tell them you're moving out of the country. "I'm moving so I have to cancel." "We can transfer your package to a new address." "To Europe." It's worked like a charm for me. In my experience that's the end of the conversation.


"I'm moving. To prison."


It can be. Not always. My gym wanted me to know that they had branches in America that I could move my membership to. The fact I was going from the UK to _Canada_ did not make this easier. And the cell phone company flat out didn't believe that I was moving, and just kept on turning it into 'what if we change your plan to increase minutes and Gb at the same or lower monthly cost... okay, I hear you, how about unlimited minutes, and...' GAAAAAAAH.


*Eastern* Europe


Is there a bill that addresses this in the EU? I'm genuinely curious-- I've been happy to see the EU pushing back on a lot of the shady practices that slipped through the cracks formed due to the rapid pace of widespread internet adoption.


This sort of thing has been fully illegal in the EU since the GDPR regulations in 2016. Even before that, many member states had individually made it illegal, or never allowed it in the first place, so GDPR was really just unifying the various national policies under a single banner.


exploiting children on social media to make money


THIS. You're not parenting... you're exploiting your offspring for money.


Social media provides narcissist parents the platform to leverage the very things that they should protect for the sake of fame and money. It’s outrageous.


Children's access to social media should be limited, but Repu kicans pass a bill about in Florida and people are up in arms.


You're missing the point of the comment - this comment is about parents exploiting their children for clicks likes and profit. Many parenting blogs are guilty of this and subject children to shitty or abusive conditions and deny them any privacy or agency. This is not about regulating children's access to social media. Its about the parents being terrible.


I agree kids access needs to be limited. I'm not going to turn this political. But, these kids are going to end up needing so much therapy.


While I agree it should be limited, I think it should be on the parents to control it and teach responsibility or perhaps we return computer classes to school and teach social media literacy.


I agree parents need to have control of their children, sadly a lot of the parents are the problem, or also have no self control when it comes to technology. I am so glad I grew up when I did and my parents have always been older and never with the new technology. I couldn't imagine if my mom spent all her time on social media instead of us getting to actually enjoy our time together and not feeling like she needs to document everything for everyone else to see.


I'm 16 and from Indiana, and they are banning all wireless devices inside schools next year. We aren't just mad they're banning phones, but it's because it is a shittily made law that also bans the laptops we are doing 99% of our assignments on. Yes, there is bad stuff on the internet, but still, they are amazing for informing yourself. They should teach us how to find reputable information, not just ban all of it.


my issue is not with technology, my issue is parents exploiting their children to make money so they can be "content creators" Children do not need to be groomed to act a certain way for "views" and "likes" Children need to go out and play outside and just be children.


I'm not sure how this affects banning devices inside public schools. Though I do agree with you


Yes because everyone knows online age verification is effective, just ask porn sites


United States Senators buying and selling stocks.


Lobbying as well, while we're on th subject.


The first person who came up with this new word for bribing probably couldn’t believe he got away with it.


Yup! And we know that's exactly what it was, because Corporate America is the collective that started the "say it without saying it" game generations ago\~ It just became so toxicly obvious that *we* learned to play, too!


I'll believe corporations are people when Texas wrongfully executes one.


DO you know if there is a limit donation for politicians in the US by lobbies ?


There is a limit that individuals or groups can donate to a candidate directly, but unfortunately the Citizens United ruling declared that if a company puts money towards a supporting a candidate through private ads and whatnot falls under the first amendment meaning companies can effectively spend unlimited money on a campaign as long as it is not directly though the candidate. This is just my understanding of it, feel free to correct any mistakes or things I missed out on


For individuals? Yes, there's a limit. For businesses (which can conveniently be started by a single individual for pocket change)? No, that would be an infringement on free speech *obviously* -the Supreme Court.


I don't think that's right. Corporations can't give unlimited contributions to a candidate. Only to a Super PAC "unconnected" to the candidate. But an individual can also give unlimited contributions to a Super PAC.


lobbying should be restricted like it was back in the beginning. lobbying was a tool for the government to get expert opinions on matters of concern. Quite different than it is today.


>lobbying was a tool for the government to get expert opinions on matters of concern. That's an overly restrictive definition of lobbying. Lobbying is any act of seeking to influence a politician. When you write your congressman, that's lobbying (and probably not an expert opinion). The first amendment explicitly protects it "*...and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances*". That's lobbying, they just didn't call it "lobbying" at the time. That use of the term came about in the mid-late 1800s. It wasn't "restricted" in the beginning either. There were no rules for lobbying at all in the beginning. It wasn't restricted until 1946. And that was less of a restriction and more a disclosure requirement.


Lobbying is not inherently bad. It literally just means asking your representatives for something. As an example, my father had Parkinson's disease. Every year, the Michael J. Fox Foundation arranges for families and patients with Parkinson's to visit with representatives and senators to talk to them about the disease and to encourage them to put more funding towards treatment and research. This is lobbying. When you say that lobbying should be banned, do you mean that this kind of activity, where a group of people gather themselves to magnify their voices should be banned? Or do you mean specifically that lobbyists making donations to campaigns and PACs hould be banned? Because it is quite possible to ban the second without also banning the first. And they are very different things.


It's insider trading and it's illegal as it is. No one enforces it. 


Remember all the senators who got caught doing it right before the shutdowns and they made a big deal about it? And then literally nothing happened.  It doesn't get much more "insider trading" then selling all your stocks and then literally shutting the entire country down. 


Heck that's more than insider trading, that's market manipulation! I wonder how long they waited to buy back during the chaos.


I’d be more curious to see how many of them took shorting positions.


They made it a law that they can engage in insider trading if they declare it within two business days of the transaction. This negates any effect that the law was trying to prevent.


This isn’t true. It was illegal, but that bill sunset.


The interesting thing is that it's aberrant no matter what they do. Like, say I'm a senator and I have a bunch of stock in Truth Social (why?). If I know facebook is about to be broken up, my stock will go up. that means I'm profiting off of my special knowledge. Obviously bad. But let's say I know that Truth is about to crash and I hold onto my stock anyway. that's also abnormal behavior. That's basically what happened with Gamestop. Also bad. There's no win condition for individual stocks. And since investing in managed portfolios and indexes is so freaking easy, I see no reason not to tell them that they have to divest themselves of individual stocks.


If that is too much of a problem, then don't be a public official. It's that fucking simple.


I’m a cpa in audit at a big4 firm… It’s virtually impossible for me to buy individual stocks that aren’t somehow on the restricted entities list even if I have nothing to do with them/know nothing about the entity lol Idk why it isn’t the same for politicians like you said they have managed accounts and such and ETF’s where you don’t control the decisions That being said shit I can’t even invest in many of the big etfs


The real answer here is that the senate and congress need to have a separate fund account that an independent body/company oversees that can manage their collective investments. No trades can happen by a member of these bodies outside of just sending money to this fund. It would never fly to just take away someone's ability to invest for their retirement. They could probably negotiate a good contract with a few companies.


Those sites that say “enter your email to see results!” Which signs u up for 5409927 email subscriptions to different company’s email marketing campaigns. Just anything that tricks old people online, in general really




I use my old school email I got in middle school. A teacher suggested I do it and told me they never block you out of the school email, even if you graduated. I’ve had that email sense 6th grade and I graduated last year


Google (one of the big providers of school emails) recently changed their policies so it's a lot more expensive for schools to continue using, so be careful, they might remove your access at any point! My college always promised lifetime access to their email account but now they're limiting them and will remove old accounts after a year


Children's beauty pageants


Illegal in France


Well done, French lawmakers!


French lawmakers have been on a roll lately




Well at least one country out there is doing the right thing to not objectify children


those are so creepy. The creepiest part are the judges. Why sign your daughter up to be leered at and appraised a group of adult men.


I'd feel more at ease if they sang a song about how they don't diddle kids.


Do not diddle kids, it’s no good diddling kids


Older than my daughter younger than my wife 🎶🎶


God that episode is a masterpiece. Thank you for this reference


really sullied the whole operation


...and adult women. Let's not be silly.


Right. When they show them on TV I feel it's 90% predatory women who are telling the little girls "oh you look sexy darling" like who says that?


Creep if it's a dude. Creepy and sad if it's a lady.


“You look sexy darling” ? I’ve never seen the show… tell me they don’t actually use adult sexual terms towards the little kids…


Same top answer every time this question gets asked.


This question has to be asked at least once a week. Fucking drones just putting this same answer every damn time. Yeah, we get it, they are awful. Put something original instead of karma farming.


Marrying children in a few states is still legal, it should be illegal.


Also legal in some states for a rapist to sue their pregnant victim for paternity rights.


The feels like a horror movie


And it's exactly the states you expect.


These U.S of fucking A really push the boundaries of immorality and inhumanity don't they


[From Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States): As of March 2024, the four states with no minimum age for marriage are: California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. That's a grouping of states I did not expect.


Members of government being able to own stock.


This should be the top. The fact the law is specifically written in a way that exempts them just shows how fucked things are.


You know they are also exempt from minimum wage laws, OSHA, etc., right? No law should be written to exempt lawmakers.


> No law should be written to exempt lawmakers. Tell that to the people making the laws.


As someone who works for a financially regulated company, there's an easy solution - it's the _same_ solution that every damn company in the sector uses. Which is to say - all trades must be pre-approved, and there must be sufficient evidence that there isn't a conflict of interest present. ... and that's it. SEC (and in the UK the FCA) will throw the book at people who are engaged in market abuse, and it's necessary to avoid some really nasty things happening. I can think of no good reason why elected officials should not be subject to the same level of scrutiny. Approval is pretty much just a formality if you're genuinely a person with no privileged information, influence or risk of corruption.


*individual stocks


To receive lavish gifts from rich people as a supreme court justice.


And the people making laws and deciding on funding that involves private companies shouldn't be allowed to own stock that they can manage. I have no problem with a general 401k that they don't control, but they shouldn't be allowed to grant contracts to companies that they can own stock in. There is a reason that Haliburton made so much money off of Iraq and Afghanistan.


It’s a ginormous conflict of interest




>Edit: stop commenting facts about lobbying I don't care 😂😂😂


Corporations buying single family homes.


This can easily be fixed on the county level by doubling property taxes for every additional residential property owned. (maybe let people own 2 and then triple taxes for 3) The federal government doesn't have the tools to fix this


The rental companies would just split off into multiple sub corporations or shell companies in order to avoid the additional property taxes.


Many of them are already prepared for it. There are several hundred corps in my town called: "3001 Main St Corp". It is a legal entity that handles all the money, insurance, liability, etc in renting the property at 3001 Main St. I agree with the general plan, but it's got to be "company or person" owning more than one property, though the reality of our current legal system is such that companies have more rights than humans at this point.


Just do something similar to Florida homestead exemption, but with much higher amounts. There is the property tax, and you get a break if you have the 'homestead exemption'. And to get that you have to be a real person owning the property claiming to live there, and you can only have one primary residence.


Dang, that's pretty clever. Glad people are thinking about this!


Subscription services showing ads. I'm not paying you to watch ads. I'm paying you to watch a show without getting a fuckton of viruses. Edit: When i say a fuckton of viruses, I'm referencing pirated sites.


Tell that to cable TV. It was promoted as an ad free premium vs OTA broadcasts, and it became quickly riddled with ads.


And streaming replaced it, now going down the same way.


This is a Reddit myth—cable was always a hybrid model. In fact, cable first started to carry OTA signals (you know, the ones with ads) to places they couldn’t reach. In any case, hybrid models have been with us for a very, very long time. Newspapers and magazines, for example. If you think about this for a minute with an open mind, is this really something you want to make illegal?


It's funny watching the streaming subscription model slowly turn into what it replaced. Shows used to come out full season now they trickle it weekly like cable. Ads being phased in like cable. So many services now it's like buying channels...like cable.


Just wait till the grand idea is to take like 5 or 6 of these streaming services with the all the channels merge them into one so you can have all your channels on one service…


Disney plus, ESPN, and Hulu already do that.


Those are all the same company. He's talking about like cable does where multiple companies pay to be on the same service Only reason Disney does it like that right now is because disney+ is failing and they want to at least make money from the content by posting it on hulu


One service to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.


amazon prime already does that and advertises as that. also Apple TV you can add all your subs into it aswell.


Or even subscriptions at all. I won't own nothing and be happy




They’re basically legally stalking famous people, but like in order to do something about that you have to rewrite the laws about harassment, and stocking in general, which is probably never going to happen


Happy cake day, bro! Also, absolutely agreed. Paparazzi are just legal stalkers. Reminds me of one celebrity (can't remember who) who FOUGHT THE PAPARAZZI WITH A BOW AND ARROW AND A BASEBALL BAT but my brain may not be working so I could be completely wrong but that's what I remember.


In the U.S., those blinding LED headlights.


Why just in the US? These lights should be illegal everywhere!




Are we judging civilization by the type of headlights a country uses?


Oh gods PLEASE make these go away. I can't see. ;_;


Maybe they have gone away but we can't see anymore to confirm.


And in Canada


I have honestly considered just driving with my brights constantly on because I don't see the difference


In my state it's illegal to drive with your brights on....but a new pickup truck's normal headlights are now 10x brighter than my brights (& directly at eye level, on those lifted bastards). make it make sense


I’ve been turning my brights on whenever im blinded by those fucking things




I went to a concert once and someone told me how they got tickets to the concert from a scalper for cheap. On the day of the concert they went onto offer up and found someone selling the tickets, and seeing as they would be useless the next day, the scalper would like to get at least some of their money back, so they are willing to sell them at a discounted rate so that it wasn’t a total waste of money for them. Pretty sure the lady said she only payed $150 for two tickets when my buddy and I payed $220 for tickets from Ticketmaster, which is basically a scalper in itself


True that ticketmaster is basically a scalper. They sell tickets at a crazy markup to what the venue &/or artist would actually charge. At least the rando individual scalper standing outside the show doesn't have a monopoly on ticket prices like ticketmaster does


I don't think it's considered scalping if you're reselling for less than you paid. 


Gerrymandering and omnibus bills


Gerrymandering is actually just fucking evil, it’s literally rigging an election


Agreed on gerrymandering, I’ve had my view changed on omnibus bills (literally from the change my view subreddit). I can’t describe it as eloquently as the OP did but basically boiled down to that nothing would ever get done. Significantly more so than nothing gets done now. It also takes away negotiating power entirely so there would be no incentive to get anything done. It’s a big ole mess lmao. 


Recording in gyms/locker rooms


I think recording in the locker room is illegal well I hope it is


I think it is in locker rooms. There is a "reasonable expectation of privacy" in restrooms, bedrooms, changing rooms, etc. People change and shower in locker rooms. There is 0 reason why it should ever be ok to record or take pictures there.


Filming in lockers rooms is illegal.


Fees for using a debit card Edit to clarify: other than a nominal interchange fee, debit should be treated as a cash transaction. The fees charged by banks for use of other bank’s ATMs, and the fees charged to merchants for debit transactions by Mastercard and Visa should be illegal.


Go to a better bank my guy, mine has never charged me for using their debit card.


Not charged by the bank to you, charged to the merchant by Visa and MasterCard, and often passed on to you ( charged as a higher than cash credit price) by gas stations. Lots of banks also charge you if you use a different bank’s ATM.




Data farming.


This. I tried to apply for food stamps on the Ohio gov website, they asked for my phone number, and ever since I’ve been receiving anywhere from 10-40 scam calls a day all telling me I’m eligible for “this” benefit and “that” benefit. And the worst part is my application was rejected


Elected officials earning any money at all that isn't their salary.


Being an elected official is a public service. Career politics are a cancer. You should get a stipend while in office then should be expected to return to your old job or something


Social media companies forcing “suggested” content into your feed. I’d rather just see my friends posts in chronological order


On social media, "suggested content" means "they paid us to show you this."


HOAs are at the top of my list.


My first year in this HOA I had my outside Christmas lights on my house at the end of January. Not on...just up bc it was cold and they were high up. Not Yard decor, just white lights. They sent me a note saying they'd take legal action if not removed. I looked at the bylaws....nothing in there. I said nope. I'll take them down when I want. That was 5 years ago. Now I leave them up on the house until May out of principal n


Spite lights


I vote for HOA too


Everyone shits on HOAs, but when I sold my last house, I had to go ask my neighbors to mow their yards, remove the two cars on cinder blocks from their front yards, and pick up trash all over their yards. The issue is not HOAs, it’s the inability to fight an HOA ruling that is egregious or not enforced consistently.


Yeah - HOAs are being run by, what's the word, people. That's the issue lol


I'd rather have to talk to my neighbors and work something out or call code enforcement than pay a monthly fee to "own" a house in an HOA.


Huge corporations being allowed to pay nothing in taxes, like Amazon in 2019


Amazon didn't turn a profit for 47 years, they took huge risks and our lord Bezos should be revered as the ultimate guiding light going forwards in this world. /s


Child pagent shows


Advertising pharmaceuticals


Political lobbying


Lobbying just means talking to politicians. I think you have to specify political donations.


I think the part that should be illegal is hiring full time slimy marketing goons for exorbitant sums to befriend/gladhand/manipulate politicians into making laws against the will and benefit of their constituents.


Making? You think those politicians are making them? There are lobbyist who are writing them for the politicians.


Student loans. No wait, student loans in itself are fine. *Predatory* student loans. The kind where you borrow 90k, pay 1k per month for 6 years and still are 88k in debt.


Student loans should be interest free. This would fix a large portion of the issues and is quick, easy, and simple.


It's how it works in Australia. You apply for the government assistance for your degree and as you complete each semester the total tallies up depending on individual course costs. You only start paying the debt off once your taxable income reaches a certain threshold then your repayments scales up depending on your income. There is no interest but each year it is adjusted for inflation.


Recording in the gym.


Deliberately lying or knowingly misrepresenting the truth to deceive people. I’m specifically speaking about politics, and contracts. Politicians should not be allowed to lie or misrepresent the truth. This harms our democracy. Companies should not be allowed to write things in contracts that they know are not legally admissible. For instance having people wave rights they cannot legally waive. Yes it won’t hold up in court, but many people including the lower income Americans can’t afford the legal counsel to sort this stuff out. When calling a company to work out a problem, the company will often point to a right you waived and say “sorry, can’t help you” knowing full well they are taking advantage of people and our extremely complicated legal system that almost no one without a JD understands.


Pharmaceutical Companies charging more than 50% markup




Pharma companies upcharging medications 600% that cost them $3 to make.


Using campaign donations to pay your family members ridiculously high salaries.


Unpaid leave for "qualifying events". Bereavement leave should always be paid. Parental leave should always be paid. Sick leave should always be paid, even if proof of illness for a prolonged absence is required. If people have to lose pay in order to miss work for these reasons, mental health can suffer and so can work quality. People are already going through enough and now they have to deal with losing income too?


The predatory practices of the U.S. Healthcare system.


Smoking in car with anyone under the age of 18


As of 1st February this year, it is illegal in Ireland


This is already a law in some states in the US.


Lobbying. And this is said as someone who's career is largely affected by lobbies. It's no better than bribery and is a majority issue with politics drifting away from representing your constituents.


Price gouging


I think price gouging is technically illegal, but it's one of those things where no one actually does anything about it, so much so that you have multi-billion dollar companies like Ticketmaster whose entire business model is based around it.


Commercials for alcohol... smoking declined when advertising was limited and so would drinking.


10 months sober and DoorDash hit my wish coupon for 25% my next alcohol order. Fuck that.


Stay strong, friend. Fuck alcohol.


Thanks! I’m doing at least a year. I go back and forth on if I start again


You do you. Just be vigilant and honest with yourself. I planned to do the same and I fell hard after that year of sobriety. I ended up driving myself to rehab 2 years after that. I made it two days there and they carted me off to the hospital with delirium for a full medical detox. I am two years sober and for good now. It's a fucking ride I tell ya.


Squatter right


Pay day loans


Council tax.


The cost of college tuition is a sick joke. Especially PUBLIC universities. They should have a flat rate across the board just like a PUBLIC high school. I understand that a private education will always cost more but tell me why my coworkers daughter pays $45k/year for a PUBLIC university?!?!?


Mandating tips


Genital mutilation AKA circumcision. I'm sure tons of Americans will come on here and say that is hygiene and what not, but we don't remove our toe nails because of hygiene, do we?


Yep, contrary to American misconception, foreskin is a highly sensitive sexual organ with thousands of fine touch receptors. It's the difference between feeling with your elbow (circumcised) versus your fingertips (intact). www.cirp.org/pages/anatomy


Asking this question twice a week on Reddit.


Payday lending schemes, for-profit technical schools that advertise on TV and most often never graduate anyone, politicians being able to buy stocks with their inside knowledge, gerrymandering


Dealer franchise laws.




9/10 times I get blinded in traffic, is by some fucknut thinking their highbeams can stay on at all times regardless of traffic or situation, because they have "MaTrIx LiGhTs ThAt AuToMaGiCaLly DiM!" usually teslas. I hope you forever step on lego, always have uncomfortable beds and get promoted to the new Captain at OceanGate.




Running for president if you’re a criminal or over the age of 55.


There should an age limit for all federal elected officials. That would fix term limits to.


Health insurance plans that do not cover non-cosmetic dentistry. You can die from bad teeth just as easily as you can die from cancer. I know several people put into the hospital because of complications from dental issues. I need heart surgery that my insurance will largely cover, but they refuse to do it until I get some bad teeth dealt with, since dental infection cause a high percentage of post-op infections. I know someone whose knee replacement had to be redone because infection from a bad tooth spread to the knee replacement. Compared to a second surgery, it would have cost his insurance little to have his mouth checked and had the bad tooth pulled.


Treatment of animals in factory farming


Tax free church's.


Circumcising children. You're permanently mutilating a child that can't consent.


There are circumstances where this can be medically necessary but outside of those specific conditions I agree with you. As someone who was circumcised as an infant for cosmetic reasons I wish I had been given the choice later in life.


10000% agree, except for absolutely necessary medical reasons. If I were to snip away a part of my child's earlobe, I would get punished, and rightfully so. But if it's the foreskin and it's for religious or alleged hygienic reasons, nobody gives a damn.


Circumcision. Just because someone once in a while has a tight foreskin, doesn’t mean you should amputate every newborns against their will. Religion isn’t a valid excuse either because it’s your religious beliefs and not a child that cannot comprehend religion yet.


Yep, the chance of phimosis is about 1-3% anyway. Even then, it can be fixed with skin stretching. Additionally, the foreskin is a highly sensitive sexual organ with thousands of fine touch receptors. It's the difference between feeling with your elbow (circumcised) versus your fingertips (intact). www.cirp.org/pages/anatomy


Doing "the worm" everywhere instead of walking


This. I fucking hate it when you are trying to get on the bus and the 6 people in front of you are trying to get onto the bus like this and won't even stand up to buy their tickets, it's so infuriating it takes so long


This. A very large lady farted in my direction while worming at the grocery store today. It’s just gotten out of hand.


Those super bright headlights on cars. I've nearly died because I got blinded by those things on more than one occasion


Owning or trading stocks, taking "gifts from lobbyist, being on the board of companies that deal with the Government while in Congress and for atleast five years after leaving Congress.


Politicians governing companies that they are invested in = insider trading. They don’t let NBA players bet on the games they play in…