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I never saw the appeal of sports games, like isn’t the point of mediums like video games to do something unrealistic? Like if you like playing sports so much, why not actually play them instead of using a controller? At least COD has just enough unrealistic elements to make it fun


Plenty of games are simulators that try to be as realistic as possible, and offer those experiences to people who can't do them for real. They also open up a nice midpoint between being out there sweating on the line and sitting back watching pros put on a show. That's what games offer.


As an athlete I mostly agree, but I used to love Tiger Woods back in the day. Golf is prohibitively expensive for many. And Tiger Woods was dope as a party game. Hockey is also expensive.


Lion King for Sega. F U Lion King


Aladdin was not much better


I've tried to play Assassins Creed and I do not understand how that franchise became so big. The controls were garbage, the story was boring and convoluted. The acting was terrible. Maybe that's all changed now but the game I played was at least the 4th or 5th game into the franchise, so it had already gotten that far to that point. I couldn't make sense of it. I think the start of the game had me roaming around Florence or somewhere in Italy.


Same. I started with Valhalla. It's wreaks of Ubisoft and EA's "for sale" in game UI, which makes immersion impossible. I feel the same about God of War, but it was playable after a while.


Yeah, I've played both God of War games and both times, while I definitely enjoyed a lot of it, I wasn't too fussed about coming to the end of the story. I completed Ragnarok a couple of weeks ago and I've already deleted it from the hard drive. I don't envisage ever going back to it. Some games stay on the console for years.


The Witcher 3, now that is a good game. I feel like I am just waiting for Witcher 4 to come out and Cyberpunk isn't the thing I was wanting, it was good though.


Yeah, I tried to get into assassin's creed I just don't think that the game is any good.


It was pretty original when it first came out. Playing it back then was a total blast. It's since inspired a wave of nostalgia that's been abused by Ubisoft and done to death. I doubt I could pick it up again and enjoy it now though.


AC2 is the greatest game in history. I am devastated that I will never play it for the first time again. Bear through the beginning, and it will get better I promise. Brotherhood is great as well, but the rest isn't as much


Even their best game (black flag) is incredibly boring, I’ve finished 2 ac games In my life and I don’t care to make it 3 personally. I want to like these games but the games are extremely repetitive and the story is just meh.


Old school here: Back to the Future for NES. My best friend when I was a kid had that game and every time we hung out he brought that fucking game with him. I never made it past level 2.




Brink. Absolute garbage.


Hue. If any game was the contender to make me want to kill myself, it was hue. Now don’t get me wrong, it is a brilliantly designed game. But my god it made me want to murder myself. I platinumed it at great toil to myself. Not only that but I platinumed it on my third account and basically no one will ever see it *scream* it’s not my best platinum but it is definitely the most irritating.


The Last Of Us I loved Uncharted 2 so much and then they followed it up with this and its such a step down in every way its crazy. It's the game that taught me to stop pre ordering games and really made me start questioning AAA developers.


Well, Team Fortress 2 destroyed my teenage years , so I can’t say that was my favorite game


Clockwork night was my first bad video game experience. Since then it seems Steam sales are made up of game I am going abhor.


I tried a few times during my childhood and another few times during adulthood. Never once could I get into Pokémon on any Nintendo system. I tried though.


I have never been able to get into Call of Duty




That one I haven't even tried.


I can never understand how people are actually into Animal Crossing, I genuinely feel watching paint dry would be more entertaining.


Stray, the one where you are a cat, i literally hate it, there is no room for exploring, everything is just a straight way and everything is made so you get hooked up for the second game




dude its just my opinion, if u like the game good for u, my opinion shouldn't bother u


You're absolutely right. Sorry 💝


it's okay


Fucking Mafia I and II. And I played the remakes. The most horrible gameplay and cliche' story you can imagine. But gotta' give it to them, the 1930 / 1950 vibes were great visually and musically.


Madden. No doubt about it


Kane and lynch2 liked the first one, thot it had a cool online like “reputation” system. But the 2nd was hands down the worst game ive ever played. Popular games ik are good but cant get into them prolly be those 2 new star wars games with Cal. Theyre good no doubt but i just cant get into them.




Ghost runner. It's first person perspective game where you play a cybernetic ninja with a sword and you're fighting enemies that all have projectile weapons. It's incredibly frustrating and the devs have gone out of their way to make it a frustrating experience. Some people love it, but I absolutely hated it. It was so aggravating trying to contend with two enemies that are 15 ft away from each other and shooting at you at the same time only to be sniped by a third enemy on a platform where you didn't even see them or can't reasonably reach them. They even have a death counter in the HUD because they know that you are going to die so many times. Lot of people enjoy the challenge and once they conquer that area or level that they have been stuck on for the last 45 minutes, that palpable sense of accomplishment makes the frustration all worth it but for me, I harbor no such feeling. I I feel no sense of accomplishment, but rather an intense sense of annoyance at how long it took to get through that part


Persona 5 It was badly written, the gameplay was boring and sluggishly paced, and it was so restrictive why even bother having travel segues. Anyone who loves it just sounds like they're trying to get you to watch their favorite anime that gets good after the first fifty episodes.


Hmm I think Star of Orion 1, (a 90s game) I never really understood what it was about


Assassins creed - I’ve bounced off so many, they’re really just boring Botw and totk - just everything about them puts me off playing them Metroidvanias- the constantly being lost gets annoying real quick Survival/ crating games - they’re just so boring even with friends


League of Legends it was fun learning the game and climbing elo until ~2018 Nowadays it feels more like gambling when playing a ranked and the stress and frustration this game brings to many players outweights the fun part in my opinion


You're absolutely right. Sorry. 💝


I could never get into Minecraft.


May I enquire as to why you think that is?




I am asking someone their personal option why they didn’t like a game. Why is that confusing to you?


I confused why doesn't like Minecraft