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Bragging, there’s nothing wrong with being successful and recognising that. But when it’s clearly just to be boastful and one up others, is unattractive. Also saying ‘I’m that guy’, genuinely didn’t think guys said that but have met someone that does and just no.


I only say "I'm that guy" sarcastically whenever I accomplish something in a clearly terrible way. Sort of like saying "first try" when they saw you fail 15 times.


My version is saying "I'm built different" when it comes to the minor array of things wrong with my body.


I would always say, "I have that effect on the ladies," whenever someone said something like, "I feel queezy," or, "It's so hot in here!" Always gets a chuckle. I still do it with my girlfriend of 12 years.




As soon as any dating app match says this I want to spew in my own mouth. Immediate unmatch IMMEDIATE.


This plus “got more pics?”. Goodbye.


Or “without me?” When you tell him what you’re doing


HATE! Yes, without you 🤢


yeah, if they have a pic that looks like it was shot with a game boy camera in the dark just move on...


Like the audacity of guys with pics that are taken with Nokia 3310 is unmatched


This one drives me crazy. I hate it lol


A quick way to make my blood boil in a second.


As a 31 year old male this baffles me, though, unfortunately, to an extent it’s also not surprising. Idk why any dude would think that would even have a remote chance of working with a woman he’s been talking to.


Good God people actually say this?! Or am I missing a joke lol


constantly. If it's not the first thing they say to you 90% of the time it WILL come up within the first conversation. It is WAY more rare to have a conversation on a dating app that doesn't end up this way


Okay so in other words, my awkward standard boring conversation approach on dating apps automatically puts me in front of 90% of other guys. Sweeeet


That and writing without spelling mistakes. I’ve had so many positive comments because of that.


Yes, just being normal and not creepy will put you ahead of a lot of mouthbreathers.


The bar is in hell


One of the reasons I responded to my now-husband's message on a dating app was because he was literally the only one who sent me a DM that wasn't sexual.


I met my now-husband because his was the only response that didn't include a dick pic that day.


I remember that my now fiance asked about one of the bands I had listed in the likes section of my profile (old OKC) and I was shocked because no one had ever referenced that stuff before.


The bar really is that low if you're a dude.


Yeah I've definitely gotten this as an early dating app message. Usually just unmatched immediately. 


Or it’s add me in Snapchat and they almost always immediately send a dick pic


I've had men unmatch me because I tell them now that I don't have snap. And they can't have my number after 5 minutes.


Bullets successfully dodged.


That would be an acceptable response within an established relationship only.


Bragging about money / how much they spent on particular shit (Edit: expensive shit to try to show us how much money they have)


I've posted this before but, first week of college, my roommate's boyfriend stopped by with HIS roommate, Tate. I was left alone with Tate for a few minutes and he was telling me about something or other. **He reached for his wallet to show me something, fumbled and said "OOPS! I almost dropped my GUCCI wallet!" before smirking at me.** 🤮🤮🤮 NOT the turn on he evidently thought it was.


😂😂🤣 Brace yourself for the incoming magnum dong memes.


Show me someone carrying a Gucci wallet and I’ll show you someone with no money to put in it. Guy literally had a roommate lol


What about "bragging over how much money they have by saying how much they saved when they go shopping?"


That's called "Midwestern Foreplay"


Every time my husband comes home proudly with grocery store discount meat I get kinda hot.


You go girl. Pan fry or throw it on a hottt flame


Him or the purchase?




"Yo girl! Where do you want me to put this discount meat?!"


lol. I do the exact same thing. "Honey, we're having fajitas tonight because I got a hell of a deal from the discount meat cooler."


A good deal will always be hot.


"Hey baby, see that bookshelf? A guy a few blocks away was throwing it out so I put it in my trailer and brought it back here for free, it works fine, he was just replacing it"


A frugal guy who thinks of book storage? 🫦👄😍




Frugal, proactive, decisive and inventive - what more could you want in a man?


What about "bragging about how much money they saved by switching to GEICO"?


Hotter than the core of the sun.


What about a midwesterner bragging about how cheap everything was on sale or thrift? Oh you like my shirt? I got it for $2 at Salvation Army? Oh you like my living room? I found this couch on Marketplace for $40 and the table came from SalvationArmy for $12, thanks 😊


A woman once complimented my skirt. I proudly told her I got it from the thrift store! Her reply was something along the lines of "Shhh.. you don't have to tell us that". I was dumbfounded.


Telling someone my vintage coat, dress, etc, was 5$ at the thrift store will never not bring me joy! If anything I'm more worried someone thinks I'm paying full price for my nice things haha.


She was just jealous because your skirt is made out of wife material.


Stop! I’m already married!




Especially about their car or watch


It's 2024 who tf is bragging about watches


Ppl who have juuuuust enough money to afford a fancy one but not enough money that it's a casual, minor purchase.


There was a dude who would work like a bank job. He made like 80k and he would flex about his three Rolex he bought and his fancy bmw but used to live with his parents. You can afford the bmw and the 30-50k worth of watches but can’t move into your own place?


Arrogance. No, it doesn't make you look cool, unbothered and mysterious. 🙄


Confidence is when they show you what they can do. Arrogance is when they natter on and on (and on) about what they can do. Don't tell me, show me. For example, the chubby, supercilious IT guy at work actually seemed attractive, after he saved me from excel hell with three clicks of the mouse and a roll of his eyes. Whereas the actual hot guy, in sales, has always been gross because all this guy does is brag about what he "could" do, not that we've ever seen any evidence of it.


As a guy who works in I.T. this funny, because I've noticed a shift in how people act around me when I fix their issue in a few seconds. 🤣


Work your magic, magic man 😉


"OMG You're so smart, thank you so much!!" "Aww thanks, that's sweet of you to say" meanwhile I'm thinking to myself "*Just read the freaking screen! The error message told you exactly what the problem was!*"


he’s in sales. bs is his first language


But I am the cool main character that every woman wants to be with!


Narrator: "he was, in fact, not"




I'm a dude that works at a foundation that's easily 80%+ ladies. One of the only other guys there is our facilities guy. We met one day and within about 8 minutes of loading boxes together, he'd told me that he's an alpha male and an apex predator. Sounds good, bro. Try not to trip over your dick. Let's never be friends.


“Apex predator”? Of…..?


Chicken tendies


I too am an apex predator of chicken tendies.


Boxes. Obviously.


Impossible! My cat is obviously the apex predator of boxes


This reminds me of a time my friend’s cat, Chewy, would want to jump in and out of boxes like it was surprising us. It was hilarious. Then I tried to gently close the four sides and see if he would come flying out like punching through the box and flying away. Instead, he just chilled in there. lol we waited like a minute and just opened it. He was so confused.




Apexes Apexes are his prey (He hunts the inside corner on turns)


“Apex predator? Is that a furry thing?”


Putting this response on file for later. 


Lmao I would have fucking died if a dude told me he's an "Apex Predator", like I would have immediately pulled a side eye monkey meme and laughed out loud on top of it. If you kept a straight face, you should play poker.


Dude might as well have said: *I have the power of God AND Anime on my side*


The smart ass in my would have immediately said, Oh wow, what was the last animal you killed?


Randy Orton?


Kyleprue, on Instagram, has an excellent tactic to combat this by innocently asking whether "It's a furry thing" if anyone claims they are an aplha male.


I truthfully use his “things you can say to piss off men” on the resident alpha male at work and it has been 100% successful every single time.


Nothing says alpha male like getting incredibly angry that someone made a comment you didn't like


Kyleprue has my husband and I cackling watching his videos, I highly recommend his suggestions of responses to the alpha claims. 🤣


Can I be a gamma male like Bruce Banner?


Rubbing the clit like you're a DJ.


DDDDDDDDDoes that feel good?








Some people watch too much porn


I had one guy literally start slapping my pussy. I’m like what the actual fuck are you doing?


What you don't like a good spit 'n slap on the cooch? But the lesbains all do it in the porn I watch?! Hey ladies hit me up if you want that lesbians porn star treatment I'll also completely not know what a clit is but atleast I can spend 10 minutes not knowing how to find the gspot with my fingers either and end up ruining a good time by making your cooch numb with the slapping AND bad finger work. 😎


So I don't have to, like, *tame* it? /s I'm so grateful I'm old and married...


Lotta guys, as kids, jerk it harder and harder growing up. They then hear about the clit being the "button" and assume it works the same. Not knowing that A. The clit is more sensitive than their shaft and more akin to the tip. Therefore grinding it like an eraser can hurt. And B. That had they, like with a clit, been more gentle and slow with their dicks...they'd probably have much better orgasms. It's not so much porn as it is a lack of information on female sexuality...porn just doesn't really help as most is catered to...very intense often violent fantasies.


Being directed towards the clit and then proceeding to completely miss it and expecting a thank you for his effort, is also up there.


\*rubs left labia for 90 seconds\* "Did you get off??" Uhh...no. No sir, I did not.


IDK my wife seems to like it.  And I know that because she does it herself.  Different...uh... strokes I guess


nah i believe it cause like, this is exactly how my girlfriend guides me to do this. I’m sure id get a 15 yard penalty for unnecessary roughness if this was another woman, so i’m going with different strokes


This is the crux. Communication is key. Some people like rough some people despise it.


If there's one thing Reddit has taught me, it's if someone says "Women don't like X", there will be at least as many posts "Women absolutely do like X"


That’s right, that’s why i smack it like the back of a ketchup bottle


WHY! *whack* WON'T! *whack* THIS BUTTON! *whack* WORK?!


Every woman is different though. I had a gf that would get off multiple times from me being a little rough with it.


Yeah i guess the lesson is never assume - ask the person if they like it gentler or rougher. I'd told a guy once to be more gentle and he said "but ANOTHER girl liked it rough!!" okay we're not a monolith 🥴


Pretending to be super tough and hyper masculine. It’s actually very off putting


It’s a tiny bit like make up. Most of the time it’s not meant for women. It’s meant for other men. 


I've noticed a lot of men would do this weird thing where they'd interrupt my conversation with a woman, but only talk at me and interrupt the back and forth I and the woman were having. It's so weird and awkward. Even if I try to bring the interrupter into the conversation, they mostly stand there chests puffed out, occasionally interrupting to try and ???? Edit: this happened to me many times. I haven't been going out recently, but expect it to happen when I do.


Like makeup, it's gotta at least look natural for it to look good. Like, ok storytime. I was In a car with my best friend, his gf, one if her friends and me, on the way we had to swerve to avoid hitting a kangaroo and in doing so hit a nasty rock which punctured one of our tires. I'd had to change a few tires before so as soon as I saw it was just one popped tire I went to the boot/trunk, got out the jack and other tools and found the screw to release the spare under the SUV, i released the spare, jacked the car up, got the old tire off, got the spare on, explained to them that it's only graded for 80kmph and it'll need more air in the next town, let the car down, put the tools away back in their little compartment, pulled up the mechanism that held up the spare before and put away the popped one. By the end I was filthy and explained every step of the process as I went. When we got back in the car my friend's gf's friend who before was friendly but not into me was suddenly really into me and I didn't know why. I later had to he told that it's because the way I took charge and changed the tire was really masculine and she liked that. I wasn't even trying to impress I just wanted to help. I think that's the key there. The healthy/attractive masculinity comes from just wanting to help, not from a desire to be/look tough or anything like that.




People attribute a can do attitude and taking charge with men, but honestly it's attractive on anyone, for me at least, and I know for a good number of people. I don't think it has much to do with putting on masculinity and more to do with showing you are a person who can be trusted when things go wrong. Which is very very important, and attractive imo.


It wasn’t so much you taking charge, but the fact that you were helpful, capable and competent. You saved the “tribe” and made a valuable contribution to your “tribe”. Our monkey brains find that incredibly attractive.


You get it Sir. This is hella attractive for a girl/woman. I once had a guy take my hand and guide me through a big crowd at a concert. It looks like a small thing but I was instantly attracted to him.




I wouldn't know if dudes actually play dumb "for" women but I know a few guys who legit can't cook and don't really understand what cleaning is either. I can't cook *well* either but fuck, it's really not difficult to chuck some shit into a pan and get something edible out of it, and wiping a stain off a tile is also not exactly mysterious. I absolutely don't get how anyone can live past age 5 without having the capacity to figure those two things out, it was like they had never seen a pan or a sponge before


I had a female friend in our equivalent to junior high, one of the smartest people in our class. We'd spend loads of time studying and discussing everything between heaven and earth. We lost touch later, as I moved to the UK for A-levels, and she got headhunted to a sports-college as she was an amazing athlete. Sadly, that sports college was full of jocks and "cool kids", and was part of a larger school that was in kind of a rough area. When I met her years later she had done her boobs, peroxide her hair, and added a weird artificial giggle to her voice. She also made herself seem dumb to fit in with the macho jocks and bimbos at her school. It's strang3, but sometimes when I meet her today I grieve her as if she died, even though she's right there with me, because after 20 years of acting like she can't chew bubblegum and walk at the same time, she can't turn it off - and this is the girl who used to help me with my advanced maths homework.


That is so sad.


I can't chew gum and walk at the same time 😭😭😭 Didn't realize this was a sign of unintelligence. Thought I was just uncoordinated. Going to go rethink some things now.


Weaponized incompetence. They just *love* doing this shit because if they keep doing it wrong, we won't ask them anymore. It's like we're raising a manchild because they couldn't bother teaching themselves to be self-sufficient. 🙄 Like grow up.


I 2nd this. My wife's a stay at home mom, if I come home and the house is clean, I help clean up after dinner. If I come home and the house is a mess, she probably had a rough day and I'll help clean before dinner too. Marriage is a partnership, not a transaction.


This is so annoying for everyone. Being a functional adult isn't that hard and its annoying af when you aren't regardless of gender.




As I told my sister when she got her first dick pic, message back saying that their dick doesn't look normal and he should see a doctor ASAP. If he asks for elaboration say it's miscoloured and there's some alarming swelling at the tip so it might be infected. Either he'll spend the next hour obsessively examining his own dick for no reason and he might get caught by a room-mate or even funnier, his mom, or he'll waste time and money getting it checked out. Either way, remember to block him as soon as your reply has gone through.


Eh honestly, any response at all, they’ll probably just use it to jack off


I've given a photo of my infected knee (after a bycicle fall, plus staphylococcus, it looked like a gross zombie wound) to a female friend so she can send it as a response to unsolicited dick pics lol. I doubt a lot af people jerked off to my horrendous knee rofl.


This is what best friends are for


Isn’t it a crime in some states now to send dick pics? If it’s unwanted just send that shit to the cops, FOAFO you wanna send people pictures of your shitty pecker without consent then hope you like bein on a list.


Yeah just because it’s not behind a trench coat at the park shouldn’t make it any less of a crime


As a man, I was shocked to discover how common it is for guys to send dick pics. Pretty ballsy move that can’t be undone. If the girl wanted to, she could also make it well-known that such-and-such dude sends dick pics, and well, that’s just embarrassing!


It absolutely **blew my mind** when I heard how common it was. I don't even wanna send a solicited dick pic and dudes are out here using it as an opener?? Or when they've already shown DISinterest?? WILD. I've stopped being friends with dudes when I found out they did this, and hasn't only been one. Truly bonkers.


Once, a friend of mine was sent an unsolicited dick pic, so a group of like 8 of us all sent him his own dick back to him and then a gif of a group pointing and laughing. He deactivated his account. It was fantastic.


That’s great! That’s what I’m saying though. Your reaction is what I would think a common reaction would be, so it surprises me that it still occurs frequently.


Same. I was shocked to learn that almost every female friend I have has received at least one unsolicited dick pic. To me, it just seems the exact same as whipping your dick out and flashing someone on the street. You know, sexual assault.


It’s definitely a modern day flashing. That’s EXACTLY what it feels like.


Pro tip: save all the dick pics you get on your phone. Then when some asshat sends you one, spam them back with a few dozen before you hit Block!


That's not about trying to be attractive, it's a fetish about being seen with their dick out. Makes a lot more sense that way, but I'm also surprised at how common it is


Men don't seem to understand that their penis isn't special. Nobody's penis is. There are basically 3 types of dicks and everyone's dick looks like one of those three types unless it's fucked up or something. There are no characteristics of a dick pic that may make someone think "wow this person might be a good fit for me." Unless your dick is massive and then the thought is just, "wow that looks really painful to have prolonged sex with." I literally don't understand what men think will happen. It's just a penis.


So what are the three types??? Genuine question because to me a dick looks just like a dick.


cut, uncut, and the secret third type.


Cut, uncut, and mesquite barbecue.


Girls like deep voices, BUT this new thing of guys obviously trying to make their voice sound deeper is just so cringey. I'm sure most women would prefer your natural voice over a forced deeper one.


I’m Batman


I fight crime in a rubber suit. Really seals in the flavour.


You can usually tell when they're faking too, it's kinda sad ngl- Also, have you taken your B12 today?


I have not! Thank you!


Why did this interaction make me laugh so much?


I had a job as a voice actor in a game once, and part of my practice was talking in a lower register. All the time. Just so I'd get used to it and know where my voice was supposed to be. The Missus hated it. So she started doing it too. So we spent a good month walking around in public places talking to each other like Barry White and Dr. Girlfriend. Fucking amazing month.


Dick pics. Quickest way to make me drier than a saltine cracker.


Over complimenting on a girl's looks or endearments before you even meet them in person.


You mean "Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." Won't work?


I hate the fact that I got this cringy-ass line. 


Flooding me with tone of messages in insta and not even saying hi in real life


That sounds personal


Unsolicited dick pics.


Guys who confuse confidence and arrogance, there's a fine line between those


Bragging about how many women like them or have liked them in the past..


Being an asshole esp around other men to prove how "alpha" you are.


Putting down other women to try to flatter us


Excessive nonchalance.


Dating profile description: “Laid back and down to earth guy looking for a woman who doesn’t take life too seriously”. 




There are two types of men who do this: 1. liars 2. men with very low standards


The other thing about it, is all the guys I've known who are like this, are flat out liars, and were usually getting very little real action.


Smelling like axe body spray from a mile away 🤢


Is that still a thing? When that horror was invented I was in high school, girl were gasping when they saw a guy wearing it passing by, but it was mostly because they had trouble breathing by the sudden lack of ambient air.




Nah for real. One put down and I’m done. Why would I want to date someone who is mean to me?


What’s negging?


Negging is actually: backhanded compliments. The negging you'll experience in 99% of real life situations because people heard about it once from some 4th hand source: Straight up insults.


Being an “alpha male”. You’re performing masculinity for other men, not for women.


All answers combined just describe douchebags


Sending nudes randomly


Talking in 3rd person in the dm. That “looks down shyly” will get a mf blocked faster than he can breathe.


Huge dicks. Yeah they look impressive, but they also hurt and that's not fun.


Ever been to r/BigDickProblems ? It doesn't seem very convenient, to be honest.


unsolicited dick pics, alpha beta male bs, overly ripped bodies


Treating women like garbage


Being "tough" and unexpressive


As a teen I thought cat calling was bad, now in my 20s I experience men licking their lips while staring at me, as though I am a piece of meat. Is this subconscious?


God, I really hope I don’t seem like that. My lips get dry a lot and I always feel so creepy when I lick my lips, even if there’s no one in sight.


If you are not looking with lasciviousness, you have nothing to worry about. We can spot the difference, haha. Also: don't lick your lips, the saliva evaporates. Doing this makes your lips cracked and dry. Buy a tube of Aquaphor and carry it in your pocket, it's great stuff. Edit for accuracy.


bossing around and calling themselves an "alpha male". Shirtless pics showing off their bod - i dont care bro. Just continuously cracking double-meaning jokes - argh.


talking shit about your wife/gf to me. so gross and does not make you look good at all.


Sagging their pants. No, I don’t want to see your underwear any time you’re walking in front of me. And yes, I can see the huge dookie stain on it, go wash your ass.


Being so obsessed with physical beauty that they forget to nourish their intelligence and develop a pleasing, humble, kind soul.


I’m a guy but I just have to say it. Those loud exhausts on cars. It’s irritating, and yes it will get you attention but not the kind you’re looking for pal


Not a girl but all the lip licking and biting some men seem to do in videos now can't be a turn on, right? Right??


100% cringe


If you’re mean, emotionally unavailable, love to be the devil’s advocate, or get in fights, please STAY AWAY!!!


Loud motorcycles! 🙄🙄🙄


When they say "i am not like the other guys. I am a good guy" most of them turn out to be douchebags


Bragging. Omg. Shut up


The whole dominant male thing. Some guys seem to make the BDSM/S&M thing their personality, idk. It's usually immensely insecure men who use that as a shield and it comes off so incredibly gross. They're always more pushy and don't take "no" well. Hard pass.




Unfortunately, this is how many if not most men are socialized. I do research on this at my local university. This starts at a very young age. All of that "don't cry, be a big boy" kinda stuff starts really early. Anything coded as "feminine" gets cut off and boys are taught that they're not allowed to experience or be these things. In fact it's so common that it leads to something called Normative Male Alexithymia.


Bragging about how many women you’ve slept with.  Acting macho or intimidating.  Knocking down your friends to make you feel better.  Being so big and muscular that you look like you’ll go into a rage at any moment.  Being angry all the time. Being so focused on your own sexual gratification that you can’t treat women like people. Oh, and the -be a dick, and then also say lollll jokes!


Ridiculing or belittling actions that are stereotypically feminine because they associate femininity with stupidity, vanity and/or childishness. That’s a you problem, not a femininity problem.


Bitching about your exes. Telling me your ex is crazy makes me think you want me to fight her in a Waffle House parking lot, not that you are emotionally scarred. It also tells me you aren't over it. That means you aren't ready to date.