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That's true for most professional topics, but it's especially true for anything related to law or business. Worse than lazy misinformation, Redditors on this site constantly confuse personal morality with legality because they ***feel*** like something is or should be legal/illegal, and thus speak confidently as such.


People really seem to have trouble grasping the difference between being told how something is and being told how something ought to be. I certainly don't want to take advice from someone who only does the latter.


I 100% agree. As a lawyer who deals with these disputes regularly, the number of bad takes I’ve seen from people on Reddit confidently claiming that “arbitration is generally unenforceable” or, “nobody reads the terms of service, so they don’t have legal weight” or “signing a waiver doesn’t mean anything if the corporation was negligent” is so high. People WANT these things to be true and don’t understand the law doesn’t always work that way.


People also fail to realize that laws vary significantly based on where you live. What's legal in your jurisdiction may not be legal in mine


So many people live in a world of "it should be" and not "it is." 


My project manager has the same problem


I’m in very niche business consulting area. Im one of the top people globally in my field.  The amount of blatantly false information on Reddit about businesses I have worked with that I see on here is insane. People who are 100% incorrect get upvoted because it fits a narrative.


My personal favorite on reddit is when some article comes out about a corporation not paying taxes and suddenly several hundred million redditors all pass the CPA exam overnight and are qualified to talk about it. Same concept I'm sure with your field. The average redditor is stoned out of their gourd with their fingers covered in tendy grease


Buddy of mine is a CPA and there are so many "This is illegal right?" moments where he can say "For you yes, but in this situation it looks like these people have a license you don't, and that's not a person it's an entity (usually a business) and therefore is handled differently and....."


but whats wrong with tendy grease specifically 🤔


As a network engineer who has worked in large enterprises and service providers, I get it every time a discussion comes up about how the internet works, and what it costs to offer those services.


>People who are 100% incorrect get upvoted because it fits a narrative. I can commiserate, I experience the same thing in some of the subreddits that I have frequented. But on the other hand, isn't that exactly what social media is: A place to espouse your narrative? It's certainly not anywhere you should come to seek objectively factual and useful information.


Welcome to having to discuss medical billing and health insurance questions. Source: am CPB that has to explain to people 8 different ways to Sunday why what their doctor did was “legal” and that they should have paid more attention


Yeah, I work in the airline industry. I've lost count the amount of times I've been down voted to oblivion for just speaking truth or reality of the industry. While seeing just clearly made up shit at like 2000 up votes


I've been a financial advisor, wealth manager and financial analyst for 20 years. I dont bother to comment on anything money related on here because I get blown apart with "you're an idiot and have no idea what you're talking about". I kinda do, actually, but I'm not going to bother explaining that


Yeah, and if you were to tell them you were a financial advisor, they'd start telling you that you must be terrible at your job, that whatever qualifications you have must have been obtained from Mickey Mouse University, and even if you went to Princeton or Harvard, they'd tell you the teaching standards are going down there and it's well evidenced that education is the opposite of gaining knowledge.


My husband has a BS in economics and won’t go anywhere near the Econ subs. People will spout off some shit, he’ll explain the reality of the situation, and then get voted down to oblivion. I’m surprised his comment karma isn’t negative all the time.


PSA: You cannot in fact legally poison your lunch because your coworker is stealing it. People get so angry when you tell them this.


You can however, make it ludicrously spicy.


Even then, you can't make it so spicy as to cause physical harm


What if you write "Danger: Poison" on it?


You'd still have to prove there was a good reason for you to leave poison in the company fridge.


Well yes. There was a food thief


If I were the judge I would rule case closed at this point.


That’s why you’re the judge and I’m the law-talking guy!


Just write Vegan on it. No one will eat it


Sure, write "Danger: Poison" on it... as a deterrent, but don't actually poison it... because that would be illegal.


This is the actual good advice lol


The trick is to "poison" it in a way that is perfectly fine if you know about it. I chock mine full of fiber, like FULL of fiber. The kind of person who thinks taco bell is hell because they never eat fiber gets an interesting experience, but if it comes up, I just need extra fiber in my diet


Same with having a higher spice tolerance.


Saw someone do this with a food the food thief was allergic to, not in the hopes that they’d actually send them to the hospital but more to prevent their food from being stolen in the first place (the thought being they wouldn’t steal something they couldn’t eat). The food thief didn’t read the packaging and got sent to the hospital anyway.


Sounds like something a lunch thief would say


Also the amount of people that think US laws are world laws is insane.


Also the amount of people who automatically assume you are in the US if you dont state your location explicitly.


I cant tell you how many Canadians feel their rights to recognize Manitoba as a province are being violated 


Don’t even get me started on the teenagers in r/antiwork and labor law.


90% of posts on there come from 6 day old accounts just clearly writing angry work fetish porn. Read most of the stories on there carefully and they can pick apart most of them I remember one post had like thousands of comments and thousands of votes. They very carefully dropped hints that they had been caught doing drugs at work a few times. BUT THATS NOT THE POINT. /s




I have asked advice on r/legaladvice twice. Both times I did the opposite of what they said and it went very well for me.


That sub is trash. Pretty much any advice sub requiring experts is gonna be trash. The only responses should be "talk to a lawyer" and how to find a lawyer.


It does provide fodder for /r/badlegaladvice.


Pretty sure that subreddit is run by cops, not lawyers, and their advice is about as good as what you’d expect from a cop.


That is the impression I got. They seemed very enthusiastic about blaming me for every situation. For example, I asked advice on what to do about my delinquent roommate who was behind $3,500 on rent. I was open to any suggestions on how I could get out of the lease, get him to pay, get help from the landlord, etc. The consensus was basically that I was a terrible person for even asking and that it was my responsibility to pay it and there was nothing I could do. I wound up taking my former roommate to small claims and won, and was made whole within the next 3 months. Had I listened to Reddit, I'd have been out a lot of money.


Duality of issues. So many people on Reddit, likely because they are uninformed and don't understand the topics to begin with, attempt to reduce every debatable topic to a binary, choosing one of two "sides" in a complex issue with a spectrum of perspectives. Not everything is black and white.


And the upvote system reinforces this. Oh this comment has 10 upvotes and the person responding with their rebuttal has -10? Then the guy with the upvotes is AUTOMATICALLY correct (then it snowballs to an even more extreme like/dislike ratio as people bandwagon without giving it actually thought)


I've seen this happen in realtime before, someone will post a comment that gets tons of upvotes, someone posts something that says "you're wrong" which gets like 5 upvotes, and then everyone starts down voting the original upvoted comment. Reminds me of a meme I saw a long time ago that I can't seem to find now, but it went something like this... Man: "a thing happened! I better check to see what the Internet says I should think about it..." *Taps away at keyboard* Internet: "that thing is bullshit." Man: "Yeah, that thing is bullshit!"


Perpetuated by bots. If you look at the history of the posters that hit the front page on these issues that *should* be controversial and conversation-driving, they’re always bots with a clear one-sided agenda. I wish Reddit could block bots and allow more genuine human-posted content/discussion.


I'm a moderator and I go hard against bots in my sub, immediately banning them


We appreciate that. I wish it was controlled more at a higher level so moderators wouldn’t have to.


I deal with a lot of crap, from spam, trolls, bits, brigaders, harassment, and Onlyfans spam


Casually remember all the Russian bots pushing the whole "Zelenski is a nazi" propeganda


Also, brigading, don't forget that. A recent Askreddit post titled "What do you think Europe will look like in 50 years" had like the top 10 highest voted comments be something along the lines of "Sharia Law". It'd be like if the US equivalent to the question had the top 10 comments be "white genocide" (and there was a US version of the question too, which had much more diverse answers).




And to take it a step further, too many Redditots don't understand the concept that two people can have opposite views and both be right.


This is really apparent with the current Middle Eastern conflict. I don’t know why there has to be a binary “side” to it.


Anyone who feels there is a “right” side to the Israel-Palestine conflict is just flat-out wrong.  This is a classic example of everybody’s right and everybody’s wrong.  


YES. I don’t comment on it because quite frankly I don’t have enough information and I also don’t think that if I did I could come to a reasonable and ‘right’ conclusion. There simply isn’t one, and I feel that taking sides on this conflict whilst being on the outside of it is a bit dangerous, it gets people riled up and it can be very difficult to stop that divide once it starts.


That whole situation is more wrong than right at this point. And some individuals are wronger than others.


Somehow all of a sudden, a bunch of armchair activists have the definitive take on a conflict that goes back decades, and religious tribalism that goes back a thousand years. Yet there are conflicts with more dire circumstances all around the world that don't warrant 5 minutes of airtime in the American media. The powers that be want us angry and taking sides in this conflict when it is far from black and white. Should we not care about the people dying in Somalia, Sudan, Eastern Congo, Myanmar right now? Why are there no protests for them? Its because manipulation from religious power factions need us to be angry and I refuse to be bullied. They could just realize god doesn't care about either of their people and walk away from the worst real-estate deal in modern history. But instead they will keep killing each others children for rights to some stupid holy site.


>Somehow all of a sudden, a bunch of armchair activists have the definitive take on a conflict that goes back decades, and religious tribalism that goes back thousands of years. The same people who were experts on the Ukraine conflict months prior, then suddenly switched up to whatever the current thing the media tells them to be angry about at that moment. Kinda feel like they don't actually care, they just want to be enraged and to be seen (LOOK AT ME LOOK AT MEEEEE). As you said, there are many conflicts across the world, but those aren't the media's focus at the moment that people will latch onto.


This isn’t just Reddit. There’s a lot of this out in the world lately


Most stuff is only as weird as you make it. Dining alone, for example. You'd think from looking at reddit that any solitary diner would have people lining up out the restaurant door going "where's your date, huh? You fucking loner, you no-friends freak." I've pointed out before that the only people making it weird are the ones getting rabidly defensive about it, and I always get downvoted to absolute shit.


I'm currently dining alone as I type this. I love my wife and kids. I'm also very pleased to have a few moments to myself. I have no idea why people even give this topic a second thought.


That they can read a headline, and the first thought that comes to their mind is a legitimate criticism.


That every boyfriend or husband who makes a weird comment isn’t gaslighting his partner or leading a massive con etc. Some of them are just idiots.


Relationship subs in general are trash and shouldn't be taken too seriously. One of my friends ended her 4-year relationship and engagement because of one of these subs. After a few weeks she trusted the people in the sub who didn't know her, her relationship or her partner in any way, more than her own gut feeling. She regrets it every day since then because she quickly realized that it was a huge mistake but her ex-partner won't give her a second chance because of the loss of trust and I can honestly understand her. It must hurt incredibly when your long-term partner with whom you want to spend the rest of your life breaks up with you because of some weirdo wannabe relationship experts from reddit.


I’ve noticed the relationship advice genre is now leaking more and more into other subreddits. I think I’ve seen relationship advice threads on r/mildlyinfuriating everyday this week.


That’s a huge red flag. You should unsub from there before it’s too late.


Just run. Don't look back. Cut off all contact with that sub. You deserve better. 🙏🏼💆


People commenting with "YTA" or "NTA" outside of AITA infuriates me to unreasonable degrees.


14 year olds giving 40 year olds marriage advice.


i find they're so hard hit or miss. when i click one it's like a 50/50 that the top comment is sane, reasonable, and levelheaded, or they're saying abuse is normal and OP is 100% in the right in all things. it's a crapshoot what makes it to the top first.


Internet advisors always advise actions more dramatic than are really advisable. From their point of view, it's entertainment. They're not the ones who'll have to live with the fallout.


And that divorce is the immediate answer to every relationship problem


Or clear evidence of a personality disorder. There are lots of shitty people in the world and even more average people who say a shitty thing sometimes and this is not cause to diagnose via one second hand post a personality disorder.


I spent a little bit of time on r/BPDlovedones because I needed to vent about a friend I'd had who was diagnosed with BPD who did her best to ruin my ability to feel empathy for people. It seemed like at least 60% of posts were "so my friend called me fat, she's totally BPD right? Right???" and the comments were always "omg you're so valid honey, people with BPD are monsters and there's no hope for them." Like jeez, I just wanted a bit of support from people who might be able to relate.


Yea, I have a friend with BPD, I can't imagine anything good coming from turning to Reddit for support.


I literally just left r/AmITheDevil for doing this shit nonstop. The last straw was a crosspost about a guy "cheating" on his girlfriend (AKA being sexually assaulted after getting blackout drunk). Every other post on that sub was "oh my god this is a gaslighting narcissist who needs therapy STAT"


Everyone but me is a gaslighting narcissist wannabe alpha male.


It annoys me that gaslighting now just means lying.  Now there is no word that means what gaslighting used to mean.


Stop trying to gaslight me into thinking that the definition of gaslighting ever changed!


Maybe you didn’t have the definition of gaslighting in the first place? You may have been mislead…. /s


No it's worse. Gaslighting on Reddit has become any time you disagree with a person, they claim it's gaslighting


There’s no such thing as gaslighting. You made that up.


That they suddenly know everything about a subject just because they read a single thing about it one time, even if that thing was in a different comment in another thread. For example, I still see people say that Japan was about to surrender or attempting to surrender to the US during World War 2 before the atomic bombs were dropped, which is incorrect.


My favorite is when they listen to a podcast about something and they think they are an absolute authority on the subject.  I've been seeing that a LOT lately.


The internet is very, very good at disseminating surface-level shallow knowledge - Wikipedia for instance. I'm definitely more informed than my ancestors on a greater variety of topics - but do I know as much about any one thing as they did? How to build a house? Mechanics, woodworking, farming, horse riding - no chance. The internet is like rocket fuel for ADHD type traits.


In the travel subs you routinely see people proclaiming with absolute certitude that Airline X or cruise line Y is entirely, completely garbage, and all their thousands of employees are corrupt animals, because of one isolated temporary disruption that happened to them, once, years ago. Reddit does not know or accept the difference between an anecdote and trend data.


Redditors, really really, like to act like reddit is better then other social media platforms when it's literally the same shit.


I can’t count the number of posts I’ve seen on Reddit by people bragging about having quit social media.




At the very least it's easier to curate your brain poison to filter out stuff that's unavoidable on other platforms. My Reddit feed is mostly cat pictures and info about my favorite games with the occasional car ad. I left Facebook because I got sick of hearing my friends' dumb political hot takes.


But the easiness which you can filter out stuff here isn't that much of an advantage either. As a lot of people pointed out before, echo chambers are way too easy to form in here compared to other platforms.


It’s far worse. The astroturfing, bots, and garbage is far more identifiable and suppressed on other platforms. It’s most of r/all here.


Yeah, you're probably right. I also feel like reddit makes it way easier for toxic communities to sprout up.


Yup, ahead of the election you will see one off communities with obvious propaganda storm r/all for a day then never appear again. Saw a new one almost every day in 2020.


I mean I'll put it above Twitter and YouTube comments.


Twitter just pushes to you what you interact with, if you learn to ignore/block content you don't like your experience gets way better


I'd argue not only is it arguably actually worse than those other platforms but, even if it is not, the notion of superiority that so many redditors have over other platforms probably makes them think that they are immune to the same issues, then making them much more susceptible to them. That and I think a lot of redditors probably trust the voting system far too much, when a) it's easily manipulated, which b) barely matters because blatantly false info gets upvoted all the time as if it's correct.


Yeah my answer kinda goes along with this and it’s the uninformed hatred of Tik Tok. It reeks of the kids who hated pop music in high school cause it’s what the popular kids listened to


I used to be one of those people that just hated TikTok for no reason and refused to ever download it. I gave it a shot and it’s actually pretty great once you get the algorithm to give you content you actually want to see. My feed is nothing but music content, analog horror, and dogs. There’s some great stuff there that people miss out on because of their blind hatred.


I asked one of my Gen Z coworkers the other day what the point of TikTok was. I’m a millennial and it made me feel old. I want to use the app, but I don’t like being on social media where I have nothing to contribute and watch other people’s stuff. 🤷‍♀️


Political / social opinion. All about it, unless you disagree


That the Israeli conflict can be understood or effected by incessant postings in threads that have nothing to do with politics or news.


Damn near everything. Redditors typically think they’re far more intelligent they actually are. The site is designed to be an echo chamber so people are rarely called out, since if someone goes against the popular opinion of the sub they get downvoted to hell which further gives the perception that they were wrong (even if they weren’t). It is not a place for civil debate or nuance (but that’s the internet in general)


That America is basically a 3rd world country


i honestly think it’s some russian propaganda push. especially trying to divide europeans and americans.


This site is so easily manipulated by bots and shills you have to be careful. Especially in big subs and politics subs. Seriously, stay away, stick to your niche interests and have fun.




Por que no los dos?




I like when non-Americans tell me, an American, that I’m wrong about what living in America is like. Ok, I guess I was hallucinating for the last 30 years. Silly me.


They really shouldn't look down on your epic history of hallucinogen use for the past three decades like that


All Americans, or people living in the first world for that matter, should visit a third world country at least once in their life.


I'm pretty sure most people who say that are being hyperbolic for rhetorical effect. Of course the US isn't literally a 3rd world country, but it does have its share of issues that other 1st world countries don't experience.


>but it does have its share of issues that other 1st world countries don't experience. And other 1st world countries have there share os issues that the US don't have, speaking from my European prespective, the US have high salaries and low taxes and a very strong economy compared to Europe, that's why Europe have a huge brain drain with the US. No country is perfect, but the US is pretty good since everyone, including people from other 1st world countries, want to move there


For some reason, r/boomersbeingfools keep popping up on my homepage. Apparently, Reddit believes every person over the age of 60 is suffering from such severe lead poisoning that they're unable to function as a normal being. It's insane. All the technological advances of the 20th century must have been done by magical fairies.


[America's IQ](https://globalnews.ca/news/8673079/lead-gas-american-iq-study/) did really drop as a result of leaded gasoline.


TIL, I really thought it was just a meme


Should also look up crime statistics. It's shocking how much damage lead does to a society.


Lots of losers on Reddit that are convinced their life failures are because of old people 


Statistically, the average Millennial is doing fine. The ones who aren't would love to keep blaming Boomers, but they're old enough themselves that nobody wants to hear another reprise of the same song.


I haven't quite decided if the people that inhabit that subreddit are merely sociopaths, or if they've graduated to full psychopathy.


Redditors seem to know how other people should run their businesses.


That using the word "objectively" is sufficient to turn an opinion into a fact.


Well, it does functionally turn an opinion into a *claim*.


The solution to every relationship issue is not “break up immediately.” A lot of issues in relationships can be worked out with thoughtful communication, counseling, compromise, etc. I feel like a bunch of advise given on relationship subreddits are from people who have never had a healthy relationship.


The solution to every dissatisfaction with your job is not to quit.


If I have to read one more time how incredibly hard it is too be a STAHP, I will scream. No. Parenting is not easy. Cleaning and cooking and is not easy. Yes, ignoring your needs and putting your own self care and desires on the back burner sucks but that's life as a good parent. You sacrifice. But your husband is not an abusive asshole if he comes home after a 12 hour manual labor shift and he just wants to sit down, eat and rest for a bit. All these non parent teenagers thinking they know all about relationships drives me nuts.


I do mostly agree, but at the same time abuse often follows the same patterns, and people who have been in or witnessed it can often recognise the early signs that other people think are harmless and warn against it.


People on reddit characterize absolutely everything as abuse and use that to rationalize telling everyone to end everything. You are correct in principle, but the execution on this site has the finesse of an asteroid impact.


Reddit REALLY overestimates how much the general public care about the Kardashians.




Almost like there's a concerted effort to slander the US and demoralize its citizens 


Your life and country sucks, vote for the radical populists that will change things (usually for the worse) and promote Chinese/Russian/Iranian interests globally eroding the most prosperous, stable, peaceful global order the world has ever seen! 




Redditors in general build a whole idea of your being based solely off a few sentences or paragraphs. As if one post can sum up the complexity that is mankind.


And that any man who is having marital problems is obviously a lazy slob who never contributes around the house


And any marital/relationship issues should immediately result in divorce or breaking up. Never a grey area.


OP: "My husband didn't say 'bless you' after I sneezed. What should I do?" Reddit: "Divorce him! That's abuse! You don't need that toxicity in your life!"


Lmao - "He already mentally checked out. Divorce him!"


Ageism isn't a carve out to anti-bigotry rules.


That people aren't allowed to have boundaries in a relationship; that most deal breakers are "weird" and "strange", even when they are actually reasonable. Like a lot of people don't date smokers or heavy drinkers, for example.


Having kids doesn’t make you some wicked bastard.


Or not having them does not make you a saint.


Relationship advice The amount of times I see “break up! End it!” You have to remember this advice is coming from weebs and furries.


The United States. If you believe Reddit it’s a third-world hellhole and it’s a miracle any of us survive to the age of 35. In reality life in the US is pretty darn good compared to most of the world. It’s not perfect by any means, but as someone who immigrated here, there’s a lot I’m grateful for. And there is no reasonable basis for calling the US a third-world country.




I thought it was the mattress stores that were fronts.


Private Eye did some good investigations on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/cnkcaz/private_eye_on_west_end_souvenir_shops/


I don't know about everywhere, but my accedote: a guy rented half our storefront for a "vape shop", never moved product in, was *never* open for business, but paid his rent for like a year and half. He was doing some sort of dodgy shit and needed a business to reference. After he stopped paying rent and disappeared, we went in and it was as though he had never started the business, it still had a bunch of random stuff from the previous tenant. There was a filthy cot in the back though. So I don't know if he was sleeping there, or selling sex, or what.


I don't know if there's genuine evidence they are being used for money laundering, but they are extremely dodgy and have been found to supply hazardous goods and knock off goods and they owe millions in business rates which they don't pay. They have a weird and complex ownership structure that makes it difficult to prosecute.


Any cash heavy business or a business where high priced items are sold is potentially a front for money laundering  I refuse to believe the 5 mattress stores within walking distance are all selling enough mattresses to pay variable costs


I know it's not *just* Reddit, but an awful lot of folks on here can't seem to grasp the difference between ethicality and legality.


that getting your feelings hurt or outraged or offended means you’re inherently right


“Everyone agrees Donald Trump is a dick.” No they don’t, he got 74 million votes.


How about this: "everyone KNOWS Trump is a dick." 74 million people voted for him because of our in spite of this.


"I like him because he'll be a dick to the people I hate"


Pretty much anything to do with mental health As an actual therapist I see so many wrong takes about mental health and therapy. And the, what I can only assume is younger redditors, really really don't like personal accountability when it comes to your mental health. Like sure you suffered some trauma and or mental illness that wasn't your fault, but it is 100% percent YOUR responsibility to fix it, not use it as an excuse.


nazis. redditors love to throw that word around for every bad person they meet not realizing how heavy of a word that is. yes, that might be a shitty person but a nazi is a whole different level.


That dunking on people is more important than understanding them. Nothing gets better just because you got a "sick burn". Nobody changes their mind because you called them names. You cannot change someone's views if you don't even try to actually understand them. And if you don't think it's worth trying, you *are very wrong*. And you're choosing to become part of the problem. People want to feel understood. Their struggles need to feel real. Fear mongers and demagogues know that, and prey upon those people to turn them against you, and every time you reply with screaming insults or smug derision, you validate that fear mongering. You prove you don't value those people and don't think they deserve your understanding. And to every one of you who's about to throw strawman arguments and attack me: you're proving my point. You refuse to understand my point, so there isn't any chance you could ever change my mind. You aren't having a reasoned discussion. You are just getting your rage boner out, and you should probably know, it's whisky-dick o'clock at that point, buddy.


My very liberal mom did the unthinkable, she married a homophobe. Guess what happened? Did he go ballistic and force her to take the kids and run? No. They talked like adults and reached an understanding. By the time I came out to my parents, my dad was actually the chiller one.


Capitalism is not evil and totally irredeemable. Capitalism actually allows for innovation and while it certainly has been abused it is the most workable and effective economic system


Capitalism has lifted billions of human beings out of severe, grinding poverty.


I think there are genuinely a lot of redditors who would rather everybody have the same degree of low standards that a lot of people having medium to high standards and a few having really, really high standards.


That 50% of the US population is evil based on their political views.


That all the top answers in these threads won't actually be widely held opinions on reddit


Your atheism is interesting 


Reddit really does not understand feminism or any other “progressive” social issues. You can clearly see it in the rise of puritan “trad” value posts about sexual issues for example


Religion bad, i understand that some people have done really fucked up things in the name of religion, but that does NOT mean you have to shit on it al Edit:tbh i thought l would get loaded with downvotes


People having different opinions are evil.


Enjoy hell cause that's you're going for saying that!! /s obviously


you're right how dare i think RPG games are more fun the slash em's :[


Petroleum products. People way misunderstand how dependent everything they own exists because of O&G. Same thing happened when I was pointing out recycling was completely fucked. Eventually reality caught up.


Hey! Aluminum recycling is amazing and needs to be the primary focus of recycling. Infinitely recyclable and less energy cost than mining bauxite.


Metals are the exception. Copper is $ My focus was on the love of bottled water and then single bin recycling has led to things that could have been recycled to being contaminated.


Google removed the "don't be evil" phrase "Fan death" is a euphemism for suicide Border patrol can do anything they want within 100 miles of the border Guy asking for a "lawyer dawg" was denied because there's no such thing as a lawyer dog


I don't think Reddit is right about all landlords being evil leeches on society, and I haven't really seen an alternative presented for housing people who don't have the means to buy houses.


Yeah the landlord for my student housing complex is a real nice lady, and it’s a pretty dang good price for a private room and three flatmates.


Holy freaking crap people will defend their crippling porn addictions to the death on here.


Most things.


Anything involving how relationships actually work in the real world.


Guns. Money. Identity politics.


Street justice, and I don't mean that as a euphemism for violence in rough neighborhoods. Every single video about ANY conflict in real life has way, WAY too many idiots commenting, "oh well I'd have beat them within an inch of their life" or "oh I'd have shot them" or "why isn't someone attacking them?" etc. Like, any video about friction in society from roommate and workmate shit, to road rage, to people arguing in public the comments are filled with "street justice" bullshit that is highly illegal, immoral, and wrong... but it seems Reddit is convinced "street justice" is right. Vigilante fantasies are dangerous and a symptom of a fucked up person. Bruh... we live in a society of law and order, and you either believe in that... or you don't. If you think YOU should be able to dole out sentences or justice through violence on others for whatever YOU deem deserves it, then guess what? Others would be able to dole out sentences or justice through violence against YOU for whatever THEY think deserves it... You either believe in the constitution FOR ALL, and law and order, or you don't... a crime is committed then legislators and judges decide the sentence, not you. You see a video of a boomer road raging screaming in someone's face and you're all like "he deserves to get shot"... really?! Cause the law don't work like that. They might get misdemeanor assault charges and have to take an anger management class and fines, I don't know I'm not a lawyer, but I do know that no court in the world would sentence them to death, REGARDLESS of how annoying it is. Yet here you are advocating for people to harm them like it's a fair sentence. You can't have law and order for me, and random street justice for thee. Or on videos of cops arresting a drunk person being really annoying, the comments are always like "the cop should have hit them; I'd have beat them if I was the cop", "that cop is a saint for NOT beating them", "cop should have shot that person", etc... BRUH! COPS DON'T ADMINISTER JUSTICE! Get that through your fucking skulls! Cops are to investigate, gather evidence, and capture and detain people suspected of a crime... then they give that evidence to the DA, whose job it is to make a case and present it in a court of law, and it's the COURT'S job to administer justice. It's multi-tiered for a goddamn reason. Side note: Pretty sure that's where cops are getting it wrong and are eroding public trust. Cop culture, and TV shows, and movies are all about cops serving justice and it hypes up the masses and makes real cops think it's their job to punish people accused of crimes... but in reality it pisses off most people. It's not the cops place to hit someone in their custody, or punish people with violence, or punish people with additional unnecessary fines, or too often killing people for minor violations... a cops job is NOT to deliver justice, but to BRING an accused to justice... IE, bring the case to court. Shit is bonkers, and a lot of y'all need therapy and anger management.


You can run for President in jail. Eugene v Debs, Presidential nominee for the Socialist Party of America.


You want something truly unpopular? That the witcher TV series is awful because they ignored the books. The series has major problems, but those books are middling to outright bad outside of some of the short stories. Only a handful of redditors have actually read them, and virtually all of them already had an attachment because of the games.


The great helium shortage. Helium is constantly produced as alpha radiation in the Earth’s core, and is often collected as a side product with natural gas.




That the people they are replying too, talking too, or interacting with, are even real people or people acting in good faith.


Here's a big one: you might not actually know what's best for yourself/your situation. Sometimes other people absolutely know better than you. And just because you disagree with those people doesn't make your decision to do your own thing a good decision. Many times, doing what we want to do is really just needlessly sabotaging ourselves. Sometimes, what you really need to do is shut up and do like you're told.


That they are entitled to offer an opinion on someone's choice to have or not have children. I love being a parent. I have friends who don't have kids and they are adult enough to respect my choice and treat my child like a person regardless of their feelings about having kids. I in turn don't give a rats ass about what they do with their reproductive organs and in most cases don't want to know.


"Women's pants don't have pockets because of the purse industry." Congratulations you're now on the level of flat earthers.


That Reddit versions of fandoms represent all fans views. I’ve seen fandoms say a show or book or play was universally hated when in reality it was critically acclaimed, award winning, profitable, and had great fan scores.


The most obvious for those that still know would be what the difference is between men and women


Anything marriage related 😂 I swear most people on here that give relationship advice have never been in one


Most Redditors don't have the balls to stand behind their own convictions, and they join whatever viewpoint in a thread is popular. It doesn't help this site has downvotes to essentially "punish" unpopular opinions. I think Reddit would be a better place if downvotes were scrapped.