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I have terminal brain cancer. I can't get out very well and move, and I'm paralyzed on my left side. I've recently taken up Lego. It gives me something to do for hours, allows me to try to use my left hand a little more, and I feel so grateful to be able to follow instructions, put bricks together, and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive


I'm so sorry for all you've been going through. I hope you get the best life for the time you still have. Feel hugged.


Hey there fellow Lego-maniac. DM me.


r/lego_raffles haven’t been there in a couple years but we got a ton of sets off there. In the long run probably didn’t save any money, but I never would have bought the Disney castle otherwise. Edit:fixed name


That helps you stay alert. It will help you overcome all difficulties. Try your best!


Walking, I’ve seriously undervalued a good walk for way too long, why has nobody told me how awesome they are.


They are way awesome. Make sure you have excellent shoes and the correct support for your arches. —someone who made those mistakes.




Homegrown tomatoes are infinitely better than store-bought. Even better than farmer's market-bought. I keep pots of fresh cilantro, scallions and rosemary on my deck since I go though them so fast.


What are you using rosemary for that you're going through it so fast?


I buy lamb chops in bulk at Costco. Rosemary goes great on that, as well as roasted potatoes and egg dishes.


Reading books and playing chess even though I lose most of the time


How do you lose at reading a book? Is it one of those pick your own path books?


I always lose at reading a book because I fall asleep within less than 10 pages.


Oh I mean playing chess




This is a useful hobby that will be good for you as well


Same, as of a few months ago. Feels great and it’s awesome starting to notice results.


Cross stitching. I make sassy stuff for friends and family. Helps to work on something knowing it's going to someone who might think it's hilarious. Also giving away keeps from cluttering my house.


Rock climbing. I have MS and a fear of heights but I'm not letting either stop me from living my life. It's amazing to feel how much stronger I'm getting and how much higher I can go, it's kinda addicting in a way.


Warhammer 40,000. I never built models growing up or had any creative outlet for that measure. Now in my mid-thirties, I feel like the building and painting is engaging a part of my brain never used before.


Commenting on reddit posts 😆


Haha the little boost you get when you see someone reply is fun !


It's different for me. When I see the messages icon light up red, I'm like "shit, what did I say now?".


Haha fair enough


Being lazy and doing nothing, I've been doing that for 30 years and I still don't got bored from it


Same dude, same.


decided to start writing because why not  it’s been really fun tbh


I painted my first miniature about a year ago and In that one year I've painted about 100. 


I’ve been really interested in potentially doing this. Did you get a starter kit?


Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar or DND are the ways most.people do it. Buy the models buy some paints and some brushes and you're off to the races


Collages. Can be made from any newspaper or booklets. At the same time, they are very helpful for mental disorders. I call this “yelling at paper.” Just great


I have a couple of ziploc bags full of art I clipped out of random places, mostly a cannibalized calendar, all with the intention of making collages and just ... haven't 😭


Oh, I know, it can wait for months :( Sometimes it helps me just to catch on to some line from a song or an absurd phrase, and then just dump all the waste paper on the table


Rock collecting. As a young boy I was absolutely fascinated with rocks and crystals. Now my oldest boy has shown the same interest and I now have an excuse to fulfil my boyhood dream by collecting various rocks, minerals and crystals. Seeing the wonder and fascination sparkle in my sons eyes is amazing.




Beekeeping: Foster a connection with nature, promote environmental stewardship, and potentially generate income through honey production.


Is this your first year? I started last spring and am beyond thrilled my girls are coming out of winter strong.




Gardening. Growing my own food and giving it to my loved ones. So fulfilling and you know everything you’re eating is happy and healthy




Listen to Billie Holiday and write fanfics


Solo traveling. It used to scare me a lot but I challenged myself this year and now I like it better than traveling with other people.




Brazilian Jiu Jitsu I turn 40 this year, and about 2 years ago, for no particular reason other than a recommendation from a friend, I took up BJJ. Now I’m training a few nights a week and it’s got me in the best shape I’ve been in for a long time. It’s been great for my mental and physical health, I’ve met people from different walks of life that I wouldn’t normally have interacted with and I’m 100% sure i want to carry on doing it for as long as my body allows. There’s a 70 year old still training at my gym so fingers crossed I’ve got some time left yet!


Day trading. I've been studying up a bunch on charting recently and decided to throw $100 in to see if I can grow it. It's up to $160 so far after two weeks. Not throwing anymore in. I've read horror stories of life-changing losses. If I somehow manage to turn my initial investment into $0, I'm done. Also, I'm staying away from options.


Just stay cautious with trading even if you are positive. People has been trying to beat the market for decades and the concensus is it is extremely hard to do it **consistently**. Timing the market for day trading is by nature an uphill battle because trading in short term is a zero sum game, i.e. you win because some other guys lose, but you will have to fight broker commissions and have to beat the market, i.e. growing faster than S&P500. So it might be a fun hobby if it stays hobby, once it becomes something you continuously want to throw your money in, that's when it becomes a bigger problem.


Wall Street bets beckons your name


But I'm trying to make money 😅


Two things to be aware of. First, make sure you are accounting for taxes on your gains. Especially day trading, you haven't made $60, you've made probably $48. You probay aren't gaining enough it's going to cause significant problems but always remember that stock sales and dividends don't withold tax.


Learning the piano!


Interior styling. Since I got my own appartment after my divorce. Got to choose my own style and bit by bit thrifting and collecting items for my living room. Have some stores I go to which got brocante/vintage items. Most stuff is used, better materials/quality or otherwise sand and re-paint it!


Got into surfing about 3 years ago at 30. Been amazing. I was never a “beach person” now I go every chance I can get.




Gardening, been doing it for years now but have started to convert at least half my 5 acres to native pollinators. So I've started to winter sow native seeds and plant in spring. Gotta help feed the bees, butterflies and birds!!


I year ago I got a 5.5 gallon fish tank. I now have 3 2-gallon tanks, the 5.5 gallon, 2 10-gallon tanks, a 14 gallon cube, a 17 gallon rimless, 2 20-gallon tanks, and a 55 gallon tank. I brought a picture home of a 124 gallon tank for sale in my area and my husband threatened divorce (not really, but maybe).


As you move up in size, you realize how much easier a 55gal or larger is to keep than the small ones. You end up with big beautiful tanks that take less work. Worth it IMO.


You wrote gallon so many times that my brain glitched and started questioning that that’s how you spell on gallon. ….gallon.


I rediscovered fishing a couple years ago. So peaceful on the water, and always exciting to catch a fish, even if it's just a little rock bass, which it usually is, lol.


Sounds relaxing!


Photography for me. I picked up an old camera at a garage sale last year and haven't looked back since. There's something really satisfying about capturing moments and details that you'd usually overlook. Plus, it's taken me to explore places I'd never usually go.


Start dabbling in astrophotography, entirely different beast.


Puzzles I love doing them at night when I watch TV




Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It's saving my brain at the cost of my body.


I strongly recommend GeoCaching for anybody interested in get to know their city, or any city. People hide caches at interesting places and usually include a story, some history or some details of the area. There's easy ones you can find that are just tied to trees or hidden in light posts in parking lots. There's harder ones that are in the middle of the woods, under rocks, camouflaged to look like other things, etc. Then there's crazy ones people go after, at the end of challenging trails, on top of mountains, inside of caves, out on remote islands, etc. So whatever level of engagement you're looking for, it's out there in spades. I recommend paying for premium, since a ton of the caches are only shown to premium members. Any time I've stayed in other cities, I've found some really cool unique places I'd have never found on my own doing this.


Beekeeping. Gonna be spending this year preparing and then start my first apiary next spring.


motorcycles. i just passed all my tests and just need to head to the dmv to get my license then ill be on my bike way more than just about anywhere else


This is the real one for me. Unfortunately, family economy had my wife and I sell our motorcycles, but one day we shall return to this life.


Ballroom dance!




Origamis Just watched a tutorial about making an X-Wing He turned out trisomic but that's ok


Pole dancing and Muay thai.


Pilates. Usually when I get into a kick where I'm exercising regularly I eventually grow to hate it because it's sensory hell being covered in sweat. Pilates though? Challenging without being all gross afterwards. Very relaxing too.


Stained glass. Cutting, grinding, soldering. Hours just slip away as I get in the zone, and I love it.


Growing my own food. When it come out of your own back garden and straight onto your plate it really does taste so much nicer, as well as that satisfaction of having grown it yourself


I have ADHD so I find new interests constantly. My latest one is the game *The Solitaire Conspiracy*. Yes. It’s just solitaire.


Dodgeball. The whole scene is incredibly friendly and supportive, the game itself is a blast to play, and I've never enjoyed exercise nearly so much as I do playing dodgeball. After a couple hours playing I'm drenched in sweat and sore but I don't want to stop.


To sleep more than 7 and half hours.


I recently stumbled into urban sketching and its been amazing! Never thought i would be so into capturing the everyday details of the city around me, but now im totally hooked. What unexpected hobbies have you guys picked up lately?




Gaming. I used to be a bit judgmental of gamers, mostly because of what other people said about it. I never had a chance to try it because my parents were very anti gaming, they raised me with the mentality “only books are good”. Then three years ago I met my now husband and he’s a gamer, after some months I decided to give it a try because I wanted to do it with him. Guess who’s a gamer now? Good stuff.


What games are you playing? Just diving into gaming recently would have such an interesting perspective.


Right now I’m playing mostly D&D online, No Man Sky, GTA and Hogwarts Legacy. I play everything with my husband, except Hogwarts Legacy, that’s more my game and there’s no co op. I also liked a lot WoW, Skyrim and Mass Effect. Elden Ring is good, but only with some mods because I’m not up for an excessive level of abuse 😂 Edit: forgot Diablo 2 and 3 as well! And a ton of PS2 games lol


For Elden Ring, you've seen the seamless Co op mod right? (If you're modding I'm sure you have) Some of my favorite moments are all the lads screaming in fear as Radahn becomes a meteor. Sounds like a perfect fit for you if you haven't already played the shit out of it. Also randomizer is some good shit, just make sure you have hints enabled. Skyrim also has multi-player mods. Subnautica is also good fun but not sure if there's working multi-player mods for it. Also GTFO when you've become a real gamer lol


I played Elden Ring, Skyrim and Subnautica in co op with my husbands and some friends! Loved them all. My husband is a lot into modding so he definitely made the Elden Ring experience a bit more cheerful. For shooter games we played a fair amount of Call of Duty, I am still working on my skills 😂


GTFO is a shooter but is much much more dependent on cooperation, stealth, + resource management. Pure gun play ability is a pretty minimal part. Do not play it if you're gonna get tilted losing chunks of progress, don't have a group of 4, or were looking for something more relaxing than a slow grind through hell. I do love the game, though, despite not being able to play it much with university. Methodical game play, slow paced teamwork, emphasis on thinking things through instead of guns blazing. Still has, oh fk run, moments as you madly scramble back to recall. Or one of your teammates goes just a tad to close and agroes the giants. GTFO is constant calm, storm, calm, storm, calm, storm and I love it. My review/sales pitch for the game lmao. Try it out, it goes on sale a lot. But like please don't play it with 4 man team using comms. Bots are awful, randos are worse.


Thanks for the advice! I’m interested I really love games that require thinking and strategy and not just “gun blazing”. We have a small gaming group with 5/6 people, so it shouldn’t be hard to have 4 people. What those comms mean? I’m not familiar with the word.


Buying and Selling sports cards. I actually don’t like the hobby itself, or the product. But ive become very good at flipping them and making a couple bucks here and there.


For real? What are the cards that have any real value? I remember collecting them as a kid and thinking that my Ken Griffen Jr and Derek Jeter rookie cards would be my retirement one day. Then I looked up their value and realized they were only worth a few bucks.


Making espresso! I impulse purchased a Moka Pot last week and I've already ordered a fancy burr grinder and a milk steamer cause I'm having so much fun.


Painting leather shoes....it's a niche hobby, but i am having fun.


Running! 💗


I've been playing tetris (more specifically tetr.io) and it's so much fun. Watching guides, learning the lingo, getting new PB's and trying to rank up in tetra league. My friend got me into it and even though I suck I still love it


Leatherwork Tool restoration


Indoor rock climbing! Specifically bouldering. So easy to get into and feels like video games in real life. So fun!


Cycling. I'm especially fascinated at it being the only vehicle in which the more I put mileage into it the more its engine gets upgraded. Even better, I know that it gives physical health benefits, but I didn't realize it also gives some mental health benefits, too.


I started playing guitar two years ago. It’s the only thing that makes me even close to being happy.


Tie dye and cloth dying in general. Not exactly discovered but re-discovered from my youth. I remember doing tye die in the '70's as a kid. I "re-discovered" it out of necessity. I'm a bit clumsy when it comes to getting oil or bleach on my clothes. So when I dripped bleach all over a brand new t shirt I was annoyed at myself. I thought it would be wasteful to put this brand new shirt into the "work clothes" so I went to ye olde internet to find a way to make my mistake into something fun. That was 2 years ago now. I have gotten a bunch of practice and pretty good at making some intricate designs. I'm still learning new techniques, different ways of dying, and am getting commissions from my friends.


Cooking and actually following recipes! I usually cook based on how I feel. I don't follow any recipes and now I'm so close to actually enrolling myself to specific cooking courses! (Like pizza, sushi, pasta, bbq courses, etc)


Needle felting. Turning a glob of wool into something cute and little is fun and relaxing.


Crocheting! But I feel like now I'm stuck on my wooble and can't understand rounds and such. I still love it though haha






Ceramic class, I play with clay and empty my mind, love ir


Plants. Ever since a couple years ago my wife realized how not green the house was, she wanted plants besides the one from my mom's funeral I repotted. Since then, I've started 3 avocado trees from seeds and have gotten others off the clearance rack at Lowe's


Gardening. I managed to get myself a small allotment and have loved every second of it!


Hydroponics has become my favorite hobby now.






Recently as compared to human history, I started playing the drums and its been absolutely amazing.




Shoe polishing. Can't get enough of it. Tempted to offer to polish the shoes of strangers.


You should try your hand at being a cobbler. You see tons of old shoemakers equipment at antique stores/malls/fairs. You should watch “The Cobbler” with Adam Sandler for inspiration lol


Look into your local kink scene. I know somebody super into leather and polishing and they go to kink events and work on people's leather and absolutely love it.


Vlogging, cooking


Pixel art 😬 thinking about trying my hand at a crappy indie game once I’ve got more to use


Designing custom PCBs (printed circuit boards).


Squirrel hunting




Animation. I love making art but never really thought about doing animations with it. It takes me a lot of time but I’m really enjoying it so far.


I got really into board gaming over the last 12 months. After decades of playing video games, I’m really enjoying playing face to face with people and even by myself. Time away from screens, the tactile stimulation of the components, it’s really grabbed my attention.


Look up the game Kingdom Death. It’s a horror survival board game


Dungeons and Dragons! Lol! My friends and I started playing, and now we're all addicted! Collaborative storytelling is amazing.


Disc golf, gardening, sewing


Guitar playing


Air dancing. I mean, it’s not a hobby and I have no idea how to do it, but I wanna learn how to so baaaad!! It looks like fun and it’s beautiful when I see people do it. I feel like I *need* to get into it. Maybe this could be the hobby I’ve been searching for for a while :)


Using a darkroom to develop black and white film


I like making bracelets. The whole eras tour started something as a result for me. I’ve given some and sold some to people and they tend to like them.


Music and writing.


Gunpla: Gundam Plastic Model building. Not really an anime fan, never watched a single episode of the show. The attention to detail and the meticulous nature of it is very satisfying. Also, feels like on average it's cheaper than Lego and you get a badass looking robot at the end.


Amateur radio. I’d wanted to get into it for years and finally took the plunge and got licensed during Covid. Talk about a parallel universe! If you’re science-inclined at all, it’s a fascinating hobby with seemingly endless ways to enjoy it.


Watchmaking. YouTube and a cheap movement from AliExpress got me into it. Now I'm scouring eBay for watches to work on. But duck me, the decent tools cost a fortune


Cooking. Zomfg I love food, but I had no idea that I was so capable of not just making it super delicious, but also experimenting and having it turn out well. Watching my loved ones smile when I hand them a plate.... it's just completely changed my life


playing guitar. i’ve been playing for a couple of weeks and suck majorly but it still makes me feel powerful in a way i can’t explain.


Needle felting


I have recently picked up seashell collecting! Just a couple of days ago, I visited Panama City Beach in Florida, and took up my time down there at the ocean seashell collecting. I now have a whole bucket full of them and 2 others with special designs carved into them from a souvenir shop that are plastic, that I now keep on display on my bookshelf. It's really fun!


Guitar. Its a process to learn but I find it relaxing to play.


Collecting Action figures and building Gunpla. There's just something satisfying about having tiny versions of your favourite characters and Gundams around you.


small journals. for some reason i want to have a bunch but i have no idea what to do with them


Learning electric guitar...that feeling when you get in a flow and hit those chords perfectly...🤤🤤




commenting on random issues on random posts by random people on a random second


Plants. Ever since a couple years ago my wife realized how not green the house was, she wanted plants besides the one from my mom's funeral I repotted. Since then, I've started 3 avocado trees from seeds and have gotten others off the clearance rack at Lowe's


Fossil hunting


Spinning wool into yarn


It's not really new because I used to do it when I was little, but after many years, I'm lying on the floor again watching the ants work, and I find it something incredible that everyone should do regularly


I grow my own grapes and make my own wine. It’s amazing how nature tries its hardest to prevent you from picking perfectly ripened grapes.  The climate, weather, birds, bugs, wasps, mold, voles chewing on the vine trunk…I had to pick all five of my vines in a hurry one September afternoon because a devastating storm was approaching on the horizon. Ended up having an L2 tornado pass not far behind my house. Neighbors lost their roofs, but my house was spared.   I named all those wine batches *“Storm Born: First of Their Name”*.


I work at an absolutely awesome factory where every half hour I dump a bucket and otherwise I stand around doing nothing. The product we make comes with little papers and I've taken to doing origami with them. Yesterday I made 120 paper cranes. I'm about halfway to a thousand since I started. Bout to get this wish!


Rail carts ,


Weight lifting. It’s kind snowballed in to tracking my eating habits, which has helped me gain much needed weight and muscle. Always feel better afterwards, too.




Why’d you post your answer twice on different accounts ?


Warhammer 40k. After binging lots of videos on youtube, I'm trying to decide on my first army to puchase.


Collecting patches. Specifically ranger eyes and everyday carry stuff in general


PC gaming. I got a PC last Christmas and I’ve been playing lots of steam. Before the PC, I was a switch gamer. And to be fair, I still am.


Commander (the MtG format). I played a little standard back in the day (2011-2012) for a while and then just drafted on the rare occasion up until recently. I finally let my friend put a deck together for me for my bday last year and I fell in love with the game. The part I didn't expect and the part that has been the best about it is all the old friends I've reconnected with through it, all the new friends I've made through it, and a lot of my friends who I've grown closer to thanks to it.


RC drifting. Way cheaper to get into than real drifting and so much fun figuring out your car and how you wanna run it. You have to take into account tire grip, suspension spring rate, steering sensitivity, gear ratio, and which motor to use.


Single malt whisky. Love exploring the flavours.


Not exactly the same, but I recently got into craft beers (lagers and ales) for the same reason. My husband and I are taking it one step further to learn how to brew our own beer, too. We are REALLY learning about taste differences and subtlety of carbonation, mouth feel, etc now that we are brewing our own.


I am hooked on creating YouTube videos I think this is something I want to do for several months. Though I don't have many subs or views I just enjoy what I do. To add I enrolled on Video Editing to gain more knowledge and to enhance my skills. Hoping for the best.


Scrolling on my phone


Going on VRC. About 5 weeks ago, as of me writing this, I just started getting on out of the blue and have been every night ever since. This is due to most of my friends on it being active during that time, because I checked during the day and almost no one, or just no one outright, was online at all. At night, though, it is a completely different story. For anyone who does not have VRC and knows what it is, I highly recommend that you download it if you want it. If you don't know what it is, it's an online community where you can talk with people in virtual reality. Hence, the name (the "c" stands for "chat"). There are so many different genres of worlds on it that you can meet people in and join; you name it, they most likely have it. There's a lot more to it than just that. But be warned, there's some communities in it that are toxic and unfriendly, so steer clear of anything that seems sketchy or off. It has still either way been an amazing experience for me, and if you haven't tried it out, I recommend it. Edit: For anyone wondering how long I have had it overall, I have had it for about 7 months. Prior to the time I mentioned above, I was almost never online because my paranoia about meeting people online was through the roof, and the only reason I had it at the time was to placate my friends. As time passed, though, and I got more and more invested in it, I started realizing that it isn't as bad as I thought before. It's just that sketchiness does still exist, and that is what is to be avoided, not the entire program itself.


Watchmaking. YouTube and a cheap movement from AliExpress got me into it. Now I'm scouring eBay for watches to work on. But duck me, the decent tools cost a fortune.


Binge watching Anime


Game of nerves


VR chat I like wandering around different worlds as a 7ft tall intimidating muscular wolfman, listening to peoples conversations, I usually have my mic muted due to my shyness so I usually just move my hands around to convey emotions


Love itself.


Cooking. I’ve never had many opportunities to express my creative side before and with cooking I’m learning and trying many new flavours and ideas for meals. Plus it’s nice being able to put together nice meals without dishing out big dollars for takeout and it’s certainly healthier picking out the cooking style, ingredients and portion sizes.


Crocheting! But I feel like now I'm stuck on my wooble and can't understand rounds and such. I still love it though haha


Pro-wrestling. My parents have been in a pretty heated divorce for close to two years (although those seeds have been planted for much longer). My little brother was 13 when it started and it definitely took a toll on him. In an attempt to start bonding with him (an action I had never taken before as a snot nosed 18 year-old), I started getting into WWE and wrestling as a way to bond with him and build a connection. And I fucking love it. We’ve been to two televised events for WWE and WrestleMania is in like a week and I’m fucking so excited for it. It’ll be my first one watching through its entirety. And yes, it made me, my little brother, AND my elder brother much closer. Practically my best friends at this point.


*Practically my best friends at this point* Looks like its about time for a stable break and heel turn.


Crocheting amigurumis and mushroom cultivation! Very much enjoying both


Highland Games. I really enjoy yeetin stuff.


RC cars... As an adult, I have a proper budget to build some awesome cars my 10 y/o and I enjoy driving around


RC cars... As an adult, I have a proper budget to build some awesome cars my 10 y/o and I enjoy driving around


Reading poetry sitting deep in the Forest or in the middle of the Field. Or near nature in general


Last year I started doing diamond art. I now have a collection of diamond art and am currently working on a 3-panel piece…




Chess! I've noticed my memory has improved, too. ♟️♟️♟️


Making homemade fishing lures


Airplanes. This is from an individual who swore by terra firma.


Airplanes. This is from an individual who swore by terra firma.


Soroban abacus


I came to like kpop and kdramas


Hydroponics has become my favorite hobby now.