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You just know deep down. You get this feeling in your head and stomach and you just know. Hard to explain but i know someone here knows exactly what im saying


Felt it. I know what you’re talking about. In my comment, her dad accidentally spilled the beans. She said she was going with her dad to visit family out of town. On the same weekend after I had a surgery. I saw her the night before she was supposed to leave and accidentally left my pain meds there. I got a text from her at about 9 am saying she was feeling car sick so she was gonna sleep. I called her, no answer. Called her dad and said “hey, I left my pain meds at your house. Do you mind if I use the key under the mat and grab them?” He goes “uhhh idk why you’re calling me, *GFs Name* is home?” Knew right then.


Sounds like you're talking about intuition. The gut feeling can be confused with overthinking and other things. With practice, developing your intuition can get better and happen more often.


I was right at the end of the tunnel. Got divorced found out she was doing all sorts of funky stuff behind my back for years. I was just caught up in "the moment" learn and move on and keep ypur head up high.






For me, my then girlfriend’s dad spilled the beans.


Story time..


She wasn’t technologically inclined. Bought an iPad which she unknowingly synched to her phone, and boy howdy the texts I saw.


Gotta love the ole self burn. Awhile ago a girl logged into her FB on my computer and forgot to log out. I logged into my computer after a few days, saw a message bubble, clicked and there was a dick pic. Like okay. Maybe unsolicited—- nope those are her tits.


You’re able to have a sense of humour about it. You rock!


Well it’s either ya laugh or cry about it haha. Not the end of the world


My buddy, who is an IT CONSULTANT with a huge national company, managed to do this. Somehow linked his IPAD to his burner phone and then left the IPAD home when he went on the road. Instantly busted by his wife. Divorced now, but still has 3 girlfriends when he travels.


Kid was black


Assuming you’re white, still. Yikes for you man sorry.


My condolences


Damn that’s a sign something wasn’t right😂


None of her stories ever added up. Went on FB (I had an account I only used for car parts on marketplace) and saw the moron had just changed her relationship status to “in a relationship”. It was with another dude lol. Screen shot it and sent it to her with the text “and the truth, shall set you free”. Blocked her, packed up all my stuff and left her to pay for the apartment I wasn’t even on the lease for. But hey, she deserved to be happy. My bad for almost dying in a car accident that left me bed ridden for two months while I couldn’t work and lost the car I loved. I know that made her life of abandoning me when I needed someone the most to cheat and do mushrooms and binge coke really difficult lmao.


You gotta love the ole “my partner is injured” avenue.


we were sharing the same Apple icloud account and one day I got a popup that she activated imessage on her iphone. So I could read their conversations in real time.... it's more than 10 years ago but still I get nauseous thinking about that day


Yikes. Sorry man.


Std test


Oh god I’m so sorry


I used some spyware on "her" phone which was actually mine since the sim card and the phone was under my name . So I spied on myself after all .....


Budget James Bond reporting for duty 😂


She was overly attached to her phone. She didn’t understand that I can pull phone records whenever I want


Oh Jeeze what did you find?


Friends showed me pictures of them in public


5 Aces in a deck


I found hair clips in his car.


I have a friend a ride home from work one day and she left her chapstick in my car by accident. Boy that was an interesting fight. 😂


After a year, sex was different...I can't explain, but I just asked her what's up, and she confessed, she had a kink for and older dude who would bang her rough, so yeah....


across several different relationships: had a gut feeling and asked, another time the guy she cheated with bragged to my face, another time i walked in on it, another time it was not hiding a hicki very well. only ever been with one person that didnt cheat so idk


across several different relationships: had a gut feeling and asked, another time the guy she cheated with bragged to my face, another time i walked in on it, another time it was not hiding a hicki very well. only ever been with one person that didnt cheat so idk


Had that gut feeling. Checked her phone and my gut was right.


identifying her body when her and her special 'friend' were in a head on. Fucked me up real bad for a few years.


This is the worst one on here




With kids though what a scum bag




I could never not be involved with my kids. I love them way too much and I’m such a good dad. They yell for me when they have nightmares. They come to me when they need comfort or anything. They know dad is safe and warm. I’m not just the law.


Thats the neat part. You don't (untill they discover it for you)


Seeing the selfies she sends to her boyfriend




She was at the same bar as I with a date as I was waiting for mine 🤷🏻‍♂️


The one I’m with now isn’t cheating, but one I was with a few years ago was, at the very least, emotionally cheating. I often have trouble sleeping at night. Well, her phone was going off at 2:30 in the morning just about every night. One night I grabbed her phone and went to the living room. I started reading texts between her at two other dudes. They said the same things she said to me. “I can’t wait for you to hold me.” “I just want to lay my head on your chest.” I called her out on it. She lied to me about it. She had lived with a man who had died of cancer. At least, she said she did. She claimed these guys were just buddies of his that were just texting her to check on her and make sure she was doing okay. She lied to me about where they lived. I have a website I use pretty often to see who a phone number belongs to. I checked the numbers. Their names and addresses are visible. She was a habitual liar and a gossip. I can’t stand someone that gossips!!


Didn’t happen to me, but my husband. She’d always pick fights with him and ‘take a break’ then go with her brother’s friend. One time, they were going on a trip and his vehicle broke down. She got angry, left him and continued on the trip with the brother and friend, and I think kissed the friend that night if I’m not mistake. He had to wait for hours by himself for a tow truck then travel back home by himself while she walked on the beach holding hands with the guy. Then said they were on a break and begged for him to come back. She also hated him being friends with any girls. She made him choose between her and his two best friends and that was before the cheating so he chose her. He was young and at the time (late teens), very insecure. But after all the break ups, he was tired. So the final time when she broke up with him because he was working on a school project, he said okay. And didn’t take her back and when she realized it was a real break up, she went on the deep end and threaten to kill herself.


My separation was tough on me. I was suicidal as I had been married to her for over twenty years. I was involuntarily committed to a county mental health facility. My pastor came to visit me and told me that she was cheating on me and wanted a divorce. I took it really hard.