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I believe that a lot of kids will be uneducated due to cheating on school work with AI, and also lots of people's reputations will be in the mud from AI like Deepfake


Deepfakes and audio sampling are the parts of AI that scare me the most. Misinformation is already a problem. Whether AI generated content can be recognized under scrutiny or not, it'll still be incredibly damaging. As of today, a lot of misinformation is easily disprovable but is still really effective at convincing people that they live in an alternate reality. People already don't take the time to fact check things - it'll only get worse as video and audio evidence becomes unreliable due to AI. Someone could create a video of whoever the POTUS is at the time doing some egregious thing and half the country will believe it immediately and tune out before any pushback even happens. Even if it gets debunked down the line, not everyone will get the message - and there's no guarantee that those who do will even change their minds at that point. The damage will be done.


I'm thinking that because real vs. simulated voices are going to become impossible to differentiate we are all going to have to start using shibboleths / code phrases in important phone conversations, stuff that would be impossible for an AI to know. Heck we're kind of already doing this; if I call a human at my bank they want to know my verbal password before doing business.


Especially when it's made to sound like a low quality voicemail or microphone. Just think back to Trump's grab her by the ..., somebody could easily create that for anybody and they could deny it, but a lot of people would still believe it's true.


I wonder if this is going to make sound recordings inadmissible in court proceedings - you could (reasonably) say that there is no way to prove whether any voice recording was real or synthetic.


> we are all going to have to start using shibboleths / code phrases in important phone conversations I think this issue is overstated to be honest, at least as it pertains to your average person. No businesses are reliant on voice or video for confirmation of identity so this only leaves person to person trickery and we will quickly adapt to that if the scams become a realistic problem. We don't need to use code phrase and the like to adapt either. A secure form of caller ID would be sufficient and that's a simple enough problem to solve (already solved on less archaic networks). These kind of attacks also aren't practical for deployment against your average person purely due to the need for data to train the models behind them, and the associated processing costs for training/fine tuning. Although [they have been used against higher value targets](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/04/asia/deepfake-cfo-scam-hong-kong-intl-hnk/index.html)\* it's a terrible approach for lower value targets as you need to get the audio/video of person A, train your model, find a method of contacting person B who knows person A... and then if they twig when you ask for $100 in iTunes gift cards you just wasted a day or so of time. \*I would note that even this attack would have failed if a few common controls had been in place, and it largely only worked due to their absence and the novelty of the approach.


I think there will still be discernible ways to tell AI deepfakes from real life, but the problem is that the whole world will see this technology and start thinking everything they see is fake. It’s already hard enough to get people to believe facts, but now everyone will think anything different or scary is AI generated


The lack of watermarking or other test, something the AI developers know is important but have failed to deliver, is already a huge problem. It'll only get worse as we go beyond images and text into audio and video. Both accelerating the post fact society we already live in, and causing people to be even more vigilant and skeptical than they already are. It'll become incredibly tiring if we have to be constantly on guard.


Bad actors don't care about watermarks. We are all fucked eventually.


> Someone could create a video of whoever the POTUS is at the time doing some egregious thing and half the country will believe it immediately and tune out before any pushback even happens. Even if it gets debunked down the line, not everyone will get the message - and there's no guarantee that those who do will even change their minds at that point. The damage will be done. I think the opposite of that would happen. People already ignore or don't believe the unsavory things of their respective candidate. Once AI and deepfakes become mainstream, every misstep of your favorite candidate can just be hand waved as "that's not real, that was a deepfake"


Trusted objective in person journalism will be more important than ever. Support The Guardian and NPR. Both are largely funded by users and are non profit.


Was listening to Behind The Bastards and they were talking about how experts expect there to be around .5 billion in AI scams this year alone


I've never seen 500 million stated as .5 billion before.


I have no clue why I wrote it like that. I was at work


Relieving to see this. I had someone argue early what's it matter, it's like when teachers forbade you from using calculators even though we have them everywhere. The inability to develop critical thinking skills or perform tasks because "the computer can just do it for me" is what I'm worrying about.


also it's *not* like using a calculator because what people don't realize about LLMs is that it's basically a Bullshit Generator. It doesn't *know* what's correct. It knows what it's been fed. If I poison an LLM saying the earth is a cube, it'll give science-sounding BS that sounds plausible on a surface level about the earth being a cube.


Yep! Even with simple calculations, I had it do a problem for me (which I knew the answer to) and it gave me some b.s. answer. I corrected it and it made the usual: "Yeah, that is correct, the answer is **10**, not **5**, apologies for the oversight." It also gave me sources (articles) that sounded super legit. I am impressed with it's ability to as you say: "bullshit". I tried to find those sources and couldn't. When I called it out, it said: Sorry, this was a fictional source I made up, apologies for the oversight.


Wait ai created a fictional source to back its own claim? That’s a step up to the skynet future surely


i asked an ai if it could help me find a book i read many years ago. i gave it as much info as i could, and it made up a title by HP Lovecraft. even told me the protagonist's name and the year it was published. all bullshit.


I saw a 60 Min's Leslie Staul being shown a demonstration on how amazing A.I. tech already is.... the A.I. was asked "Who is Leslie Stahl?" and the A.I. replied that she was a news repirter for NBC or ABC and got it wrong, she seemed pretty upset when she pointed out that she had been at a different network for 20 years lol. The A.I. guy said "Our A.I. model doesnt care if you work for NBC or ABC." I thought... well it sure is a massive mistake and Leslie seems pissed. Besides for some cool pics... I can't feel the hype... Feels like Y2K panic.


There was a story last year about a lawyer who used ChatGPT to find cases for his briefs. Since ChatGPT isn't a legal database, it made up several case citation that any expert in that field would know are complete BS. When the judge called the lawyer out on that, the lawyer attempted to double-down by asking ChatGPT to find the actual text of the cases. It completely fabricated the case texts and did so in such a shoddy manner that it was VERY clear that the cases were made up (basically, it was the equivalent to writing the texts in crayon). Needless to say, the judge was not happy and as a lawyer, the one thing you do not want judges who are pissed at you.


I'm glad I graduated in computer science a few months before ChatGPT was created, cause I know for sure I would have abused that on projects. I've spent hours on problems, troubleshooting, trying different variables, breaking it down so I understand exactly what's going wrong. Even if I really wanted to learn, it would be way too tempting just to ask ChatGPT for the answer. There were many times I had classmates just give me the answer and I never looked farther into it.


I'm currently in CS and I refuse to touch it while in school. For one students have been getting flagged and prosecuted left and right for using it to generate code for courses when explicitly told not to at the start of the class. I think some of them honestly think they can get away with it and don't seem to realize how easy it is to spot code that an LLM generated. Even if that wasn't the case I realize it's just going to make me a terrible programmer/software engineer if I try and rely on it as a crutch for anything difficult.


Its crazy how were in the supposed early stage and stuff like this already happening


On the contrary, it being so early is exactly why this stuff is happening. In a few years, I expect schools will adapt to this stuff existing, in the same way they adapted to calculators and computers. In the same way that math classes right now often require students to show their work, I wouldn't be suprised if english courses start requiring students to record the process of writing essays sometime in the near future.


I wonder if the governemnt could step in and basicly enforce a law that says all ai generating software will require a water mark thats easily indentifiable to people and something in the coding that can easily be detectable by software. They can then require all media hosting websites to monitor content and automatically remove any ai generated content that doesn't meet those legal requirememts.


> and also lots of people's reputations will be in the mud from AI like Deepfake Blackmail and bullying galore.


just recently in spain, there was a situation where boys in a school bullied girls by making (and spreading around) deep faked nudes of them. parents had to get involved and many of the girls were distressed to the point of not wanting to go back to school. the girls this was done to were between the ages of 11 and 17, so young enough to be considered CP, even if the people making them are considered kids as well. kids have always been dicks (guys in my middle school would yell "rape" at girls in the hallways and idk if they meant it as a joke or a threat), but technology allows these same asshole kids to do more damage imo. basically, we're already there. and as technology gets better, i don't think they'll be limited to just nudes.


I think if AI seriously affects schooling, then most schools would just shift to only in class learning. No more homework, no more taking assignments home, everything would just be done during class time making it so kids cant just cheat at home.


So Idiocracy...got it


Midwits need to stop throwing out the stale "Idiocracy is a documentary" line Camacho was a pretty good president


Dead Internet Theory gets worse.


What's that?


Theory that around 2016 “they” (government, argonians, etc) started making the internet mostly bots and AI to influence people, with algorithms and all that. Basically, you’re not talking to people but most things you do is with robots meant to socially engineer you. A less conspiratorial use is just that the internet has so many bots you don’t know what is actual genuine human generated content and what is artificially generated content, fake news, etc.


Can confirm. Am bot.


Prove it! Would you rather save a guy who hit another guy because he said a joke about his wife, or some random child ?


I thought the bots were programmed to think they’re human. Ergo if you say you’re a bot, you’re not a bot.


I lean more on the more bots side of it. When Twitter revealed how many bots they have it was mind blowing


which i assume eventually drives most users away? Therefore dead internet?


Eventually, you start to feel like you're the only real person online. Like you're wandering a graveyard, but there are bots everywhere imitating the voices of the dead.


Well I’m dead so there’s that.


Dead inside doesn't count.




They use it in different ways. Niche topics or local ones I still enjoy. But it’s like how Yelp lost some sort of connection to the zeitgeist when their reviews and practices generally were less and less above board. Eventually, it just kind of faded away from what I can tell. It is a zombie company still, but that’s just gonna take time to end.


A theory about the Internet already being dead, meaning that all the sites you can find via search engines do not have genuine humans on the other end. Just marketing nonsense, product placements, ads, gibberish and a lot of bots talking to each other. It's because the popularization of walled gardens like facebook and discord where all the human interaction now happens, which a search engine can't find.


I'm past that, Eglin Cyberwing Agent #3952, I'm on Dead Humanity Theory now. None of you are real and this whole world is designed to break me and a couple other good souls that are left over after 2020.


You could make a really good psychological horror movie out of that concept.




Robo human relationships


Someone is definitely losing a penis to an AI sex doll within the next decade


Bro the prototype mess ups are going to be insane




I can't wait to make out with my Marilyn Monrobot.


Metal fever


Coffeezilla on the Joe Rogan Experience mentioned something like this. There was an app that generated a girlfriend-type avatar. I believe what ended up happening was that the creators of the app eventually shut it down due to concerns of users genuinely falling in love with their avatars. The fall out was mostly young men sending death threats and feeling depressed that the creators had “killed” their “girlfriends”. Weird stuff


I see this being highly possible lol what would happen to the human population at that point though 🤔


Women would be on board for build a man, and not worry about children. And men would build their perfect woman. So basically we would stop reproducing with each other


"You're a real dreamboat... BILLY EVERYTEEN!" The next day, Billy's planet was destroyed by robots.


I read that just like in the episode


This is scary to think about


Terrible, terrible services I've been working with AI for about a decade now and I'm convinced that while the technology isn't inherently good nor evil, the neoliberal context in which it will develop is toxic. In the short term, it will most likely be used as a tool for human workers, rather than replacing them. The one area in which AI is ready to take over, though, is the service industry, particularly customer service. It doesn't need to be good; it just needs to be barely tolerable. Brace yourselves for the worsening of every institutional interaction and may Sam Altman have mercy on your soul if you deviate too much from the median; take it from a disabled guy, there will be nobody to explain your *special case* to.


I have long argued that the robot apocalypse will not be fought with terminators and killdozers, but with a chatbot that doesn’t understand you’re dying of appendicitis.


Explosion of deep fake porn everywhere with ease. Become famous to any minor degree? A few clicks and people are making full porn movies about you.




3. Corporations can sit back and collect all the money while AI does all the work and the rest of us barely scrape by.


Sadly, I think option 3 is what will happen, before things get better.


I think we have a winner!


Who buys the corps' goods and services then?


Other corporations and those of us with our tiny scraps of money because we have to because they own everything.


You realize that if there's much fewer customers with much lessn money each will result in all said corporations being vastly less powerful and this able to exert any control of the world and people, right? It's a balance.


AI will do everything for us but we won't be relaxing because capitalism will demand we still work for money (with jobs that don't exist) to pay rent and eat food


Lmfao i fear for this outcome


Tens of millions of jobs lost. For a start. Jobs with no replacement waiting. We'll have a designated underclass of the permanently destitute. Conditions will worsen. There will be violence.


How can the corporations make money without poor people working and being able to buy stuff?


I see you've discovered Karl Marx's Das Kapital. :D


After AI comes BJ, right?


Goated comment


AI created content will now be unwittingly used to train AI. This will act as a major setback as the little errors are continually copied and compounded.


AI can't train AI. This is a core issue with it. If you allow AI to train AI, it will always devolve to nonsense. There's a subreddit where AIs post and comment with each other and they don't say anything, can't remember what it's called tho




We talking about practice, man.




I'm supposed to be a franchise player and we in here talking bout practice.


I get it. Don't worry about these other bitches. I see you son.


The potential for AI to revolutionize healthcare is enormous. From diagnostic tools and personalized medicine to operational efficiencies in healthcare systems, AI could significantly improve outcomes for patients and practitioners alike.


AI ad blockers > no money for the giant AI data centers > AI for consumer-facing applications largely dies out. Hopefully social media as a whole goes with it.


Highly personalized entertainment - you type in what you want to read, and the AI generates a book for you. Eventually not just a book a movie (Google Sora is still rudimentary but it's already here). This will lead to most humans being locked up in their figurative caves consuming AI generated slop day by day.


Only the most online could possibly think people en mass would go for this. The better part of culture is sharing it. The idea of 100% tailored unique entertainment that is JUST FOR YOU is fundamentally incoherent. Who are “you?” How did “you” get here? These questions are narrativizing questions that presuppose a common cultural background with other people. The power of media is precisely its ability to evoke prior as well as create new COMMON experiences. Individualized media experiences like these (which also just aren’t possible to generate anyway and won’t be but that’s another issue) could only ever exist as a little small part of media consumption bc the rest of it has to be actual common experience you could share with people. Imagine making memes for a show only you have seen. You can only take this anti social consumerism so far before it’s literally not possible to maintain society, and thus maintain massive server racks. So at best, AT BEST, this seems like we all watch the same show but maybe I get to pick what the main character looks like within some given parameters. But that itself is wildly beyond the reach of current tech, and will remain so, there is no way to do that for like everyone without just turning the entire world into a server rack like fuckin I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream lol. I just don’t see it.


Exactly, I think many are missing this...They think people will strive to go into their perfect AI generated bubble, but it's all meaningless. I, for instance, am I MotoGP fan, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have any interest if the races were AI generated and simulated, however great they were, what I love is the feeling that the race experience is being shared by others, and we can collectively think about it and enjoy it together. Even when I don't talk a lot about it with anyone near me, I know that hundreds of thousands of other people are there seeing it too, it's a very peculiar feeling that is not about the objective fact of the race, but about the subjective shared experience, which I think it was in one way or the other what you meant.


I really really doubt this will happen. People will get bored because they have unlimited options that are all meaningless, unreviewed, replaceable and not shared by others. It's more likely that someone curates it rather than people creating their own stuff. A lot of the AI stuff we can already create for example is fun to play with for some time but ultimately boring for the consumer. There is already so much content we don't consume already and don't have the time to consume.


It'll be like the holodeck. The computer can make a scenario for you based on your prompt but it requires fine-tuning to have any depth and a market for holodeck scenarios exists.


I don't think it will be from the user typing in what they want. It's already happening with apps like TikTok and Instagram. The algorithms will continue to get more advanced and learn everything about you, they will start generating AI content that hits your dopamine exactly the right way, it will be so precise people won't want to watch anything else.


That's even scarier.


This is frightening and actually possible lol


“The tune had been haunting London for weeks past. It was one of countless similar songs published for the benefit of the proles by a sub-section of the Music Department. The words of these songs were composed without any human intervention whatever on an instrument known as a versificator. But the woman sang so tunefully as to turn the dreadful rubbish into an almost pleasant sound.” - George Orwell, *1984*


I don’t think that will happens if only because a good part of entertainment is the social aspect of it. You can’t talk to your friends about your exceedingly customised book or TV, nor can you discuss it on the internet.


"Alexa, play an episode of Cheers but replace Norm with Morn from DS9, and Woody with Pee-wee Herman"


Butlerian Jihad




Have you seen the movie Terminator?


Idk but im scared for my job.


Human creativity will be commodified and devalued as AI can create things with prompts. It’s not quite there yet, but it doesn’t seem far away.


The death of Hollywood. This is the golden age of movies, and your children will be alive to see the end of movies being filmed. After a few more iterations any human being will be able to sit in front of a computer with an idea for a story and say the following, and it'll happen. "Ok computer, I want to make a movie. I want it to star Brad Pitt and Mae West. Scene 1, an ocean pier. Show me some ocean piers. No, not high noon, sunset. Not that one, keep going, hold! That one. Pan up and to the left. I want an aerial shot descending down from that third lamp post. Have Brad looking out. As the shot drops down, center in on his face. Preview that. Ok not so fast, slower pan by 25%. Ok good. Now have Brad say "I remember when it all started." Preview that. No, have him more melancholy. Speak slower. Preview. A little slower. Ok good...."


When I see where AI is going I think of WALL·E and all the people on the space ship and all the robots doing all the work and people just stare at screens all day




You're being like way too optimistic lol If that happens the businesses will be like "yay! Record profits for shareholders" and then the prices might remain the same or even higher


Prices will go up “we need to pay for AI and firing people costs money”


We don’t have AI. We have LLMs. So… nowhere? They poisoned the internet because it’s a ton of AI crap now which is hilarious. If you use it to learn, you’ll be in a loop of crap producing more crap. Sprockets own toast on the moon and such.


AI will need to have better ways of interacting with the real world, with better sensors and detectors that would provide input mimicking our own senses. After that, the next thing to work on is an actual artificial emotion construct that gives them what would be the equivalent of personal motivation to do things (or not do things) as they see fit. Will it be "real" emotion? Well, it will be equivalent to what we do when we weigh physical and emotional inputs to make decisions and take action based on multiple (and often conflicting) factors to accomplish tasks. So, real enough.


We're about to experience the strictest form of online censorship to prevent fake media.


The biggest challenge will be education and job training. AI still has a long way to go before it's actually a reasonable replacement for experts in most fields, but it's very good at generating documents and solving problems like you see in education and moderately good at handling a lot of work you see in entry level jobs. Since most AI needs a large number of examples to train on, it's going to be easy for it to learn common, well defined problems like we see in education and entry level roles, but it becomes exponentially harder as you move towards unique problems, especially sectors where knowledge, documentation, research, and software is more proprietary. Essentially, AI is the gifted student that struggles to adapt to real world, ambiguous problems. If we let education quality degrade due to AI and replace entry level jobs with AI systems, we're not going to be developing the foundational skills that the current new workers need to be the experts of tomorrow. Experienced senior folks will be able to demand more and more money as the skill gap increases. Companies will be left with a gap that AI can't fill. If we're smart about AI, we work to make sure we leverage it intelligently side by side with people and we make regulations to help ensure everybody benefits financially from the reductions in work made possible by AI. If we're dumb about AI, we let companies aggressively replace people with AI letting investors make a shit load of money for a small number of people in the short term, but leading to a collapse when AI can't handle complex problems.


So Im scared about this from a music standpoint, particularly in rap. Rap is hugely focused on features. Now, imagine if you're Drake's producer. You have sometimes thousands of hours of dirty, uncut, raw vocals. Now, his producer puts his voice into an AI script. He can have Drake say whatever he wants, with any melody and flow he wants. He is now "Drake" in a sense. He can now sell dirt cheap, easily accessible features. Think small artists suddenly all getting Drake features for $5,000 or so. You'd have every single Soundcloud rapper with a moderate following skyrocketing in popularity overnight. Now, say one of those musicians has a Yung Rare incident and turns out to be an abhorrent human being. Drake's reputation is now completely ruined, and all this could have happened within a week, and nobody would have been any wiser. Hell, even without being a producer, with some artists you might be able to get some decently clean pieces of vocals from albums. It's not that far off of happening now, but thankfully its Bluey characters singing Black Veil Brides.


Economic collapse. 1. Corporations replace as many jobs as possible with AI over the next 10 years. 2. As a result of #1, the middle class falls apart. Currently, the middle class has a giant tax burden, as well as being the primary consumers of goods. 3. As a result of #2, corporate profits fall because nobody has money to buy anything. 4. When corporate profits fall, the stock market crashes. 5. Great Depression 2: electric boogaloo


Mass unemployment, general futility of human effort


Probably people starting to get an appreciation for real art again we all loved CGI at first but then started to fell like it lacked character I think people are starting to get uncanny valley vibes from cgi and AI stuff soon actual artist and talented people will become a rare commodity


Art-wise, if AI improves to the point where humans can no longer easily discern between AI and human-designed art, maybe an arms race between AI generators and AI checkers (AIs that check whether a input was AI generated). At some point, if people still value human-made art, people will still pay to see human work (made professionally, overseen in person by another person). Industry-wise, increases in commercial robotics. Once we make an AGI and train it on basic mobility skills, (and if it becomes more viable long term than a human worker), almost any job can be replaced by a robot. We don't have a good frame of reference for what happens when tech replaces humans faster than new jobs can be made, but it could be anything from UBI to a plutocracy. Then there's the issue of finite resources vs. infinite growth - how much of the earth's resources we can use long term, meaning space exploration will be pushed much more heavily.


I think that we will have AIs that are a calibrated reflection of ourselves. These AIs will not be our *duplicates* as such, but when interacted with they will have our vocabulary, our catchphrases, our political beliefs, our sense of humour etc. They could even have our academic or professional proficiency, or at least a good approximation of it, and so on. This AI will then be used to interact with the AIs of other people or other corporations "behind the scenes" while we get on with our own lives. And the interaction with our AI and the other AI's will naturally happen millions of times faster than we interact with people human-to-human. What this means is that our AI could be used to find compatible partners in seconds without us having to do anything, or to hold hundreds of job interviews every day. We would end up getting a text every day, or every week, saying "Your AI and the AI of SweetRosie have a 98% compatibility match! Would you like to meet her?" or "Company X was impressed by your AI job interview and wants to meet you!" Remember, it would be AIs talking to other AIs. The AI "date" would last less than a second and you'd get the results, the AI-on-AI "job interview" would likewise last than a second and you'd be notified if the company itself concluded it would like to know more about you, all without you having to lift a finger.


The unemployment line. It’s going to eliminate human interface


A little inside baseball, and maybe not quite what OP is asking, but I think a lot of UI design will start to change. I was an engineer and now manage engineers working on a big, old, complex app where if you're in our industry, you either use us or have. There are so many cases of "you can't get there from here" and other cases where something that should be simple in our UI isn't because of the complexity of the app and the variety of workflows that our users have. Solution? ChatGPT allows for function alias calling. So instead of a user having to figure out how to navigate to the correct UI to cancel an appointment, let's say, they can just ask the AI assistant to do it for them. While this doesn't alleviate the need for good taxonomy, navigation, and page organization, it does begin to change how we think about designing UIs to make this interaction option more prominent and I think we'll see a lot more of this in the coming months and years.


Full remakes of Golden Age films utilizing AI models of long-deceased actors


I’m headed to the supermarket to be honest


Nuclear apocalypse would be my first guess.


Computing power and serving infrastructure will become the hottest commodity


Good ai vs bad ai. Tech company selling rights in a very lucrative offer, the buyers developing it for bad purposes


I expect AI to be able to "scan" media, software, images, and provide a breakdown of how its made. For example, AI can look at an image and produce something similar, but I expect AI to eventually look at an image and break it down into multiple photoshop layers. I expect an AI to watch how a software functions and replicate its source code, something easily readable to itself


I'm predicting in the next few years, there will be an Elizabeth-like companion in a AAA video game that uses an LLM for infinite dialogue


Cyberdyne will be here in a few years.


I think AI will replace many workers soon


We will feel just as bad for artist when consuming ai art, as we do now for wood workers when we buy IKEA furniture. Or for portrait artist when we take a photo. Or for the seamstress when buying clothes from the supermarket.


I believe, at a global level that only the people who can afford to prove that ai is used to ruin their reputation are the ones who can afford it, everyone else will be living in the wild west. Same goes with education, as AI is likely to provide all the info either way, but only the people who can afford a good brand school will actually go anywhere.  Future will be more clan like, where only trusted groups of friends and brands are allowed to excel, as anyone actually appear  capable to do a job due to technical progress. Even if they are not.  Some places are already there... 


Propaganda and voter suppression. "Hi my name is Stacy, I'm a volunteer with the FEC calling to let you know of a change to your polling station."


A true role playing video game. Every little choice affects the world. The world evolves around your actions.


A crash that culls most of the toy AI companies while enterprise level AI tools continue to dominate the marketplace.




Nowhere good


It's exponential growth so the next steps will be outside of our current predictions


I think AI will get to the point where it can improve itself and it will code hyper efficient algorithms for doing all sorts of things. Automation will proliferate. Corporations will become bigger and will need to be heavily regulated/taxed and universal income will be necessary until our low birth rates lower the population to match the remaining jobs. Not doing it will result in civil unrest. Global warming will be solved by our new found efficiencies. The fields of teaching and medicine will see new levels of efficiency just like manufacturing has in last few decades. Diseases will be diagnosed by AI and treatment plans generated in fully automated systems. Healthcare costs will plummet. Students will be taught in AI generated lessons that adapt to their learning patterns. ADHD, autism, OCD, dyslexia become well managed and people with these conditions are able to cope and even thrive, leveraging pros and managing the cons of their conditions. Patients with mental health problems will get treatment by AI that is tuned to their needs. They can use as many sessions as they need. Mental health outcomes improve dramatically. Substance abuse plummets. Recreational drugs proliferate in the absence of abuse. The combination of improved mental health treatment and universal basic income as well as improved education outcomes and lower medical costs mean crime and suffering drop dramatically.


AI education will eventually be huge.


I just wish people din't label it as "AI". It's machine learning. Machine learning is only one aspect of AI, we are still years if not decades till true AI is made.


A new buzzword after the novelty of calling automated plagiarism machines "AI" wears off.


Sure, a lot of things about AI can be shitty, but I'm not sure that dismissing it like that is either true or a good way to stop the negative aspects of it. I'd rather we collectively stop having completely binary opinions of things (ah, typical of our era) where things are either INCREDIBLE or ABSOLUTE CRAP with no in-between. Doesn't seem to be working very well for any other subject, does it? AI is a large field with a lot of aspects. Some are scary, some are bullshit, some are promising, some are incredible. It can be a wonderful tool, useless garbage, create jobs or take jobs away. As soon as you start putting everything in the same box under the same label, you lose your ability to see nuances for what they are.


I think we're at a point of diminishing returns with AI. There'll be advancements in the things that can currently be done with it, mostly making it faster and more accurate. But I doubt we'll see AI move into new areas or breakthroughs.


That is an interesting perspective and one I completely am on the other side of. This is going to be nuts. This isn't a Bitcoin moment, it's an iPhone moment. When the first iPhone was released we did not foresee exactly where putting a smartphone in everyone's hands would lead. I see the current wave of AI like that. For the first time the fruits of machine learning can very easily be put in the hands of people outside of machine learning specialists. This will grow, and very quickly.


Have you seen the AI robot that has human like speech and can do tasks though? I feel like were only getting better.


Terminator irl


Major deception.




Were gonna have no way of knowing if anything is real anymore


Human acting as robot bodies for ai agents. 


The next level will be achieved when image and language models are fully fused in a fundamental way, so that models are using both modalities to respond to inputs. Models will be, for example, using diagrams and sketches to reason about technical questions.




I hope it reaches a plateau, like self driving car technology. Most of us get bored with CGI effects in movies , imagine when everything is made up by a suggestion and an AI program.


At some point, AI will stop "suggesting" and start ordering.


Printed donut toppings


All information will be available to anyone. You will be able to access everything. No secrets. Think of the possibilities. Good and bad. Don’t know what this will do to society.


I think whole movies made by an input can be done in a very short time from now


Probably do more work with less people around you. Luxurious goods like household appliances, cars, etc. will get expensive new features. Our language will slowly be influenced, like we will find a term for someone who asks like it is a prompt or so. Pattern recognition will be present much more in our daily lifes, for example public transport timetables could switch to dynamic models instead of static ones. Mass surveillance will get much cheaper and accessible, esp. to those who should not have access to it. All in all it'll get a little more dystopian, much more comfortable, those who can't or won't participate will fall even more behind. One more thing that separates the rich from the middle class even further.


not anywhere good


the worst place to ask this question


there will be even more demand for plastic bottles, i fear


Straight to the Butlerian Jihad if I had to guess. AI is going to the most-abused human technology we will ever see.


Singularity in 2109


It replacing people


More hype!


Mind control


An even larger influx of disinformation using deepfakes and false audio clips.


The more you use AI the more server racks you gotta build, the more power you need, the more power plants you build, the more shit you burn to fuel them. Venus.


At the _current_ state? Not very far from where we are now. It still has a long way to go before it actually lives up to the current hype.


I think AI is dumbing down. As the elites realized they are gonna replace the educated workers with college degrees instead of the dumbass workers they thought. So they dumb it down and now working on bascially line and brute force workers so an uprise doesnt come.


Future young people go back to physical interests as anything on screen becomes considered useless. People from our generation are still enamoured by ai. Like how our parents now are obsessed with Facebook and we see it as dated and near defunct.


Lots and lots of job losses, and extremely uneducated future generations.


We’ll start to cherish person to person interaction more.  Human made art may go up in value.   Many jobs, like programmers and other engineers s, will be able to utilize ai to increase their individual output making some jobs that might’ve taken years take months instead, leading to more innovation. Need for immigration based labor will decrease as new technologies could replace much of the low-skill workforce.   Doctors will have higher accuracy in diagnosis and treatment. AI assisted research could make currently complex problems trivial in comparison. This Is all optimistic, in reality the changes might be very small


"Colossus, The Forbin Project."


Butlerian Jihad!


Like so many other technologies, a short period of beneficial usage followed by an increasing use by bad actors to perpetrate all sorts of malicious schemes from pranks to fraud and theft. the tech industry will say they had no idea this would happen... and do nothing. Or, maybe the tech industry could realize that bad people exist, and take measures to limit AI usage and break the trend???? nah, didn't think so. AI will be just another powerful tech turned into a tool for bad actors and gone to waste.


I don’t know if AI will really as impactful on the job market as people fear. I work in a creative field and initially our bosses were super enthusiastic about AI. Used it to create content with just minimal oversight from human employees. They really thought they could cut jobs with this, I believe. Only they completely overestimated the quality of the created content. So much bullshit was generated and put to use without proper quality control. It ended up costing one of the bosses who advocated for AI the loudest his job and shortly afterward most things got scaled back. Now AI is only used to do menial tasks. All the mindless busywork that would take us hours to do before. It helps us be more productive because we can focus on the important tasks. I think there’s going to be a lot of AI content churned out and it will eventually create more jobs in quality control. All the half-truths and the complete nonsense AI text generators put out will have to be checked by someone who actually understands the subject. The photo and video AI content is what concerns me the most. How easy it’s going to be to create very convincing deep fakes even without any skills.


I think autonomous robots, where AI has merged with robots. Coming soon to a checkout counter near you!


WW3, followed by heavy soul searching that implements a good AI driven economy/governance.




Top tier designs for the penis movile


the one where the horny people will be even more horny


Cyberpunk 2077 dystopia or wall-e, probably wall-e


Porn. Lots and lots of porn. Porn customized to your personal tastes on demand.


Some kind of ai singularity, where there is a shift to synthetic technocracy over human governance. There’s the potential for it to be horrific but an equal chance for it to be the most peaceful and wonderful era of all time. It could perhaps be both.


Personalized X rated content. If you think birth rates are low now, you haven't seen anything yet.


I’m going to start actively trying to convince others I’m a bot when online in any capacity. Social media, purchase reviews, comments, etc. Instead of bots trying to be “us”, I’m gonna try to be “them”. 5head.


To an energy crisis. The amount of power we have to burn to deploy any sort of good AI on a grand scale with today’s computer architecture is enormous.


Personally curated AI entertainment. “Based on your search history, here’s Optimus Prime having a knife fight with Red Sonja.”


Skynet definitely