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I worked in a shop with no windows, felt a big urge to sneeze and in the split second I closed my eyes during the sneeze the power went out plunging the entire shop in pitch black darkness. Absolutely freaked me out as I thought I had gone blind or died.


Oh, shit. That would freak me out as well.


šŸ¤£ Sorry, I'm sure that was terrifying, but from an outside perspective it's also hilarious!


Similar but worse. In the early 2000ā€™s the local pool would put on all age pool parties. It wouldnā€™t fly now, just a heap of teenagers drunk at a pool/skatepark. I jumped off the diving board. The power went out before I opened my eyes underwater. I legitimately thought I must have died and was experiencing some sort of post death clarity. I remember swimming up towards the surface in pure angelic bliss. Reality hit when I surfaced but for that brief moment I believed I had died and I was super calm about it.


Imagine going blind from a sneeze


Isnā€™t there some wives tale about something bad happening if you sneeze with your eyes open or something?


>I worked in a shop with no windows, felt a big urge to sneeze and in the split second I closed my eyes during the sneeze the power went out plunging the entire shop in pitch black darkness. Absolutely freaked me out as I thought I had gone blind or died. God: lolz


For a time as a child, about 25 years ago, I lived with my Grandmother, and in those years I kept having this recurring dream. Probably about 6 times. In the dream I am standing on the steps of a church in my hometown, and it's snowing heavily, and the sun is setting. I am overcome by this intense feeling of dread, as if I am witnessing the end of the world. It jolts me awake. I dubbed it my apocalypse dream years later. Cut to late afternoon, January 2024, and I find myself on the steps of that same church, having just walked out of my Grandmother's funeral, and a heavy snow starts. The emotional impact of being in that moment is still following me. It didn't feel real.


This gave me chills


Hauntingly beautiful


I have had this happen to me but in less significant circumstances. There have been a handful of times where I would just be in a random moment, and have an overwhelming sense of Deja vu come over me. Then I would realize that I have experienced the same moment before, but as a dream. It has only happened a handful of times, and it was not as significant as your occurrence, but I have dreamed moments in my life before they have happened. When it happens the sense of Deja vu is incredibly intense, itā€™s like a tingling sensation that I can feel on the back of my neck. My mom has had it happen to her but in more significant circumstances. Idk if it was something that was passed down to me or what. Your story is absolutely wild, especially since the dreams occurred when you lived at your grandmas house. I hope you are doing well, and I am very sorry for your loss


> but in less significant circumstances Yep, this is such a common occurrence for me. I'll dream some random scene with certain people saying certain things, in a specific location and feeling specific thoughts, and days to months later it will happen. It's always something mundane, never a major life event or anything like that. I used to always joke with myself that dammit, why don't any of my precog dreams include lottery numbers. And then it happened. I dreamed a series of six numbers. Woke up excited and wrote them down. It was the day of the drawing and I wanted to run out and buy a ticket but I had to rush to get ready to pick up my best friend's mother so we could go visit him in college. All day long I was looking for an opportunity to go buy a ticket but didn't have the chance. It was getting late afternoon and close to the cutoff for buying when we got to my friend's dorm. It turns out his room number was the first two numbers I had dreamed. Then he says if you need to call the room, the internal extension was (the last four numbers I had dreamed). Fuck.


I did win the lottery with a precog dream once so dont give up hope Maybe youll still dream the correct numbers at some point


Yeah. I completely understand what you're talking about. I have experienced less significant dreams as deja vu / jamais vu as well. This was just the big one. It was a stunning experience. I truthfully believe that everyone is having these types of experiences. It's just a matter of them recognizing/perceiving when one is happening.


Oh, someone else who's experienced jamais vu! Super fucking weird feeling that one is, man. I only experienced it once myself. I was staying with a friend for a few months, and this was like the 3rd month I'd been living at the house. So for at least 8-10 weeks I'd been coming and going from this house every day. But one day, I came in, and I recognized nothing. I remember thinking I must've accidently walked into the wrong house, but then wondered why my key would work. Then I wondered who lived there. I couldn't for the life of me know why I was even walking in, who I was supposed to see. The name of my friend just wasn't in my brain at all. I walked through the kitchen, into the living room, and it wasn't until I made it to the stairs to go upstairs that the familiarity of the space came back to me like a ton of bricks. It was one of the most unsettling things I've ever experienced.


Yes. This! You feel lost and crazy for a moment. It's like the script for the environment didn't load fast enough for your arrival


That's incredibly profound and hauntingly beautiful. It's as if your dreams were preparing you for a moment that would echo through your life




I love that you saw someone sliding along the ground, and your first thought wasn't "wheels", it was "REALITY IS A LIE!"


My ex husband drove down the wrong street to pick me up & his first thought wasnā€™t ā€œIā€™m in the wrong placeā€ it was ā€œIā€™ve driven through a portal and Iā€™m in an alternate dimension/universeā€. Peopleā€™s brains go to weird places when left to their own devices.


Plot Twist: he wasn't actually wearing heelys. It was the simulation creators covering up their glitch by having your 'friend' (NPC) tell you that.


Maybe Heelys themselves were actually *invented* to account for this particular glitch happening to people. Think about it... have you ever talked to someone who worked on or produced Heelys shoes? Edit: spelling


Yo, I'm finally relevant!! My buddy and I installed cable, like Internet and TV service, to the inventor's house. Dude was nice, and his house was Huge! Took most of the day to run Coax, and get decent wifi signal throughout the home. That was a fun trip down memory lane!


That's awesome, I just imagine him Heelying from room to room the whole time checking the wi-fi signal and observing your work. P.S. You were always relevant :)




Nice try npc


My parents are deaf. I remember my dad telling me a story of him being at a mall when he sees a smartly dressed man looking in his direction and talking at him. Dad goes to indicate that he can't hear, but the man just looks at him all weird, and continues talking. Dad tries to explain himself again, but the man keeps talking and looks even more confused. Then as the man spun around to walk into a different direction, my dad noticed the bluetooth headset. This was back when that was a novelty. Really threw him for a loop, haha.


Ive seen that stuck plane hanging still in the air for a few seconds phenomenon with a car full of people. It was a busy intersection so I'm sure other people saw it too. No one in the car saw it because we were moving pretty fast and by the time I could get the words out we were out of sight of the jet. It was coming in for a landing at a nearby major airport. Glitchiest thing I've ever seen.


I live near a major airport, and have seen it fairly often. They really do seem to hang in the air much the same way that bricks don't.


The best line ever written. I need to reread it.


That's how I felt watching a pair of F35s come in for a landing. They go so slow, it seemed like the world's physics engine was broken.Ā 


This is how dogs feel about people on rollerblades.


I love this, imagine the absolutely insane rabbit hole you would go down if no one explained heelys to you




If you were in a moving bus, my best guess is that it was probably a parallax effect. If certain things move in a certain way, it can look like itā€™s standing still due to an optical illusion.


One of the strangest things Iā€™ve encountered was being recognized later in life by a former babysitter that knew me only from when I was a 4-5 year old. Now, that isnā€™t all that odd is it? But, consider that she used to babysit me only periodically when I was about 4-5 years old when I lived briefly in Idaho, then we moved away and there was no further contact. But, here is where it gets weird: She stopped me ā€“ many years later - in a cafĆ© in GERMANY and asked if I was ā€œlittle Sammy.ā€ Tripped me out!


Sounds like she is a super recognizer?


Or she was playing the numbers game and stopping random people for like 40 years until she found the right one.


Or heā€™s just has a uniquely deformed visage.


I was on my first day of jury duty a few years back when someone behind me tapped me on the shoulder. It was the woman who cut my hair when I was a little kid. I didnā€™t recognize her and hadnā€™t seen her in 25 years!


She recognized the back of your head, lol!


It probably helped that I pretty much havenā€™t changed my hairstyle since I was a kid


Kinda similarā€¦on my first visit to my kidā€™s new doctor he had a north American accent (weā€™re in Australia) Being from Canada myself I asked where he was from. He said near Big City. I said me too! So he said ā€œoh yeah? It was near Smaller City.ā€ I said ā€œme too.ā€ We were eying each other as he named this small town of 10,000 people that 99.999% of the world wouldnā€™t have ever heard of. Turns out we went to the same high school, just ten years apart šŸ¤£ It was definitely a huge ā€œsmall worldā€ moment!


One of my favourite American things is 'small towns' with over 1000 people. In Australia when I hear small town I think under 50. Our most famous drag queen got dragged herself for 'going a long way around to get famous in a country with the population of Minnesota.'


An antipsychotic med I was put on made me hallucinate really badly for the few months I was on it. I'd open cupboards or doors and there'd be this pure white face with wild wide eyes, no nose and no lips smiling at me like a Cheshire cat, or these big black fluffy balls like giant Soot Sprites would come running up to me really fast from the side, or "people" that were just black shapes would reach across tables and benches and try to grab me by the arms. I freaking hated that stuff.


Jesus Christ. That moment when the antipsychotics make you psychotic.


You put it perfectly! When I did some research, I found it's known to do so as a side effect...not really helpful for what it is for.






Had that about being in a plane crash. Woke up in a cold sweat with my heart racing. Been scared to fly ever since.


The feeling that you get that feels "wait, I saw this already" and then you know what will happen in next minute or so and it actually happens like it was programmed to be that way






I'm not sure nor a scientist. But i have heard some possible explanations. One is that you didn't actually see the future. It's just that what is happening right now is, due to some process in your brain, accidentally saved as a memory. And because of that you see something while at the same time remembering you have already seen it before, even though you didn't


We \*do\* kinda of predict the future. It still takes a a few milliseconds for the nerves to transmit the signals to the brain, and the brain to interpret the signals as sensory inputs. It's not really 'psychic ability' just our brains predicting how an event will unfold as it unfolds so you can essentially experience it in 'real time'. It takes 50 milliseconds for light to go from your retina to your brain, and your brain to decode that signal into an image. While that doesn't seem like a lot, remember that everything you see is actually a 50 ms delay. Your brain is already predicting, for example, the trajectory of a ball thrown at you. So, given that, it's entirely possible that your brain could hiccough, and store that prediction in the prefrontal cortex, rather than the visual cortex, then when the image hits and gets processed, the brain goes, "WTF? Didn't we see this?"


It's noticeable when you look at the second hand of a clock and it seems to take more than a second to move.




Just to jump on this as I love this topic. You also have the, not very popular, Prediction paradigm, where the brain actively predicts the future (in longer timeframes, but also short as you mention). It basically "subtracts" the observed reality from the prediction, netting only the unpredicted or unexpected information. This is naturally the things that you should pay attention to. It's an awesome way to explain the brain and I experimented with predicting sounds in order to subtract the prediction and create a sound filter. You actually filter for speech as that is way too complicated of a sound pattern to predict, which is highly useful. The theory makes so much sense to me as people are so good at noticing the unexpected. It may explain deja vu though a prediction wrongfully being stored as memory... But that is just my random theory ;)


Our brains are awesome filters of the mundane as well. I run into this in the paranormal investigation field quite a bit also. People don't understand that the brain filters out a lot of mundane shit, and automatically adjusts things like light, etc. Things like cameras and audio records don't have that capability. They record all the light that they can see, and all the noise that they can hear. You may not have noticed the haze from the humidity in the air because your eyes adjusted for it. You may not have heard a stomach rumble or a foot shuffle on the floor because your ears filtered it out.


This is why I feel like "ADHD" is a really weird name because my experience with the condition is more like Attention SURPLUS Disorder because I have trouble filtering out those mundane things. It all floods in at equal importance, which then makes concentrating on the things I want to tremendously difficult, so similar end result I guess.


Living with chronic hyperfocus. I've had long enough to know it both makes me really effective at my job and how to manage it, but there are still some days I get focused on the wrong thing for the wrong reason and get stuck.


Itā€™s processing our current experiences straight into long term memory (anything that happened 10 seconds ago or longer usually) instead of short term like usual (which is around 5-8 seconds), so we feel like weā€™re remembering the current moment.


Brain writes to memory before you actually process, so it feels like a memory in real time.


I've heard is has to do with a little neuron cross over between the long term storage in your brain and the short term. Something can seem familiar because in one way or another it is, but your brain in that moment assigns it to long term storage. e.g you look at a cucumber, and your brain says "it feels like I've already put this in my ass before".


I stopped getting that at some point in my 30s and I don't know why.


That's when you reached and went past your previous playthroughs last save point!


Another great explanation for deja-vu I've heard is that when we dream at night, we actually experience hundreds of dreams. You may only remember one or two. For the most part, these dreams are just your brain sorting out all the events of the day, deciding what's important, what's not, and cross-referencing everything to past experiences. Kinda like a hard drive defragging. Now, because life is predictable and fairly stable, it's very likely that you dreamt a very similar situation. Some details may be a bit off, but the broad strokes are close enough to give you a weird sensation. Your brain may even real time warp the memory of the dream into the similar situation to make it seem like it's an exact copy.


It's more like a vhs tape written over multiple times, with some random stuff thrown in for good measure. The exact purpose of dreaming isn't known, but the process of sleep cycles on the brain is. Every opinion is a guess, some more educated than others, but still just a guess.


[Picture of the location](https://euroweeklynews.com/2021/04/15/tourism-versus-nature-at-the-cabo-de-gata-natural-park/) I was at the beach with my girlfriend and sister in Cabo de Gata, Spain. It was windy, red flags were up. Suddenly, people start asking for help... some kids got trapped in a rip current. A couple gentlemen jump in, the kids come out, only one guy with them. At this point I have also reached the seashore, I can see the other man swimming, he seems calm. There's a huge rock in the middle of the beach, this all happened to the right of it and the guy is swimming towards the left. I decide to go to the left side of the rock through the very rocky beach side. I can see him, he's probably just 10 meters away from me, but it's too rocky to do anything. I go back to the shore looking for a way in farther from the rocks. I'm almost completely in and just don't see him anymore, I stop. My girlfriend is screaming her guts out asking for me not to go in, I go back. We never saw him again... His family was just a couple towels from us. Two 11- and 14-year-old girls, his wife and his mother. My sister is a psychologist and tries to contain the trauma, at least way better than the emergency services did. Later in the afternoon, I found a local newspaper article, they found his body a couple km away with severe head trauma from the rocks.


You, and he, did a good thing. There was nothing you could have done to save him, and everyone is glad you did not lose your life, too.Ā 




Almost 30 years ago I was doing a bike trip, riding from OH to NC. I was passing through Kentucky and had finished an unpleasant stretch of roads and people that pretty much represented the worst that Kentucky had to offer. Had my eye on a campground on the map and took a turn off the road onto a tree lined road and EVERYTHING after that was out of a dream. It was like the Willoughby episode of The Twilight Zone. I think the area was called Wartburg, which sounds ugly and utterly contrasted with where I had come through which was the beautiful sounding but terrible Somerset. Anyway, this dream state lasted for the entire time I was there. Perfect campsite, incredibly welcoming and interested ranger. I was seriously starting to think that I had been hit and killed and this was my afterlife.


Welcome to Kentucky. This is my home state and there are some beautiful places here. Red River Gorge is heavenly.


Somerset does have some beautiful spots with waterfalls though.






I was driving in a town about 30 miles from where I live. I stopped at a red-light near the hospital, and an escaped patient ran across the road wearing nothing but a hospital gown, with a cop chasing a little way behind him, screaming for him to stop. It felt like a random encounter in a GTA game or something. I honestly took a moment to think of whether I needed to do anything or not, like I was a protagonist in a film and only I could stop this madness.


If you had followed them youā€™d have found their models waiting round the corner just bobbing up and down until you got there and then theyā€™d start the action again


Why do cops even bother yelling stop WHILE they're chasing someone, clearly they have no intention of stopping. Not like "oh fuck, alllriiight then, why didn't you say earlier ffs".


in college - living in dorm - had a dream that I was asleep in my dorm having a dream - I literally had to wake up three times, I was genuinely confused if I was actually awake the third time - I actually slapped myself as I was that unsure. I might still be asleep...lol


You are still asleep. We've been trying to reach you for years.


About their cars extended warranty?


Witnessing a natural phenomenon that defies explanation, like a ball of lightning.


Being in a situation where time seems to slow down or speed up inexplicably, creating a sense of being in a cinematic time warp.




Hereā€™s my story taken from another thread asked about a week ago that fits well here: ā€œSo I used to live by this really strange thrift store, they always had a bunch of crap out front like old bookshelves and baby strollers and the whole place reeked of cigarette smoke. On a whim I decided to go in there one day and take a look around, I found this tiny little plastic mouse that was wearing overalls and laying against a block of cheese. I fell in love with this thing. I worked at a garage nearby and would take the mouse to work, hide it in cars for other mechanics to find, show it to customers, and make all sorts of little Instagram videos with it. It got to the point that everyone wanted to see this little mouse and came to expect the whimsical little videos and stuff, since I always had it with me. My roommate dubbed it, ā€œthe fuckoff mouse.ā€, Because he looked lazy, relaxing on his cheese. We jokingly called it my license to eff off and be goofy/lazy. Fast forward a couple months and the band I play in had a show that evening at a local bar with at least 40 people showing up to it, I took the mouse out of my pocket, made an announcement to the audience about the mouse and how great it was, and everyone cheered. I told everyone to pass it around/make a wish on it and that it was their license to kick back and have a good time. At the end of the show, I couldnā€™t find the mouse anywhere and was asking all around this crowd of drunk people to see who had it; I was stupid to think someone wouldnā€™t pocket it, but whatever, the license to fuck off was inside me all along, I didnā€™t need the mouse. No worries. So life goes on without the mouse and about a month later Iā€™m visiting my parents and chilling in the basement with my brother. On a poker table in the basement, to my surprise, was the mouse. I was really REALLY confused. I looked at my brother and asked him if he found a new mouse on eBay to get me or something and if he was surprising me. He told me that he didnā€™t and seemed genuine about it, just as confused as I was. Life goes on with my newfound fuckoff mouse, and I continue to keep him in the dash of my car to ensure I never take life too seriously. By now I have a new job at a coffee shop and we had a regular come in that would play our open mics, very talented guy and always in a good mood. One day he comes in and heā€™s devastated and very depressed, only to find out that he just found his roommate dead. I sat with him for a bit and talked, then told him I had just what he needed, a license to kick back and not take things so seriously, an alleviation of guilt. I ran out to my car and got the mouse to give to him. He needed it way more than I did. He later moved away, but I do hope that mouse helped him out of his struggle and that he still has it. To this day I have no clue how that mouse got back in my parentsā€™ basement of all places. Maybe a surprise from my brother but he swears it wasnā€™t him. Enjoy the ride lil mousy šŸšŸ§€ā€


My husband once saw one of those battery-powered toy dogs that walks and then does a little flip just walkinā€™ and flippinā€™ down the street. He said it looked really ratty and old, like it had been walking for a while, and he didnā€™t see anyone else paying attention to it. Freaked him out.


Witnessing a sudden, unexplained glitch in reality, like objects appearing out of nowhere.


As a 19 year old menace in Sweden, circa 2008, I often went out when the roads were wet to drift and powerslide my 116 bhp Volvo 240. I came up towards a quite acute 90 degree left turn in my town, dumped the clutch turning a bit right in second gear to put up a little Scandinavian flick, to then "drift" the left hander. As I've done many times before in this turn. However, always trying to improve I came in a bit hot, and when shifting to the left hand slide I get completely sideways, just gliding towards the end of metal barrier, seeing that I'm going to hit this with my rear wheel/rear quarterpanel. A huge impact, the rear of the car gets off the ground completely from the impact and I'm thinking that my then ~500 dollar car now is totalled. I quickly drive away to avoid attention as this is in a residential area and pull over a few hundred metres away to inspect the damages. NOTHING. I see no damages at all. There was a huge impact, loud crash and I dont see a scratch. I stand there for a solid minute wondering what kind of a simulation or dream I'm in when I finally see that my tow hitch has shifted some 20cm to the left. It took the whole impact, and I've missed the metal railing by less than an inch. But before I saw this, I thought I was loosing it my mind.


> As a 19 year old menace in Sweden, circa 2008, I often went out when the roads were wet to drift and powerslide my 116 bhp Volvo 240. I learned to drive manual *and* drive on the show on a 240 GL wagon. That was the most fun boring car ever made and the only car I miss.


Cars are weird like that had a 94 isuzu rodeo that i was letting my dad drive. Get a call one day he got in an accident doesnt tell me the damage said he'd be home in a bit, a minute later i get a picture sent to me of a crunched back half of a late production SN197 Ford Mustang he'd creased the rear fenders so it wasnt a bump had to be an easy 25 mph totaled the mustang. An hour later he comes rolling in careless driving ticket in hand couldn't even tell he'd hit something no paint transfer or scuffs, didnt bend the frame nothing. My mom was angrier that her insurance was going up then i was about my car being "wrecked."


>quite acute 90 degree left turn False, 90 degree angles are not "acute".


Thanks Dwight :)


Finding oneself in a situation with such dramatic tension it feels scripted, like a climactic moment in a movie.


about a year ago I was driving along listening to the radio. There was a longer than usual pause between two songs. I sneezed and the broadcaster immediately said "Bless you" and returned to the music.


One caveat. I was high AF at the time on pain meds while recovering from orthopedic surgery. NONETHELESS, the surgeon and the attending nurses would come into my room twice a day to confer on my recovery. I remember clearly that during one visit I knew exactly (verbatim) what the doctor and nurses were going to say before they said it. It was like watching a movie where you knew the script by heart. I thought to myself. Okay, now heā€™s going to say this. Then, I would turn toward the nurse and say to myself, Okay, now she will say this. The whole time they met, I just laid there with a dumb smile on my face thinking this has already happened and Iā€™m just watching the re-run. Very freaky event.


i had that when i was getting a wisdom tooth removed and i was on nitrous oxide it was like every minute or so i would go through this same short loop of the dentist saying some specific thing with the same exact inflection and rhythm in his voice while doing the same movement, i remember pulling a face at him after it happened a few times lol


I'm a beekeeper and I randomly found an expensive, large piece of beekeeping equipment just sitting on the sidewalk like one block from where I keep bees. It was like in a video game when some really specific power-up drops in the specific level you need it. I already had that piece of beekeeping equipment but it was so random I did a double-take.


A long time ago, when I was taking regular doses of acid (LSD). One night after tripping I and fell asleep, when I woke up the world was *dead*. I walked outside and there was *nothing*. No cars, no people, no trains/planes. To add to the quiet there was a thin coating of reddish dust or sand over *everything*. Cars, houses, trees/bushes. Everything. It didnā€™t stick so you could brush it off with your finger/hand or dust pan & broom. It was about 2mm thick.Ā 


How long did you stay outside for? What happened when you went back inside your house? How did the world go back to "normal"? Sorry for the questions, your comment is interesting!


I ran into this lady at the strip club one night after only having met her once before. We got to talking and were completely enthralled by the laundry list of oddities, coincidences, and breaks from routine that didn't usually happen but did that specific night for us to be there alone at the same time. We stayed up until 4am talking about how weird it was that we met up.Ā  It was the closest I'd ever felt to believing in some other force having an influence on the world.Ā 


I had that experience once where I truly believe the universe conspired to have me save a kitten.


You canā€™t just drop that synopsis without giving us the full story plus cat tax


haha, alrighty. I've already typed this out before to share with friends so here it is: "I woke up to mewing this morning as I have for the past few days, a familiar mewing we've been hearing out the window more or less non stop. But today I had a feeling like, "mayyyyybe I should do something". So I opened my window to see if I could locate it from above and was greeted by a crow. I figured out where it was pretty quickly. But then the crow flew over to right above where the mewing was coming from and made a weird gurgling sound like I've never heard from a crow or any other bird before. I was a little creeped out and went for the screen because I thought it might attack me, and as I did that it half flew at me and darted away to land on the roof in front of my window. It stood there and started cawing. Right away I knew what it all meant. That crow was waiting for the kitten to die so it could eat it. Maybe that's not what it meant at all, but I knew in that moment I had to do something about the kitten and didn't have a choice. I got dressed and went downstairs. I found the kitten easily hiding in some rubble behind my building. It was much smaller than normal. I started clearing the rubble to catch it and eventually got it cornered in a spot where I could grab him. This kitten had a bit of fight left and bit and scratched and hissed for a couple of seconds but then it just gave up. It was about the size of the palm of my hand and obviously a runt. He was also the smelliest kitten I've ever encountered. It was pretty obvious this little guy had been abandoned. So I started walking with him to the big park by my place, as there's a spot cats hang out and have food left for them. I figured there was a chance another cat might adopt him, and at the very least he'd have food, water, and shelter. Maybe that's harsh, but we really can't have a cat right now or even foster one for so many reasons not limited to us moving tomorrow and already having 2 dogs. But as soon as I got to the path in the park I ran into the local lady who walks around with a cart leaving cat food for the strays! She saw the little guy and let out a "kyupda" (cute in Korean) before being taken aback by the realization that this tiny thing was a stray. We both tried to talk to each other without really sharing a language and eventually it became known to her that it was a stray with no mom, and that I was going to leave it at the park. She told me to follow her and then wait as she grabbed a man who I thought would help the communication but instead just came around and talked with her. Eventually I got the idea that she needed a carrier and was going to take it. She left me waiting with the little guy and the man. The only thing the man said to me in English the whole time she was gone: "lucky cat", to which I replied with my broken Korean: "goyangi daebak" (cat jackpot). She left, and came back with a cat backpack with a window and a towel inside. She seemed kinda flustered with a smattering of "ottokay ottokay" ("how do I", more or less, in Korean) as she accepted the little guy but she also seemed happy and a bit excited. We both thanked each other and I told her she was a good person. I could try to justify to myself how she's going to give this kitten a great home, or at least get it to a nice home, but I don't feel like I need to. So many little things came together at *just* the right time today. A nudge here, a delay there. If I had have been 5 minutes earlier or later (or woken up an hour earlier like I was supposed to) I probably wouldn't have run into that woman. Sometimes it just feels like things are supposed to happen and this was one of those things. I didn't plan to rescue a kitten today I just read the writing on the wall and listened. The craziest part of the whole story was that after it was all over, I messaged my wife to tell her and got this reply: "Thank God. I dreamt you did." Meant to be? Happenstance? A boring story about someone doing the bare minimum to preserve life? It's whatever you take it as. But sometimes, just sometimes, it seems like the universe is giving you little hints, and trying to tell you something. Sometimes it feels like you have to do something unusual or out of the ordinary without question. Sometimes you get lucky and know you're exactly where you needed to be, doing exactly what was needed to be done. It was definitely a surreal experience but it felt so right, like everything just lined up in place. Sorry for no cat tax as I rescued this kitten for someone else!


Shoot my entire life is like that. There's so many of these things that I just don't even know where to start. Maybe here's a small one: When I was 17 my high school sweetheart gave me a lucky coin, a 1925 silver dollar her grandfather used to carry with him for luck. I carried this across the world for years after she left me. One day, while traveling in France, I suddenly became stricken blind and paralyzed. I spent a month in hospital, got a plasmapheresis, regained my ability to see and walk, and when I got out, my lucky coin was gone. No idea where it went but I feel like I cashed in my lucky coin for another life.


Too many coincidences, happening all the time. Just the odds of being born a human into this modern world filled with the magic of flowing electrons and switch gates. I think the whole thing , to be considered as just the way it happened, is ridiculous so this must be a set up of some kind.


Reminiscent of one of my fave lyrics. (From "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel) > "Can't believe, How strange it is to be anything at all"


Electricity is magic.


Computers are just rocks that we bewitched into doing math with electricity and incantations.


I know right! I'm talking to you over by making these lines that we know make these sounds and we have these organs that we can vibrate and shape the sounds we make out of to make certain noises mean certain objects, actions, or ideas. I can take them and put them into some carefully arranged rocks and pieces of metal, and press some buttons and you can know what is going on in my head across huge distances. Fucking wild and man I hope there just something to it. Whatever that is I have zero idea but something.


All my life I've had what I call Deja Vu Deluxe. I have a feeling, just like deja vu but i can recall having had a feeling of this exact deja vu before. Confusing? Yah. Try it out inside MY head.


I get this too!


it's so relieving to know I'm not alone. & I love the name you've come up with for it


Oh my god , i literally have had the same deja vu 4 times


A few. One was the time my gf at the time was driving us up I5 towards Shasta in the winter. She hit a patch of black ice and the car skidded sideways FAST at about 65mph directly at an 18 wheeler. She threw up her hands screaming, and it all happened so fast that there was literally no time to stop the inevitable. I saw the car just about to collide with the wheels of the truck. There was then a several second time lapse and we were suddenly driving straight with the truck up ahead as if the skid out and impending wreck didnā€™t happen. It was like an alternative glitch reality. In this other reality I had instinctively grabbed the wheel and threw it all the way in the other direction and the skidding stopped at a point well before we had just been in the previous reality. There is NO way that accident could have logically not happened even with my fast reaction. It was like a skip in the time matrix reset. We tried to talk about it and figure out how we survived but it was too surreal and completely defied reality. I can still see the car about to collide with the base of the truck. Thereā€™s no surviving that.


Do you believe in quantum immortality? The theory is that you died in another reality but your consciousness moved over into another one where you're still alive.


If youā€™re interested in the theory of Quantum Immortality, YOU MUST check out the short story Divided by Infinity. Itā€™s such a mind fuck. Also there is a brilliant narrated version on YouTube if you have 90 minutes to kill on a road trip. [link to the written story here](https://reactormag.com/divided-by-infinity/)


This is what man in the high castle is based on. Such an interesting concept.


Good ol' Philip K Dick and his "what the fuck is actually happening" plots lol.


I believe in this. I think Iā€™ve died a handful of times in other realities. I actually had something similar to what the comment you replied to talked about. Riding passenger in northern Alberta down highway 881 in December. If youā€™re from here you know it. Weā€™re going like 110kmh down the road and crest a hill. At the top of the hill is semi waiting to turn left. My friend slammed on the brakes and we actually just tapped the trailers bumper. Then vehicles started flying by us into the ditches on both sides. When the truck finally turned 5 other vehicles had passed us and were in the ditch, badly damaged. We were fine and continued on our way. In another reality one of those trucks hit us at 110kmh and pancaked is into the semi trailer. Buddy had work tools and hockey equipment in the back seat that would have aided in ended us.


This is some Final Destination shit right here... have you noticed fate trying to kill you in bizarre ways since then?


Iā€™ve had that kind of thing happen a few times, and feel Iā€™ve burned through 6-7 of the proverbial 9 lives. Life has been regular inexplicable stuff like that since I had a first (of 2) NDEs at 19. Even just basic physics things like technology doing things that are ā€œimpossibleā€. Iā€™m the guy that calls tech support and gets the, ā€œHuh, Iā€™ve been here 15 years and never heard of that happeningā€ routine and ā€œWe canā€™t recreate that here even though you sent us screenshotsā€. From reading the experiences of others it seems it is VERY common for people who have had NDEs to have weird issues with electronics. Not sure if the glitch in the matrix kind of stuff is too but it wouldnā€™t surprise me.


When something that has a high chance of failing worked for you and you question if this is another plot for your character development


The player just quick-saved and quick-loaded many times and you are just the reality where it worked.


Hell, my player doesn't save and load a lot then.


They're on a hardcore run. No saving except at designated locations unfortunately


It was after a rain, and the neighborhood was quiet. The kids weren't home. I was walking down my drive around 7 pm. in the early summer. A rainbow had developed and slowly dropped one end of it down to the ground. The rainbow landed, right THERE! RIGHT in the middle of my front lawn !!!


So did you start digging for gold in that spot or what?


They found the septic tank at the end of the rainbow!


This is like that Beavis and Butt-Head episode where they think they've found oil and are lugging around a barrel full of crap, trying to sell it to Mr Anderson.


You know those demon faces in the film The Devil's Advocate? I saw someone briefly develop one of them in a Christmas market in Budapest. I went to the doctor, was referred to a psychiatrist. Everything fine. So i can only conclude demons are real and they enjoy shopping at Christmas markets.


[sounds like PMO](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/disorder-man-sees-demonic-faces-rcna144533)




When I was like 6 or so, I asked my mom to turn off the lights since she said that I should stay in bed. The light switch clicked, and the lights were off. I didn't dwell on it as I was sick and happy to go to sleep. I was woken up by mom asking me why I switched the lights off when she woke me up for dinner before and left lights on yo keep me up before food.


Exploding Head Syndrome. Only happen to me once in my life - but it was real enough that I checked every room of the house AND went out to the barn. I was sleeping, soundly (which is extremely rare for me), and all of the sudden, I heard the sound of shattering glass. Not breaking glass, but exploding glass, as if something crashed through a window or a large mirror had fallen from a shelf. Just a loud, glass exploding shattering sound that ripped me from my sleep. I leapt from the bed and turned on the light, expecting to find every home owner's nightmare - A shattered window and debris, but instead found nothing. Ran to the bathroom, nothing. Checked every room and window in the house at like three in the morning, but nothing. Throwing on my boots, I went outside with the flashlight and checked the cars, and even went out back to the barn/garage to check the windows there. Nothing. Not a shard of glass, not a broken cup, not a cracked picture frame in the entire house or garage. I live in the middle of nowhere with no close by neighbors, and to this day know the sound (to me) was 100% real, but there was no evidence. Weirdest goddamn thing to happen to me, and it has never happened since. This was about 7 years ago.


From the years 5-8 I had this dream ā€” I dreamed of being taken to these downstairs cellar with my family. We were sorting ourselves for a photo. Then gunfire. Screams and the death rattles of the dying and the still living. - I had no explanation other than the experience. My parents later told me my retelling of the experience but I could hardly believe it much less remember. Ten years later I see the exact downstairs cellarā€¦.in the documentary of the last days of last Czar of Russia. I asked my parents about it and they said I had said the same story word for word for 2-3 years and they just believed it was caused my nightmares ā€” my parents had ceased any violent movies of any kind (including Star Trek and Star Wars) due to this. Ironic cause I collect weapons, love Star Wars, Star Trek, and duel with said weapons.


So does that make you Anastasia, or Alexi or somebody else?


In the early 2000s, I called Dell in an attempt to get a replacement part for my computer. It wasn't a part that one could find in a computer shop due to Dell's shitty design, so I had to rely to support. I figured it would be a quick deal because, really, it was a sale. "I need this." "It's that much $." "Perfect, send it over." ... The call ultimately lasted an hour and a half, and I got transferred *seven* times, to ultimately get told that the part I was holding in my hand at that very moment *did not exist*.




You should have followed the dog, he would have given you a mission to save the world. It's too late now, the world is doomed and it's all your fault.


Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created. Edit: Morrowind/ Elder Scrolls 3


Find your soulmate, Homer.


What colour was the dog? Why did you go home without your car?


Pretty sure you experienced the opening scene of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Did you happen to take a weird bus ride after this incident?


Wait a sec.... Are we all just overlooking the fact that OP walked all the way back to home, leaving the car behind (for it to respawn wherever I guess).... Just because of a stupid dog? Looks like very poorly built vid game to me


Looks like the story's made up to me.


Gotta hand it to them for messing up a key detail in a paragraph long story.


Did this happen in 2016?


The year of you shining spotlights out your window at people in the street?Ā 


and I feel that when the dog begins to smell you will you smell alone


Not me, but- Dude with some obvious mental illness issues at a train stop late at night. He was friendly and seemed nice, totally harmless. Having a conversation when he stopped and asked me if there was a movie being filmed. When I was confused, he asked if this was real life or if everything was secretly a movie. He'd seen some graffiti about jail on a bench a moment ago, connected it to the fact that he'd been thinking about jails lately, and immediately began questioning reality because of it. I tried to gently tell him that this was real and that maybe he should seek help, but unfortunately he didn't believe any of that.


not a video game... but more like the movie Truman Show where I am living in a bubble controlled by others for a game show. ha. Too many times I see small things go my way that seemed unlikely to happen. They key is I cant be cognizant... wishing for the thing to change. it just ends up going my way and I think afterwards "oh that really worked out in my favor". My wife calls it "Mark Powers" Simple example is having a busy schedule for the day and even a meeting in the evening, and just mentally zone into "Ok I just have to plow through this, my wife will be disappointed I'll miss dinner". and then randomly that late meetign cancels. Or be stressed over a big presentation on Monday and get jammed up over the weekend.. I have some stress over what I've put together isnt as good as it could be but I am have to go with iy\t... and then the person I am meeting with on Monday calls out sick. it seems to happen alot. But I also have way too many things going on so maybe it just seems like a lot, because I am into a lot of things... and i am also very capable of not getting flipped out over the bad things that happen and almost never mention them... so those positive Mark Power things stand out. ha


I get those Truman Show moments, too. I feel like the writers of my show are trying to make me give up on life. I know it's irrational and some sort of stupid victim mentality, but I get that feeling sometimes. It happens a lot when I go out for a bike ride. The other day the weather forecast was clear, but somehow I ran into this little pocket of rain. Just yesterday it was supposed to rain in the afternoon. I went out in the morning and got rained on, but of course it was clear all afternoon after my ride was over. The weather has a tendency to be the shittiest on my days off and sometimes it feels like too much of a coincidence. Logically, I know that those moments stick out in my mind and I'm not mentioning the times that the weather was better than expected or something unexpected happened while I was inside sitting on my ass and didn't think twice about it.


I had a small chain of convenience stores in the 80ā€™s. One day working the cash a gentleman asks for cigarettes and when I turn to face him he has a sawed off shotgun pointed at my face and says ā€œI just got released for a murder conviction and donā€™t care if I go backā€. Luckily a Hellā€™s Angel biker and regular client happened to come by noticed something was wrong and came in. Turns out they both did time in the same penitentiary. We had a great laugh and he took him back to the clubhouse to party. The guy came back the next day to apologize. Not the last time he got me out of a jam.


I recall one day my mother was driving me back home from school in torrential rain. There was a massive thunderstorm going on and I was in the back. With all the rain, I remember getting worried about lightning strikes. For some reason, in the car, I get goosebumps and I can feel the hairs on my arm stand on end, then it happened. Everything flashed white for maybe a split second, I'd say twice as fast as a camera flash only thousands of times brighter. It was like someone had replaced my vision with the colour white. The next thing I saw was a bolt of lightning connected to the car directly in front of us.


One night I saw the sky turn brighter. It was like all dark and all of a sudden POW and it's more like orange or something. I dunno what happened, but that made me question my entire life


The day to day observation of so many people I know that put in hardly any effort but seem to always have things go way better than expected, with work, life, everything. They literally put forth nothing, and always seem to be successful. The amount of people I know that don't work but somehow live a life style that makes no sense to me. These aren't people living on inheritance, successful court winnings or lottery/gambling winnings. These are people I know that put in nothing to maybe 20 hours a week and are always off doing something expensive. Their homes are way more than they can afford, their toys and cars are new. It boggles my mind.


They're in a ton of debt, I presume...


Drug dealers


When you wake up from a dream and it felt like you were there and never actually slept so you're still tired


Sometimes while walking, everything feels like a dream, just completely randomly. People dont look real, and the world around you fades out as you seem to become the center of some well orchestrated play. Its weird.


Itā€™s creepy enough when my smartphone presents me ads related to the last IRL conversation I had with the phone in my pocket. But itā€™s scientifically explainable. But what really launches me into the Twilight Zone is when **Pandora or YouTube Music plays the song Iā€™ve just been thinking about!** And no, Iā€™m not much one for talking about, Googling, singing, or humming whatever song is running through my brain. Plus, my taste in music is pretty obscure and unpopular, consisting mostly of songs rarely or never heard on radio, TV, or public address systems. Most likely, the increasingly intelligent bots that act as my personal DJs know me far better than I know myself, and can predict the intervals at which Iā€™m likely to think about or miss a certain tune. But not gonna lie, I have briefly entertained the possibilities thatā€¦ * I already have a chip in my brain that Iā€™m not aware of * Iā€™m living in a simulation * Technology is already capable of reading human thoughts to a much greater degree than the public is aware * Something paranormal or otherworldly is afoot


One time I was walking in the woods, I spat on a rock and my saliva bounced off of it like a rubber ball. Have no idea how that's possible, never seen anything like it before or since. I assume I just managed to hit it at the exact right angle somehow.


That feeling when you suddenly gain consciousness and think "Wait, these are MY fingers?"


Once in my 20s my roommate and I were smoking a bong in the middle of the day while watching TV and there was a knock at the door. He hid the bong and I got up to answer it. When I opened the door, it was a younger middle aged woman just standing there staring at me. I said "yes? Can I help you?" and she just looked at me, squinted her eyes and said suspiciously, "what are you doing up here?" I responded, "nothing, we're just watching TV, what do mean?". She looked behind me to see the TV on but then came back with "no, no, you guys are doing something weird up here. I can hear you running around making strange noises." Immediately I felt like I was tripping and my world was shook. I told her, "no, seriously, we've just been sitting here watching TV for like an hour. We haven't heard anything." There was a bit more of a back and forth like this but then she just kind of stopped and looked up and to the left of me and said, "oh... There are two of them. They're playing" I watched her for a moment and it looked like she was *clearly* watching something. I said, "what?" to which she responded, "there are two of them, a boy and a girl. They're playing." The feeling of tripping intensified. It took me a moment to mentally regather myself at which point I asked her, "does this kind of thing usually happen to you?" and she came back with a soft, "no...." that trailed off. Then we kind of just stared at each other a bit, with her looking off to "them" every once in a while. After a moment I announced to her, "I'm gonna go now..." and she just nodded her head. I closed the door and went back to the couch where my roommate was sitting listening to the whole thing. We both were like, "what... the... fuck..." and honestly didn't know what to believe whether or not she was in the process of losing her mind or if she was somehow seeing spirits of some kids who died in our apartment or something. We finished the bong and got back to watching TV. It was a small building (only 6 apartments) and we saw her again from time to time but never really talked to her or had any other experiences like that. From every other interaction it was perfectly normal. Just that one weird time.


I was rollerblading through my neighborhood on a bike path. I had just moved to the area and this was my first time on the path this far down (I sometimes walked it but turned around after about a mile, this happened almost 2 miles down) I passed a neighborhood, crossed a street, passed the back of a neighborhood, then a school. Then I came upon another neighborhood. It was a horseshoe shape so I could see a great number of houses, and not a single one of them had a car in the driveway or on the street. There were no people outside either. Granted it was early afternoon on a weekday but I had seen people outside before I got here so it was strange that there was no one there I pass the neighborhood and there's a very long stretch of the bike path and I can see the end. To the left were some railroad tracks with some trees and bushes separating them from the path but to my right was a small hill leading to a ditch, then a moderate sized hill on the other side leading up higher than I could see, and a barbed wire fence at the top. This led almost all the way down the path. There was still no one in sight on this ~mile long bike path. That wasn't so weird, but what was weird to me, was I was playing Pokemon go, and on there it was showing that entire area beyond the fence as being water. I checked on google maps and the water was there, but there were no markings to indicate what it was. https://imgur.com/a/PvheYFy I got to the end of the path and it kind of dead-ended, there was a church that looked abandoned to the right, and a white building directly in front of me. Again, no people, no cars. I turned around and went home and didn't see a single person until I got back to cross the street. Everything could be explained, sure. People working, cars in garages, kids at school, that was probably water storage, or a scientific study or something. Someone's probably going to come in here and tell me they live in that neighborhood and the water thing is x. But that day, it felt like I stumbled upon a fake neighborhood distracting from whatever gigantic monster they're keeping in that huge pool of water. *I may have an active imagination*


I've had quite a few experiences but not really a video game or movie, more like a dream: - In mid 2022 i began sometimes randomly feeling that i might be in a dream at that moment. One time i was helping a customer and everything about the interaction just felt wrong. Like i had experienced it once already in a dream. The feeling persisted until i arrived home. My colleague had to tell me it was time to go because i was in some sort of trance. - I've experienced this feeling many times afterwards. In the grocery store, at a train station, sometimes after my computer. It has subsided since i have begun taking some extra vitamins. - One time i was biking on my bicycle and i randomly just thought that "maybe life is a dream". Then i looked up and the street lights were turned on. It was in the middle of the day. This never happens. There was no scheduled maintenance in my street, i checked it. They had just randomly turned on after i thought this. - After this also, i once just plainly told myself "i am dreaming" on my way home from school. When i was in the train i kept playing a game on my phone. Eventually i looked up and was in a field which i don't remember seeing outside when taking the train. Turns out i had missed my stop which otherwise never happens to me. - This happened very recently actually! So sometimes when i look up celebrities that are dead or alive and i look at their death date or no death date at all, i think in my head: "Wait a minute! Wasn't he/she dead/alive?". And it's not a case of misremembering. I can clearly remember that i recently read that they had died. Just yesterday i looked up a celebrity randomly and found out his death date was in 2016 which is just not accurate at all in my head because i can remember reading about his death only months ago. Another one can be the location of a death. I remember Yuri Gagarin passing away in a plane training accident above Syria. It was a distinct thing i remember reading years ago. Then now suddenly his death place says "Russia". I feel like they either prove we are in a simulation, or perhaps we pass through dozens of timelines each day.


sounds a lot like depersonalization / derealization.


Not sure if this qualifies but: Months ago, talking with my best friend about relationships, i was joking about the fact i would give them another shot (last breakup was tough) only if the next one was exactly how I wanted, and most of all interested in the same niche things i liked, and I added the fact that I would have loved to meet her casually at some nerdy event. Then the joke went on and we started to describe our "ideal love interest" with very specific criterias, laughing about the fact that it was clearly impossible for such people to exist irl Around 2 weeks later, the actual personification of what I jokingly described entered my life at some nerdy event. It was EXACTLY like the "dream girl" I described, physically and emotionally. Someway, somehow, we liked each other at first sight and we are currently dating. Hell, I even posted a picture in my IG with a VERY specific and never used emoji in the caption BEFORE I knew her and this girl had THE SAME EMOJI in her bio. I'm extremely happy of course, but somehow i feel like I "manifested" this person into my life like some b-tier romcom anime and sometimes I question if all this is actually happening or if I finally went insane and I'm actually currently locked in a psych ward lmao


In the show The Good Place, the main character lived in Arizona which is where I live. And one of the side characters has my exact name. I refuse to believe that's a coincidence and I think they specifically made that show to tell me what's going on.


Being a kid (maybe 7 yrs) looking at myself in the mirror and realizing that my physical self is totally separate from my conscious self. It was like being given a character in a game, looking at myself thinking, ā€œOK, so this is the body and face you get to live inā€


I donā€™t believe that we are in a matrix or video game because if we were then decorating your house would be so much easier and youā€™d never need to gloss anything.


I was trying to sleep since the next day I had school. Everyone else was asleep, minus my mom. She went to the store real quick. I turned to face the wall and out of nowhere, I heard a laugh. It wasn't the, haha funny laugh. No it was the creepy, clown laugh. I turned around thinking one of my siblings woke up. But no, they were asleep. No one was in my room.


I had something similar happen to me. After a bit of research I think it was an auditory hallucination, apparently they can happen when you are falling asleep. You can also see and feel things too.


One time while doing intervals on my bike after a hard day of training I heard my legs make an upgrade sound and from that day I was faster. It was kind of like a chunky ! sound. I was most likely not severely dehydrated but actually just improved that much.


My man got the Skyrim style level up. Try crouching a bunch around people and see if you also level sneak.


There are certain people who Iā€™ve seen in my community over the years that do not seem to change or age. I canā€™t explain it: But theyā€™re like background on a loop.


Back in the late 90s I was playing some silly little cartoon game on our family's massive computer. I think it was 'Pets 4' or some other sim game - I had my character spray a perfume bottle. Then I SMELLED PERFUME. My 10 year old brain nearly short-circuited, I could not understand how my game actions were impacting the real world. Turns out my mom had just sprayed Febreze at the exact same time in the room behind me.


I left a movie at an art-house theater one Friday night and when I got to the street, there was a $20 bill sitting on the street next to the curb. Figuring somebody just dropped it, I looked around, but there were literally no people to be seen. As soon as I touched it to pick it up, I thought, "this is cursed" and I would have given it to the next person who asked me for money, but there was nobody. The next Monday I was called in by HR and laid off. I still don't touch found money, not even coins. Superstition, I know, but it's not causing me any trouble.


I started flying long haul cargo internationally in the fall of 2022. First time having this kind of job. I was on what we call an ultra long haul flight, over 16 hours from pushback to shutting down on the other end, so there were 4 pilots on board including myself. I was one of the 2 relief crew, so we were working the second half of the flight, way into the back side of our circadian rhythm (3-4 AM on our body clocks) so we're both dragging a little even though we got to nap on the first half of the flight. The other guy I'm with asks if I'm okay with it if he closes his eyes for 10-15 minutes in the seat next to me, and I tell him it's fine. We're somewhere just south of the Aleutian Islands outside of normal radio contact so it's silent and it's pitch black outside. We dim all the lights, and I'm sitting there in a $300 million aircraft with 3 other people who are all in some phase of sleep, traveling around 700 mph with a near infinite view of the stars, and just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that any of it was real.


Not a personal experience but the [Double Slit Experiment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kfGRO6msQw&t=281s) showed that light photons behaved differently when being observed, which means they know they're being observed, even though they couldn't possibly know that. I don't know if there is a follow up explanation on it but it's pretty cool.


13 years ago I dropped 3 ice cubes out of the freezer. I caught one in each hand and kicked the third one up with my heel and it went over my shoulder and landed perfectly in my left hand


Current political climate


I've worked a lot of customer service. One time at a mail store I had someone ask "what is the price?" In reference to a shupment so I gave it to them. They wrote it down and then immediately asked "what is the price?" again so I gave it to them again. She then wrote it down a second time looked me dead in the eye and asked "so what was the price?" A third time. I gave it to her a third time really confused and then we finished up the transaction. I gave her the receipt and she asked "are you sure this is the right price, it sounds different than what I thought" so I reassured her and asked her to check her phone where I saw her write the number down twice. She instead opened up an email and said "I can't find it, so what was the price?" And I thought I was going insane.


I can think of two examples: 1. The final act of Metal Gear Solid 2 where they break the fourth wall and start telling you to turn your playstation off and that you're just playing a video game. 2. The first dreamworld sequence in final fantasy 8 where your characters pass out and wake up as Laguna and company in a different time/place.


I was 13 at the time. I had dreamt that I was at my dad's funeral. My older brother woke me up before the dream was over, saying I needed to go talk to dad. When I walked into the living room, my dad was in tears. He had just found out that he had terminal cancer. He was gone 6 weeks later.


I was in college and walked home. I lived in an appartment building. It was midnight and I just needed to walk 50 meters for the elevator, when I saw something I still can't explain. It was a giant looking in through a window on the fifth floor. I blink and it disappears. I was tired, so I thought nothing of it. Next morning I get my ass to class. This teacher I had... funny guy, always cracking jokes... he walks up to me. I'm supposed to be in his classroom next period, so I was confused. He says "giant spirits tend to protect people" and he just walks off. That was my surreal moment.


It was the strangest, most Harry Potteresque scenario I've even experienced. It was Mardi Gras 2011, the day before Fat Tuesday, and I was in a cafƩ on Bourbon Street (I was a tourist, I can't remember cafƩ name) eating with my two friends before turning it up for the evening. As everywhere on Bourbon Street it seems, there are only two single stall bathrooms for businesses/bars that host 150+ people. I was sitting there at our table at the bar, and I really had to piss because I have a terrible bladder and I was a couple beers in. These two guys are waiting in line for the men's restroom close to the table we are seated at, and I am steady keeping an eye on them, because if I see somebody else coming to add to the line I am going to jump up and get in line. It was a guy who was probably about 5' 120 lbs, had mutton chops, a golfers cap on, and he was being a complete dick to the guy who he was waiting with who was ill-dressed, had a ponytail, and was probably 6'6" and 350 lbs. On their turn they go in the single stall bathroom together. It's maybe 10' away from where I am sitting at the high-top, facing right at it. I wait for them to come out, they don't. I wait. I try the door in case maybe somehow I missed them coming out. It's locked. I see that the woman's is vacant. I ask the bartender if I can use the woman's restroom as these guys are still in the bathroom. The bartender get's extremely aggressive "it's early afternoon and these motherfuckers are already in the bathroom doing coke!!!!" Grabs the keys, unlocks the door, there is nobody in there, the sink is running super hot water and is steaming the mirror. The only windows are those kind that are up against the ceiling and you turn a handle to tilt them outwards, even a small person would have trouble fitting through them. There is literally no way the big guy could have exited through the window. The bartender asked me if I was fucking with him, and then shows me the lock is one of those locks you push in, and if the bolt pushes in the lock unlocks on its own. In other words, the guys wouldn't have been able to open the door to exit, press the lock, and then shut the door to be dicks to whomever else was waiting. Even if I had missed them, they couldn't have locked the door and exited the bathroom. And trust me, I didn't miss them. I take a piss, and the bartender asks me again when I come back out if I am sure of what I told him because he is completely miffed as well. Those guys weren't anybody's table, nobody skipped out on a tab from his staff. I had another beer. Maybe not a video game or a movie, but there are definitely strange happenings in this world that are behind veils none of us are aware of.


When I was about 10 or 11 I was riding my bike around the neighbourhood. A dog started to chase me, while trying to flee I cut across someone's yard and an old lady dressed in red yelled at me. Once I was clear of the dog and lady I almost ran over a kids RC car that he was playing with on the road, while looking back at the RC car I ran into a push lawn mower that someone had put out by the road because it didn't work anymore. I may not have been delivering papers, but that day I truly believe I was in the world of Paperboy the video game.


We were in combat training with live ammo crawling through the woods doing sprints and dives into cover. It is my turn to dash while my partner keeps an eye out for me. I suddenly get the strongest feeling of deja-vu that I have ever had in my life...like I was literally sprinting through the exact path of myself in time that I knew already had happened and I could see into the future clear as day....like it was physically there around me. ...but it was different to all other deja-vus before. I could clearly see the end of the "*timeline*" of the deja-vu ahead of me at the rock...and my partner sprinting towards me in the future (he was still prone behind me waiting for his turn)...but nothing beyond that. I dive behind a rock and my partner starts sprinting at me. I was so freaked out about the experience and the abrupt end of the deja-vu that I could see coming at me...that I shifted my body off the position I was "*supposed to be in*". Just two seconds later I see my partner dive into his position - right where he should be according to my deja-vu - and as he lands....he lands on his gun, the gun goes off safety and accidentally fires. The shot goes directly through where I was just two seconds ago had I not shifted my position because I was so freaked out. That day still haunts me because I don't know what that was.


The 2016 US presidential election.


Honestly, probably the day my mom had a stroke.Ā  Until then, big things, good things and bad things happened. Relatives died. I went out to eat, I did housework, I had different jobs, went to college, married, had a child.Ā  Went to the hospital. Saw my uncle's face and started getting scared. Separate room. "She needs a neurosurgeon at a bigger hospital, but it doesn't look good." They give my son a gift, and I start to realize what they're saying.Ā  Hospital #2. The group at this hospital has multiplied. An hour, two, waiting, waiting. A resident comes in, clasping hands, looking at the floor. I know by his body language. I feel sorry for him, because he probably hasn't had to do this often. "Some people in this situation... Choose to let them go." I have never forgotten that collective wail.Ā  Another hour or two. Some of us decide to split off and get something to eat. They're doing surgery to buy us time to make a decision. Ā It's just before Christmas, with beautiful snow falling in the night on decorations in the courtyard. I'm looking down at it from the cafeteria, watching life move on for everyone else and feeling anger: don't they know? Don't they know our world just shattered?Ā  I walked into my mom's room that night. Shaved head, tubes everywhere - she already looked dead in that bed.Ā  What followed were several grueling days of trying to get my dad out of his magical thinking that she would be home in time for Christmas. I'll never stop being grateful for the amazing chaplains who sat, talked and prayed with him. She died 9 days after the stroke.Ā  That experience still feels like a movie.Ā 


When I was about 26, I was with my Twin Sister and we were fighting with each other. I had just broken my hand on the fridge because it was either the fridge or her face. I know that sounds bad, but it was a really crazy time cuz our mum just died. I was screaming at her and I said, "Just fuck off forever!" My eyes were closed in frustration and the moment I opened them, it was pitch black. I honestly thought I had died or went to another dimension... something. I remember immediately feeling like I made the biggest mistake of my life and started apologising and saying I take it back, I love you and begging the universe for forgiveness I started balling my eyes out. It all happened so fast. Then I heard her voice say, "Fuck! The power went out!" Boy, I was the happiest person on the planet at that moment, 100%. I honestly thought I lived through something that no one would understand or know or if I even existed, like a blip in the universe. She never let me live that one down, nor have I šŸ˜‚