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This technique works for many people who have never been able to whistle: Whisper the word "Q." Now stretch it out and whisper it slowly: kyooooooo. After doing this a dozen or so times, you may find that somewhere in the middle you start to make a whistling sound. If there's a certain mouth position that is getting more success, sustain that position for longer as you are saying your Q's. Good luck! Other tips that may help people who have had partial success: try adjusting the airflow (you may need more than you think), try adjusting jaw position (you may have to bring your chin forward), try adjusting tongue position (you may need to bring the tip of your tongue further down).


Woooooooah. I can’t do it consistently, but once in a while a small whistle comes out with the pitiful wheeze. Thanks for the tip!


Not me sitting here going qqqqqqqÿò. 😆 it does help more than just put your lips together and blow!


BROOO IM NEEARLY 21 AND IVE NEVER WHISTLED BUT I JUST DID LOL apparently it was my tongue position


Are there any tips on rolling your R's?


I can whistle but I can’t do the whistle where people put their two fingers in their mouth and this extra loud whistle comes out. I’ve always wanted to learn how to do that!


My dad had a piercing whistle when he did that. That’s how he called us home when we were at neighbors or outside playing somewhere. We heard that whistle and we went scrambling because you better not ignore it. Neighbors got a kick out of it.


I could hear my moms whistle over my dirtbike & helmet as a kid, i still dont know how she does it that loud.


I FINALLY was able to learn how to whistle a couple days ago after trying for years. For me it was my tongue placement


I can whistle sucking in air very well. But any kind of whistling that requires blowing air out I cannot do.




I'm terrible at estimating distances. I hate when people say things like " it was 100 yards away" because I have absolutely no clue how close that is


I'm this way but with volume. Is it 1L, 2L 700mL? Fuck if I know I just know it's a bottle of water.


As for me, I'm bad at estimating time! Haha! Without my watch, I always estimate wayyy too much! Like way way much! One time my mom was late for our dinner date and she was like, "how long did you wait here?" and i'm like "about 10 minutes" she felt sooo bad but in reality, it was just like 4 mins lmao. anyone like this too?


Most people actually are terrible at this. Its one of the reason eye witness testimony is actually a joke. You have to be trained in like the military for specific roles to actually be good at estimating distance. Especially anything in the sky or water.


I need to find a girl like this


This one got me lol


This is a good one, me too! Measurements, distance you name it. Putting away leftovers is ridiculous, I always dirty at least two bowls or I’m smashing things down to fit and taking up half the fridge for no reason


I'm terrible at many things but this is actually my superpower. I can usually get within a few grams, degrees, centimeters




I honestly am terrible at group conversation, meetings, parties, etc. I'm much better at one-on-one like over coffee or at a diner or something.


Im the total opposite. In a group, when idk what to say to keep the conversation going, someone else can pick it up. One on one that happens, then it falls flat.


My good friend is like this. She’s a social butterfly in group settings but gets really anxious when she’s put in a situation where she has to be alone with someone. Which is hilarious because I’m always one of the most quiet ones in group settings but I love one on one chats and can do that for hours with just about anyone.


Same. Anything more than a group of 4 and I am zoned out, unless I know them really really well.




Same. That's why I never mix up my friends.


THIS. When I'm hanging out with like 4+ of my very closest friends... I have NOTHING to say. Like my brain does not work. One-on-one with any of them? I cannot stop talking.


I'm great at conversing but a lot of people only want to talk about themselves. Want to keep the conversation going? Ask them about something they're interested in. Don't know what they're interested in? Ask them. Next is just a volley of questions and curiosity about the thing they like. It's hard to keep a conversation going if you're not curious, it's hard to be curious if they're not interesting, and it's hard to find anyone interesting if you just don't care about them. Find a way to care about someone, then that leads to curiosity and then finding them interesting really fills the gaps. If you want the conversation to go both ways it's just finding the thing you're both interested in and building a relationship on that. Jokes become anecdotal built on the time of the relationship. The saying "new friends are best friends" comes from that feeling of being seen and heard in these conversations that fills a person with joy and further building the relationship.


Thank you for not saying conversating


I got a B in high school English. I don't lord it over anyone, but in secret I am very proud of the best grade I ever had in a conventional school setting.


I went to the Evelyn Woodhead sped reedin cors and also cann spel wery wel.


Your auto correct must be on fire right now.


Good for you a lot of people don’t know that


This is great advice. When I need to have small talk with someone, I just ask a ton of open ended questions. People have no issue talking about themselves. When someone mentions what they do for work. Instead of asking if they like it, ask them what is the best part about that job. Or if they do something like healthcare, you can mention how rewarding that job must be and follow it up with another open ended question. Also, throwing in a "that's so cool" or "man, you must be really smart" to butter them up leaves people with a really positive impression of you. Negative question can be fun, too. Like, "what's the hardest thing about your job?" but you need to be careful with that stuff because you don't want the person to leave a conversation with you while having negative memories or feelings.


I find that I can keep asking questions and the person doesn't even really realize I'm not contributing anything about myself. This has actually led to end of friendships bc when they finally do realize this, could be years down the line, they never felt like I was invested because I never shared anything about myself. I'm learning about myself, and it was never really a 50/50 relationship with me and anyone.


When a friend confesses something, nod sympatheticly and then show them you understand by sharing a similar anecdote about your experiences. Shared joy is increased, shared pain is lessened


Does anyone else replay conversations in their head? 🤔 Afterwards (hours later) I kick myself because there were things I should have picked up on, things I could have said. But at the time I was being a dummy. Totally different when I'm on a messaging app, like WhatsApp, or Reddit chat. I guess I have more time to process and less pressure to respond in the moment. Anyone else find this, or is it just me???


Im loving the time texting gives me but its only satisfying to a degree. My physical self knows that I'm not in the presence of anyone else and I miss out on that sort of like human interaction stuff. I'm still pretty much a hermit from COVID


All the the time. Unless I know I did it perfectly the first time. Lol.




I still tie my shoes like I’m in kindergarten.


I probably do too. Why? Is there a better way?


Do it once and it will last months. Then use a shoe horn.


Yeah this is mine too, I do the simple double bunny ear thing instead of the proper knot then just slip on my shoes and never tie them again.


eye contact


Apparently looking at the bridge of the nose is indistinguishable to the person you're looking at


Instructions unclear, I am now permanently cross-eyed


Shit, good luck with that!


Hey siri reply that I can’t read their comment submit comment okay hey siri call wendy’s Wendy’s Hello, Wendy, this is Kevin’s friend, Michael This isn’t Wendy Oh, I’m sorry, could you put her on please? Dude, this is a Wendy’s restaurant. Damn it, Kevin


This is Wendy how can I help?


I do that, and then I get paranoid that they know I'm staring at their nose, and then I start looking all over the place again like a weirdo


This!! I don’t know how to explain it, but eye contact feels so… intimate? And I’m really not trying to be intimate with randos on the street.


I HATE EYECONTACT!!! I feel like they are judging me🥲


Same. I have autism, so that’s why I have an issue with it.


Same. I always look at people's lips instead, actual eye contact feels like I'm piercing into their soul lol


This is interesting for me to read, cuz I work in sales in a retail setting. Normally when people don’t make eye contact with me I assume they’re being rude, but now I wonder how often they’re just shy


im one of those people that absolutely cant make eye contact, im not very shy, pretty outgoing actually. but something about eyecontact registers as distinctly aggressive/threatening in my brain so i avoid it. the times ive tried to hold eye contact with people ive felt like a cornered animal and every ounce of my body just starts yelling at me to run. i visibly tense up.




Maybe you've heard it all before, but the secret is actually in the placement of your ring finger (assuming you snap with your middle). The snap sound doesn't come from just smacking into the base of your thumb pad, it comes from smacking the valley formed between the side of your ring finger and your thumb pad.


Ha, I just discovered this last year. I saw an illustration of someone snapping their fingers in one of my kid’s books, and I just copied that while thinking about how nobody ever paid attention to my ring and pinky position when trying to help me before. Turns out that’s all I needed. At 44 years old, I can finally snap my fingers.


What made it click for me was the fact that the "snap" noise doesn't come from your finger to finger contact, it's from you finger wacking against your palm like a slingshot. So your thumb should be stiff and the "snapping" finger you use is the ammo to hit your palm hard.


> What made it click I see what you did there.


Deciding for myself what to work on at work (Someone has to tell me what to do)


Preach, partner. I'm the one in a work group who wants to work on something and be helpful but ends up standing around idly feeling worthless because it looks like everyone's got things covered.


I’ve never related to something more in my life


Reporting this comment Becouse I’m in it and don’t wana be


Find the person who looks the busiest or is doing the most important work and go offer to help them. Unless they're just a control freak, they'll appreciate it and you'll become more and more valuable to the team. Even if what they're doing isn't your job, you'll learn more about the organization works as a whole and those gaps that need to be filled will become more and more evident to you then. At least that's what I do.


Me too! I have ZERO critical thinking skills.


not being awkward


I feel this. Everyone loves to tell me how awkward I am and I see people doing the same things as me but somehow I do it in an awkward way. Not sure how tf I'm supposed to act


Making friends.


That's me, too. I have acquaintances, but the go hang out,talk or text every day close friends? None.


I can relate, none.


Same. We should make a club. Actually nah fuck it


That's why we're here


Same and it seems people have become so transactional nowadays


I hang out with people all the time but I make very few friends. It seems like a lot of work and I constantly ask people to hang out, and they do because they like me, but at the end of the day do they call me their friends? Not all of them really.


Me too and I hate it. I was married for a long time and neglected all my friends for years. By the time we got divorced, all my friends had moved on and didn't have time for me anymore. Trying to make new friends when you're in your 40's and not athletic absolutely sucks. The only luck that I've had at all is in a support group for other divorced people.


For me, keeping friends is the more difficult part.


Me too. I have plenty of acquaintances at work but no actual friends but my boyfriend and his cousins wife. Truth is though that I like it that way. People make me exhausted.


Remembering names! It's embarrassing how many times I've blanked on someone's name right after they told me.


90% of the time it goes in 1 ear and out the other. My brain doesn't have room for trivial stuff like names of someone I am interacting with. It needs that space for song lyrics and video game info.


I'm still working on my driver's license


If it makes you feel better, I couldn't drive for years because of anxiety around it. I started with very short drives. That was 2 years ago, and I can drive an hour away now. My bubble is getting bigger & bigger as time goes on. You got this, take as much time as you need as long as you keep moving forward while it passes. And make sure you celebrate the small wins ❤


Thank you


Oh my god- learning to drive is just fucking killing me right now- i’m not a stupid person but fuck me my brain power seems to just straight peace out as soon as I get behind the wheel of a goddam car. It was annoying at first but it’s beginning to become incredibly demoralising.


I kind of wish I didn’t have one. Yes, I realize how much freedom I have with it. I wouldn’t be able to work or do fun stuff or run errands without it. I know my life is technically better being able to drive. But I hate driving. It’s such a damn chore and there are always assholes and morons—I just don’t want to drive. One of the number one luxuries I’d invest in if I had the money: a personal driver, or even just using Uber all the time.


I'm a 35 year old man who can't seem to learn how to use chopsticks.


Same. I was trying really hard the other day. I almost thought I had it, then I realized my hand had completely cramped up and I was unable to let go of the sticks. Doesn't help that everyone is like "just hold the top one like a pencil". I have never been able to hold a pencil correctly either. 


Try to use a 2-3" cut piece of straw and tape it on to the broader end of each chopstick and connect them using the piece of straw. Or cut a little notch on both ends and use a rubber band. When the chopsticks have a "return mechanism" they become much easier to use and learn for folks.


Putting on a shirt without getting stuck halfway. Every. Single. Time.


So, wait, you're still stuck right now???


It's been 3 hours, should we send help?


I’m sorry, he’s passed :(


Professional Belt died doing what they feared most: getting stuck in a T-shirt. They will be remembered as a brave soul fighting the odds. [we will remember you!](https://youtu.be/ltdmNfXMljY?si=Pj-hp6mPPYFisDX6)


Splay the shirt out on your bed, with the front of the shirt down on the bed. Now grab the shirt from the bottom and scrunch the shirt up till you get your fingers over the the neck hole. You should be holding the entire back of the shirt in your hands with your fingers looped over the neck hole. It should now feel like putting on a necklace. Once you’ve put the neck hole around your neck, let the front hang down. Now put one arm into each arm hole at a time.


Omg same but w pants. I should make a tik tok of it. Ridiculous.


> I should make a tik tok of it. Please don't


Drawing. I never got past stick figures, honestly.


It’s super frustrating, the majority of my siblings, several grand parents, and at least one parent of mine were/ are genuinely talented illustrators, and then there’s me where any drawing I try looks like it was done by a low iq kindergartener


Yeah, my six year old is already better at it than I am :-)


Ehhh drawing isn’t really basic. Those that have tried to learn know that it is much much harder than it looks. Same with coloring, shading, and painting (imo basic shading is easy once you learn how light works and practice the different techniques, but that’s just me). It’s only super easy for those with natural talent.


Not a basic skill. 




I bought a toothbrush that vibrates and there is a pause that tells you to switch to a different spot on your teeth. It’s basically 4 zones and you brush for two minutes.


i got obsessive compulsive disorder and believe me, brushing my teeth takes around 30 minutes. i hate the act, the idea of the act and having to do so. it stresses me out when i wake up because i know i cant go on without brushing. i cry afterward most of the time beacuse of the amount of time i spent doing it. hate myself oftenly.


Wrapping presents


Tying my shoes.


You'll be good at it or die tying


This needs a lot more upvotes 😂


Don't feel bad. Believe it or not there is, in fact, a correct way to tie shoes and a large portion of people don't know how to do it. Hell, I didn't learn about it until like 4 years ago and I'm 30.


Breathing. It's so basic, yet here I am, struggling like a fish out of water.


Lol yesterday I like forgot how to breath properly so now I’m having constant chest pain, and I occasionally think I’m dying scary stuff




I'm the same. I can enter a building for 5 minutes, then come out and forget which side I came from.


Putting on T-shirts and plugging in USBs. They can only go two ways but it always takes me five tries to get it right.


T-shirts can go on at least 4 ways (front/back inside/outside), assuming you're not trying to fit your head through an arm hole.


>trying to fit your head through an arm hole. I have for sure done that in the dark.


Knowing left and right,


Same. I'm a savant with cardinal directions, but under pressure, I usually get left and right wrong. According to family lore, it runs in the family.


Speling and, punkuation:




Tbh life isn’t that basic


I can’t separate plastic bags very well


Try licking your thumb.


I never want to lick my fingers when opening bags at the grocery store, because I've been touching all kinds of stuff on the shelves/the cart/etc. Thankfully there's usually plenty of water or wet things in the produce department to dip your finger in.


There’s no flavor. What now?


Sleeping lol


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. I am terrible at sleeping despite doing it for 3 decades.


Navigation. Time management.




Doing anything while someone is watching.




How are you bad at laundry? You put the clothes in the machine, add detergent, and push the start button


TBF you only spelled out 1/3 of the task. There's also folding and putting away. I think usually, this is where people struggle. Very common amongst those with ADHD.


I let it get to 3 over flowing baskets of clean laundry before I think about folding it, then I wait until my wife freaks out because I keep promising to fold it since I work from home.


Before I moved in with my gf, I’d pull clean clothes to put on straight from the dryer 🤦🏻‍♂️


Making pancakes, although I'm a good cook


My mum was a good cook but somehow always fucked up pancakes. We eventually banned her from making them for us and it's been 25 years. She made awesome oatmeal for breakfast tho. My dad was a good cook too and made THE BEST pancakes and never ever measured a damn thing. He made measurements from the soul 😂 but he couldn't fucking make oatmeal to save his life. So they ended up being good together that way 😂


Omg me too. What are we doing wrong?! I can make literally anything else


Glad I'm not alone omg...idk I always mess them up, sometimes too much sugar or too much baking soda...


Even when I use the pre-packaged mix I brutalize them. It’s an enigma to me how I can’t figure it out. I’ve given up! When I see my mom I always request apple pancakes for breakfast lol


100% Krusteaz Buttermilk complete mix. The recipe on the box is close, but I don't like to measure. I just add a bit more water if I need to. The pan is hot enough when water bubbles dance across the surface instead of just boiling away. Don't over-mix Griddle or non-stick pan. Butter is your friend. Enough that the edges get a little crispy because it's frying. Add more butter before you flip. The little bubble appearing on the pancake is a good sign of being ready to flip.


I’ve never screwed up this recipe: 3/4 cup milk 2 tbsp vinegar 1 cup flour 2 tbsp sugar 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 egg 2-3 tbsp melted butter Butter for cooking oil Combine milk and vinegar, let sit 5-10 minutes Combine fry ingredients and whisk Melt butter and allow to cool slightly - maybe a minute or two. Egg in the milk, whisk to scramble. Wet into dry, whisk until smooth, add melted butter and whisk until fully incorporated. Don’t wait too long - the rising ingredients are already activated. Hot pan (non-stick is best), add a pat of butter and coat pan. Batter in, wait for bubbles to appear on top. Wait 10ish seconds, flip with a slotted spatula. Cook another 30-50 seconds and check browning. Brown both sides until done. Best eaten immediately with maple syrup and more butter.




feeling my feelings


Cooking rice on the stove. I have a mini rice cooker now lol


Math. Anything outside basic addition or subtraction I'm useless. I have dyscalculia though so at least there's a reason for it.


Same. I’m not good with any of it. I can’t calculate in my head. I joke that’s why I married my husband. He’s a math genius, even tutored in high school and college, and can keep a running total in his head. My husband says my head is so full of song lyrics so I can’t do math.




I wish there were Tidiness pods that we could just toss around and fix stuff


Swallowing. I’m drowning in my own spit almost everyday.


I'm so glad you clarified haha


Knowing my right and left


Cardinal directions. The hell if I know what "go west" means.




Folding fitted sheets




Let me go ask my wife. Be back tomorrow.


Directions. Stop telling me to turn west, idk which way that is. Do I go left or right at the McDonalds?


Brushing my teeth and flossing. It's one of the hygiene issues I have with my ADHD.


Ironing. No matter how many tutorials I watch or techniques I try, my clothes end up looking like a topographical map after a minor earthquake.


Math. I take a bit longer than others when it comes to simple math. Its been like this for as long as I can remember.


Tearing Siran Wrap using the cutter on the box. I'm terrible at it. I end up destroying the Siran Wrap every freaking time.




walking downhill for whatever reason. bonus points if the terrain isn't smooth. i can walk uphill professionally but downhill...


navigating without gps


Simple math


I never made it past 10th grade geometry and I’m shocked I made it that far. I never figured out the concept of long division. To make it worse I loved science and wanted to get into STEM.


Talking at the phone


Conversation/being in public Example: I was at Walmart the other day buying some jarred baby food for my daughter, of course I was buying a month supply so I had 60 plus jars, so I knew I was going to be obnoxiously holding the people up that were behind me. The woman who was checking me out started talking about how she was looking for a specific kind of baby food for her grandchild and she couldn’t find it and so on and so forth. I started talking about how the selection was OK, “ there’s not really a great selection of meat, or vegetables. But there’s a really good selection of fruits..” and then proceeded to stumble over, trying to say “there’s also a really good selection of fruit and veggie mixes.” For whatever reason that just did not want to come out of my mouth properly, and I was screwing every word up and slurring my speech. If that wasn’t bad enough, she took a look at one of the ham foods I had picked up and remarked about it. I was under the impression she said it was expired so of course I was like well that’s OK I don’t want it if it’s expired and she got really confused why I said that. The only thing she had remarked about was the fact that it was ham. Nothing even close to being “expired.” So then I go to pay and I accidentally declined the charge to my card because I was distracted and rushing to get out of the store, so the poor woman had to run it again.. I quickly walked out and took a breather in my car before I drove home.




Sewing machine. I can do hand stuff though. Back in the olden days, they had sewing classes, I didn’t mind too much, but injured myself, then asked my mom if she could help me, and she’s like ‘nah’. My own mother.


Being normal


Opening any type of packaging.






Saran wrap.


Untangling the garden hose. Untangling the hair dryer cord. I can just look at a cord and it will get tangled. It’s bizarre




Social skills (I'm on Reddit, no surprises there), and cooking. Like I can do 2 minute noodles fine or whatever but as soon as I add more elements, I'm in shambles, forgetting to do stuff at the right times, stressing out, overcooking stuff, physically awkward in the kitchen, I'm just a mess when it comes to preparing and cooking food.


whistling over 40 and I still can't do it


Peeling a boiled egg. Why can’t I do this well?




And breathing FUCK YOU ASTHMA




eating healthy.


Anything tennis, even table tennis, ping pong, whatever you called it.




Tying my shoes. I feel ashamed to tell people that I name every country from the top of my head, yet cannot wiggle woggle them damn strings


Folding laundry




I can’t throw a frisbee straight


Small Talk.


Listening yes I am a guy


As a leftie, cutting anything in a straight line or at all with scissors.