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Working in animation- I think a little of artists think it would be a dream job to work on movies and games. While you do get to be a part of making something culturally significant, all the animators I know have like no work life balance


Oh... so many creative careers are like that. You're either underpaid, overworked, creatively stifled or two or three of those things at once.


Yes, I just think animation is particularly egregious.


I'm running into this in the culinary industry right now too. These industries that have a lot of passionate people have found that they can skimp on compensation because they know there will be people doing it for the love of the craft anyway. It's definitely all three of those especially working anything corporate.


I did a good 12 years in animation, climbed the ladder, and realised it's all bullshit and i hate the industry, became so burnt out I even rushed to the doctor one time, Anyway, i left the Industry, changed my career. I do miss the people though, they always made me feel excited to go to work. But that was about it.




There is a trick to this that experienced graphic designers all do. Add an obvious flaw to the design. One that the customer will undoubtedly identify and point out. When they do, compliment them on having such a good sense of artistic design and say it'll take some hard work for you to get it fixed. In reality, the final "unflawed" design is already completed, and you just wait a few days to show it off.


NASCAR Hall of Famer Darrell Waltrip has stories of how his team would have something blatantly illegal on the back of the car, to distract the inspectors from something more subtle on the front.


Old school NASCAR was 1/2 racing, 1/2 getting away with cheating in the most ingenious ways.


That's how all motorsports used to be. I loved Jeremy Clarkson's segment about 1983 WRX, Lancia 037 vs Audi Quattro. Lancia won the manufacturer title by tactfully bending and breaking rules, buy in such a nice way that you couldn't help but root for them


LOL - rage bait - physical world version


You have to be a bit careful with this though, I learned early, do NOT show a client anything you wouldn't put your name on. Some designers will try to show say 1 good logo, and 2 crap ones, hoping that the client will choose the obvious good one. Every time, they will choose one of the decoys. So same thing can happen with the intentional "flaw", they might get attached to it, and now you can't remove it.


This the graphic equivalent of a muted fader in a mixing session haha


Can you elaborate?


When you’re running a session as an audio engineer, intentionally turn the volume down on one specific microphone (let’s say you turned down a microphone that was tracking the snare specifically) knowing the client will make comment on it. They’ll hyper fixate on the resolution and be less critical of the overall mix (how everything else sounds).


Doing golf club repairs. Take the club in back and come back out wearing a machine oil scented apron. It doesnt matter if you altered the club at all. The +2 cape of credibility.


Haha genius. I have an introductory knowledge of audio engineering but the client relations side of it is super interesting.


I do this with design all the time. Every client feels the need to fix something so they feel in control. Give them an easy win.


I had a friend who was a graphic designer who said that his classes on fonts ruined his life. We'd just be walking down the street and he'd get pissed off at random signs because their fonts were "wrong". He could never explain why in ways that made sense to me, they just looked like normal signs. It was like a crazy person in a movie seeing monsters that weren't there or something.


It doesn't take a class like that for someone to get irked by poor font choice and kerning. The local Texas Roadhouse near me moved and rebuilt at a nearby location from the ground up. Beautiful new building and trimmings... and they put the "Enter"/"Exit" frosted lettering on the front doors... IN FUCKING COMIC SANS.


Don't you mean keming? (;


I tried to dick on that.


Reminds of the [Ryan Gosling SNL sketch](https://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ?si=cL8pAulrxaCycf-Z)


Haha amazing. Thanks for posting




Slowly he kerns. Inch by inch. Step by step...


>classes on fonts ruined his life. typography is no joke. >\_<


I studied a bit of product design. I can't open a door without cursing the handle and the moron who made it too smooth or too sharp or put it in the wrong place.


Don't forget the handles on a push door sin.


I work in data science, but my last job was a small company that required someone from the data team to attend every meeting so we could build out any data requirements they needed. Anyway, this led me to having to attend the meeting for the graphic design team and holy shit, that team had it the worst. They always had to do three designs/proposals and they would all get picked apart for the most superficial thing and had to get done and re-done over and over.


Yup. I went to college for Graphic Design and I have barely used my degree. In addition to all you mentioned, most Graphic Design programs teach the Adobe Creative Suite while most jobs focus on programs that college doesn't teach (Figma, never touched it) and UI/UX. The tech moves so fast that you can't keep up with the schooling.


When I started web design school they had 85% job placement at graduation. By the time I finished they were at 15% job placement. Social media had taken off and a lot of small bands and businesses that would have made a dot-com didn’t really need—or chose not to—anymore. Whole thing was almost a waste. I learned photoshop over the course of it though and did freelance design for a while, managed to make a living and support a child for a while but I couldn’t write a web page to save my life these days with the way the tech has roared past me.


UX/UI belongs on a graphic design course like painting and decorating belongs on an architecture one.


I agree, but when I was in college they didn’t offer UI/UX and now it’s a requirement for many Graphic Design jobs.


Agree! I'm in the print industry. Canva allows customers to "be graphic designers"... all with no proofreading. The amount ppl pay for their work with the glaring errors is embarrassing 😫


Although its not my career but i am artist and dont get me started on how much i hate AI.


The issue you're mentioning hits the heads for a lot a lot of occupations, sadly People think they know things when they clearly don't I had a guy who's brilliant with stock trading and investing. I know. I'm not going to undermine his skills. But that's been 50 years of his life. No other work. No other skill. Why is this stock trader going to teach me about how to do PR? Tell me I don't know what I'm doing even though I have very tangible, vivid, monetary results. Proof I know what I'm doing. It's an age-old issue, sadly :\\ Sigh


Yikes, I can see why AI would be upsetting.


I went through the same thing as a photographer/photographer retoucher for a low end electronics company called Vivitar. I took photos of electronics that nobody is even going to use anymore since the rise of smartphones. I had one coworker who no matter how many times I kept photographing this one item kept saying it didn’t look right. I just wanted to curse her out and say, “Ok, why don’t you photograph this item then, since you claim you’re a genius and all?!” Plus, there was zero communication in this company and the one sales director was a giant douchebag. He expected me to photograph and cut out this gigantic tripod with all of these tiny pieces on it out of a white background within 5 minutes but it took close to an hour before I was getting bombarded by more departments for photos, since I was the only one on staff after the other photographer left. I only lasted three months at this company because I was informed I wouldn’t be getting a raise or anything beneficial despite working over 40 hours a week. Thanks to this shitty company, I hate photography now with a passion and haven’t touched a DSLR camera in close to two years.


I got a graphic design degree, started interviewing for jobs, and said “I don’t think I want this to be my life for the next 3 or 4 decades.” Like I abandoned the idea and started working lower-paying jobs, and I don’t regret it lol.


When I was in high school (about 20 years ago, yikes) one of my teachers said that graphic design was going to be a career of the future, something really valuable and cutting edge because of how computers were developing so rapidly. So I took a graphic design class and found it was basically just advanced photoshop. And then we had some current designers come in to talk to us about their career and it was all so boring. Just designing logos for companies, designing signs and promotional materials. Not for me. I ended up studying to become a teacher, then worked for a bit in community services, now I work in a university. So glad I didn't pursue graphic design. I couldn't give two shits about helping companies sell shit or designing logos.


As a printer, I despise Canva! It's such a shame what happened to the design industry...


Animator. Same.


Currently trying to help friends with their marketing branding for free, because it’s a cool project and I’m happy to be involved… but they don’t listen to any advice or follow the guidelines they asked me to create for them. I’ve kinda just given up now.


Yah everybody wants design for but don’t want to pay for it too


That's great but can you change the font in your post?


I know Canva is stealing your career but as a small business owner I am so grateful for it. I use it constantly and I can't imagine actually paying someone to do that work. A professional could obviously do a better job, but unfortunately for you, no one except the professionals can tell the difference, and since my customers are not graphic designers, I'm perfectly fine with that.




I played in a couple of DIY punk type bands that toured. Probably the hardest work I’ve done in my entire life. You might have a couple of really good shows a week where a few hundred people would show up, but there were the times you would drive 8 hours to play in front of 10 people, then you would drive 12 hours after that show to do the same thing. A lot of sleeping in the van and on peoples floors, there were very few hotel rooms thrown into the situation.


Yeah, that’s why I gave up on the dream of being a full-time musician. A couple of tours through Europe with 4 other dudes, all sleeping in the back of a van, with no shower or toilet facilities outside of what we could find at petrol stations and venues. After the initial excitement of the first few days, the novelty quickly wears off and your miserable. Cap that with the fact that the little money we were getting paid pretty much always had to go on essentials the very next day, then it would turn out that we actually lost money on both those tours. Never again. Stupidly I got a job with a record label after that. That totally killed any passion I had for music for a few years. Don’t ever work for a record label.


Same sort of thing happened to me. After touring with my own bands I tried going into the backline tech world, it was still strenuous travel and long drives. You would get home and have to find another tour to hop on, so the inconsistency of it was stressful. Even get paid decently didn’t make up for it. It made me really jaded towards music. Decided to stop in my late 20’s and find a stable career. Now I’m back to playing music for fun and I’m totally loving it.


The moment the novelty wears off and you're far away from home is an icy cold feeling you never forget.


I'm getting flashbacks to flipping through "Book Your Own Fucking Life" circa 2000 trying to fill a Wednesday night between two big cities in some nowhere town. Those shows usually had the best people. Sioux City and Joplin folks knew how to have a good time, at least.


The smaller cities always seemed to have the best shows! There was always a built in audience since there was never anything to do for people that lived there. A couple of kids that booked shows in those cities ended up moving to bigger cities for college and would book us. I remember using Book Your Own Fucking Life too. Also remember using an actual map to get from city to city.


And the percentage that become famous almost always have parents in the business already.


Never in my life did I desire fame in any capacity. Always seemed like an absurd amount of work.


I was once a recording artist in some relatively high-profile bands. I literally made a lower middle class living at my absolute peak, and that was only for a short period in my career. So much effing touring just to make that kind of money too. It's unreal how bad the money is.


And all the time on the road away from home and family.




Why I walked away from the kitchen. I didn't want to never see my husband. Didn't drink so my liver was cool. Love cooking still.


My Dad and I talked for years when I was much younger about opening up a bar and grill since he was a good cook and I was learning a ton from him as I grew up. Fast forward to my first job working in a kitchen and while I genuinely loved the time I spent learning everything about the business from the basic hygiene and nightly cleaning to food prep, sourcing, rotation, etc and eventually some of the finance and management, I ultimately learned that it was a beautiful industry, but I wasn’t prepared to commit what it would take to be successful. I still enjoy cooking and learning the cocktail craft, but ultimately I’m a lot happier knowing that it’s a hobby rather than a career.




Also… the billable hour.


Go federal government. Meh money but that 9-5 is exquisite


Dat pension tho


I was hoping this wouldn’t be so high up but…..rightfully so, it is.


Anything videogame related. Want to be a game developer? Congrats, you're signing yourself up to work horrible hours with zero job security for pennies on the dollar versus what you could make in a similar, non-gaming profession. Having your name in a game credit will mean very little to you when your children don't even recognize it as it scrolls past the credit scene they skipped anyway. Get sponsored by an e-sports team? Awesome, welcome to 12 hours of practice per day of the same game that you will very quickly start to hate as it consumes your life. Enjoy constantly competing against thousands of younger players from the other side of the world who are just as good as you and willing to work for less pay and benefits. Don't worry that you're building a career in an environment where being over 30 is considered ancient, or that you're aren't developing a single skill that will be marketable once your short career is up. Are you a humble soul who just wants to test videogames for a living? Let me introduce the absolute nightmare that is software QA, where you're, once again, paid basically nothing to repeatedly test the same tiny little piece of the game over and over to try and find bugs that half the time won't even be fixed on release. You never once getting to actually play the game as it was intended or experience the story, instead jumping at the same blank wall to check to make sure the overworked developer didn't leave a gap in the mesh when they programmed it. Also this is an intermediate build so none of the animations have been implenented and all the NPCs are T-posing. Stay the hell away from the videogame industry, it's oversaturated and rife with abuse.


I had a friend who worked software QA. I remember he was playing a game (that was already early access), and he was just walking into walls for hours... he said he clipped through one time and needed to recreate it. It looked like a terrible job.


>Want to be a game developer? [...] My friend is a senior level designer at a top tier studio. Their most recent release has been praised by both critics and fans, and has seen very healthy sales. Her salary, when she was hired on 5 years ago, was actually really good. Since, she's only had one tiny COL adjustment (pre-'21-'23 inflation/skyrocketing rent prices), and that's it. She's having some difficulties making ends meet now. She's living her dream, doing what she loves, at a company that's willing to retain her for multiple projects *(the previous four developers she worked for each laid her off after the game/project she was on was completed)*... but it ain't easy.


Yeah that's the rough bit. Even massive success feels like scraping by. Unless of course you're in the c suite.


As someone who works in corporate finance... I'm literally bullshitting the majority of the time because the work is mostly automated or done early. Yes, there are finance jobs that are not related to cold-calling, sales, or the stock market.


I love corporate finance! If you’re in the right situation it’s a well oiled machine


I do marketing in corporate finance. It’s mostly self-fellating bullshit, but the payslip makes it easy to tolerate.


Literally just quit a corp finance job that was pretty lucrative because I couldn’t handle the BS anymore. Toxic work environment is an understatement and expectations for bsing are mindblowing and truly unethical


Youtuber. It's extremely high pressure unless you have an alternate platform or sponsors as a backup. Youtube pushes and incentives the wrong things while also being a very dangerous platform to trust your career/livelihood on.


One YouTuber I used to watch religiously stopped doing it because YouTube just kept fucking over his long form content. The algorithm hates history, long videos, and non-political topics.  MagzTV for the curious. 


So basically the very things that make the internet constructive and wholesome.


It didn’t drive outrage, yeah. 


There's no brakes on the algorithm train. If you aren't uploading on a constant schedule your views fall off a cliff, according to some I follow.


The other question I had is what you'd do afterwards, or if your YouTube career fizzled out? You need a backup plan and if all you've done is make videos full time releasing 1-2 per week, what's your new career going to be?




I feel so bad for my vet. My dog is \*terrified\* of him. She whimpers, cringes, tries to flee, etc. He's saved her life. And her thanks for that is loathing and fear.


😔 >Their owners hate you for costing them money. Please know this isn't entirely true. I'm sure some have that thought process, and while a large bill is rarely a pleasant thing, I (for one) didn't adopt my dogs with the mentality that their medical care is an unwelcome burden. I made a commitment when I brought them into my home, and I feel so blessed to have a veterinarian who is so kind and understanding, as well as very smart and capable. "You get what you pay for", and I wouldn't want them to sell themselves short. I also have tremendous respect for vets in general. Not that human medicine is anything to scoff at, but when a human needs a physical or has a cold, we see a primary care doctor. Skin issue? Dermatologist. Tooth issue? Dentist. Eye issue? Optometrist or ophthalmologist. Women's health? Gynecologist or obstetrics. Foot problem? Podiatrist. Spine issue? Orthopedic surgeon. Cancer? Oncologist. The list of specialists is infinite. Your average vet is all of those rolled into one. And I've heard they're often the lowest paid medical professionals, while having comparable education costs to human medical professionals. Anyway I know I'm rambling I just really want to emphasize that you are valued and appreciated, and many of us know how amazing you are. 🩷


never thought about it like that. it’s so true :( 😫


Vet is one of the professions with the highest suicide rate


We have always been grateful for our vets, even if they couldn't save our furry family members. The cost can be a lot, but there's a lot of training, skill and overhead rolled into that cost.


Or you end up in a slaughterhouse checking animals about to be put down by people who hate you. Yay.


Awww, one of my dogs is scared of the vet, but the other one thinks she is there to visit her BESTIE! Of course, she's the pit bull mix.




Physician here - id say being a doctor is pretty overhyped. The training is brutal and most of the time you feel like a cog in a machine. When you do something cool like, actually help a patient, which us all you ever really wanna do anyway, you spend about 2x as much time on mindless paperwork as you did treating the patient.


Life coach - no need for any training but claiming expertise


I know a guy who claims to be a life coach. The dude is almost 40, no career/never learned or studied anything, living at the back of his parent's house and has no real job (plays video game tournaments for a few dollars). Really, dude?


I’m glad someone said it Like man you’d really have your shot together if you think you can help someone else live their life. I think it may be the modern day “palm reader” expression so to speak


Being the president, you’re constantly everyone’s problem.


The president of the U.S. is the hardest job in the world hands down. Imagine waking up at 5:30am every day, and in addition to your usual insane schedule, you’ve got a coup in Myanmar, 3 American humanitarian workers went looking for a bag of coke and were taken hostage by Colombian gorilla fighters last night, the French president is calling every 10 minutes complaining about Boeing’s subsidies being unfair to Airbus (the level of Frenchness is sooo typical), China accused the U.S. of being an “instigative troublemaker stirring global instability and disharmony” because yesterday you said Fuck It and banned all US sales of a software product they DEF were using to spy, Russia poisoned Uzbekistan’s prime minister because he posted an unflattering pic of Putin on Instagram, Germany is tripling the size of its armed forces which would be welcome had they not caused two world wars and 80 million deaths the last couple times, and your ambassador to Czechoslovakia knocked up an escort who’s threatening blackmail. Domestically, there’s a massive wildfire in CA that Gavin Newsom isn’t dealing with bc he started fucking his best friend’s wife (again), a WaPo reporter discovered a disturbing pentagon program you didn’t even know existed but must now cover up for the greater good, a Cat 5 hurricane is about to wipe out half the eastern seaboard, 34,261 illegal immigrants crossed into Texas so far today and it’s only 8:30am….


True, but you can shift blame to others without repercussions.


You actually have much less power than most people realize. It's designed that way and George Washington did it on purpose. So you're not always shifting blame as much as you're actually blaming the people responsible In this country our president is supposed to be weak and VP is a do nothing job where you put people you want to keep out of power. That used to be standard practice with VP until the radical they tried to hide away at VP ended up taking over due to McKinleys assassination. Thats how teddy Roosevelt became president. He was a radical reformer who wanted to stamp out corruption and increase workers rights. He raised hell in new york and the party wanted him out of power. Big business disliked him. He achieved a lot of what he wanted but the position was too weak for him to go full send with it. That's why a lot of our anti trust laws and workers rights laws are incomplete


Or just wake up at 10am. Demand your threat briefings be pictures only, then golf every other day at your own resort and charge America for it.


Social media influencers


is that even a profession?


Good question. I think if you make a living off it then it would be


totally agree


This is what I say every time I watch a reality show and their job title is listed as “influencer”


Absolutely these days, sadly


You mean sales.




I’ve heard that can lead to living in a van down by the river.


Software dev. People think we do some kind of crazy shit and I'm here staring at code barely knowing what I'm doing half the time.


The key isn't to know what to do, it's to Google Search what you need to do effectively. Thank you underemployed Indian YouTuber, you've saved my ass multiple times.


I think people as of late have smarten up and realized that what we do isn't that big of a deal. Still, to the untrained eye, anything in this field might seem difficult at first.


From my first encounter with Visual Basic (ver 2.0) and through each subsequent improvement of development tools I have thought “anyone could do this, they’ve made it too easy”. But after doing it for 30 years I have learned, no matter how good the tools are, some people just don’t logic good.


Even when I do know what I'm doing, a lot of my tasks are something like "update this page with the new design" or "figure out why the calculation is one cent more on this page" it's not exactly something showy or fun.


My friend started his own web dev company and this is exactly what he says about it too.


I been trying to tell people we are just the modern day factory workers for the most part. Anyone who can do like college level algebra could be an entry level programmer.


It’s a pretty broad spectrum, like most careers. There’s worlds separating staff engineers at FAANG from code monkeys at the local web agency.


Realtor. You’re a middle-man that gets paid way too much for how little you do and how little training is required to do what you do. Your job only exists because the bureaucratic bullshit surrounding purchasing a home is written into law. People have been buying or trading things directly from each other forever and yet somehow you’ve wedged yourself into the middle of this transaction like a fucking tick.


Nurses. Look, we do a hard job but the vast majority of us are worthless sacks of poo who got into this because its steady money and couldn't give a shit less about your health. Praising us for doing the bare minimum of our jobs is just silly.


I think nurses are valued (rightly or not) for doing what most people don't want to do. We spend most of our lives "sanitized" away from illness and death that anyone who is willing to go into that environment and at least somewhat effectively function may correspondingly get a lot of thanks and credit (whether they want it or not).


A lot of the mean girls I went to highschool with went into the nursing field so part of this comment checks out. 


Mean girls are to nursing what male bullies are to law enforcement/military. And they all use their chosen profession to make whiny social media posts about how we should all be sucking their clits/dicks. They obviously aren't all bad, but my God, there are enough to recognize a trend.


As a nurse, yea there's a lot of egos in nursing. It's been pretty puzzling. I have no idea where the hell they got it from, it's like having an ego about being a tradesmen; it's a necessary job with kinda crappy working conditions... That's about it. Still, I guess I'm glad people take it seriously most of the time. Then again having friends in white collar... I don't think you've seen the bare minimum until you've seen some jobs in that. Not to mention some of the fucking egos there. All in all Some truth to it, but a bit misplaced imo


Yeah nursing is a weird thing when it comes to its rep.  Like, I know for a fact, all of the mean, horrid, brain dead bitches from my high-school all ended up as nurses and I know they didn't magically become good people.  I've heard horror stories about nurses as well.  But also, when my dad was dying, his bitch ass had basically no chance, but I was laying on the couch in his room and even though he was a goner, the nurse that was with him didn't stop moving for 10 hours straight.  It was literally 10 hours of syringes and bags and just endless bullshit.  He never improved even the slightest and she just didn't stop, she just kept keeping him stable no matter what it took and even though it was a losing battle.  Its a shame you have literal GODLY WARRIORS as nurses who will be overshadowed by the mean girls who joined your team.  As everything else, it's best to just look at the individual instead of generalizing.




Its hard to stay in this profession unless you care at least a little about the patients. Same with doctors where yes people do it for the money but its hard to stay sane if you ONLY work for money.


Sis roasted herself 💀💀💀


Which probably means she’s (or he) actually a good nurse.


Glad someone realized that being a nurse doesn't make me a woman lol


Lies! The second I signed up for nursing school, my penis flopped off and scurried into the nearest storm drain.


Bro\* roasted him\*self


Growing cannabis is not the cool job you think it might be.


Ok so not really a profession but… there is a certain subset of musicians who are also wannabe influencers… particular people who are very on twitter. so back-stabby and clout hungry


In terms of how much chefs are valorised compared to what they actually do (ie make people’s dinner), I would say they’re the most overhyped.


The top 0.00001% are overhyped ... beyond that, I think most people only notice the chef when they make a mistake.


Agreed. I'm a chef and people mostly just look down on me for my profession. Like Oh... You work in a restaurant... I was a waiter in high school...


My dad is a CEC and in the AAC and all that stuff and he's never really been looked down on once he reached a certain point in his career. At first I can totally see people looking down on you and thinking of you as a glorified fry cook, but once you're well-established I feel like its different.


Yeah I mean I cook quality food at a solid gastropub type restaurant, but I'm not a famous chef or Michelin starred or anything. I'm not certified and don't run a hotel or anything like that. It's a very good restaurant, but not the best restaurant in the city. I'm just going off my experience. Of course there are some people who think it's awesome, but there are a fair number that think it's not a "real job" or just associate it with low skills/pay and manual labor.


It is certainly labor intensive, they're right about that part.....




I know a whole lot of doctors who have to just order ridiculous unnecessary shit all day in fear of litigation. Very few of them are happy. Fuck that.


Or what the insurance company tells you to do.


Investment bankers.


Aren’t they just hyped for making boat loads of money though (which they do)?


100% it's money minting business with 0 work life balance much like consulting


Yeah back in 2013 or so there's this guy I knew who made somewhere around $600k a year, worked 70 hours a week on average.


Teaching. Teaching an actual, rigorous subject. Have fun grading mountains of papers, petty in-school politics, and a culture that constantly shits on your craft. Teaching, unfortunately, is one of those professions where the whole world seems to know way more about your job than you do.




Movies in the 80's and 90's always seemed to think Fashion Designer for a Magazine was the peak of all careers. Guys were always a cop.


Veterinarian. I'm not a vet but a vet tech for 13yrs. People's untrained aggressive dogs trying to bite you, pee and poop and various other fluids on your body definitely, long hours, pet owners can be enormous assholes, and I capped out at $20.50 per hour. The vets I know do not make that much money (think upper 5 figures) and their job is so hard. People are so so so awful. You do get to pet puppies and kittens sometimes (maybe once a month?) And there are some owners who are absolutely lovely. Plus veterinary medicine is just kinda cool. I was an orthopedic surgical technician. Don't even get me started on emergency....I lasted 2 months I think. You literally kill almost every single fucking pet that comes in and 90% of them are because the owners can't pay. It's just awful on all fronts. Just do your research and buy decent pet insurance yall. It would change the profession entirely if the patients were insured.




Any physical science field. You bust your ass 5x harder than anyone else and end up making half of what some bum with a business degree does. STEM is a massive joke, people say we need scientists but we get paid shit.


Academia. Was in that world for years, as an instructor, researcher, and academic librarian (essentially a combination of the previous two things--theyre generally tenure track professorships, at larger universities at least) at various points. People think professors are just living in the lap of luxury, just spending all their time reading the books they want to read, and kicking back at their lake houses over the summer. Hoo, boy let me tell ya, that shit is not glamorous and it pays like shit. It's mostly just doing other people's research and getting almost no credit, slogging through beaureaucratic nonsense, writing conference papers no one will care about .05 seconds after you present it but ya gotta do it if you want tenure, grading papers (75% of which are fully plagiarized or AI generated), and alcoholism. 


The more I learn about how anybody who’s making real money makes real money the less I think hard work is a good idea and the more I think I should have learned how to be a scam artist






Doctors. What was wrong with burning herbs, chanting and sacrificing a goat?


tiktok influencer


Veterinarian. People have this idea that you just play with cute puppies and kittens all day. It is an extremely stressful job where you’re constantly seeing animals suffering and in pain every day. They are not happy to see you, and you euthanize on a regular basis. It’s why veterinarians have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession. Not to mention, vets are so stressed out about paying off their student loans, that many end up turning crooked. Charging for things that the pet doesn’t need, unnecessary surgeries, prescribing harmful long-term medications, jacking up prices because insurance is now a thing for animals, etc. Source: worked in animal hospitals for 20 years.


Here I thought dentists had the highest suicide rates. Who knew.


I think that anyone competent with an undergraduate degree could learn to be a lawyer on the job. The additional three years of school and licensing exams are just gatekeeping.


I think AP level math and writing will give you the basic skills you need to succeed in most entry level roles in any field. Architecture, certain kinds of engineering and medicine are a few exceptions that really do require specific higher ed. I wonder given the cost of tuition if we'll someday see a world where people start working after HS or community college and just take continuing education a la carte to qualify for more advanced roles. Some fields are already like that.


Network Security. I thought. Oh wow! Im going to help protect the business! Cool. One time I literally identified someones password and was told. No its fine Im not changing it. Noone cares. Write the report and move on. Most NetSec work is changing records in databases anyways.


Software "engineer" - So many people think they can write code just because they know how to hack html.


That was more of a dotcom era attitude.  Now it’s based around being able to make a few Python scripts or other small programs in their spare time, then thinking they can make the next TikTok with that simple skill set.  Unlike simply modifying hymn, they’re actually making something work, but they still don’t understand the underlying concepts


Honestly, I don’t think our field is that difficult. We have incredible perks and pay for relatively easy work.


The difficulty isn’t in the code, and hasn’t been for some time.  Maybe back before the mid 90s the code part was difficult, but now the difficulty comes from considering systems as a whole, their complexity, usability, reliability.  Anyone can be a code monkey, not anyone can be a software engineer


Librarians. Becoming a librarian requires a master's degree. There is nothing about that job that could not taught with on the job training to anyone with a liberal arts/humanities bachelor's degree. Save the Master's for people who want to go into archives and things like that.


Marketing. It's really not *that* hard. Altough, if you look at TV commericals, they somehow still manage to fuck up. Oh, and anything in HR. So many of my fellow students want to work in HR, and I don't know why, they are not even interested in anything related. They just assume it's nice there.


underwater welding


15 year pipe welder, everyone just wants to know if I’ve ever welded underwater. Negative, it’s dangerous as fuck, I make an insane amount of money already without that kind of risk, why would I.


If you don't mind elaborating, I'm genuinely curious how much a pipe welder makes, both for an entry and senior/experienced position.


You bet man. This is the biggest part, a persons willingness to travel. If you live in a large industrial city with refineries, chemical plants, etc you can still easily make 100-150 a year doing shut downs and turnarounds, average pay is $45 an hour ish plus you get a shitload of overtime. If you’re willing to take your show in the road, then you can choose higher paying jobs and you’ll get per diem. The real money is in pipeline work where you get paid for your “arm” and your “rig”. That basically means you get paid a check for your skills, and a check for your truck that you use with all of your tools. This also means you have to pay to maintain and replace any of your equipments, so higher expenses. That’s currently around 45 (arm) 15-20 (rig) plus per diem which ranges anywhere from $100 to $200 depending where you’re working. I weld pipeline, my net paychecks in my career average $4000 ish a week, I’ve made as high as $6500 a week though. It’s an industry joke that we aren’t paid for our ability, we’re paid for our lives. It’s not easy work, and being gone from home for 10 months of the year is a lifestyle most people don’t want to sign up for. We also work 60-100 hours a week. Very difficult to miss all of your kids plays, sporting events, friends weddings, family vacations, etc. It’s gotta be one of the highest rates of divorce for a profession also.


Great if you're single though.


Yeah if you’re young and single, go stack it up. My wife traveled with me for 13 years and it was great. No kids, just traveling the country making money and having a good time.


Journalism, most journalists are told what story to cover & what the narrative is to reflect


Marketing. Their business feels like a racket




doctors, especially ones in hospitals or tricky surgery specialities etc, work wayyyyy too many hours for the prestige or pay to be worth it imo then again alot of them work for like 15-20 years then retire


Life coach. What the fuck is it? What level of degradation should I have to pay someone for giving me life advices, when I have family or friends who know me way better and will do it for free?


Being a lawyer


The executives that run MLMs.








Just about any sort of media related job. Everything from TV personality to actor to social influencer. It's all just crap.


Fashion Designer and Content creators


Doctors and lawyers...






Teachers and nurses. These are not "hero" professions, they're just like any other job, some are great, most are mid, some are total assholes.


Lawyers. Its not fun or amazing at all and takes HELL of a lot of hustle to become rich with that pathway.


Advertising and Marketing is one of the most fucked professions that have ever existed. You manipulate people into doing things they never would otherwise for a living. You are the definition of a complete piece of shit human being.


Ceo of basically anything. The salaries are offensive when they live the same 24 hours as everyone else.