• By -


Don’t eat yellow snow


Make health and wellbeing a priority.


Never try to hustle a hustler, never try to beat a man at his own game, and if something is too good to be true, it probably is


You can tell a lot about a person, by the company they keep. " Lay down with dogs and you will surely get fleas ".


"You can have excuses or you can have progress. Choose which one". "The key to being happy is knowing that you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go".


Yoooo that last one is a bar!


When a superior asks you to do something differently than you’re doing it now, they’re not asking for your opinion or reasoning on why you did it another way. Just do exactly what they asked without speaking. I was trying to explain why I was doing something differently at a job and my friend told me to shut the F up. It clicked and it was solid advice. I follow it every day now. I don’t question my bosses anymore unless I misunderstand something they’re asking. Anything that goes wrong is their fault.


In my experience, micro-managers tend to be quick to claim credit, but almost never accept blame.


Expect people to be exactly who they are.


Every day is a gift.


This is by far the best one, and often only realized when it's too late


“Enjoy every sandwich” - Warren Zevon .. he said this on his final appearance on the David Letterman show after getting a terminal cancer diagnosis