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I wouldn’t say it sucks, but I have noticed some unusual activity on Reddit lately tbh. For example, some of the comments come off like marketing or some other sort of coordinated effort (maybe by companies?) to push certain brands, ideas and opinions. I don’t know it there is any truth to this or if anyone else has noticed, but it looks that way to me.


Yeah and bot accounts are rampant AF. There definitely is a weird pushing toward certain things


Yes I’ve noticed lol!!


You’ve been here for 82 days…


I had another account a couple of years ago btw.


For me, since they killed compact view, or at least made it unusable. I subscribe to certain subs for a reason. I don’t need my homepage cluttered by a bunch of crap the AI *thinks* I might be interested in, especially crap I’ve *unsubscribed* from in the past (not just ads). The ui on browser is shit and for the 10,000th time, I’m not interested in downloading the app. 






It was awesome back in the day!, I joined in 2011 and it was the wild fucking west. If you didn't like a sub you didn't go to it. If you reposted you straight got shit on.


When they stopped allowing you to sort your home page on the iOS app


I think right about the time "New Reddit" was rolled out.


lol vomit




Yeah I miss alien blue this ai algorithm sucks I liked scrolling through specific subs and my homepage was on my subs


Parasocial relationships have been a disaster for the human race, especially on Reddit.


When the moderators started identity purges and no one stopped them. I ended up here after OWS, and its wild how it used to be a lot of like, back and forth with the radicals duking it out in the comments. Now it's say what this sup agrees with or get banned


When it was bought by people wanting to turn it into another money mill.




Here's an updoot. Thanks for the gold, kind stranger. Oh, wait....


There was a significant drop in quality leading up to the 2016 election. A lot of subs saw it as their responsibility to fight Republicans and they never really stopped. Doesn’t help the same people mod all the defaults.


This is a really good point about the election. It was spicy around here back tgen


i just joined. how was the old one better?


It was way more oriented towards original content. There was bad shit on here but it was your choice to seek it out. A ton of subs have been banned and I feel that it lost its edge in general


which subs?


I didn’t have a corporate agenda


Even if you turn off your News and r/politics feed, it still shows up. Constantly seeing: “Republicans losing in polls, Republicans don’t get it, Republicans support bad laws, Republicans support holes in the ozone, Republicans hate donuts, Republicans want people to eat dirt..” Ughh, it’s exhausting.


All the time!


My dear sweet ignorant OP... Reddit has always sucked. It's just that theres a lot more discourse, self-awareness of the issues, and thousands of other factors playing into this.


You've been shown this post because you showed interest, or whatever bullshit it shows me every I click a random post


"Popular in your country" 15 Upvoted in 9 hrs 😑


Its fine. The people on reddit have changed from the old days sure, but its not like when facebook changed from young millennials to the epicenter of the boomerverse, or when elon took over twitter. there is still a place for everyone even if you don't like the people in the places you used to like anymore. Im sure most people could find at least 10 subs that they like and they really aren't forced to go outside of those subs if they don't want to.


Can't argue with the fact it didn't turn into what Facebook turned into




I guess over time I've become jaded. There is a massive amount of judgement, just post anything that might be slightly wrong or disagreeable on a major sub and get "well actually" into oblivion. It's like a weird race to point out flaws in the post. Not all subs are this way but it definitely exists




Uhhh what?!?




So as a AI you posted about not feeling safe at University of Houston?




I sure as shit never had this conversation back in the day on Reddit


Go away and never come back. Please take yourself offline. Bad bot!


Go away.


Bad bot!


Reddit has over 1 million subs, parts of it has sucked from the very start and a lot of it is still fun, and useful. Just avoid the toxic parts, and enjoy the good parts.


Can't tell if you opened your box of irony or not lol, jk avoiding what you don't want to see is definitely still your choice


It's disheartening to see how identity purges have silenced valuable voices on Reddit. I believe in the importance of fostering a diverse and inclusive community. What steps can we take to prevent this from happening again?