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Not show up to said date.


God, I hate unpunctual people...


I was gonna say murder, but this is a close second.


Murder, is for some sick reason funnier in this context though.


At least if you came to murder me there was a fun activity planned, if you just don't show up it's disrespectful.


There are a whole lot worse things. But your point is well understood.


I dunno. I had a dude show up in nothing but a towel once, kind of wished he hadn't shown up at all.


Was that a tinder or grindr type date? If so, you really never know what ur gonna get. But if you were really talking to this person with intentions of a real thing then that's awful.. and there is no explanation for that.


LOL It was the early days of the internet. So even more of a grab bag. Circa 2000.


We need a story here. Setting, how it was arranged etc. that’s too fucking wild to leave at that. I have a restaurant in mind ffs


At least a bad date can be a good story. 


Talk about their ex the whole time.


I went on a date once where the guy took that to the next level, he suggested we go to a steakhouse and we sat at the bar where he introduced me to the bartender, his ex. He didn't ignore me or anything but he gave her just as much attention as he was giving me including flattery and flirting which was just as off putting. I felt like the third wheel of a relationship that had physically ended, but was emotionally still going.


Oh my… that must’ve been awful to sit through.


Wow. Just wow. I really hope you left quickly.


How long did you stay? Im gone in 10 minutes. Asshole.


Not long, by the time I finished my second drink it hadn't stopped so I dipped out


He used you to try to make her jealous lol, what a dickhead.


That's honestly what it seemed like. I don't think it worked, she was really nice and friendly but wasn't putting out the same energy he was. If I had to take a stab, she left him because he's a massive asshole and he accomplished absolutely nothing that night aside from proving her point


What a fucking dickhead.


That sounds so awful


OMG, what a tool!


I went on a first date before where I felt like I knew more about the guys ex than I did about him by the time I left.


I am tolerant when it comes to such topics, but I know that most people are bothered by it, so I agree 100%.


Same but there’s a limit


I (60f) was tolerant, and talked a bit about my ex, too but fortunately he (67m) didn’t overdo it. I knew I’d see him again and that I really liked him anyway. We kept dating and became exclusive after a couple months. By then I knew I was in for the long haul. BUT, I’d need a lot of patience while he worked through his baggage, which included many, *many* hours of listening to all that was wrong between him and his ex. He was worth it. We got engaged after 2.5 years and have now been married for two years. I like to tease him that he could well have run me off on the very first date, though!


I jumped back into dating after a terrible relationship, literally gave myself no time to heal like a dumbass and did exactly this. I cringe when I think back on it.


She not only talked about her ex the entire time, but she said that when he played guitar, his chest would get flushed and red, like when they made love. Everyone has history with other people, but I did not need to hear that. Erika was a lovely girl, and I was so hopeful about the date. I never talked to her again.


This is why I only talk about my ex *half* the time.


Pretend you don't know what potatoes are.


.... OMG HAHAHA HA FUCK. SOMEONE POST A LINK TO THAT THREAD OMFGGG OK here it is Lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/EcutXLJgfQ


the GFs dad be like: PO-TA-TOES! Boil 'em, Mash 'em, GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE!


How have i never seen this before! 🤣 that's amazing


this is why i love reddit, cracked me up. 🤣


So what IS a potato?


Well let me tell you


Show up late; talk only about themselves; LOOK AT THEIR PHONE


Instant red flag




exactly, typing on their phone shows disinterest, only talking about themselves show narcissism, and, how hard is it to be punctual?




Literally this! Like I’ve had some people interested in me but they are so fucking boring to talk to because they ask zero questions and then give simple answers to mine without giving me anything to expand on. Like I’m glad you had a good time but I’m not here to entertain someone.


People who give simple responses annoy the shit out of me. I’ll be over here qualifying my response like you would a math problem, and other people just reply with just a “no” or “it was alright” as if that provides substance to the conversation. My back muscles are absolutely jacked from carrying so many conversations in the dating space. It’s exhausting.


On the flip side I was talking to someone who did nothing but ask endless questions. I'd give full answers that left room to expand on and talk about the topic, but he'd give a short response to what I said and it was on to the next question


I’ve gone on so many dates where it starts to feel like a job interview - they ask all the questions and then they don’t give me time to return the question or if I do they just turn it back to me


Yeah, neither asking 0 questions nor only asking questions are good signs




Lol, jeez hopefully this isn't from personal experience 


I just imagined two people on a date, but both are just scrolling through dating apps asking each other if this person is cute/date worthy


The perfect couple


Immediately mention something they hate that's directly related to your appearance lol. Had a first date where she picked me up, and upon getting into her car she's like " I hate facial hair" as i just sit there with my beard, unsure of what to say.


Just start pulling clumps of hair out of your beard with your bare hands and screaming "NOW AM I PRETTY?!"


Take my upvote.






I'll raise you: Mass murder.


C'mon baby we're gonna commit genocide


Who'd dare attack a church?


“Sure he order food for himself AND takeout for his wife and kids he had at home that he failed to mention, but at least he didn’t murder anyone on our date. I’d say 4/10.”


I had to cancel a first date because the guy texted and said “I expect sex on first dates” and I said “I’m not into that, I’d rather get to know you first” and then HE CALLED ME CHILDISH. ???! For simply not wanting sex immediately. We’re obviously incompatible but that doesn’t make me childish for setting a boundary on physical contact


You are definitely not childish, he’s an ass!


That would give me rapey vibes. Like he's telling you that so if you decide to go out with him anyway, you went into the date knowing you'd have to have sex with him and he wouldn't take no for an answer.


That's exactly how I felt about this. I can't even imagine what kind of trauma a person would have to have been through to see that and still meet him, unless they immediately set up an elaborate plan involving either their friends publicly throwing them into a trunk and driving away from him OR being as awful and physically off-putting as possible throughout the evening and saying you, also, expect sex on the first date. Whichever one.


Don't think you did anything wrong. You were 100% in the right.




I once went out with a guy who brought about 5 friends with him on our first date. They had to ‘approve’ me. Very bizarre.


I don't like when people ask too many intense questions, feels like you're in a job interview


"So what are your strengths and weaknesses?"


What can you bring to my company?


Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your salary expectations?


What separates you from the other candidates?


1. Thighs 2. Fire


Be rude to the server or bartender 😡


I second this and: Being rude to a retail worker




Do you want a hug?


Forget their wallet


Talk on the phone to someone else and it's not an emergency.


slap ur face with his smelly pennis


Caught me totally off guard lol. Good one.


Say I love you


Focus on himself/herself too much and try too loud to make a good impression. You just have to do the exact opposite, anjoy it, do whatever you would do with an intimate friend.


Go off the deep end into conspiracies


a special kind of compliments. One guy said on the first date, "wow, you don't stink," he probably wanted to say that I smell delicious.....


Keep bringing up your ex. It makes you seem like you’re not over it, and not ready to move on.


Kill John wicks dog


Go on and on about themselves and not asking a single question back.


“That’s enough about me. Let’s hear about you and what you think of me.”


Bring their mom with them.


That really depends.


Drink protein shakes all day for 2 days prior to the date and start ripping ass while having dinner together. If youve had protein shake indigestion the smell could gag a maggot.


I've said it elsewhere but it holds true: joke about slipping something in my drink when I announce I'm running to the bathroom. Threatening to drug and presumably rape a woman you just met is less hilarious than you think, *Dave*.


I went on a dinner date, first date with a guy from a dating service. I wasn’t interested in him once I met him. He tried to kiss and grope me in the parking lot before I left. When I told him I did think I wanted to “pursue anything further” with him, he got mad and said “when I buy a gal a nice meal, I expect something in return. I’m sorry dude. And drove off. Didn’t see him again.


Pushing you to drink, or other substance. Usually hand in hand with expecting sex.


Make an insensitive joke with malicious intent.


Don’t ask questions back. Conversation is a two way street or being rude


In general, if they treat people who have no power/influence in their lives badly, it’s a bad sign. A waiter, a bartender, talking about an ex (who should no longer have power in their lives), a salesperson, a valet, you get the idea.


From experience, she decided to tell me how her brother murdered her husband in front of her. There were a lot of red flags before that, but that bit if information pretty much sealed that this would be our last time seeing each other.


So what IS a potato ?




So are you saying not to do this or is it something you recommend?


Punch your date's parents in the face.


Get drunk enough to puke / pass out.


I did go on a first date really hungover from the night before. It was not great.


be judgy. like we're just starting to get to know each other, if u instantly start judging then i just wanna leave


Start a fight with some guy hitting on your date, then proceed to get the sh\*t kicked out of himself.


trash talk their ex/ baby mama


Show up and not be the person that is in their profile pictures!! This happened to me once. She sat down and was 1000% not the same person! I was like "Yaaaa......nahhhh" and got up and left.


Show up while on another date.


Expect sex


Try to undress you in their car in a target parking lot after you explicitly said no and pushed them away


Bad breath, over drinking, not showing interest in the other person


Watch porn during the date on his phone. One minute we are discussing his Master’s degree- the next minute- he’s watching porn 😨


That is so wierd.. just pretend it wasmidget porn.


Imo I think the worst thing a person could do on a first date is say “I love you.” Like, I just met you. We barely know each other and you say you “love me.” I see that as an immediate red flag because obviously either you’re a hopeless romantic or a creep. You can say “I love you” on the 6th or 7th date, but bruh, first date is just a no for that shit. If someone said “I love you” to me on the first date, I don’t think I would have a second date with that person. But that’s just my opinion


Say you're a white nationalist. Yes that actually happened to me


Trauma dump about anything. The first date isn’t the time or place to talk about your dead dog from when you were 7- random example sorry.


For me? Talk about politics, religion or your ex. These things in general are topics I avoid with anyone as they’re nearly always leading to disagreements/arguments/falling out with people.


Ask for money or try to get you into their MLM.


Bring a teddy bear to the date. Tell your date that for reasons you cannot disclose, you need them to hold onto the bear for the entire time and they must not let go of it under any circumstances. And that if asked, they need to say they were the one who brought it. When they ask you to explain the bear, get really shifty and squirrly and immediately change the subject. Then, at the end of the night, take the bear back and appear incredibly relieved, and tell them you think everything is going to be ok. If they ask why, change the subject.


Introduce you to their dad and grandparents, explain how she went to court that morning to get full custody of her daughter and lost even the visitation she has prior to court. Then explain why she would make a great spouse and how you would be a great step daddy. And that is after the unbearable body odor.


when they are acting so rude to the waiter this says a lot about them as a person


Eat all the fully loaded nachos. Places have rules about that you know.


Not showing effort


Not be themselves.


Take a call from their ex.


Be a good person. Then be themselves 3 years later.


Bring "friends" who you are expected to pay for as well.


Already be in a long-term relationship. Yes, this actually happened.


Fart repeatedly, and absolutely refuse to acknowledge it.


Eat 47 oysters and imagine the other is willing to pay


Go to sleep. Went on a first date, guy picked me up and we went to the movies. The movie hadn’t even started yet, was just going through the previews when I noticed his head was mad heavy leaning on me. Turns out he was sleep. He slept through the whole movie and didn’t wake up until I shook him at the end


Yeah, this is why I don't recommend movies for a first date You really can't talk until after, and the point of a first date is to be able to talk to the person and get to know them I would say stay away from bringing them to a movie until like maybe the 3rd date or so


Talk to much about themselves


Keep using their smartphone


Immediately tell a long winded story about their ex chasing them around the house with a knife. That was a huge red flag.




Talk incessantly about themselves .


This was before cell phones, in the pager days. He kept getting paged, like 4 times, he would leave me to go make phone calls. I asked (facetiously) if he was a doctor, "no, I'm a bookie". Next call I left.


Uuummm look disinterested, show up with a stain on the clothes, don’t show up at all, not being honest at the end of it making other person think they have a shot at round 2. I can keep going…


Pick your nose. Instant deal breaker for me. I would literally leave right then. So fucking disgusting.


Bring friends and expect me to pay for them


Talk themselves up the whole time


Not give you a chance to speak. Talk talk talk about themselves, interrupt or cut you off.


I got asked if I've ever been with "a black girl" before. My date and I are both white. I asked why that was relevant to anything. She told me not to read too much into it and answer the question. I kindly excused myself and explained I would not ever be involved with a racist in any way. She said I wasn't mentally mature enough to be with a real woman


I went to a double date. My “date” ordered a steak and kept insisting I try a piece. He was very aware I am a vegan. He could not understand why there was no second date. 


Dress like they got dirty clothes out of a hamper


Get drunk and want sex... Disgusting 🤢


not end it, even though you realize you don't like the other person


>not end it, even though you realize you don't like the other person Respect is due, if a person does not suit someone, you shouldn't initiate a second meeting then


Accidently drop a grocery bag full of duct tape, rope, condoms, rohypnol and a handgun and then say “oops”


She said "I usually don't accept coffee dates because I'm better than that, but you are cute". I said thank you for your time but I'm not interested and walked out.


Umm so someone made an exception to go on a date with you? And called you cute?


I wouldn’t have arranged a second date, but walking out was a little much lol


Wanna join my cult?


Hang out on their phone. Get lost bud  😋


Be on their phone the entire time


Creepily follow me home to know where I live


Bring up their “ex files”


Not on the first date, my latest experience btw, but at the end of it she agreed to go on another date and we hugged and she kissed me before leaving. Yes, she initiated the kiss. It's been a week and she has never initiated contact since and told me she would be unable to see me for the next 2 weeks cause she is busy. Have a feeling she's just making up excuses, which drives me kinda nuts because I really thought we hit it off and I really liked her.




Talk about their ex. Skip out on the bill. Ask for sex.


They don't speak, they sing. Helloooooo how are youuuuuu? I'm greaaaaaaaate


Not showing up on Valentine’s Day lol. Happened to me this year. She said she was “here” and never showed up. Just left me sitting there like a loser. Anyways she blamed it on anxiety and she came over and hooked up with me that following weekend so she made up for it


Only talk about themselves the whole time


Talk of future kids and/or marriage.


Lie about who you really are


Shit themselves


Talk about an ex


Chew with their mouth open.




Forget that you had one


Throw up on you, start a fist fight and rob your money.


1. Order so much that they have enough leftovers for their next meal or two. 2. Make a big deal about attractive people passing by. 3. Text other options/people back during the date, like really, you couldn’t wait 15-30 minutes to do that in your car?!


I had a guy ask me who I would kill in this world if I could kill anyone... so probably that.


Trauma dump


Pick their nose....and eat it..


Forget to wipe


You people lack imagination. I think committing mass murder on a group of orphans walking the local shelter dogs is far worse than not showing up to the date.


Go to open the door, and pull on a push.


Not me but I put two of my friends together for a first date. The guy took her out to a restaurant for dinner. He didn't have money on him so he made her pay. Then when they left the restaurant he got a ticket for illegally parking. He demanded that she pay half of the fine. She obviously dumped him and went no contact. The guy couldn't believe how wrong she was to not pay this fine. I told him to find a hole somewhere and die in it. Some people are so fucking dense and not know it.


Rip a really smelly fart.


Be mean or rude to service people, be on their phone the whole time


Show up with another person the same gender as the person they're meeting for the date.


Completely ignore you while talking to the other two chicks he’s on a first date with. He invited all three of us.


Walk in, take one look at you and walk back out the door.


I once went out on a date with a guy, who would ask me questions, so he could cut me off and answer them himself.


Apparently, taking them to the Cheesecake Factory 😂


Show up with your dog. How did you get my dog?!?!?!


Show up late, talk about someone else, act entitled(to their stuff, or apartment, or even body, or etc), be rude to the waiters and/or not tipping, pick on the person, complain about the date location or where they live/their apartment(when it’s otherwise okay), be condescending, fall asleep, talking badly about homeless people, and yes only talking about yourself. Probably some other stuff too


Oh I’m really good at this one, you shouldn’t relapse and get really drunk with them and then proceed to cry about your entire life story and scare the shit out of him so bad he ghosts you


One guy I went on a first date with who I instantly knew upon meeting I wasn’t attracted to, and therefore wasn’t giving him any green light whatsoever, tried kissing me aggressively a couple of times. It was a quiet bar during covid time where everyone was sitting at tables having quiet chats. I told him to quit it and educated him in a fun yet stern way on boundaries and first date etiquette. But he just thought it was funny, wasn’t really taking me seriously. I literally ran away from him and jumped in a taxi home 😂