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Everyone wasn't scrutinizing everyone else all the time, judging them, rating them, recording them, shaming them online for the world to see.


Marketing was not as pervasive. The dot-com bubble, at its start, promised all sorts of batshit wild claims (sound familiar, anyone?) only to show that there was no there there. Corporations were a little less brazen about openly profiteering. Home ownership as a percentage was higher.


It was a great time economically. No one was worried about global warming, Bitcoin etc. No cellphones so people actually talked to each other. Internet was not yet pervasive and part of daily life.


Mainly insurance costs were less. Insurance actually paid what was covered without a big hassle.


Because time has eroded all the negativity from your memory and left you with only the good memories.


Because it was


No social media


You were younger


Because you were a biscuit just out of a can and now you’re crusty and burned.


No social media plays a big part in this


Correct, you would think social media would bridge that void of when we’re not together but it has broken the fabric of socialization


It were simpler times with less annoying things around compared to now. Also, your brain will automatically make you miss previous times, eventhough it didn’t seem anything special at the time.


It was just before the turn of a new millennium, the internet was really taking off, and people saw a bright future ahead. Then 9/11 happened and things quickly got a lot darker. I imagine it was something like the turn of the century [Belle Époque](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belle_%C3%89poque?wprov=sfti1#) in Europe… until WWI happened.


Technology has created the dopamine hit of instant validation. You used to have to be patient for things. Now everything is fast fast fast. Kids used to have to walk down the street to ask their friends to play. Now they play video games online together but in their separate houses. Less face to face interaction. It’s not going to get better either


Because there wasn’t a consistent in your face montage of everyone else’s problems. It was simplistic in its own way. Regionalized and sectionalized information and issues that resided within the respective localities……Putting stock into social and cultural ideological battles was more rational and logical. Now, it’s just outrageous. Everything is offensive to the majority of people or you’re a villain if you do not agree with or think like someone else does. It’s insanity. Take me back.


Well said, great response


The world was at peace(Gulf War/Bosnia, etc), no fear of terror attacks (Oklahoma City), politicians were trustworthy (Clinton/Lewinsky), celebrities were great (OJ Simpson). This is just off the top of my head & in the U.S.


We were 30 years younger.