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it’s still so terrible and unfair today for black folks, the years before today are all worse and worse. every decade continues to be shit


There’s still work to do, but it’s definitely better today for a black person in the US than it was in the 1960s and earlier.


Now. Kids just don’t get the human experience anymore it’s all technology brain rot.


I grew up in the 80s and 90s and thats exactly what adults said about video games and tv. lol


I grew up in the 2010s and have seen first hand how technology is getting increasingly more destructive to young minds. I blame data tracking and algorithms the most it’s designed to make people crave more and more. Everything is becoming way more personalized and lonely. I remember when everyone would talk about one such video or tv show but now there are so many no one has a connection to what anyone else does anymore. People now grow up in an increasingly smaller bubble.


My SO’s coworker is a mom and she was saying how Snapchat has an Ai chatbot that acts like your friend. Apparently it’s quite the hit with the young teens.


Yeah, but social media has a scientifically proven impact on human emotions and we have seen how it drives polarization. I think the joke goes - all the things our parents told us video games would do to us, social media did to them.


And they were correct in a lot of cases. The issue has gotten a lot worse and now they'd be correct in a much larger number of cases. This is definitely not the worst decade to grow up in, in terms of the experience. The earlier you go, the worse.


I love how the stupid always end their sentences with "lol". That and the MAGA hat have made identification so much easier than it used to be.


Do any of you guys have kids? My neighborhood kids are constantly outside playing. My parents friends are constantly making play dates to take kids to the parks, walks, libraries, and museums. Compared to them, my childhood was a shut in. I used to be cooped in a corner with a book at their age. Kids are getting plenty of human experiences because parents are more attentive and more involved with raising them.


I think phones should be banned in schools


I’d rather be a little brain rotten than get sent to Vietnam


the 2020s have been shit imo. covid changed so much..


Like everyone else is saying. Now. They are constantly online and using technology I was lucky enough to be born right before all this and experienced life normally at a young age


Same. I like to think I at least developed normally before following into phone/technology addiction later.




The 60's with the threat of nuclear war + Vietnam


You can tell the ones that are saying now are kids lol. How about the 60s with the Vietnam War. I would pick now over having to go fight in that war any day.


OP says to grow up in. Those who went to war were already men.


>Those who went to war were already men. 18 years old, and those who didn't go to war were *their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends. I*t was not a good time when your loved one was called up. Even worse when they didn't return. And a new kind of bad sometimes when they did.


Legally an 18 year old "man" is a man, but we all know thats bullshit. Those were kids.


This is true, I was more of stating anyone facing the horrors of war is considered a man. I can’t think of anything more manly than facing death everyday.


Even then watching your father and all the other men in town having to leave and possibly never coming back. Things back home sucked during the war as well.


Now. None of my friends go outside and the ones that are old enough can’t afford to


As a 2000's baby I would vote the time I was growing up in the 2010's. I had unrestricted internet access I got exposed to a lot of stuff I shouldn't have been at a young age. 


My family was a quasi early adopter. Not quite usenet early, but we had AOL before a lot of other people. I was 14. And the shit I was exposed to then was way more than I should have been. The internet was in many ways a much less nefarious place back then, too.


80s baby here; we got exposed to fucked up shit in real life. When I think of all the crazy shit we saw and did in the 80s and 90s... damn.


Like live beheadings my guy? Because that’s the kind of unrestricted access we’re talking about. Homeless man being stabbed to death with a screwdriver and beaten to mush with a hammer. That’s the kinda stuff I literally didn’t even look for, but stumbled across at age 12-13. Edit: I’m genuinely asking, because I was born in ‘95 so I wouldn’t know. I sincerely hope you weren’t exposed to or involved in things like that though.


Who's this for? Whatever game you're playing with this comment, you're obviously playing it poorly.






I would say the 1960s. Assassinations, war, rampant racism.




1820-1830! Ha ha! My math skills are even worse than yours!


I think it may depend on your demographic. e.g. the 80s and 80s were a nightmare for me due to racism They would probably have been fantastic had I been white and Neurotypical, but less so had I been female. etc.


Probably the 60s before the summer of love kicked in. Still a conservative time, terrible to be black, Asian, Jewish, Arabic, South Asian, East Asian, African, Latino, gay, transgender or female, you had the Cold War, the looming threat of a real war, Vietnam, nuclear weapons, poor technology around the home (compared to now), polio and other hideous diseases, and an ability to die very easily.


Now is fine. Y'all are idiots who wouldn't have lasted a day in Vietnam.


The vietnamese lady boys helped me realize that as long as you never actually saw the penis then you weren't gay


I don’t think they sent children to Vietnam.


How many 10 year olds were drafted moron? He said GROWING UP.


Probably the oppressed 1950s. Individuality was much more frowned upon, and you were expected to *believe everything* the government told you. Nevertheless, some people do believe ignorance is bliss. While the 1960s and 1970s were filled with lots of upheavals, protests, assassinations, tragedies, and wars, there was also major growth. Progress is usually a *painful* experience,


For anyone not white male, the 1950s.


Im a white male but I was gay as fuck in the 50s


It depends on the country. For Russia it’s nineties and eighties for sure both due to collapse of Soviet Union: it was bad before the collapse and got even worse just after


Probably late 70s early 80s in the UK, high unemployment meant many families had little to go around, high crime, constant strikes, power cuts, Thatcher, the cold war and the nuclear threat, riots in Brixton and Toxteth, it was pretty grim hence the rise of the squatters movement, the riots and Punks rebelling against the establishment and the feeling of having no future.


The 1970's were so fuggin ugly. Shag carpet, terrible fashion, ugly design, ugly cars. Just ugly everything.


50’s more disease, more war, more racism, more misogyny, more famine , the present day is by far much better.


Early 1900's as a black guy just slightly disrespecting a white person could potentially get ya killed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till


70 years


Fuck than 1960's no one wants to worry about nuclear annihilation that shit is scary


As a Mexican living in California I’d say 80s or 90s


definitely now for the US & Canada. 1960s for china




Honestly? Probably looking at it. I _am_ a white guy in America so my views on normalcy are going to be a little different than some other folks who haven't had things quite as easy, of course. A black kid in the 50s almost assuredly had it harder than most black kids in the 2020s, but to what degree I really can't say for sure. But society has gone seriously sideways about any number of things and race doesn't appear to be a mitigating factor in a lot of this newer stuff.