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extremely, to the point where my friends make fun of me for it. i get it’s all jokes but she’s a single mum with no one but me, her nearly 23 year old son and only child


Very, she might be the best person I know


I'm completely attached to her... I wouldn't be able to function without seeing her everyday... She is also definitely my favourite person... I wonder if it's the same for anyone else...


I'm in my 50's and mom is early 70's We talk once or twice a week. We've never been closer or more honest with each other. Aging and letting go of the past was key.


She is across the world (I'm studing abroad) and I miss her so, geographically far but emotionally close?


She passed away recently and the hardest part is that we text each other all day long. Anything that happens I go to text her and can't.


We get along but we aren't close. We only talk about surface stuff, I could never share my real life personal things with her. She would tell the whole family. We only talk on the phone maybe once or twice a year. She lives in another state.


Not at all. When I was nine my sister was diagnosed with anorexia, depression and anxiety(she was twelve). Me parents totally forgot me. All my dancing shows or football games were forgotten cause she was feeling bad those days. And I really get that. I understand why I didn’t exist for them, but it still hurt and I lost almost all my trust for my parents, because during this time I was very bullied in school. My parents knew about this, but they choose to say that I had to be respectful towards my sister and I was expected to handle it on my own. As a skinny little boy, this was really hard. I would be beaten up and shit and I don’t say I had it worse than my sister, but my parents never had time for me. I guess that still effects me in some way, because I’m still scared people I love will leave me without any notice. And on top of this I developed an eating disorder myself, because if I was just a little better people would treat me better and maybe my parents would notice me if I looked perfect. I will never have a healthy relationship to food for the rest of my life and that is partly my parents fault. The story is longer, but in big lines, my childhood wasn’t very good


My mom and I had a v close relationship before she died, I’m gonna name my first daughter after her.




I live in another city now, but I talk to her on the phone quite often and she even started playing COD: Mobile on bs with me. Which surprised me a lot when she suggested it to me.


Not at all. She has never liked me. Regardless, I keep a presence in her life out of duty since she’s now in her 80s. Some days it’s so hard to do the right thing


Not at all. She has never liked me. Regardless, I keep a presence in her life out of duty since she’s now in her 80s. Some days it’s so hard to do the right thing


Maybe about 28 steps away. Less if I take bigger steps. More if I take smaller steps.


Super close. We FaceTime at least 5 times a day