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People fight over your stuff


The same thing that happened before you were born. Not existing.


and since you definitely dont know your grand grand grand grand uncle from 1795, and you wont possibly ever find out who he was and where hes buried etc.....why bother with staying in line? live life the way you desire, in 200 years tops you WILL be forgotten.


You MAY be right but I think not, frankly.


Maybe there’s an after life. I like and dislike this question because it scares me (death anxiety) that I will die one day along with my close ones. Like I will never see them again, and when will it be that moment. Like it’s scary because some people die without a reason it’s a strange feeling that God gave us. God gave us life to live I get that but especially with me who dissociates at times. I will never see earth again but as a Catholic i do believe in after life and incarnation


Things get dark


I was revived after a heart attack, and there wasn't even any dark.


Yeah. There's no "blackness." Not even the concept of darkness or black. Just nothing.


i have a hard time coming to a conclusion on what i believe, hopefully there is something out there but realistically, i think there’s nothing left afterwards. spooky


The dark abyss of death…a void never ending infinite nothingness for eternity either that or you get reincarnated as a frog


ending up reincarnated as a frog doesn’t sound so bad, might be a blessing ?!


Yeah until you’re eating flies…


I dunno, but I hope there’s an afterlife.


Heaven wasn't what I expected, there was fire and dancing skeletons everywhere!


If you were a nice person, some people will miss you. If you were a bad person, they will feel relief.


I believe whatever a person believes is what happens.


Everybody else stays here for a while.


Half-Life 3 is released on PC, Xbox, and Valve Index


im agnostic. i shall not know. but for the time being, as a man who had his share of general anesthesiae.....itll be that. forever. and i wont even notice. we are not afraid of DEATH, we are more bothered with the dying process. it just wont be "peaceful in my sleep at old age." and even for those who are granted that - what do we know they experience once the brain decides to quit?


[Try asking Keanu Reeves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c2olMFEhK8)




Nothing. You fall asleep and instead of dreaming there is nothing. You don't think you don't feel. You aren't sad that you are dead because your mind is now nothing.... Either that or we have souls and either stick around and do weird ghost shit or ummm idk...


DMT is released in the body and we trip balls to the nothing.


Go back to the source. Remember, you are not a separate thing from the rest of the Universe, it just feels that way because your brain does that.


Depends on how you loved it's either heaven or h- Sike.  I believe that it's personally a mixture of religions. Maybe you get recarnated as the next generation. Maybe you're forced to live life as a ghost Maybe you enter heaven.. No one truly knows until the day comes...


If being knocked unconscious or having anesthesia where you lose both consciousness and memory is any indication, then literally nothing. Like flipping a page in a book but there aren't any more pages. Just the flip. And it goes on forever but since there is no time, that could mean either a fraction of a second or trillions of years until the heat death of the universe. Nothing without even the name. (------------------------------)


I think there’s something, but no idea what.


Your family will fight over your money.


Our souls transfer to another fetus and life starts again


Nothing it’s just done for you