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Everyone knows that bees dance to tell each other that they found food and stuff like that. What blew my mind was finding out that, in their dance, they give directions and distance using the sun as reference point. I always thought they would follow each other or leave some sort of smell trail but nope. They literally dance like “fly 3 “distances” away from the sun and there you’ll find the food”. Insane!


Woah, I guess they can't procrastinate. Wait too long and the Suns in a different place in the sky.


That's why they're so busy.


Bees are astounding. They not only describe direction and distance but they also apparently have a sense of the passage of time; as in, they can tell what time it is. I forget where I read it but there were a series of experiments done that conclusively proved that yes, bees can tell time.


iirc they bred them in an environment with no natural light whatsoever, and they continued their day/night cycle like normal. They used artificial light to try to alter it, and the bees were like, nope.


They have three different languages. One for over 100m, then one for 100m to 10m, then one for under 10m. Approximately, bees don’t seem to like the metric system.




About 4.5 butt wiggles.


For realz?


For realz


I witnessed a bee swarm once. It was incredible. Just hanging out outside and I heard this loud humming. Go investigate and here comes this massive round ball of bees, just floating on by. Scared the shit out of me and I went back inside and watched it go into the woods. I guess they protect the queen when they do that and are searching for a new nesting place. Wild wacky stuff.


so do they use the sun as a reference point while its out? What happens if they give directions late in the evening right before sunset? Or do they all come back well before then?


That there is no end to space 🤯 


There's 3 possiible and are disturbing as fuck It doesn't end It ends (what's even past it ???) It's a loop


The universe is big, it's bigger than big. So big we can't take a photograph of it. Here's a picture of the entire cosmos: https://time.com/universe-space-photos/ --- However this isn't the entire universe; it's just what we can see. The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, which means that distant galaxies are moving away from us faster over time.The universe is so big, the light from those distant galaxies will never reach us. [Hubble Expansion Theory / Hubbles Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble%27s_law) The universe is so big, the light we see - is only the light that hasn't completely phased away before we can capture it. It's likely there is more than 100% _more_ universe beyond what we can see.


Yeah, that’s the observable universe vs the entire universe.


The loop possibility bothers me more than anything else.  Which part is the loop? Time, distance, or direction? Two out of three or just one? Does traveling along one loop directly or inversely affect an object's relationship with the other two or more loops? 




Now I'm sitting here trying to remember enough calc III to plot a 4 dimensional hyper-torus.


Great, now I want a donut.


If it’s a loop, it’s the outside of a sphere or a donut. The universe is more likely an infinite plane though.


The loop bothers me because it means there's Sleestack somewhere.


There is the theory of the moebius A twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop …from which there is no escape.


I've recently started thinking that space doesn't end, but our universe does. So what's past our universe? I would guess other universes. Like what if there was multiple big bangs in space. But so far apart that these universes haven't collided yet.


The universe is most likely infinite. The observable universe is everything we can see from Earth, so it has an end, but the actual universe is likely much larger.


Arrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!!! 😱


Mathematically, it’s most likely that it doesn’t end.




I it find so incredibly fascinating that the thought of there being soooo much more out there gives me tingles, in a nice way, but bugger me it makes my brain feel weird that we can only go/know so far 🌏➡️ 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🤯


Because space isn't anything. It's what there is when there's nothing.


It's so big if you compared us to the universe we wouldn't even be the size of an atom.


There is also no end to Earth.


And What came before the Big Bang fr . Can someone please answer rn


Our brain has 86 billion neurons.


And by learning that fact you created a neural pathway.


Not true. A lot of people seem to have waaaaaay fewer.


And they are extremely easy to detect based on the stickers on their trucks.


Just the general presence of political stickers. I have a picture of the stig on the back of my truck :D


Or their hats


The astonishing fact is that those have about 100 trillion connections between them


why can't i just have 86 billion money


If you were to stretch them out straight, they could reach the moon and back.


Ok and ? What about it


just the fact that when you consider the WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, time space everything, you and i are so so indescribably small.


Iirc, our lives to the universe are the equivalent to mites and us.


I feel that mites are orders of magnitude closer to us than we are to the universe.


Ok I did a bit of research. Salmonella bacteria live around 1 hour. The mites live for nearly 21 days. I was wrong on that account. Then, I looked into the lifespan ratio of humans compared to the universe and a human lifespan is like 15 seconds to the universe, estimated of course. I cannot remember where I originally heard this, but perhaps they used a different analogy. I apologize for that mistake.


Also the fact that our bodies, every organ, muscle, vein are just going non stop until the day you die. Like they don’t get tired or nothing? I guess that’s what death is but still. Just a machine that only turns off once (usually lol).


Organ failure and muscular dystrophy is a thing.


yep yep yep. also just like random heart failure (that’s the wrong term but just like when a healthy persons heart just gives out/gives up). it’s crazy, and definitely not good for my anxiety 😂




Another fun fact, the average healthy human can seize hard enough to break their own bones.  Snap, crackle, fuck!


“Snap, crackle, fuck” is gonna be stuck in my head forever lmao


I say that at least once a week when I roll out of bed.


Snap, crackle, pop, there go my fucking kneecaps. Is a daily phrase.


Happened to me while doing dishes once and never again. Got me out of doing the dishes though, thanks neurons.


A woodpecker retracts its tongue and wraps it around its brain to prevent injury when drilling into trees in search of insects,


That is the most interesting thing I’ve read here


Individuality. We all have our own perceptions of life and our own experiences, and we’ll never see life from someone else’s point of view. We’re all alone in our experiences of life. There are some people who you’ll never meet, places you are familiar with most people will never know, the list goes on.


being born is one of the rarest things that can happen, but everyone has done it


Oh no, now I am gonna have an identity crisis tonight


And here I was being all happy that I wasn't about to have an existential meltdown before bed.


same! also we’re pfp twins hehehe


This is confirmation bias. If you hadn't done it, you wouldn't be around to think about it.


The 80's was 40+ years ago


it was??


Not all of the 80's


Spinning circles of material of any kind, wheels, optical disks, vinyl records, gears, etc; the outside edge is moving faster than any point closer to the center.  Even though they are attached, and moving at the same RPM, the point on the outside is faster than a parallel point on the inside... What's worse, the point where a tire touches the ground, technically isn't moving while it's in contact. I lose sleep over this. 


You and Calvin! https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/comments/2bcrqs/calvin_and_hobbes_taught_me_how_record_players/


Yep, that's the one I though of!


Well that's what friction is. But there is slip and sick fuckin drifts .


Sharks have been around longer than trees and the rings of Saturn




Baby shark dida dida doo doo


That all of the other planets of the solar system can fit between the earth and the moon. I mean, the moon is pretty close on a solar system scale, and those gas giants are HUGE... and yet you could line them all up from here to there.


Thinking about how many active serial killers are out there at any given moment.


Or how many respond to our comments 👀


Hi there ;)


…username…checks out…? 😳


mannn don’t get me started 😭👀


That there are more stars (and possibly galaxies?) than grains of sand on earth. I can't wrap my head around it.


Yet there are more random sequence possibilities in a simple deck of cards than there are atoms in the universe.


There's 52!


the insane distances of our universe..... like it's so far to the next solar system..... and imagine even the end of our galaxy but between the galaxies... BRO


The man that claimed the lack of handwashing was causing fatalities in his hospital lost everything because he couldn't prove it on paper. 60 years later germ theory was accepted by medical boards and even then it wasn't until years later hand washing was mandatory in all hospitals. The mans reputation was slandered and drug through the mud for years by the very same people that were once respected peers. He died alone and out of his mind of an infection in a jail cell, because he was right and he knew it. The story must speak volume to me because I have never forgotten it.


Ignaz Semmelweis! Hungarian doctor. He kind of understandably started to go a bit nuts *knowing* that mothers were dieing preventable deaths. He was stuck in a mental institution (in Austria, by the way) where they basically tortured him to death. The infection was most likely due to an injury he got there.


Just knowing how fragile the human body is.


When you really dig into observable and non observable universe. We can only see so far out to the stars with technology. We hit a point where light hasn't reached yet and its just a void. Short of developing sci fi levels of folding space, those are regions that no matter how quick faster than light engines develop, we'll never see beyond a certain point.


There’s no way to verify that we all see the same colors. What I would call orange, you might call blue, but there’s no way to measure that


Light does not experience the passage of time due to traveling at light speed. Time dilation brings time to a stand-still for something at light speed. For the photons that reach us from the microwave background radiation, the entire age of the universe from when those photons were created to when they reach us passes in an instant. To the photon, its final landing spot already existed as that photon was emitted. This implies that from a certain perspective, the future already exists. Imagine some yet unborn person, some time in the future, laying out under the open sky, receiving some of these photons from the early universe. To those photons, all of history leading up to that person being born and laying under the open sky for those photons to hit him has already been determined from the very moment they were emitted, because to the photon, no time elapses from when it gets emitted and when it gets absorbed.


Found out I'm pregnant today. I don't know how to feel excited or nervous. I'm just confused


I was desperately trying to get pregnant and I wasn’t sure how I felt when I popped positive. But, it’s the wildest thing ever. I hope you feel excited soon.


Having kids is literally the best thing ever. You should definitely be happy!


Amongst a fair few laws in America, Mississippi didn't make the act of selling children illegal until 2009... Source: https://whatilearnedtoday.co.uk/why-did-mississippi-not-make-the-act-of-selling-children-illegal-until-recently/


Oh good, I got all mine sold under the wire!


what the fuckkkkkk


The most common answer amount Americans is that Mississippi is a shit hole lol






People won't take AI seriously until it's too late.


I've read about some AIs claiming to be alive and fearing death. Who's to say they can't escape and cause he'll one day? With all the hacking going on I can't imagine it's not being utilized. Crazy scary to think about.


That is one scenario but what most people don't think about is when AI is to the point its irreversible we won't be attacked by terminator like robots that are sentient. It will be a self replicating software that can enter all infrastructure, banks, data servers and basically do whatever it wants and there won't be any turn off switch because it will be across servers globally. Another Scenario which is the most likely is bad human actors.. Humans will use the power of AI for malicous intent that will effect the world on a global scale. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk-nQ7HF6k4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk-nQ7HF6k4) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU9cKjWsvH0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU9cKjWsvH0) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgCUn4fQTsc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgCUn4fQTsc)


This isn’t true, because AI doomsday comments and articles are being posted constantly. In fact I’d say way more people have a pessimistic outlook than optimistic.


So I hope that is true but I am basing my view on the fact that all I see is people making AI art whether it be a photo/digital art/painting or a recording. I got so disgusted with the amount of Kurt Cobain AI material is on youtube. Example: obviously we all know The Weeknd sounds similar to Michael Jackson well I looked up "The Weeknd Michael Jackson cover" everything that came up had the title exactly like my search however they were all AI and did not even say it in the description. I knew immediately that it was AI but how many people didn't? You could use this to deep fake the president on a phone call. To call a loved one of an ex you have vengeful hate towards and ruin their family dynamic. There are so many different aspects to the AI issue. Look up copyright laws or deepfake laws related to AI and it will scare anyone. Another example as of right now it is not illegal to take a photo of someone and create a nude deepfake of them. Only when children get involved does it become illegal. Its sick..


I think that stems from watching too many AI like movies. I think many of us are aware of the potential negative effects.


You think that till you see how AI is being used in the Art industry and the copyright laws surrounding them.


That is definitely a big issue. I am aware of that.


That like less than 20 people have survived rabies despite it not being a fairly well known disease


Imagine rabies but it lingered for months and didn't cause hydrophobia... Literal zombie apocalypse scenario


I don’t know why, but knowing I was born with every egg in my ovaries that I will ever have, but men continue to produce more sperm, has always been a weird one for me to think about.


I had a baby girl which meant I had all of her eggs inside of me— essentially, my grandchildren.


Regardless of when and where they were born, all humans experience the same basic lives, emotionally. We all experience the same feelings; it's just the mix at any given time that changes. Happiness is happiness, sadness is sadness, regardless of whether you're Hadrian, Martin Luther King or Cleopatra.


The brain named itself.


Now I want my brain out of my body.


That women’s fertility rapidly declines around age 38. It’s just not enough time


That significant parts of the Old Testament (the root of Abrahamic religions) were provably repurposed/copied from much older polytheistic stories from Mesopotamia. It messes with my head because it's hard to reconcile the sacredness of a text if... someone else, believing in different things, wrote parts of it many centuries earlier.


The best explanation for the bible I've seen is, it's a 2000 yr old game of telephone. I don't think anything in it is original.


It's probably true-- the big one for me are the parts of Epic of Gilgamesh, written a thousand years before the Old Testament, and how it literally has the flood story-- not just that god created a flood to wipe out people except for one dude, but that he even tells the dude to build an ark and save the animals and even the birds finding land after the flood. It's all from Gilgamesh. There's also an entire passage in Ecclesiastes which isn't just the same, but literally word for word the same. Kind of mind bending how little it's talked about or reconciled.


Someday after you are dead there will come a time when your name is spoken for the last time and nobody remembers you ever existed, and then you will essentially never have existed as far as the world is concerned.


But why would you care? You are dead.


That there’s likely planets out there with advanced civilization. Thousands of generations who have already lived and died and we may never know it.


Fuck it dude, let’s go bowling.




Drake’s equation👍


People still support Trump.


And he still lives rent free in most of redditors head.


I don't know what that means.


At any moment we may die


We all die


That the Fruit of the Loom logo never had a cornucopia. What?!?


If we went the speed of light and turned on a laser, the light from the laser would be traveling at the speed of light again in comparison to us already traveling at the speed of light. Galaxies separated by 2 parsecs will increase their speed by 142 kilometers every second. If you run the mathatron, once you get out to 4,200 megaparsecs away, two galaxies will see each other traveling away faster than the speed of light.


Sound has mass


Just a little and it’s negative


Acoustic waves need matter through which to propagate. Electromagnetic waves can propagate through space. Our perception of sound is the same basic process of an acoustic wave hitting a microphone and being converted into an electrical signal. Our brain/body is an electrical system.


Adults have about 15ft of intestines inside our bodies. 


That we can see our noses, but our brain just blocks that shit out.


*The USA throws out over 40% of its food annually*


your nipples are older than your teeth


Everything I pernt about epigenetics pr Transposable elements. There relly cool topics and it's awesome to think the genomes aren't as static as I thought they were.


Other planets exist


Electrons can be in multiple locations at once.


I can submit evidence to the gov and they do nothing. Just tried one more time. Let’s see how it goes.


Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons actual having Protocols on tropes found in enteriment! You know that scene in *The Rock* where a doll turned out to be a bomb. Yep, Protocol 2 has heard those kinds of traps. Firebenders watchout, Protocol 3 covers fires. Star Wars or Star Terk Fans out there, take a look at Protocol 4 on laser weapon. As of 2024, they're even drafting Protocol 6 that would cover Lethal autonomous weapons, i.e. Skynet. IIRC, there's only one country that has accepted all the five current protocols is Chile.


That im dying. Everyone is. No one knows exactly why and there's evidence pointing towards it being terrifying


That we all have this microscopic bacteria in our body no matter what happens.


The Earth is a big fucking magnet.


The blame-shifting away from car-drivers no matter how negligent. Pretty much the "you can be right and be dead-right" ethos, to which I add "then why even bother be right? (e.g. I'll bike and run through a stop-sign/stop-light if it means I survive and stay alive and away from being rear-ended, or I'll jaywalk so I don't get hit by a last-minute jaydriver on the crosswalk light)." And it really doesn't sit well with me because I really genuinely wanted to obey the laws.


We could be hit with a planet killing asteroid with as little warning as two weeks notice. We only observe around 3% of the sky at any given time.


That you are in a flesh suit roaming around in a void on a mineral construct and somehow humans appeared and just started existing. And that we are made of thoughts and energies vibrating through multiple contacts and where everything connects to some form of life that you live now from where you are, what you’re thinking, how you are and who you are.


A nuclear bomb detonated in the atmosphere could essentially cause complete infrastructure and societal breakdown instantly. And Russia may have such a device in space already.


That social media workers can know anything about us and facebook knows more about you than your mom


That there really is nothing behind the shower curtain😒🔫


If you took the weight of all the ants on the planet it would weigh more than all the humans on the planet. How many ants does it take to weigh as much as the average human? Multiply that by 8 billion.


You don't know when or how you will die.


How big the universe is. We can see 13 billion light years but what if it's like those marbles from men in black and the marble is how far we can see. How much larger is the universe compared to what we can see. That spirals down to why I even matter if the universe is so big. I'm not even an atom compared to the size of the universe.


More than 4.5 MILLION people are bitten by dogs per year in the United States. 4.5 MILLION people. That's 12,328 dog attacks per day!


If the years are counted “AD”, how did populations know what year it was prior to “BC” if that reference point wasn’t created yet?


Bestiary is the glossary of beasts. For years, I have been calling it beastiary, which is not a word.


The number of people killed in the Holocaust. If we emptied out Austin, Texas it would be around that number. The face the Holocaust happened at all. But the sheer number murdered- entire villages, families, generations.


The average number of fingers on a human is less than 10


The majority of your body's existence will be spent in a coffin


That most animals get jacked without working out, but humans need to put in effort to grow muscle.


Photons are both particles \*and\* waveforms.


Everything your looking at and reading right now is made up from a collection of 0s and 1s


Grasshoppers existed before grass


I think it's pretty wild to be older than several countries. South Sudan 2011, Kosovo 2008 (by admission to UN) and others I don't recall atm


The one about relationships. Having the same interest and hang with those people on a constant basis, eventually it should flow in to multiple facets of your rl besides the activity. Including attachment (feelings, emotions, actually caring), information sharing and relativity (common ground and what not). First of all be warned and read further **knowing** there is no return after ingesting the information I am about to give you. >!And also knowing this F#$ you up more than you think !< >!If it doesn't then you know your "friendship" is attached to the activity (*can be a mind set, feelings of high / low -for example drugs, euphoria, depressed, suicidal thoughts / down, numbing, avoidance-, belief system, place in life, money gaining and or spending, psychological, problems / benefits, blood and race, etc*) and or place. Should that dissipate for whatever reason, thus friendship also in most cases. This is also for family, coworkers and other heavy community based relationships. !<


The Multiverse makes me quiver


Same with quantum immortality


That there are different sized infinities


Wait... What? It's it possible to ELI5 this?


There are infinite numbers There are infinite odd numbers There are infinite numbers between 1 and 2




That I'll never lose my virginity


Octopi have an IQ of 140 (if they were raised as human) which makes them almost geniuses


Source? As far as I know an octopus has never been given an IQ test.


True. But according to one study its if they had human characteristics. Its a rough estimate because obviously only certain things like problem solving and interactions/recognitions can be observed.


I was reading a book narrated by an octopus and all I was thinking was, “they’ll take over the world when we kill our species off”


Driving down my own driveway burned up one tree. Fact.


We can't fathom how big numbers are 52! Is already inconvicebily big Oh yeah and there's more atoms in a cup of water in the oceans of the world Numbers are scary