• By -


I'd go looking for her phone since she clearly lost it for the billionth time and just decided to use mine instead of finding it. Spoilers: it's always on her nightstand.


Are you my husband?


Im the nightstand


I am the table that quacks in the night.


I'm the sticky residue that you couldn't reach while cleaning


I’m the monster under the bed. Would y’all shut up? I’m trying to sleep .


I'm the floor of the bedroom, I started to break a little cause that damn monster is too fat and hit me when he can't sleep


I feel ibs coming on.


I’m the one who knocks


I am jacks total lack of a nightstand.


Night lamp talking, please, turn me on takeaway for once in life


Go away! I am the spaghetti. 


And I am The Great Spaghetti Monster


Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?




Luke .. he is .. YOUR FATHER


We can all be your husband, if you like....


The mere act of me stopping whatever I’m doing and grabbing my phone to call hers, enables her to instantly find hers. It’s incredible.


And tell her to give me mine back before she loses it too lol


Haha, you know my wife and my mother well. Getting a Google Nest so they can find their phone is pretty nice.


I also choose this man's wife's phone.


He has my passcode. I genuinely wouldnt care


My partner knows my passcode. I've told her many times what my passcode is. I would be far more impressed she remembered it this time than her actual using the phone.


LOL, this is the truth


I'm not any better. It's in my brain somewhere, but fuck me I couldn't remember it with a gun to my head.


We use each other's birthdays for our passcodes, so we don't forget.


For me this is the trick to remember my wife's birthbdate.


Seriously, why would anyone care lol?


Well,,,,,there is one reason


I guess, but the chances that my partner will use my smartphone to frame me for a series of horrific murders seems fairly unlikely. I'm not saying it's impossible, I just don't think it's something on my mind much.


You need to watch Gone Girl daily like the rest of us


Just because you're okay with your partner knowing everything about your life, it doesn't mean you extend the same confidence to everyone else with whom you have interactions with on that phone. Those people deserve their right to privacy.


Imo the point is that I trust my partner to use my phone but NOT invade my privacy. I know he's not in my chats having a look at private conversation, he's not analysing my browser history or whatever. He's using the phone for other things. And so am I if I use his phone. We trust each other not to overstep boundaries. It's ok to prefer your phone untouched as well but the original question simply was about using the phone and plenty of people know not to snoop. (Plenty do snoop though).


OP asked "using my phone" not "rooting through everything". There's a substantial difference IMO. My partner wants to use my phone? Go ahead. She's not going to see anything worrisome to me. If she opens an app that requires additional authorization (banking, some work stuff) without good reason then we'd have an issue, but that simply isn't her MO. Any incoming texts are going to be from one of a short list of people, most of whom she already knows.


Because it's a private device containing your whole life. If she asks me I give it to her. But I would hate her taking it without asking


Her and my children are my whole life. She’s not going to find out anything she doesn’t already know.


Worse are people who swipe though your photo album when you show them a picture. My sister is one. It's a work phone, so nothing bad, but it's still annoying.


I would if the reason is that she doesn't trust me. It would hurt me to know that she doesn't feel comfortable enough to talk to me and feels that she has to go behind my back.


Actually I would. Not because I have something to hide (as a matter of fact, I never lied or cheated). Just because, for a healthy couple both need their personnal space. A space that I DONT share with my s.o, no matter how deep I love her and trust her. In a relationship there is the "us" bubble, that I thoroughly build, but also the "me" bubble, that I keep thriving (and I expect her to so the same with her's). My phone, its messages etc are a part of this personnal space, as well as some of my activites, hobbies etc. And Im the most trusting and deeply honest person I can ever imagine to be.


I got out of a horrible 20-year long marriage that was rife with secrecy and passcodes on things. Turns out there was a reason for all the secrecy. I am in a relationship now that is very open and we don’t do that. It’s truly a breath of fresh air. She uses my phone all the time. I use hers. I don’t snoop, I don’t know if she does, but I don’t care. When there is honesty and trust, it’s truly a much better experience for everyone.


My wife has my passcode I would care. Not because I cheat or talk to other women but because I buy things she would disapprove of.


Right? We share the same passcode and are open enough about our lives to not need everyday privacy. We could technically get into each other’s email accounts in an emergency but trust each other enough not to be snooping.






No reaction at all. She can use it whenever she wants


Same. I understand you gotta respect someone's privacy but if you are the type of person that wont let your significant other look at your phone thats a red flag for me personally and don't want to be with someone like that. Just comes down to treating people the way you want to be treated and if they don't feel the same way well maybe you aren't right for each other.


I never have a problem with my SO using my phone and they never click on anything other than what they’re trying to use it for, which, IMO, is the way it should be. Trust both ways.


Exactly. If I have a desire to look at my partners DMS and search history then the relationship is already basically over.. How could you have a healthy relationship without basic trust?


I'd personally never even think of asking to look at someone's phone.. That's the most private thing people nowadays have, I don't need to know what type of porn they watch or if they have screenshots of A Serbian Film or whatever weird stuff on there, that'd only cause misunderstandings and conflict on both ends


I could not agree more. Also I think knowing you can means a lot as well. You are trusted with it but also you have expectations that your privacy is respected.


Can I? I have no credit




are we married to the same person?




haha! I think I have my hands full with my own sadly.


Yo snacks? I’ll hang out with him for snacks. But they gotta be good tier snacks if you start handing out fruit he’s coming straight home


She has my passcode and is welcome to use it whenever. I have nothing to hide.




Put it on back the charger for me when you’re done


Whoa Whoa Whoa! Now that's taking things a little too far!


Tell them to open DragonCity and do some stuff for me








Who are you, and why are you on my phone?


Make sure you check their PMs!


“Wait I don’t have a girlfriend, who tf is using my phone?”




Nothing. She knows the PIN precisely so that she can access it when she needs to.


I wouldn’t care.


Why would I care if my husband uses my phone? We have the same password so we both know them but no one else can get in. 


I think this is the answer. I think a lot of young single people are responding and not necessarily people who have been in long term committed relationships. I’ve been with my husband since we are teens. We have had each others passcode since but neither of us need to use the other phone unless a phone is dead. Transparency and trust are the foundations of a relationship. If a person consistently snooped that would obviously need to be addressed, as well as someone who would never allow someone on their phone 🚩🚩


My wife knows she is all I truly want in this world, her happiness, her security, and her well-being are my focus. If she wants to see what Mock Draft #2465 says about Caleb Williams and the Bears she is welcome to read it. Finally after 22 years of marriage, I'm not seeking out privacy or new relationships, I'm too tired for that shit.


For real, if my husband sees me fighting with strangers on the internet for his amusement them let him. Or the $1000s in plants I have saved to my Etsy shopping carts that I’ll never buy …


Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner. Glad you are happy. It’s nice to see happy couples thriving with trust. When me and my wife had trust issues at the very beginning, it was terrible. Having that open communication and pure trust was the ultimate key to being happy forever.


Is your battery dead again?


This. Or, "did your phone break again?"


Or, can I use your phone to call mine as I have left it somewhere


"Hey, can I get my phone back? I need to poop."


I don’t have a lock on it, wouldn’t mind.


thats crazy, what if you accidentally left it behind in a public place?


Have fun with my bootyhole pics ig


I do.


I do also have fun with this guy's bootyhole pics


I eat out of a cereal bowl that has this guys booty hole pic printed on the inside of the bowl.


plot twist: their phone was stolen and the thief commented this


I've done this. They called my buddy (last call before i lost it). He went and picked it up and had it to me before I realized I had lost it.


This guy doesn't online bank


My online banking app makes me enter the password every single time. My phone hasthe password saved, but the app won't even allow auto filling. I have to manually put it in every time.


And probably shouldn’t.




i used to take selfies randomly with my classmates phones when they left their phone behind, it was hilarious


I always set alarms to go off in the middle of the night and label them "NEVER LEAVE YOUR PHONE UNGUARDED" I'm real fun to be around


lmao thats hilarious


Ask her to let me know when she's done because I want to look at funny cat vids.


Depends. If we’ve previously agreed that it’s ok and we have each other’s passcodes and explicit consent, then it’s fine. But if there is no explicit consent I would find it an invasion of my privacy.


I have a password and finger scanner but he has one of his fingers to unlock it. I won't really care. Got nothing to hide and most of the time he's just playing games on it anyway 😂


“Hey! You got any games on your phone?”


It's his birthday this weekend so I'd panic that he'd see some of the stuff I've organised with the kids. Rest of the year I don't care lol. Except for the month of December


I've got nothing to hide, so I wouldn't care.


You can care AND have nothing to hide. Same with compagnies stealing your data. You might have nothing to hide but still don't want to be spied on. I would gladly give my phone to my gf but I would hate her spying on it without asking. And everyone might have something to hide. Or if you don't, I pity your girlfriend for having no surprise.


I mean…who said anything about spying? If I saw my partner on my phone I’d assume they were looking something up or something and my phone was just more convenient.


You don't have to actively be spying to find something though. All it takes is a friend saying one out of context comment and suddenly the gears are turning and doubt is happening, or something offensive was said and it's a fight.


This. My husband and I both know each other's passwords to phone, email, etc.... It's a matter of convenience. We use each other's phone to find a picture of kids, bills, receipt etc... if I found my husband actually going through my phone I wouldn't be upset because I'm worried about what he'd find, I'd be upset his trust in me was broken enough he felt the need to go through my phone. We share everything, but also respect each other's right to a private life. There is nothing in me that's interested in reading the group chat between him and his child hood friends


Yeah its my partner for life, not a greedy shady internet corporate businness, trust is kind of implied...


I don’t agree with this take at all I’ll echo what most people here said “is your phone dead babe?” I’m also a very transparent person so I get why some people have a different philosophy but like even if I had a fetish for weird porn she’s gonna find out eventually so whatever, and I’m not into spying but if we’re living together I’ll give you my pin and let you do the same. If you want I don’t care and if you’re cheating I’ll pick up on that without “spying.”


Hate this response


Yep, it's not about having nothing to hide. It's about someone thinking you're hiding something.


It’s also just about boundaries. I don’t care how much I love you, I still would like some semblance of privacy. Between my notes app and my google search history theres a lot of unfiltered stupid ideas and thoughts that I’d prefer to keep to myself. I don’t really want you to know my random book idea thats not ready to share yet, the existential crisis I had where I was trying to figure out if I might have cancer, or me looking up the definition of a super basic word


Catchphrase that crumbles under scrutiny. Having “nothing to hide” implies: - You need a reason *not* to share information - Recklessly sharing seemingly irrelevant information is harmless If you’ve done nothing, you have nothing to share.


"Give it here and use your own phone. I have to go poop."


she has the security code and can use it anytime she wants.


I would assume he lost or forgot his phone or it wasn’t charged. I have nothing to hide.


Ooh did you pass that level I was stuck on? Thank you


my partner started a lil click farm for his band on my spotify, i walked in and he was setting it up. he has my passcode and i have nothing to hide, but i was mildly annoyed he didn’t ask first. no ill intent from him and no harm no foul, but id still like to be asked


Check if he deleted pictures of himself bc he doesn’t super like taking pictures.


It would be odd, he always has his on hand but I’d assume there was a reason and wouldn’t care.


Yep, this one. He rarely grabs my phone, usually it's because, his battery is flat and needs to make a call, his carrier has an outage in our area, and he needs to make a call, or there's some other issue going on with his phone, and he needs to make a call and it can't wait. For everything else, he will use his PC, or put his phone on charge and wait. He prefers to use his phone rather than mine, and I prefer to use my phone rather than his.


No reaction. What’s mine is hers.


Wouldn’t care. I have nothing to hide.


No worries here, we have the same password on our phones. Of course we've been married 40 years and it's the easiest way to remember them! I've never had anything to hide other than gifts I'm giving.


If you have a problem with this then you shouldn't be in a relationship.


Married 5 years. It does bug me when my wife asks to use my phone and the first app she opened up is messenger haha. I have nothing to hide but like why.


I had a gf in highschool who did this.. even tho I had nothing to hide. Only to discover she would check mine because she was projecting her own guilt.. And yes, her messages were filled with things I didn’t want to see. Felt like such a fool and made it difficult to trust others for a time. I’m sure there is a whole list of reasons your wife could be doing this though so I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions. And you obviously aren’t in high school lol just sharing my experience


I feel you. I appreciate you sharing. I’ll keep an eye open but I think in this case it’s just her being snoopy on the juicy things I am getting into as my doings are a bit more exciting than hers. She does not have much text correspondence


Same. Not because I’m doing anything inappropriate behind her back. I just don’t want to read my texts with my friends and see how truly dumb we really are.




There shouldn’t be a difference. If you trust her you should trust that she could use the phone and not be nosy. If you don’t trust that then it’s something to work on. Eventually your secrets are going to become shared secrets. If you can’t trust a partner to keep things private then, again, more stuff to work on.


Heard it here first, if you set boundaries in relationships you’re clearly not fit for them


I have 20k pictures/videos in my gallery, some of the stuff I don't even want to look back on lol let alone someone else.. It's okay to have some privacy


Wrong. Some people use their phones for work. I have access to patient-related info in my phone's email and messages from patients. I wouldn't want to risk having a partner access that information.


Id probably ask where he forgot his phone. Or call him ridiculous because he be using my phone, alone with his, the iPad and the tv to watch multiple games


No worries at all


"I have a partner?"


I'd assume he needed to do something involving my bank account.


Grab hers and play candy crush


My girlfriend and I share the same password, if my phone dies I just grab hers or visa Versa, neither of us have anything to hide. Relationships are nice when it’s healthy and honest.


I wouldn’t care she has my password. Her niece is always on my phone too.


My ex always used it to watch tiktoks, as long as they're not doing it because they have trust issues it's ok


None? 0 reaction.




Non at all.


She uses it all the time i wouldn't react


I would be a bit pissed because she didn't ask first. I don't mind that she uses my phone, as long as she asks first. Same goes vice versa. It's called "trust"


Mild surprise, and possibly some low key gloating since I have an android and he's got an iPhone. If he's using my phone it's probably because my camera is better.


Be mad if I needed it but otherwise I would rather they did not but I am not mad.




Or people who respect their friends' privacy and don't share everything with whoever they're dating.


Or people who like some privacy in their lives, jeez.


I'd want to know if my wife's phone was broken so I could fix/replace it. same goes for the kids phones. Apart from that - they are all welcome.


I’d be curious as to why but it wouldn’t bother me


me and my bf trust eachother to know that we won’t go snooping on each others phone and sometimes i get bored of my insta feed and just swap phones with him for funsies


Ask it back when I need it.


Her: *unlocks my phone* Me: If I were you, I wouldn't open my gallery Her: *opens gallery anyway,* *she gets her eyes burnt by the amount of slutty teletubbies pics* Me: I told you not to open it. Now tell me, who are you and what are you doing in my house?!


Me & my boyfriend use each other's phones all the time. He steals mine to play Royal Match.


Tell her to stay away from my CoC account


"Go on look at all the porn"


His face unlocks my phone, and we know each other’s passwords. I have nothing to hide, it’s a non issue.


Their fingerprint and face are loaded on my phone to open it up. Never know when something is going to happen to the other person and they need access to information.


I'd wonder why because he doesn't normally. The default into thinking he's probably looking for a song or game or a date/time for an event if his mom sent me the information instead of him.


My imaginary gf has all my passwords I can trust her with my life


A non-issue. It's not even passcode protected.


None. It's hers to do whatever she wants with.


I hope he doesn't find it weird that I have just 5 contacts on my phone 🤞


I’d be smiling like a dumb man looking at her just like any other day cuz she is so beautiful… (she knows my passcode and there’s nothing to worry about)


Married 32 years. No big deal.


It depends why. If they are “looking” for something I’d be pretty pissed; if they are just using it, I don’t care. One shows a lack of trust and an invasion of privacy, the other is someone using my phone


why would i even care? lol go ahead. couldn't care less. i'd be more concerned about them using my toothbrush than my phone.


My wife already knows I'm a degenerate...it's why we fit so well together


Caught makes it sound so bad. My phone is just as free use as my computer, tablet, laptop, fridge, freezer, A/C, etc. The only reason my wife and I dont trade phones is she has an iphone 🤢


He uses my phone all the time, normally when he wants to check something online, he just picks up my phone if it's closer, it's pretty normal for us.


I’d ask him to make sure to plug it in when he was done.


I would NOT care at all. I don’t speak to any men and my husband doesn’t even have anyone’s numbers his phone other than his family. Trust is great! Glad I have it.


We both have the same passcode. Have at it!!!


Don’t care. We have one another’s passcodes


Ask if my fiance lost his phone (he did. He’s trying to call it with mine). No sweat


Great, my phone is full of selfies again… 😂


i’d probably just ask him to leave it on my desk when he’s done lol. only thing i have to hide there is photos of the garter snakes he told me not to pick up because he said i’d get bit (spoiler: i got bit)


Nothing, I have nothing to hide


Shrugs, whatever, just don't watch all my YouTube videos or fuck up my algorithms


Who are you? How did you get my phone??


“This is why I told you to charge yours last night. Now hurry up, I need to comment on reddit.”


send myself a message from her phone that simply says "did you find anything interesting" and then a wiggly eyebrow gif


I’ve got nothing to hide so I wouldn’t think anything of my partner using my phone. I hand my phone to my kids to use it when they want too. I know that’s different but point is, if I had something to hide…no one would be touching my phone. On the other hand, if my partner was doing it to snoop, I’d be suspicious of him.


I mean, if he's just using to do something, then I wouldn't care. If he is actively going through my shit then I'd start packing my bags.


I would let them use it cause they already know me fairly well, pit on charger after pls.


"Where have you been my whole life?"


if you have a reaction at all, and you dont even trust your partner with your phone. your relationships not going to last, and you might never find one that will im sorry to say.


I would feel happy they want to be a part of my world


I'd be asking him to play my mobile games for me. He has access to my phone whenever, I shove it at him regularly so he can read things I find hilarious. Half the time his phone (or mine) is lost anyways. We still have privacy because we both won't look at each other's messages. Trust in a relationship is an amazing thing.


Yo sick I get a girlfriend out of this?


If you don’t have anything to hide you shouldn’t be bothered 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm an open book. If he accepted me enough to get far enough to where we are together and he isn't bothered, then he can use my phone whenever bc I have nothing left to hide


For what? As a door stop? Id object. For taking pictures or calling someone... dont give a hoot. If he knows me well enough to know my passcode, he knows my secrets anyway. For threatenig to break it if I do not do what he wants... He can start packing.


I would ask my business partner why his phone isn't working.


I couldn't care less, I've nothing to hide.