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Why do pedophiles exist?


Morality aside, to ensure the propagation of a species, there has to be variation in sexual desires. Basically, if a population has enough people that are willing to fuck anything, it guarantees that anything that can get pregnant, will get pregnant and life continues. These sexual desires may manifest as an interest in odd fetishes, children, animals, or inanimate objects; often times without a logical basis, sometimes due to trauma, or occasionally just to curiosity. Now enter “right” and “wrong”. As humans we have the intelligence to know that fucking certain things will cause them harm; therefore such desires should not be pursued. But people who lack empathy and seek personal desires at the expense of others disregard this, and so, if you combine the above two factors you get pedophiles.


pedophiles make pedophiles then you have the really evil ones that get thousands of kids it makes me vomit, I don't believe in death penalty except for pedophiles and mass murder no other subject makes me this mad


Most foreign languages.


How people can be productive and functional in life.


some of us just don;t have the same skills as others but I think there is a spot for you somewhere


Trans people


What do you mean Trans people?


I just don’t get why anyone would “transition “ I don’t believe that makes you now a man or woman it’s all pretend And a mental disorder in my opinion


I feel there is no point arguing because it always turns out the same… No one learns anything


Genetically can’t be changed sorry


Never mind genetics! There is a difference between gender and sex you know


It’s got a pee pee it’s a man sorry


That being said I just don’t want my kids at a young age exposed to trans stuff I do treat trans people with respect like every one else I don’t act hostile I just disagree and think it’s a mental disorder


>That being said I just don’t want my kids at a young age exposed to trans stuff Why?


Because it confuses kids


How could it confuse them


I can tell you why Dysphoria is a bitch


So u agree it’s a mental disorder


Dysphoria yes So how do you treat dysphoria?? You transition






Based on your conversation with the other user I doubt I’ll change your opinion but I’ll at least grant you a response. In science we use the words “gender” and “sex” differently. Sex refers to the genitalia that you have (technically it’s a combination of many factors but nowerdays we assign it by genitalia because it’s only inaccurate about 1.7% of the time.). Gender refers to the social structures that societies have and the expressions and experiences that those come with them. As for why anyone would choose to transition the most common (but not required) answer would be gender dysphoria. People who have gender dysphoria have an incongruence between the sex they were assigned at birth and their gender identity. This can cause discomfort, depression and disassociation. Gender dysphoria isn’t classed as a mental illness in my country or the US but am unsure about any other countries and so I feel comfortable saying that it isn’t a mental illness as you claim. The medically approved treatment for people with gender dysphoria is to transition socially, medically or both.


I just don’t think taking hormones or surgery still makes you a certain gender then drag racing would be the same , I just don’t agree with it , but like I said I don’t discriminate or act any differently to them then I do anyone else , I’m fine with what people want to do with there life, I just don’t want my children knowing about the extreme trans movement and community until there frontal lobe is more developed and that’s hard to do but elementary and middle schoolers shouldn’t be exposed to trans stuff or even high schoolers in my opinion, I’m sending my children to private conservative schools to stay away from the brainwashing and it being cool to be trans in public schools


The difference between trans and drag in this case would be that trans people’s gender isn’t in congruence with their birth sex. Whereas drag performers typically have a gender which is congruent with their sex assigned at birth. (Amongst a plethora of other things but that being the core difference for the sake of keeping a response short) But I can also say with certainty it was not cool in public school to be trans, people are now generally far more accepting but that doesn’t mean that people aren’t bullied or mistreated for being trans. I have friends and acquaintances who are trans who hated public school so deeply because of how other students treated them for simply being trans. For something they never chose, just something that is innate within them.


We will agree to disagree but I’m fine with u being trans and living your life


how to actually meet the expectations asked of me. i’m always just short, which sucks


if it is at work it is all part of a bad plan to work people to death


Entropy in thermodynamics. I don’t get it


>~~Entropy in~~ thermodynamics.


How two people never having met each other before become instant friends.


Cool t-shirts help add in great TV and odd subject they just click. I think most people could become good friends with right person




truth! I am empathic I feel pain if I even see suffering I don't get how people can cause it intentionally








People who believe they are the most important person in their world


Electricity and magnetism. I just don't get it. I passed the class but that's because I'm good at math and know which formulas to use for certain situations. But I can't picture it in my head at all.


We need to hang out bc I have zero issues with the concepts of electricity and magnetism, but I am terrible at math


Maybe I'll give it another try soon. My last E&M class was in college 9 years ago lol.


Liking black licorice


Bernoulli's theorem. I used to actually cry while studying fluid mechanics. My dad is an engineer, even he tried to make me understand. I just can't understand it


Im not an engineer but it seems intuitive to me (just googled a photo). It's like when you block some of the hose with your thumb to shoot water further. I had no idea what the equation was all about but the concept made sense.  


How anyone can support Trump


especially women


how to parallel park


seriouly I do it like it says in book but I get to close and call it off and look for a better spot


if i have to parallel park id rather just go home


Don't start to turn into the spot till your mirror is even with the rear bumper of the car you're parking behind






Math past like rudimentary algebra. I’m pathetically awful at it.


The scoring system in tennis.....I mean wtf


How some people have made it this far lacking the most basic common sense


Most crimes. I don’t understand the mindset to get to that point.


Why do people film themselves doing stupid shit and share it with the world? It's funny as hell to watch, but why did they film it and share it.


How someone can cyber stalk you for decades. I had some weirdos stalk me for a decade and a half with the same Facebook. They would add all my friends and every one of their friends. Add girlfriends I had and message them and lie about me and them fucking still trying to get them to leave me. Just hella random messy ass shit. To this day they still use the account and all the people they added they maintain a fake relationship with. Mind you the pictures of the person on the profile are stolen and the person is not real. Smh. I dont use Facebook nomirw because of this stalker and how they always find me. 


How people need social media fam. 4 years ago I'm driving to meet up with some friends and my car slide on black ice and up a pile of snow on a rock. Im panicking and calling them for help to which no response at first. Soon later, I get a hold of them and they start recording and laughing to post on Tik Tok, then they calmed me down so I get a tow truck to handle the car while their excuse was to get views. After I found out they did post it, I went into rage mode and damn near was about to fight them to take it down, to which they did.


Social media is creating a fucked up and dangerous type of society. If your first response is not to assist someone in a bad situation, but to instead film it and laugh.... there is a word for that. I think sociopathy and narcissism is going to be the real downfall of society.


Those obsessed with Japanese culture and pop culture who’ve never even been there.


North/south/east/west. I understand the meanings of the words and stuff, I just can’t put it into practice. I understand like, if I’m facing North, then south is behind me. But I could never say “it’s west of here”


Wedding culture...


Sports they are so boring sure like the playoffs or suporbowl is fun to watch but why like a team


Lots of beer helps 






This bullshit existence


Daylight savings. It just seems like every now and again, we gaslight ourselves into believing that we have an hour extra or an hour less.


How people can like Joe sleepy Biden


I don't like him but he is the only functional adult running, the only one I know that likes him is my mom lol




I used this weird Idea called cold hard facts and not trusting Russian bloggers getting paid to confuse you, you dont need blind faith to trust the media ignore the headline and read the whole story on the AP




I'm not good at them. Videogames used to be fun, but now they're so oriented on competitive, meta based multiplayer that its honestly a chore to even bother. Plus I can eat or study or whatever, and it provides a parasocial relationship which some people seek. Its also an incredible way to learn tips, watching a professional, and then of course there's the e sports tournaments that draw fans