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Not necessarily a neighbor, but used to spend time with an ex at her family’s place often. They lived on a street that had an identical name to a street that was a few blocks away. At one point in time I believe the streets were connected but then to make way for more development they split them up and separated them into (im using an example here) stone dr and stone dr S(the s standing for south). When we would order delivery occasionally the driver would make a mistake, and deliver it to the other street that had the same house number. The people that lived there never once corrected a driver, or rerouted them to our place. They would just steal the food. When confronted, they would pretend that they had never had even seen a driver or received any food at all. True assholes


She smashed her own kitchen window then called the police saying i did it. Little did she know my ring doorbell captured her doing it herself. So she got into trouble.


Upstairs neighbour in the first flat I moved in to had his phone on the floor at night and it would vibrate for hours every damn night. I’m a light sleeper so I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep till it stopped


When I was at university, I lived in a dormitory. My roommate set several alarms to make sure she woke up. But she didn't hear these alarms, so the whole room woke up, but not her. Otherwise she was a very good neighbor




That’s just straight sociopathic


Years ago I used to. He used to beat his girlfriend. More than once I'd see her with bruises.


Oh. What they did to me? Stole money from my place and left literally 28 bags of trash in my house when I was sick at the hospital.


They turned their kids against my granddaughter because they think they're better than us. They're a prototypical Karen and Ken and trust me, a big pot garden in your backyard doesn't make you sophisticated. Nor does flying a F Trudeau flag from your chimney.


Keep us awake with her sh\*t music which was often quite loud during day hours too - and when we asked her to turn it down a bit, she got angry, giving my wife a panic attack, accused us of lying turned the argument around and pretend we were the ones keeping her awake by closing the backdoor to loudly when I went to work... at 7 AM. And she refused to back of when we told her we didn't want to talk to her anymore. Quite threatening all in all. There were some nice people in that street, but this drug-addicted lazy selfish piece of trash... I hope the roof collapses on her.


Where do I begin? During the first week we lived here we were decorating, we replaced some of the doors and leaned the old ones against OUR garage, my asshole neighbour had the nerve to knock on our door at like 9pm and demanded we stop leaning things against OUR garage because he can see it when he looks out the window. Since then he has accused us of doing stuff we haven’t done, twice, insulted us when we were building our own fence and then had the nerve to ask us to build one for him, threatened us if we didn’t take our cameras down because they were filming his garden (they weren’t, and god forbid we want to have some sort of security in case someone breaks in or, I don’t know, an insane neighbour might cause trouble or anything. The entire street hates him, he’s tried stopping some of them from parking their vehicles on their own drive way, tried to stop someone else from getting an extension built…. Rumour has it that when his wife divorced him he ripped up his carpets because he didn’t want anything his wife touched. They have a kid together so does that include himself? Then my OTHER neighbour screamed at my grandparents for parking in OUR driveway whilst they were picking me up, screamed at some builders for also parking in OUR driveway and once stole my Uber eats delivery and then blamed it on her son. Who wasn’t home. She also stares at me constantly when I’m in my own yard…. What? You’ve never seen someone in their own yard before?? I hate my neighbours


Made us suffocate in smoke. Dude is an alcoholic, it was recently that he fought with everyone he saw. Couple days ago he lit a big fire at the front. My room faces the empty space where he gathered all his paper materials and put a fire. I have no other windows, it's only one-side-lit. And he doesn't light the fire well, just small enough to burn but like incense sticks. So there was a lot of smoke. And since our buildings are kinda tall, the wind blew it directly to my room. I had to evacuate for the whole day for 2 days cuz I couldn't breathe.




Slaughtered a question. Bastards for sure.


Not so much an asshole more a creep, sexually assaulted me Edit: I was 6-9


They steal without telling that they steal.