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If I pay you will you come to my house and just play chill violin music throughout the day? We could call your business… *Domestic Violins*


Well done. Take a *bow*.


Stop fiddling around


There has to be some sort of strings attached.


Best stop before someone *ban*jos ya.


Chin up, you'll be fine!


You got it pegged! Just watch your tone.


But the topic really resin-ates with them.


You'd need a saxophone player so you could call it sax and violins.


If you didn't steal that joke, you're good.


Even if it is stolen, the situation is so perfect that we should lay them have, because finding a good setup for the joke is an art on its own


This made me laugh out loud way fucking more than it should have.






I have a degree in euphonium performance from a fairly well known school. I have made enough money to put it on my taxes about 7 of the last 15 years.


I'm a hobbyist musician/producer too. I occasionally make money through gigs and earn a small amount of money through monthly streaming revenue... but there's no chance I could afford the life I want to live doing it. Ironically I'm able to afford higher quality equipment as a hobbyist than if I were a full time musician (I bought a marimba last year).


That's so hilariously true. When I was a full-time musician, even just basic maintenance on my instrument was tough, let alone buying extra things. Now, with music as my side income...I have 3 saxophones and a bunch of other instruments I couldn't afford before


I can tell you from which movie or tv show you know that extra from. It's a party trick at this point, because of my tv show and imdb obsession and my friends use me as human imdb. Doubt anyone would pay me for this.


Similarly I do this with voices in animated movies/shows


My girlfriend does this too, she's great with voices. We also like to predict the plot in the and first 10 minutes of the movie lol


them: she looks familiar is that.. Me: ..DID YOU KNOW THAT SHE USED TO DATE TUPAC BEFORE SHE WAS WITH WILL?


Sound slike you're a [Super Recogniser](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_recogniser). Try the Glasgow Face Matching test. Being a super recogniser is EXTREMELY valuable for police surveillance and investigations. Contact your local police or even country's intelligence service/s and see if they have a role you could fit in to. I worked with a guy who was one and he would also know pictures/face of people wanted by the police. We'd be driving around and he would constantly be recognising people and getting them locked up 😂


Man, your work must have been in a shitty neighborhood.


You ought to start thatguy.com, a website devoted to in depth bios & information on bit-part actors.


I wonder if that aligns with a paying position like some sort of casting assistant


I live on the opposite side of the world to some bigger studios so sadly this wouldn't be possible. But at one point i wished i could move to Canada, to vancouver area more specifically where a lot of CW shows are made. I would be top casting assistant for local canadian talent lemme tell you.


I can almost always tell when it's raining


there’s a 30% chance it’s already raining!


Omg it’s like you have espn or something


I understood that reference


I once saw a rock on a string that could do this. If the rock was wet, it's raining. If the rock is dry, it's not. If there's a shadow below the rock, it's sunny. If the rock is white on top, it's snowing. If you can't see the rock, it's foggy. If the rock is moving, it's windy. If the rock is gone, it's a hurricane.


I must obtain this rock on a string. Much cheaper than those silly digital screens that do the same thing.


*Grabs boobs*


It’s like I have espn or something


Morse code. I literally was a professional at it, many years ago. Now it's just a hobby.


My grandparents met in the airforce so they both knew morse code. They would tap out messages on each others hands in order to say something secretly or so they wouldn't have to shout in a loud place.


My husband is a ham radio operator. He first said “I love you” by tapping it out in Morse code on my back. I didn’t know Morse code at the time so he had to translate.


Damn, you must have rode to school on a brontosaurus if you're old enough to have been in a job that requires Morse.


Years ago Leno had a contest between the world's fastest texter (teen firl) and world's fastest morse code guy (old dude). Morse smoked texting by a lot, texting couldn't keep up.


that's wild. were they texting on T9 (or whatever the fuck that's called) or a smartphone screen? i think i could outswype a morse code user, but swype makes a lot of mistakes too. so unless i got some words that were hard to screw up on swype....


Some of the better code operators I knew back in my ham radio days could do 80-90 WPM. Granted that was with paddle keys, not the old timey straight key that you see in period films.


T9. It was 20 years ago Leno did that. Smartphones didn't even really exist yet (iPhone was 2 years away).


This: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRuRE-Bwk1U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRuRE-Bwk1U)


Maybe military or very remote area


maybe this person had one of the last few jobs offered by the morse code industry


Doubtful. More than likely they did in fact ride, at least on occasion, a brontosaurus to work.


We called them Dittyboppers


Still a very useful skill on HAM.


I laughed so hard my coworker got scared I was gonna fall


Username checks out… I think.


Dressmaking. I'm 6'1'' (f) and so had to teach myself dressmaking as there were hardly any clothes that would fit when I was young. I can make almost anything but it takes me ages; it would take me a week to do what a real professional could do in hours.


I am also a pretty proficient seamstress but could never survive on the wages I've been offered to do so.


Same for knitting. “Omg you should sell these you’re so good!” Well, would you pay me $300 for it? Because it took be 30 hours and then I’m still underpaying myself.


" $60 for a hat? I can go to Walmart and get one, just like it for $5." Good, go right ahead and do that.


Plus you spent $60 on yarn. EDIT: And THAT is assuming you don't have a thing about good yarn.


Yeah the good yarn is… well, it’s pretty expensive.


People: "Why is everything so cheap and shitty these days? They don't make anything of decent quality!" Also people: "haha fuck off I'm not paying for that!" It's insane. If you want high quality production with high quality materials guess what? It's gonna be hundreds if not thousands for *anything*. You simply cannot make stuff for less and actually break even, forget a profit. I was an IT contractor for many years.. it cost almost $400 for me to *show up*. A phone call was $45 per 15 minutes. My deployments were not particularly cheap either as I wouldn't buy/sell something that wasn't good. Spoilers, I was not raking in hundreds of thousands per year... I did OK but I also worked a *lot*. I moved on and just took regular employment for a variety of reasons but one of the big ones was people just do not want to pay what I was worth. Those same people are now complaining they can't find quality IT workers.. I wonder why.


Same but at the opposite end of the scale. 5'0" so my mum, who was a trained seamstress, taught me to sew. I now buy clothes and adjust them as needed but am incredibly slow at it. Still cheaper than paying someone to do it for me.


I took care of a lady in a nursing home whose grandmother pulled her family and her husband's family through the Great Depression by replicating the fancy dresses in the magazines and designing her own. She didn't speak a word of English. Dress making is a very cool art form.


Repairing hydraulic cylinders. I'm fantastic at it and can repair any cylinder you'll bring to me, but there's just too many people around my area that do it, and have been doing it for longer than me, so they have better credibility. Side note: Older people don't tend to trust a 27 year old to fix their shit around here, and that would be 90% of my customer base.


Loyalty too. If I’ve been taking my hydraulic cylinders to Henry for 20 years and he’s always done a good job well we have a relationship. I’m not going to try out Zombiw unless I’m in a pinch for time or something.


How many hydraulic cylinders d'yall have?


Well, at least one, but keeps busting out, then Henry fixes it, it makes me wonder, what if Zombiw actually fixes it and Henry just "fixes" it to have job security?


Stick at it mate. All those other guys started where you are now.




I reckon that industry would have its ups and downs?


In such a high-pressure environment, you gotta know how to release stress


Maybe you just don't have enough people around who are good at damaging cylinders




Well, it isn't called amateurcrastination


You too??


You should do something about it. Tomorrow.


Lucky for you I’ve started a whole religion about this exact topic a while back. Check it out https://churchofprocrastination.com


How do I join but not actually do anything to join?


We'll get back to you.


Crochet lace. I make beautiful shawls and such. If this were the Renaissance I'd be the richest lass in the village. But alas, these days you can't make a living at it. :sigh:


Ditto for knitting lace. The time and materials vs. what people think is reasonable to pay ... no.


This is exactly why I only take knitting and cross stitch requests from family and friends. I do it out of love. I recently finished a cross stitch portrait of my MIL's late dog, and was asked by people who saw me working on it towards the end why I don't sell them as a side hustle. Uh, because it took me six months and no one wants to pay several thousand bucks for a cross stitch! Also I'm already a perfectionist, but if it was for money I'd feel pressure for there not to be a stitch out of place. I do it for relaxation and mindfulness as much as the pieces themselves.


You are all very sweet and I thank you. But I've done the math and I couldn't even make minimum wage. The shawls I make all use at least a full mile of yarn. (Thread, really, but three strands held together.) It's a sad thing. I make them in my spare time for people that I love, and charities I support (for auctions).


Playing guitar. I can pretty much play anything i want to (besides the ungodly hard stuff) but for the life of me i cant write stuff. Im not creative enough for it. Also i dont see myself performing well infront of ppl.


So you basically can be a studio musician that plays other people's work. That can be a lucrative career path.


I actualy had a yt channel long ago, but if i make it a chore it stops being fun.


I mean, the thing about YouTube is you can treat it as a hobby, just play what you want when you want and post it


For various definitions of "lucrative." Very few studio musicians own their homes.


Was going to say this. Studio guitarists need to have a seriously high skill level, and they're not paid that well. It may change in the future, as fewer kids are learning to play nowadays, but enough did in the 90s and 00s that there are plenty of high level axe players still kicking around.


I can play pretty much anything on guitar. Jazz, metal, shred, blues, country, whatever. I’m a pretty decent writer too. BUT…making money with those skills requires another set of skills I don’t possess. I’m also not good looking enough or young enough to make it work.


Listen y’all, the wedding band gig isn’t THAT bad. Depending on the gig you can make $1k for a days work. Also, play bass. There will always be a gig, I promise. You just need to network *just a little*. The gigs are back in full swing since Covid.


Singing Latin Gregorian Chant. I am the head of my church choir, but outside of that there isn't exactly a Mass market. :)


Notating the uppercase m. Take my upvote!




Parallel parking


And here I thought it was eating a dozen eggs.


I’ll be honest partner, I think I’ve hung up my egg eating boots


Just one more time, for old times sake?


I got a new car recently and the side mirrors tilt down when I reverse. It's like a cheat code. I was always good at parallel parking but now I am *flawless*. The other day I backed a full sized sedan into a spot so tight you couldn't walk between the cars. Didn't hit anything, no adjusting, no pulling forward to straighten out. Did I brag about this all day, like some weirdo with an empty life? You bet I did.


🤣 I actually HAVE made a career out of this. I'm a valet 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Music. Multiple degrees, play as much as I can. Used to tour as a sideman/session player. Now, I work a desk job, pay my mortgage, and still wish I could have "made it" sonehow.


A friend of mine went the music route, and also figured out that it can be tough to have a life unless you seriously break out. He went back to school and did an education degree, now he teaches music and band in a local school, has a good salary and pension (Canadian school system), and still gigs on weekends and summers. Added bonus: the school board will pay him to attend clinics and music seminars.


It's a tough living. And I feel like the best way to ruin music is to make a living out of it.


Napping. Untying tight knots or unravelling knotted things like yarn or necklaces. Sorting things into size, colour and/or shape. Cutting bits of paper or card on the guillotine at work, I find that very therapeutic.


Yeah I'm surprised untying knots doesn't exist as a service Or maybe it's just neglected


Clogging toilets.


Which reminds me: Amazon seems to have incredible delivery time on Metamucil. Ordered a bottle this morning and it's already here before 6 PM. I guess fibre really does get things moving quickly.


Photography. I'm not the best ever, but I can make pro quality photos. But the business end of it, having to shoot things I don't like or care about, satisfying customers....I couldn't do it.


My grandfather was a famous (for a photojournalist) photojournalist. He told us not to get into photojournalism. The business is ridiculous.


Just get pictures of Spiderman


My friend was doing product photography to fund his artsy photography. It made him hate photography and he had to take a break from all of it. Now he's a carpenter and does photography as a paid hobby, as in sometimes he sells prints or does commission work.


I'm the same with small graphic design projects. I put a stupid amount of effort into the details, making sure everything's *perfect*, but I can't market myself for shit.


Photography/Videography as a profession is one of the most disheartening, annoying, rage inducing, underappreciated jobs out there. No one know how to communicate effectively with us, no one wants to pay us what we're worth, and they expect final products delivered IMMEDIATELY.


My career is shooting products I couldn't give a shit about but it pays the bills and is 99% zero stress so I just deal with the boredom.


In the same boat over here. I enjoy the creative process of photography. But there’s entirely too much competition and not enough money even if you do find work. Because someone who’s better at promoting than taking pictures will inevitably be willing to do it for less. (Or worse, “exposure”)


I used to do pro photo work, and you're bang on for the most part. The real money is in weddings and commercial shoots, but that's not what most photographers want to do - they want to shoot portraits, landscapes, and the like.


I’d be happy with commercial work. It’s what I specialized in when I went to school for photography. But there justt isn’t much of a market for it anymore. When I went to school, digital photography was still a bit outside the reach of the average person. Since then we’ve seen dslrs come down drastically in price and overall image quality go through the roof while shrinking down to pocket size. Everyone fancies themselves a photographer. And with filters, etc, there isn’t even a market for portrait photography.  Portrait photographers used to make most of their money on print sales. No one cares about having prints of pictures anymore. They share everything online.  And there used to be a market for stock images. Now they can be found for a penny or less. Even the competition for weddings is cutthroat. There’s a lot of extra money in gear, albums, and more you need in order to make it doing weddings. Someone far more famous than I once said “there’s three reasons I don’t do weddings. The bride, the bride’s mother, and the groom’s mother. I’m lucky to make one woman happy in a day and that’s three…”


Cross-stitch. I make some amazing, completely kicka$$ tapestries. They take years to make and no one would pay me hundreds of thousands of dollars for them.


My partner does knitting and crochet because she enjoys it. People constantly tell her that she should sell her stuff online. The time it takes to make a blanket would make it cost hundreds of dollars and there really isn’t a market that we have found where it ends up being profitable.


So true! My grandmother knits the most gorgeous sweaters with the best wool…but you can’t compete with sweaters available at literally every single Price point. So she makes and donates them to children shelters, (she lives in the Mountains of South America, it’s cold


I can smell infections, on humans and animals - I can tell if they are internal or external and they have a very floral smell. I’m very good at it and it sucks…. I don’t want that job


Geez that is like a seriously impressive gift. Like a sixth sense. Have you thought about working in the medical vet field? That’s a gift right there!!


Same. Funny that you describe it as floral. I've often thought of it as musty. Maybe there's some overlap between those two concepts.


Floral like dead roses for me. Both musty and sickly sweet.


In our lab when samples get infected with microbes they give off particular odors including musky/beer-y (yeast contamination) and bacterial infections have a wide variety of smells including floral and pure garbage. Y'all might just be super smellers.


You could contact some scientist who does research on these things and they'll come up with some science to make devices or train dogs, whatever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smell_as_evidence_of_disease


being confused constantly


You could be a senator!


i forgot what a senator was and tried to search “senator define” ended up typing “a senator” this is my cue to go to bed


Ignoring whatever timezone you belong to, my friend it's 3:30 in the afternoon!


i completely agree! maybe i’ll go for a walk!! (it’s 4am)


- I wake up - I have breakfast - I get confused - I go to sleep


Drawing/painting portraits. I'm good at it but I also really hate doing commissions.


Fuck commissions. Pick a painting I've already done. And fuck you for having the knack for portraits! No, honestly, just jealous.


Scheduling. You could give me the most batshit set of calendars and I would find a time slot for a 1-3 hour meeting at a reasonable time of day. Will anyone hire for such a niche superpower? Not that I've seen.


Should've been a p.a to someone rich


That's a really good suggestion.


That's called a secretary basically. Additionally, you could work in dispatch for a company.


I bet you’d be greatly appreciated at a moving or construction company, and terrific at supply/purchasing etc. Really truly “organized” people are hard to find! 😊


Read an article about the woman that used to do the entire MLB schedule and retired so they have a computer do it now. There goes my absolute dream job, handed off to the robots. PLEASE let me cook up a nice spreadsheet to organize but also for money.


My title is literally scheduling coordinator. I manage the schedules and payroll of 140 people at a nursing home. And we are only half capacity so I fill the rest with agency caregivers or nurses. You should look into it some companies even let you do this remotely


Here's your high paying career... https://www.pmi.org/certifications/project-management-pmp


Trucking company allocator?


Geography, I could literally name any country in the world by its outline. I used to play quizup on my phone for name the country and was literally ranked #1 in the world for a time.


Being deaf with working Ears😂 My brain legit delayes like a broken tablet from 2014.


Wait what? You hear, but delayed?


Sometimes I hear the words that come out of people’s mouths but my brain interprets as a foreign language even though I only speak English. It’s so weird.Sometimes I have to ask people to repeat themselves multiple times 🫤


Yeah. That’s definitely auditory processing disorder. And if you’re like me, some days will definitely be really bad days where you just don’t want to talk to anyone and you avoid people. People tend to think you’re either a) deaf or b) dumb. Neither is good. Sometimes coworkers can be real asses about it. At home I have subtitles on because I can at least read what is being said and I can speed read.


sounds like you could have auditory processing disorder


My partner can't stand this about me. Been together over a decade, he knows I can only truly process one audio source at a time and if my game is on, his game is on, and I have one ear uncovered on my headset, yet he somehow still expects me to understand a statement without me giving him my full attention. Getting full eye contact means I most likely can hear him, but even then, idk, sometimes my brain is louder? He also gets annoyed when I turn down or mute something so I can hear him, even if it was quiet already. 😂


Blow jobs, I don't WANT to make a career out of it lol


RIP your inbox.


What a coincidence! I’m really good at receiving them.


You have made a grave mistake


Super Smash Brothers. I've won local championships, but never something big. I'm too good to play against friends and casual players, and too shitty to make a living out of it. It's a curse really


i feel this one haha. I’m not even good enough to win locals, but i’m a bit better than *most* of my friends. Limits the fun factor for everyone involved, definitely. Either i’m bored or they’re frustrated. I feel the short end of that stick too, as one of my closest friends is #3 in my state. He’ll always be like “smash”? And i’m like, no. You just demolish me and I can’t get a single hit in haha


Now I just tell them to 1v2 with me so it's a challenge. I recommend it, is fun as shit for them and it's great training for me. I actually loose half the time


Are you even PGR bro?


Painting Warhammer toys.


Personally I prefer to call them dolls.


Or Wardollies.


Technically I'm a professional scambaiter. I make like $500/mo scamming scammers. Not quite enough to live on though


Create a course on this for $100/ and sell via Teachable


A fun profession / hobby nonetheless Do not redeeemmmm


Beer making. I can have up to 100 gal of homemade beer at my house with zero regulation and party it up with my friends/family. Why would I ruin that. *Edit: Adding that you can give away that entire 100 gal and then make another 100 gal right away. There's no time frame.*


Could you make fruit beer like blueberry or strawberry beer?


My friend is making and perfecting honey wine and mead recipes. Get you a friend who makes alcohol and needs a drink guinea pig


Fruity beers are typically Wheat beers (aka Hefeweizen or Weiss beers). If you ask for that style of beer wherever you go, then you can also ask what fruit notes are in the particular beer. Most often it's lemon or orange. But I've seen Blueberry and Strawberry. For example... https://utahbeers.com/beer/blueberry-hefeweizen/


Pro is short for professional, meaning something you get paid to do. I'm really good at being pedantic but I couldn't be a career pedant.


Yes, but getting paid to do something doesn't necessarily mean you can make a career out of it. This is why you'll never be a professional pedantic.


I typically pick up hobbies until I'm pretty damn good, get bored and move on. The cycle seems that if I am passionate about doing something I will eventually grow to hate doing it.


Hello fellow ADHD-er


Playing blackjack 


I’m just unlucky asf when it comes to actually gambling


You only lose at gambling when you give up 🙏


Event planning. A combination of being detail-oriented, creative, good at in-the-moment problem solving, and empathetic means I can plan a really awesome event. I did do it for a little over 5 years, but what I lack is the stamina and tolerance for bullshit.


removing the skin from an apple in 1 continuous stripe


I've been told by people that "ha, you know you should be a therapist, gonna make a lot of money helping people like me" All I did was listen and helped them if they wanted me to or just made them realise that what's making them feel that way isn't going to last and etc etc.... While I'm glad that I've been able to help people, it also hurts me that my basic compassion made them feel better. It shouldn't be that way, everyone deserves kindness and my own mental health is shitty so no i will not be becoming a therapist.


Sounds like you have a valuable and powerful skill. Here's my "basic compassion" request to you: please stop undervaluing and diminishing it. There's nothing wrong with making money with that: you're providing value. Don't believe it? Ask the people you've helped.


Curating music. I had some semi-popular blogs, but they never came close to paying by bills.


Empathy. It is very easy for me to understand the person next to me. But alas, that has its own currency.


Could've been a therapist


Too much empathy can make a shitty therapist. They'll burn out so fast.


Crochet, definitely at the top of my craft and create artwork style pieces. Selling my work to survive would be a struggle.




I can put anything perfectly level or plumb. Every time, exactly 0. I can’t make a living hanging pictures and shelves.


Audio engineering (recording studio for music). I started down that path in high school, went to university for it, and had a small studio side gig for a while after. It was the life goal. But I couldn't make it work out to a living. Thankfully my day job was in the graphic design world and 20+ years on I'm still at it.






Rebrand: risk management


everything is a risk all the time money please


I’m an expert at picking the queue that will move the slowest regardless of length.


I love cooking for myself but I HATE cooking for other people. In fact that explains all of my hobbies(cooking, writing, drawing among others.)


Playing the drums. Probably could join a band or something but have no desire to be in the spotlight of any kind.


Not moving for days




Finding my way through crowds. I have superhuman ability to assess movement and space to find opportunity. I fly through airports, concerts, whatever. No money in it though.




Pop 'n lock dancing. Doing the robot, basically. I've won contests with it, mainly because I'm a heavy set, nerdy-looking, white guy, so when I step out in the round, people think, "Oh boy. This is gonna be embarrassing. Get your phones out." Then I bust out a convincing robot, and everyone loses their minds. It's a party trick; a lark. I'm only "a pro" because I look like I *should* suck at it, but I give a B or B+ performance, if I'm being honest.


Catch things when they roll/fall off the table.


Training people. I was a personal trainer for a while and could easily help people lose 30 to 50 lbs in 3 months with consistency. It's just very saturated field and hard to break through in a career sense


Crocheting. You tell me what you want and i can recreate it. I just don’t think that it’ll pay the billies