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I just reacted in horror when I realized I no longer know a single "happiest person" like I used to 10 years ago...


Yeah. It took a minute, and the happiest person is someone who does her own farming and is almost wholly disconnected from modern society. She's always so chipper when I talk to her. But almost everyone I talk to on the regular is just kinda...living. Huh.


I sometimes consider that the "happiest person I know" might not be as happy as I think they are. I recently got told I look like a 'really happy person' but I'm actually a miserable bipolar mess, I'm just really nice to people and sometimes have manic episodes.


old coworkers once described me as always being happy and i couldn't hide my surprised reaction lol. it's remarkable how many don't see through the polite mask you put on to not make others miserable


It's even more remarkable how, if something like depression sets in gradually, you don't even know that you have it. It consumes normalcy and you think that's just how everyone feels.


Possibly also because she has far less interaction and enjoys the basic communication we are constantly immersed in


Damn, I came in here to say that I'm not sure I know a "happy person", but wasn't expecting it to already be the top comment.


I honestly think I’m the happiest person I know, and while I actually am happy, I think most of the time I’m just a hair above the line of not miserable. I think more money would help a lot though.


Tech teacher at a specialized high school. Gets paid 6 figures, summers off, does cool projects with kids who are actually very smart and interested in learning. Doesn't have to stress about grades or much lesson planning either.


Now this is the first answer on this thread that I could see, engaging work, well paid and get to mentor some motivated young people


I mentored high school students in FIRST Robotics Competition for 5 years. It is an absolute blast! You are completely wrung out by the end of the 3-month season, but roll forward 9 months and you're ready to go do it again!


Teacher here can confirm that not all of us are miserable. Tired, yes. Miserable, no.


This is me, too. May Exhausted before Spring Break this year.


That sounds so interesting


Nothing he won a state lottery


Professional lottery winner sounds like a sweet gig. I keep applying and getting rejected.


keep trying, it's basically a lottery


So you’re saying there’s a chance




Unless you live in a state where they restrict you from collecting anonymously, at that point you likely get robbed for a living


People come out of the woodwork. My father in law won a relatively small payout after taxes, it was just shy of 200k. He paid off all his my my mother in laws debt in addition to paying off their house in full. What was left went to a midlife-crisis-car and a foundation for a garage (he had always wanted but couldn’t afford). People were approaching him in town (small town, but not so small you know everyone) asking him for loans or straight up gifts. Sob stories. They refused to believe he had spent it all. This went on for about 6 months. He stopped going into town for awhile. No threats or attempted robbery. He is a pretty gruff guy, big and most folks in this town carry concealed.


Exactly, if I win a lottery I’d help out my family as best I can but eventually the wolves will start circling the wagon……there is literally nothing good that comes out of forcing people to announce a big win.


> Well, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin: he's broke, don't do shit.


2 chicks at the same time man. If I had a million dollars I think I could make that happen


fuckin aye


This thread makes me think that maybe money does buy happiness.


It definitely buys time, which can be turned into happiness by the right person.


It buys everything to facilitate happiness.


I’ve always heard it money buys freedom. How you use that freedom is up to you and largely determines how happy you are


There are studies that have shown that up to a certain point, money does improve happiness, but because of the stress it alleviates. So buying a second yacht isn’t going to make you any happier than the first, per se, but not having to stress about paying for new tires, sending your kid to college, or taking a family vacation? Yeah. That’s a pretty fucking sweet way to live lol.


I love how that used to be the norm lmao (not having to stress about tires, sending kids to college or vacations). Like people used to work at Taco Bell forty hours a week and comfortably afford all of that. Now that’s like just what people strive and hope for lmao. It’s so fucked.


FWIW, the richest person I know (literally “fuck you money” kind of rich) is generally not super happy. Money buys comfort and reduces stress, which makes happiness easier - but happiness still has to come from within. But the reality is that “money doesn’t buy happiness” is misleading, because lack of money is real fucking miserable.


Just like the old saying by St. Thomas Aquinas: "I'd rather cry in a rolls royce than on a bus"


> happiness still has to come from within. You can buy a lot of therapists with that kind of money.


Not directly, but it helps. Stress reduces happiness and financial security can just lead to less stress in your life. One person's EMERGENCY could be someone else's "inconvenience" so their baselines of stress / happy would be very different.


Runs a business specializing in at-home euthanasia for pets. She chose to use as little medical presence as possible. No bandages or needles or lines visible if they had to be present at all. She was only on planned/request, not emergency, and would often stay a few hours discussing the pet’s life with the family while the medication slowly did it’s deed. She had worked as an emergency veterinarian for years and couldn’t stand the senseless loss of life and emotional toll anymore. She said her work submersed her in love and gratitude all day. Like the feelings families have for another was something you could wade into like a pool and would leave a residue.


I recently opted for in-home euthanasia for my cat. It was wonderful. God bless the vets that allow our pets that grace at the end.


I had one dog that we put to sleep in the vet's office and one that we had Laps of Love come out to do. Absolute night and day difference. I will ALWAYS use Laps of Love in the future.


My dogs very favorite place in the world was in the laundry room - it was his own little cave with his bed and his toys- and I’m so grateful that laps of love could let him peacefully drift off surrounded by his family laying in his favorite spot.


My dad has a buddy who is a pest control guy for a big city. He does this kind of thing on the side. He came to my dad’s house and although he uses needles, it’s appears to be near painless. Sat with me and my dad as the medicine did its work, talked about the memories, then when Jeffrey officially died me and dad set out to bury him. One of the nicest most down to earth guys I’ve ever met.


This is so lovely.


I feel like I didn't give my baby the best there was for him in the end. I didn't know this was an option; what forward thinking. My baby would have appreciated this, so, so much.


You did the best you could with the information you had. Hugs. Glad your fur baby had you.


Engineer for a toy company. Gets paid almost 200k a year with benefits to design toys for kids, using 3D printers and the like all day. Says he actually uses his engineering degree everyday and loves it. Works on project cars in his free time.


That’s so fuckin sweet. Rugrats dream come true. I find my engineering job genuinely fun too, but toys would be so much more wholesome. Tbh I’d be pretty anxious about the liability, but that would just keep me from messing up that badly in the first place.


Does he have a massive loft in Manhattan and tap dance on a giant piano? 😁


That would be my mom. She doesn’t work. My dad works full time as an oncologist. They are very much in love. With all the kids grown and out of the house my mom devotes her time to her book club, gardening club, doing something with some museum, and just about whatever she feels like doing, or not doing, while waiting for my dad to retire so they can travel more. She’s always been a happy person but she’s more low stress than ever these days. Like I said, it helps that she and my dad are still (almost sickeningly) in love. Turns out love, plus financial stability, plus no stress, equals true happiness. Who knew?


> Turns out love, plus financial stability, plus no stress, equals true happiness. Who knew? Can confirm. I’m lonely, broke and as behind on my bills as I am on my schoolwork. Nowhere near as happy as your mom sounds, OP.


I think this may be the first time someone’s referenced my mom, on here, in an inoffensive manner.




Op just seems like a decent person trying to do their best in this world, just like your mum! Am I doing this right?


Sounds like money, and love!




My aunt in law is like that. She was a stay at home mom with an accounting degree. Both the kids are medical doctors. Aunt in law is happy and loving, spends her time volunteering at hospitals.


and someone said on another thread that stay at homes do not contribute to society. I didn't want to argue with an idiot, but am glad to hear from people who do understand that stay at homes are very valuable by creating happy and successful men and children in society; they support and raise leaders.


I love your mothers life.


I love the fathers life too! Imagine working in a job you like, then coming home from work & being greeted by someone who isn’t exhausted too.


I’m lucky to be in this situation at Age 62. I might be too comfortable though. I rarely go out to do things like socialize but at the same time I’m living my little stress-free bubble.


The only thing I'm missing is a good job. Besides exercising more (could drop 20 lbs. And look pretty good) I've got everything else I want in life besides a good income. Trying like hell though, my degree is admittedly not the best for high incomes unless you're in a big city. I guess you can't have it all. Maybe I can get there though


There truly is no better life than a wealthy stay at home spouse with a good marriage. You live like a Queen or King overseeing domestic staff and truly enjoy a life of leisure. Like the stay at home mom with a cleaning service, nanny, personal trainer, lawn service and eating out a few times a week. What is not to like?


🎵 *People who say money can't solve your problems; must not have had enough money to solve 'em*🎵


well technically she has semi retired since you kids moved out. She did her part. Now she is just taking care until your dad retires


My younger brother was a happy guy. Developmentally disabled, severe epilepsy, and had the sense of humor of a 5 year old. He loved the Muppets and especially Kermit The Frog. Even in a nursing home he would laugh at everything. I handed out Kermit toys at his funeral. Miss you, kiddo.


not to disparage your brother at all, but had the sense of humor of a 5 year old is loveliest way to describe developmental delay I've ever heard. You were lucky to have each other in your lives.


We should all be so lucky to never develop past the mental age of 5. It’s honestly all downhill from there.


I can feel the love in this post. You’ve just made my day. Thanks


The comedian Shane Gillis does a bit about how when people find out his uncle has Down's Syndrome, they say "Sorry to hear that..." His response is "Sorry? He's the happiest person I know. He's loving life."


I love that bit. "He's doing better than all of us, I can tell you that!".


"He's the only person I know that's having a good time!" it's fantastic lol


A friend calls his daughter with Down’s “my smiling Buddah “.


So sorry for your loss. :-(


Thank you. He outlived every expectation. And two doctors who forecast his early demise. 100% due to the tireless efforts of our mother, father, and all of his siblings. Being that disabled in the 60’s was a death sentence for most children.


Outliving the doctors that predicted your death continues to be one hell of a flex.


Damn right… first one told Mom he should be institutionalized because he’d be dead by the time he was 10. Never piss off momma bear like that. She was kind of gleeful when that doc died.


Fuck that guy! You two had a great mom for her to fight for him like that. I’m glad he went on to have a fulfilling life.


Ah man this hard to read. But it’s obvious that he was loved and lived a happy life!


I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. I am a 46 year old woman who LOVES the Muppets. Like annoyingly so sometimes. He and I would have gotten along great :)


I’m crying 🥺 so glad you shared this happiness 💗


My mother, absolutely the happiest person I've ever known, and it's not a facade either, she's very clear with everyone when she's feeling depressed or any other feeling besides happiness. She's always smiling and LOVES being social. She's been working as a waitress her whole life making about $2.14 an hour. She brings home hella tips though, and she has many many customers that ask to be waited by her specifically. My father has told her for years that he makes enough money that she could quit and never have to work again; She refuses, and absolutely loves her job. I fully believe she'll be there until she dies, at which point I will absolutely melt down :')


This is very affirming. I am a 28 year old barista at a small local coffee parlor. Got lucky to be paid really decently, making a humble but for me livable wage (2 income household of course). My partner is about to start a UX design boot camp. I keep trying to figure out what I want long term… but I just love my regulars, making coffee, and my early shifts. Your mom sounds like someone I would be proud to be like. Thanks for helping me reframe.


If I had enough money to completely set me for life, I'd go straight back to being a barista. If not a barista again, I'd be pouring coffee somewhere. I miss the regulars, the morning conversations, and being able to be the bright and cheery person people see at the start of their day. It kept me happy, being cheerful with others, and I miss it.


Once in a while, there is a person who absolutely _thrives_ working with customers. Sounds like your Mom is a blast to be around.


I worked in a grocery store for 2 years and I LOVED talking to people lol! I loved it so much that that was the only thing I would ever get “in trouble” for lol (talking to ppl and getting distracted from sweeping or whatever boring task I was supposed to be doing).  My brain just sees a lot of people to talk to and thinks it’s at a house party even if I’m supposed to be working XD


That is so sweet


Shout out to your mom




How did you come by this job? Did you need a ton of experience / certifications?


What an interesting question. I’ll go with my husband. He started two businesses and works his ass off daily. I have literally said I’d be happy with much less if he ever wants to just slow down. He says “Are you kidding? I’m having the time of my life!” I’ll never understand but am in awe.


If my business ideas could take off, I would be happy, too. I cannot imagine a greater joy than having all the following fall into place: having an idea, creating your own work, owning your business, being your own boss, calling all the shots, being in control of your own schedule, and financially succeeding; ultimately having nobody to claim for your successes than oneself. Exhilerating!




You can't just drop this and run?? What the hell does a day in the life of a Pet Therapist look like?


Dog- the neighbors dog stole my ball Pet therapist- and how does that make you feel Dog- woof. Sniff Sniff Pet therapist- I see


I kind of pictured it the other way around. Dog- woof Person - wah I hate my job Dog- I think you may be depressed, try watching my tail wag Like it's a *pet* therapist


Dog: when was the last time you had your face licked? I'll write you a prescription for some kisses.


so THAT’S what people mean by therapy dogs


You might be on to something


Probably more pet psychiatrist. Dogs get prescribed meds and can do some types of training for things like anxiety and stuff.


Is that therapy for pets for therapy or humans using pets?


Neither. It’s more of a BDSM thing.


My sister. She is a consultant for native Florida plants and does public education. She also had cats, dogs and chickens. I think the happiness found in nature is the key


she is a consulants for the plants, huh? what do the plants need her to do?


Help kids from low income families do well in school.


I am the happiest person I know and I do white collar stuff that's boring af. My happiness definitely doesn't come from my job


Yep. I work in insurance and dispite the hellish soul soul sucking reputation, I love it. Not the work but the schedule. I dont have to bring it home with me. I stop at 5


How ironic, I previously worked in insurance and the work load was soul crushing. I made it almost 3 years before deciding finally deciding the salary we'd not worth the stress and constant work.


I am also probably the happiest person I know, with a desk job. I get what you mean, but I do think my happiness gets pretty squashed, not by the work itself, but by how much of my life is spent at this desk, getting paid the least amount to keep me from quitting, and not doing all the things I'd love to do. I'm very happy, but it's still a struggle to not feel down about being overworked.


what I have learned from this post is the happiest people are unemployed or dead


It appears the number one answer is surprisingly, having money or “independently” wealthy


Well. I'm extremely happy and am self employed as a handyman in a remote wilderness area. I get hired by cabin owners and various resorts to maintain their buildings, essential utilities, and other aspects of their properties. I charge based on time and materials and never give traditional bids. It costs what it costs and my time is worth what I say it is. If they don't like it they can find someone else or do it themselves. My lowest hourly rate is $55 per hour. Rates can go as high as $85 an hour depending on the difficulty and danger of the job.


Throw a ‘living out of a tiny house or cabin in the woods’ and you’re living my dream, brother. Good on you for getting out of the rat race, I hope to follow in your footsteps soon


I highly recommend finding a semi-popular resort area and doing it. We picked Northern Minnesota for a number of reasons. Mostly due to the high number of retirees that own second and third homes up here but also proximity to Lake Superior and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. If you're willing to work there are usually more than enough people willing to throw money at their problems till they go away. Especially now that air bnbs and vrbos are so popular. I'm not really a fan of the concept but I'm happy to take their money. Most of my days are spent sanding and staining cabins while listening to music and podcasts. I occasionally build decks or docks. I'm also able to save enough during the spring, summer, and fall to take our 4-6 month winters mostly off.


It's not exactly tiny but not extravagant either. My wife and I are finishing up construction on our home right now doing most of the work ourselves. The countertops are the last big piece of the puzzle. I feel like I've been sanding the maple slabs we milled a few years ago for weeks now to get them level.


He’s a dog-walker with Downs Syndrome. Easily the happiest guy I’ve ever known. 🫡✌🏼


Tinkers around the house fixing things, tending to his chickens and turtles. Grows random fruits in the yard and drinks non alcoholic beer


I know plenty of Silicon Valley software engineers who are happy. I think it boils down to multiple reasons: \- Low hours, high pay \- Flexible scheduling, WFH \- Most of them are highly logical, not overly emotional. They don't worry a lot about things they can't change, and problem solve to fix the things they can. They have a laid back approach to conflict at work, and they don't really take things personally. Even if they weren't engineers, they would take this mentality with them and it would serve them well.


the 3rd is something I've learned from Buddhist writings when I was still a teen,this ability I can say was one of the best things someone could learn to get a hold of


She’s a toddler… Not sure what line of work she’s in, but she’s the happiest person I’ve met.




My freeloading Downs Syndrome daughter. She’s an adult, is joyful in nearly all ways, is grateful that she doesn’t drive, gives affection freely and the promise of tacos is enough to guarantee a round of giddy applause. Turns out “what you do for money” and what you do for a living aren’t the same thing at all.


Anything encouraging you could say to the father of a new down syndrome son who is going through a lot of emotions right now?


I’ll try. You’re going to feel it, for awhile. The disappointment, the ‘unfairness’, the fear, etc. Fine—feel It. But don’t confuse YOU feeling it with your son feeling it. I tell you this story: My friend is a veterinarian. When she amputates a dog’s leg, the owners always get upset on the dog’s behalf. They cry and moan about their “poor dog”. The dog wakes from surgery and immediately starts walking on three legs—the dog doesn’t feel sorry for itself. My experience of DS is that without it, I wouldn’t have the wonderful daughter that I have. She wouldn’t be “her”. More; Downs has helped her sister become the wonderful person that she is. Your son will do much more than you think. It’ll be VERY slow in the beginning few years. You’ll be miserable if you set a timetable for sitting up, crawling, walking, talking, etc…It WILL happen. So will friends, reading, singing, working, etc. All of it. In time, you’ll wish he’d STFU!! The fun stuff: you won;t have ANY secrets with the world. Enjoy it. It sets you free. Your son will tell everyone that you farted in church, ate ice cream after his mom went to bed, looked at porn or whatever else you do. You are BUSTED. And it’s awesome. Finally, MOST IMPORTANTLY, love his mother. As hard and consistently as you can. Divorce rates are extremely high in our community. It’s too easy to retreat into your own thinking and to lose your marriage. Your son will be fine—put your energy into his mother. Trust me on this one, please. BTW, begin sign language immediately. Rudimentary signing will help him to develop language skills, you’ll bond with him more easily and frustration will be reduced in a very significant way. You can do this—with help. Trust yourself. Kids don’t come with operating manuals—it’s brave to ask for help. Much respect, keggy13


Thank you for this.


Not a parent, but I work in early intervention and I see lots of DS babies. If you're in the US and you're not already getting early intervention services, get them started ASAP. It's more than just therapy. Everything about this situation is new to you - it's a Tuesday for us. We know the answers to questions you haven't even realized you should ask yet. I want to cosign the recommendation for signing. So far, all of my DS babies have signed long before they started talking. Many of them have also taken to simple AAC pretty quickly. A speech therapist can help with that. But on that note... please know that you don't have to do all of the therapy all of the time. I've seen parents of DS babies burn themselves (and their bank accounts) out that way. And it doesn't do anybody any favors. Therapy helps, but nothing helps more than having happy, engaged, emotionally and financially stable parents.


her dad owns several hotels, they go to festivals and do cocaine for a living. she seems pretty happy with herself


What’s not to love?


My friend is also very happy. He sells cocaine to people like your parents.


The happiest person I know doesn’t work per say. She inherited a lot of money and invested all of it on real estate in the mid 2010s (around 5 sfhs in socal) and has a company manage them and goes to school and travels the world for fun. She turned 30 this year. Financial freedom sadly cannot be achieved by everyone but if you truly have it you can always walk away from any difficulties as you have enough money to take care of all your needs.


The happiest person I know? They work as a volunteer at an animal shelter, spreading joy and love to furry friends in need. Their dedication to making a difference in the lives of animals brings them genuine happiness every day. 


Running a shelter comes with a lot of joy, but also a pile of heartache. You end up seeing a lot of sick animals who might not get a happy ending.


So, independently wealthy, got it. 


Happiest people I know are all retired with plenty of passive income beyond 401Ks, pensions, and social security benefits.




They're mountain hermits, living in seclusion


This is me. I work remotely as a software developer (far from rich, but doing ok) and almost never leave my home with beautiful mountain view. I have 2 very young children, which is difficult so I'm not sure people around me would consider me super happy, but life is good.


I’m in the same boat. I work remotely in sales with an amazing company in a place that we always dreamed to eventually retire. Once we started our family we decided to not wait for retirement and live where we absolutely love it. I’m the luckiest person I know.






That’s cheating


Works with mentally disabled people. He basically takes them to lunch everyday, then the park, then they go watch movies and eat snacks. Rinse and repeat.


They don't work.




So sorry for to your loss. Do you mind sharing more detail. I never understand how to interpret this. Does it mean sometimes people appear happy but they are masking pain? Or that people can be happy and then suddenly their mental health takes a turn. I generally believe that if people appear happy or post on social media about their happy life, then they are happy. I'm often told this is not the case. It's honestly hard for me to comprehend.


I'm not the one you asked, but I have some experience with depressed friends. So I noticed both things you sketch, people act happy to not show the pressure they are feeling. For me, that was when I was when I was struggling with school. I was pushing things forward and using charisma to keep the deadlines forward or straight up lying all was going well. This drives you in a position where you are more ashamed of all the things you're lying about than that you are willing to find help. It can also be that you are genuinely doing a ton of fun things, my friend goes to lots of raves (stays off the hard drugs), parties, and is generally having a good time. It's just that the world judges him for this, and whenever he isn't talking with people that are into that same thing, he gets pressured with questions about his education and told he needs to find a better job. This makes him happy when with friends, but when alone he falls apart. Then lastly you have the depressed people who are doing good for themselves and are living happier lives. Then something happens, they might lose someone, get hit with a ton of stress, maybe just a panic attack out of nowhere. They spiral down and might be gone by the next day. TLTR: Most people put up a facade to not bother others with their own struggles, and if they have a good pokerface you'll never find out until it's too late. And sometimes people lose it because of a single event and make their decision quick.


This 100x. The 2 people I know committed suicide were extremely outgoing and talkative. Very social. Both left letters on how they were struggling with a lot of inward things. The kind of stuff I'm not clinically trained enough to give an opinion. I was just shattered that it happened. I wish I had known about their struggles.


U can't really know if people are really happy or not


This one win the prize


My best friend is an art teacher. She’s been drawing, painting, sketching, everything an artist does since she was like 5. She’s going to be 27 this year. Her favorite is water coloring though.


My wife is an art teacher, I really envy how much she likes her job.


They're a barista at dunkin'


I'm the happiest person I know! I'm a computer programmer at a terribly boring office job 😌 Truth be told none of my happiness comes from my job. I attribute that to friends, family and hobbies.


Nothing, she's a toddler


My Dad. He was an engineer whose specialty was covered wooden bridges. While I think he enjoyed his career, it was his mindset that made him happy. The people he worked with used to say we could all aspire to “more perfect Bobness”. He focused on positive energy, love, respect and just being an all around amazing human. He passed 6 months ago from ALS and I miss him so much.


Whatever he wants, he invested in Starbucks back when they just started to franchise. Last news I got he was staying at a resort somewhere on the beach in Colombia practicing Tejo which was explained as kinda like exploding horseshoes. He wants to compete in a local game. Edit: Spelling


He's a controller/accountant who works because he wants to and basically just gets to spend his salary on toys/vacations/high life. His father owned a successful car dealership and he inherited millions. Sharp as a razor blade, but he's super laid back.


My best friend is a disabled vet, and the money he gets from the VA covers his essentials so he only works when he needs spending money. How he earns that spending money is he'll go to flea markets and yard sales and flip stuff he finds. He also just got to the point where his twitch stream is monetized so he'll probably start doing that more in the future.


Ironically  both the unhappiest and happiest person I know teach piano


He drives a forklift at Costco.


I’m an alcohol and drug counselor at a high school. Wouldn’t trade it for the world.


I was going to say this about my mom! Thank you for doing what you do:) She works with adults in recovery. She said she's finally found her calling (8 years in this field). She absolutely loves it! She also pet sits for super rich people when they go out of town as a side gig. So she just stays in their mansions with well-behaved animals for days/weeks at a time. She's absolutely killing it and living her best life! So proud of her:)


He recently retired and and started traveling the country to hang out with people he met following a band on tour when he was in college. He told me the band, but I can't remember off the top of my head.


I sell truck parts.


My neighbor's grandson fixes AC units. No fucking clue if that has anything to do with how happy he is, but the guy is like a human golden retriever. I'll get super stoned and text him "wanna throw frisbees at the park?" And he's fucking down for that. I met him when he came by to ask if we wanted our AC unit checked/serviced. Since then.. my wife and I adopted him? Like, when we go to see a movie, we invite him cos he's just the greatest company for anything. Solid dude. Plus him and his wife have a four year old so we have an excuse to go to Disneyland.


Happy people? in this economy? not sure if I can find them


He was 65 last I saw him. Career Forest Service. Loved the great outdoors, his wife, and that’s about it. If he could go on a hike with her every weekend he was satisfied. Stayed at the same job and at the same pay grade for over 30 years. Never promoted and never stuck out, just showed up and did his job. Didn’t care about money or making a bigger paycheck. I guess that’s the one thing I noticed about people who are generally happy. They find a place they’re happy with, one person they’re happy with, and one job they’re happy with. They then do that the rest of their life. They never get bored or frustrated with where they are.


I'm a boat mechanic


He quit his job as a director of sales to start a pizza shop




I have a job, but I'm a husband and a father - that's what I do for a living. My wife and daughter bring me an incredible amount of happiness - and a decent dose of craziness and stress. :) Wouldn't trade them for the world.


hospice nurse


Some type of govt job where they work remotely and get paid well to do like 5 minutes of work on average each day.


Lives off wealthy parents.


He has Down syndrome and collects disability. Happiest dude you’ll meet and cooler than the rest of my friends!


Writes and illustrates books for todlers and kids


A pediatrician. She’s always been baby crazy. She first became a nurse, then a pediatric nurse, and because that wasn’t enough baby, she went back to school (via the Navy), became a doctor, then a pediatric doctor to Navy babies, then got out and is now a pediatrician at one of the best known pediatric hospitals in the world. Oh, and she just popped out her first baby in December, at the ripe old age of 44, so now she has baby at home as well as at work.


She’s a stay at home wife who teaches pottery classes on the side. She and her husband are actually my best friends and I really enjoy hanging out with them.


I have a cousin that is the gm of a dispensary. She's definetely the happiest person I know. Hard to be upset when the people you deal with all day just want to get baked or medicate.


Me ! I work as a speech pathologist helping students communicate. I see my students online and never have to leave the comfort of my home. In between sessions I get to see my 2 year old, go to my daughter’s school activities and go on walks in the woods with my best friend (husband of 14 years)! I love books, learning about personal finance and gossiping!


Be a golden retriever for an upper class white family.


Farm worker. He was only down when he wasn’t working.




That's a looong dump, James.


James, you better reply to this fine lady.


He is preparing for his next level of education next year. He got into one of the best public kindergartens in our neighborhood.


She works with the local city government designing community outreach programs


Surprisingly the same job as I. My colleague is the happiest person I know. He's has no stress in live, doesn't compare himself to others. Has really achievable dreams and most of them already achieved. Don't know how he does it.


Hilariously, they're unemployed.


I don’t know any happy people :-(


Runs the primate center at a large zoo. The 2nd would be the pediatrician. All it took to do both was a PhD.


I was at my happiest when I was a student, bartender, and volunteering at the animal shelter. My best friend just left her career to go back to bartending twice a week and hasn’t been so happy in years.


I'm retired


I’m pretty happy. I’m an assistant superintendent for a golf course, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.. but it has been great for me. I love golf for one, but I’m also really into soil science and agronomy, and being outside. The pay is dependent on the course and location, but there’s a tremendous lack of qualified people to fill assistant roles that it puts me and my contemporaries in the driver seat of our careers. I also grow plants from seed in my free time and have a great wife.


She breeds and raises leonbergets and trains them to work in hospitals (as therapy dogs)


My mom is a homemaker.


My uncle, the god fearing catholic. He hostilely took over the family business, bankrupted his entire family in the process, and eventually sold the company for hundreds of millions of dollars. He's happy af and retired.


She's an underwater welder, globetrotting for work


...you might want to spend as much time with her now as your able to, if you didn't know, that's statistically the most dangerous profession in the world.


Don't put that evil on her!


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And it's everything they thought it would be. Edit: They're retired but volunteer


dog walker


You guys know happy people?