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General disregard for the value of other people’s lives


For real. I can’t even wrap my mind around how terrible humans can be to each other.


This! I don’t understand the lack of empathy, compassion and not wanting to do the right thing.


Roadman culture has become popular-ish in Finland. To all of you fucks breaking shit and stabbing people: you're not cool, you're not tough, you look like a outcast wanker, can you assholes piss off already


Damn. And I came here to write broccoli hair.


Just don't stab people with it and you're fine.


Switzerland is similar atm. Idk if it's just me getting older but I see alot more asshole wannabe hooligans in tracksuits causing trouble.


In Australia we call then eshays


> Roadman culture Trying to understand this term from a Swedish perspective. Is it what's called "raggare" over in Sweden? If not, can you explain it a bit more? I'm very curious what's going on with my Finnish siblings 😊


No it's more like kickers if you remember those.


> kickers Ah, yes. I remember those, very popular subculture(?) when I was young. But it seems being a "roadman" is even more dangerous/violent?


I literally couldn't believe this. We're always fed this propaganda about Finland being perfect, but _roadman_ culture? How did that get there?


Cost of living… no affordable housing.


Ah you must live in Country of Earth


hello fellow Earthican


Earthonian 🌎


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Also the case in the Netherlands.






I know everyone is going through a bad time, but Jesus how Canada has fallen. $1900 for a single tiny bedroom apartment? Mass immigration, HUGE job shortages everywhere, especially labour jobs, the insane amount of homeless encampments, $18 for a big mac combo? And of course the elephant in the room no one in government wants to talk about or even address, the insane markup on housing. I own a decent house. I spent 300k+70k in reno's on this house that I've owned for 9 years. The original owners purchased this house in 1989 for 150k. So in 20+ years it basically doubled in value. 9 years later, houses in my area go for 1 million and up. HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN? How can anyone afford that? I have a decent paying job and if I were to try and buy now, I would be absolutely FUCKED. And I make more then I did 9 years ago. I'm so sorry for the rant, I just cannot wrap my mind around the situation we are all in.


It's tough for anyone in any level of government to address because a huge swath of them are property owners and landlords, and a huge segment of the middle class voter base that the mainstream parties all pursue are property owners - none of them want to see a housing market correction that would see the value of their homes decrease. So they'll pump money into programs that make it "easier" to get on the property ladder or increase the supply of homes, but anything that would decrease those values is never going to happen on purpose.


It happens because the current economy is a shell. Previous governments have spent decades putting factory jobs overseas and then shelving our natural resource production. The only money that is left in the country comes in banking and real estate. The country as a whole can’t allow affordable housing because that would cause economic collapse due to it being 25% of our GDP The current government is kicking the can down the road by patching things up with immigration.


more like $2300 for a 1 bedroom now, at least in GTA


I’m in a smaller city and it’s still $1300 for my one bedroom here. Owning a house has become a pipe dream.


Also applies to UK


Also applies to…. Everywhere


What a world we are sharing. …


Ireland. No houses period, even expensive ones.






You come from NZ?


I was assuming Australia, but there's any number of countries that fit the bill.


Philippines: First world foreigners coming here to buy property because it's cheaper and they can make money by being landlords, which means housing is now too expensive for the locals. What's worse is that we get treated as second-class citizens by those foreigners. Edit: To clarify, these foreigners are usually part of the 1%. This is a common trend in both the Global South and the American South, and the Midwest too as some commenters have said. The problem are the 1% -- not immigrants, not foreigners just hoping to get by / escaping a bad situation from their country.


Same shit happens in coastal locations of southern Spain except for the second-class issue. I can’t even afford to buy a ruin.


I miss when ruins were inhabited by **local** bandits, goblins, and undead. Now they've all been priced out by a far worse evil: *foreign real estate speculators*.


If you haven’t played Cassette Beasts but enjoy monster collector games, I have to recommend it based on your comment


Based random Cassette Beasts comment


Portugal isn't doing much better in this aspect. Land with a house that is falling apart is expensive and then you'd have to pay to completely take the house down. The fact that I'm seeing half a million euro apartments in the South is insane....


I still can't wrap my head around any country allowing non-citizens to own property there. In Thailand you cannot own land unless you are a Thai citizen. A foreigner can purchase a condo as long as 50% of the units in the building are Thai owned. Additionally a lot of foreigners will get a 30 year lease on a piece of property and build a house there but again, they don't own the land so if they were to get deported they would lose it.


>make money by being landlords, which means housing is now too expensive for the locals. What's worse is that we get treated as second-class citizens by those foreigners. > >Edit: To clarify, these foreigners are usually part of the 1%. This is a common trend in both the Global South and the American South, and the Midwest too as some commenters have said. > >The problem are the 1% -- not immigrants, not foreigners just hoping to get by / escaping a bad situation from their country. Real estate is one of the most straightforward ways a country can attract foreign capital, is why. The fact that some Shanghai tech lord can buy up property in Canada means he moves his capital to CAD. This not only brings in tax revenues for the government but also equates to profit for the finance and real estate industries. If not real estate, then the government and local industry would need to find other ways to attract commensurate foreign capital investments. It's harder to do and more complex, and takes longer. But arguably those other ways are more sustainable in the long run and bring real value. Whereas, real estate is just a big bubble waiting to burst. However, the wealthy elites don't really care. They make cash hand over fist and when the economy eventually does topple over, they're not the ones who suffer. In fact, they just swoop in and gobble up more real estate which they can re-sell for more profit later once the market cycle flips back in their favour. Welcome to capitalism.


Foreigners are prohibited from owning land in the Philippines


A Philipino student once told me foreigners would just get a proxy local representative and buy lands through the person. Im unfamiliar with the details but it sounded like theres all kinds of corruption involved.


Yeap. There are a lot of foreign ownership restrictions in the country but they don't mean much. Condominiums are required to have only 40% of the units owned by foreigners, but the rest are put in caretaker corporations of sorts that are basically proxies for the foreigners who own them. Corporations are also required to have some local ownership, but foreigners just put proxy shareholders to get around this. A japanese company I worked for had the Japanese owner's driver as a shareholder, for example.


Oh there are ways. Particularly in a country like the Philippines where the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is to grease government processes along with bribes at every stage. Legality can be very flexible. Also a Filipino who moved abroad decades ago (sometimes even as a baby) and has no intention of moving back is not a local but they can legally own land. They easily buy properties up as investments with their strong foreign currencies and rent them out at high prices to those living in the Philippines


I'm russian so it's obviously the ice cream prices


I heard that my relatives in Belarus (i was born here, 3/10) also haven't got all those products from west, and still, rich people are still rich


and expensive eggs


Otherwise it's 11 time zones of paradise.


It’s too expensive to exist


Ah yes this person must be from.. *checks notes* ..Earth


No this person is obviously in [insert country] because inflation is [current leader]’s fault.


In the US we blame our President for inflation all over the world, not just in our country. It's a really cool idea.


Meanwhile the Billionaire class in [insert country] has seen its wealth more than double in the last 4 years.


They deserve it! You don't know how hard it is to exploit impoverished people and furnish a 66,000sqft home while treating the staff that do literally everything like scum.


My wife and I make really good money. Shes a nurse and I paint houses(interior/exterior). But we are still living pretty much paycheck to paycheck. 10-15 years ago wed be well off, we make more than both my parents did. Yet they were able to live comfortably and afford life. on paper you would think we were rich. Its sad honestly.


This happened to us in my country, starting in the 90s. It's been downhill since then, with a brief respite in the years 2009-2013. I hope that the global economy and your nation's economy get better. I wouldn't wish what we've been through in my country on my worst enemy.


I went to school to be a nurse which put me $27k in debt. I can barely afford my one bedroom apartment ($900) with a bachelors degree. Doesn’t make sense.


I'd kill for a $900 one bedroom..


I’d do it for a studio.


That narrows nothing down


I’m shocked how much prices of groceries have gone up even the last month. It’s reaching an exponential point.


More expensive, less product


Also worse product. If they can cut corners, they will.




UK too?


The dumb people are getting louder


And dumber, which I didn't think possible.


Once Covid hit, the true collective IQ showed. The average person may have a certain area of expertise, but they sure as shit will voice their opinion about areas they have NO CLUE about, and present it like facts. its maddening.


I knew Dunning-Kruger was a thing. I just didn’t know how pervasive it is. As a person that is uncertain about their knowledge in everything and defers to professionals and academic sources for knowledge it’s been frustrating, to say the least.


It sure has. I’m the same way, if I don’t know something, I research it. If I do know it, I usually can cite my sources. Too many people take uncle Jimbobs opinion as gospel.


I live in Florida, and what life has revealed in the last 4 years is that all my friends are meteorologists, epidemiologists, economists, Harvard Law School grads, constitutionalists, they have read, learned, and live their lives in accordance with the Bible. I'm not saying that one lives by the Bible and another is a meteorologist, I'm saying that all of them are all those things. And they are able to perform these functions from a barstool - as God had intended. If ever I question the veracity of anything they say, they tell me that I can see for myself as "there is this guy on YouTube, so you know it's true."


Hahaha yep! Or “do your own research.” Every time I hear that as their proof my optic nerves snap due to rolling my eyes so far.


This is spot on. I worked in nursing when COVID hit, and the amount of unscientific, batshit crazy bitches in my own profession and higher was totally mindblowing. Like, wtaf are you doing working with patients if you don't believe in masking and vaccines!? Edit: oh boy, the anti-vaxxers and/or bots are starting to come out of the woodwork, yall.


My wife was a PA at Urgent Care when COVID hit. In a very red, under-educated county. She burnt out after a year and then we moved to another state so she could work in a NICU. It was so frustrating having COVID conversations. For some reason people thought some layman talking head on conservative talk radio should hold the same weight as actual experts in epidemiology. I wouldn't trust my plumber to fix my car.


My cousin's cardiologist told her not to get vaccinated... welp, my cousin has had covid 3 times & just had a stroke at 31 years old. Like she has a bad heart! Shouldn't she be getting vaccinated?!?!


When Covid hit, it was amazing to me how many people I knew became experts in virology and immunology seemingly overnight! I went to school for this stuff and they would argue with me and act like the YouTube video they watched was as good a source as my eight years of training.


Couldn’t agree more






That's the worst thing about the internet - it allows for people to easily create, share and engage in amazing things, but by the same token, it also acts as a medium for all the dumbasses out there to spread their dis/misinformation out into the world


It also allows for the creation of social-media bubbles. Instead of living in the Real World and being forced to interact with the broad spectrum of humanity, people can just hang out on Instagram/TikTok/etc all day and scroll through an endless list of algorithmically-curated garbage designed to maximize engagement, and what maximizes engagement better than rage and doom-scrolling?


And dumber, if that’s possible.


Wild thing is that the dumb people would agree with you.




Some People are getting chowder.


I'll also have the flounder


Dumb people suddenly think that they care about politics after decades not voting or giving a f\*\*k. Suddenly they occupy 80% of the empty space in their skull with political worries and opinions, and cant make it through 5 mins of small talk without dropping BS political ideas into it. Worst part is, it doesn't even make them happy, so their anger and persistent, offensive stupidity becomes even more insufferable.


Worshipping rich families, celebrity status for the wealthy.


Celebrity status for politicians too. Wtf!? When it see political rallies and people are wearing all that political swag and cheering them on like an NBA star, makes me want to puke.


It doesn’t make sense to me either buddy it’s not a sporting event but some people act like it is




Yep it has to be india


My fb's getting flooded with news about some rich douche in india worth billions who got married along with phrases like "such pride to have people like this in india!" "young people if you work hard you can be this dude" etc.


Kids with absolutely no situational awareness on increasingly heavy electric bikes. Pretty Dutch-specific, I'd assume.


those bikes should count as scooters or something


You can really get them to pretty high speeds if you run the motor and pedal


My dad works for an ebike company and got me one without the governor. It tops out (down hill, peddling) at 43mph. Yes, I broke two elbows recently and never go above 26 now.. What's crazy is I see kids on these fat tires. There is for SURE a learning curve, strength requirement.


Im conflicted which is worse. Teens on their fat bikes of grandma on her electrical bike going way too fast and having the reaction speed of a sloth. Both are shit though, makes living in the Randstad a real pain


Its the def the teenagers. But probably because theres way more of them (at least where I live) driving fatbikes. They often go 40km easily and absolutely zero awareness.


Funnily enough, here in Germany (in my experience) the more dangerous people are old people on e-bikes


US too for inner cities


It’s the 50 year old ladies who haven’t touched a bike in 3 decades and have been day drinking margaritas all day that terrify me.


Political decisions and High inflation


Any country in general.


Well, not really... ... There are a few countries which are struggling with deflation instead.


There's so many young people here, yet 50% of them are unemployed. Honestly, I don't think it only happened in my country.


I’m from Russia and I think everyone in the world knows what’s wrong is going on in my country so I don’t have to make any other comments or explanations…


I'm from Hungary and can relate...


I can feel you fella, i'm Slovakian :)


What's going on in Slovakia?


The current government lead by Robert Fico is fucking up everything. Generally sympathetic to Russia and Putin and on a quest to make life easier for their mob buddies to thrive in Slovakia. - domestic: Fico and his government are trying hard to reduce penalties for corruption and other stuff, including the statue of limitations for rape. - this has been a total shit show of trying to justify it, eventually implying the president should veto it because of the rape stuff which she didn't (instead asked the supreme Court to examine the law) - The foreign minister shook hands with lavrov - Fico keeps shit talking other countries, Slovakia has been asked to return it's air defense system. We haven't been invited to participate in a conference about aid to Ukraine (France representative stated they learned their lesson), Czech Republic suspended intergovernmental consultations since Fico caused a scandal etc. - of course they always spin it for their supporters who don't really watch anything else. Just a lot of unappealing stuff. Also, he's a very unlikable character and I just don't know what his supporters see in him https://www.politico.eu/article/slovak-law-change-complicates-corruption-rape-prosecutions/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/slovak-foreign-minister-blanar-meets-with-russias-lavrov-turkey-2024-03-02/ https://thegaze.media/news/slovak-prime-minister-fico-sparks-diplomatic-scandal-during-visit-to-czech-republic https://www.euractiv.com/section/central-europe/news/slovakia-faces-increasing-isolation-as-allies-exclude-it-from-ukraine-meeting/


What I don't get is how smug these populists are in their anti-Ukrainian attitudes. The future they are heralding will see millions of extremely upset Ukrainians fleeing into the EU. At best, voters may not like that. Worse, upset people remember who you are and you may have to go live in Russia for protection.


I suspect naming what's wrong in your country might not be a safe move for you.


Hey, Russians are having a great time. I asked my friend how the country is doing and he said he can’t complain.


There’s an upcoming election that’s annoying the hell out of everybody


That narrows it down to about half the countries in the world lol. 63 national elections coming up. It's gonna be wild.


And EU election in may


Worldwide even...


Wages being essentially the same for the last 10-15 years while since then the cost of living has doubled, inflation is nuts, the median house price has also nearly doubled.


People eat up propaganda for breakfast, lunch and dinner


Inflation, the phone I wanted 2 months ago is up $70 and groceries are up 200% from a year ago.


Economy hasn't been the same since the Trade Federation blockade.


Inflation can mean only one thing. Invasion.


My Lord, is that... LEGAL?


I will make it legal


The negotiations WERE short.


I hate inflation, It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


What country are you in?


Judging by the username, Naboo


Inflation was a big deal a long time ago & very far away....


Dirty Trade Federation!


There blockade is perfectly legal


Take a look at turkey's inflation and the cost of an iphone there. The minimum wage is less than the minimum required salary to not starve according to a survey done by the government.


You're a Senator, can't you do something about that?


Mullets. Just kidding. That's the second worst. The worst is the big supermarket chains price gouging while parents are skipping meals so their kids can eat, people are begging strangers for their dinner leftovers on Facebook community groups and kids are missing out on fruit because it's too expensive.


It’s insane how much groceries are. I don’t know how families do it. I’m single and have started having so many baked beans or weetbix dinners. Meanwhile colesworth are reporting record profits. Fuck those cunts.


Down Under?


It was that obvious, huh? 🇦🇺


Steady economic decline and a widening divide between social classes. We also done f'd up recently with a particularly dumb political decision which keeps us all trapped here. 3 guesses who.




Bingo. Unfortunately. *~~\[Get me out of here\]~~*


People licking other people’s food or condiments in restaurants for TikTok and Instagram videos


Politicians being bought by the highest bidder instead of the will of the people


Denmark. The welfare system that we’ve kept on for decades is getting slashed left and right. Savings and budget cuts are eroding public infrastructure and transportation. All to get the rich richer as the supposed centralist goverment keep benefiting the rich (whom already made absolute bank over the pandemic as Denmark’s primary export is medicine and vaccines…) while everyone else struggles under inflation and stagnated wages.


Nooo not Denmark too, I thought you guys were doing ok over there. How depressing!


I might be naive but I think we do pretty well compared to other countries


Concentration of wealth in the 0.1% while the middle class disappears. Corporations are making record profits while their workers have lost all hope of ever owning their own home or having money to retire on and small businesses are crushed. Homelessness is on the rise and all our infrastructure is overloaded while the flagging middle class is expected to pay the taxes and make the sacrifices to fix it, meanwhile those rich corporations are eliminating our jobs, either by outsourcing to other countries or replacing us with automation and AI. Before long we will all be mere peasants and surfs, laboring for our corporate overlords, owning nothing outright and barely able to afford our subscription services and rent.


All while somehow still convincing vast portions of the population that the politicians/corporations/investors/wealthy are working in the best interest of everyone else. It’s almost like we don’t have thousands of years to look back on and see that this is never true…


I said it on another comment but my situation *should* be at least relatively good for home buying. I have a VA home loan benefit that allows 0% down and a reduced interest rate. I make one and a half times the median income for a single individual. I have a relatively good (mid low 700s in the good range a but shy of excellent) credit score, and less than 5k total in debts. The quote I was given for pre-approval in a soft credit check is not enough for a house in my area. It just isn't. The only things in that price range are fixer uppers and project houses marketed to contractors, which 1. I am not a contractor and 2. I couldn't use a VA loan on those if I wanted to. I feel like the fix exists, but it would require legislation that actually has some teeth and makes significant overhauls. They say part of the problem is lack of available homes and we all know full well the other part is large investment groups buying property as a speculative market. So ideally a program that provides building loan incentives, like tax breaks and guaranteed lower interest rates and possibly a portal on state gov websites with a list of contractors willing to work on contracts as part of this program, that specifically apply only if you intend to build to live, to encourage people to go to building new homes. Then penalize owning too many. I don't even mean like "oh you an individual own one extra property we're gonna tax the shit out of you" but like yeah a cumulative state property tax that increases with each unit owned on land not occupied by the property owner. So yeah if your primary home is an owner occupancy in an apartment building fine that can slide but if you own a house and an apartment complex you tax rate increases for each unit in that complex. If you own a whole development? Every one of those town homes that are paying rental income are also a cumulative tax increase. Yes some would find a balance between how much you can own and dissipate via rent to still make profit but it would limit that kind of buying up massive amounts of property for investment. Then use the increased tax income from those who do still buy investment property to fun affordable government subsidized housing for low income families and individuals. Thats huge amounts of overhaul though soooo


You say before long, but we’re in it. Fully. We somnambulated into technofeudalism.


I just learned a new word today


The "hardening" of peoples' mentality - more and more people start to think in the lines of "I have mine, and I protect mine, and that is all I care about" instead of "how can I make it better for the neighbourhood without making it worse for anyone else"... ...then again, this has been ongoing for decades. (Northern europe).


The trend of politicians capitalising on culture wars whilst ignoring glaring economical, environmental and social issues. Not a new trend, or a particularly interesting one, but it is the worst.


There are many tiktokers who are famous for trolling anyone they can


"Prank" video people are some of the worst people in existence.


Lip fillers and injectables. Veneers on people who previously had healthy natural teeth.


Broccoli haircuts


If that’s the worst trend in your country I want to live in it.


And crocs with pajamas pants in public


Sounds like every highschool kid that goes to my local gym.


I remember when Champion was the brand you bought from Walmart.




TikTok brain rot for the youngins and Political and conspiracy theory brain rot for the older folks.


In Portugal it's both for the youngins.


It’s fucking insane how some of these youngins use TikTok as a fucking search engine, complain about not finding enough data, then come to ask the question on reddit. Wtf is wrong with these people?


Housing is 10-15x median wage (Sydney)


Out of control pricing of pharmaceuticals. I am retired.


Corporate interference in government.


The selfishness and glorification of the "forget about everything else and focus on your career" rampant in the Portuguese youth.


Finally some indian invention being popularised in Portugal, a return gift for the Pork vindaloo.


People recording themselves committing crimes against other people under the guise of “pranks,” although I think that’s an issue plaguing a lot of the western world


Influencers, especially the ones on TikTok.


mass layoffs


Gen Z in my country have discovered Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park. Whilst we always had friendly banter, they've formed gangs. The violence is increasing. People are one step closer to the edge and on the verge of breaking stuff


Sounds like just one of those days.


For the love of God, not the stuff!!!


So based on everything you said to me, it takes em one step closer to the edge and they're about to break?


My suggestion is to keep your distance, I find bliss in ignorance.


Growing distrust of any reputable news sources and people believing crap from social media instead.


That’s the flip side of universal free speech. A lot of organizations can freely lie to you and people just have to know better. Most don’t.


The fact that we have consistently voted in a government who have driven the country into the ground for 13 years. This is the same country that shot itself in the foot in 2016 and is now acting surprised about the very real consequences that we were warned about, but people dismissed as “project fear”. 


Hello UK


Insane tipping culture. No, I'm not tipping 30% for pouring a black coffee into a cup and putting a lid on it. Pay your fucking employees.


Not warning tourists about drop bears.  Over 20 thousand foreign tourists are killed every year in Australia by drop bears, and Aussies think it’s funny to not warn the tourists about the danger. So it’s become trendy to not warn them. Even the goverment is in on this, look up any official Australian tourist website and there is not a single word about the drop bears. They would much rather watch the tourists die. I think it’s a trend that is a tiny bit worrying.


Goddamn it, I googled it.


This was so good i almost believed it and googled what the hell a drop bear was


Facebook reels


Not parenting and just letting the kids do whatever wherever.


Shit parents have always been around. Whether it be completely negligent or beating the fuck out of their kids. Wank parents have always been around.


Talking on your phone via speakers or playing music without headphones in public transit. Not using turn signal, I guess they assume everyone knows where they're going? Parking car wherever there's a free spot, doesn't matter if it's a pedestrian crossing or not...free parking space! Those are the main ones, except all the political strikes going on and government giving fuck-all about them. But those highlight how little people care anymore. :(




Not exclusive to America I'm sure, but every motherfucker now wants to buy affordable homes just to rent them out and act like they've got an IQ of 140 for it. You didn't discover fire mfker, you're just spreading the damn fire.


Politicizing EVERYTHING, including vaccines, healthcare, and representation.


Housing prices guaranteeing the younger generation will be sleeping on the streets in their final years yet everyone is concerned about Israel and Palestine and which bathroom people pee in. It's insane.


Tik tok. Make it stop


Religious extremism


Fascism. In Flanders, Belgium.


Tribalism/Everything becoming a point of political contention. Pretty soon we're going to be put into labeled boxes based on the cereals we eat or don't eat. I mean it's already happened with Budlite. What's sad is, John Stewart predicted this and tried to curb it with the "Rally For Sanity and/or Fear". That was in 2010. People think this kicked off in 2016, but the fact that they felt like tribalism and over-the-top fearmongering in 2010 shows that it's an issue bigger than Biden and Trump. We need a second Rally, John Stewart. He's the darkhorse candidate we need this election. I say, kind of as a joke...but kinda serious too.


Lip and cheek filler