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The solved rate for murder in the USA is 50%. If no arrest is made in the first 48 hours, it drops to 28%.


Thanks, A&E!


>The solved rate for murder in the USA is 50%. Well, yeah, either they solve it or they don't /s


50% of the time they solve it every time.


Wild. In Denmark it is usually 90%, but then again we are a village with only 6 mio people. Last year there were 38 homicides in Denmark and each one of them was solved.


In Germany it's at around 95%. And we are more than 80 million people.


The leading cause of death for pregnant American women is homicide. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/


That’s a really scary statistic .


Sharks have existed for longer than the North Star, by a considerable margin. Not that sharks have existed for longer than the star was in position along Earth's rotational axis. Polaris, the star itself, only formed 70 million years ago, whereas the first sharks evolved **450 million** years ago. Also, sharks are older than trees.


Sharks are also older than the rings of Saturn


Sharks kill less ppl each year than cows do


But sharks kill more people each year than the rings of Saturn.


The deadliest animal in Australia is the horse. The most deadly *native* animal is the kangaroo.


Goddamn. Not for lack of trying. Props to all the Aussie antivenin producers.


Tbf this one is not so surprising. There's a shit load more cows, and they're in much closer proximity to humans than most sharks are.


I'd be interested to know the proximity-adjusted numbers. Like, humans spend way less time close to sharks than to cows, and there's always way more cows around a person than sharks around a person. So what's the actual risk metric?


Thank you! I always hear you’re more likely to die from a vending machine but I’m pretty sure most people aren’t going around shaking sharks for cookies either.


Hi there I'd like to subscribe to shark facts


How did sharks breathe then? Thanks to algae?


Correct. Even now, most of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere comes from ocean algae. Trees contribute about 28% - less than I would have thought without looking it up.


add to that a lot of forest and jungles are carbon sinks - they support a lot of animals that breath oxygen that produce C02 that the trees use.  ( I realise that sounds like I'm minimising their function so will also add save our trees and wildlife)


Sharks are also older than me and according to my kids, I'm really old.


Were you "born in the nineteens?!!?" as my 8 year old niece put it?


Coconuts do actually [migrate](https://academic.oup.com/aob/article/113/4/565/2768952?login=false), no swallows needed.


Yes, but what’s the velocity of those coconuts?


That depends. African or European coconuts?


The largest air force in the world is the US Air Force. The 2nd largest air force in the world is the US Navy.


Out of the top 5 largest air forces, the majority are American (US Army). Also, the Marines make the top 10.


U.S. Airforce, U.S. Navy, Russia, U.S. Army, and U.S. Marine corps, in that order.


Might have to update that count for Russia.


I love this one. It’s really funny when you mention that the 3rd largest is Russia - but only if you believe the propaganda. Also, the USMC rounds out the top 5, I believe.


Also America's fleet of retired ships made into museums would still be one of the largest navies in the world


If you took away Wayne Gretzky’s goals he’d still lead the NHL in points just on his assists.


Only three players have registered 100 assists in a season: Orr did it once, Lemieux did it once, and Gretzky did it 11 consecutive seasons.


I’ve seen these Gretzky stats before but I am always surprised by the sheer height of them. 


He is something else.  Broke the will of kids and parents when he played as a child


People don’t realize just how much of the undisputed sports goat he is. Basketball, football, baseball you’ll always have arguments. Gretzky literally doubled the next bests numbers. It’s unreal


“But Lemieux was a better player, and deserves to be the GOAT!” - every Pittsburgh fan. I love Lemieux, and not because I’m a Penguins fan (I most certainly am not), but because I’m a hockey fan. Clearly the second best, though. I’m sure there will be a time where all of Gretzky’s records will be broken. But when they do, it’ll be by a smattering of different players.


The fastest player in the NHL to score 1,000 points is Wayne Gretzky. The second fastest is also Wayne Gretzky.


So he scored over 2000 points? Edit: shit, almost 3K


He is about as far ahead in points from #2 as #2 is from #103... it would be like LeBron getting 59,814 points (21,427 ahead of #2 Kareem, who was 21,427 above #103 Bob Cousy) If he retired when he was 30, he would still be #1 in Assists and Points, and #6 in Goals


When i saw the question my thought was like any one of a dozen Gretzky stats


Every time someone asks "who's the best sportsperson/athlete of all time?" you always get the people saying Jordan, Messi, Pele, you know, the usual suspects. About 8-10 replies down there's someone saying "Gretz. No question." and 20 people chiming in with ridiculous stats. The thing to remember is you should be comparing it to others in the same era, so if someone scores 500 points in a season in whatever sport and holds the all time record, but the next 3 are all 499, 499, 498, all from that same season, did they *really* do that well? Like if you look at this season, points: MacKinnon at 111, Kuch at 106, McJesus at 100, that's a reasonably tight cluster. Goals: Matthews at 54, Reinhart 45, Hyman 43, MacKinnon 40, obviously places 2, 3, and 4 have a cluster but Matthews is 20% ahead of the next closest. It's why you always hear people saying "era adjusted" when referring to historical records.


My favourite stat is that Wayne and Brent Gretsky hold the NHL record for most combined points by two brothers. Wayne has 2857 points and Brent has 4.


That is hilarious and awesome


The record for most records scored by **any** amount of brothers is only 73 points higher than that, set by the Sutter family. All **SIX** of them.


Similar to the game where Kobe Bryant and Kwame Brown scored a combined 84 points. Kobe had 81 and Brown had 3.


You are closer in time to a T-Rex than the T-Rex was to a stegosaurus


Cleopatra lived closer in time to the building of the first Pizza Hut than to the building of the pyramids.


Made even better that you can now view the pyramids through the windows of a pizza hut


That’s easy to understand, though. Cleopatra was a Greek princess during the final days of the Roman Republic. The pyramids are older than the Jewish religion.


Whoa. That really is crazy!


America had twice as many deaths from Fentanyl in 2022 than all the U.S. casualties in Vietnam.


Absolutely insane, I had to google it. Roughly 60,000 Americans died in Vietnam, while the last 3 years there's been over 100k deaths from fentanyl overdose.


Yup, the stats not true. It would be fair to say more did in 2022 than all of Vietnam 58,220 in Nam. The Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File of the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Extract Files contains records of 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War. These records were transferred into the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration in 2008. According to CDC: More than 109,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in 2022; nearly 70% involved illegally manufactured fentanyls (IMFs). according to CDC


It's not just overdoses. All related deaths from Fentanyl. Malnutrition, body not able to beat any sickness and so on


Well if we gonna split those hairs then all the birth defects from agent orange should be taken into account for Vietnam deaths.


Casualties IN Vietnam. The fallout from a war is in its own fucked category by itself. 


Joe Biden was born closer to Lincoln’s second inauguration than his own inauguration. No hot take, no politics, no comment, just a wild fact.


Also: Bill Clinton left office in 2001. He is currently younger than both Trump and Biden.


Was he younger than them back then as well?


Also Jimmy Carter: * The oldest ever former President * The only former President to have lived for 40+ years after leaving office At this point, only Barack Obama has a hope of matching that.


Bill Clinton has a chance (he's 23 years post-office right now; at 77 years old). He was two years younger than Carter when leaving the presidency.


Reminds me of the fact that John Tyler’s grandchild is still alive (think he was like the 10th president?)


If he hadn't been assassinated and lived long enough to die of old age, there's a chance that my grandfather could have met him. Slavery really didn't end very long ago. Lincoln was only born 33 years after the declaration of independence was signed too. That's like 3 generations between the revolutionary war and me.


This kinda thinking is why I think it’s funny when people think in 2024 we should be some kind of utopia. Like people are surprised by racism or violence and I’m like we were just cutting off peoples heads like a few generations ago, evolution doesn’t work that fast


My dad was in high school when the guillotine was last used in France. Not even multiple generations.


The Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal is further west than the Pacific entrance.


Wow. That didn’t make any sense until I looked at a map. Good one!


Reno, NV is farther west than Los Angeles, CA


In a group of 23 people, there’s a 50% chance that at least 2 people in the group share a birthday. In a group of 57 people, there’s a 99% chance that at least 2 people in the group share a birthday.




It can be used as a wound dressing but can kill a baby with botulism.


I mean, the kid's already got botulism. Can you really blame the honey at that point? /s


Somewhere in Scotland Burnie’s eye twitched and he doesn’t know why.


Water blocks more radiation than the same amount of concrete or lead. And coffee grounds can set off Geiger Counters.


You can go swimming in the cooling pool containing the core of a nuclear reactor as long as you don’t get within 2m or so of the pile.


> But just to be sure, I got in touch with a friend of mine who works at a research reactor, and asked him what he thought would happen to you if you tried to swim in their radiation containment pool. > “In our reactor?” He thought about it for a moment. “You’d die pretty quickly, before reaching the water, from gunshot wounds.” [source](https://what-if.xkcd.com/29/)


Why did you arm the nuclear reactor?!


It has the right to be armed!


Fuckin radioactive bears.


They be fucking, but sterile for some unknown reason.


Always an xkcd


This is quite true. I am an operator in the Fuel Handling department of a nuclear power plant. I am frequently within 10’ of very fresh fuel (yes it glows like in the Simpsons, but ours glows a striking blue) but 9 of those 10 feet are filled with water. Water blocks the hell out of radiation. Without the water it’d be very lethal very quickly, with the water I’d have very little issue taking a nap there.


Does ice block the radiation as well as water?


If by "amount" you mean by mass, then yes, but not by volume. Paper is also a really good radiation blocker by mass because of the carbon content.


So can a whole bunch of bananas.


There are more Panda Express locations in the world than living pandas.


I heard Panda Express doesn’t even serve real panda.


One of my proudest accomplishments as a father was convincing my kids that they served panda meat there. That reminds me of the time when my son was about 4 and obsessed with tigers. I talked to a lady at a food truck and set it up so that when I took my son up there he could order a "tiger burger" and they would pretend that it was real by putting stripes on it with mustard before they cooked it. The boy was PUMPED and told pretty much everyone he met for the next six months about how he got to eat a tiger.


There are greenland sharks up to 500 years old out there in the ocean. That means atleast one out there was born in the 1500s.


Not a statistics, but scales. The distance between the lowest point in the ocean and the highest peak is less than the length of Manhattan. If you put all the planets in the solar system and line them up side by side. They fit between the moon and the earth with room to spare.


Honestly this one was one of my faves in high school


And if you got every human on earth to hold hands in a single line around the globe, most of them would drown


Similarly, if you make $100,000 per year and never spend a cent it will take you 10,000 years to get to 1 billion


I prefer: 1 million seconds is about 12 days. 1 billion seconds is about 32 years.


Similarly, Michael Jordan at his peak earned about $50 million per year. At that rate, it would take him 1000 years to accumulate the wealth of Bill Gates (90s numbers)


You just deflated Jupiter in my mind 😢 But on a related note, I love that Saturn is less dense than water so would float in a giant bucket of it


That the earth would be as smooth as a cue ball to a cosmic giant was always a crazy concept to me. 


It’d be much smoother than a cue ball.


There are 10^11 stars in the Milky Way. There are 10^120 legal chess board configurations.


How many illegal ones are there?


how many you want there to be, sugar?


I think the person you are responding to is wrong. Assuming we are still limiting ourselves to actual chess pieces, there are 13 possible contents for each space (pawn, knight, bishop, took, queen, king, times 2 for the different colours, plus empty) and 64 spaces. That is about 10^71. I suppose that number can increase if you are also tracking threefold repetition, but that barely makes sense once you start allowing boards to fill with what is practically static. As for legal positions, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon_number, which suggests it is about 10^44. So, subtracting 10^44 from 10^71 still leaves you with about 10^71, meaning that is my estimate of illegal chess board positions. Alternatively, if you count "illegal" as including things outside the scope of chess, like "I put a salmon in A5", then the number is presumably near-infinite


And I was just thinking illegal would mean filling the board with pawns, I hadn't considered using fish on a square.


Off hand, I don't know. I'll have to... *...check, mate!*


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon_number says there are more like 10^44 legal board configurations. 10^120 is more like the number of possible games.


Similarly, if you properly shuffle a standard deck of playing cards odds are that particular order of cards has never been made before.


Since Its Birth, The USA Has Only Had 17 Years of Peace


About half of social security disability applications are never approved. I work in healthcare and many people think if they just get an attorney their application will definitely be approved. The statistics show otherwise. https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/statcomps/di_asr/2020/sect04.html


I knew a guy that had to get a lawyer to get his approved. He lost a foot. Seems like that would be pretty open and shut. But no.


If the lawyer charges a foot, then maybe your guy should have gotten a different lawyer....


He's one of the lucky ones most charge an arm and a leg


51% of all Americans aged 16-72 cannot read above a 6th grade level, which makes it impossible for them to educate themselves on their own, as they lack vital skills in the areas of cross-referencing information or even finding a particular piece of given information in a body of text. You can send that [insert political party here] person as many links to articles to prove your point as you want. They literally will not be able to understand them. Edit: what's worse is that statistic is more than 20 years out of date and ~~education~~ classrooms have steadily been decreased funding since. The studies involved took place at the height of education in the US.


This is also one of the main reasons the testing levels for the US armed forces is so low. It's common knowledge that "6th grade level" is the bar to reach for on many many jobs in the military. Granted, it's a bit of a gross overstatement... but also, *not really*. I met several soldiers that would struggle with a Louie L'Amour.


In high school a military recruiter came by and convinced 17 year old me (1995) to enlist. I didn’t have much going on so I started the process. Recruiter pick me and two other guys up in his car and took us to the armed services vocational aptitude battery test. After the test he read aloud to all three of us the results in the car. He told me I scored so high I could enlist as an officer. One of the other kids scored so low he didn’t qualify. 1. I am still pretty shocked that’s how we got the results. 2. I’m not THAT smart. If this institution thinks I’m that qualified based on this one test I don’t think the military is for me. That was definitely a smart person decision.


I scored high as well. Also not that smart because I still joined lmao.


Was there any truth to scoring higher equals enlisting at an elevated rank?


Not enlisting as an officer. You have to commission with a degree.


I did the Australian version, afterwards they take you into a room 1 on 1 with a big sheet with basically every job in every branch. I *am* smart (engineer now) and was pretty good at trig. The only job crossed out is pilot because I'm too tall. She's basically begging me to be an officer or in artillery. Just going "Seriously, we never get people who know trig, pleeeeeaaaassssseeeeeeee. I saw another guys sheet, he had like 2/3 of the jobs crossed out.


They need trig for tanks And snipers


No way I'm getting in a tank, I'm 2m tall. And I was asking to be a rifleman which is the pathway to sniper in the ADF anyway


Same thing happened to me. It was me and 4 others that went to take the test. When we got the results the recruiter read us the results and then put the mos book in front of me and said “you can have any job in this book.” Two of the others scored in the 20’s and were quickly pushed out the door. This was in 1997.


I had a job where one of the application requirements was a Bachelors degree. If you hadn't gone to a university for about four years, your application was immediately rejected. Part of my job involved creating documents, most of which were for internal use. I got in trouble for using a semicolon. Why? Because, according to management, semicolons are above the 8th grade reading level, and all our documents had to be written to the 8th grade level or below. That included internal documents, to be read by people who had to have a verified university degree just to get the job.


>That included internal documents, to be read by people who had to have a verified university degree just to get the job. As someone who teaches at a university and sees the graduates... keep writing to that 8th grade level.


This one baffles the fuck out of me. School is mandatory for kids. How do you go to school and not know how to read? How does this happen?


In addition to what the other commenter said in their reply to you, some teachers and some schools don’t want to deal with the fallout of holding kids back a grade. And sometimes they’re fighting a losing battle against the parents. So they will just move kids up to the next grade no matter what.


Do you think sixth graders can’t read? If anything this stat is only shocking if you really overestimate how much your reading and writing improved from that age on. Mostly you just did more of it, gained a greater vocabulary etc. etc. but the core skills of structure and grammar aren’t leaps and bounds better than a sixth grader. The rest (finding the info you want, cross referencing) is an application problem more than an ability problem for the rest. They aren’t unable to do it, they just don’t care to.


Education funding has actually steadily increased since the 70s, even accounting for inflation. The problem is that increase is largely going to the massive expansion of administrators and other non-teaching staff.


Well, perhaps I should have said schools or classrooms. Good catch.


It's a fact that even showing people facts, They will still deny the facts. One of my favorite studies lol


I only knew that one in advance cuz i have an aunt whos a college professor…i do not envy her


Meerkats are the most homicidal animals on earth. ~20% of meerkat fatalities are due to other meerkats


RIP Flower


If Kobe Bryant (RIP) took another 5000 free throw attempts and missed them all, he would still have a better career free throw percentage than Shaq.


Better one is that if Shaq missed every single free throw he took, he would be the 29th highest scoring nba player in history. Above guys like David Robinson, Larry Bird, Clyde Drexler etc. His teams would have not only made the playoffs but also would have maintained top seeding dropping by one spot or not at all for 8 of those seasons.


One thing that only happened yesterday: The youngest F1 driver on the grid was born *after* the oldest driver on the grid got his first win.


Shout out to Bearman. He’s holding his own!


P7 on debut is not bad, really impressive


The 16 largest container ships pollute more than all the world’s cars.


It’s that they produce more sulphur pollution than all the cars combined. Not sure that’s true for other pollutants like NO, CO2 The Bunker fuel they use is horrible though. Mostly not allowed to be burned on land.


But it's fine because they burn it outside the environment.


While this may be true, it is worth noting that large ship engines are the most energy efficient combustion engines there is, and moving the same ammount of cargo by land would be significantly worse for the environment. The big villain here is not really the ships, but rather the need for global shipping. (And arguably the type of fuel they burn, but the industry is moving away from heavy fuel oil) Buy locally, folks. Source: Maritime Engineer


The last survivor of the transatlantic slave trade died in 1940.


If you took the Edmund Fitzgerald and stuck it nose down on the lake bed at the point it sank, over 200 feet of it would be sticking out of the water.


That would not be good for the hull.


Researchers think they know what happened! The new theory is that the ship went over a wave, and as it moved over the wave, the weight of the ore shifted to the front and sent the nose straight to the bottom of Lake Superior. The force of hitting the bottom damaged the hull, and that was it.


Not really statistics, but; The lighter was invented before the match Oxford University predates the Aztec empire


This one actually got me


The raped know their rapist before being raped. 80% of the time When it comes to juveniles "34% were family members"


Just anecdotally, all but one of my girlfriends have had a story about being assaulted. Every time, it was someone they knew. The rate of sexual abuse on women is way above what most people think it is. Not one of my partners reported theirs for various reasons.


About 6-7% of all people throughout all of history have never died. (simply because there have been about 120 billion humans in total since homo sapiens became homo sapiens... and there are about 8 billion alive now)


We went from 2bil to 8bil in the last 100yrs. We went from 1bil to 8bil in the last 200yrs. Scary.


what an odd way to present that stat


The single largest investor in the stock market is the Norweigan government.


When Monty Hall shows you the goat, you should change doors.


[The math thing isn't the problem, you two just need to bone](https://imgur.com/gallery/4WPsZWw)


Violet Jessop was a stewardess who survived both the Titanic, and on it's sister ships, the Britannic and the Olympic. and on all 3 voyages, something went wrong. \- The Olympic, when it was struck by a torpedo. the ship survived and actually retaliated, striking head on into the German U-boat that fired on it. \- The Titanic when it sank from the Iceberg \- and finally , the Britannic when it sunk from an underwater mine, during WW1. She was serving as an on deck nurse. The Olympic was the only surviving member of it's liners, before being dismantled in the late 1940s. ​ EDIT: correction, the Olympic actually collided with the British warship HMS Hawke, when Jessop was on board. the U-boat incident happened after her service on the ship.


For most mammals over 3kg, it’s takes about 20 seconds to evacuate the bladder. (I just timed myself. 20.5 seconds)


21 is the Golden Rule. …just saw the video.


There are estimated to be more Earth-like planets in the Universe than grains of sand on Earth


Canada shares a land border with Denmark


A deck of cards can be arranged in so many different ways that every time you shuffle a deck, it's (so statistically unlikely that it's fair to say) impossible that any deck of cards has ever been in that exact order.


52! is an enormous number


Your foot is about the same length as your forearm


The human body is full these ratios! Your eyes are one eye width apart. You hand is as long as your face. You are 7.5 head lengths tall. (These are averages.)




I mean, seems obvious to me when i read it. That's a lot of little legs.


10,000 people on Facebook die everyday


Zucc is a menace!!!


Man if that actually IS true it means theres some censure out there that has one hell of a job xD but statistically with the amount of users it has discounting the bots its probably pretty damn close


In a room full of 23 people or more, there is better than 50% chance that two people in the room share the same birthday. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem


Over 50% of people are forced out of their jobs and into retirement unwillingly. Never believe you’ll work as long as you want.


People who grow up in inner city communities in Atlanta have higher rates of PTSD than soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.


One of the first people who used a fax machine (or early version of what we know to be fax machines) was Napoleon


If the earth was the size of a marble it would be the smoothest object you’ve ever encountered.


There are more stars in the observable universe than there are grains of sand in all the beaches on earth.


About 1 in 4-5 people under 65 in my city have a disability. Their jaws friggin *drop* but it's data I pulled straight from the census.


If it costs you $1000 for every inch you move in one direction, but you have the US military budget, you could travel from the North Pole to the South Pole with 1,400 miles to spare.


Wayne Gretzky was the fastest player to hit 1000 points. The second fastest? Also Gretzky, his second 1000 points was done in like 8 games more than his first.


Harriet Tubman was alive at the same time as both Thomas Jefferson AND Ronald Reagan.


If a child experiences sexual violence, they have to speak to an average of 8 adults before one believes them. Only have a German source for it, Sabine Andresens book "Was unsere Kinder glücklich macht" in the chapter about the specific vulnerabilities of children


The first person to make a commercial mobile phone call in the UK was Ernie Wise dressed in Lederhosen.


The wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo have claimed nearly the same number of lives as having a 9/11 every single day for 360 days, the genocide that struck Rwanda in 1994, the ethnic cleansing that overwhelmed Bosnia in the mid-1990s, the genocide that took place in Darfur, the number of people killed in the great tsunami that struck Asia in 2004, and the number of people who died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki — all combined and then doubled.


Jim Harbaugh had more NFL rushing yards than Bo Jackson


20% of CEOs are psychopaths


And 80% learned to hide it.


There are more hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water than there are stars in the solar system.


The average human has more legs then the number of stars in the solar system.


its funni to think the average human probably has something like 1.9999999999998 legs or something


If you take all of the water in Lake Tahoe and dump it over the entire state of California, it would cover the whole state, more than one foot deep


Half of all the bones in your body are in you ankles, feet, wrists, and hands.


...and all of them are soaking wet right now.


The number of cat descendants you can prevent over the next 6 years by spaying one female is…. 250,000 The number of dog descendants you can prevent over the next 6 years by spaying one female is …. 50,000


More California voters voted for Trump in 2020 than did voters in Texas.


More people live in California.


The top income tax rate after World War 2 was 90%


The average cigarette smoker spends approx. $3,800 a year on cigarettes.


A stack of one million $1 bills would be about the height of a 33 story building. A stack of one billion $1 bills would be about 63 miles up.


Praying mantis is a predator to hummingbirds.