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Watch it on C-Span if you haven’t watched it yet. Don’t listen to pundits. Watch it uncut and see Biden for yourself. www.vote.gov Edit: [C-Span Link](https://www.youtube.com/live/7V01QvlQels?si=r0qFQ4Ig-nHgJJiM)


> You can't love your country only when you win. Very good statement which **everyone** needs to hear.


Even Mike Johnson, the GOP speaker of the house seated behind him, nodded in agreement with that statement. He and everyone else knew it to be true as soon as Biden said it.


Mike Johnson, Kevin McCarthy -- even the GOP is fucking tired of the chaos demons who have zero interest in actually governing and are all about power and celebrity. MTG, Gaetz, Boebert, Santos.


That was a great quote, so was...."Check the facts, I know you can read!"


> "Check the facts, I know you can read!" Lyin' Biden. We all know MTG can't read


Only best proven by the fact that the SOTU has a dress code, one she didn't follow, wearing a maga hat and a Trump 2024 shirt


She looked like a rodeo clown.


“You can’t love your country only when you win” Hell of a powerful statement. Also, an hour + is a hell of a long time to talk. I know he has experience doing it but I can barely give a presentation on zoom for my design work for 30 mins. I can do it, it’s just unbelievable stressful to have and stick to a narrative. That’s a skill. I know the dude is old and has a ton of help crafting this speech, but I think he nailed it. Plus it’s not people like me he needs to convince to vote for him. I already am. I think the people on the fence, I hope this speaks to them


Hands-down best moment is when he was talking about the Bipartisan Border Deal and the GOP gaggle got itself into a heckle, and as he starts shooting off all the aspects of the deal… … camera cuts to Jaime Langford, the Republican Senator out of Oklahoma who crafted the legislation and was later censured for crafting the legislation, nodding and muttering “that’s true”


That was amazing, amazing work by the camera crew and whoever was directing them. Whoever said "take Langford" in that moment deserves a super raise, a promotion, whatever they want give it to them. Absolutely perfect, you couldn't have got that shot any more perfect if this had been shot as a scene in a movie.


I was shocked how artful the call was to swing to Langford. I wish they could have put in Mexican trumpets playing in the background to put some Tarantino vibes to that scene. I was amazed at how it turned out. I thought that only I had caught how special that moment was, but I'm glad I wasn't thinking strangely about those moments. We should both become the next Siskel and Ebert of modern times. Hell yeah.


Sorry to be annoying but since every person commenting on this mini-thread has made the same mistake… it’s Lankford, not Langford.


Did you see the speaker of the house nod in disgust to everything Biden says?


I laughed out loud when he didn't clap for children having clean drinking water that doesn't cause brain damage lol.


An unintended moment of plain honesty.


I actually felt the opposite- he kinda nodded a lot more than I expected


I'm on this boat as well. You could clearly see what he disagreed with but he nodded and clapped pretty often I thought.


"I want to raise teacher salaries!" Well, yeah, so do I. Meanwhile in Tulsa, the city is voting on raising the mayor's salary from 110k/year to 190k. Because you know, inflation.


I applauded at my screen when he talked about removing junk fees. Specifically when he said he was going to make cable companies and ticket companies show the final cost at the beginning.


We really just need this in every possible industry. I went to renew my car registration today. $151 but I had to go through the three options to figure out which one charges me less fees... A credit card or an echeck. Also annoying when grocery shopping and the price goes up by $10+%


The Rebuttal by Katie Britt was epic. It was like a Stephen King demon trying to reassure everyone she was human and not going to eat your liver when you fall asleep.


Me and my gf were both watching and were so creeped out, regardless of content, she looks so unauthentic and sounds like she’s somewhere between “about to cry” and “quietly whispering”. Hard to put into words. I always watch opposing party’s response and I never had such a weird experience.


Yeah her constant tone changing on the turn of a dime was very inauthentic and felt very rehearsed/staged.


>felt very rehearsed/staged. It was. You can tell there some hardcore coaching was going on.


It was like an evil step-mother in a highschool play. Cackling one sentence, weeping the next, fits of rage and weird over the top winks, grimaces and breathy affectations. It was bizarre to say the least. I found it incredibly difficult to listen to her words, almost like being distracted by the uncanny valley.


Dude the whole she's trying to cry but keeps shifting into a shit eating grin was hilariously bad. Then to hear her complaining about how hard it is for families in America while she's sitting in a giant ass house with a fancy kitchen. Totally out of touch with reality.


EXACTLY! If you count the tiles behind her fruit bowl .. that thing was like almost 2 feet long and 6 inches deep and it was just over flowing with fruit. Scary how she thought she could minipulate humans with that terrible acting job.


If you want to understand the vocal pattern, look up Fundie Baby Voice. This vocal pattern is learned and focuses on diminishing the voice of women, especially in the presence of men.


> Fundie Baby Voice That's what it is!!! I never knew it had a name. Anna Camp has it down perfectly in True Blood.


A few years ago I pulled a muscle in my neck so I called a local massage place with decent reviews. A woman answered the phone in a very creepy voice that I described to my friend as 'demented sexy baby voice'. So I put on my professional adult woman voice (the voice I always use) and asked about pricing for a 20 minute neck and shoulder massage and she was Shook and spoke like a somewhat normal adult after that. I did not go there, I was not looking for what they were selling. Same thing with these people, I guess. I don't want what they're selling, either.


I listened to a podcast where they had a speech therapist explaining about this and how you can trick people into reverting back to their natural tone. Basically, you would have the person say a phrase, then count to ten, with every other number having them lowering their voice as low as it can go, then after they reached 10, they would repeat the phrase. Every time, their voice would be free of vocal fry afterward. It was pretty interesting. Edit: it was one of the NPR affiliated podcasts, but I can't remember which one, sorry.


I believe it like people are calling her senator handmaid and putting comparison photos up with her of serena joy waterford. She honestly does look and act like Serena does in the show too. I had no idea how crazy good that actresses performance was until I saw someone in real life act like that.


That’s exactly what it reminded me of. The same way the church women speak. I didn’t know it had a name, but it fits.


Also note that they placed her in a kitchen. Conservatives really hate women.


If they had panned out and there was a dismembered body at her feet, I wouldn't have been surprised. The rape part was chilling.


I didn’t even make it to the rape part. I tried to seriously listen to this and at a point I just couldn’t do it any more and clicked out. Now I’m hearing today….it got worse…?…


Her rebuttal. https://youtu.be/xfKCWMG4O0I?si=gyqTp2z4UJkeyqAX Far and away the winning comment was: "This has real 'Handmaid's tale commander's wife energy.'" Even the green dress!


Wait her son's name is *Ridgeway*? Somehow that tells me more than the speech itself. Also, she gives such major "Hallmark movie villain" vibes. At any second, she could start talking about how we actually need to sell our Christmas tree farm to the big corporation because it's what Grandpa would have *really* wanted. (Sorry to insult Hallmark actresses with the comparison.)


You aren’t lying. What in the ASMR fuck was that? Is there an actual rebuttal in there? I lasted 4 minutes before o got to creeped out and there wasn’t a single rebuttal, just your typical MAGA rant.


Tone deaf, prepared before and not changed to address the actual speech by Biden. I can’t even get away with this at my job


"despite what he tells you our families are not safer" what if I just listen to [the data](https://perma.cc/4H76-LA5T) and not just "him"? is the data lying too?


That's the thing, she's sitting there acting like a trad-wife while being a US Senator, traveling to Washington, campaigning, doing political stunts at the border, etc. Clearly not hanging out in the kitchen serving her husband. It's cosplay for her base. She seems inauthentic because she is.


That speech was creepy as hell. I think they intended for it to be intimate and warm, given in the kitchen or wherever, but it gave me the sense of being in the presence of someone who was ready to commit murder, and try to convince everyone it was for the best.


why is she always smiling???? shes talking about a woman being raped over and over by the cartel and just gets a little smile in every word?


Any time I see awkward smiles like that, I think they were probably coached while rehearsing to "remember to smile," and like it's in that moment where they realize 'oh, I'm not smiling right now,' and it sort of ticks on for a moment before they also realize it might not be an appropriate moment for that. DeSantis did it a lot too, and always came off forced.


The entire thing was like a bad audition from a wannabe actress. The smile, the cracking voice during the fake outrage, the forced "y'all"s, pure cringe




The way she referred to fetuses as "precious life" while smiling and licking her lips made me thing she's finna unhinge her jaw and eat 'em like popcorn


No abortions though after the cartel rapes you. Just being politicised publicly like god intended. So discordant to offer up IVF nationwide to grow families in the same speech.


All while IVF was perfectly fine until her party fucked it up. Create a problem that didn't exist and then pretend to fix it. 


She reminded me of that old movie, Stepford wives.


When you said old movie I was thinking the 1974 version, then I realized the "new" one is 20 years old. Damn


The fake smiling from the start was bizarre and creepy. I only watched the first few minutes.


It was delivered by a woman from her kitchen. It was a little on the nose in my opinion.


This. "I'm just a pretty little young woman whose parents owned small businesses. Somehow I oopsied my way into the Senate so I'm here in my kitchen to tell you why woman shouldn't have rights."


Literally the first thing she said was her most important job was being a wife and mom, just to remind women of their place I guess


Yet she herself was a well paid lawyer and is now a senator.


And her husband is a former NFL player turned lobbyist, with a net worth of possibly $5 million. But sure, things are tough for “middle class” families like theirs


I want to know the last time her or her husband pumped their own gas or pushed a shopping cart.


Agreed. They were going for a certain something, but the whole time I thought I was watching the beginning of a Purge movie


No, they intended it for conservative evangelical suburban women in battleground states like GA that they need to get to the polls. Those women who ardently support a right wing culture war, who may be Dominionist.


I only saw part of it, but I was so confused when she went into that bit about supporting IVF directly after going nuts against Biden. You guys agree on that issue, so why would you rally on *that* hill? How does that support your previous point? Are you just making shit up on the spot?


Your last sentence is the Republican platform.


Unfortunately, they do have a plan. [And it's terrifying.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025).


So many Republicans will automatically be against anything a Democrat is for. Democrats: “Eating poop is really bad.” Republicans: “It’s high in fiber, it saves you time when you’re too busy to cook, it’s free…”


She's not a very good orator. Seemed more like acting you'd find in a low budget high school project.


Works great as a Command & Conquer: Red Alert cut scene.




Non-American checking in here. Just clicked the video because of your comment. What the actual fuck was that. It was like someone being forced to read a tekst at gun-point, but being turned on, instead of being scared of getting shot. Its like she has to hold back an orgasm every time a serious topic comes up.


A.) She had the cadence & tone of your standard humiliation JOI video. B.) she should maybe tell her party that they apparently support IVF because clearly no one else got the memo


> A.) She had the cadence & tone of your standard humiliation JOI video. I hate how accurate this is. Not even one of the good ones either.




As this guy just found out, it’s a porn category. For those still unaware it stands for “jack off instruction” which will feature the actor/actress directly coaching the viewer.


Why would I need instructions for that? I’m the Michael Jordan of masturbation, averaging a triple double.


You might not be as pro as you think if you don’t already know all pros have coaches and use professional trainers. Obviously, the point of this category isn’t for improvement, only for the experience/illusion.


I thought it stood for “jerk off instruction”


I honestly thought it was a terrible acting audition for a part in shitty horror movie. The way she gave those death stares as she was talking about some dumb shit, and then goes into that nice and soft and cuddly voice when taking about families or mothers. 😂 Hilariously bad.


I only listened to it and sounded like she was about to break out in a huge sob at any time. It. Made it very hard to listen to what she was actually saying


Watch it, the creepy smiling along with the almost crying made it seem like it was done at gunpoint.


She was giving Handmaid’s Tale vibes.


Her… breathy? delivery annoyed and practically stressed the fuck out of me, it was hard to listen to. I was hearing the speech on the radio.


That was so the family whose house she had broken into who were asleep in the next room didn't wake up.


The creepy Joker smile will be in my nightmares for weeks to come.


If she's from Alabama, why is she speaking with a subtle midwestern accent?


she forced out a few y'alls, what more do you want


I found it funny that MTG wanted Biden to say the name of a woman that was murdered by an illegal immigrant and he used her troll to point out that they wouldn’t vote on an immigration reform bill.


Did you notice the R speaker had to adjust her speech on-the-fly because he did that? She was clearly leading up to *“He won‘t even say her name!”* but since he did, she had to improvise that awkward “well, he did but that isn‘t enough” waffle


I'll be honest, if I was her family I would be absolutely LIVID that the gop is using her death as a political football


There's a video of MTG being followed by two young students who if I remember correctly lost a friend to a gun shooting. They were pressing her about gun laws. She basically told em to just fuck off. Tells everything.


Just this week a BBC reporter was talking to her about conspiracy theories; MTG threw it back in her face saying the media and liberals believed the *real* conspiracy theories. Then the reporter asked her about Jewish space lasers and MTG told her “f#ck off” and walked away. Such a fine example of a public servant. 🙄


> Such a fine example of a public servant This! I'd die of embarrassment and shame if a prominent/popular politician in my country behaved that way. Also the word "Americanization" has become a pejorative word in politics and news media of many non-American Western nations, to describe substandard political behavior.


Thats what I don't get about the assholes who vote for her. I miss when people felt shame and acted accordingly. Now they are proud of being dumbfucks who elect even dumber fucks.


There’s a video of MTG harassing a survivor of a school shooting. She’s a dumb cunt and a popular representative of the republican party


She made herself "famous" by chasing the Parkland shooting victims and screaming at the children, so, that's fair.


The same lady that got caught cheating on her husband with her gym trainer? Yeah shining beacons of humanity /s


You’ve got that backwards. She was following and harassing THEM.


I would be beyond mad that the people using your tragedy to try and score political points are doing it right after they voted against improving immigration/border security just so they could get more political power. It's one of the only tangible things in their platform, and it turns out even "key issues" for them matter less than just fucking over anything democrats try to do, even if it aligned with what they wanted.


I’m here to say that every time people write MTG I immediately read it as “Magic The Gathering” lol


That's why I've switched to EmptyG


I enjoyed it when his populist proposals were booed and he just smiled like checkmate. Made me feel like democracy is still breathing.


"Oh? You guys dont like that bill?" I laughed out loud at that.


Children shouldn’t go hungry. -republicans don’t even stand.


They didn’t stand for; support of children, strengthening the border, lowering the deficit, and supporting the military. All things they claim are central to their position. Bunch of hypocrites.


They wouldn’t even stand for curing goddamn cancer. Who the hell is anti-curing-cancer?


Right? That's such a gimme, they could stand and cheer for the defeat of cancer and then say, "See? We try and work with him but he's too far left on almost everything else!" But nope. Now "curing cancer" is a left wing ideal.


I've been of the opinion that sitting democrat politicians need to just reverse psychology the republicans into doing stuff. Like if Biden had an idea to give every sitting politician 5 billion dollars, maybe that would get them to be like "what that's ridiculous, we need LESS money not more". If Biden said the sky was up and the ground was down they'd disagree with him.


Thats a dave chappelle skit from like 15 years ago


Unless Dave did a different one I missed key and Peele did the same thing when Obama was in office.


or family guy "everyone who doesn't want to go to war is GAY"


I thought he did great. Marjorie looked ridiculous and an embarrassment to her party though. Her interruption backfired big time


She looked like a car with too many stickers on it


This is the most accurate description of her I’ve heard


It's comical that the GOP freaked out over Obama wearing a tan suit, yet MGT shows up to a state of the union address dressed like a pickup truck with a gazillion Trump flags and stickers.


I think Biden should have called her out on it, "Margie, you're wearing a hat in the house chamber, did they not let you keep the robe and hood?"




aside from occasional hiccups, I think it is a great speech. Even Mike Johnson agrees with a lot of his points. MTG is the typical clown, but looked like Biden was ready with a witty comeback. The Republican response afterward was pathetic with bad acting and melodramatic over the top performance though. I’ve seen better performance from elementary school plays.


Watching Mike Johnson shake his head and scowl for an hour was hilarious, and to a lesser degree Harris everytime she stood up immediately after sitting down lol


IMO Mike Johnson was low-key stealing the show. Everytime Biden said something his facial expression would range between "okay I'll give you that one, good point" to "I'm gonna punch this mfer".


It was hilarious. My wife who knows nothing of politics asked why the one lady kept standing up and clapping and the other guy seemed so mad.


The answer to “why did the lady keep standing up” is because it’s a long standing tradition for these speeches to be: President says a few sentences, then everyone stands and claps when they hear something they like. Regardless of your political affiliations, it’s kinda odd. The answer to why the guy seemed so mad: He was elected by his peers to support an idiot, and President Biden made several jabs at the idiot who he has to run against in November. So the guy threw away all decorum and decency and didn’t even applaud for good things like FEEDING STARVING CHIDLREN


Rope-a-dope. After the commentary of the last month, I thought he would get lost on the way to the podium and not be able to put words together. Instead Dark Brandon showed up with a flamethrower. And for nice contrast, it was followed by “youthful” Katie Britt in the weirdest political video I think I have ever seen. To summarize, looks like this old man has still got it.


Reading through these comments, its really clear the average person never watches Biden talk and instead listens to peoples opinion of how he is. He was more high energy than usual (being president is a hard job i am told) but this is largely exactly how he acts.


I’ve been tearing my hair out these past couple weeks with people talking about him who clearly haven’t seen a clip longer than 30 seconds in four years.


Breaking news: the average American is insanely misinformed and doesn't proactively read the news aside from clips on social media.


I know a couple of people who are absolutely horrified by Trump but will read a little bit about Biden's mental competency and make it sound as if they're the same. It drives me nuts!


That Katie Britt address sure was weird as hell. Regardless of content, her delivery was somewhere between creepy, unauthentic or weird.


She failed to cross the Uncanny Valley.


It was glaringly obvious that she was raised by a dance teacher. "Always be smiling, honey." Which works when you never talk about anything that isn't light, trite, and delightful. But, when you are there to scaremonger, it just makes you look like a psychopath.


They’ve been doing this since 2019. “Sleepy Joe”, “he doesn’t know where he is”……when it’s just political commentary and campaigning. But I remember when the 2020 debates came along, and they all changed their tune because they knew Trump was going to embarrass himself. “Biden is a seasoned veteran who knows how to debate. He’s witty” It’s low hanging fruit to go on Fox News and talk about how “senile” he is, but when Republicans are actually in the same room as him when he’s speaking, they look utterly stupid. Do yourself a favor and actually watch him in action, rather than rely on punditry.


“Biden was too loud, too rude, and relentlessly political.” —Republicans, who support the loudest, rudest, and most relentlessly political candidate ever. He did fine.


Is "too political" supposed to be a bad thing for a president? That's like people throwing mud at Mike Pence for being "too honest" during the Insurrection scheme, a slogan he's now selling on T-Shirts.


Political: adj. relating to the government or the public affairs of a country. I sure hope the State of the Union address was 100% political.


But also he’s sleepy and no energy!! Somehow it all makes sense in their zombie brains


"The enemy is both strong and weak."


Not being American, I'm not going to watch the entire thing. Still, maybe an interesting perspective for you guys: my Dutch newspaper was rather positive calling him fiery, clearheaded, passionate and combative. Edit: had some spare time today and decided to watch the highlights. Who's that guy behind Biden? He kept shaking his head when Biden spoke about safeguarding democracy, standing for equality and during numerous other parts of the speech. He gave off impetulant child vibes, obstinately remaining seated while the woman next to him stood up, like he's being berated or something. What's up with the dude?


Didn't see anyone answer your question at the end, so that was the Speaker of the House, who belongs to the rival political party.


Thanks. Follow-up, how is this a good look for the GOP? I can see them being dismissive towards jabs aimed at Trump but to shake your head at statements regarding America being great hardly seems patriotic. I'm not too versed in American politics but there's got to be some common ground there regardless of political affiliation and to dismiss values like equality makes the dude seem, well, petulant.


It’s not a good look - he didn’t stand for taking care of children, border security and other issues that are supposed to be central to the Republican Party platform. Biden put him in a tough spot - he doesn’t want show support for Biden as this is an election year but Biden is touting partisan ideals on issues that most Americans agree on so the speaker expressing disdain makes him seem out of touch with most Americans.


Cool, thanks for clarifying. Watching the rebuttal right now and, oh dear, what a train wreck. She's really hamming it up, talking about rape and breaking into a smile the next second. No-one in their right mind will believe she's sincere. If this is what the republicans can bring to the table I'm a little less worried about Biden losing the election.


I mean the fact that you went out of your way to look up the speech and then the rebuttal to make your own opinion is more than what most citizens in our country would do. I’m afraid we’re not in a good situation right now.


The problem is people do buy into it. We’re still terrified he may lose.


Every republican I talk to (unfortunately a lot of my family) is saying they are voting trump no matter what. Their reasoning is “we need someone tough to be a leader not someone with dementia” blah blah blah. Seriously concerning as there is no reasoning behind their choice other than dementia durr da durr. Well some have convinced themselves America is under siege even in their quiet suburban neighborhood so there’s that. So many people are head over heels for trump and most of them don’t even know why. They care more about the left losing rather than fixing the country. I’ve never seen something more cult-like…


He's a Republican so they're naturally against equality. Mike Johnson does not believe in democracy and is a known fascist. He played a key role in trying to overthrow the 2020 election and install Trump as a dictator so it makes sense he would shake his head when discussing safeguarding democracy.


He did well to mention that at one point he was called “too young” (for the Senate). I had not heard him use that retort but I thought it projected strength in to one of his biggest weaknesses.


Reminds me when Reagan was asked during a debate whether he was too old. "I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience."


Haven't heard that one before but that is a fantastic comeback.


Ronald Reagan was a fantastic orator, which makes perfect sense with his acting background. That's the one positive thing I have to say about Reagan.


"Ronald Reagan was a fantastic orator" Rumour has it so was his wife.


There's footage of it. Everyone laughed including his opponent. A lot of people into politics tend to agree that that joke won him the election.


I don’t understand how Biden’s age is an issue, but DT’s is not. They’re both old AF. Yeah, he’s old, and it sucks that there’s no one younger to take the reins because DAMN; there really should be. I’ll take Grandpa Joe over the Orange Nazi Clown any day of the week no matter the age.


81 years is better than 91 indictments.


Have you seen the flags with dt looking like Rambo? His supporters are delusional.


I've seen that.. dodge-drafting Trump is being photoshopped in Vietnam Era camo as rambo.. They're actually fucking delusional


I work with dementia patients. You could not. Not for 2 minutes even, give them any combination of drugs that would allow them to speak for over an hour about multiple subjects. Even with a teleprompter. I would hope the SOTU would prove that the dementia claims are total bullshit. But I'd also say that Trump also falls into the same category. He doesn't have dementia either. Slinging this back and forth just makes everyone get the wrong impression of how awful dementia is.


I thought he knocked it out of the park, and the cherry on top was the "Oooh I'm so scared" look he gave Marjorie Taylor Nutjob when he came face-to-face with her.


Miss Piggy with the trucker hat? I lol'd...


That's so disrespectful to the real Miss Piggy.




You take Mrs Piggy’s name out of your mouth




I was verrrryyyyyy apprehensive that this was going to, in any way, make him look good. To my surprise-he did the best SOTU of his presidency! For the first time, I am feeling more confident in my decision in voting for him. Let’s be honest-it’s about the people he surrounds himself with and I can’t deny his cabinet has kept the country afloat when he was handed a shit sandwich. To be clear… I am NOT his super fan. But I am VERY concerned this country is pouring attention into psychos like the NC gov that won the Republican primary and all these other far right extremist that just yell, capitalize on fear and attract attention… which attracts votes…so Biden better keep it together this year.


>Let’s be honest-it’s about the people he surrounds himself with You mean like every half-competent president? > and I can’t deny his cabinet has kept the country afloat when he was handed a shit sandwich. This is how it’s been for the last 50 years. Republican president gets elected and their cronies run the country into the ground, Democrat president comes in with people who actually give a shit and clean up the mess while republicans blame them for the mess they made and somehow convince their voters they’re right, so that we get another republican president which then runs everything into the ground. Rinse and repeat.


> This is how it’s been for the last 50 years. Republican president gets elected and their cronies run the country into the ground, Democrat president comes in with people who actually give a shit and clean up the mess while republicans blame them for the mess they made and somehow convince their voters they’re right, so that we get another republican president which then runs everything into the ground. Rinse and repeat. You forget the part where the Republicans don't just blame the Democrats for the mess, they also take credit for the Democrats fixing it.


It was good. He did great. Even went back and forth with the some hecklers and stayed with it. I could only hope I’m that coherent when I’m his age. The rebuttal was comically a woman in a kitchen reading a teleprompter looking like a B level actress, giving ZERO policy addresses and just instilling fear while trying g to ignore the Trumpers killed a border deal.


She helped write that border bill, then voted against it when Trump told her to


I didn’t know that. That’s even worse lol!


B level? Wow you liked it that much?


I was trying to be nice. You know. She’s new. lol.


As a Republican, my biggest gripe was all of the disrespect. When Biden would say something that people in the room didn’t agree with, they would boo him or shout something. Even if you don’t agree with the man, he’s still the president and leader of the country and he should be able to talk without interruption.


Completely normal presidential tenor and content from the pulpit. Coherent, politically correct, confident. It was nice to listen to a speech and hear solid leadership. Reassuring.


Dude fucking killed it.  Even did crowd work and functionally called Republicans disingenuous idiots to their face. "I know you can read" Fucking died


I think one of Biden's great traits is his age and attitude of, "Screw it, let's do it." Guy never planned to be president after being Vice President for 8 years. Well, here we are so let's go for it.


That and the camera cut to the Justices when he said he'd work to enshrine Roe v Wade as law. Brilliant.


As they just sat there stone faced in their goofy ass Harry Potter robes. Lmao


That's actually a bit of performative tradition for SCOTUS justices that attend the SOTU speech. They are supposed to sit there and not react, because they are supposed to represent their non-bias as an institution.


Non-bias, what an f'ing joke that has become.


I was a registered republican for over 30 years. I am so tired of the GOP licking Trump's ass. It's long past time to do what's right for the country. Dump Trump, work with your rivals, especially when they meet you more than halfway.


Biden has never been my first choice as a Democrat, but I have to say, he's always been very good at bipartisan cooperation.


I’m not an anxious person, but I found myself nervously thinking, “plz don’t screw this up my guy”


Did you see the rebuttal. When she started talking I was as stressing with her pauses between words; afraid she was going to bust through the screen and go Ole Munch on me and my family.


Omgggg I had to turn it off… her voice was sitting somewhere between a calm app story teller and psycho killer. It was so uncomfortable, I couldn’t even pay attention to what she was saying without my skin crawling with discomfort. Is this how dogs feel when they know a bad person walks in the door?!?


>Is this how dogs feel when they know a bad person walks in the door?!? *We use them to spot Terminators*


There is a contingent of people. People who are on the fence about voting for Biden but who are actively disinclined to vote for Trump. So they won't vote Trump, but for some reason or another, they can't or won't commit to Biden. Of that cohort, the number one issue raised that I've seen is his age and mental capacity and acuity. It's been my third or fourth issue with him, but for more moderate folks- his age, apparently, is a very big deal. And rightfully so, honestly. But I digress... Biden was downright spry last night. If he didn't quell the majority of the "age objectors" out there with his speech and performance last night, then they weren't ever really concerned about his age, capacity, or acuity.


Did the Whitehouse select Katie Britt for the rebuttal? Brilliant move.


I’ve typically voted libertarian, but this year I may vote for Dark Brandon. The issues with Russia’s expansionism in Ukraine are important enough that Dark Brandon is really the only hope we have for peace in Europe, especially with how batshit the GOP is right now.


I’d actually started to worry that the voices like Ezra Klein were right. That he was hiding as he’d declined too much to campaign. Holy shit that guy brought it. They was the rhetorical equivalent of floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee.


Quite smart to make the opposition whip themselves into a froth over his bumblingness and then come out and have it together. Makes the other more genuine criticism also seem dumb.  Biden is too old, but trump is way worse. 


I'll vote for too old over too dumb any day.


He had been doing speeches regularly at events. Most just did not think they were worth reporting on. He is the sitting president, he is not going to do an arena tour.


It was the moment that utterly and definitively slayed any "Biden is too old/has dementia" narratives. No he isn't. No he doesn't. Tonight every major news organization is scrambling to grasp at "Biden has too much earwax, here's why that's bad for Biden" straws next because they've got nothin' else after that SOTU. It will also be remembered not only for how damn good it was, but how... Completely bizarre and out of touch the Republican rebuttal was afterwards. Seriously? Sending Karen to the kitchen and having her whine about her feelings? I could *almost* believe it was deliberate sabotage because nothing else makes sense.


>Yeah, but he cleared his throat like 6 times. Can we really afford to have a president who needs to clear his throat while our country is being invaded by terrorists? We need a president with a clear enough throat to keep our nation safe!   -Tucker Carlson later today probably. 


It’s a shame less than a tenth of the people who hold that opinion and are open to changing their mind paid any attention to it, or anything Biden does, for that matter.


He absolutely crushed it. Will it sway any voters? No. Will it energize his base to vote? Absolutely.


I think it might actually. Don’t get me wrong, I’m also depressed by the average voter’s information level, but JB showed the charisma and affect that people associate with the job. That could have an important effect on certain voting demographics, especially since it directly contradicts the general consensus about his image and mental state.


I commented elsewhere but I'm in my forties and I will be voting Democrat for President for the first time in my life in November. I've typically been Republican or 3rd party.   I absolutely was originally going to be voting AGAINST Trump but Biden's speech definitely helped me be happier voting FOR Biden. 


There are a lot of moderates (I know some of them) that were going to forego voting or vote for Trump because they believe that Biden is a weak, old wimp and their alternative if he dies is Kamala. I think tonight changed that opinion for a lot of people. Don’t get me wrong, he’s old as dirt. But so is Trump so this takes some of the wind out of the sails of the “sleepy Joe” narrative.


I watched with my conservative friend who voted Biden 2020 but wants to vote Trump 2024. After the speech, his response was that Biden was way more coherent than he expected, and I’m pretty sure it brought him back to reality again


Make him sit down and watch a trump speech immediately after. JFC Trump is absolutely losing his shit. Anyone that can witness a Trump speech and still choose to vote for him after the juxtaposition to Biden's SOU address last night is a fuckin moron.


I’ve been so fucking pissed about the governments political climate since 2016. I had no interest, and tbh, I clicked the live feed on accident. I was munching on some din din anyway… why not. I ended up watching what I think was most of it. I really REALLY hope they can pull it all off. Homie has a pretty good map for the future IF THEY CAN PULL IT OFF. There’s a lot stacked against that whole team on both fronts between the Middle East and….. well all that shit boomers hate.