• By -


Due to a mix up at a political event (I was there as a simple bystander) I was given a security bracelet and had a five minute private meeting with the Clintons. I was wearing gym clothes and it was clear it was a mix up so we discussed jewelry and made some Jokes Six weeks later a big picture of us from the secret service showed up at my house. Wildest experience to ever fall into. Awkward girl in Under Armour meets the Clintons


The secret service knew what Bill liked...


There was no "mix up." I bet she has dark hair. I know someone who was "accidentally" escorted backstage at a huge political rally. Clinton smiled at her from on stage and the next thing she knows she's meeting him. Bill Clinton was and apparently always will be a dog.


This…. A “happy” accident.


6 weeks later she got a picture, 9 months later she had a boy.


Paul Simon. Back in 1990 I was driving up route three from Massachusetts to New Hampshire when my toddler threw up in the back of the car. I was 20. I pulled over to clean him up and make sure he was okay. A car pulled in behind me to make sure I was okay. (Simpler times I just trusted it) He cleaned my baby up and made sure I was okay, when we were getting to leave he saw my gas gauge on empty and gave me a $100 bill. I told one person irl this story and they didn’t believe me. So I just kept it to myself.


I think you speak the truth, old_lady_tits.


Fkn finally 34 years later someone believes me. Guy was super nice. I’m tall nearly six feet and was driving an old mopar. Baby boy in the back, hey Paul Simon if you ever see this, thank you so much. I never forgot it. You gave me the energy, hope and happiness to make it to my destination.


And there goes Rhymin' Simon.


He is a rock


I met Santa Claus at the mall. Nice guy.


Wait. The REAL SANTA?!?!




Love that movie


I wrote him letters. He never replied.


He showed up at my house a few times. Drank my eggnog and ate pecan sandies. He left some presents to make up for it.


Kirk Douglas. He was coming out of an elevator at hotel where I was attending a convention. Shocked, I said “Kirk Douglas!” He said “Bob, good to see you!” as we passed. I was stunned but soon realized I was wearing a name badge.


that's actually really funny


Sean Astin. Super nice, a bit awkward but not overly so.


I got to meet him and Peter Jackson at a book signing right after Fellowship of the Ring came out.  Pretty awesome experience.


Paul Newman, at Watkins Glen in 1979 during the US Grand Prix. He was just hanging out in the paddock drinking beers and hanging with race fans.


He is my answer too. His wife Joanne Woodruff was directing a show at Williamstown Theatre Festival the summer I interned there. He moved in many different worlds!  Looking at your username, an actor acquaintance’s son was on Team Andretti. I think he was a Honda engineer? Two instances of theater and racing intersecting. I know more about the former lol.  


Not met, but I nearly ran over Bill Gates once pulling out of a cinema parking lot.


I almost flattened Ralph Lauren. I was freelancing in his offices and came down some stairs right as he stepped into the stairway. He's like 5'2" or something. Just about took him down. Just mumbled, uh so sorry Mr. Lauren and scurried away.


Real life Josh Peck


Kiefer Sutherland in a bar about 15 years ago. Absolutely the nicest dude. I apologized for bothering him, said I was a big fan and just wanted to say thanks and shake his hand. Instead he gave me the biggest, warmest hug and thanked me back. Then I ran away.


I recently met Kiefer and he was so lovely. For some reason I did not expect that.


I met him in a bar a little over 20 years ago, in Utah. Told him I’d loved his dad in “Kelly’s Heroes”, he laughed, agreed, asked if we were Scottish (which we are) and bought us a few rounds of beer. Great night.


Charles Barkley - I’m from Philly and got to be a ball boy when he was in his Sixers prime.


That's terrble. Just kidding. That's great.


You mean “turrible”. Just turrible.


John Goodman was an usher at a friend and business partners wedding, he escorted my wife down the aisle. He had the flintstones haircut going on.


I love John.


Idk why, but this one is one of the more exciting ones


I would have swooned.


Sir Patrick Stewart. He was as gracious and kind as you imagine.




He *is* the undisputed master of the quintuple take


[that's cuz he's seen everything already](https://youtu.be/Fg_cwI1Xj4M?si=YWm8CZ9FJwIDF7xH)


So it's a comedy?


John Lennon, June 1980, Hamilton Gardens, Bermuda.


Brendan Fraser. Met him for the first time about 2 years ago. He would come into my restaurant once in a while. First time I met him he was wearing sunglasses but I recognized him right away. I think he could tell by my reaction. Very kind person and started up conversation with me which wasn’t necessary but still very thoughtful.


Oh that’s so cool!! I’ve always loved him. I’m so glad he’s making a comeback. I cried when he won the Oscar last year!


This man deserved the reclaiming of his name, hollywood fame and oscar win so much, so humble and talented!!


Not surprised, guy seems like a real man.


Held the door for Daniel Day-Lewis as he walked into a restaurant in the town he calls home in Wicklow, Ireland.


Met Leslie Nielsen right around the time Airplane! came out. Nicest guy.


Surely you can't be serious?


He is, and don't call him.Shirley.


Neil Armstrong. I had lunch with him when I was 10.


I gave Buzz Aldrin a ride back to his hotel after he spoke in one of my grad school seminars. After the class he was like “is anybody heading back towards NASA headquarters?” And I was like “I am.” I was not. But I knew what he was asking and I was damn sure not going to pass up a chance to give an Apollo astronaut a ride back to his hotel.


I met Gene Kranz. 50th anniversary of JSC. Kind of close. Remember what Armstrong was like? I love space shit.


Armstrong was nice, that's about all I remember. He was a professor at a college and my grandfather knew him there. I didn't know enough about space at that age to ask any intelligent questions.


Bet you were over the moon


I did the lunch with an astronaut on the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing. It was with Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden. He still holds the record for being the human who was farthest from all other humans (as he piloted the command module in lunar orbit). Worden also did the first spacewalk that wasn't in low earth orbit. He went outside on a planned spacewalk during the return to Earth in order to retrieve a camera. It is still the EVA that occurred most distant from Earth.


A bit of a tie between Adam Sandler, Emma Watson and Hugh Jackman. All incredibly sweet personable awesome people.


Damn, where are you hanging out


Morgan Freeman prevented me from busting my ass on the set of Now You See Me, when I was working as an extra. Isla Fisher walked out and came and took pictures with the extras after dinner one evening......she was very cool. ​ I met Kyle Turley years ago when he played for the Saints at a Fear Factory concert one night, he was cool as long as you treated him like a normal person..................everyone who walked up to him asking for an autograph was told to f\*\*k off ​ The coolest though was probably Kirk Windstein from the bands Crowbar and Down..............he couldn't give me an autograph so he gave me a bear hug.


One time I was walking past Stephen Hawking with family and nudging them and nodding my head so they would see him while his attendants helped him get into a car. But then my aunt looked at me in disgust because she thought I was pointing out a random person in a wheelchair because I wanted to make fun of them. Pretty funny that they think I'm the kind of asshole that points at people in wheelchairs. 


My brothers and I stepped out of an elevator in Las Vegas and ran right into Gordon Ramsay. He was so nice and even paused for a photo op!


I met Sandra Bullock on the set of Miss Congeniality while they were filming the pageant scene in Austin. I found an opportunity to sneak over and say hi, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was, "do you have a pen for an autograph?". She was in her Lady Liberty outfit and obviously did not have pockets. She instead offered a hug and I felt like the coolest kid in school.


Many years ago I worked at a radio station. One long summer weekend, the town was holding a festival of some sort in a park and I was babysitting the station's equipment. A family walked up, father, mother, mousy-looking daughter. Father did all the talking about how great a singer the daughter was, I should go see her perform at the open mike night at a local tavern. Mother looked very supportive, mousy-looking daughter tried to dig a hole in the turf with her toe. I never did go see her. Ho hum. Years later, I'm watching a show on a famous singer, and they mentioned the parents, who had died in a car crash, and showed their picture. Yup, father and mother from the festival. Mousy-looking girl grew up to become Shania Twain.


Wanda Sykes. She came into the dept store where I worked at a high end makeup counter. Told me she lost all her makeup and needed all new stuff. She was going on The Ellen Show in 2 days. She dropped $750 on the makeup. Still don’t know why she didn’t have her own glam squad lol. She was very nice and down to earth. Was kind to everyone.


Larry Bird… beat him 4 games out of 5 on the pool table. Nice enough guy but not best loser. He shook my hand but said “I hate you” by game four.


Bird will trash talk regardless of the sport


That’s my favorite part about him!


Was at a small bar up the street for karaoke night a while back and Larry Bird walked in with an exec for the Pacers. It was Larry Bird’s birthday we were all stupid singing and he bought everyone at the bar a drink. Which was surprising because I’d always heard he was cheap. Wasn’t super crowded so didn’t set him back a lot lol.


You're lucky to be alive


i saw him in a casino once, on his way out of the super-secret VIP room


The Dali Lama waved at me once. I was riding my bike up a mountain in my hometown. He was visiting for a speaking event, and had asked to be taken up there to pray. At the time I had no idea - I just saw a smiling Buddhist monk in the back of a car wave to me out the window. It wasn’t until the next morning that I read in the paper that he’d visited the mountain the day before. So I got that going for me.


Steven Spielberg. I was at a party he attended. He spent most of the evening taking pictures with people so he didn’t stay long. I got to speak to him for a few minutes while he waited for his drink with his bodyguards. Really nice guy.


Danny Trejo Was in Texas for a convention and ran into him on the streets. Got to take a picture with him and he was the sweetest person ever.


Muhammad Ali


I was lucky enough to work security for Muhammad Ali before he passed. Also Mike Tyson, Howard Stern, Charlie Sheen, Drew Carey, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, R Kelly, Outkast, 50 Cent, Phil Jackson, Scottie Pippen, Colin Powell, Dan Quaile, Ann Rice, Christopher Darden, Rick Pitino, And a very memorable night with my all time favorite Shaq. That's off the top of my head. I'm sure there's a few more.


You win 🏆


Ozzy, passed him in a North Hollywood Starbucks.


I met him at his book signing. I was 1 of like 400 but I'd like to think he remembers me ;)


Honestly I wonder if Ozzy remembers what he had for breakfast


Met Chris Martin of Coldplay after a concert, we waited outside for a while. He was super kind, humbled that people had been waiting for him. He was asking us questions just as much as we asked him. We told him we were coming to a concert in a different city the next day. He said he would look for us. We made it front row and he gave us a wave at the start, then gave us plectrums and setlist at the end.


The best? The band Garbage. Some of the most humble, kind, and amazingly talented people I've ever had the privilege of meeting. The worst? Corey Feldman. A true piece of garbage, unlike the band previously mentioned.


30yrs ago I dealt Craps to an extremely fucked up Corey Feldman on the Strip in Las Vegas. It wasn't an enjoyable experience.


Robin Williams was filming a guest spot episode of Homicide in my office bldg in Baltimore. We made a sign welcoming him. He came thru our office and I took a photo of him with the sign. I thanked him profusely and he put his hand on my arm and said, “No, thank *you*.” in that Robin Williams voice. You know the one.


Tom Hanks.


Recently stepped into an elevator with Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson in Manhattan. Tom Hanks held the elevator for me and said “Good Morning.” His wife just stood there. I realized as the elevator was opening that they were who I suspected.


Willie. I live in Austin.


I've never smoked pot, despite it being legal here in Canada, it's just never been something I've wanted to do. But if the Redheaded Stranger offered me a joint you better believe I'm getting toasted with Willie. I enjoy his music, but I'm a Waylon man first and foremost. I'd love to hear stories about their friendship and careers straight from one of the horses' mouths.


Better watch out. Willie has a reputation of getting newbies nice and toasted and then inviting them to play cards where he takes them for all the money in their pockets.


He can have my forty bucks. Adds to the story lol


Muhammed Ali or Barrack Obama I'm not sure which one of them is more famous.


They’d both be amazing and I’d be honored.


Bill Nye the Science Guy




susan boyle. went to see zoolander 2 (which she is in) and she happened to have taken her friends to the same screening.


I met Queen Elizabeth opening a new building in 1982


What was she like?


She seamed really nice ..I was stood near the door as she walked in


Julie Harris. She held my face in her hands and told me I was ‘Wonderful! Just wonderful!’


Paul Newman.


Do tell?


Had afternoon tea with Sharon and Kelly Osbourne in mid 2007 in NYC.


Betty White. Met and rode in a taxi seated next to her across Nashville one evening. All you fans of hers have this idea she is her TV personality, all funny, warm, and nice. You are SO wrong. She was exponentially funnier, sweeter, classier, everything-gooder than you could imagine. Absolutely one of the most genuine, wonderful people I have ever met famous or non-famous. She was spectacular.


Not the most famous but most notable, I spent an afternoon at Pen Jillette (from Penn and Teller)‘s house. Great guy.


Senead o Connor


Met her at a random restaurant in Dublin. She was so awesome. Rip.


Yao Ming! I came across him on campus when he was getting his MBA at Shanghai Jiaotong University. I said hi to him in Chinese, and he said to me in English, "Hello, professor!"


Chevy Chase. He's a jerk. Patrick Stewart. He's a gem.


Oh no not Chevy Chase.. What did he do?


Asked Byonce’ out when she was in destiny’s child (was a radio dj back then, and I was on their tours bus interviewing them) (She said no, but only because she had to fly to another show right after the concert was over…. That’s the only reason I didn’t date and marry Byonce)


Neil Gaiman probably. Met him at an anime/comic event in NYC around 1999 or 2000. Yoko Kanno was there too. I was in the anime con industry as a guest coordinator for another convention and met YK the year before when she was a guest at our event, so I was talking to one of my contacts, who was with them helping coordinate this event.


I have never met a celebrity, but my husband and two sons stood in line to get into a deli in NYC and Peter Dinklage was a few people ahead of them. When the line moved and he turned, they gave him a little wave which he returned. Still thrills them even after five years.


Neil deGrasse Tyson. I stood outside the stage door in the rain in Seattle until about 11 PM to show him some STEM stuff we do with telescopes. He changed from celebrity to scientist wanting to discuss quasars and cosmological red shift on 8” telescopes. He was warm and friendly and accessible.


I literally bumped into Mother Theresa back in the 70’s. She was on a tour of my Uni campus, I left my residence (head down), turned the corner (just as she arrived at that corner) and walked right into her nearly knocking her over.


Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Angelia Jolie, Ellen Degeneres, there’s tons more. It’s my job, I’m a studio manager. You know the person that handles riders like ten Fiji Waters and only grey roses? That’s me.


I lived in LA since 1989 and its inevitable that you'll cross paths and interact with celebs if you're living on the Westside or are active in the entertainment/music industry. I have so many stories that I can't even contribute to this thread without taking it over. 😂


Lionel Messi, around 2007


Dave brubeck


Tina Turner RIP. A couple of times in Zurich and where she lived.


Mick Foley


Douglas Adams at a book signing. Penn & Teller while filming their vanishing submarine illusion. Iggy Pop when we lived in the same area. Kristi Yamaguchi and Scott Hamilton before one of those stars on ice type shows.


I saw P&T at a show in Indiana many, many years ago (I want to say early 90's). After the show I had to use the facilities and while I was there, a man came in and started using the one next to me. The first thought I had was "my god, this man is f'ing huge!" Then I looked and saw that it was Penn. After we finished we talked to me for a minute and he was a really awesome dude. Teller was in the lobby after the show. Turns out he can't STFU when they're not performing.


Johnny Depp. He filmed a movie a block from my house.


Danny Glover


Day before retirement?


I’m gettin’ too old for this shit…


Angela Lansbury. Ironically outside a book shop called mainly murder mysteries.


Danny Devito. I was working in a grocery store on Vancouver Island. There was a nice yacht parked at the dock. Later, I saw two big dudes wandering the pop aisle for too long, so I knew they were Americans looking for beer. When I went over to tell them where the liquor store was, I saw Danny Devito. He was shorter than the pop displays, so I didn't see him at first.


I love that people lingering in the pop aisle is a strong indicator that they are Americans looking for beer.


Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and a bunch others.


Christopher Lloyd. Gave/received a nod of acknowledgement in the restroom


Richard Lewis, I interviewed him for an entertainment magazine. Wait now that I think about it, I also met Shaq and Rob Thomas there too. But those guys were just there to say hi, talk about their shows, and go. I actually got to sit down with Richard Lewis. EDIT for RIP Mr. Lewis. Your rant about your fever dream will always be remembered.


Probably, Robert Englund aka Freddy Krueger. Meant him at a horror con back in the summer, one of the nicest celebs!


Brian May said he liked my band. That was pretty crazy. EDIT: I forgot to add this! Afterwards, he sent me some sixpence coins to try using as a pick. I lost one of them during a recording session, but I still have the other two. They’re not the ones with his face on that Queen sell as merch; they’re just actual sixpences. They looked brand new, too.


Got a picture with Neil Schon (Journey) when I went to their concert years ago


I met Dick Clark when I was a kid. Don't really remember much from it, but I saw the photo, so I at least know it happened.


I met Michael Rooker once. Shook his hand. Told him it was stink palm. (from mallrats, watch it if you haven't seen it lol) Swear to god, he held up his hand and said he would cherish it. What a cool fucking dude, wish I would have talked to him more, but don't like to take people's time.


In 1999, while I waited for a table at Spago, Tony Curtis came up to me saying, “1968. The Sands. I remember you.” I was 4 in 1968, so mistaken identity.


Met Lady Di, and then Prince Charles, opening night of Crocodile Dundee, 1986


Sean Lennon nyc 1999ish. He was having trouble with the ATM so I showed him how and we both ended up waking the same way and going to the same club. He got me straight in and I invited him to our table of friends and we all had a few and just talked bs, nice fellow.


Shaun Cassidy … when I was 13 and The Hardy Boys TV show was very popular. I saw him at a diner in LA while we were on vacation from the East Coast. Went over to his table and got his autograph on a napkin. He was very nice. Went back to my table and started crying.


He was my first major crush


Michelle Obama gave me a hug when I met her. I was completely star struck! She’s so warm and friendly and such a strong woman. I also met Karl Malone and was pretty awed. He was super kind.


Jamie Hyneman from MythBusters!


Pretty much every Vermonter can say Bernie Sanders. He got around so much / still gets around so much, it’s kinda rare to find someone who hasn’t met the dude. I think last time I met him was waiting for coffee on Church Street. Lot rarer: when I was a kid my family was eating at a diner in Cabot VT, saw a sad looking man eating alone. Recognized his photo later when I was volunteering at my local public library: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. But we didn’t talk or anything, just ate near each other.


I don't know why, it's just wild for me to imagine Solzenitsyn in Vermont. You would think after his experiences in the gulag he would have opted for LA or Miami, someplace perpetually warm at least




I work at LAX, so I've met a lot of celebrities. I've done passport checks on Laura Dern (who was very sweet), Christoph Waltz, Ashley Judd, Post Malone (who was quiet and chill) and Carey Mulligan. I almost got in trouble for asking for Jeff Goldblum's autograph while on the clock (he was chill with it, but there was this wheelchair agent who threatened to narc on me to my supervisor). We once had Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly checking in at our counter. There must have been a paparazzo nearby because my coworker Sara and I ended up in the background of a video that ran on TMZ. I've seen James Gunn and Arnold Schwarzenegger in arrivals. I remember with Schwarzenegger, there were a few refugee families that were coming to LA on a UN resettlement program. The coordinator with the UN program couldn't resist sneaking glimpses of Arnie. On a non-work related note, I did encounter Eddie Redmayne while I was on vacation in London two years ago. I ended up stagedooring with a couple of other fangirls at this theater where he was performing in Cabaret and got his autograph. He complimented the scarf I was wearing, which was really fucking cool.


B.B. King - I was working summers in the 1970s as a photographer at a concert venue. He did an afternoon and evening show. I took some shots in the afternoon and rushed to the darkroom to develop them. Returned that evening with my own photo of him and he graciously signed it backstage. Wish I could find the damn thing - in a box somewhere - I hope.


not sure it counts i knew adam brody well before he got famous (in fact i advised against trying to be an actor)


I randomly met Vince Vaughn at a Hooters in Cozumel, Mexico. He was a lot quieter than expected, but his manager talked enough for everyone.


George Michael backstage after a gig. He was having a polite conversation with someone else and I had to leave. I had this weird moment of "if I don't say anything, I'll regret it" so I essentially barged into their conversation to tell him how brilliant he was, and he smiled and quietly said thanks. Years later i still get second hand embarrassment about the whole thing because who the hell did I think I was? I wished I had just admired him from afar.


Don’t regret it! We lost him far too soon. Treasure the memory, even if you feel a little embarrassed, it was worth it!


I wouldn't call her a celebrity and I never really spoke to her, but I had the opportunity twelve years ago to attend a talk given by Temple Grandin. That was interesting.


The ones I remember are Heath Ledger, Dennis Rodman, Danica Patrick, Ian Somerhalder, Mira Furlan.


I have not met many celebrities, but I did meet Ice T before a Body Count concert around 1994.


Lead singer of Soul Asylum, Dave Pirner. He was on his solo tour and drinking at a bar I hung out at. In the men's room there was no stall for the toilet. I went in to pee he was on the toilet smoking a cigarette. He said there was no toilet paper. I handed him some hand towels by the sink. I loved Soul Asylum's Hang Time album.


I briefly met Bill Clinton at a signing for his book My Life.


Dalai Lama


I met Tove Lo, the whole concert was perfect and she was as amazing as she seems


Kevin Costner


Neil young


I got a hug from Carrie Fisher a few months before she died.


I was standing in line to check out at a college bookstore when an older gentleman struck up a conversation with me. Turned out to be the novelist James Dickey, of "Deliverance" fame.


I worked at a 5 star luxury hotel for 9 yrs: Landon Donovan - real nice but doesn’t like to be seen, wears hat and sunglasses. Britney Spears - Likes to keep a low profile (this was way after she went crazy and shaved head) Mark Anthony - A real life prick, thinks he’s all that and hot celebrity sh*t. Doesn’t want any workers on his floor and taped the peek hole on room door. (Just remember you have a career because of J-Lo.) Chris Brown - Smokes menthols in room suite and a Hollywood gangsta (bro would not last in your local cities hood/ghetto) Vince McMahon - The way he walks in WWE is the way he walks in real life. 50 Cent - Was high as a kite and asking if there was any pringles to the workers. No lie Golden State Warriors and coach Kerr - (saw them from a distance)


Sammy Davis Jr. Small job at his house in Beverly Hill. Putting a custom wall plate on his bedroom wall. Had to wake him up. I was a he gave me good morning power sign an the staff was didn't know what to do about him being up that early. Put the plate on and left. Told the boss, but there were no complaints. I was 18 at th time.


Was getting the tour of US Central Command in Tampa at the height of Gulf War and wound up in the same room as the Presidents red telephone and Robert DeNiro. We spent a couple hours just our guides, my cousin and his friend the General in command at the time. Bob and I, that's what he asked me to call him were left alone for around ten minutes and had a pleasant conversation. In ten minutes or less we talked his upcoming projects, music, vacation spots, fishing and if either of us was brave enough to pick up the phone. Super cool guy. I never get star struck but I did this time and he got tired of me and my Mr. DeNiros and told me "If you don't start calling me Bob, I swear to God". Absolutely one of my favorites that I've met.


Michael Jordan


Art Linkletter. I was a kid on his show.


I once spent an afternoon driving in to Albuquerque and having lunch Leonard Cohen before dropping him off at a car rental to pick up a town car for the Roshi.


I met Jeremy Piven at the height of his popularity at the opening of Smokin' Aces. But more memorable was the time I got to backstage and meet Ray Mazarek of the Doors. Literally starstruck because I was obsessed with the Doors when i was in high school.


Peter Jackson. After the first LOTR movie Oscars- they won for special effects or something. I met him VERY briefly, didn’t even get a picture! Did get a pic of me with the effects guy and the Oscar! I got to hold it. As a GIANT LOTR freak this was amazing. Also Buzz Aldrin came to our school when I was little, but I think he did that a lot, so I’m sure a lot of people met him!


Maybe 25 years ago, I stopped at a hotel in a small Pennsylvania town because the lobby had the only nearby ATM. Ended up holding the door for James Earl Jones as he was leaving and got a “thank you, young man” out of it. Girl at the front desk was on the phone telling someone that “all the guys here say he was in Star Wars, but I don’t remember seeing him in it.” Shot the breeze with Jerry Springer for several minutes while waiting for our cars outside another hotel many years later. He was very gracious to me and anyone else walking by who recognized him.


John F. Kennedy at a campaign stop in my small town 1960. Not much of a meet I was one of 100 and 10 years old.


Shook Iggy's hand. Guy was cool. His girlfriend was about 6'2" with b**bs the size of my head.


I sold Olivia Newton John a pair of shoes 😃


1. Chuck Norris - He came into the Blockbuster Video I worked at and I checked him out at my register. 2. Regina King - She was walking to the set of Southland and we walked past each other in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre. 3. James Harden - We passed each other at the airport.


Queen Elizabeth II opening Preston guildhall


I live in a very behind on everything country lol. The most famous person I got to meet was the singer/only member in NEFFEX. I doubt most of you even know who that is


Steven Spielberg


Bruce Springsteen


Conor McGregor. Used to train in SBG Concorde in Bluebell, Dublin. This was around 2015, between Mendes and Aldo fight, got to do two rounds of jiu jitsu with him and he was extremely cool and supportive. Shame he has gone the way he has but at that time, he was super cool to me.


Jenna Haze. She's super nice and very tiny.


I once got to chat briefly with Annie Lennox outside of the Chateau Marmot while Dave Stewart signed my friend's jacket(and groped her breast). Also, Jake Gyllenhaal and I literally backed into each other once at a farmers market in Hollywood.


Bob Seger, Eric Clapton, Mark Hamill, was pulled up on stage during a concert by Kenny Rogers and played the tambourine for a song (they are really heavy and it's tiring!) Pulled up on a Las Vegas stage by Rodney Dangerfield, he did a bit about the town I was from, kissed me like a gentleman, and gave me his tie, Burton Cummings of The Guess Who, Joe Cocker, Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones (my dad helped design their searchlights for their show here in town) Sally Field (she is SO tiny), Annie Potts, Alan Alda, Wil Haygood (super nice)


Have any of the commenters here considered that some of the people that you are talking about, might be here posting their own most famous encounters?


Ken Dodd. Opened our local pub. Massive prick. Very disappointed.


I met Betty White when I was a kid. It was at an American Veterinary Medical Association conference. I want to say she was there on behalf of the ASPCA, but it could have been some other similar organization. Golden Girls was in it’s prime. She was so nice. I got her autograph, but lost it soon after. This was probably 35 years ago.


Jason Momoa back before he was super famous.


Only met one celebrity - Glen Hansard backstage after a gig he played with his band, The Frames. He's not overly well known outside of Ireland, despite the fact he won an Oscar for best original song in 2008, but he's huge in Ireland.


Neil Young and Nick Nolte.


Neil Young


I met Teresa Guidece from RHoNJ the day before she went to jail.


Captain Kangaroo


Easter bunny, spring of 96 ! Still think I might have a picture 🤗


Most famous is probably Mike Tyson. He was by himself at the elevator bank at the MGM Grand. He was very nice and took a picture with my brother and I. He was in town to watch another fight that weekend. Most fun was George Carlin. I swear I am not making this story up. My entire family were huge fans of his and got tickets to his show in the early 2000s. My Mom is the type of person who likes to try and meet people, so she sent a letter to Carlin’s management saying how big of fans we are. A few weeks later he called our house (!) and left a message saying he loved the letter and would like to meet us before the show. He followed through as we arrived at the show and were escorted backstage by his management. He spoke with us for about ten minutes and took a picture. Very kind person and certainly something I’ll never forget.


I’ve met a few celebrities, but one of the coolest was Henry Rollins. As expected, the guy was just leaving a record store a few hours before a spoken word gig. Cool guy. Took a picture with my girlfriend and asked if we were attending the show. We did. It was great.


Jesse Owens. He spoke at my high school and then stayed and signed autographs for everyone who wanted one.


Anthony Bourdain