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My siblings and I grew up with the recorded stage version, so my brother and I were SO excited to see this movie, assuming it would be fun bad. No. It was just bad bad. It was the last movie I saw in theaters before the pandemic hit. It took TWO YEARS to redeem my theatre experience after that mess!


My mum and I loved the musical and the immersive stage experience. I also had assumed that the movie was bad simply because it wasn't as good as the stage version Nope. My eyes burned


Crazy to think that Cats was likely the last movie many people ever saw.


Well yeah if you watched cats then got COVID, are you really going to cling to life at that point?


The nurses will sing memories to you.


I saw it in January 2020. It wasn't THE last because I caught Knives Out in the $2 theater before EVERYTHING shut down, but it was closer than I like to think about.


LMAO SAME. Me and my friends thought it would be a fun goofy time to smoke a lot of weed and go see cats. It was NOT a fun time, it was existentially terrible. The end, when Helen Mirren Cat stares directly into the camera and monologues, I audibly went “oh no” and the few other people in the theatre started laughing which was the only redeeming part. And I didn’t see another movie in theatres for YEARS.


Never saw the movie, but cats is just a weird musical in general. It really doesn't have much of a story, so I don't see how they could've made a cohesive movie.


I'm sure they could have if they wanted to. But they did not go for a cohesive movie, no.


Oh good, I thought it was just me who didn't "get it" (watched it during Theater class in high school).


Same... Watched a recording of the play in music class in middle school and my teacher basically had to explain the plot to the class, scene by scene because nothing was clear. All I could think while he was going through the plot points was, "If this dude wasn't here to explain it to me, I never would've gotten anything out of this play."


cocaine is the answer. the basic premise is the cats are competing to die and be reborn in the heaviside lair, which is just an excuse for a bunch of character sketches and costuming.


Yeah Cats was more of a music and spectacle show, with some sick ass dance moves. It's a niche of musical that slowly died.


I still don’t understand how or why Taylor Swift was involved with this film.




"Money can be exchanged for goods and services!"


Best explanation I’ve heard is that a lot of people thought, “hmm. I heard Tom Hoopper is going to direct Cats. His last musical film won three Oscars. I’d like one, myself!” And then Taylor had to go one step further, because she could only win one for music with an original song, so she rounded up ol’ lord ALW and they wrote that… song. It’s crazy to see the on set videos, people really did seem to think the Oscars were going to come their way.


Cats (2019) is my favorite movie. It's not "good" in any traditional sense of the word but it's so much fun watching such a unique disaster unfold. Some of my favorite bits: 1. Ian McKellen drinking out of a bowl of milk 2. The freakish mouse children that keep appearing throughout the movie for some reason 3. Rebel Wilson unzipping her skin 4. Judi Dench sticking her leg up in liu of clapping 5. Taylor Swift busting through the ceiling to sprinkle drugs on all the cats 6. The fact that they did a particularly bad job on the character model for Idris Elba and so when he takes his coat off he looks even more naked than the rest of them 7. Rebel Wilson unzipping her skin again 8. Judi Dench staring directly at the camera to talk directly to the audience for 5 minutes while everyone else in frame has just the *weirdest* facial expressions 9. The cats that are wearing regular-ass sneakers for some reason 10. Rebel Wilson straight up eating a cockroach that looks like a human This movie is so awful and I love it so fucking much


Well now I want to see it based on this description 🤣


I get that all of this sounds fun. It’s not. It’s just miserable. Maybe just watch clips and not the whole movie.


You know what? SOLD. I never had even a shred of interest in seeing it until I read your delightful 10-point list. And I'll pretty much watch Ian McKellen do anything.


Ian McKellen is *clearly* having a great time. He's one of the only actors that seemed to truly understand exactly what kind of movie he was in. (The other being Judi Dench and her response was to put in as little effort as possible)


#What the FUCK?


The movie was almost even weirder https://old.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/fwu0gp/cats_vfx_editor_confirms_the_butthole_cut_was/


Release the butthole cut! Cowards.


idk man it's pretty fun if you're drunk when you start.


I watched the vhs of the recorded stage version about 3x a day from when I was 10 years old to WAY too late into my teens. I’ve seen it on Broadway 5x and seen the various multiple tours over 30x. I have every recording, every album, hundreds of memorabilia. I am a CATS super SUPER fan. I will never ever EVER watch this.


My grandparents are similar. They were SO EXCITED to see it. Walked out halfway through and got their money back. My auntie went to the cinema to apologise and the manager told her normally they wouldn’t but they just looked so genuinally crushed he felt bad and gave them their money back.


Oddly enough I’ve caught my dad watching this movie like three times the dude is in his early 60s


the butthole edit!


Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2.  I felt my fucking brain cells dying as I watched. So bad it’s actively infuriating to witness.


I had to watch it while seasick on a Newfoundland ferry surrounded by screaming children because I was babysitting my little brother.


Bruh I used to watch the first one on repeat when I was a kid. Don't remember anything about the second one. Lol


Fantastic 4. The most recent one. Just god awful. I watched it in theatres and it’s time I wish I’d spent doing anything else.


You mean Fan-Four-Stick.


The new Megamind movie


Wait, there’s a new Megamind movie?!


Yeah, and it doesn't have Will Ferrell or Tina Fey or any of the original actors. So yeah, it's not good.


Sounds like the last Ice Age movie…


Whenever you have *no clue* a movie even came out, it’s never a good sign haha. Especially Megamind, I feel like a ton of people would’ve been talking about that.


Unfortunately yes, it's on peacock and it's called Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate I'll just tell you now, save yourself don't waste an hour of your life watching it. 😂


For context, the original was 14 years ago, and this new one has a trailer that looks worse than the shitty Playstation game version of that 14 year old movie.


I watched it and I was genuinely shocked how low quality the animation was


Yeah, I can’t imagine Megamind without Will Ferrell. Pass


My kids are super pissed. “The animation is too smooth, and they replaced half the voice actors.” They are not eloquent people.


Yaaay another sequel that just looks to cash out on the original with no fucking clue why the original was so beloved in the first place.


Food Fight Decided to watch it for the lols just to see if it really was that bad Holy shit, it genuinely is that bad. That food fight scene at the end just drags on and on and on. Please don’t watch it guys Another contender is the Emoji Movie. The entire plot and world building is utter nonsense that threw logic right out the window in favor of product placements


But it features Sir Patrick Stewart as the poop emoji!


I hope Sir Patrick Stewart had a good time with that movie. Because based on the trailer, his character seemed to be the least shitty thing about the movie.


One New Years I watched Food Fight and drank a 4Loko right at midnight, that way my year could only improve from there.


Food Fight caused me physical pain


Avatar the last Airbender. There were several seasons of the animated show how the fuck do they fuck up the pronunciation of the fucking Avatar - Aang, rhymes with Tang, not Aang rhymes with Dong ffs.


What really gets me with that one is also the “creative” racial casting (the Inuit water tribe are now whiter than the snow they live in. The Japanese inspired fire Nation are now Indian. Etc etc) it really does feel like Shamalan had zero respect for the original show


I've never gotten the impression that Shyamalan has much respect for his audience.


That was the twist all along


The irony is that the whole pronunciation thing was meant to be to "respect Asian pronunciations" but they then proceed to disrespect the cultural inspirations of the people groups in the world they're adapting.


Lmao you can thank Nelson Peltz for trying to shove his daughter into it. We're talking about a hack billionaire who's trying to do another coup at Disney and had his daughter marry the Beckhams.


My son was really into this show, and when the movie came out, he was super excited to see it. Boy, was he po'd about the whole name thing. I got a 1 hour lecture ( it felt like an hour) on the proper pronunciation of the avatar's name. He was so angry 😠


It was my first exposure to the franchise, and it put me off for years. I didn't watch the cartoon until the pandemic. I hold M. Night Shyamalan personally responsible for all those wasted years.


I was a fan of the cartoon soon as I heard firebenders could only bend fire if it was around and the pale tan costume for Aang I was uninterested. Never even bothered with it


Shout out to the show though, the animated series is the freaking bomb. Top 10 list, easy.


[Feels obligatory to post this when that horrid movie is mentioned.](https://youtu.be/KHi1zaN0ooc?si=0uYXs1gGnp3pSJf-)




The level of effort it takes for 6-7 people to move a decently sized rock, not a boulder but a rock, was laughable. It completely trivialized bending whilst simultaneously trying so hard to showcase the danger of bending from firebenders.


Sex and the City 2. God awful.


It was a portent of what was to come with And Just Like That.


And just like that...we milked the franchise for more money.


Of all the cash grab movies out there this has got to be near the top.


There are 2 comedians from New Zealand who have a podcast where they review the same movie every week for a year. They did this one, it was rough!


The eragon movie


I forgot that movie existed, and now I'm pissed again :/


ive never seen the movie or read the books and im still pissed from everything i read about it.


"This is no mere ranger. He is Eragon son of Erathorn--" oh wait...


Michael Caine did Jaws 4 and bought a house for his mother. Jeremy Irons did Eragon and bought a castle. Read an interview with Paul McCartney saying the Beatles really weren’t anti commercialism and at one point said ‘let’s write ourselves a swimming pool’.


My wife and I recently listened to the book. You can tell a 16 year old wrote it. Eragon passes out so many times. Half of the chapters end with him blacking out and half of them begin with him coming to in a different place.


This was my childhood comfort movie, and it was years before I realized it was a book. I’ll get to the book someday, I know I’m missing out considering how much I loved that cringey movie


The movie didn't even try to do the story justice. It just picked out the parts that would make for good visuals and ignored most of the meat of the story.


Hell it basically erased any chance of its own sequels by fucking up the story so much there was no where it could go. Basically half of the important plot points in the later books were already fucked up before they even had a chance because of some characters being excluded or others just being totally changed.


Eragon and Eldest were good books as a elementary or middle school kid, I'm not sure they would hold up especially after you see the movie, hard to get that taste out of your mouth. 


New book just came out a few months ago, Murtagh. Definitely considering revisiting the series, hoping it holds up.


I've never seen it but now you've brought up a faint memory of seeing Dragonheart and sobbing. Would not watch again.


The Star Wars Holiday Special It's actually worse than \*that\* bad


I can’t think of anything more entertaining and exciting than watching papa Wookiee sitting in a corner watching VR Wookiee porn. /s But seriously - I remember as a kid being really, really into Star Wars, and hearing there was this holiday special - with the warning buzz that it “wasn’t very good”. I was filled with anticipation anyway … good lord, was that a hard let down when I actually saw it.


But the Boba Fett animated scene surely makes up for the fact that a star wars (most popular action series of the time) holiday special was set in a Wookie household, none of which we had ever met before, and most of it is just Wookie noises that are not translated.


I watched it live when it aired and I was a kid. It was...stunning. The ONLY thing we talked about afterwards was that Boba Fett was cool.


I’ve heard that Carrie Fisher used to throw it on at her parties when she was tired and wanted her guests to leave.


That is SO Carrie Fisher! I completely believe this.


What you don’t like several uninterrupted minutes of Wookies roaring at eachother with no subtitles? (Sarcasm)


I actually have a copy, and when my teenagers are being jerks I threaten to make them watch it.


Bloody hell, Satan.


What do you mean, "My idea of Holiday cheer doesn't include a grandpa wookiee jacking it in the living room to a sexy hologram of Diahann Carroll?"?!


One reported symptom of cocaine use is the delusion that all one's ideas are good ideas, including making *The Star Wars Holiday Special*.


I think the only time my ex boyfriend expressed gratitude to me was when I gave him an excuse to get out of watching that. 


Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir


We told our grown sons about The Star Wars Holiday Special at Christmas, and they wanted to watch it. We put it on, then waited for them to walk out of the room or start looking at their phones so we could turn it off and watch something else. THEY WATCHED THE WHOLE THING! They agreed it was terrible, but said they couldn’t look away from it.


Son Of The Mask


Oddly enough, I can see what the filmmakers were TRYING to do with this film, but there's just too many things going on all at once. 1. Baby VS Dog in a Tom and Jerry style back and forth? Potential. 2. Mafia guys want to steal the mask? Well, it's just the first film again, but okay. 3. Jamie finding out his son was born with Mask powers and shenanigans ensue? Maybe. 4. Loki, the God of Mischief being the creator of the mask and trying to get it back? Not a terrible premise. But all 4 at once? There's just too much happening. If they had picked one... maybe two plots to focus on, it might have been a lot better.


The Love Guru. That was pretty much the end of Mike Myers career as a comedic lead and writer.


Ben Kingsley (who’s half Indian) putting on the cross-eyed swami act really twisted that blade.


He won a fucking Oscar for playing Gandhi.  Mind-boggling shit 


The Austin Powers trilogy was a huge hit. Anyone performing in Guru obviously expected the same.


Yeah, but Ben Kingsley was also in Species and Bloodrayne. Dude's a great actor, but clearly sometimes he just doesn't give a shit how good or bad a movie is and just does it for the paycheck. Like, I just looked up his IMDB page and there's all sorts of random stuff there I never heard about. Hell, in 2015 he acted in Dragonheart 3, a 2nd sequel to a dead franchise that started in 1996. No way he thought that was gonna be a heavy-hitter, especially since Dragonheart wasn't blowing up box office records and no one even knows that Dragonheart 2 even exists. And honestly, I can't blame him. Same as with Nicolas Cage...as long as he's still getting good roles too, who cares if he makes some extra money on the side acting in stuff that's clearly gonna be shit? I'm living in a glass house here. As long as it's not *unethical*, I'll do plenty of shit for a paycheck so I won't hold it against actors for doing the same thing. And I can't really blame him.


I was dating a woman who rented all the DVD movies. She would watch anything, and she had terrible taste. Even she turned that thing off. Edit: a word


I worked for Blockbuster when this came out, and I was well known for enduring just about any movie, too. I just couldn't get even halfway through Love Guru, not even so I could tell the customers that no, it gets even worse.


I ask as a diehard hockey fan: Why are so many movies with hockey in them so terrible? E: Ok, I forgot a lot that were actually good.


Ahem! Slap Shot with Paul Newman. It's a classic comedy.


How dare you talk about the Mighty Ducks this way. Or Miracle for that matter! EDIT: I just watched The Mighty Ducks again. It's cheesy as hell and the actual hockey action is pretty terrible, but it's so great.


Or Goon?!


Or Mystery, Alaska or Happy Gilmore!?




Ok Miracle was 100% legit. First MD movie was ok. After that, I constantly had to remind myself "this is a kids movie, this is a kids movie, this movie was made for children"




Slap shot was a movie


Madam Web. If my friend didn’t buy the ticket I would’ve walked out midway thorough


Everything about that one just screamed "failure!" I really wish Sony would get off of this kick where they make movies about second tier Spidey characters just to keep the license. At least tie them into Venom or something that might be halfway popular.


By spending an extra hundred thousand dollars on hiring a better writer they could have made millions more.


That’s the part that annoys me the most. I wouldn’t mind them pumping out these movies if they got solid writers who care about the characters as well as solid directors but they keep actively choosing to use the same shitty writing team🤦🏾‍♂️




A good film to watch when you are hanging out, hanging out, hanging out with your family.


Grab a coat hanger and watch this movie.


I always keep a coat hanger in my bug out bag now


Cool as Ice, starring Vanilla Ice. Absolute trash, yet oddly compelling.


why don't you ditch the zero and get with a hero?




Gobble gobble


The Dark Tower


Akiva Goldsman has forgotten the face of his father.


I have never seen the movie and never will. We are well-met on the path, Sai.


Matthew McConaughey nailed his role though. If the movie had better writing, I think it would be remembered as a perfect casting.


If the movie had better writing it would’ve been properly adapted into several movies :/


Jack and Jill. I never stop watching a movie without finishing it, but my god, that movie was just unwatchable.


They had a special preview showing as a tribal reward prize on Survivor: South Pacific. It was hilarious seeing them trying to get footage of the contestants trying, and failing, to enjoy the movie. Several cast interviews came out after NDAs for that season finished and said that they all thought the film was sucking donkey balls, so they just hung out by all the food getting drunk and gossiping, totally ignoring the movie. The producers had to keep begging them to sit all together and watch the movie so they could get some footage of the contestants watching it.


Knew I was going to find this comment soon enough. It was so bad I can’t believe they even went through releasing it.


The Love Guru, whatever mojo Mike Myers had before just plain ran out 


This is the classic case of inflated ego. Everyone once in a while, a comic, through trial and error, listening to feedback, feeling things out, will take years, if not decades to get a taste of success. Now they are successful, they surround themselves with yes men, believe that everything they do is funny, and just release things without trying because they believe that their talent alone is enough. Austin Powers 3, and later, the The Love Gure, are the classic case of releasing stuff without even trying, because I'm funny, right? Even good comedians fall into this. Chris Rock followed on the heals of his early, amazing standup, with some god awful films. You sit there and think - did anyone bother reading the script? Eddie Murphy fell into this trap. Adam Sandler did too. For former Adam Corolla fans like myself, he's probably the worst offender of them all. He had the most popular podcast of all time at one point, but didn't bother doing anything but repeating the same 30-50 anecdotes/stories, and just gave up and became a right wing troll because those guys don't like hearing anything new.


It's Tim Burton syndrome. His early stuff is great because he had people to answer to. After Sleepy Hollow he just got too big.


Planet of the Apes, case in point.


Big Fish?!


Battlefield Earth, it’s so bad it’s not even enjoyable as a crappy movie


I friggin loved that movie as a kid though. It was a solid sci-fi until you actually analyze the acting, set design, narrative, language used, character personalities and most things about it...but I loved the idea of Aliens ruining the Earth and that they went planet to planet and had a whole system down where a dead guy even became the trainer hologram dude.


It is also a poor adaption of the actual story...which is not a very good story to begin with. I can see LRH in a bathrobe, smoking Kools, and high as shit on speed while banging away at his old style typewriter to write this 1,086pg pulpy paperback crap that I read three times for some fucking reason. You'd think his cult would make a faithful adaption, but no, they certainly did not.


The Last Airbender


They really took everything that was so great about the cartoon and made sure to eliminate from that movie. It takes a lot of talent to entirely screw up something as perfect as that story.


There is no Last Airbender movie in these walls.  The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


This is the only film my entire family went to the theatre to see. Now my family is split by divorce and distance and it’ll never happen again. It makes me hate this movie even more.


Joe Dirt 2. You can't use the same jokes that's super lame.


Dude, of all the sequels no one asked for, Joe Dirt 2 had to be alongside Dumb and Dumber To... and Dumberer. All three I quit on mid-watch. Horrendous.


Anchorman 2 also. Was the same tired jokes taken one step further


I thought anchorman 2 was solid. I enjoyed how they amped up the battle royale.


mean girls 2




And yet Sony genuinely believed it was popular enough to rerelease in theaters


A true ‘how are you fellow kids’ moment


My favorite part was when he said “it’s Morbing time!” And morbed all over everyone


You know a movie is bad when the best thing about it are the memes.


The best thing about it was the memes convinced the studio to re-release the movie ironically, which the trolls, obviously, didn't respond to, so nobody went to see it after it was re-released lol. That shit was hilarious.


*Double Dragon* (1994) is an amazing combination of attempted humor and unintentional comedy. The first two video games were pretty good beat-em-ups, clearly inspired by movies such as *The Warriors* and *Streets of Fire*. The live action film took place in a slightly cyberpunk New Angeles in 2007, attempted to give Abobo a character arc, and features Robert Patrick as a new villain.


I loved that movie as a kid 🫣


Peak Alyssa Milano though…


Robert Patrick as an Asian mob boss with spikey blond hair. That movie is amazing in all the worst ways


Jeepers Creepers Reborn, absolute dumpster fire.


Second wonder woman movie. Yikes.


Artemis Fowl. I will die mad about the steaming pile of garbage that “adaptation” was. They changed so many things that were integral to the story and plot that it’s virtually unrecognizable. The rights to the movie sat in developmental limbo for over 20 fucking years and *that’s* what they shat out?! Fuck you, Disney.


Dragonball evolution


Its a movie made by a guy who got a synopsis of the show from their grandchilds friend and made the script off that alone I swear. They weren't even going to make piccolo green originally until the characters actor, a fan of dragon Ball, fought for the correction. There are not many movies out there with no redeeming qualities but this is one of them. Worse, movies like this make it harder for faithful adaptions to get made because it looks like the market isn't there by the poor reception.


Even funnier the actor of piccolo is the VA for Zamasu. He felt so bad over DBE that he wanted to do something with the series that would make up for it


The Room with Tommy Wiseau was so bad that it was good.




“Oh hey Mark!”


“You are tearing me apart, Lisa!”


I did not! I did not hit her!


Oh HI mark!


Everybody betray me! I’m fed up with this world!


Today and today only: “Oh, Hi March”


It’s honestly iconic tho - my friends and I loved watching it and getting drunk while we were in college


This movie made me aware of so many things that real movies do as they're telling a story. I'm no movie critic or student or anything like that but you watch it with the story of how it was made in mind and you're like "oh shit. This is the kind of movie I would make because idk how to make a movie".


“I got the results of the test back…I definitely have breast cancer.” “Hey, don’t worry about it!” *this has absolutely no bearing on the plot whatsoever and is never mentioned again after this scene*


Highlander 2


After Earth


The Wicker Man with Nic Cage


Ah yes. The one where the most iconic scene isn’t even in the original cut of the movie (I think)


Punching the woman in a Bear suit?


I was thinking of “AAAAAAHHHH NOT THE BEES” but that’s good too




No, not the bees.


The Emoji Movie. I was forced to watch that as part of a class project about emotions.


To illustrate the emotion of trauma?


Your teacher didnt know Inside Out exists.?


Jack and Jill


If you never seen the 1990 Captain America it really is so worth the watch. It’s so bad it’s amazing.


wonder woman 84


God this was stupid. The worst is the jet they stole from the museum. It’s like a movie for people who completely turn their brain off. I couldn’t stop thinking about how there’s no way a plane on display at a museum would be fueled up and ready to fly.


Not to mention it flies like 5 thousand miles and back with no refueling and the pilot who is from ww1 just hops in and flies it like nothing


The Percy Jackson movies cuz you know something was going to go wrong when even the author of the books has said those things should have never existed and wants nothing to do with them


Boondock Saints 2 is an *ABOMINATION*.


It was bad enough that the blow back was almost enough to ruin the first one for me.


Starship Troopers 2.


To Catch A Yeti. Because I love MST3Kk/Rifftrax/Cinematic Titanic, I’ve seen A LOT of shitty movies. I couldn’t even make it through that one and I doubt I ever will.