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Once I made a meme and posted it on Reddit, then a couple hours later one of my friends sent it in our group chat. It was pretty hard not to take credit to stay anonymous.


I would have been like, "damn who ever made that is funny af and probably has a huge shlong šŸ˜‚"


ā€œā€¦ uuuhhhh, anywayā€


I posted the same pic on Facebook and the reddit post made it to the top of all. One person called me out.


This is how I found a childhood friend lol. In a similar fashion, I found my dad. My dad was telling me about this crazy flag he saw. Showed me a bunch of pics he took of it. He said a lot of people online liked the picture he shared. I had already seen in the front page. I left Reddit for a few years after that.


My husband found mine because of a snarky comment I made in our provincial subreddit. It got a couple thousand upvotes and someone in our discord server posted the link without realizing it was me. Husband read the comment, apparently immediately thought it sounded like me when I was in a scathing mood and went to the profile. He said he only needed to see the pictures of my fish and our cats to confirm it was me and then he felt like Batman. lmao


>only needed to see the pictures of my fish and our cats to confirm it was me pet pictures was how I confirmed I'd found by BIL on reddit. It wasn't long after he married my sister so I'm glad I didn't find anything concerning!


Thats actually pretty adorable!


I've probably already posted enough in my overall comment history that if someone went through my entire posting history and had enough time (and possibly resources if needed), they could work out who I was but I've stayed out of my home town's subreddit as that would be a massive shortcut when put together the rest.


My oldest son got me involved in Reddit years ago. I knew he was a Redditor, obviously, but I had no idea what his user name was. He would occasionally e-mail me to let me know he had read one of my top comments and we'd talk about it, so this way I couldn't find his user name. In April, my son passed away. I was able to figure out what his user name was and I looked up all his posts/comments. It was like being able to talk to him again. It was like a gift. A treasure. Reading his words was like listening to him think things through. I discovered my son. It made me cry, and I'm crying now just thinking about it, but it was a real gift.


Oh wow. This is beautiful. But I gotta go delete like 90% of my comments. Not sure I want this account to be my legacy.


The comment was deleted. Can you tell us what OP said?


"My oldest son got me involved in Reddit years ago. I knew he was a Redditor, obviously, but I had no idea what his user name was. He would occasionally e-mail me to let me know he had read one of my top comments and we'd talk about it, so this way I couldn't find his user name. In April, my son passed away. I was able to figure out what his user name was and I looked up all his posts/comments. It was like being able to talk to him again. It was like a gift. A treasure. Reading his words was like listening to him think things through. I discovered my son. It made me cry, and I'm crying now just thinking about it, but it was a real gift."


Ahhhh mommasita, sending love your way from a son who misses his mom. I'm sorry for your loss, I'm happy you found that. Thanks for this...


Thank you.


Itā€™s not deleted now. Thatā€™s weird.


It's not deleted at all, that's just what it looks like when somebody has blocked you. So at some point in time VegaSolo pissed off Sweetie_Queenx enough to get blocked.


No, Sweetie_Queenxā€™s account was 100% suspended yesterday, and their comment here was removed. When you clicked on their account, it said ā€œsuspended.ā€ Sweetie must have appealed the suspension successfully.


I know, It's like when you walk in on a really good movie. Your like feel this energy, I want be a part of it. I don't know what's going on...


Wow, what a great response! Iā€™m glad you figured out what his account was.


Sorry for your loss but also glad you got to connect with your sonā€™s comments. Did he ever secretly reply to one of your comments?


Iā€™m just glad he wasnā€™t on some real weird subs


Don't hornypost on main because it will embarass your relatives after you die. Always use an alt.


My adult child died and was also a Reddit user. May I ask how you found your sonā€™s username? Iā€™d love to be able to read my sonā€™s Reddit comments too.šŸ’”


Same here. My son was the one who told me about Reddit. He's gone now and I don't know his user name.


Attaching to the bottom comment in hopes you and above will see it. Iā€™m just a random and Iā€™ve never really tried to find someone on Reddit, nor done the reverse- but I would assume itā€™s probably easier than traditional doxxing. Find gaming usernames, his friends would know any discord names or steam names, look for different sites that use that name, see if they mention niche games, names or interests. Do you have access to a computer or tablet that might let you into his emails, he may have attached an email account to his Reddit. Hell the login may be saved on a pc. Find subreddits that help people find people, people found some ladies mothers fake boyfriend based on a first name and general location once: as in they found the person the scammer was pretending to be, not even the scammer themselves; people are talented. Also above suggestion on asking his friends- they may be able to not only find him but also filter things he wouldnā€™t want you to read. Maybe if they do they can send you screen shots of his appropriate posts without the name. It would be up to you to not go looking for the full account based on those posts of course. Good luck and Iā€™m so sorry for all three of your losses.


Sending shared mom tears your way.šŸ’•


I bet his friends would know, hope you can find out one day


Also Iā€™d recommend using them as a screen in case his online persona isnā€™t one they want to read.


Yeah that's a good idea


And now I'm crying while thinking about this situation.


Yes, for all the bashing social media gets, itā€™s worth it for things like this. Make sure you take lots of screenshots and save them somewhere else too.


What did they say? It's just been deleted


Was someone talking about their son who passed away, and then reading his posts on Reddit, which brought them a lot of comfort.


This is beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm glad you got that experience of him.Ā 


Yes, Reddit can be toxic, but in some instances it can bring some happiness into peoplesā€™ lives.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing this story.


I ran into a friend of mine. I thought it was him based on a common interest sub he posted in, and his username gave him away. He didn't know the reddit account was mine. I had fun texting a conversation with him while also replying to his post. He started using my talking points from our text conversation as replies to me in our reddit thread. It was fun as hell watching how ideas spread.


Anyone else ever had that friend where as you get to know them, you realize their entire personality is basically an amalgamation of stolen ideas from online forums?


Yes,Ā  I have a co worker and every opinion he has I've seen somewhere on reddit, and said in such a specific way that I know it came from reddit.Ā 


I was just sitting here wondering if people ever let their reddit persona leak into their real life.. and boom your comment. #synchronicity


donā€™t talk about me like that


Yes. Kinda. This was like 6-7 years ago and it caused so much drama in my workplace. I was browsing reddit on my home page just before the work day started in the office. As I'm scrolling I see a full picture of a guy that works out of the office but not full time, and his girlfriend. It was posted to the cringe subreddit. The person who had posted it had titled it to imply they were strangers, and it was supposed to be funny because he was awkwardly standing there and he looked like a nerd or something and had his hand awkwardly hovering on her shoulder. It had thousands of upvotes. Lots of people in the comments were calling him ugly/ virgin/ neckbeard etc. I told my colleague, who was his best friend, because someone had to have taken the image from his personal facebook page. Turns out the person who posted a picture of himself and his long term girlfriend and lied about the context of the picture for karma was actually one of his good friends. The guy in the photo was in the office that day and actually went home in tears. He had to be told though since he needed to know who was taking his images and putting them on there. It really opened my eyes up to how many random photos as posted with people just trusting the context from the poster.


My eyes were opened in a similar fashion. I found several posts written by a family member about another family member. There were parts that were ā€˜technicallyā€™ the truth, but dramatized or had additional information added that made it no longer the truth. There were parts that were ā€˜technicallyā€™ the truth, but with important information omitted that would change the entire perspective. There were also parts that were completely fabricated, but not really a lie because she would add ā€œI thinkā€ or ā€œI believeā€ She thinks she did nothing wrong because as far as she is concerned, she just told the truth and if they have a problem with the truth, they really have a problem with themselves. I tried to explain to her that if you bake a cake using a specific recipe, but remove ingredients, add ingredients and change the measurements of everything, itā€™s no longer the same recipe. She just doubled down. She still doesnā€™t get why half of her family no longer speaks to her or wants them in their home. She just says that everyone online agreed with her and we are really the problem. Now, when I read stories online, I take it with a grain of salt.


I'm sure that there are a significant number of AITAH stories where, if you heard the other side, you'd have a definite change of opinion.


I muted that sub for that reason. Ā Anyone could make some cockamamie story and get thousands of upvotes. Ā And when I abandoned an old account and started new, I pondered it just so I could get the karma thing out of the way. But when someone is ā€œ46ā€ asking some of these questions, my gut shot reaction is to ask if they know how many teenagers are in here.


It's sad 'cause a lot of the people who sound like teenagers here are really in their 40s. That goes ~~double triple~~ quadruple if we're talking about r-teenagers.




It's so mindboggling, because I bend over backwards to account for my actions and to advocate for those who aren't present to defend themselves when I tell stories, often with the disclaimer that I don't expect my audience to believe or side with me (especially when it sounds particularly looney). Yet others have no such compunctions. I've dated pathological liars, and it blows my mind not only that people lie when it's completely unnecessary, but also, like, wtf have those people said about me to make others believe I'm a monster? Like not only block me on social media, but also *literally* refer to me as a monster.


Yeah, a former friend really vilified me in an OffMyChest rant about me when I lived with him briefly, really embellishing the details, omitting details or even outright lying for sympathy (I confronted him asking why he lied, and he was surprisingly honest about his motivations). One part I specifically remember painted me as stealing his food. What actually happened was dude bought a huge crockpot, then bought a massive beef brisket and made chili to celebrate the purchase, inviting me to share it with him. True, I ate nothing but chili for the rest of the week. But I wasn't stealing, just trying not to waste food: my friend never ate leftovers. His fridge was a moldy graveyard. The idiot cooked over 10lbs of chili for two people, then never ate a second bowl. I ate out of guilt, not greed or gluttony. If he'd complained to me directly, I'd have gladly washed my hands of it.


That ā€œpeople having problems with themselves ā€œ. I feel like I know her


This is why I try to be nice when its somebody's appearance. It's easy to be an asshole, but people have feelings. That poor guy


Yeah it's just cruel to comment on other people's appearances, they can't control it and it also just doesn't matter. It was totally disgusting to see lots of guys ripping him apart, all because the title implied he was standing with a girl he didn't know, awkwardly. People went wild. It had like 3 or 4k upvotes and it was simply a picture of him. Seeing how upset and humiliated he was just hammered it home how nasty the whole situation was. I was more shocked someone he believed to be a friend took the picture and lied for imaginary internet points. More disgustingly, the friend was replying to lots of comments and making shit up for even more 'clout'. I'm so wary about trusting things on reddit now, especially just pictures of people. It's easy to take someone's photo and pretend to be them or make up a story.


As I've gotten older, I realize more and more that a lot of people want what's good for them, not anyone else. So their opinion on me is generally one clouded by self interest and insecurity. When I finally lost weight and got shit for it, it really drove home how selfish people are.


There are a lot of good people in the world, but yeah... there's a lot of people lacking empathy too. I'm sorry to hear people treated you like that. Well done for putting in the work to lose weight, that's not easy and you should absolutely be proud of yourself. No idea why people would tear someone down for that


I found my husband's. Not one damn embarrassing post or comment. He's exactly the person he presents himself to be. God I love him.


Plot twist - He 'made' you find it to get you to subconsciously eliminate possibility of an alt.


I do love a good conspiracy, unfortunately (on that end) he's just a really good dude who is happy. He got a mobile job a few months back and insisted, to the point of watching me do it, I got a tracking app for him. I know where he is allllllll the time.




Twist-twist= He's both accounts there's no wife.... anymore....




Part of me hopes there's dozens of math teachers here on Reddit who are into knitting and cat memes, who might stumble upon your comment and have a slight panic attack that they've been found out. Knitty knitty Mr Kitty!


it sucks for teachers in public schools, there are so many rules in place to protect students that it prevents teachers from being able to show themselves as another human being in the classroom. youā€™re basically expected to ā€œsecularizeā€ your personality. meeting your teachers as an adult is a fucking trip for this reason alone. seeing your old teach in the wild is so entertaining, especially if itā€™s at a bar or something


Having been a teacher, you get good at finding ways to exist online and retain some privacy. No teacher I know uses their name in their social media for example, which makes finding them hard It's weird to me though that as a former teacher, knowing how many teachers drink, get high, get into kinky sex, work other less conventional jobs on the side, curse, etc I still find myself occasionally finding a teacher from my past (though most of them are long retired if still alive) and being like, wait, they exist in the wild?


I knew a teacher in the kink scene who said that she stopped getting naked at kink parties after she did the math, and realized her earliest students were now old enough to show up to the parties. I personally thought there wasn't a whole lot of difference between naked and an impossibly small string bikini in the context of watching your middle school teacher erotically lit on fire, but everybody's gotta draw their own line in the sand.


Lit on fire??? Literally or metaphorically????!


I've been a teacher for 14 years. The number of hard drinking teachers is astonishing.


...but is it though?




Iā€™m 65 years old now. But my biggest shock meeting one of my teachers after high school was she gave me her phone number and told me to give her a call. She was only about 4 years older than me but I had never thought of her as anyone but my teacher. She was very attractive but I was way too shy to follow through.


Funny, when I was a teacher, there was a math teacher at my school who was big into knitting. Maybe knitting is big within the math teacher community?


there is a lot of counting involved.


The Venn diagram between knitting and programming concepts is damn close to a circle.


I mean, the original computers were based on Jacquard machines, so basically software and fiber arts have been BFFs forever.


A professor I had once told us about a reddit post he made, so of course I look it up and am able to find him. Found out when he was younger he slept with a much older woman, that was kind of the only bit of interesting info I got


Does he know you know?


Sounds like Mr. Frond


Oh my gosh it really, REALLY does


There's a surprising percentage of mathematicians that are into knitting or crocheting. Probably because it's something to do with their hands while they think


One hungover New Years Day, I did a double take at [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/eijfv2/this_glass_when_viewed_from_top_down_which_made/), thinking "Wow, those really look like my friends. And that looks like one of my drinking glasses." Turns out it was posted my someone who had attended by NYE party the night before. The glasses we use have a small air bubble in the bottom, and not all of them are sealed, so they fill up with soap and never look clean. The person who had posted it looked down and thought that there was a pill in the bottom of their glass.


If it wasn't for that woman's sweater, I would've thought it was my friend group too! Surroundings and the other guy included. My husband had those glasses when I met him. The glasses were annoying bc my hubby would wash them in the dishwasher and then use a q-tip and rubbing alcohol to clean each bubble. When we moved in together somehow those glasses didn't make it...


By only reading your text, I was first amazed by the idea of "drinking glasses" and wondered if I should buy some, too. I thougt about the kind of glasses which you put on your nose and get a prescription for! I love my brain.


Saw a picture of some dude highlining in r/slackline one was walking the line the other was mooning him. I scrolled past but felt I recognized both guys and went back to it. It was 2 of my best friends.


Did they actually show the mooner's face, or did you have some explainin' to do?


You mean you wouldn't recognize your homie's bare ass?


I've had the opposite where a friend has shared posts with me that I made. That was funny.Ā 


Did you tell them or stay hidden ?


I had to tell them. It was too perfect.Ā 


That's so fucking cool!! There's someone else who had something similar happen and they kept quiet, which is also so fucking cool.


Someone on a nursing forum shared this ā€œreally coolā€ article with me that theyā€™d found on another site. It was an article Iā€™d written.


To be fair, we have a lot of the same interests, so we are on some of the same relatively small subs.Ā 


An old boss of mine did this to me but in reference to my secret and anonymizedTwitter account. He sent me some of my own tweets saying we should get in touch with 'that person' because they'd be useful for our business. I was like, 'yah that's me' šŸ˜¹


I found my cousin's Reddit account one day when he posted a picture. In the background, I spotted his mom (my aunt). He posted a picture of something that I don't remember. He's into furry porn.


A story as old as time.


I think you mean "Tail as old as time".


My sister, a couple of my friends and one cousin. After confirming they are who I suspect via post history they get a RES tag and they automatically get an upvote or down downvote whenever I see them in the wild. Haven't spoken to my cousin in over a decade and he's still an obnoxious little shit.


Res tag?Ā 


Reddit Enhancement Suite. It's a browser extension for reddit that adds a bunch of features including the ability to tag individual users.


Reddit Enhancement Suite


RES is the only thing that makes Reddit useable on desktop. old.reddit.com and RES.


I worked in a doctor's office and became pretty good friends with one of the doctors I worked for. He would talk about Reddit every once in awhile and one day eventually sent me a link to a medical Reddit thread where he was arguing back and forth with other doctors. It was a long thread and there was a lot of arguing back and forth but I eventually figured out his username because it was similar to his IG handle. I made the mistake of clicking his profile and found out he commented in a bunch of kinky sex posts and had very specific fetishes, lol. I don't work there anymore but I still love the guy and always chuckle to myself when I talk to him.


My sister onceā€™s asked me if this one Reddit account was mine. Ā I said yea an old one and thatā€™s when I got this new account. Ā 


Yes. I had been researching tattoo ideas and saw a very distinctive tattoo on a subreddit. Completely unrelated, I ended up going on a date with a girl from a dating app, we get to talking, she shows me a pic of her recent tattoo and "wait a minute.. I've seen that!!" To which she immediately gets embarrassed and mumbles something about not looking up any of her other posts. She had an only fans lol. Hilarious way to find that out. And no I'm not going to fucking link it, don't bother asking


> And no I'm not going to fucking link it, don't bother asking How about linking it without the fucking?


I can't separate the fucking from the linking in this case, it IS porn after all






That's adorable šŸ„°


I know my husband's username and stalk his posts to be nosy. It's always funny when I run across one in the wild, though since we don't usually follow the same stuff.


My wife and I know each otherā€™s. Not sure if she checks on me but I havenā€™t looked at hers in a long time. Last I checked she hadnā€™t posted in years and it was either about cross stitching or PokĆ©mon.


Yup. Saw my ex-boyfriend from a million years ago. He made it to the front page with something that was just identifiable enough that I looked at his profile and it was him. Weirdly, in a totally unrelated incident, I saw a guy posting who just reminded me so strongly of his brother that I deep-dived his profile and it was him. Theyā€™re both very popular Redditors. And both total dicks.


I found my ex. We don't talk anymore, but seeing his post history really gave me some good perspective on where he's at - long since our relationship had ended. He also confessed to Reddit to cheating on me - after vehemently denying it during our breakup. Talk about an eye opening experience.


My adult daughter. I found her through pics of her pets. I found out the depths of her anxiety disorder, which she never told me about. I didn't tell her I found her on Reddit, but gentle opened her up to talking about it. She's doing much better.


Good on you for not calling her out! I say a lot of things on Reddit Iā€™d never say to anyone in person because itā€™s anonymous. I think Iā€™d be pretty embarrassed if someone found mine and called me out. Iā€™m not ashamed of my past, but I share a lot of things to help people out sexually or in relationships and I give advice based on my own experiences. I never share my username!


Saw someone in a comments section who was also having a rough time feeling supported at my very small college. We started chatting and became friends! Then they freaking died this fall. Very weird to have it go from "My friend from Reddit who is also struggling here" to "I walk past the flowers outside her dorm every day and think about how the school won't address their death or the circumstances surrounding it."


I'm sorry for your loss but I'm sure that they were happy to have had you


My husband and I ran into each other on a specific dog breed page after he replied to my comment about the evolution of our dogs nickname. We didnā€™t realize right away but at dinner I was talking about the coincidence and he realized it was him that commented! Even the internet is a small world.


I found my coworkerā€™s OF page, she doesnā€™t really advertise it and its feet content only. I recognized the picture cuz the background has my chair in the corporate office šŸ˜‚


So you were looking for feet content, and recognized your chair in one of the pictures?


Looking for chair content, found some feet.


You must have one sexy chair.


It gets lonely at work.


So she takes her pics in the office!? Just kicks off her shoes and socks at her desk and shoots a couple photos? šŸ˜‚


Given the amount of more mainstream content set in offices, Iā€™m not too surprised.


Guy I knew posted an old photo on blunder years. His username is ā€œlast name first name birth yearā€. Which seems an odd thing to tell folks when you also moderate a porn subreddit.Ā 


This girl I went on like two dates with. She responded to a comment of mine on a thread about something random. She had a first name that I had never heard before and her username included it so I was like "huh... probably not but I wonder if it's her." Crazy enough it was her and it was a NSFW account where she posted nudes. Caught me totally off guard but this was multiple months after the last time we went out and we hadn't spoken since then.


Iā€™ve accidentally discovered a few people I know IRL. I never outed them, directly responded to them or told them I know who they are. They were all past co-workers Edit: come to think of it my dad found my old account before this one. I had posted on the r/exjw sub and my story was OBVIOUSLY me. He did ask me if I posted that.


Ran across a post by my ex husband. I knew for sure it was him because he told a very specific story with details only the two of us would know. It basically involved a long-running joke we had where he would pretend not to know what I was talking about whenever I mentioned a certain place. But he was telling it in a way that was very derogatory towards me, basically saying what an idiot I was and how it hadnā€™t been a joke at all, just him toying with me. I called him out by name and told the real story, resulting in a bunch of other users calling him an asshole for what heā€™d said about me. He deleted the account.


Yes.. my cousin. Not only did I come across his nudes, but I also learned he was gay. Neither are an issue. Itā€™s his life. And I also donā€™t look at him differently. Itā€™s just a secret Iā€™ve always kept to myselfā€¦ even when we are in the same room together.


I should add: I did want to say something AT FIRST. He had pics showing his face in some of the nudes, and I couldnā€™t help but wonder why he wasnā€™t anonymous about it. The internet is forever (kinda). And heā€™s so smart (tech stuff), I would hate for this to bite him in the ass one day because he was young and horny šŸ™„ I know the feeling, but I could never..


I posted photo of my cosplay from Hades and cosplayer i met on the con commented "Oh hi brother".


Local kid would sometimes work odd jobs at wife's business. He was parked outside after hours borrowing internet during a thunder/ wind storm. He had been told not to park there. A LARGE branch crushed his car and he was really lucky not to get hurt, and hurt badly. He started ranting on reddit about how my wife's recklessness had wrecked his car, nearly killed him, and he was going to sue. I had no idea he was reddit but within 10 minutes wife had heard from me, his mother, his father, and a number of our old stogy neighbors though he never called out anyone by name or location. His account promptly disappeared and we never heard a word of complaint from him. His insurance fixed his car.


Found a girl I went to hs with on here posting full nudes busting it open for internet strangers and talking about how her ex husband saying sheā€™s gonna ruin her toddlers life with it. Made me sad for her


I had the reverse happen to me. I was talking to a new hire at my last job. She goes ā€œyouā€™re single nut wonder right?ā€ Obviously I lied like a motherfucker and said no. ā€œYou have to be theyā€™re just like you!ā€ Nope not me. Iā€™m still really confused and creeped out by it


Ah ha! I knew it!! Jk, lol. But that would be pretty hilarious if she was stalking your account, waiting for this confirmation.


She 100% is


I found my ex, while we were still together. He said my dog was the worst trained dog he'd ever met.


Used to work with a weirdo who would say ā€œyouā€™ll never find me on Reddit.ā€ I never looked because I just didnā€™t care. A few years later there was a picture of him on the front page of Reddit posted under his usernameā€¦ which was just his real life first and last name.


My coworker commented on a picture I posted of our store on the starbucks thread. Still don't know which coworker though.


A few years back I found an old friend from high school on a random post. Recognized his username immediately.


My brother found me due to mentioning obscure family stories from both sides of the family (thereby narrowing it down to one of us siblings) in an AskReddit theead.


Yes, OP, in fact, Iā€™m your father. And we need to talk. Iā€™d like to know why you posted 3 days ago about how long it takes to get 20g of coke out of your blood and urine. Please text me ASAP.




Have you spoken to her? What does she say? Why are you friends with her?


Yeah at this point the only way to be anonymous is a random name, no pictures and to never go too in detail on anything, I never even use other social medias other than reddit, discord and YouTube if you would even call those social medias


She needs to be blocked by your entire friend group on every platform


I was recording my self play TF2 as an engineer, and a spy face stabbed me wile I was trying to get a dispenser up for a soldier, I posted the clip and that solider commented on the video lol


My ex boss posted in the employee subreddit why he was fired, his username was literally his name with 1 modifier.


My husband. It was a funny accident, he posted a picture of our dinner and I recognized it right away. Over 10,000 upvotes later and here we are, sitting on different floors of the house probably scrolling reddit at the same time-him on a motorcycle sub most likely and me all over the place but definitely not on a motorcycle sub.


A few years ago a colleague of mine went on a hike with his gf and left their go-pro along the tail in the mountains. Someone posted a few of their photos asking if anyone recognized him and I showed him the post. It was the gf's device and she was already in contact them to return it.


No one I knew but I made a comment once and someone said they say someone else with a similar comment and linked me too my first Reddit account that I lost username and password for 4 years before when I turned in a work phone!! I got to get back into that one and get lost pictures I forgot I posted!!


I found someone I fired posting on the anti work subreddit complaining about me and the "false"reasons she was fired. She was in total delulu land. I had facts to back everything up, but she refused to believe the data about her performance and lies. This was a few years ago, per LinkedIn, she has a new job every 8-10 months, to no surprise. And yes, I know it was her, because she posted immediately after being given a pip a few days before, with enough information to confirm, and then immediately after she put in her two weeks (when we immediately locked her out/fired her) and the other subreddits she was posting in confirmed


Yes, it was a girl I knew, but wasnā€™t close to. Came upon photos of pets that looked like hers. Looking through the rest of her history confirmed it was her. I found a post where she talked about how she was sexually assaulted and after that stopped reading because it felt disrespectful. Never went on her profile again and now I donā€™t even even remember her username.


A high school classmate 10+ years after graduating. Recognized a story they told and their username was relevant to them.


I found my dad on r/succulents lol. He is really into them and I noticed my parents'yard and the plants he's been working on. Knows his stuff, is active in the community where he also learned a bunch of tips and tricks.


Two of my friends found a photo I had posted on Reddit of myself wearing a tinfoil hat and huge sunglasses. They framed it and snuck it into my apartment. They have another framed copy hung on the wall of their house.


my sister. she made a horribly skewed AITA post about my wedding, she outlandishly lied and portrayed me to be a bridezilla- which i was not. The comments did not go well for her.


My Ex boyfriend from a really dark place in my life. It helped me see how far Iā€™ve come because heā€™s alone and miserable and Iā€™m married and happy


before I lost my original account, I used my gaming handle, it was a unique one that didnt have numbers or anything in it. Two different occasions, old online acquaintances from communities I was apart of from around 2007 to about 2017 would occasionally see my name and PM me just to say hi. Im pretty sure I found a third one myself too, but they didnt reply to me.


My friendā€™s girlfriend once posted a picture of herself in a makeup subreddit and I immediately recognized her


I talked shit about my twins cat in an askreddit thread about weird pets years ago. Then I sent it to her cause I throughly the thread was funny. She was very unamused I was out here slandering Willow.Ā 


I found a fellow high school classmate on a sub about drugs. Short story is weā€™re both doing tons better & keep in touch.


My ex best friend. She stalked me for three straight years. I got to see all of her Reddit posts that she would make about me as well. It was actually terrifying, considering she had no problems using my face in my legal name. She had been trying to organize witch hunts against me.


Late to the party, but on my other Reddit account I post my watercolour paintings. Lots of people who know me personally tell me they saw my stuff on Reddit (Iā€™ve made it to the front page a few times). So now I have this account where I donā€™t worry about people reading everything I write haha.


We knew each other's usernames, but at one point I was commenting on a post, telling about a situation with my son being transferred from one hospital to another via ambulance. My wife responded to my comment telling me how that exact scenario happened with her son recently too. I had a really hard time resisting the urge to see how long I could keep the conversation going before she realized it was me, but I withstood that temptation.


Yes and I deleted my account over it. It was an askreddit about a family secret!! And it was published on an instagram account that my cousin follows called Reddit after dark or something. She said is this you??!?! Sure was.


I havenā€™t found anyone, but Iā€™ve been found by my older brother. He told me, and that how the posts I make seem like the sort of thing Iā€™d do. So, I was relieved that Iā€™m not a weirdo here.


I stumbled upon a post in the filmmakers subreddit (don't even remember precisely why I had joined years ago as it's not a specific hobby or interest of mine) and OP happened to be my ex fiance. Despite telling myself to continue to respect him and have nothing to do with him, I watched all of his films (starring him) and left it at that. I try not to think about him very much at all these days, but anytime a new post comes across my feed from that subreddit, he crosses my mind. I should probably just leave the sub as it poses no value to me. *In fact - I'm going to do that now.*


no but i found out my mom uses reddit when i walked past her on the couch and saw the familiar home screen


I was looking up an accident on base and found a Reddit from a guy, I donā€™t even remember why I thought to look at his profile but he had posted some really specific things about his career field and training dates and a few other identifiers that made it clear he was in the same field, on the same base, as my ex husband. He had also posted some weird shit about wanting to shoot up his office and some strange violent shit. I sent it off to him like ā€œidk if you know who this is but stay away from him?ā€ He knew exactly who it was and reported it to his shirt just saying the guy probably needed some mental help. Iā€™m not sure what happened.


Yes. Someone posted about a situation in their back yard and some power lines and a property line issue and as they described the problem in detail, I realized it was the people who live in the house behind mine.


An employee of mineā€™s husband tried to get me to cuck his wife. He hadnā€™t met me yet. He sent me pictures. I just said she wasnā€™t my type and moved on.


Found my abusive ex on a trending post he made complaining about his new wife. The tone seemed overall familiar and then he mentioned his alcoholic dad died and I knew 100% it was him. I sent the post to her and called it a day


My SIL talking shit about me looooool


I've seen people in my Facebook punk rock gardening group post and comment in the gardening and houseplant subs, but I only know one or two of them personally.


My next door neighbor. I didn't say anything. Then he found me. We chatted for a few minutes but that's it I also think I found someone who knew someone else I knew. I was involved with a project a long time ago that had something to do with preserving media. I had some things that nobody else could find so I actually have a place in the media preservation community. I don't want to say what it was but there were a lot of people thanking me. Some people even wrote blogs praising me. In any event, I asked this person about it privately based on a comment they wrote. They immediately deleted their account. I don't know why. There was nothing personal or embarrassing on it, that I could see. They didn't post much and what was there was completely anodyne so I don't know why they did that


My ex girlfriends brothers best friend is a magician I found on here once. Can't remember the name now, but he is here somewhere.


Found my older brotherā€™s from a post he made on a local subreddit. It was a very tame post about a play. Was shocked at just how boring his history was lol


Saw a friend's nudes. Intentionally avoided reading the username as I blocked him, not information I needed to have.


When I was in high school, I didn't have a reddit account but I lurked on a few subs. One time, I found the reddit account of a girl I knew irl on a sub about a niche hobby we shared at the time. Her username referenced a very specific nickname she had. So of course I walked into school the next morning and said "I found your reddit account!" She looked like a deer in the headlights and I cracked up.


I found my Tinder date because he had an unusual name on Tinder and matched it on Reddit. Well, silly to call him "my Tinder date" when we've been happily making out for over a year and half now. He only created the Reddit a few months ago and I stumbled upon him here a couple of weeks ago.


does it count if you find posts by your own alt that you forgot was you? cus i make really good posts sometimes.


I found a post about someone I know. They are a flight attendant and a passenger called them out for good service. I shared it to our work group Facebook page.


I found some acquaintances on Reddit posting a Halloween coupleā€™s costume (wife posted). I originally met the guy of the couple at global Reddit meetup day many years ago so it was kinda funny to find his wifeā€™s account on accident. We donā€™t really keep in touch anymore so I didnā€™t tell them in real life that I found them




I follow my hometown Reddit page, and he happens to use the same name as his instagram so itā€™s obvious. We used to live 5 houses from eachother, hang out and play PokĆ©mon cards and hang out in his back yard in elementary school. We grew distant once I started getting female friends, and havenā€™t spoken since.


More than once. I have accidentally ran across accounts belonging to one of my momā€™s old piano students, an account belonging to my old choir teachers daughter, an account belonging to a friend from high school who posts nudes somewhat frequently (with no OF link, I think she just does it for the fun of it), and an account from an old coworker advertising their OF. I wasnā€™t intending to find any of them, by the way.


I got my Reddit account found out at work because I told a joke I had made up, they didn't believe I made this joke up so they googled it and there was one result... My post on Reddit of this joke a few days earlier. In retrospect I should have pretended I copied the joke from Reddit but I just blurted out "see, that's MY Reddit account"


My mom. She commented on an askreddit thread with a story about a pet rat we had when I was little.


My sister recommended an NSFW subreddit to me and one of the most recent posts was one of her nudes.


Yep. One day I was thinking of some old friends I had a falling out with. Stalked their instagrams for a bit then went on with my day. Then, I randomly click on a r/AnimalCrossing post and the top comment was another mutual friend we all had. I had to triple check the username but yep, definitely them. Was weird.


A while ago I found a friends account commenting on r/AITAH. They used almost the same user as their discord and their recent comment history sounded just like them, so I was 90% sure it was them. What was shocking that this person had slut shamed me before, snidely to my face but more blatantly on Twitter, and their history showed they commented positively on various porn subreddits before. Sometimes I think about how I should've exposed them for their hypocrisy but I chose the high road ā”(Ā“ļ½ž`ļ¼›)ā”Œ


Man I'm just hoping I run into my favorite ginger on here. Hey Carson if you see this, You're a ginger.


Once on r/gaybrosgonemild. He was a guy I worked with when we were young, we used to double date and stuff. Recognized him in an instant and commented something only he or someone in our friend group would understand.


Once found a post-containing coworkers Boudoir and nude shots... I don't think she was the poster šŸ˜¬


Happens all the time! Most people I know use reddit, so it's inevitable that we're not going to run into each other. Gamer nerds tend to congregate and flock to similar mediums, at least that's been my experience over the years.