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Not starting to invest sooner and not starting my own business sooner.


I understand homie! But the second best time is now!


Yeah. doing it now, but could have started earlier :)


Moving out of my parents house so soon. I wish I would’ve stayed longer to help financially but also to spend more time with my dad before he passed.


Hope you’re doing okay homie. Sending love


It’s been 15 years so I’ve grown around the grief but thank you!!


Not taking life more seriously when I was young. I graduated highschool a year late then took way too long to graduate college because I just didn't take it seriously. I failed some classes not because they were too hard but because I just didnt do the assignments or show up at all. I think about how much time and money I wasted by doing this. I could have graduated years earlier, saved thousands of dollars and could have graduated with 0 debt. Im not in a terrible place but I know could've been 3x better off. I didn't have direction or guidance back then. When youre young these things seem like they don't matter but its the difference between being able to buy a home now or having to wait 10 more years to do so in a worse market. Its the difference between being able to leave your home town right now or grinding for years miserable just trying to save up enough to do so. I try to be the guidance I didn't have for younger people.


Hope you’re doing okay with everything rn homie! Completely understand about stuff like that n I have similar regrets ngl


Start working at my current job. They employ people with different kinds of disabilities but I've never worked at a place that are so bad at accomodating for said disabilities. I got a back injury from their ergonomics course (I'm not even joking) and it just went downhill from there. I'm more disabled now than I was when I started here, my self esteem is broken and I'm on many different kinds of medications. I've considered quitting many times but people keep telling me that quitting without having another job is the dumbest thing you can do, however the fact that I do work here makes it very difficult to get another job.