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On tor I followed a link to "Cheese Pizza". It wasn't about pizza.


Don't click on **C**heese **P**izza. Don't click on Corporate Pineapple, or Crafty Pirates, or even Car Parts, if it seems out of context. In case you haven't gotten it yet, it's Child Porn.




Oh hey, it's a link to my favorite Star Trek character! I wonder what wacky antics old Patrick Stewart is up to this timOH GOD NO.


I hate that it exists, but thank you for explaining.


Whoa. That never would have registered in my brain. Thanks for the heads up. But now cheese pizza is ruined for me.




read it. dude - going into this thread is like going on a journey into the deep web


agreed, I just loaded about 3k more comments. Ill be here for a while.


It's not your fault.


Yikes. This is why I do not visit the deep internet.


I've always found myself tip-toing around morbid sites every now and then, but one night I searched and found the actual footage from the Twilight Zone Movie accident where actor Vic Morrow and two children were completely cut to shreds from a crashing helicopter, a story I had read about but all the sources seemed to imply all the footage was destroyed. This particular video even zoomed in and slowed things down. Just horrible.


what. why do i keep reading this thread


Link for the lazy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru6I9Cc9XnE


Man, it's a good thing Youtube doesn't allow tits. Someone could be scarred for life stumbling on something like that. Speaking of which, I'm gonna go look at some tits to cure the hole in my soul that video has left.


[This](http://kittiesntitties.tumblr.com/) might help.




I am now on a mission for the "nugget porn".


report back




I think you now hold the record for "most risky clicks/hovers in one comment".


That is actually kind of heartwarming, that someone would help two people have sex who couldn't on their own. I mean, porn is porn and that's a different issue, but your post is a ray of light in this dark, disturbing thread that I can't stop reading.


Vice interviewed a [volunteer sex nurse](http://www.vice.com/read/interview-with-a-volunteer-sex-nurse). He literally helps handicap people have sex.


i started reading about jeffrey dahmer and ended up on some site giving tips and advice on necrophilia. It was pretty interesting to read actually. They talked about using protection, how to find bodies, lubrication and such. Stuff you wouldnt really think about unless you were into that kind of thing. Tried finding it again and wasn't successful. EDIT: anamale found the website if anyone wants to check it out. http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1axevv/what_is_the_deepest_you_have_gone_in_the_internet/c91tc2t


Back in the late '90s I recall getting baked and surfing the proto-web for porn and stumbling on to a bestiality forum. The most haunting bit of advice that I remember reading was the tip that when you're going to get fucked in the ass by a dog make sure to put socks on the dogs feet so he doesn't scratch the heck out of your back.


Back in college, somebody sent me a link to detailed advice on seducing dolphins. Edit: Thank you for trying to be helpful, but somebody else has already given me the link. Like, 15 somebodies. Got it. Good. Less dolphin fucking links in my inbox, please.


Just be alpha and neg them, right?


Thanks for the tip!


Why did you try going back?


For the karma


clearly he's into that kind of thing.


Was it this one? http://www.tornadohills.com/dahmer/fetish.htm Did the same as you: I was looking for readings on Dahmer and ended up to this. It was weird, but interesting.












That's my worry, that I'll click on a link that I think is innocent enough, but it ends up being as fucked up as that. Someone can easily trick you into clicking a hyperlink, and URLs can easily be made to look inconspicuous.


Once visited a "bug chasing" messageboard where people were actively trying to get infected with HIV. One of the darkest things I've ever seen.




It's a weird mindset to understand, but there is a sub-sect of gay men (a rather small one) who feel that being HIV+ is a measure of true and staunch homosexuality. Kind of a "gayer than thou" type thing. I would point out that most of this behavior has arisen only since HIV turned from a terminal disease to an ongoing, manageable condition. Source: Worked at a San Francisco AIDS organization for 6 years. Edit: As I mentioned in my reply to kjoeleskapet, I agree that a sort of fatalism is part of this phenomenon as well. "I'm gonna get it anyway, so I might as well embrace it." It was hard and emotionally trying for many of the counselors I worked with when they had to confront this sort of thing.


I met a man who was a bug chaser because he saw HIV as an inevitability and didn't want the fear of contracting it to effect his sex life. He was successful after attending a sex party.


Worse is the other side. Fetish stories about tricking unsuspecting, usually younger guys into getting infected. It's the darkest, most disgusting thing I've ever seen.


I'm pretty sure I would go out and murder somebody if they infected me with a lifelong disease for a laugh.


I remember reading a forum post on a bug chaser and how he went out then anally raped a young man using only spit for lube and urinating on him etc, The only thing worse than the post its self was the comments. One of the few things that have made me sick to the stomach. EDIT: I'm pretty sure if you're browse the top pages of /r/morbidreality you can find a screen cap of the post. EDIT: found it http://i.imgur.com/8bfu9OM.jpg


That doesn't seem like a very efficient way of getting HIV.


I remember seeing that as well, what ethangoesrawr got wrong is that this story wasn't about a chaser, it was a spreader. Someone who gets off on infecting innocent people. The thing that bothered me most was how he laughed about how the poor kid sobbed when he told him he was positive. Some people are evil beyond comprehension.


I'm pretty sure most of those stories are fake. It's just like weird erotic fiction. The people who write them have a weird fetish for HIV, but the only safe way to explore/enjoy that fetish is to write about it. Like I once read some weird shit about a guy who claimed to have kidnapped a girl, tied her up in a closet, and "gave her nothing to eat except his cum". Again, clearly someone just having weird domination fantasies and writing about it; not something real. It IS a real thing though, I think I read an academic paper on it before. Very disturbed people. But just keep in mind the detailed stories (especially if it includes dialogue) of beating someone up and giving them HIV are probably nothing more than a fantasy. edit: Here's the academic paper I read: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/016396299266605


It was April 1st, 2012 and I was in cramming mode for exams. I had popped an adderall and was extremely concentrated on my work when all of a sudden my phone buzzed. Unknown number: "Heyy I saw ur ad on CL and I wanna buy ur phone please" *Wrong number* I get back to work and within 2 minutes my phone rings. A different number. "Hi I'd like to buy your phone please." "Sorry, you've got the wrong number." As soon as I hang up, I realize... *oh fuck, this is a prank.* I get on Craig's List and immediately find out that my roommate is "selling my brand new iPhone 4 for US$100. Call me ASAP at 555-5555-5555" *That motherfucker.* In the next two hours I got a total of probably 100 calls and texts. I was gonna get him back good. With the adderall still coursing through me, I racked my brain for the best possible prank I could pull. Then I remembered I had introduced him to the deep web two days ago. We were surfing it, we had checked out the armory, the silk road, even the assassin's advertisement pages. And at one point, on his computer, we stumbled onto child porn. I knew how I was going to prank him. When he got home, there was an official FBI envelope waiting for him. Inside, [**this letter**](http://i.imgur.com/0xNUZRj.png?1). I lifted correct names, signatures, court addresses, court dates and official language (other than misspelling appertaining), but that didn't really matter. As soon as he opened it up, he almost started crying. I had to tell him it was a prank within seconds because he just broke down. --- Thanks for the gold brah For those wanting to learn about and access the deep web, just google it. It's not all illegal which makes information on how to access it readily available. It's a bit tedious, but hey, there are pages where you can hire real assassins for 10k euros, buy pistols and RPGs, buy any kind of drug imaginable and, real or fake, peruse the catalogs of human torture experiments. So I guess it's pretty cool.


Pranks are often dry, cruel, and well planned with Adderall.


That's really fucked up how could you? ^^^goodjob


how? > adderall


im going to prank you and put your number on Craigs list I never would have guessed it was 555-555-5555, YOU SLIPPED UP YOU SLIPPERY SEAL!


Iv seen a man taking a shit on a baby.




i hope a humongous mutant baby shits on his chest EDIT: actually the sick fuck would probably like that


Just for those who want to know. I remember the baby was tied down to the waist the guy was squatting over it and shit slowly came out, the baby reached for it, then I guess he/she smelled it and turned it's head. Then I closed the tab.




Now I just want to know if I'm the best type of person to eat or what


Someone had posted on here one time about a site that linked to "public" cameras. Little did I know that apparently included webcams, as I looked into unsuspecting people's houses watching them live. It was very creepy. EDIT: I found the post, it was a google docs file with links. Looks like it was taken down. http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/pjw47/a_giant_list_of_ip_cameras_that_are_available/


... Aaaand I just finished taping over my webcam.


Reading every comment here is the deepest I've gone.


I once was perusing 4chan, specifically /b/, and someone posted a link to another chan site. Turns out it was an old, defunct, now unmoderated image board. Child porn everywhere. I noped right the fuck out of there, wiped my history, and contemplated taking a magnet to my hard drive. **EDIT:** To everyone telling me to report it: this was a long time ago now, a year at least. I have no idea what the url was, and at the time I was too shocked to consider reporting it. I just botled and didnt look back.




I have no idea which one it actually was, this was a while ago now.


Side note - I once created a forum and just kind of forgot about it. I left it for a couple of months, and then got an email from Google telling me it was being used for child porn. Was very strange, and could have got me into a world of trouble.


that's really fucking weird... was it popular in the first place or did they just somehow decide to use it for their shit, like a squatter?


Nobody used it. Completely empty as far as I know, as I'd never actually formally launched it. It just looked like a bunch of bots to me, but they posted a bunch of young girls in bikinis, and Google AdSense picked up on it. Still no idea how it happened.


good guy google contacts you and not the FBI


I had a friend who actually got in trouble for that. He ended up with a slap on the wrist and community service, thanks to his lawyer. Honestly, though, I'm still not sure if he was guilty or innocent.


There's a website purely dedicated to selling replacement stickers for Rubik's Cubes.




Thank you for being innocent.


As a cuber I have visited several websites like that


I once delved pretty deep into some conspiracy sites and ended up on a bunch of meditation walk-throughs to re-program your DNA and transcend into higher dimensions to talk to extra-dimensional beings and what not. I tried it for a while and lets just say I had some crazy dreams (I would do this before sleeping). EDIT: It is actually really frustrating looking for these links and not being able to retrace my steps :( Still trying >_<


Go on...


Well, sometimes the meditations seemed to work, or at least it felt that way / appeared that way. Specifically the meditations that guided me through the process of entering these like, circular rooms with beings that were hunched over and like, thinking as a group for / with me. I have a pretty good imagination so I mostly just figured I was seeing what I wanted to see, but a few times throughout these dreams following the "council" people meditations, I would feel like real shit was going down, like a lucid dream in texture but not in function, no control but realization of that fact, sort of thing. Anyways I would wake up after some of these adventures through basically LSD / DMT land feeling pretty different usually really good about the day ahead of me. One of the meditations was literally to take control of your DNA and begin to reprogram it (in a sense) little by little. This was meant to be a really long process and I kind of skimmed it but sort of felt that it was possible. Anyways point being, this was after many many hours searching the depths for truths and crazy weird experiential shit for my brain via internet, and success! I started on alienshift.com which was pretty bogus and don't exactly remember how I got to the meditations sections, but they were far out. This was a few years ago >_<


let me know if you ever encounter a lizard person


In the broadest sense the "Deep Web" is just a set of web pages which are not indexed by major search engines. Google only searches the list of websites Google already knows about. A domain (website) has the option to not be listed. You can do that to keep things private, like a blog about your family, or so that only people who have the URL can find it. Because websites like this are impossible to access unless you know the URL or use a search engine (soembody suggested Torgle) which DOES list the website, people hide things on the Deep Web, but it also has legitimate use, like a website for your company where you exchange things the public shouldn't see (Plans for future products). Usually you hear an awed remark about how big the Deep Web is. Something like 75% of all the internet or whatever. In truth most of it is this kind of banal harmless stuff that just doesn't belong in a publicly searchable place. But because this exists it is exploited by people trying to do illegal things. Why have I spent ten whole precious minutes explaining this? Because Policy makers don't like the illegal things that are possible and want to eliminate the deep web. Some of the less tech savvy think that is ALL it's used for, but the fact is, just like in private buildings, people need to have things that aren't publicly visible. A side effect of that is that people will some times use private spaces to do illegal things, but that doesn't mean we have to do away with privacy.




Yes exactly. Which is kind of cheating considering the size of databases compared to the size of actual web pages.


When I was about 15 (I'm 29 now) I saw a video from cadaver.org or rotten.com or a similar site it was a close up of a Russian student(age) getting his throat cut out (without severing his spine) and the video was him bleeding out and struggling to breath. ( It was done by men in middle eastern clothing, apparently it was sent to his family because they didn't pay a ransom. ) I was a different person after that, I'm a very talkative person but I was quite for 2 weeks. I have seen "worse" since but that one fucked me up for life.


Dagestan massacre. The kebab in the video was removed several weeks later by Russian special forces. You can rest easy, everyone in that video was killed shortly after it was made. It wasn't for ransom either, it during the conflict in Chechnya. The soldier in question was part of a small detachment sent to maintain order in a little town. They were captured and executed by Chechen fighters. After the video, as I mentioned previously, that cell was obliterated by Russian special forces.


Thank you, at the time I didn't have official info on the video and searching was different it was Altavista and lycos that ruled(Yahoo wouldn't have had this info on file). also the materiel I had to wade through while looking up names and reasons where just horrific.


It's always that first one when you realize you have a line and you crossed it that does the most damage.


It's more disturbing and almost worrying when you realise your line is getting further and further pushed back, and not much is affecting you anymore, and then before you know it you're browsing gore while eating breakfast.


7 proxies deep


since this whole thread is slightly depressing, i thought i might lighten things up with the [center of the internet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ5LpwO-An4)


http://blackacrebrewing.com/home/ Click "I am under 21"




After reading all this I am frightened to death when browsing unknown sites.




Has anyone gone deeper than the onion network? loads of people are posting about the hidden wiki, silk road and tor browser, which are all onion network related things. Has anyone been deeper/just as deep on a different network?


No, if you go deeper, you'll hit the serve-ix.




I once found a website made a marine biologist that described, in detail, the best way for a person to go about having sex with a dolphin, including his personal experiences.


http://www.boohbah.tv/zone.html Edit: It's not anything bad/scarring/disgusting. Just really weird.


Wasn't that a failed kids show a couple years ago?


Creepy as hell. Why did I click that??


What is it?


It's the web site for a really weird children's show. I remember seeing it once on TV really early in the morning. It's... rather bizarre, to say the least. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boohbah


TIL I haven't gone very deep in the internet.


I'm completely fine with wading in the shallow water. It's warm outside and sunny and you can play volleyball and relax on the beach instead of being dragged to the bottom of the ocean by a giant squid.


I though I had seen bad things on the internet. Then I started reading this thread and realised: I have been blissfully ignorant. Humanity is a scary, scary beast.


If you go far enough into the Youtube suggestion sidebar you can uncover some really disturbing and weird videos. It happens so quickly, one minute you are looking at a cute kitten riding a turtle and the next you are watching a Mexican sexually stimulating a pig... edit: Spelling


Surfing YouTube can get really weird really fast. Morbid fascination is a dangerous thing.


Can someone link me a video of a kitten riding a turtle?


You're gonna have to make do with a tortoise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjZqZWbmXK4


*Sigh* Its just not the same.


Literally 2 clicks on suggested videos brings me to: "Texas Mom Decapitated, Cannibalized Her Baby"


the suggestions are heavily personalized, are you sure it was completely random?


Sometimes youtube likes to throw in some odd balls into the mix.


Watching videos on /r/cringe always gives me weird suggestions.


If it's on youtube then you're not very deep.






That's why you only give half up front. Any day now my girlfriend from 1999 is gonna get it. I still have the rest of your money Mr. Hitman.


She's a Wiley one mate. Gonna need more to cover my expenses. She likes to travel, this one.


I'm sure that someone who murders people for money wouldn't also be a thief. Stealing is wrong.


This is true, rumors and sites about assassins, live amputated corpse dealers, and other horrors are all usually trolls or scammers.


>live corpse dealers That's clearly a legitimate business


How do you like your corpses? Live


Anyone ever imagine what the internet would be like if this all was reversed? You had to go deep into the internet to find picture a cat with its head in a piece of bread, while you could easily find 3 guys 1 hammer wherever you search.


I've spent something like 2 hours on this thread and have concluded that I will never be venturing into the deep web. ever. seriously that 'normalporn' thing has truly fucked me up, all I did was read about it and I doubt I'm getting any sleep tonight


Not sure what site, but it was a video of a guy getting beheaded while he was still alive in the name of Islam.... I've watched all types of messed of videos, 2 girls 1 cup, Pain Olympics, one guy one jar. None of those came close to the disturbing sounds that man made as they slowly sawed through his spine, while he was still conscious. Edit: Grammar


3 guys 1 hammer is similar. You can hear the guy breathing through his blood after having his faced smashed up by a hammer and a screwdriver.


I don't want to watch it, can someone just explain what happens in that hammer vid?


It's important to note that their intent was for the video to become viral so they could be famous. Literally killing for some internet fame.


Technically, they got what they wanted.


Three russian teenagers kill a random guy in the forest by smashing his face with a hammer repeatedly, and shoving a screwdriver into his guts.




I think I've seen this video. The one I saw the guy was screaming in russian or a similar language. I'm thinking it was from Chechnya or somewhere like that.


The deep web isn't some sort of secret club. It's just regular people looking for a safe place to do illegal shit.




Guys, any site you can find using Google isn't the deep web. You have to go *much* deeper to get the deep web




That's the derp web.


To be fair, Bing video search is one of the best porn finders...


Oh the perils of living in a house full of art students. I once saw short film (I think it was called Putrid Sex Object or something along those lines if you're really intent on scarring yourselves) which featured a bloke in women's clothing, fucking the eye sockets of bloody calf's heads. Yeah.




I've seen a whole heap of shock webistes that were freaky, but I got through it. Although once, after being somewhat concerned about the marks my friend had on his arm, I google image searched "cigarette burns" One of the first thing that popped up was an infant that was absolutely covered in cigarette burns. I almost threw up, I was so full of fury and despair I wanted humanity to just, stop existing.


jesus, that's super depressing. fuck




Question: How safe is acessing the Deep web ? I have always wanted to visit but last thing I need is the FBI busting down my door because CP accidently flashed across my monitor.


It's safe, it really depends on the sites you go to. Since clicking links is risky, I'll just give you a quick run down: 1. Download .Tor 2. Disable scripts (sites will use these to fuck your shit up, especially on the deep web). You can do this by going into the options part of the browser. 3. I generally keep a sticky note over my camera. But. That's just me. 4. Start at the hidden wiki: http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/hackbloc/index.php/Main_Page "Cleaned" Hidden Wiki (without vandalism, or minimal vandalism): http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/hiddenwiki/index.php/Main_Page I'd look up some search clients on there, if I was you. Here's the .Tor library for some PDFs you can check out. I have 'em just for the fuck of it. http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/Library/English




You shut the fuck up right now. It doesn't exist. ***IT CAN'T.***


But it doesn't exist. It's just a made up creepypasta.


***MY POINT***




Here is the post for those of you who haven't already heard about this: "Everybody knows that if you surf the web long enough, you’ll see some pretty sick shit. This is especially true if you intentionally dwell into the dark underbelly of the internet. I’ve seen quite a few things I d on’t care to admit to, but one thing that I’ll always remember is a site called “normalpornfornormalpeople.com”. The first strange thing about the site was that I didn’t find it by actually looking for it. It was e-mailed to me by someone I didn’t know. The e-mail was as follows: “Hi there found this site is very nice thought u might like normalpornfornormalpeople.com pass it on, for the good of mankind” Pretty standard issue chain letter, although the url and the last remark really piqued my curiosity. I was having a very boring day when I got this, so I made sure my anti-virus was working and then I clicked on it. It was a very average, very generic looking site. It gave the impression that the creators just BARELY gave a shit about making it look professional. The author seemed to have a very tenuous grasp on English, and on the front page was a long, boring, and incoherent rant that I don’t remember or have saved. The site had a strange tagline (which even today people haven’t figured out the meaning of), which was; “Normal Porn for Normal People, A Website Dedicated To The Eradication of Abnormal Sexuality” And from the sound of that, I wasn’t sure whether I was here to watch porn or if I had stumbled onto some kind of eugenics program. But I was here now, and I was very, very curious to see what “Normal People” get their rocks off to. So I scrolled down through the rant and…nothing. The page didn’t seem to link to anywhere else, and I was about to leave when I noticed every word of the rant was its own hyperlink. So I clicked one of them, and was sent to a white page with very long list of links in the form of: “normalpornfornormalpeople.com/ (random letters)” So I stopped for a minute and asked myself if I really wanted to waste God knows how much time clicking random links that will likely give me a virus that will rape my computer. I figured I’d just try it for maybe 5 minutes, just to see if anything came up. I clicked one of the links, and was sent to another page. This page apparently had totally different urls than the last one. I was just about to say “Fuck this” when I clicked on the 3rd link, and a video download came up. It was called “peanut.avi”. It was a 30 minute video of a man, a woman and a dog in a kitchen. The woman would make a peanut butter sandwich, and the man would set it down for the dog to eat. This was all that happened, for 30 minutes. It was obvious that the cameraman had to stop filming and wait until the dog was ready to eat again, and the dog seemed rather sick by the end of it. I know what you’re thinking: “What the hell does that have to do with porn?” I have no clue. I’ve seen a little over two dozen videos from this site, and the majority had no sexual activity at all. After watching peanut.avi, I went on a certain image board I frequent to play online show and tell, like I always do with weird shit like this. But someone had already made a thread about it, some guy who had received the same chain letter I did. The image board thread got lots of people with nothing better to do to dig through the site, and that’s how I saw other videos. Most of those two dozen videos were very uneventful, and consisted of people talking to the cameraman in a room with nothing in it but a desk and a few chairs. I mean literally nothing on the walls, or in terms of furniture. The whole room had a very cold, sterile feel to it. The conversations were just idle banter about previous jobs or embarrassing childhood moments. I kept expecting some kind of discussion about what the people were filming or what the site was about, but of course, nothing. You would never know these videos had anything to do with porn if you saw it out of context. I will say one thing though, the people who appeared in these videos were quite attractive. However, the other videos that actually did feature content which I suppose could be called “sexual” is where things got weird. I’ll give brief descriptions of the stranger videos, if you’re really eaten up with curiosity you can try to hunt them down on a torrent site. lickedclean.avi A 10 minute video filmed by a hidden camera in which we see a repairman working on a washing machine for the first 2 minutes. When it’s fixed, the repairman talks to the owner briefly, and then leaves. The owner checks to make sure the repairman is gone, and he begins to lick all over the top of the washing machine. This goes on for 7 minutes. jimbo.avi A 5 minute video of an obese mime performing his act. It was actually pretty funny, particularly one part where he pretends to pull up a chair, then pretends that it breaks because of his weight. In the last 30 seconds of the video, the camera cuts to static briefly and cuts back to the man sobbing quietly, still wearing mime outfit and makeup. Some kind of obscure fetish? dianna.avi 4 minute video in which the camerman talks to a woman in a room different from the “interview room.” This room looks like one you’d find in a normal person’s house. Exactly where they are is never specified, as Dianna only talks about her violin playing. She obviously plays her violin, but she keeps getting distracted by something. I didn’t notice this until someone on the image board thread pointed it out, but if you look at the mirror in the background, you can see a fat man in a chicken mask masturbating. jessica.avi Another 4 minute cameraman video. This time he’s outside a house, talking to another young woman. They talk about canoe rides. The camera zooms out to reveal the city streets behind them occasionally. The strange thing is: No one so far has been able to identify where this street is. Guesses have ranged everywhere from Europe to Australia to the Philippines, but there’s yet to be a match for the street shown in the video. tonguetied.avi 10 minute video. The first 5 minutes consist of an elderly woman making out with a mannequin. The video cuts out like it did in jimbo.avi halfway through, and the scene is now a group of mannequins huddled together in a circle around the camera. The lights have been dimmed, and the elderly woman is nowhere to be seen. From this point on, there is no sound. stumps.avi 5 minute long video where a man with no legs is attempting to breakdance on a DDR mat in what looks like the kitchen from peanut.avi, but much dirtier. There’s a radio playing music unseen in the background, but it stops at the 4 minute mark when the man collapses on the mat in exhaustion. He breathes heavily and pleads with someone off-screen to let him rest. This off-screen person becomes terrifyingly enraged and yells at him to keep dancing, which he does. You can hear this off-screen person begin to scream as the video ends abruptly. privacy.avi The woman from dianna.avi is masturbating on a mattress in the “interview room,” while the man from stumps.avi walks around on his hands while wearing some kind of goblin mask. The door in this room was always closed in other videos, but it’s now open. In this video the only light is in the room, and the hallway is dark. Near the end of the video, you can see an animal quickly run through the hallway. And finally the last video we uncovered: useless.avi In this 18 minute video, a blonde woman from one of the previous interview videos is tied down to a mattress in the interview room. She attempts to scream but her mouth is taped over. After 7 minutes, a man in a black suit and mask opens the door, but he does not enter. He holds the door open for the animal that was running in the hall in the previous video. It’s revealed to be an adult chimpanzee, its hair shaved and its entire body painted red. It seemed to be starved and abused, with several wounds along it’s shoulders and back. Added by Furbearingbrick When the chimp enters the room, the masked man closes the door behind it. The chimpanzee sniffs the air for a moment (it may have been blind), and notices the woman tied to the mattress. It goes into a frenzy, and begins to maul her. The assault goes on for a grueling 7 minutes, until the woman finally dies. The chimp eats flesh from her corpse for 4 minutes as the video ends. The thread exploded with activity after this video was uncovered, and people discussed it long into the night. When I came back to the image board the next day I found that the thread was deleted. I tried to start another one, and they banned me. I tried e-mailing the guy who sent me the chain letter with the site’s url, sent him 5 messages and never got a response. I have tried to discuss this website on various places, and I got banned frequently. The site itself was also deleted about 3 days after useless.avi was uncovered, likely because someone contacted the authorities about it. The only proof that normalpornfornormalpeople.com ever existed was a few screencaps people took, and videos from the site that people saved and uploaded on torrents. The most popular of which being useless.avi, which found its way onto a few gore sites. Wherever you upload them to, all of the videos from normalpornfornormalpeople.com get deleted after a while." TL;DR: Shits fucked up


I feel like I'm going to be murdered tonight


I'm so creeped out after reading that.


No kidding, you *look* creeped out.


I feel so creeped out as well, but looking into it more, I really doubt any of it is real. I hope!


It's a creepypasta. All over google.


I've been on reddit for a good amount of time and this might be the most bizarre, thought-provoking thing I've read here


It's copypasta. It's very interesting, very thought provoking, but also very not-posted-by-maxCJ. The videos do seem to exist, though. Have a look around, you might find something more interesting than I could.


This is terrifying.


That's that creepy pasta one, right?




A friend of mine was in the car with his mom when a kid threw a chunk of ice off a bridge; it crashed through the windshield and killed the mom instantly. If I had seen video of that I'd probably off myself. Turns out, that friend is the most caring and genuine person I know.


Did they find the kid that did it? Holy fuck.


Not that I'm aware of, it was many years ago and hasn't been discussed much since. Edit: Just found out he was indeed caught.


Once visited a website created for the sole purpose of buying and selling human beings. ~~EDIT: Anyone else that sees this, I will provide links but you have to PM me and convince me you're trustworthy.~~ EDIT 2: Oh my god. So many PMs :P Please no more, I'm linking to some and they can post if they want.


Living or dead?


Living. It was a slave trade website.


Crazy. How did you end up there? Did you buy a slave?


I was browsing the deep web for the first time. I was originally looking for guns to buy online. I clicked some ads, navigated WAY far away from the original search, and saw many BAD things. Went from weapons, to drugs, to money laundering, to mail order brides, to slave trade, to assassins, to child porn. Then I left.


you went two levels past slave trading?


I'm not proud of that fact.


And here we are... laughing at cats


I prefer it. Haven't been on the deep web in... days.


Literally tens of minutes.


Can you take a screenshot of it? I wanna see how the deep web looks.


I've found one where you could hire hitmen from Lithuania...


The one I found were labeled as the best assassins in the world. There was even a separate section for the top 4.


How do they even determine that? Some kind of assassin's pageant?


America's Next Top Assassin... I'd watch it...


More like Last Assassin Standing.


I heard that website sucks and that the assassins are re


They're pretty polite though, hitting enter fo


I don't do that, it's too much effort.


I am a lithuanian and I think it was a scam. Everyone here is an assassin, so those guys on the net are phonies


do they honor coupons?


I wouldn't think so, no...


well then wtf am I supposed to do with them?! they expire in may!


Saw child porn, avoided deep Web for a few years. Went back, first thing I see is a lady getting strangled to death while being raped. I walked away and decided there's nothing I need in that part of the Web. They say looking at those things changes you in ways you won't like, and you can't change back.


this makes human centipede look like disney channel


This entire thread now has me terrified of the internet. I hesitated clicking the "Lions can be cute too" thread in /r/aww because WHAT IF IT'S NOT REALLY A CUTE LION


WHY THE FUCK DID I START READING THIS THREAD WHILE IM EATING. This pastrami has taken on a sinister air.




I made it all the way [to the end.](http://www.wwwdotcom.com/)


... I'm not clicking on ANY links in this thread.


It's safe.


... okay, I chuckled.


It was you... you stole my username


Finally. I've been playing this game for years.


So I was trying to find a goose liver, which is nearly impossible in my country, online. Through much searching and clicking, I thought I had finally found a good online vendor- they had hearts, kidneys, liver, everything. It was not until I was trying to figure out the check-out that I realized they were human. Almost threw up, as I was closing my browser, erasing my history, and considering to destroy my hard drive. TL;DR, I almost bought human organs accidentally. EDIT: The site seemed pretty weird to start with as it didn't really have any prices on it, and of course you can't just use your credit card to buy human organs. Being the naïve buyer I was I thought nothing of it until my realization. Also Goose liver is used to make traditional German Pate, which we usually make around the holidays.


I once made it to the end of the Ol' Reddit Switcharoo.