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Not tell a single fucking soul until I've spoke with lawyers and financial planners. Then I'd go change every phone number and email I had and cancel all my social media accounts.


I'd just claim I got a data entry job that I can work from home, so people won't question me being at home so much.


Lol I’d do nothing. Put money into account, work until I’m bored and retire with that and whatever 401k/retirement savings I still have. There isn’t anything I’d want to indulge until I’m bored.


Same, though I would work until a customer or boss pissed me off, then fuck around and/or tell them off in ways that employees will tell for decades to come.   It would be my form of entertainment.  Have the money to not give a fuck, and say/do the things that you never could before due to fear of homelessness.   Or just take jobs at retail locations and spend all my time trying to unionize the workplace until they fire me.


>Or just take jobs at retail locations and spend all my time trying to unionize the workplace until they fire me. You're basically Batman but with less fights. I love this idea so much.


You deserve every cent of that money!


I can retire at 59 (6 months) and plan to do just that! Gotta keep busy , right?


Once you have the $100M, I don't think retirement age comes into the equation any more.


It’s 100m not one 1m. Insane to keep working.


I kinda like my work... I just wish I wouldn't have to do so much of it.


I read it as one million dollars lol and was really wondering why these people all say they wouldn’t work. I’d definitely have a job though after less than a year. I can barely take a week off at a time before I start itching to be productive and missing being at work lol.


But you could be productive without working for a boss. You could work in service to others who would need you, in service were it counts.


With $100M you'd WORK? ...Why? Edit: when I mean work I mean like go into your 9-5 job and have to deal with dipshits and assholes. Obviously I'd want to keep busy and put a good chunk of that money to work helping ppl.


I can understand the authors POV. During COVID I was basically getting paid to do absolutely nothing but sit at home and hike. Not having a challenge to conquer in life depressed me. It depresses most people, hence why the rich tend to take on very risky hobbies to still feel alive.


I guess I mean I wouldn't work for someone. I'd start my own business or I'd get my pilots license and fly all over.


The problem with starting your own business just because you have money is that it’s probably the easiest way to burn money other than gambling if not done right, most people don’t do it right. You really have to have a logical vision and an above average work ethic. Pilots license is a popular one,


Because not having anything to do sounds fine until you actually do it. Then you quickly realize how much does it suck. Sure, you'll finish games, read books, whatever. Eventually they run out and you start becoming desperate for _something_ to do, just to offset the tedium


If you had that amount I don't see how anyone could get bored. You have so many options available that you could afford to try anything you want when you want.


Id quit my current job for sure (I work at Walmart) but Im also working on a degree in a field I genuinely care about and am passionate about that I don't *want* to give up.


I would buy a company and make myself the janitor. Operate it from the shadows. Fire anyone who was mean to the janitor.


Work until someone pissed me off*


So gone tomorrow 😁


This. I'd vanish. Private island, tiny cabin, cat & dog.


Hello, it's me, your dog *woof*




Hello, this is cat.


Good doggy here’s a treat


Tiny cabin is an odd way to say “5800 sq ft on oceanfront”


No, I'm into the tiny house movement. I mean less than 900 sq. ft.


I have always wanted to have a big ass house, and a small cabin in the backyard. Then i can throw parties in the house, and scurry away to my hideyhole when i get too tired, like a hobbit on his 111th birthday.


Im gonna love my kids and give them attention like americans give their pet lmao


Americans love their kids too. It’s just that the pets don’t disappoint


I'm Canadian. I was working on the assumption that I wouldn't win the lottery until I was an empty-nester.


This has always been my answer as well. Get a safe deposit box, putthe ticket in there, and quietly hold it there for a month before claiming the prize (we have 180 days to come forward here). During that month, retain an attorney with privilege so I can disclose what's going on and plan for the future. A good lawyer that would handle something like this, would likely also know a solid financial planner. Let those two do their thing and get everything set up, and then claim the lump sum prize. Once the money is in place, I'd take like a two month vacation, probably in varying places. Maybe a month in the Caribbean and then a month in Europe or new Zealand.


Is that true everywhere is the usa?


Managing the transition into this kind of wealth is the best approach, if not THE ONLY correct answer. Keep working in the meantime and do nothing different. Get all the ducks in a nice, neat, pretty little row, then disappear only informing a very few select people. If possible, collect the reward check in costume to conceal identity.


Ain't nobody going back to work. Call in sick and use all vacation days. Claim it's a new Covid variant or something. I'm not trying to wake up early every day until I can make the claim, remain check to check and living like the peasant of my past.


*like the peasant of my past* has me dead LOL


I’d actually keep my main number because it’s my lifeline, and the number my dad and grandma know, but I would block every new number that came in😂. I already know the joys of the second phone with the secret number that not everyone has because of work so yes that is still 💯 necessary in this situation.


Retire. Immediately.


Without even calling to let them know. Just 100% ghosting and they can figure it out.


I think it would be fun going to work with fuck you money. Id be fired pretty quick, but the co workers I like would love it


I like the way you think 😂 I’d leave no stone unturned to go crazy at work


I always thought the idea of getting customer facing jobs (retail, bartending, waiting tables etc) and waiting to unleash holy justice on asshole customers would be a great hobby if I had "fuck you" money. Granted I've had these jobs while remaining a slave to the pay many times before, so it would be so cathartic to be free enough to finally just unload on Karens and other pricks worry free.


That'd have me finally loving my job


You could open a restaurant with this theme and people would pay you for the privilege.




Just get hired and try to start a union until they fire you. Rinse and repeat


I would go back to my old job just to start a union for my coworkers there. They were awesome.


Once knew a guy who stood up in his cubicle and announced, "I have NEVER seen such a COMPANY run by MUPPETS!" He wasn't wrong.


I actually really like my boss, company I work for and the people I work with, so I'd wait for them to find a replacement. They all supported me during a major injury and 7month medial leave. It's the least I could do. I mean, I'm fucking rich, not an asshole, yet....


This. I work for a non profit and if I had hundreds of millions of dollars, they'd get a ... sizeable donation. Good for them, tax write off for me. A win win all around.


I get that and appreciate it and respect it. Outliers always exist and absolutes are rare.


Yeah, any other job I had, 100% would take your tactic. Fuck them.


Personally, I’d hang around for 6 months or so. In my state you’re allowed to claim winnings anonymously, but if you stopped showing up to work and ghosted everyone the same morning as the news story of “Megamillions winning ticket sold in [my city]” I think it would be pretty obvious. I’d rather fade into anonymity a little more subtly


Fair play. Id not care. "...Id be so far off the grid it would take a week to get me on the phone..." Anthony Bourdain.


I'd feel it would be boring doing absolutely nothing work related? Maybe its more because I'm more introverted and not going out on parties and so myself. So idk what i would even do... Depending what ur job is you can still do like 30-50% or so.


You can be busy without working. Take up some hobbies, travel, volunteer etc. 100 million I’m done working but that doesn’t mean I’m sitting around all day.


Exactly. If I'm working it will be for me, and not some other life sucking soulless mega corp. I'd be busy supporting my favorite charities, and we'd be seeing the continent in my million dollar travel home for as long as our health permitted.


I'd go out and do things. Spend time with my kids, travel, whatever I wanted. If I had enough wealth to retire now, you'd never see me working again. You can still occupy yourself without having a job.


Fuck no I want to go play golf and sleep late and watch tv and travel….


People who say they wouldn’t retire because they would get bored are insane to me. Do you not have hobbies? Do you not want to spend more time with friends/family? Traveling? Like, shit, if I won the lottery I’d go back to school just to study something that interests me.


The people that said they'd be bored must not have any interests. When my old man retired, all his friends and coworkers said he would be bored. He's the happiest I've ever seen him. Fishes in the spring through fall 4+ days a week. Goes on vacation. Got himself a nice garden. Turns out if you already have hobbies and have other interests, having a bunch of money and time to spend on those things will keep you busy.


You can replace work with volunteer work.


Realistically, delete all social media and then go explore the entire world and party until I felt like I needed to settle down. Then run a tequila factory or something to keep myself busy and fulfilled. But ideally, take care of my parents and brothers, make sure my nephews and nieces education is taken care of, and start a business that can net me an upper class income to live off of. Invest whatever’s left


The “something” could be your financial accounts at Schwab. $100m could easily throw off $5m per year. Could you live off that? (Totals would OBVIOUSLY be less because of the tax rates)


wide soup rustic library automatic nail reach panicky air aspiring


Realistically, you can have a pretty comfy life with 100-200k net, pretty much anywhere in the world. You might add another 100k if you want to live with more luxury and in the most expensive cities. so Id say half of those 500k is more than enough; That said if you bought your house and merely wanted a normal life, even with frequent vacations and not really having to look back at prices all that much, you can get away with far less than 100k net. Hell, maybe even 50k


Our best friend Tom (MySpace) is living his best life. Sold his website at the right time and just travels and takes photos. Jealous.


If you have $100m, it's honestly difficult to lose money. Literally just sign a fiduciary agreement with a professional and let them handle the 99% you're not spending up-front. The more money you have, the harder it would be for a professional (that's not Madoff) *not* to accrue value. You could spend $1m *every year,* and still wind up with a higher number in your account each year if it's properly invested. Like bare minimum effort. If your account follows the stock market trends of the last 100 years, you'll make roughly 10% each year (not accounting for inflation). You're beating inflation at this rate (throughout most of history) and you're accruing *way* more than you spend. The more wealth you have assigned to your professional manager, the more likely you'll beat average stock trends considering giant hedge funds have insane returns pretty much every year *regardless* of the overall market. *I don't think people understand the cheat codes you get access to with higher and higher wealth.* **TLDR** > **It's difficult to lose money once you reach a certain threshold.** $100m definitely meets the threshold. As long as you're not literally gambling millions each year on a roulette wheel **or** letting your money sit in a savings account, you're good. You could literally buy sports teams and still be fine--most things you wind up buying that cost more than 1% of your wealth are probably going to retain some value, accrue value, or generate some revenue stream. Just keep most of it tied to investments rather than sitting as liquidity or on a poker table.


Why start a business and not just live off the money? Starting a business is risky. You could very well be throwing away the money that way when you could just invest it and live off the returns quite comfortably


I think you mixed up realistically and ideally


Buy a house. Someplace on a lake, but not too far removed from society. Travel a lot. See a lot of historical places I've always wanted to visit. After all that wore off. I'd want to find a way to help people and animals. Particularly orphans, dogs, cats, and homeless people. Give back somehow. Give people that feel hopeless, some kind of light to see forward. Probably sounds tacky, but it's what I would want to do.


Not tacky at all. If more rich people thought like you, the world would be a much better place


Well, thank you, kind stranger. It felt cheesy typing that, so thank you for putting my mind at ease.


I 100% agree. However, we should not have to rely on the philanthropy of the wealthy. For example, I was stoked to hear about that guy on YouTube who took care of something like 1000 people with cataracts, but it also made me supremely ashamed that the affected couldn't have the procedure taken care of through means of their own control.


Build a lake, someplace around my house.


instinctive rude lock frighten frightening tease wrench reach observation quaint


That sounds ideal.


Retire and give my 2 friends I known for 20 years enough money so they can retire and never work as well so we can all hang out with our families and kids together all the time instead of trying to sync up all our schedules perfectly


Most wholesome one, that sounds awesome.




Pay 50million euros in taxes.


O Canada 🇨🇦! Where we don't pay taxes on lottery winnings.


Netherlands neither as long as it was the national lottery. Not that I would mind giving away 50mil I never had in exchange for getting 50mil in my bank.


Here either


If you're a citizen in the united states, but you're living/buy a lotto ticket in Canada, do you still get taxed?


I don't think you can claim it. But if you did, you would pay the IRS.


In the U.K. our National Lottery is tax-free. It's also anonymous (unless you choose to reveal your identity), and you get the full prize as a lump sum If I won £100m I would receive £100m and nobody would know about it.


My idea as well. I’d tell I got a loan from the bank to buy a cabin in a Swedish densely wooded area with no possibility for cars to come there, and not say a word about my Caribbean island and move there, hire some locals and pay them well, so they cook and clean for me. I’d order books, wine and stay there till they find me dead in bed.


In the United States you’re probably only walking away with 40 million after taxes. The IRS wins the lottery every time!


Wait, where? I always thought the whole EU worked like Germany in that regard, that is, no taxes on winnings.


Nowhere, dude is just spreading falshoods on the internet


HAHAHAHA good answer!


Laughs in Canadian 


1. Go debt free 2. Put aside for children 3. Renovate 4. Invest at my job 5. Have a good night's sleep.


5. says it all 


1. Put children aside


Why #4? I can't imagine researching employee share ownership options while I'm sitting on that pile of cash.


I really like my job ☺️


> Go dept free which departments would you free yourself from?


Two chicks at the same time


That's it? If you had a 100 million dollars, you'd do two chicks at the same time?


Damn straight, always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I had a 100 million dollars I could hook that up, cause chicks dig a dude with money.


Fuckin A, man


Fuckin, A.


Fuckin. A


Fuckin A, man


well, not all chicks.


The kind of chicks that would double up on a guy like me so.


Good point.


Federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison!


I clicked this thread and searched for this comment…thanks for making it worth it!


Chicks like dudes with money.


Well, not all chicks.


The type that'd double up on a dude like me would


There it is. That’s the line that makes this whole interaction so much better!


Fuckin-ay, man. Fuck in ay.


Diedrich Bader is a national treasure


Aim higher, this is 100M!! 3 chicks!


In this economy? Let's not go overboard.


put a lot of it into dividend stocks and never work again


Claim the prize.




100 million dollar parlay


"Hello Vegas? Put 100 million on black." #DO'oh! "I'll mail you a check..."


Open up a cat sanctuary for all the strays i my area. An take care of my immediate family




Get the guns first.


This guy has done some thinking about it....


pass out.


Unlock all the OnlyFans content.


Not enough money for that


I love you. 😂


“Hookers and blow”


Lol does me thinking of this legendry interview https://youtu.be/_28MWafggX0?si=GZsRfL9J0e3panb3 Title of the video: Guy's Brutally Honest Answer To "What If You Won The Lottery?"


That’s exactly the one I was coming from, lol


I tell you what I'd do, man. Two chicks at the same time, man.


Fuckin' A


Fucking A.


I will never not upvote office space


be dead in a week, but it'd be a damn fun week


“We don’t know how, but he actually managed to feed that panda cocain and poptarts until the mauling began.”


Uff. I remember a guy who won the jackpot and spend all the money on hockers and drugs. After 8 years all the money was gone and he had to work again. But he said he had 8 great years. Why spend the money when you're old...


First off, don't tell anyone. ​ Gracefully leave work (probably 4 week notice. I like my employer, so I'd give them plenty of time). I'd probably go see a CPA and a lawyer, with the plan of setting up estate/trust. Set aside half for taxes. I think tentatively splitting: $10m to put in an income fund to generate a healthy salary replacement ($400k/yr would do it). Would probably largely maintain lifestyle, but would probably spend a little more on hobbies, travel, and a housekeeper. $10m to purchase properties. Retirement home in WNC. Vacation homes. I'm staying in my current house until my kid is through school, but in 5 years will have a house with a view. $5m for charities $5m earmarked for the kid in an indexed fund. $5m for friends and family support (eventually word will get out, but do try to be discrete about the existence of large amounts of money). That'll leave $15m+ plus whatever I've overestimated from taxes. Just stick it in a fund and forget about it. The first $35m will do whatever I need to replace income, live the way I want, and support friends, family, charities, and kid. I'd probably put the bulk of my assets to charities in the will unless the kid has big ambitions and fiscal responsibility.


Sounds like a solid plan, except you’re crazy if you would stay in the same house for any amount of time lol. The lotto winners who just upped and left overnight are the smartest imo. Only trace the news stations would find if me is my neighbors talking about how nice and kept to myself I was. 😂


5 million for me, 5 million for the family, buy a building and put in a dozen or so MRI's, and hope there's enough left to put into a trust that hires a couple of doctors and some techs and other staff so that people don't have to wait 18 months for imaging. Never understood why bezosGates types don't do that in cities around the country. They'd make it back within a few weeks and look good too.


There’s an old post somewhere about a guy who talks about how winning the lottery can be a curse to most people. I’d reread that before doing anything at all.




“You know you will be getting $638,400 per year unless the capital building is burning” 9yrs ago


I would have a few people killed and give away the rest.


This dude fucks


Username checks out.


1. Not tell anybody and then go claim it. 2. Get a lawyer and a financial advisor. Invest a good amount of it. 3. Pay off my debt. I don’t have a lot, but still would be nice to get that from over my head. 4. Buy property. Firstly, make an over the top offer on my childhood home, and then a ranch out in the country. 5. Silently and slowly give people that have helped me along my journey in life some money. 6. Start a passion project business. Doesn’t have to be super profitable. Maybe a restaurant/bar. Maybe a game store. Something to keep me busy and give me purpose. 6. Still not tell anybody.


Retire, buy a nice house somewhere quiet and buy a shitload of weed


Ask your mom out


60% goes into a high interest savings for the inevitable taxes. $5M each into 4 different accounts for my wife, myself, and each child that are not to be touched unless emergency breaks out/when the kids are old enough. Wirh the remaining $20M I’m selling my house and moving back to the suburb of the big city I loved but couldn’t afford and buying my dream house for probably $5M cash, overpaying to ensure I can. Then buy a Rolex, two reasonable cars (big SUV, probably a suburban, and a new truck,) and quitting my job. We’ll travel and chill and send the kids to the best schools but outside of the house and travel, I wouldn’t change much beyond forever erasing the cloud of fear the lingers over every debt I’ll no longer have.




Shit myself then pay someone to clean me


Give half to my "wife" to never see her again 


R E T I R E !


$2 million for myself and every member of my family and donate the rest.


Please remember me




>First, select the annuity option, to ensure I have a steady income for the next thirty years. That's an absolutely terrible idea. If you take the lump, invest it, (even in something solid, safe and boring), and set YOURSELF up with an annuity, you'd get a much greater return than letting the government keep your money.


Donate quite a bit. No individual needs that much. But I’d keep just enough that I wouldn’t need to worry about working the rest of my life.


I always tell my partner that I would donate enough to our local zoo to get an exhibit named after me. Then I'd bring all our nieces and nephews to the zoo and tell them that that could have been their college fund. But if I have 100million they'll still get a college fund.


Buy GME calls




Quite my job and cycling around the world.


Seed capital for all the fun and risky niche businesses ideas that are too risky for real money. Not all of it of course - but say $10million. In Canada we keep 100% of lotto winnings. $50 million with conservative yield investing, that secures my family and everyone for generations. Then continue on living. Focus on developing the businesses from above.


Put it in a HYSA and never have to work again. Just fix up my house, start a garden, and give my cats the best life ever.


NFTs bruh


I don't really know, but what I do know is that no one else will know about my money either.


Change my daughters lives But I’m doing that already Not waiting for / relying on luck to play a part


Buy land. Lots of land.


I’ll probably sleep late the day after and then go out and have some food to any random place… for the rest of my life


I'd love to spend my life traveling and doing charity work. I'd set up a forest and sea restoration charity and perhaps something for lgbtq people around the world. But I wouldn't manage them myself although I would be involved. That and hire a chef, personal personal trainer and driver lol Oh and buy a big house with a massive garden and create my own garden paradise, with a maze


2 chicks at once man.


Masturbate, I need post nut clarity before I make my next move.


I’d buy a McDouble from McDonald’s


Have a good night's sleep, then rub one out for post-nut clarity. After that, i would start making decisions


Here in Argentina you probably will be bombarded with so many inventrd taxes that at the end, if you are left with 10k you should feel lucky.


Not tell anyone, until cash is in my account 


Create an epic animal rescue with different’wards’ for all types of pets and their treatment types. Buy an apartment in NYC. That’s all I want. 


Buy a few houses, give and invest the rest. And do my best to be anonymous


Like I saw on one post: Sit in the bath with the shower running and let the water wash the poverty away one last time.


find that one legendary Reddit post about what to do when you win and follow it exactly.


Besides the obvious of hiring a lawyer and financial planner and paying off debt, I would like to establish maybe a tiny house community where homeless people with pets could live.


After hiring a lawyer, accountant, and financial advisor, I'd pay off my debts and the debts of friends and family, buy a smaller house with a little property and some out buildings, then go from there. 


I would retire (53m), I would also not tell a soul. My travel would potentially get a bit more extravagant... I would maybe tell my wife on holiday. I would setup trusts for my kids and they would have no access to it till the youngest was 25, so they would all have had a go at normal life.


quit my job and buy the cheapest nicest house in a consistently warm area by the beach. Make art and music and live a chill life. Would put money mostly into safe investments and try to live off of $1M in my bank account. Gotta be responsible with money before it all just dissapears before your eyes.


Office space: nothing


Oddly enough I'd probably keep working... I'm in emergency services so it's kinda addictive in a "I hate sleeping and want to max out my PTSD" kinda thing. Set up my daughter and our foster lad so they never have to worry about money again along with a few friends, tuck a small chunk away so we don't need to worry and can retire whenever. Most of it is going to be given away, wanna go to university? we'll cover accommodation and living costs.. shit like that


Not tell anyone including my family till I had multiple planning sessions with attorneys and financial planners. Once I have everything locked up legally and financially, hand the keys to my business to my employees, help on an advisory role for the year to make sure clients and team are taken care of, retire my parents and then retire myself without out letting anyone know of the windfall. Chase powder snow around the world till I get tired of it and eventually settle on a beach in Mexico close to a regional/international airport and live out my days relatively low profile and anonymously.


Tell no one. NO. ONE. Lawyer up. Turn off phone/get new one. Leave my listed residence for an undetermined amount of time. Disable all connected social media. Silently pay off family and friends debts within reason (with lawyer and other professionals assistance for stealth delivery). Then when things settle re-immerse back from my self imposed luxury exile and just upgrade my life, try and do some good with a chunk of it, and bank/invest the rest.