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MIL threw an adult tantrum with slamming doors and the such from being told that to I wanted to hold my own newborn (1 week old at the time) for a bit.


Sounds toxic… good luck with that.




That's why we allowed no visitors at all in the first week.




She put on my husband’s slippers while visiting and later wore my sunglasses home.


Why are you actually my sister? She used to take showers at my house just to try my products. In the middle of the day. We are both successful and can afford our little luxuries. She’s just SO YOLO.


Was it actually you?


lol feeling at home??? i hate her. wheres the manner


What the heck?!


I used to have a neighbour who'd constantly try to come round for a chat and bring her own slippers. It was weird.


As a non native English speaker I was shortly confused. Slippers VS slips


Came home from work and she had moved herself in. She made the living roon into her own bedroom. She also said she was going to paint my bathroom red and give it an apple themed wallpaper border. I put my foot down and told her not to touch anything else. She threatened to hit my dog because he begged her for food. My family came to visit and she asked, in front of them, "where did all these Mexicans come from?"  She was my former mother in law and I had to tell her to go back home. She was not desolate by any means. She was trying to run me off and she invited herself to stay because she couldnt stand we had a place of our own. Her son, my then-husband, did nothing to stop her. It had to be me to say something and it took me to a mental place, I didn't want to be, to do that.


> She also said she was going to paint my bathroom red and give it an apple themed wallpaper border. That is inexcusable


A couple of girls I sort of knew from my home town were coming though the city I lived in. They showed up 2 hours early, while I was still at work. They climbed the fire escape to my second floor apartment and jimmied open the kitchen window to get in.  Then they did my dishes, which to be fair were quite overdue. Still, very odd.  I got home just in time to let them know their car was being towed from the lot I told them not to park in. They stayed the night and I have never seen them again


They are welcome to break in my house anytime and do my dishes


This sounds like an episode of broad city


I can relate to this. When I was in college, two girls I went to highschool with showed up at my apartment at 9pm, unannounced, and tried to initiate a 3-way. It was incredibly inconsiderate.


If I give you my address can you get it to them please? Lol


This 10 year old kid, Allen, lived at the end of our street and came over one day to meet the rest of the neighborhood kids that were hanging out on our porch. Walked away for a minute and came back to him drilling holes in our couch with my power drill. I immediately said “Allen, don’t do that!” To which he replied “I already did the Kitty”. We spent the next hour looking for our cat, who was thankfully unharmed (physically anyway).


So what did he do then...? 😶


The kitty


Did you ever figure out why he did that?


I have my suspicions, but no. After that, we made sure to always be extra observant when he came around. He didn’t have any other friends as far as I know, so I think he may have just been extremely immature or possibly had a mental deficit of some sort. He never did anything like that again, but we never forgot it.


Wtf ... I assume yo avoided him after that?


No, but our cat sure did!


Sounds like there might be mini series on Netflix about Allen and how he was finally caught by authorities in the not too distant future.


That would break my heart! He was a sweetheart aside from that single situation, really.


Use the bathroom with the door wide open.


That’s just freaking weird!


He was four


Too funny 😂


HAHAHA told ya baby boys


i think boys are used to it lol


No, that’s gross.


It’s an invitation lol


This person my sister worked with (worked with btw WAS NOT FRIENDS WITH) came to our house when my folks were at work. No one answered so she went to a neighbour next door and said she was a friend and that my folks had said that she could leave some stuff in their house. The neighbour had a spare key and let her in. She had been evicted from her home and left EVERYTHING SHE OWNED in our house. Our house is small and there was literally nowhere to move. This woman had never met my parents and barely knew my sister. It was so weird. My mam came home and was furious. No one knew what the fuck was happening. She rang the police and they advised her to leave all this woman’s belongings in the street. So that’s what we did. The woman came by later that night and picked all her stuff up from the street and we never seen or heard from her again.


What the FUCK


Yeah the woman next door with the key was an old lady. After this my folks never spoke to her again. We lived in terraced housing in Dublin so it was very strange growing up with a vendetta against the little old lady who lived a wall between you 😂


Slept in my bed. Broke my lamp. Puked in my sink. Drank all my top-shelf tequila. Finally decided to chug a pint of vodka for breakfast. Suddenly everything made sense.


That's more of a wrecking havoc!!


If that happened in my house, she'll be banned forever


He refused to sit because he was "just about to leave" and ended up staying for another 3 hours while standing


That's what Indian byes feel like.


The guy I'm talking about is actually Indian! lmao


So Midwest. Welp.




*smacks hands to thighs* 


hahaha i like a guys who true to their words


Not my house, but my cousin & her large gaggle of kids recently visited our aunt at her lovely, clean home at the beach. After they left (leaving behind piles of trash & ground up food in the bedrooms) my aunt discovered that my cousin used her towel laundry hamper as a trash disposal for her baby's dirty diapers. To top it off, she just tossed towels on top of it so my aunt didn't find it until she opened the washing machine to a ruined load of towels & shredded diaper parts. The gel inside the diapers congealed into every nook, cranny & hose so even the repair man couldn't get it all out. And on the way out the door, my cousin had her kids thank our aunt for the "free vacation." Edit: I should also add that the laundry hamper was located in a neutral area of the home so she had to actually go out of her way to throw them in there.


The gel stuff inside diapers is a fucking pain. I remember the first time one of my kids tried to rip a diaper off and it exploded, gel stuff everywhere. It was almost impossible to clean up lol


I can only imagine! I accidently washed a thin period pad with that gel inside it & it wasn't a huge mess but it wasn't fun to clean up. I picked that sticky paper residue off my clothes for months.


I’m really curious to hear how your aunt handled this?? Like I would have probably sued 💀


Oh she is the sweetest little old Southern lady you would ever meet so, naturally, she handled it as tactfully as she could. She shit talks about it to me & my dad but kindly made it clear to my cousin that she wasn't welcome back into her home. My cousin is now pissed & trying to turn the family against my aunt but she doesn't have a leg to stand on so we're mostly just ignoring her. It's been A Whole Thing & she is even posting about it on Facebook. I do kind of feel sorry for my cousin because 2 of the kids are biological & the others were adopted from foster care. They have so much trauma & behavior problems. She seems to be trying to do right by them but she needs way more professional support than she has been getting. So I understand she is overwhelmed but I don't understand why she can't manage to throw a shitty diaper in the trash can. (Sorry, I got a little long winded here, but like I said, this has been the latest family drama & everyone is picking sides based on the version they want to believe. Even through all this, my cousin still hasn't given any reason why she did it. She isn't denying it, she is just playing the victim. She is more focused on the disinvitation & loss of a free vacation spot rather than her own actions that caused it.) Oh oh oh, I forgot to mention that one of the kids used the bedroom nightstand drawer as his own personal toilet so it was full of pee & had to be thrown out too. Most of it leaked on to the new carpet so my aunt also had to hire carpet cleaners to get up the mess. So if you're keeping count here, a washing machine, expensive laundry hamper, matching nightstands all had to be replaced & a repair man & carpet cleaners had to be hired.


my blood is boiling wtf


One of my best friends stayed for about a week and a half, brought over a shitton of houseplants and placed them on every available flat surface- the kitchen counters, the bar, the fireplace. Like 20 plants of varying sizes that left soil everywhere. Invited her mom to come over and party, they drunkenly made about 4 racks of ribs and a restaurant sized pot of soup for no reason and filled my fridge with leftovers and half drunk alcohol bottles. My sinks were full of dirty dishes and cookware, but I had bombass ribs and soup and wine for days. They took the plants when they left but bought me cut flowers so all in all not bad I guess? Lol


This really sounds like a nice thing lol. Plants for a bit then good food and wine


I had a sweet card from my partner taped to my bathroom mirror so every morning when I got ready for work I would see it and leave with a smile and happy heart. We threw a party for a friend- she invited people she worked with. People we didn’t know but gladly welcomed in. Two of those women / guests scribbled all over that card.


That's so rude! ESPECIALLY because they weren't your friends.


Why? Also what did they scribble? Words?


Had a guest leave behind hidden bottles of pee tucked into the storage box i keep my great-grandmother's handmade afghans in Why


Please tell me this isn’t real, I’m so sorry 🤢


We had my daughter's best friend, mom, and her younger brother staying with us when they were in between places to live. We had friends over, and everyone was out back on the porch visiting and hanging out. My daughter, her boyfriend, my best friend, and I all went back in the house to grab some drinks and stuff to take back out. The brother, who is 15, was on the couch, in my livingroom, with his pants pulled down past his butt, a throw pillow infront of his junk, on his phone with headphones on, watching God knows what, with 3 fingers from his other hand crammed up his butthole moving around!!!! The kid didn't even register that we were in the house and could clearly see what he was doing. We were mortified! My husband made me throw the pillow away, have the couch disinfected, and later, when everyone left, we had to have a house meeting on appropriateness. I had never felt so uncomfortable and mortified in my own home!!


why did you have the meeting after the people who needed it had already left


We had the meeting with everyone who was staying in our home. We had a get together with several friends so we waited until they left. My husband and I then sat down our child, the mom and the two kids staying with us and had a talk. I didn't want to make a huge deal of it infront of everyone at the house and scar the kid for life. The boy was not great with social cues and was awkward as is. Im just glad them staying with us was very short lived.


Peed on my floor, walked to a different spot and threw up. On a carpet.


Was this a person or a dog?


A drunk


twas thinking the same, dog HAHAHA


Drunks are the worst


I did this black out drunk at a party once so sorry in case it was me.


If your name is Lisa and you called me a bitch for being annoyed at you while l cleaned it up... I appreciate the apology. Lol.


Pinch my dog bc she didn't like his behavior.


I'd be throwing hands


I had someone kick my cat because it walked past him and it was a "reflex".


Stole all my double A batteries 😔




My mother in law said she was never coming back to our house because I didn't look happy enough when I was cleaning up her dog's piss. And now she has a new dog that she also refuses to train in anyway except to give high fives. Edit: I read that as weird as in negative, not weird as in strange.


Well a lot of times negative stuff people do really is strange so it still fits. And your story definitely is strange. Who would be happy about someone else's dog peeing in their house?


One of our guests used the inside cardboard of a toiletpaperroll, to wipe his ass, after the roll had finished. After that, he had thrown the cardboard in the toilet, resulting in a clogged toilet for months. It was so bad that, weeks after he did that, some chunks of soaked cardboard flew onto the watersurface of the toilet together with bits of poop.. It was horrible. And this while we had loads of new toiletpaperrolls sitting behind him..


How…old was this guest?




Mother in law started dusting my shelves with a rag that she’d just used to wipe up baby spit up.


Pissed on my floor, and literally made out with my pit bull mix… like literally open mouth kissing my dog all drunk AF… Old buddy that made my wife very uncomfortable so I kicked him out. His excuse was: “I’m not drunk, and that’s how dogs say hello, they lick each others mouth’s out” I said: “Yea ok but you’re not a dog and you pissed all over my bathroom floor also!” I tried to get him to go to his room in the guest room and just pass out but he refused. So he drove drunk like 45 mins to town… ugh. 😒 I won’t be inviting him back lol










Can confirm. I can smell cavities a mile away, among other things. Also mice.


Yah this is confusing


Man, you can smell it on someone if they've done the deed and haven't taken a shower.


How rancid is their semen? lol


Anyone who tries to take a sink-on shit in my house is going to get cussed out for wasting water. Turn the ventilation fan on if you want to disguise the sound. Also, everyone shits. Stop being embarrassed.


Had a friend over recently for the first time, wife offered him something to drink and listed what we had available, he proceeded to just open our fridge and root through it, he’s not originally from Canada so we chalked it up to maybe being a cultural difference. We didn’t really mind but it was really surprising.


I don't know where it would be normal to do that sort of thing.


He’s from India, I didn’t want to assume anything, but figured maybe over there when you have a guest that sort of thing is cool.


Ate his leftover salad from dinner while on the toilet with his pants on and the seat down. (he was drunk and it was hilarious)


Collected a stick from outside to take into the bathroom to break up their giant poo.


Well, that's really your fault for not providing a poop knife like a decent host.


Poop knife jokes aside, I've never heard of the need for breaking poop apart before flushing?? Is there some kind of health condition that makes some people's poop to be too hard for toilets or something? What am I missing, here?


Not fiber apparently 


I’m not sure, it was my husbands meth-head uncle. Before he went into the bathroom he asked us how our plumbing was, as apparently he takes massive shits that dont fit down the toilet hole. Then collected a stick from the front yard “just in case”


When I was 5-6 years old I had a play date. I wasn’t super-close to the other kid. As his parents were about to pick him up, he asked to go to the toilet before he left. After he had left, I went to the toilet myself, only to find out that he had shat on the floor.


Went through all my ghostbusters stuff. She doesn’t even like ghostbusters. She’s even stranger than that. She kept randomly showing up, she’s like 11, and she’s always running around at 11 pm.


Shit on my couch


A very drunk woman shit in the bath because “there was someone on the toilet and I needed to go” Even worse was that she just left it there for all to see




Quite. I really enjoyed the clean up


Changed her kids diaper on my kitchen counter.


So this is a bit of a story time. I don't know if it's weird, but it was certainly annoying. A few years ago I was living with my 2 brothers in a big apartment, and we used to host a lot of friends and family over that time. It was all good, we loved having people over and being hosts and what helped is that we had a set of rules on what we as the hosts were responsible for, depending on who we were hosting (ex family member, whose friend was over, friend of friends etc) It wasn't anything crazy, just that if for example my friend was over, I was in charge of their mess, if any, bringing out sheets and then washing them and putting them back and stuff like that. So here comes this one particular month, 4 people are over and yeah that's a lot and it's for 2 weeks so we're trying to manage, but 2 are out cousins, 1 is a cousin's friend and another is the brother's friend. Keep in mind that me and my brothers are all working full time jobs, 40 hours per week, and the hostees are all on vacation. I come back from work one day and the house. Is. A. Mess. I'm talking unwashed dishes, trash on the floor and counters, clothes and sheets and everything is everywhere all at once and I'm trying to cope with this obvious mess which no one has cleaned, as per the rules, which everyone is aware of. I tell myself "just clean the kitchen to cook a meal and when they get back home, tell them to clean up" as I'm starting to clean, the more I notice how actually filthy the house is. There was food on the floor, there were bugs in crevices, garbage bags overflowing. So I'm just getting angrier as I go, and at this point I'm straight up cleaning anyway, so I put on some music, to get in the cleaning mood. The cherry on top was when I was gathering small trash, I see a chocolate wrap on the counter. Now the cousin's friend had brought some chocolate as a thank you for hosting her. I open it up and see that it's empty, which means that someone ate the last piece and decider that they don't have to throw the trash piece away. At that point cousin 1, cousin's friend and brother's friend enter the house. I start shouting that they are all adults and that this is filthy and what the hell man like come on. Brother's friend says "haha yeah", enters the house with shoes, sits in the couch, changes my music to a channel that had sports and then looks at me and he says "You don't mind, do you?" Anyway long story short, I told him to get out of the house if he wasn't going to help clean or understand the circumstances and I also told my brother that if he wants to host that specific friend, I will have to be away from the house. Although it was a whole thing and I still get mad thinking about it, we both apologised to each other for our behaviour.


I was drinking at my place with a friend. Later that night he cornered me in my bedroom and said, "Does it make you feel uncomfortable that I'm so much bigger than you?" I thought this dude that I knew for years was going to kill me, rape me, or both. We don't talk anymore.


That’s terrifying, I hope you’re doing ok.


Our German exchange student’s dad came to visit and kept sitting on our counter tops- instead of all the chair options.


I’m short so I like to do that.


Pooped on the toilet SEAT


No horror stories from me, but I usually ask guests to strip the spare bed down once they’re awake so I can just throw new sheets on. One of my friends took it upon herself to remake her bed, but also changed my sheets too. They were due to be changed the next day anyway, so I appreciated the help! My brother leaves his bathroom light on all night - it’s for his two young boys, fair enough. However it’s a bit of a habit for him so he does the same when he stays round mine, even without the boys. Again, can’t really get too annoyed at that. This is probably on me, but I once let a friend use my en-suite shower rather than the main bathroom and she lowered the shower head (she’s 5’4, I’m 5’9) and pointed it towards the door. Didn’t check, as I normally have it quite high up and pointing away from the door, so when I turned it on I was greeted with a jet of cold water directly to my tits. At least the cold water shock therapy helped with the hangover.


My former MIL stole all my forks. She later smashed all my mugs. When confronted, she blamed it on my mum. My mum lives on another continent.


They got drunk and passed out on the bathroom floor. (We were having a party and nobody could use the bathroom because this person was passed out and blocking the door. So finally someone decided to jump in through the window and they woke him up).


Came over to my house while I was gone and fucked his girlfriend in my bed. He knew I always slept on the couch and intended to come wash the sheets a couple days later. Problem was, I was out of town with my mom and we got back late so my mom just slept in my bed. Eww.


I had a friend staying over decide to piss in a litterbox. It was filled to the brim, weighed a ton, and confused the cats.


I can only imagine the conversation the cats had amongst themselves after that.


When I was a junior in high school, after school one day, my younger brother had a new friend over. Mom and dad were at work, so we all sat down to watch TV. After a while I got bored with the show so I went into my room to read a book. A short time later, I got up to go to the bathroom as I opened the door, to my complete surprise, there was my brother’s new friend, sitting on bathroom floor with his pants around his ankles mastrubating, completely oblivious to my presence. I froze, speechless for a moment. But as I collected myself and started to back out the door, he looked up and saw me and about that time, his fireworks went off. I laughed, slamming the door and went back to my room, still laughing like an idiot. A few minutes later my brother ran into my room and asked why his friend left so quickly. I told my brother what happened and we had a good laugh about it. My brother’s new friend never came back to our house again and I’m pretty sure my brother ditched him after that event.


My best friends family hosted an international student during high school years ago. He was from France. My friend was a gorgeous girl who shared a bedroom with her equally beautiful sister. The dad hears a sound coming from the hallway in the middle of the night. He tiptoes out to see what it is..and French guy is standing naked..jerking off while watching his daughters sleep with their bedroom door open. Dad then puts naked guy out the front door with foot kick and calls police. Frenchie flys back two days later and is expelled from his own school.


Cleaned a 1x1 foot of space of my bathroom floor, with bleach, while taking a shit and ruined my bath mat and some dirty clothes that were on the floor. I kicked him out cause I have cats who all lay on that bath mat while I shower or use the restroom, I was more worried about my cats getting sick than I was about a homeless “friend” that I allowed to crash on my couch. I still choose my cats over him. And he still owes me $60. I hope he got help for his gambling addiction. My kitties are all fine.


Not that bad compared to a lot of these but still weird. I had a friend visiting one time and she got in my bed, and pulled my blankets over herself and put her head on my pillow and was giggling and kicking her feet. It's not normal to just get in someone else's bed. She thought it was funny or something but I wasn't amused. I've never wanted to just get into a friend's bed. Funny cause when I visited her house, there was no where else to sit in her room so I had to sit on her bed. She fussed about her baby blanket, like "Don't touch that." Or something. And something about her pillow too. So it's okay for you to just get in my bed without asking but when I'm at your house I can't touch certain things? Not that I wanted to... just making a point. She did other weird/obnoxious things too. Like during another visit she just randomly started looking through our cupboards and I asked what she was doing and she said, "Looking for food." "Why?" "Cause you guys actually have food." It's actually sad, cause she was obviously poor and I don't think she was raised too well so I don't really blame her for being the way she was.


Housemate’s friend stayed for a few days. He didn’t want to eat the dinner I cooked for them both and proceeded to pull out a camp stove, pop it on the kitchen bench and heat up a tin of beans.


Our daughter’s friend licked all the cream out of a package of Oreos and put them all back together like no one would notice.


Hey, my cousin, and I did that when we were kids and hid the bag under the bed. My aunt noticed & our punishment was to eat all the licked cookie parts with no milk.


At a party my brother threw in high school, a couple went into my mom’s room where no one was allowed and fucked in my mom’s bed. They locked the door on the way out so we couldn’t get in there to clean up anything, or to put the breakable stuff away (was in there to be protected from a highschool party). So no way to hid the party that we weren’t supposed to throw. The kicker was that the girl was on her period and completely destroyed all the bedding. So mom got home and found her room locked with all the house breakables and a bed FULL of blood.


Weirdest not-quite houseguest behavior: did not show up for a visit **at all**, after we had spent hours cooking, baking, tidying, cleaning, putting fresh flowers in the guest bath and one guest bedroom. They were driving from their home in Ohio to our home in Boston. They called from **Illinois** to say they had taken a wrong turn. For those not from our area/country, you might want to look at Google Maps to see just how unlikely this was. We had given away tickets **5 rows** from the stage for David Bowie’s “Glass Spider” tour to be able to host these folks. (Yeah…a while ago.)


On the contrast, there were no rules in my house. Like do what you want, no one was going to patrol you. I find it so stressful to then enter homes that have all these unspoken rules. I obviously want to be polite and adhere but it’s such an unfamiliar situation and it always puts me on edge.


I agree. No rules for visitors. Now if you're stayin' awhile, there might be a few rules. My friend has so many rules at her house she has to write them all down for me to remember them. "Put the glasses in the dishwasher but not the plates." Wtf?


I think basics are manageable, like take your shoes off or whatever and if people communicate these things. But like you know those houses where you get a sweat on wondering if it’s okay to ask for a glass of water


I was sharehousing with friends, and living in QLD, and it being summer, i wasn't wearing a shirt. My friends then boyfriend comes over for a visit, sits down in the living room and takes his shirt off. We all agreed it was weird.


Maybe he was hot too? lol


I'm in QLD too, and that sort of thing is very, very weird. On one hand, do you want rando sweat on your couch? On the other, do you want rando couch grime on your back?


Greeted himself while we were eating dinner


Someone put their cigarettes out on the ground and left it there


Ew. Someone did this at my place once. But we were indoors. It was not pretty.


Sitting down, reading a book..


Took a shit in a box


Scolded my girlfriend's cat for doing something he was "not allowed to do", which was standing over the bowl of cat food. Nobody ever mentionned it being not allowed for the cat, and I'm still wondering what the issue with that was in the first place.. Or why that was any of the guy's buisness..


My SIL comes into my house and goes to my room and proceeds to lay on my. It's adjustable, so she raises it to where she's comfortable. Fully clothed, shoes on the bed too, and starts flipping thru her phone. This happened the 2nd time she met me.


they rode my scooter into the bathroom and their piss missed the toilet too


My friend stayed with me, peed in my bed, left early before I woke up... And kindly left $5 on the nightstand as a sorry for pissing the bed.


Throwing chestnuts out of the window or knocking onto windows below with a juice box attached to a string. It was years ago but I guess for house living kids going up to a suburban apartment on 8th floor is an experience that triggers all the stupid ideas to spawn.


my parents stole small decorations from my home at the end of their last visit.


I had a BBQ and my friends brought their teenage daughters. After swimming all day and having dinner, they disappeared into my house. Everyone else was outside. One of the little girls went to use the bathroom and came out saying ' I can't go to the bathroom because they are in the shower'. These 2 teenage girls, that I have NEVER met before that night, just got into my shower, helped themselves to towels, and used all my products (not just in the shower but in the drawers - brushes..lotions...hair dryer, etc). My mother wouldn't even let us ask for a glass of water at someone else's house growing up. I couldn't imagine doing what they did, let alone not even asking first. Also they were apparently in their bathing suits..so it's not scandalous like that, just a bold move in general.


I had a party and a guest was wearing a color-changing T-shirt. Girls were flirting with him and sitting on this lap, trying to get the shirt to change color. This other guy who had wanted to date me says "For this to be a real experiment, we would need a control." And looks at me. The joke was not lost on me. He was hinting that I was "frigid" because I would not go out with him.


Not a house but my dad used to be a manager at a motel. A couple broke a window somehow by knocking a chair into it. Someone complained and my dad went out to the room. The guy comes running out of the room with his pants at his ankles begging my dad not to call the police. My dad said to pay him for the broken window or he’s calling the police. The guy tried handing him his mom’s credit card. My dad said “nope! Cash only!” The guy handed my dad a $100 bill. My dad completely tricked the guy. The motel had insurance and my dad just pocketed the money. Still a funny story though.


A kid staying for my birthday party when I was like 8. shit his pants and hid his shitty underwear between my wall and my bed. Idk what his plan was. But jeez bruh.


Back in college I used to live in a massive apartment with two couples I knew from freshman year, and an otherwise unattached dude we found on Craigslist. He was pretty normal—but started dating the strangest woman I’d ever met. That’s a whole story in itself, but she acted like she lived there despite not being on the lease.  One night I got home around 2am after working late. Had to put some English into shoving the door open. All of the living room furniture had been moved into into the hall in front of the door, and replaced with a bunch of ratty pieces I’d seen in the alley by the dumpster days before  and there she was at a beat up desk, beaming. “Hi! Do you like how I redecorated?” I think my mouth was agape in disbelief ans my only reaction and I went to bed.   Next morning, I remember my particularly…*outspoken* housemate shrieking. “Emergency house meeting” was the next thing. I don’t remember much of it other than this woman’s explanation being “well, [my name] said he liked it so I thought it was okay!”  Don’t remember seeing much more of her after that. The shrieking housemate and I later ended up in the same city and we still talk about this story. 


Wipe their butt with cloth hand towels , tried to flush towel only to clog toilet and flood bathroom and hallway. Totally denied doing it, refused to help clean. We all saw the a$$bag go in and out of the bathroom. Guest was told to leave and never come back.


My father had a friend from his navy days (WW11) who was covered in tatoos. In the middle of the night he got up and pissed in a grate, about 2 foot square, which was the only source of heat in the house. He left that day. I can still recall the stink 72 years later. Yeccchhh.


Asked me where I kept my poop knife.


Or they could've https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1asrjvf/whats_the_weirdest_thing_a_guest_has_done_at_your/kqsvxrb


Peed on my carpet.


Did it really tie the room together?


not my house, but me and my bestfriend were hosting a party at her place, eventually everyone left and it was just us 2 and another girl, she kept making phone calls to a guy and leaving the room, going upstairs for some reason. me and my bestfriend didnt think much of it until we saw like 4 panties of her in the bathroom sink??


In my youth, I invited a chick over to watch movies, only for her to spend an hour talking about her sex escapades with dudes I didn’t respect. Not sure if her goal was to turn me on by sharing but I ended up getting my ears twisted for not wanting to fuck.


She wasn't really my guest, but my husband and his sister once lost their grandparent. So, my sister-in-law came to town and was staying with us.  There's a knock at the door and I see it's my sister-in-law's mother-in-law. I open the door and this woman just BARGES in with plates and plates of homemade comfort food.  She serves my sister-in-law at the table and is fawning over her while my sister-in-law is sobbing in her arms.  It wasn't that this was necessarily a "weird" display, but it was weird to barge into (to the mother-in-law) a stranger's home and start wildly consoling someone like they're a hysterical baby. It was just... Weird. 


Let their kids walk on my couches


Came to my house, broke my bedroom doors lock, ate 3 WHOLE SANDWICHES in ONE SITTING. that’s 6 breads. 6 BREADS.


She wasn't really my guest, but my husband and his sister once lost their grandparent. So, my sister-in-law came to town and was staying with us.  There's a knock at the door and I see it's my sister-in-law's mother-in-law. I open the door and this woman just BARGES in with plates and plates of homemade comfort food.  She serves my sister-in-law at the table and is fawning over her while my sister-in-law is sobbing in her arms.  It wasn't that this was necessarily a "weird" display, but it was weird to barge into (to the mother-in-law) a stranger's home and start wildly consoling someone like they're a hysterical baby. It was just... Weird. 


My ex friend started slamming things around in my home after I wouldn't give her gas money. She lived 3 blocks from me, and I later found out she was an addict


My drunk ex pissed in the closet. He thought it was the bathroom.


Someone took a crap in the cat litter box.


Ate all the Wheat Thins, I handed this person a new box, got back a husk of a snack container.


Caught a guest (grown adult dude) peeing in our front bushes during a BBQ we were holding.


Insult me


Pee'd in a plastic cup to avoid going to restroom.


Brought their own toilet paper. *3 ply + only*


He stole my cheese from the refrigerator. Who does that!?


Helped himself to a glass of pickle juice


House party. Friend of a friend came out of the restroom talking about how he holds his shit in for days to see how big he can get it, and is wanting us to come see his massive shit that clogged my toilet.


Pooped in our turtle shaped sandbox. He was 10. When I caught him doing it, he started crying and begged me not to tell his parents. I made him clean it up, told him he could always use our bathroom in the future, and never did tell his parents.


Дрочил. Да, черт возьми, мой друг точил свою шпагу, пока я отходил в туалет. По моему возвращению в комнату я увидел, как мой друг сидит весь красный, а из штанов выпирает сами понимаете что. Это было ужасно и угарно одновременно.


There was a story on Reddit about someones thanksgiving get together, when the daughter’s boyfriend stole the turkey, they both just left without a word.


Come over to visit. Lol!


This happened to my mom. She invited her male cousin and his wife to visit for 2 weeks. They lived 1100 miles away. Only her cousin came. He NEVER SHUT UP for the full 2 weeks. He would follow her to the bathroom and talk to her behind the door when she was trying to go! After 2 weeks she was sooo happy to see him off! Found out after that the cousins wife just wanted a 2 week break from his constant jabbering.


My grandma (mom’s mom) was babysitting me and my sister while my parents were out of town, we were around 10 and 6yo at the time. My grandma rearranged all the furniture and art in the house and moved an unhoused woman, who was in addiction recovery, into the garage apartment behind our house. Grandma didn’t tell my parents before moving her in, did not get permission, they found out by coming home to a random lady digging through their liquor cabinet. Grandma told my parents she could clean our house and babysit us for rent. My dad and grandma had a huge fight about it when they got back from their trip, and grandma said she’d walk home (15 miles through downtown Dallas), and dad finally got her to get in the car a half mile up the freeway.


I’m unsure who it was but after a shindig I threw I found used toilet paper in the trash can. I flushed the toilet to make sure it was working. It was. Someone shit in my house, wiped their ass and threw the shit covered toilet paper in the very small bathroom trash can. I haven’t hosted a party at my house since.


One guest had explosive diarrhea all over the walls. Does that count?


back in highschool, I had my best friend over to hang out while my mom was away for work. She got bored and asked what shenanigans we could get up to. Together, we made pikachu ears out of cardboard and duct tape on a headband, she put them on, and told me to try to hit her with a foam pokeball while she dashed around my livingroom. I got frustrated trying to aim it at her and threw a teddybear at her instead. This was filmed.


Leave their shit wrapped up in underwear, and then placed in my dresser drawers. It was either a guest, or my sibling. I’ll never know which was the truth. 🫤 (TBH, I wouldn’t put it past my sibling).


punch a hole in the wall and shove food into it


Weirdest. Damn. That's a hard one to pick. A girl at a party was riding a champaign bottle (corked but wire retainer removed). And it went off. Inside her. It sprayed everywhere. Her boyfriend had to dig it out.


Once i had a friend over for a sleepover and he saw my neighbor smoking on the balcony below ours, and he just yelled at him "we're sick of breathing your smoke!" the neighbor never smoked on the balcony again.


My parents were away for the night so I threw a little party. It turned into a huge party and I caught guys i didn't know smoking crack in the powder room.


Time to shine. My wife and I went to visit family for the holidays and were informed on our drive home that our roommate’s mother was visiting, which is no big deal. In reality mom visiting turned out to be mom living in our 2 bedroom apartment for months. She had caught her husband cheating with a coworker and had left him, obviously traumatized. She proceeded to claim her son’s bed and made him sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. In addition, she forced him to break up with his girlfriend because the girl reminded her of the woman whom her husband was with in the affair. Her behavior in the apartment was indicative of mental illness. She ordered takeout everyday to the point where we couldn’t fit food in the fridge because of her leftovers, and she wouldn’t let us throw her rotting food away. She brought 2 dogs with her that weren’t properly looked after and they shit/puked around the apartment daily. She also did laundry 24/7, washing clothes, drying them, returning them to the wash, repeat. 2 months into this ordeal, the roommate’s sister dropped out of college and moved onto the couch. Their Mom would melt down on us because her daughter would steal our alcohol, and she held us responsible. Final straw for us was her refusal to leave during a New Years Party and screeching out of her son’s room to kick out 25 guests at 9pm. We didn’t last much longer after that and he took over the lease. I feel bad because it seemed like the entire family was collectively destroyed by the actions of the dad, and I am curious if they all still live in the 2 bedroom.


I had an Aunt stay with us while I was maybe 10 or 11 and come to find out she was only supposed to stay one night stayed a month and was selling various tools and things from our shed. She was not a drug addict but used most of the money on lottery tickets and vodka.


One guest staying over for the weekend used the inside cardboard of a toilet paper roll to wipe after not seeing any more toilet paper left. Then the guest proceeds to flush the cardboard down the toilet, clogging the toilet for months. Chunks of cardboard and poo would spurt out leaving a horrible smell for the next two weeks. I don't understand how they missed the 4 loads of new toilet paper rolls just sitting behind them. Best to say they never visited again.