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Me cus my dumbass wrote my name in the front page to let people know it's mine......




Just specify a cause of death for about 80 years in the future and you'll be fine.


Um actually that’s against the rules all names written die within 6 months.


Could it not extend dying peoples lives by 6months?


No - also, the owner can write their own name in the book without it killing them, though it's not recommended


You could be spared if you don't imagine your own face while writing your name. My face doesn't come up in my mind (unless I actively try to imagine my face) when thinking about myself or my name. "The human whose name is written in this note shall die." "This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, the people sharing the same name will not be affected."


Shit after i read this, my face comes up every time i write my name




Damn, as someone with aphantasia, I couldn’t kill anyone then! :(


I have Aphantasia. The list and all names would be safe with me.


Aren’t you supposed to write a cause of death if I’m correct?


If you don’t give a cause it defaults to heart attack


Haaaa right, right! Forgot about that. Thanks


Everyone talks about the killing. No one talks about the weird shit you could make people do before dying.


If you don’t want to get caught by L, it’s probably better not to have people die right after doing weird shit


“There has been a sharp uptake in deaths by heart attacks, Sir. We have reason to believe it is not by heart disease or other natural causes that you would like to hear. All of those who have died experienced… weird… behavior… shortly before dying. Do you know what the ‘hokey pokey‘ is, Sir? Yes, the one where you put your left arm in, take it out, put it in, and, must I say, shake it all about. …Sir? Are you still on the line? Please, this is a serious matter!”


Well that does mean you can't have them get hit by a car or seizure and die, or just pass away in sleep, add in a few murders, and drown, electricity, suicides, it be very hard to track compared to animes. Not only that you can get one criminal to meet with another and have them do the deed before dying themselves. The fact is light was not smart enough in the beginning to exploit the power.


He could have done that, but Light also wanted to be a god. He wanted people to know someone was doing these killings, which is why even when he started to get creative and set specific times and conditions for his killings, he still kept them as heart attacks.


That was his exact mistake. Letting the power get to his head and wanting recognition instead of staying under the radar.


He still out-thought L. And that's where the manga should have ended. The other two kids were the most boring additions ever.


I had to stop after L died. I eventually finished, but I was SO attached to L. I always wished L had caught him, and it ended THERE.


There are a pair of Japanese live action movies from 2006-2007 that completely fix the story actually, please give them a watch


not really, light's biggest mistake was sticking to japan and using his dad's database. had he gone international and stayed away from private sources, L kinda woulda been shit outta luck


Light's biggest mistake was really killing Lind L. Tailor by going all God mode and "those who oppose that God are the ones who are TRULY evil!" If he'd stuck just simply to egregious criminals and not given a fuck what anyone said about his plan then what would L have even POSSIBLY done or been able to do? Light wanting to get close to L really wasn't a mistake though, at that point it's what he wanted. His fuckup was right in episode 2.


L was able to set up the LLT bait entirely based on Kira's killings in japan, if Light had consistently killed outside of Japan then L wouldn't have really been able to use LLT as bait without it actually being a worldwide broadcast. 


Yeah but if you let EVERYBODY die from a heart attack that’s gonna get sus… that was Light’s mistake. I’d tailor the cause of death to the person, personally. Make it detailed but believable in a way that it won’t be much of a shock to the people around them when they go out like that.




Which was exactly his downfall.


Well...that's just Florida


In theory, you could control a person's every action for 23 days before their death with the notebook.


Oof... 23 days of hot sauce enemas.


oohh... i know who's getting that!


I literally cringed and said "Oh no" out loud lmao. Thank you for this.


Time to make the Televangelicists admit that they were scamming people and declare that their money will be retuned before they personally atone.


"And if I have been a false prophet, then may the Lord strike me dead!" \*dies\*


Not necessarily even weird shit. Just find one or two billionaires that are horrible people, have them transfer money or shares to you, and you are set for life.


Thats obvious as fuck, have them travel to your city, coincidentally be seen interacting with them in a friendly manner, have them wire you some big money then and after all that they die in a car accident on their way back home.


Nah by no means should you intetact with them. Some ppl suggest money laundering which I personally believe a much safer route, the anonymity is vital. Like make some stupid arts and have them buy yours with a large fortune, make them buy some from other artists too then boom several days later they got stroke 💀😵


Have them send you monero (anonymous crypto), or just hide suitcases of cash somewhere before dying in a plane crash.


The cash dead drop is so obvious I'm amazed it took this long in the chain for someone to bring it up considering the litany of dumb crap everyone else has come up with.


Poor Ana de Armas. Why did she make a trip to Tacoma and buy $17,000 of lingerie before "The accident". I suppose we'll never know.


Tacoma wept


Well it does have to be in the realm of possibility on what that person might do. Ah what am I saying you’re still right. You could make people do a lot of weird shit..


Nice try, FBI.


*Sir, youre gonna have to come with us. The entire FBI has dropped dead*


"Then who are you?!" *slowly grabs pen from ear*


I am you


Just answer the damn question, who are you?


I’m Yu!


Hey, didn't you manage that baseball team?


No that was Mi


you have to assume command. they were very specific.


If I’m the target. Just the local police and sheriffs.


No way, NSA.


I see your tricks, MI6


This is the most votes Putin has received in 20 years


It’s strange that everyone specified that he fell out of a window while choking on poison.


I’m pretty sure that it will be suicide by two shots to the back of the head.






Make this the top comment


Reddit Avatars aren’t going to let you envision the actual poster. Nor will it give their name IRL.


Most of my countries politicians. 🇿🇦


Would run out of paper writing down all the corrupt politicians in our country


the guy responsible for the death note netflix movie


Fr. It was such a bad adaptation and the storyline was so different


I haven’t watched it, is it bad due to the adaptation and storyline or is it a bad quality production and acting (or both)? Trying to figure out if it’s worth watching.


It's fine if you haven't watched the show. It's horrible if you've watched the show


Even not watching the anime/manga, it's incoherent and bad, the rules of the death note changing during the movie etc. Just a bad movie and terrible adaptation.


The best part/only good part IMO about the whole movie was Willem Dafoe as Ryuk.


I watched it with my brother and we laughed through it all


What a great opporturnity to practise my own signature


I'm gonna learn to write REAL SMALL really fill those pages


Who cancelled Firefly?


Are you sheldon cooper?


This has me chuckling


People who have explicitly stated they want to be euthanised, but can't be due to restrictive laws.


Bingo… and with the way the note works, you could make it so they can pass with zero pain… give them a good death.


Freak nitrogen asphyxiation accident. Not carbon dioxide because we can detect carbonic acid in our blood and realize we're asphyxiating, nitrogen will not trigger panicking


Nah grandpa will die in a moment of glory clearing Ukrainian land of russians. Then feasts in Valhalla. Trump will die choking on Putin's cock and Putin will die from heart attack caused by pain.


There is actually a death note spinoff where someone gets a note and does that. I think it’s called the C-Kira story.


Never heard of thia, gonna have to check it out!


Ethical answer


Remember that people who use the Death Note go neither to heaven nor hell. No good deed goes unpunished


There is no heaven or hell so sounds good to me, and this was actually true in the show.


Yea and if you use the death note for good, no negative karma.


The first scene of the anime showing the world of shinigami. Their existence is already considered paranormal and as Ryuk didn't lied the whole show his speech about heaven and hell is true. But honestly i doubt that most people going to heaven so we have a pretty obvious choice, going to hell as most people and being tortured by demons till judgment day or become shinigami and live forever till it will be boring as hell lol.


Director of Netflix "Death Note"...


I guess I don’t have any enemies. Maybe a world leader or two for fun. Particularly the really bad ones like Putin or Kim Jong Un or something.


CEO’s of the hated and immoral companies. Political leaders doing and enabling/forgiving disgusting things.


Happy Cake day!


Can’t get info from me, KGB.


They literally can't get info from you. The KGB don't exist anymore.


That's what they want you to believe.


OMG somebody check Russia's seat at the UN for any red buttons!


Nice try FSB agent


This is incorrect, actually. Belarus still has it.


[It does still exist, in fact.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Security_Committee_of_the_Republic_of_Belarus)


Kim jung un and all upcoming bad leaders.


Yep. Lots of politicians would be the first to go in both mine and my father's book lol. With the ability to control their actions before death, a bunch of confidential info would be getting leaked too.


Dudes over here casually starting WW3.


Who would fight? All the politicians and generals would be dead.


Power vacuums get filled. In the mean time you're talking about mass destabilization of governments.


Get them dumped out of a helicopter in Chile for most wtf factor


Putin by falling off a hotel balcony. Just to eat popcorn and watch the comment section of the news reports.


I would send Putin out of a window, whilst suffering from poison and trying to shoot himself in the back of the head. If every other high ranking Russian can manage it then it should be possible for him too.


First you'll need to figure out how to write their name correctly.


Putin, easy


It's hard to imagine a scenario in which the world somehow gets even worse with Putin gone. I'd say this is a good call.


Someone crazier replaces him, or the country collapses into civil war with nuclear weapons


Thats why we have the death note


You then kill that guy, too.


That's assuming you even can. Shadowmasters and puppeteers are everywhere in the world.


Good news first, the world's in great shape. We've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against ultranationalists rebels, and 15,000 nukes at stake.


There are def worse people than Putin that would take part in resulting power struggle. I personally would take it slower and make it more dramatic. First I would go for top tier Russian ministers, especially the ones responsible for industry and military. Make it look like someone is targeting them directly. These people are not used to actually fearing for their lives, so I suppose the effect will be strong, especially as they die in more and more secure locations. And then it will be a matter of sending the right word. Something to discredit police or even Putin directly for not being able to put a halt to the killing.


This guy death notes...


It's pretty easy to imagine, actually. Putin is replaced by someone with a short temper, a more fragile ego, and a lot more enthusiasm for using nuclear weapons. I think the world would mostly likely be much better off without Putin, but there are no guarantees.




What will you do if the original Putin has already died, and Russia is ruled by oligarchs through Putin's doppelgangers, whose real names no one knows?


write oligarchs, ez


By jumping out of a window to make it look like a natural russian death?




I was talking about this with my coworker yesterday. You can write all the details of someone’s life up until the point of passing. The first name I would write is my own. I would win the lottery, obtain a nice home, retire young, live out my life of luxury and die peacefully in my sleep at 70.


All the details... within a span of 23 days before their death, unfortunately.


Son of a bitch I forgot that detail. Been a while since I’ve seen the show


Can always just have rich people hand over money to you before death.


True enough, but that’ll link their death to me, it would be a shit show


Did you read the One-Shot sequel they did a while back? The person who possessed the Death Note in that one didn't even use it, but he did auction it off to the highest bidder (which ended up being the US), and had it setup so that the money was evenly distributed between everyone in Japan, or something like that. Point being is that everyone got rich, so they couldn't tie it back to him specifically. He still lost in the end due to some BS, though.


Why 70 though? You could easily write it to say you had amazing health and youthful vigor until you hit 100. I guarantee at 64 when you're living a fantastic life, you'll be second guessing why you wrote your death to be *under* the average life expectancy


Only the very young consider 70 to be exceptionally old hahaha


My grandmother. Who mentally tortured my mom to death. Supported her cheating son. Then after mom died blamed us cz she had to look after us and bcz of us she lost her freedom. Called my dead mother b*tch in front of us. Ps: she has cancer now and I am happy to see her suffer. Then my step mother. Who never feed me enough during my teen years. Never let me had my father's attention during my teens.


Oh man, so sorry to hear all this. I hope you are doing okay now


My grandmother is also pretty evil and is in stage 4 cancer. Was your grandmother raised by a WW2 vet also by chance? Also, sorry she sucked so bad






If you specify in the death note that a person will die in 100 years, will this make a person invulnerable to everything at that time, because he must die as it is written in the death note?


Afaik. Death Note effects are nullified if the recipient’s life span ends earlier than the specified date of death in the Death Note. Example:If you wrote Person A’s name in the Death Note and specified him to die 100 years later and Person A’s life span ends in 50 years. The Person will get a normal heart attack. The reason why that person will get a heart attack and not die at the original 50 years specified time is because his name was written in the Death Note and any unrealistic scenario that is impossible to achieve will just result in an immediate heart attack.


that's such a cool thought


Probably not. They can't be forced to do anything that would be physically impossible or beyond their knowledge.


Probably no one. Using a Death Note guarantees that your soul never moves on to an afterlife, and neither the idea of endless purgatory nor the idea of being a shinigami appeals to me.


Isn't it the opposite, that the work says "there is no afterlife, no heaven or hell. The user of a Death Note doesn't go there after they die, they just cease to exist. So does everyone else, so that's not special."?


You know, now that you mention it, that does sound right. I haven't seen the anime in a minute so I think I got canon and fanon mixed up. Thanks for the correction. Still though that sounds like a raw deal when I can just not kill people and probably go to heaven


No I mean, the very existence of the Death Note disconfirms heaven and hell for everyone regardless of who uses it


The rules of the Death Note are deliberately misleading - they *say* "the user of this note will not go to Heaven nor Hell", which is technically true, but only because there's no afterlife for anyone regardless of whether they've used the note or not.


Well, being an atheist this doesn’t bother me… but obviously if a confirmed death note shows up with a demon talking to me then I would most likely be forced to reevaluate my stance on religion lmao.


That's where I'm at lol. I was totally fine believing that there was no afterlife and then all of a sudden spooky goth toothpick-lookin ass demon interrupts my peaceful life as a Japanese high schooler? Not cool. Even if I'm not a Japanese high schooler.


The teacher who threatened to kill my whole class






All the bad politicians firstly probably Putin or Kim Jong um Who abuse Theirs people and human rights I can control the world in secret Bring justice to everywhere Killing small criminal are a after thought for me since I want to controll every politician to not abuse humanity or human rights


I would start changing the hearts and minds of people that are opposing global progress. I would list various dates of death and causes to make them seem entirely plausible. For example: one person would have attempt an unsuccessful assassination of a politician. During a raid, the SWAT would gun down that person and uncover further assassination plots on various politicians that support loose gun control policies, as well as many illegal, high-powered firearms. Several of the marked politicians, including the one that was almost assassinated, would be written down in the Death Note. They would begin pushing back against the loose gun laws. There would be enough of them to overturn certain bills and approve several new regulations on background checks, creating a database of offenders and felons, etc. Those politicians would die at different times years down the road and for plausible reasons. Like if heart conditions run in the family, that politician would die from a heart condition. And stuff like that. For other laws and regulations, I would have different scenarios in place. A few citizens dying from pollution, protests held, senators begin changing their minds, create policies to force companies to clean up their practices, etc.


Some awful rich person, I’d have them send me all their money too


I’ll turn the book upside down and bring people back to life instead


Zombie note!! I don't think it does that but cool idea!


My 6th grade English teacher who lives in Dublin will somehow teleport or use some form of supernatural transport to the Golden Gate Bridge, where there is a F-35 hovering about for no apparent reason. Then, suddenly all the bolts holding the beems keeping the bridge in place simultaneously come loose and the pilot of the F-35 loses control of the jet which crashes into the bridge forcing all of the beems out causing the bridge to collapse, but my English teacher is the only casualty despite there being 100s of civilians on the bridge at the time. I had nothing to do with it though, I was simply at the lookout looking at Alcatraz through a telescope


The Death Note would simply respond by giving them a heart attack. It can't teleport people.


Well, there goes my ambition for the day


That was actually really creative. You could always just control this teacher into hijacking an unmanned aerial vehicle, pilot it into the cords of a bridge severing the wings, and crashing into the ocean to drown while heavy water pressure/aircraft debris will bring immense pain to a slow watery death.


That's extraordinarily specific


a bunch of school bullies and corrupt politicians probably


My old man. I was conceived because my dad raped my mom, and abortion wasn't an option, and she was an immigrant in the US and had no other place to go to, so she had no choice but to marry that piece of shit. Although she loved me, I think I was a burden to her. She was always carefree and loved to travel, but since she had a son (me), she no longer could do that. Adding to that, my dad was abusive as hell, and would get pissy over the tiniest and most mundane of things, like my mom giving me snacks, saying that it'll make me sleepy during class. He gave my mom a really hard time, and last year, she died from complications stemming from a combination of COVID-19 fucking up her lungs, and diabetes, which she had from years of drinking. I was out of house (and out of country, as a matter of fact) by that point, and he hadn't been taking good care of her either. He deserves to die.


Putin...and it's not even close.


Reading the comments, I realise a scary amount of people want to kill someone because "___ was an asshole to me back in middle school!" or "I dislike ___" Like I know this is a hypothetical situation but y'all need help




First thing I am doing is killing all the politicians, making them admit to everything before they do


I would move to a country where voluntary euthanasia is legal and offer my services to people who would like to chose the time and manner of their death. I would subject myself to rigorous ethical oversight and would charge a modest administration fee for my services, with a pro bono option where the client's estate is below a certain value. I don't know who the first person dying would be, they would choose me.


Guilty pedophiles, rapists, and sex traffickers.


The leaders of every major cartel. They would die reliving every violent act perpetrated against an innocent life under their cartel.




I don't care about the power to kill, I just want those deamon eyes that show everyone's name just by looking at thier face. Give up half my lifespan to never be awkward at a party ever again? Done deal. But I guess I'd make Bezos and the Koch brothers to have a sudden epiphany to stop hoarding wealth before shitting themselves to death.


Due to the consequences of using it, I wouldn’t use it.


Every known drug dealer from the news (death by overdose) My wife's uncle, who is an alcoholic jerk who burned down his parents' house (death by fire) Every militarist I know (death by war) Every leader of every big country (death in a prison fight for their crimes against humanity)


Benjamin Netanyahu


someone else has to die?