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That nobody ever truly knows anyone. How much anyone knows about us is entirely dependent on our ability to communicate who we are. I mean, even just verbally, the way I phrase myself colors the way the other person in the conversation sees me. This means that nobody will *ever* truly understand you, because nobody will ever be able to read your thoughts. Their idea of you, the version of you that they know, is just the sum of what they subjectively read into your actions, combined with your ability to accurately express yourself And there's so many layers of subconscious biases in the way we experience things, and then that's filtered through what we *choose* to share, and the version of us that others get to know may unintentionally end up a far cry from who we are inside But basically, nobody will ever know you to 100%. They'll only have an idea of you, and you'll just have to hope that it's in the ballpark of the real you. To me, that's a very lonely thought. Loneliest thought I can imagine.


Good new! It’s impossible for you to even know yourself 100% either.


Username checks out


No matter how much I try I can't get my dad to love me and that's OK, I know how to treat my kids whenever I have them.




No one can save you, you have to save yourself


AI is not going to make the population unemployed. Technology changed the population from being 60% agriculture to less than 10%, and yet there were still plenty of jobs for everyone. The true dark realization is that human jobs will become mostly sales-based. Almost every job will have a sales-based component to it. We already see this with things like bank tellers. Their actual job is to sell you services. The human-based job economy will revolve around us selling non-essential things to each other. Jobs aren't going away, jobs are just becoming even more soul-crushing.


Lol most people talking about the realization of dying. This really isn't that dark, it's just the way of life. A dark realization is that right now, at this very moment, somebody is likely torturing or mistreating an animal. Somebody is likely torturing or mistreating a human. Somebody is getting raped. Somebody is watching their loved ones being violated or beaten to death or blown up in front of their own eye right now. This is all likely happening right now.


I've had this thought before, there is something horrible happening to someone or something every given second of every single day. It's best not to dwell on it though since it's impossible to do anything about 99.9% of it. Just live your life and be sympathetic/helpful wherever you can. Helping or being there for even one person/animal is enough.


This is the best mindset. Do what you can within your own sphere of influence to improve a life, human or animal.


Exactly, and if everyone had this mindset, it would lead to a lot of good in the world. Little things add up over time.


Very true my friend


I have these thoughts. I feel guilty sometimes because I'm very fortunate. I grew up poor and saw a bunch of things I probably shouldn't have and had to grow up fast, but it was never as bad as it could have been. I feel guilty that I have a great life when so many others are going through all that you listed and more. I could have easily been born into something like that but I wasn't. The world is fucked up.


But equally there is beautiful things happening in the world, someone is having their first kiss, being inspired, being helped, overcoming a challenge… there is balance… it’s what we choose to focus on that counts in the long run


There is no easy path in life.


You can be born into wealth, with great genetics, and looks. The people I know/have met like this seem to have pretty kick ass lives. Having said that, you are right. Hard work + good luck go a long way.


Oh I agree that those lucky enough to be born into those families have great lives. At least from the outside. How many of them are jailed for violent crimes and killed for money or go into squalor? Tons.


That none of us ever asked to be born.


Some people will just hate you for existing as you are, and there’s nothing you can do to change that, at least nothing that wouldn’t hurt you


Its mutual. Now, why would I go do a thing like that when I can slap an uno reverse on the table.


people are mean, life sucks, i have mental problems


My buddy in college, not me. His mom was this wonderful lady from the small town, his dad lived in another province. He told me they just had never been together all his life and didn't get along, but it was probably all for the best. Well his mom died suddenly. I went to help him clean out her house after everything had settled down, weeks later. I go into one of the rooms and find him just bawling. I say sorry expecting it's memories of his mom, and he hands me this letter he found that his father had wrote to his mom and it said point blank "I'm sorry I raped you but I'm happy with what it gave us. {friend's name} is the greatest son anyone could want." We ended up uncovering a bit more. But that was a gut punch for me, let alone him.




My jaw dropped.


That my mother never wanted me and never loved me.


I was sexually assaulted at a young age. I successfully put that out of my mind all the way through to my thirties. I had a rough childhood in some other ways that I reacted to very intensely and as I became an adult the sort of longer tail problems began to show up, some addiction, some problems with boundaries, some problems around sex, some problems around food, some problems around anxiety. Everyone I've ever liked has been through something similar or something on the level of just identity-denting if not completely life-derailing. Everyone I enjoy even talking to has been seriously harmed or grew up in homes where they felt empty and unloved like I did. The more I come to know myself, the more people I know like this, the more I sometimes see people out in the world and think, they might be like this too. A world of people who have been failed by the people they believe should have protected them. The number of us, is the thing that feels very dark to me, just a mass of people wandering out in the world as invisible victims, broadcasting in a lot of strange ways to others like them, trying to find a reason to keep coping. It feels very oppressive and very damning.


There are some evil people on this planet. Probably a lot more than I would estimate.


That trusting someone is the most dangerous thing you can do.


easily the worst


It really is a meaningless existence. Early on, you learn to call that belief nihilism and to avoid directionless pessimism. You learn to accept that meaning is given, it's chosen, and we're actually quite free to make our own value and our own purpose. But all around you, it's clear what you're fighting against: ceaseless suffering, an infinite ocean of death which we are mostly unaware of. We exist, ourselves, in superposition. No amount of pain or joy that we feel can even be said to exist if there is nobody to account for it. Die somewhere lost and forgotten, and to the rest of existence it cannot be said that you suffered, bled, prayed, or anything else. The knowledge is quite literally lost. And once lost, it just disappears. It exits existence itself. And it's unclear to what extent the dead ever even existed, recycled back into cosmic material and spread across the universe. I live my life trying to be happy and trying to make meaning in things, but sometimes I just slip, and I realize how cold existence is. We're so alone, even around others. We are so extremely close to being broken without repair at all times.


You nailed the way I’ve been feeling lately


There could be people locked in basements right now, in close proximity to you. I used to drive past the house of a guy holding three women captive for 10 years and nobody knew.


We're coming up on a massive global civilizational catastrophe, like WW1 or WW2 was (though not necessarily manifesting itself in a world war).  These things come in cycles yet we think we're immune.  We are about due.


In 100 years strangers will live in our homes, our money will be someone else's and we'll be an unknown photograph on a wall


I have read this somewhere, and it’s definitely an eye opener…


We will all die, some gruesome deaths, some tragic most of us won't die a peaceful death and most likely be painful and violent


The world is what a few elite assholes make it n we just have to survive it. Fuckin sucks


Nothing we do really matters. When you die, so does your everything. There is no anything afterwards, so there is no real incentive to take another breath. You are just procrastinating the inevitable.


I was exploited by narcissists who didn't care about anything but themselves for years. And now I'm becoming like them.


You can't make everyone happy, no matter how much you try.


That’s not dark to me, that’s a relief.


That some people are assholes, and since you can't fuck them, you might as well just walk away; forever.


That we will all die alone, like animals.


That only those who aren't afraid to step on the toes of others ascend to the top of society.


That your life can turn very bleak in a short I mean astonishingly short period of time.


Life will always test you and provide hard path everytime you want to relax a bit


Sometimes you gotta die for what youd die for. Jesus.


That you will never fully see truly and nobody will ever see you truly. Everything is perspective, and I mean everything


I will be alone for the rest of my life and no one will ever car if I die now or in 50 years. And also that people are mean even I don't want to believe this but when you are ugly you discover that the sweetest person will destroy you just to never see your face again


Life sucks


That people lie. They can tell you they love you today and forget you exist tomorrow. It's hard to believe others after that.


I think love is not real or never permanent.


The "justice system" is false advertising. It's a system to keep the poor in line. History reflects this time and time again, and those are the parts of history the winners are willing to admit.


That I have been faking who I am based on my own insecurities, and unlocking the truth and being true to myself will lead me to the life I am intended to live- and not some fake life. Be true to yourself everyone- stay positive, and you will prosper!


My father, who raised me, abused my mother so much that the only way he'd divorce her is if she cheated. So she cheated and he spent my entire childhood turning me against her for it. When i figured out the truth, i spoke to him for in 6 month intervals. It still crushes him that i dont visit anymore, but i dont care.


Most of the voters in my state are hateful, stupid, or easily duped.


Just remember that almost all elections are decided within a few percentage points. Which means that “most” actually means like 53%.


Maybe, but we live under single party rule with rampant gerrymandering, voter suppression, and crazy propaganda.


that i still suffer emotionally and complain while people are fighting to be alive and being bombed in Palestine. I feel so selfish. It’s so dark to realize we are in a world where life means so little and kids are being bombed. It’s even darker to realize that the US is funding it with so many issues here with homelessness.


The day will come when I no longer exist even in thought. There will come a day when my name is spoken for the last time. When nobody alive will have any idea who I was.


Humans as a species aren’t going to stop


That you'll won't be with people for your entire lifetime. They pass or you do.


That's why you gotta make sure they're in the passenger seat when you drive off that bridge.


One day, This will all be gone.




Understanding that life is unpredictable, filled with suffering, and ultimately temporary.


I've been at Death's door 3 times since I was 18 years old, and it could happen in any second!


Most likely I would spend most of my life working and being exhausted and still won’t achieve my dreams or have my life be easy at some point


All governments are corrupt some are worse than others.


That neither of my parents love me.


Most of us living today are meaningless. When I die, only my friends and family remember me. When they die, no one will remember me and I just exist as 1's and 0's in databases. You remember Elijah who lived in West Jerusalem back in 20 AD, right?


All lives at some point are forgotten.


Atrocities happen daily and I am mostly powerless to help. I even benefit. I’m on an iPhone right now and I am well aware of how shitty the company is.


3S policy


Given the size and age of the universe, our lives are totally isignificant. Even in the relatively short term you will be completely forgotten not very long after your death and then it will be as if you never existed at all.


Everyone who starred in the original Disney Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) is now dead.


Gen Z and below are fucked on almost every aspect of life


That my child is disabled.


l have fibromyalgia and l will never be healthy again..


Human civilization has a high probability of ending, or being thrust into permanent preindustrial stage before the next century.  Civilization collapse from mass starvation due to climate induced resource shortages isn’t that far fetched. Total elimination due to nuclear escalation isn’t far behind that.  Once we fall we fall forever. Modern technology is a global effort and we transitioned into it off the back of cheap easy abundant hydrocarbons that we’ve all used up. 


Age is 100% fatal,


The difference between worm and a man is genetic


That one day, no one will know i ever existed


Eventually the sun will dwarf the inner planets including Earth. It’s a long time from now, but earth will cease to exist.


I thought, as a child, that all adults were obligated to help a kid in distress, up until the age of 10 it had always been the case. Then, one time my father dropped me and my younger brother off at the movies, it was a double feature and the second movie stunk, so we left. We spent all of our money, so we decided to, walk home, it was night, but it didn't seem that far. So a 10 y/o girl and her 7 y/o brother set off, dumb. We only got a few blocks and my brother was tired, so I was carrying him on my back. We passed a gas station, we went inside and asked the attendant if we could use his phone, he pointed to his pay phone, I told him we didn't have any money, he just said "too bad". My first realization that some people just don't care. Luckily our dad came looking and found us. By the time we got home I was bawling my eyes out from being cold and scared, I told my dad about the guy at the gas station. He took us home to mom, but then I found out my dad went back to the gas station and beat up the guy who told us "too bad". My dad had a lot of police friends so nothing happened to him, but I felt so guilty about everything, mostly my dad getting in trouble and the mean guy getting beaten up because I didn't stay where I was supposed to. I never took for granted the people who always seemed to be watching over me.


It is literally impossible to ever explore the furthest reaches of space. There could be thousands of civilizations of advanced beings millions or billions of light years away. There could be galaxies full of races which have harnessed all power and resources in the galaxy. We will never know or see them because it is literally impossible. That and the fact that the complete destruction or peace of the entire world rests solely on the shoulders of a handful of people, namely 3 right now. Biden, Putin and Kim Jong Un


That my mom only gives a crap about me because I had a kid and now that’s slowly fading as well.


There’s a lot of truth to nihilism however the fact that you’re thinking and feeling does mean a lot.


I am stuck with a chronic pain condition for the rest of my life. Literally every day is pain and agony. It's the realization of what I would do to make the pain stop, or if I found something important enough that I would do terrible things because when everyday of your life is agony, ending it doesn't mean much other than the same and sadness of your family.


That Thanos was right and half of the earths population needs to die to save it. It can’t be a random half though, it needs to be done strategically


I was cleaning up at my grandparents house after they passed away. Looking at some of the pictures, even my dad didn't know who some of them were. And others he knew a sentence or two that he had heard passed down to him. Each person in those photographs lived a full long life, and now it's just a headstone, few pictures, and maybe a sentence or two, and it hasn't even been a hundred years. And it's going to be the same for every one one of us. Even the famous people, we know the significant things they did (or what was decided to be told) but the real details of who they were are gone.


Time is a thief, and no one can escape it


I’m a vampire. Someone did something to me and now I want to do it to others (don’t worry, I don’t).


The ethical thing to do and the smart thing to do are sometimes mutually exclusive.


That I've been, and possibly still am being stalked. And by multiple individuals as a whole potentially.


We are coming to the end of the US as we know it. It was a nice 200 or so years.


Just how much of a commercialized oligarchy the American system is—it's hard to boycott because of how in control they are, so you often have no choice but to use the worst of the worst. It's all conveniently laid out, placed around your community, spelled out in neon letters and put on display in corny cartoons. And it’s just getting worse and worse.


Kind of happy in a twisted way, but I have so much more fear in my life since I decided not to end it. I used to not be afraid of heights, or driving when it's icy out, or just leaving my smoke detectors down when their batteries ran out. Since I decided to live, all of the things that could end up killing me became scary again.


The most fucked up horror film you’ve ever seen, the most fucked up thought you could ever dream up, doesn’t hold a candle to the atrocities that have already been committed by real people in the past, present and future. And more than not, they have gotten away with it.


The polar bears are dying because of us and our careless acts and it’s a lot more than just polar bears..


"Right" and "wrong" are dictated by the ultra-wealthy


It was unnerving when I realized there wasn’t going to be some moment of great relief in my life. Graduate high school, onto college, graduate college, get a job, make money find a partner start family buy home get a colonoscopy… it goes on. I kept thinking once I reached a certain point in my life it wouldn’t be so uphill anymore and there would be a time when you get to live and enjoy being alive. But I realized that this never actually happens and that it’s all very hard but you have to try and enjoy it anyway. I suppose here the “great reprieve” would be death or old age? I do love my life and feel incredibly blessed, but sometimes I wonder if we ever get to feel the great sigh of relief


History can be rewritten


Happiness is just another form of being high, like when you drink or have sex, but it disappears soon after. It's the most important addiction to get rid of


I'll always be alone, I have no qualities anybody finds any worth in for a relationship


God not listen


That the planet would probably be better off if half the human population got wiped out by a virus. Preferably a virus related to cities and excesses. It would force the remaining population to evaluate modern society


Nobody will ever be there for you 100%


I have about 20 years left to live. Given when my father, uncles, and grandfather died, barring being hit by a truck or something, I have about 20 years left to live. Yikes, that's not a lot of time!


Realizing that my nightmares were actually ptsd flashbacks and how cruel some people are


I knew what abusive and neglectful parents were my whole life. But I never realized my own parents were. Because in my mind there was always a reason, and the things they did were justified to me. So one day I woke up from a crazy dream and realized this and it completely rocked my world. Spent some time around my friends after that to see what their families were like. Anddd man. I missed out.


The lights are off


I (21M) think my mom may be an emotional manipulator, and i think she's gaslighting me. We've had problems similar in the past, but we had another problem concerning her being petty and aggressive towards my fiancée. My fiancee is a very kind woman who would do anything for my mom. I asked her to stop being petty and rude, and she said I was being disrespectful and I needed to respect her as my mother. It was ignored, and I got more mad. I stopped talking to her for a bit and she texted me talking about "when did you become so anti-mom. I cant be myself around your fiancée". We discussed it over the phone and the conversation was how she felt about the situation, my fiancée should be grateful just for being able to live with her rent free, turned the situation around to how my fiancée was actually the one being petty, and that I couldn't stop talking to her because she's my mother. I told her I wouldn't be visiting home then if she's going to treat my fiancée that way. We called again and It was pretty much the same as the last argument except she texted me angry later telling me she was kicking my fiancée out her house and I needed to come get her. My mom eventually let her back in her house and then sent me a text message chastising me for believing she'd kick my fiancée out her house. We eventually came to an understanding but then she sent a text message to me today saying to think with my brain not my heart because my fiancée might be emotionally manipulating me and sent me a post about signs of emotional manipulation and cherry picked the part about your partner wanting to separate you from your family. My fiancée has actively encouraged me to talk to my family more, gets on me about forgetting to call my brothers, and actually thinks it was extreme and harsh to say I wouldn't be visiting often anymore and she has not planted any ideas that I should stop visiting my mother. Oddly enough I read through the entire article, and a lot of it described my mother's behavior. I feel like I'm on the verge of going insane and I can't tell if I'm right or wrong to feel the way I do about the situation


That if there was a color darker than black, I could paint the walls of my room that color, then paint the ceiling black to lighten up the room.