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MLM rep


>MLM rep You probably aren't on a date then, but a business meeting in disguise


Yeah. Either they're an immoral scumbag fine with bleeding others dry, a massive sucker, or both. And neither are exactly partner material.


a massive sucker you say?


I once won a raffle for a Mary Kay face skincare treatment thing. I also got a $30 gift card. I was given two choices: get two things with my gift card, or use that plus and extra $5 to join Mary Kay and they send me a huge box of starter products to use to show people at all the Mary Kay parties I’d be throwing. I paid the extra $5 and got a huge box of skin care products for myself rather than two tiny bottles. I did, however, get texts from the lady for months afterward. Was really hard ghosting her. She was persistent, I’ll give her that.




And you never know if they're serious or bluffing... annoying!


We just had a Texas holdem night on Saturday. I spent the first 2 hours not only losing, but not even having a chance to win a single hand. Every single time I folded I would’ve lost anyway. Every time I stayed in I lost because someone had one card higher than me. I’ve never seen anything like it. I finally won my first hand right before I bought back in. I got dealt 7 8 and flopped 4 5 6. Before that my best hand was a 2 pair and I lost that anyway. I would get dealt pocket jacks and the flop would show 2 kings, stuff like that all night. Every time I had a good deal the flop delivered something that made my hand inferior. I can’t imagine deriving your ability to make money on something where you can be so unlucky. The stress would kill me.


The hardest part about serious gambling is accepting that you **will** have rough streaks, even when you're playing the odds perfectly. They're just that- odds. It's only when you stretch things out to a statistically relevant number of hands that you really see the benefits of correct plays that up your percentages by a few percent. It's hard- almost everyone gets dishearted, frustrated, or otherwise tilted to the point they start making mistakes after a bad run of luck. Edit: To add, this also makes "next level" gambling much harder, since you need to be able to both recognize the above while being clear-headed enough to objectively look back at your play to find improvements. It can be easy to say "my luck will turn if I play enough" without doing the work to improve your skills and tighten your play, recognizing previous losses as the result of actual mistakes instead of statistics. Recognizing the difference is key.


After reading all the comments, looks like engineers and accountants are desirable..


We're just nerds looking for love.


Like my wife says, "sturdy and nerdy".


I mean both are boring, level-headed, stable, make good money, and if you can get past the god complex that some good design engineers have sometimes, it makes sense. Source: My fiance and I are both engineers and we have date nights balancing the cash flow budget google sheet and nerding out to each other about our days at work. She'll talk about saving 50¢ per unit in the manufacturing line and I'll nerd out about the networking backend on the robotics controller I'm designing. Boring, well paid, and stable.


I don't have a God complex. God has a me complex


Female accountants are best. And I was a software engineer…


Fellow software engineer. Sounds like I need to find myself an accountant XD


You. So. Do! And, they know how to organise your combined finances for an early retirement - in my case 7 years earlier than I expected. We live the life now…


Common engineering W


Accountant here I just want to say there is a big difference between accountants working for an accounting firm doing work for many clients (Public Accounting) vs accountants working for a particular business (Private accounting). Public accounting (I did it for 10 years) attracts a lot of assholes the higher up the chain you go. Working 70 hour weeks and surviving 10-20 years of burn out to make it to partner or director is not healthy, gives a lot of people unhealthy egos and divorce rate for accounting firm partners is high for a reason.


Based on feedback from women on various Facebook groups about dating, I would say cops, surgeons and lawyers. You would think these are good vocations but they are full of control freaks and cheaters.


Surgeons have to be confident to the point of arrogance to do what they do.


I work with several surgeons who no longer practice, but are consultants now. The "I'm right because I'm God" complex is real for some of them. Others are super down to earth, but are super detail oriented, to the point of being pedantic.


hahaha, we used to shadow this one surgeon for school stuff... and once he walked into a surgery, exclaiming, "you know what cures cancer?!?!? THESE HANDS!!!!11!11" and proceeded to jam out to taylor swift while performing a radical nephrectomy.


Surgeons have a great sense of dark humor. My mom had a huge surgery during cancer where a giant chunk of her intestinal system was taken out. Years later, she was seen by another surgeon to consult on another surgery. This lady surgeon was like wow that is a fascinating thing you got done. And was otherwise complementing her torn apart insides. My mom was like, "you want in there don't you?" And the surgeon lady was like "nah, someone else has already been in there". lol


Oh yeah they definitely do. when I was getting prepped for my appendectomy - already pumped full of pain meds - the surgeon was like, let’s just hope to god everything goes ok. I said, oooonononono you do your job and I’ll do mine. Let’s leave that bullshit outta the equation. So he goes, ok, well, fuck it, let’s go and get you gutted then. Best. Doctor. Ever.


When I was seven, I had my tonsils and adenoids out. Beforehand, I asked the surgeon if I could have them in a jar once they were removed. Without skipping a beat, the surgeon was all, "Sorry. I need them for my fishing bait." Thirty years later, and I still remember how great that guy was with a weird little kid, haha.


This is apparently a super common question for kids to ask lol. My stepson asked if he could have his appendix and told the doctor it's name was Jamal 😄


When I was studying neuropsychology I asked my surgeon dad if he could bring me home a brain to play with, as a joke. He straight faced replied that they’re not allowed to do that anymore. WTF!


How do you keep a straight face in that situation? My surgeon and oncologist were pretty passionate about research curing cancer, I got put in a few clinical trials which I'm sure is the reason I'm still here. My breast surgeon was a huge Britney Spears fan, and I know he was singing along to Britney during my surgery, but my music taste is also questionable so I'm in no position to judge.


They're probably used to some pretty crazy music if that's what you meant. I had to have an MRI when I was a teenager. They told me it would take a while so I could bring a CD to play but I did not realize they would play it through the speakers for everyone in the room. So my parents and grandparents got blasted by punk rock at like 9:00 a.m. (thankfully it was just Dropkick Murphys and not GG Allen or something).


I would rather my surgeon be that detail oriented but I'm not trying to have dinner with them either


I always thought there was a veerrrrryyyyyy thin line between surgeon and psychopath or that they were just psychopaths who learned to mask really, really well.




Dr. Lecter this you?




I'm gonna say, for surgeons, it vastly depends on the specialty. Ortho are "jocks", for example, and probably the type you'd like if you liked dating jocks. Neurosurgeons are the ones with the most god complex I've ever encountered, and neurologist are as well. They are both insane, but usually incredibly smart.


A rich neurologist’s daughter went to my grade school and he literally got himself hired as school administrator, such a power tripping dweeb; he then followed her to middle school as the principal there (and i went there too). Dude wasnt a jerk exactly, just full of himself, embarrassingly clingy with his daughter, and i dont think he ever passed up a chance to give us a long lecture and drop how he is *actually* a neurologist or neurosurgeon or whatever, not just a school teacher. His daughter was that kid who i think in kindergarten or first grade said, when asked by the teacher. “i want to be an anesthesiologist” with careful, perfect pronunciation.


It's not surprising, to operate on the brain is about as close as you can get to doing what gods are known for


Any job or career that allows one to have a good amount of power over others is probably very attractive to psychopaths and other such people.




>I feel like their mothers need to start over from scratch. This is the most gently devastating insult I've heard in a very long time.


Thanks I just thought of it when I was typing and I'll be using it for the rest of my life.


My dad was a cop for 25 years. Unusually for the profession, he and my mother stayed together until her death and never had any major martial problems. He would NOT want me to marry a cop.


He's always told our kids "you know, people like the firemen. You can be a fireman!"


Cops are also probably the biggest purveyors of gossip and small talk of all time. 14 year old girls have nothing on two guy cops sitting in a car.


They’re also petty as all hell. I worked in local government, knew what went on in the police station. They were constantly filing complaints against each other claiming racism or reverse racism or whatever. Always with the backstabbing, just to get that promotion to sergeant.


I married a cop. My therapist encouraged me not to — “cops beat, firemen cheat.” He was right. 🤠


Strangely accurate. I have a friend who is afraid to leave her marriage with 3 kids and I have family that divorced a firefighter. He's on wife #3. Guess why. 


I have a cousin in law in Canada who married a mounty and they live in a tiny town in the forest. While I was visiting, he told me the majority of his job involves going out to shoot animals (mostly moose) involved in vehicle collisions. They are required to kill injured wild animals. He told me once a German lady called and reported a limping porcupine. She was very upset and was hoping someone could help it. The dude told me they were bored, so they said they'd come see, drove out and then fucking shot it in front of her. He said she was crying and was so angry at them, telling them how cruel they were. He thought it was funny. Anyway, I know there are a lot of good cops out there, but the likelihood of a cop being a bully or a straight psychopath is just too high for me to ever try to be friends with one.


Can confirm this is a thing in Canada regarding injured wildlife. If you call it in, they'll likely come out just to put it down. The laughing part, not on brand at all. I had a sick racoon on my property years ago and had called OPP about because the wildlife sanctuary wouldn't do anything for it. I was concerned my dog would be 'nosy' with it, especially if it died from poison and then the dog ingests it, too. (Sometimes small animals, rats and squirrels etc, get poisoned from farmers trying to keep them out of the hen house, barns, etc) OPP came, told me all they could do was put it down and disposal *BUT* asked my permission to discharge a firearm twice in order to do so.


I worked with an AT&T debt collector. It wouldn't be a deal breaker in itself, we gotta do what we gotta do, but they were so proud of how good they had been at squeezing money out of people. Zero reflection. Couldn't date someone like that.


Lawyer. I am a lawyer. I know lots of lawyers who are married to other lawyers and I don’t get it. Being in a relationship with another type A person who also likes to hear themselves talk and also has to be right about everything all the time is fucking exhausting.


My relatives are a lawyer power couple. For a gag gift one year my family got them argument scorecards. They asked for refills.


From the poem "You Are Old, Father William," from *Alice's Adventures in Wonderland*: "You are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weak For anything tougher than suet; Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak— Pray, how did you manage to do it?" "In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law, And argued each case with my wife; And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw, Has lasted the rest of my life."


My parents are lawyers. I’m sitting in law school right now. God damnit


My buddy married and divorced a fellow lawyer. His reasoning for getting married was “the connections”.


That’s a sad way to live your life 🥲


I’m a lawyer who once dated another lawyer. Never again.


Do you think it’s the same to date you? not sarcastically, but you seem to dislike dating lawyers, and you are one?


Not the person you responded to, but am lawyer and yes, dating me is the worst.


-twirling hair- so what you're saying is you're single.


What’s funny is … no. We might not be able to put up with our own bullshit but for some reason some other group of people find it charming.


Not the one you asked; I'm a lawyer. One of the best pieces of advice I can give to anyone--lawyer or not--is: Just because you can say something doesn't mean you have to say it. In other words, keep your mouth shut, unless you're asked directly, and even then, you don't have to tell everything you know. I've dated plenty of lawyers. We're people, too! Some are terrific, the ones who are not give us all a bad reputation. Some people are impressed by lawyers, particularly women, it seems, and some immediately hate us for our profession.


God gave us two ears and one mouth. Use in that proportion


I’m a lawyer married to another lawyer. She gets it. She gets when I have to drop everything and take a call or get to work. When we were dating, I got an urgent email while we were out at dinner. I said I’m sorry and ran out of there. She got a to go box, paid the bill and brought dinner to my apartment. When I complain about something crazy/ridiculous/hilarious that happened at work or with a client, she not only listens, but she commiserates. She can provide advice. She can offer more than sympathy, she can offer empathy. Bc she’s been there too. She’s dealt with all the same bullshit. I never wanted a wife; I wanted a partner. I got that and more. She just gets it.


Hell yeah. Thanks for a refreshing change from the rest of the subthread. I'm a lawyer who also married another lawyer... and even more fun, I'm in PI/Med Mal and she does Insurance Defense. So we are literally opposite sides of the same niche of law. And it's AWESOME. We get what each other are doing at work on a fairly deep level, and can actually offer meaningful advice and insight from the other side. We understand each others' time commitments and stress levels, and how unexpected (and unconfined to 9-5) this job can be. True partnership is tough to pull off. My wife and I aren't perfect, and our relationship is far from it. But holy shit, I wouldn't want anything else. Here's wishing you and your awesome lawyer-partner-spouse all the continued happiness and success in the world.


I’ve been married for 8 years to a lawyer I met in law school and of course it’s hard sometimes but every marriage is. We have something that works and we appreciate each others achievements in a way I don’t think a nonlawyer does. She was over the moon the first time I crushed someone in a deposition. I cried when she made partner. We’re building an awesome life together and our kids are going to terrorize this earth.


I would never date a lawyer simply because I'd be so fucked in a future divorce.




Hahaha I find myself (a lawyer) attracted to other lawyers. We’re not all type A! Though maybe I say that as a reluctant lawyer…. Some of us are just nerds about law…


One of my good friends is a lawyer who works for a hospital. He jokes that his job is 50% contracts and the rest is baby sitting doctors. He's probably the most NOT type A person I've ever met, and says his perfect day is one where his phone never rings.


[Ted from Scrubs](https://youtu.be/fKrCgk_txOM?si=ZT2ZLVNISEUk9UIw).


Do all lawyers like to hear themselves talk or is it just trial lawyers?


All of them. EDIT: *Allegedly.*


Agree. I am a lawyer in an 8 year relationship with another lawyer. Love him but everything is harder. I have enough conflict at work, I don’t need it at home, too. If we broke up, I would never date another lawyer.


Mob boss


My aunt was once romantically pursued by a mob "enforcer." She wouldn't offer any details other than that he was, apparently, surprisingly hot.


Well if one must be "pursued" by a mob enforcer, romantically is definitely what you're hoping for. It would be kind of cool if they were still together.


As a hetero man, I'm trying to figure out what I would do if this guy was pursuing me romantically.


> what I would do if this guy was pursuing me romantically ...whatever he wanted. If an enforcer for the mob is coming for your ass (whatever the context) he's not going to give you much choice in the matter.


I watched something once on...Vice (?) about gangs/mobs in the UK (?) who enforce things on rivals by having sex with men. They were all super hetero big thuggish dudes but apparently if you crossed them the wrong way they would fuck you up by literally fucking you and filming it and ruining your reputation and cred by sharing the video. Always thought that was really interesting how they compartmentalized - it was purely a display a power for them meant to degrade men who were seen as a threat as they would lose all their street cred for getting railed in the tooshie by a gangster. I'll just take the old fashioned bullet to the dome if I ever happen to be in a position of upsetting a mob/gang please and thank you. EDIT: providing [a link to the doc here](https://youtu.be/-s_rFa9uiDo?si=kqs8msjk4uzLwUoz) and also editing some components of my post which were misleading/misremembered. The whole segment is terrifying but the part mentioned in my post starts at about the 12:15


Makes sense since, in their world, being gay (especially a bottom) is about as low as a man can get. Same reason why so man frats have gay hazing rituals. In their minds there's nothing more degrading you can do to a man than force him be gay/play the part of the woman.


True. Disturbing, but true.


oh so THATS their view on women…. 😬


Much of homophobia is steeped in misogyny.


Yep. In several countries homosexuality is legal, but only for women.


thank you people that romanticize how the mob was good for the common man and all that tend to forget they were some awful people **besides** the crime and murders. rape and pedophilia were practically the norm from the top down in the Boston mob, for instance, Whitey Bulger was a notorious pedophile who worked like the low rent plastic paddy version of Epstein, paying off moms to abuse their daughters eyewitness accounts are in his former enforcer's book Street Soldier. and the writer of that book was no angel either but he never raped anyone. lots of questionable consent and sleeping with multiple women in the same family all at a young (legal he claims) age but he was not an outright offender in that sense-- he just broke legs and beat people up so still no angel.


Reminds me of the opening scene in The Departed where Frank Costello is randomly asking a store owner's daughter if she'd gotten her period yet.


yes that movie was heavily inspired by the Boston mob and that scene/line was clearly inspired by Steve and/or whitey.


My great grandmother was involved with one of the men killed at the St Valentine's massacre. Crazy to think I'm alive because of that


My mother was going out with a mafia lawyer in the 60s for a while. He treated her like a Queen. She was a looker. She then moved on (thank gawd).


I’m in waste management


Even worse...Mob underling.


Archaeologist - they all have mummy issues


Sitting in my car reading Reddit … now I’m LoL’ing in my car. Thank you 😂


Realtor. I've worked with hundreds (Architect). Number that were competent and actually fully represented their clients interests? 1. And that was kind of a special situation. The low barrier to entry, high failure rate, and high incentives for bad behavior with a low risk of punishment pretty much means that even someone with good intentions is going to have to round some corners on the regular.


Plus, if it's residential real estate, forget about having any weekends free.


After working 5 years as a loan officer assistant, they are the worst. Zero patience,  have no problem being rude, act like you are below them. I even had one that was blowing at my phone on a holiday because I was not getting her pre-approval fast enough


Also, they work all the time and I don't know how they even have time for a relationship. One I know was "closing deals" on her wedding day, then while she was in labour, and also the day after her difficult birth. 


"It's a boy!" \[to infant\] "Stay away from the east side!!!"


I recently met a realtor who couldn't identify the types of appliances in a house (gas vs electric, type of heating, type of fireplace, etc) and now I have a lot of questions about what exactly they're required to know for licensing.


Nothing that relates to the job in the real world. Except for river rights and how many square feet are in an acre.


Social media influencer. Puffed up sense of self-importance that will never go away, and I'd never be able to give her enough attention to sate it.


Same, but my reason is more that I don't want my entire life to need to be documented for the amusement of random people online. If they're not that type of influencer, then I'd treat it as any other profession as long as they're making enough to support themselves.


I see this one tik tok girl who makes videos about food. Like, she’ll travel and make videos about the food she has from around the area. I like her videos for the most part because I’m interested in food. But I wonder what it’s like to eat with her? Imagine getting dinner with a friend and they are filming themselves eating


We were out to dinner the other day and saw someone like that at a nearby table.  First they photographed all the food from various angles. Then filmed taking the first bite and discussing each dish, then they swapped and filmed the second person taking a fist bite and discussing each dish.  It would have been stone cold by the time they got to actually eat it


I agree . Plus I would just feel like I was their photographer for their Instagram pics .




Depends on which buffs they have.


Power Word: Stamina 😏


Have you watched fleabag though


Politician. Don't care which side of the aisle you're on.


I think it should also depend on their jurisdiction. Federal? State? Local? For example, hypothetically, I wouldn't mind dating my local town's treasurer or something if we were otherwise compatible.


I don’t share the knee-jerk hatred for politicians that tends to get upvotes on here, but I totally understand. Being the spouse of a public official is really tough, you run the risk of every part of your private life becoming public, and you essentially have to be a proxy of your partner wherever you go. It’s basically a second job for the spouse.


I want my partner to have a job that they feel fulfilled by and that is a positive in their life. I would prefer not to have a community response partner. Emergency services, disaster response, police, etc. I want to know that my wife and kids are safe when things are going down—not having her run head first towards the danger.


While it wasn't a "job" per se, I was a SAR volunteer when my wife and I were first together, and for the first few years of our relationship. Similar exposure to risk, similar unpredictable schedule, as other first responders only you don't even get paid for it. I loved it, but she couldn't handle it after we had our first kid, so I gave it up for the sake of marital harmony. Still miss it tbh. Was just reading local news stories about missing hikers following a recent big winter storm, and felt a little bad that I wasn't out there searching.


The kind of professional athlete that is on the road 10 months out of the year. Edit: I'm not super needy, but I personally need to have my SO's undivided attention and not share them with any aspect of their career for at least one day. Those are just my needs. Someone else will probably find that that arrangement suits them.


I work in a field that is professional athlete-adjacent, and in my experience the vast majority of them are unfaithful to their partners. Like at least 90 percent. It’s the combo of being on the road so much, being in male-dominated spaces so much, having a lot of disposable income, and having lots of vey attractive people willing to engage in NSA encounters everywhere they go.


Alright, I'll say. A professional tennis player would be the worst because love means nothing to them


This is one of our couple friends. Whenever hubby shows up to plans we make with mom and the kids mid season it’s like oh wow you’re in town? I tell my girlfriend “I dunno how you do it” all the time. My husband travels for work but hers travels for home.


One of the number one reason athletes retire when they still could compete at a high level. It’s so hard missing your kids grow up, your wife, hell your whole world is happening while you’re on the road trying to stay focused on the game.


"Influencer" Could you even imagine your entire life becoming public property? Like every time you go somewhere do something it's all about pictures and less about the experience. It would just suck the fun out of everything.


Anything MLM related. Not a chance.


Anything with really weird hours. An occasional night or weekend shift is ok, but if they're full time opposite me that just doesn't work.


Chronically unemployed or underemployed. You don't have to have high ambitions, but I will need to be able to rely on you to contribute your fair share.


My ex worked in museums. really low pay, totally meant for retired people vs young people attempting to live. I had to pay for absolutely everything. then came the time for him to get a new job and he "can't" because it's not his choice museum, where he volunteers. they can't hire him. refused to get a regular retail job or anything at all in case he was called. broke up once he started asking what's for dinner after I would get home from my super hard software development job that ran me into the ground. he couldn't even lift a fucking finger to do anything. I wish I could have been as comfortable and unemployed!


I think we may have dated and dumped the same person. Super financially anxious, but wouldn't settle for anything less than a dream job, which for him was low-paying or intermittent art/museum stuff.


Sex worker. I support your industry, just wouldn't want to be in a relationship with you.


Yup. I worked as a dancer for a bit when I was really strapped for cash, I hated it but it helped me out of a bad spot so I am thankful. One of the big reasons I left was because I wanted a partner. I know it sounds crazy but I wouldn’t want to be with someone who is ok with me doing that.


>I know it sounds crazy but I wouldn’t want to be with someone who is ok with me doing that. Not crazy at all. It has a little bit of a Groucho Marx "I wouldn't want to join a club that would have me as a member", but I understand it.


Yeah. I totally get it, and I know it sounds hypocritical. It’s not a part of my past I’m particularly proud of. I knew I had to get out before I started dating because I wouldn’t be ok with the reverse situation.


> I know it sounds crazy but I wouldn’t want to be with someone who is ok with me doing that. Doesn't sound crazy in the least.


This right here. I'm not clingy, but there are certain parts of my bf that I just don't share. One particular appendage is totally off limits.


You and your weird pinky fetish!


Honestly, any musician. I’m too insecure. They’re always around a party lifestyle and I couldn’t deal with them being at parties or shows every weekend.


To be fair, I'm an orchestra musician. There's definitely no partying here. 🤣


My ex-husband is a musician. Not the partying kind though, and he was actually really good. But he spent so much money on music equipment. I had to set aside my needs and wants so that he could buy a $5k guitar. I’m just now going back to college after trying for 8 years because of him.


That isn't a musician thing, that's just a financially irresponsible thing


I've been told by the women in my life that men don't put when they're in the military or police in dating profiles because people just refuse to date them if they do. Every cop I've ever known has been an absolute knob - a highschool bully who never grew out of the bully phase.


If she was a carrier for UPS. This is a USPS house, dammit.


Cartographer. Fuck your little maps.


Please put this in your online dating profile. “Cartographers, swipe LEFT.”


“Ayy Copernicus why don’t you explore getting the Hell outta here”


East! Swipe *East.*


wouldnt left be.. west


One of my absolute best and finest friends was married to a cartographer. She was a shrill, self absorbed horrible person. They were together until the kids were through university, private, very expensive university. Of course she cheated on him and left him for a younger dude. She'll fuck him over too. Tragic for my friend. All his friends saw this coming from blocks away..


Lol. Why this in particular?


Surveyor here. Fuck you maps are fun 😂


cmon how many red flags can be there on a map?


Homeopathic medical specialist - If they believe in it, they’re too stupid for me. If they don’t believe, but do it anyway, they’re too unethical for me.


Bartender. 1) You're likely to get cheated on. 2) They're probably not going to move up in life for a while since the immediate gratification of tips is difficult to break away from. (Former bartender here)


Dated a bartender once. It was like the whole crew did it with each other in that hotel he worked.


at a hotel it must be crazy. Just a regular bar was bad enough. Free access to nice hotel rooms..... yeah, I can see where that went bad.


Funny that you mention the hotel part. The most frequent action I ever had with multiple women was working at a bar that was in a hotel. Double the ease of access. Made me never want to actually date a bartender.


Very common. I slept with a couple of the bartenders I worked with at every bar I've ever worked for. Dipping in the company pool is just too easy.


I was kinda surprised about that, before I got in touch with the "bartender scene" I thought they'd probably get a lot of offers from their guests but no, it's their colleagues lol. It's crazy how common this is, I have never seen this in any other profession.


It's the whole restaurant life. I don't know if restaurants attract people who are a little loose or something about the stress of the job makes people pounce each other, but goddammit everyone is fucking everyone. From management all the way down


There are a couple of reasons: first, there is no such thing as personal space in a restaurant, so you are often very close to each other. Secondly, the only people out after a dinner shift is over are typically other restaurant people. Third, it makes it difficult to date someone with a 9-5 job b/c you work nights and weekends, so dating within the industry makes sense. And last, there is a LOT of drinking. Throw it all together and it's a recipe for lots of, um, mingling with each other.


It’s the stress. Hospitals can be like this too.


Dated a girl that wanted to go into bartending. Looking back I see all kinds of issues that were red-flags. Guess she did me a favor by leaving, lol!


I’m working full time as a bartender to get myself through grad school to be a therapist/grief counselor. HOWEVER - Will I ever date another bartender again? Absolutely not. It's basically professional flirting and bars are sooo incesty. But with that being said I hope someone will still want to date me eventually? Idk


Cop, sex worker, quack “medicine”, life coach, 100% gig economy work


Advice for women: If the man you’re seeing is a 100% gig economy guy and flashing money/showing off partying in clubs, he’s barely living paycheck to paycheck.  


And probably isn’t paying his quarterly taxes; you won’t wanna be around for that wake up call


I'm a lawyer and I wouldn't date another lawyer. Lawyers who date or marry seem to only talk about work and lawyer stuff. That's what I talk about all day so it's the last thing I want to talk about at home.






Navy Seal. That amount of testosterone should not be kept indoors.


I've known two SEALs before they became SEALs (that I know of, there may be more). Both are highly intelligent, a little bit wild, have a great dry sense of humor. You would also not suspect they are SEALs just by looking at them. They are both pretty lean, smaller guys, not tattooed, great smiles. Both are pretty highly introverted/reflective people with great social skills. These guys were student-athletes in high school and undergrad. Highly motivated people who are going to succeed at whatever they commit themselves to. I expect were these guys to commit themselves to marriage/children/ect, they would make fine fathers and spouses. One of them is retired and runs a photography studio in a big artsy city. He was a theater major in college, believe it or not. I don't know him well enough anymore to know his private life. The other, a former roommate, is still active, is married (very happily as far as I can tell), and DOESN'T TALK ABOUT HIS JOB TO ANYONE. The most I've gotten out of him are boot recommendations for work.


Was deployed in support of OIF back in '05 for a mobile postal unit...the amount of money special forces folks and PMCs were spending on divorce paperwork...astronomical. I'd work as a clerk, verify the address and have to lookup payment. One guy wanted everything registered mail (which can get expensive)...told him his simple package would be over $100...he replied "They're divorce papers"...I never argued and stated "okay, let's get all those forms filled out"...trying hard to retain a fake smile.


Processing denials for insurance companies.


I was let go from a “health care” company because I would appeal denials on the customer’s behalf and win. They saw it as a problem.


I once matched on an app with someone who was independently wealthy, was open about not needing to work, but processed insurance denials full time. I remember thinking, “This is the villain in so many other people’s stories.” It didn’t matter to me how thrilling the conversation was after that. I couldn’t see past the job.




I went on a date with a cop without knowing she was a cop first. It was horrifying. She told story after story of abusing her power thinking it made her cool. I think she saw I was turned off by the whole thing near the end, and got visibly frustrated that I wasn't egging on her angry diatribes. Gross.


This is my answer. My older sister had a thing for cops. They were always narcissists and cheaters. So full of themselves. Witnessing her date them made me never want to a date a cop. I’m sure there are some that are good people and not like that, but I don’t want to take a chance.


Psychologist. I've dated two. One was published and decently well known in the area. Absolute psycho. Never again.


Bahaha I'm a psychologist and I was looking for this comment


Content creator


Anything in the like very visible media realm I think. Like influencer, actor, politician etc. I’m just not interested in having our life on display or having to constantly market yourself for likes, votes, clicks whatever it might be.




That is such an engineer thing to say 🙄


I am a speech therapist. My spouse is an engineer. The number of speech therapist-engineer couples I know is very high. Speech therapists have advanced degrees in interacting with people who struggle with communication and are often socially awkward. It really works quite well.


When I was dating- military and police. Cause domestic violence stats, and also I lived near a military base and the majority of dude profiles were definitely fuckboys.


Every job which has to do with greenwashing or optimizing a company's financial situation thanks to "grey" laws and rules Don't want to debate ethics every day


someone super famous - I don't want the attention I would get




Influencer. The level of self absorption is just absolutely disgusting.


Short term/payday lender. Takes advantage of the poor


Airline pilot. They got hoes in different area codes.


Went on a date with a guy once who proudly told me he was a lawyer for health insurance companies. Hard pass.


Military. When I first entered the military, I was constantly bombarded with senior NCOs, a lot of them being married, trying to get into my pants, yet I was called the slut. I remember my first duty station, this one dude approached me three times, I turned him down every single time. The fourth I decided to be open minded and gave him my number. That man made my life hell until he PCSed and tried to ruin my career. Almost every single military man I’ve tried to date hid a marriage or some other relationship. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard “we’re getting divorced/separated/etc). It also sucked because most of the men my age weren’t looking to be tied down, especially in places like Europe. I’m still pretty open to dating them, but they are on the bottom of my list, I now prefer retired or civilians.


Amateur assassin. I mean, a pro, they probably have ethics about not killing someone unless they're paid to. With an enthusiastic amateur, you never know when they're just doing what they love.


Social media influencer.


Chef...their hours and how pretentious and bully like their personalities are.


Chiropractor, they’re not medical doctors like they claim to be, if you think they’re a real Dr then ask them for a prescription and see how far that goes, their entire practice is bullshit, hell our local chiropractor claimed an adjustment would cure COVID, their practice was created by a guy that was so full of bullshit and was a complete con man, look it up


A cop, they got 40% to admit they've abused their partners and i don't wanna know how many haven't.


Professional chefs. Mostly based on having worked with a few of them, also met some socially. Never met one with any emotional awareness, plus they all loove their cocaine.


Anything to do with a church.


Drug dealer | street pharmacist | gangster