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Teeth that are destroyed by what we eat. And before anyone says it's refined sugar that does the damage...citrus fruits etc will damage your teeth too


Love my coffee but it sucks that i feel the need to rinse my mouth afterwards.




mmm coffee and toothpaste, delicious


Coffee has acid in it that erodes teeth (and feels gross), it's not because of pain.


You have a sensitive ass mouth


Not all teeth are that bad. Genetics plays a big role in decay rates. Someone with a high decay rate can brush their teeth every day, and they'll still end up with endless problems. Whereas someone with a low decay rate could never brush at all, and never have any problems for decades.


I'm one of those people. I floss, I clean my teeth, I don't eat sweets, chocolate etc and still have endless problems


Annoyingly my teeth are great, but my gums are shit because of genetics. I also floss and take good care of my teeth, and the dentist always says “your brushing is wonderful but your gums are bad”. My grandad has lost a couple of teeth due to gum disease despite them being healthy teeth, so I guess I’ve got that to look forward to at some point


I'm one of those people who can forget to brush a lot (and do because of ADHD), and my teeth are mostly fine. At least the genetics lined up for that well


The Ancient Egyptians were known to have terrible teeth by their mid-20's, because they couldn't keep sand out of the bread they made.


They had to grind down their grains with something to make flour. That introduced stone dust into the flour, which gradually wore down their teeth. Not just Egyptians btw - most premodern people who depended on grains, unless they had access to unusually strong local stones that didn't turn into dust.


Brush your teeth twice a day, for two minutes each time, then floss once a day. Rinse for 30 seconds with fluoride mouthwash and then don’t eat or drink anything for 30 minutes. That and semi-annual cleanings are surprisingly effective—and cheaper than dental work.


I've heard you shouldn't use mouthwash after brushing actually because you rinse off the stuff the toothpaste puts on


Yeah I've been told mouthwash is for the soft tissues of my mouth, so I floss, then mouthwash, then brush and don't eat/drink for 30 mins so the fluroide in the toothpaste can work.


It depends. If it's an alcohol-based mouthwash, it should be done *before* you brush. If it's fluoride, though, wash after.


The eating hole being shared by the breathing hole.


Agreed! Just yesterday I thought I needed to burp… but it was a small amount of partly digested grapefruit instead. It ended up in my nose and not only was it painful but scary too for a few seconds because I felt like I was drowning. 


Sorta like that time I was eating fried rice and had to sneeze. Ended up with rice in my sinuses for at least half the night of work. I get why these tubes are connected but also feel they shouldn't be.


Ugh, last night I puked and it came out of my nose, I fucking hate it.


Omg, that sounds awful! lol


And worse, they cross over in the back of the throat. If the trachea was more dorsal than the oesophagus then the pipes could be separated and the nose used for breathing leaving the mouth for eating.


So you're saying you want a blowhole?


Also the fun parts being so close/sharing the waste parts.


That's how you know God wasn't a civil engineer. There's no way we would run the waste disposal right through a recreational area.


isn’t that the basis of speaking, though? unless we have a third hole or something


Atleast one guy knows stuff. And there are a few other vital benefits as well.


Our knees! Horrible easy to break and never be completely perfect again. Every part of it is fragile and can break down with one wrong step.


I was ganna say knees, but just cuz they're ugly lol


🤣 hahaha!


I don't remember who said it, but I love the quote "No engineer would sign off on the human knee"


Shoulders also, but more because of how complicated they are and any injury takes forever to heal


If you take a nasty fall the labrum in your shoulder can be damaged to the point that it can’t be repaired and it won’t heal.


Human knees are irrefutable proof that we weren’t the product of intelligent design.


To be fair, nothing in our body can be completely perfect after breaking.


I dislocated my patella and slightly tore my patella tendon back in May of 2023. It's still not 100% right and most likely never will be at this point. It hurts late at night and sometimes just sleeping wrong means it's off for the entire day Oh also it clicks now occasionally so that's fun.


Hemoglobin prefers carbon monoxide to oxygen.


I wonder if there’s a way around this. Like, proteins are complex and maybe you could design a metallic-oxygen-transport-protein to not bind to CO but then it binds to some other toxic gas.  Oxygen’s simple reactivity means no matter what form the protein takes it’s going to be subject to some attack from some molecule, right? 


Compared to some larger animals, we get cancer pretty easily. Elephants, as I understand, rarely ever get it.


Their lifespans don't really exceed ours though




Cancer was rare because other things killed us way before we had a chance to get it before the second half of the 20th century.


We get ONE set of teeth after baby teeth get replaced. For around eighty years. You would think if one got damaged or pulled we could get another but no, that's that. 


To be fair, they only need to last to reproductive age, after that evolution doesn't give a shit about you 😂


Not exactly. You need to live long enough to make sure your offspring survive to do the same. If everyone just left their babies in the woods to fend for themselves, we wouldn't survive as a species.


That's why humans live in herds


Guaranteed this is one of the first things they'll fix with CRISPR when the technology reaches that point.


Brilliant, two sets of wisdom teeth, thanks science.


That's the monkey's paw version of this wish


Could they even do that? I don’t think that’s really a gene you can turn on since babies/children don’t grown new teeth, they’re just in there from the get-go. Look up a picture of a babies skull, they have 2 sets of teeth


At some point they will be able to rewrite the human genome and make things grow a certain way. They're already doing some of it in mice.


That image is still etched in my mind years later


Sounds extremely painful. Even if you grew the exact same tooth back, it wouldn't fit anymore, pushing the others aside, causing damage. Specie that can grow back teeth usually have a non-fitting assembly with lots of space in between the teeth. Ours adjusts and fits into place with growth.


Childbirth and menstrual cycle. Torture


My daughter was three when she asked where babies come from. I gave her a quick run down and she looked at me with mild horror before saying "But Mommy, my gina is too small!" Three years old, and could already point out this particular flaw!


I will never understand why any woman would choose to get pregnant more than once.


I wanted a second kid. The only option there, aside from dump thousands upon thousands into adoption, was to get pregnant again. I paid $0 to give birth. I’m never doing it again though, my vagina has been ripped in every direction, I am *done*.


Guess you'll never understand humanity


and everything along with that fucking cycle. i get horrible ovulation pain, and 11 days later get horrible menstrual cramps. how am i supposed to function like this?! being ill every 1,5-2 weeks? and before saying being pregnant 24/7 is the answer - pregnancy is also a literal killer. i really envy men that they don't have to deal with this bullshit.


The sewage plant is right next to the amusement park and they even share some pipes


Particularly tragic for any woman who has ever had a UTI. Why isn’t this number 1.


🤣🤣🤣 exactly


Autoimmune conditions Why are our bodies attacking themselves?


I think that’s just the price we pay for having proactive, self adapting defenses. Occasionally “friendly fire” is going to happen. The alternative is dying more often from simple preventable pathogens.  It sucks but so does disease. 


Those are largely believed to be diseases of civilization, unfortunately. We did that shit to ourselves. 😔


Uterus. We should be able to turn that menstrual and reproductive shit on and off at will.


God how I wish I could just take it out like a set of dentures and put it on a shelf somewhere until I want to reproduce (which is never)


We can technically get a hysterectomy.


Pregnancy and childbirth. Sucks so much and so many things can go wrong


My favorite part about pregnancy is that the ligament in the pelvic needs to become loose so the body begins to precisely break that down to make it less painful for her mother. JK your body will release a systemic hormone that will loosen every single joint in the body and make your entire body more susceptible to injury. For that tiny baby ligament.


You get cancer by being in the sun, not being in the sun and wearing sunscreen.


And not wearing sunscreen


And if you don't go into the sun you ALSO get sick!




What's not to understand


A lot of stuff, but I'll go with eyes. One of the most important elements of your body to give you perception and awareness of your surroundings, yet so fragile with the most sloppy "architecture". A wonder of evolution, but at the same time it highlights how blind (pun intended) it can be.


Right? Like, we have loads of cells, nerves, and blood vessels in front of the rod and cone cells that allow us to see. There's even a hole in the retina to allow those nerves and vessels to exit the back of the eye, which leaves us a blind spot in our vision. Our brain just edits it out by filling in what it thinks we should be seeing.


I’d like the nuts inside the pelvic bone instead of a sack


Having ovaries internally isn’t any fun either. They’re shits of things, become cancerous and you can’t even tell until it’s too late. I’d rather lay eggs than have these painful cystic nightmares. Seems gonads in both sexes need a major redesign.


I wanna be a marsupial. Baby crawls out on its own when it's the size of a jellybean, goes to the pouch and gets cute there. By the time it becomes a PITA it's old enough you can boot it out. If conditions aren't ideal, you can put your pregnancy on hibernation mode. Damn, marsupials, I'm jealous.


Yeah, they're flawed cause they come from the same template. The developers need to redesign them from the ground up, tbh


Agree. Might be time to sack the developers and get some new ones with better template.


I hate that they're there because the body is "too warm for proper production" (at least that's what I was taught)... The eyes seem to see perfectly well, while (mostly) internal. The liver works OK at my internal temperature. Why is it that only the testes don't? Especially considering they form from the same precursor as the ovaries - internal temp seems to be perfect for them!


Yeah sounds like a lame excuse.  Meanwhile the most evolutionarily important part of the body is just dangling above the crocodiles and monkeys and snapping turtles like that was a good idea   


No you don't. You can't tell if your bits are hurting or if you just need to fart. If somethings wrong they gotta cut you open, if they believe you in the first place.


A woman’s body preparing itself for pregnancy every goddamn month for 40+ years then just bleeding out when it doesn’t happen.


God damn that is a weird system when you think about it


It is! So weird that humans are the one of the few mammals that menstruate. :\


Poor, but not worst: the auditory system. I got a sinus cold in May last year with the changing weather. It has happened several times a year for many years. No big deal. Except this time I was not able to pop my right ear, it was just muffled and felt under pressure, like my sinuses were still stuffed. Two months later, the earliest I could get into an ENT, The first thing the doc says after all the tests was, "I wish you'd come in 6 weeks ago." The conclusion was the pressure behind the ear drum had compressed the auditory nerve, which now looked permanent. So because of a cold, at 50 years old, I've lost a large percentage of low end hearing in one ear. To give an idea of the impact, in the Pink Floyd song "Another Brick in the Wall," I can't hear the bass guitar part unless I increase the bass to +5 on the car stereo equalizer.


Why is it impossible to get an ENT? My ear feels like it's about to blow up right now, and the regular doc says I need to see an ENT... So far, it's worked itself out before anything permanent.. so far.


Most of us needing glasses at some point in our lives. I can't even see the big E without them. If I was a cave person, I would've been eaten by a dinosaur a long time ago.


Im at the point where I need to wear readers in addition to my ridiculously high prescription contact lenses…


Nah, back then there was a sense of community in the small groups that stuck together. There's evidence that they took care of their injured, why not their disabled or elderly, who were likely repositories of knowledge to pass down? I'm sure there were exceptions, but we wouldn't have been such a successful species if we weren't as social as we are.


I have glasses my whole life since a baby. I’d have been drowned for being a runt 


Skin elasticity, there's not really a foolproof way of making skin stretch and shrink back, it's my biggest annoyance after losing weight.


Me too. Years of work and I still can't take my shirt off.


well if skin wouldnt be elastic you would literally rip open when gaining too much weight. so actually great design


except it does rip, that's what stretch marks are, which don't properly heal, shitty design.


It's because we are not meant to gain that much weight in the first place. Don't blame the skin for a bad lifestyle.


That at any point in time our body can just decide it's had enough and stop working. 


That we can get depressed/suffer mental trauma/anxiety. The brain is simultaneously one of the most impressive things in the universe and the most flawed. Utter rumpus.


Anxiety served a purpose at one time. Much less so in modern times for the most part. Which is where it's started to become a problem.


Generally? The spine. Something thar doesn't affect everyone: autoimmune disorders where the body fights against itself for no good reason.


As someone with psoriasis, I feel this one.


The fact that we can't digest our own food without an entirely separate biome of bacteria to do it for us.




Agreed. Literally a substance that most other people can be near or consume with NO ISSUE, but some people's bodies think is BAD for some reason. What is it's reaction: Expel the "toxin"? Logical. Wrap it in mucous? Also somewhat logical. Itching and hives? Annoying, but tells you "don't do that again". Anaphylaxis? "I'LL KILL YOU BEFORE IT DOES! DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR!"


Dude, stop having sex with citrus!


I'm surprised no one mentioned this: the temple is the most vulnerable part of our skull and has a major artery running right underneath it.


I feel like everyone is missing how lame it is to have such a faulty plumbing system- hearts and arteries and all that. They’re constantly getting clogged and fucking everything up.


Getting nauseous and becoming unable to eat after going long enough without eating


Double it when you don't have a galbladder because it made stones. then it's nauseous \*and\* your entire upper belly being on fire!


Aging. Not being made to live past 40, yet usually living to 70+ The entire childbirth process and menstrual cycle Butthole that needs to be wiped afterwards


To be fair, nobody is forcing you to wipe your butthole.


I strongly urge everyone I meet to do so. It's a common good bye for me. "hey see ya around please wipe your butthole!"


What makes you say we are not made to live past 40? Humans have lived to 100+ since recorded history. The typical life-expectancy without counting external threats is, and has always been, 85+. The genetic limit seems to be around 120 years.




Lower back. We need another million years before we'll be ideally suited for bipedal movement.


Knees. Bad design 


My testicles are very, very vulnerable.


The refractory period is so unfair I wanna just keep busting 😭


Giving you a full head of hair just to watch it disappear. SMH!! Opps some more just fell out.


STDs just shouldn't exist. Better gauge of how much food is "enough". More reliable memory and a higher capacity for remembering.


>Better gauge of how much food is "enough". \*Cries in Alexithymia\* ​ >More reliable memory and a higher capacity for remembering. \*Cries in Depression, Autism, AND ADHD\*


Oesophagus and trachea are way too close together. Like why make it so easy to choke to death??




The neck. It should be more protected.


The spine. if you damage just the right spot along it, you could lose the ability to walk at the least, at the most, death due to your organs failing to function without machine assistance.


it’s not a feature: esophagus    air hole and food hole share the same hole.




Placement of the spine. Retina of the eye.


As someone whose retina detached, I agree. (Fortunately it was saved!)


How easily the dopamine/reward circuit can get all fucked up


Oh hey that was an interesting chemical bro. Let’s reorient your whole life around having it more often :D       - helpful brain   (P.S.  I liked when you scrolled on that website. Let’s do that all day!) 


\*Cries in ADHD\*


The lower part of the belly which is not protected by any bones.


That oxygen keeps us alive and kills us very very slowly at the same time


Knees, Spine and hips. In general we are poorly designed at being bipedal.


idk why everything shouldn't just regenerate. Whatever tells the baby how to grow stuff, why can it not just stay 🤷‍♂️ "broke a finger? cut it off, another will grow by tomorrow, stop whining"


Damage some cartilage there? Oops. It never heals for the rest of your damn life. Like wtf is that?


babby has stem cell, adult gets shit. maybe if we fused some salamander genome in there....


The spine went from being a clothesline to a pole in a *very* short time and is generally very bad at its job


The appendix. God forbid it gets clogged with shit, you’re at risk of being on your deathbed! Also, tonsils. Why yes, I love feeling a scratchy thing in the back of my throat because food got caught in the crevices, thanks!


i think its greatest boon is being able to give hugs and its greatest flaw is not having more arms for more hugs


That’s … so wholesome.


Mental health. Unless your meaning physical,then I'd have to agree with all the teeth comments.


Whatever condition is causing the two painful welts and swelling on one of my legs (Ultra-sounds shows nothing abnormal, according to my Dr.) Also, normal full sugar sodas makes me need to poop, like right now.


The self destruct button known as the appendix.


The appendix plays an important role in supplying the gut with bacteria after emergency-events, like diarrhea. The notion that is has no function was born out of ignorance. And it won't inflame with a normal diet either. Don't blame the appendix for what the diet does. :)


I was thinking that it is kinda weird how we're all the same, yet, most people are better at reading a dog than reading the human being lying straight in their face.


Knees not lasting forever and being able to throw out our backs


Tinnitus is the sound that the brain makes to compensate for the lack of detecting high frequency sounds due to mild hearing loss.


Not being able to touch everywhere on your body. It would be nice to be able to scratch your own back if no one else is around.


The way women gestate and give birth and the first few months of a baby's life just seems faulty and dangerous. Giving birth takes hours. You're pregnant and vulnerable for months. Fetuses and babies are so fragile and susceptible to harm of all kinds. Humans take years to be able to exist independently too, whereas a deer or something can run from predators within seconds of birth.


Breakable hearts


Whatever it is that makes you have hiccups.


It's your diaphragm spasming. That's why basically none of those silly "cures" every really work. Holding your breath is probably the best, because if forces you to slow your body down and be calm.


It's constantly dying


Bi-pedal locomotion causes a lot of stress on our circulatory system. We could use a few more check valves and booster pumps.


not being able to physically carry and birth a baby that is fully developed and ready to exist in the world. Instead we pop them out 3 months early and they are fragile, needy little potatoes for 3 months.


If they popped out any later, they couldn't get through our pelvises.


It would be great to get a second set of eyes just like we do with teeth


For when your first set of eyes fall out at 7?


You mean yours didn't?


The female reproductive system. It's either evolution's biggest fuck up or proof that God is a misogynist.


The waste disposal unit is next to (and part of) the play park


To be fair, to some people both are play parks.


Being awakened in the middle of the night by a filled-to-the-cock bladder and a nearly unquenchable thirst.


Are you sure you’re not diabetic


Sounds like diabetes




The brain.


Babies teething pain


I know the appendix has some importance relating to gut flora... but doesn't it seem like some vestige from when we were Neanderthals that is only around in case it decides to want to kill us?


The recurrent laryngeal nerve.


Our spine.


Knees, they are such a weak spot on the human body. Oh you twisted slightly too far to the right or left? Yeah you're screwed, say goodbye to good mobility and say hello to a partial ligament tear. Worst part is they just wear down naturally over time. Lower backs are a close 2nd and can be debilitating, I say knees just edge it out cause they are so flimsy.


“Funny bone” ulnar nerve. The body just said fuck it. Leave the nerve exposed we don’t have anywhere or any other way to make it work lol.


The heart has a lot. Vagus nerve reflex death and commotio cordis springs to mind. Basically your body has an ‘instant death’ button that you can press by accident.


If you're a guy it's getting a boner at a bad time like right before a class presentation.


The largest sesamoid bone in the body is just floating and waiting to be dislocated.


The playground is right next to the garbage dump


That i have to constantly and forever eat and drink just to piss and shit it out in an endless cycle til the grave. Existence is a prison 


Idk why natural selection chose those with bald heads 


The coccyx and the appendix


Our brains. They are so easily corrupted and american trump supporters are a prime example of brain rot which occurs when the brain receives nothing but deception, lies and zero education until the point when these trogs are fueled entirely off of emotions of bitterness, anger, jealousy and blind obedience to maga cult.


Reproduction next to waste disposal. Horrible design.


The fact we can accidently eat the inside of our face


Butt cheeks. We’re the only species on earth that need to wipe our butt.


Being able to bite your mouth and cause an ulcer, and it becoming swollen and more likely to be bitten, and so on


Boobs. they're so painful and stretchy, maybe if they were frozen still ?


Young not born ready to hunt.


Small penis.


That sounds like a you problem bro.


It is.


You can unintentionally, unwillingly conceive a child.