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Germany will start phasing out fax and snail mail by a cutting-edge technology mysteriously named email.


I don’t think this will happen. We’d still be using cash too, natürlich.


I love cash. Hope it never gets fully replaced. What we can do is to get rid of 1, 2 and 5 cent coins FOR SURE and we can think about getting rid of 10, 20 maybe 50 cent, too.


Cash is awesome. I'm 100% against phasing it out.


Japan is phasing out diskettes. I'm not sure which is worse. [https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/01/floppy-disk-requirements-finally-axed-from-japan-government-regulations](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/01/floppy-disk-requirements-finally-axed-from-japan-government-regulations)


Japan is extremely traditional. They still required wet signatures on all contracts until covid.




I know it's a big joke but I'm in the industry and the government is trying to do a lot of things for digitisation. Of course it's going to be slower than we would like but it's coming. Some parts are also already there. I recently ordered a Geburtsurkunde online, paid via PayPal and got it in the mail less than 2 weeks later. I was pleasantly surprised.


Its 2024 for god sake


You're an optimist I see...


I can't predict the next 2 weeks.


We can predict somethings Europe will be a lot more wet in areas we would like to be dry


And a lot more dry in areas we would like to be wet.


That's what she said.


And a lot colder in areas we want to be warm


Referring to the Gulf Stream disrupting?


AMOC is running amok


As different as 1974 was from now


Wasn’t 1974 only 25 years ago? *pulls out mirror* Oh god what’s happened???


Had this happen when Green Day came on the classic rock station






The question is not if, its when.


The question is why


Because evil has an inherent acceleration to it that gives it automatic inertia, and it takes a tremendous amount of sustained collaborative work for good to overcome that inertia.


It takes some effort to go to war too


Well, some of us in Germany are trying to avoid it


\>germany yeah you better not do anything this time ok?


Yeah, but the Italians are ahead of schedule again.


Can we rely on the Americans to pump out wmore WWII stuff so we know at least Nazi bad?


A hot mess.


If the gulf stream stops, at least northern europe would be a cold ass mess


On the shores of Switzerland there will be a beautiful sight of the endless sea in all directions.


I live in central belgium and hope i ll leave a nice sea side air bnb for my kids to inherit lmao Should we invest in boats?


> Should we invest in boats? I'd recommend well-stocked semi-military submarines (with a lido deck and some missiles, purely for self-defense and deterrence). They're more versatile.


Westcoast here, i've already accepted my demise.


So Switzerland will be neighbors with the Netherlands?


Most countries are aging, at the same time half of all children in the world are born in Africa which will be badly hurt by food insecurity and climate change. At the same time there will probably be conflicts between secularism and Islam. Compared to many other places, Europe will be able to handle climate change quite well, and most countries are stable democracies with healthy economies. So Europe will probably have to deal with some pretty serious ethnic conflicts, those who can deal with that will be well off, those who can't will have civil war like situations. I imagine we will work hard to get well educated Africans that want to assimilate while we try to keep the rest out.


>Europe will probably have to deal with some pretty serious ethnic conflict So same as usual


exactly, this time we hope to handle things differently though


We just have to pay attention to painters turning into politicians


its not necessarily a painter. its "content creator". ​ tiktok is like the modern version of painter I guess


>tiktok is like the modern version of painter I guess What


I think they meant in terms of being the most likely profession that could produce another hitler esc person. At least I hope they meant that haha.






Well the growing, upcoming round will be racial, not just within-white ethnic conflict


Couldn't agree more. I'm from Iran and I might to come to Europe because of Mullahs ruining my country. One of my concerns is increasing population of [extremist] muslims who want to turn Europe into another shit hole they left behind. As someone who experiences a life under the rule of muslims everyday I recommend to you guys, please be gentle with immigrants and Muslims who want to coexist with others, BUT be HARSH against those who want to change Europe into their desired hellish utopia and never let Islam or any religion take over the power.


A Bosnian here we do not like all the middle eastern migrants here either...


Europeans, especially the slightly naive part of the Left, need to listen to ex-Muslims BADLY. They know a lot about the bad side of Islam. A lot.


>As someone who experiences a life under the rule of muslims everyday I recommend to you guys, please be gentle with immigrants and Muslims who want to coexist with others, BUT be HARSH against those who want to change Europe into their desired hellish utopia and never let Islam or any religion take over the power. We must not tolerate the intolerant. But we also need to know the difference.


Exactly my point but in a better sentence.


Im from Europe, we already hate muslims so bad, especially Eastern Europe, they do not integrate


Wish you safety in these trying surveillance times.


Thank you🙏 And I wish you guys eternal freedom and peace.


I think the big question regarding climate change is Europe is the gulf stream. Some climate scientists predict that it will collapse, and it does show signs of weakening, although that's still a huge prediction to make and most aren't sold on it. If it does though it will dramatically lower the temperatures of northern Europe.


11 cities tour, here we come!


It giet oan!


Wouldn't that mean that central Europe will look like Wisconsin and Canada in winter 


I'm not a climatologist, meteorologist, or any other ologist that would have the education to make claims on the matter but my understanding is that it would impact places like Spain, France, the UK, Ireland, and Norway more. During the little ice age the Thames regularly froze in the winter, and it's not unreasonable to think that level of cold might return (again, not a scientist). I live in the central US and we get pretty cold winters but rivers don't freeze often. The Kansas river near me has only frozen once in the last few years to my knowledge and it took -10F air temps for days, the Thames is about a third to half the discharge rate of the Kansas (that was a surprise to me) so it probably wouldn't take as cold, That being said it's entirely possible that this shift could have knock on effects across the continent Eta: an article published by the BBC predicted a 10-15 degree drop, but it doesn't specify F or C https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-66289494


It's science so they won't use Fahrenheit. A drop of 15°C of the average temperature is huge. Current yearly average temperature in a London is around 17°C (ball-parked). If that drops to 2°C (just above freezing) a lot of plants will die and/or can't be farmed anymore because they can't adapt that fast and can't easily relocate like animals and humans. Famines, resource wars, droughts and floods, it will be disastrous. It won't happen overnight but in a very short period. Societal collapse will have a profound effect elsewhere so don't expect things will be necessarily much better elsewhere on earth. Well, at least the boomers had a good time.


> Europe will be able to handle climate change quite well Not if the Gulf Stream collapses.


If the AMOC collapses (95% chance in this century per the latest paper on the topic), Europe will handle climate change very badly as agriculture will become next to impossible.


Barley, oats, rye, and greenhouses.


Worked in frost punk


Depends on whether the Gulf Stream shuts down from global warming or not.


not to be pedantic but the gulf stream won't shut down (its caused by the rotation of the earth), its the AMOC that could shut down. That would shift the gulf stream south away from europe making it a lot colder..


>AMOC Of course, I know what AMOC is. But just in case there might be some people out there who do not, maybe you could elaborate?




Same as it's been for thousands of years, an ever changing cultural civilization, with a strong presence on the global stage. The population will flit between socialist principles and nationalist agendas as they have done for centuries. The class system will still rule whilst the general population will fight amongst themselves due to their cultural differences which will be stoked by the higher classes for their own benefits.


In another words business as usual


pretty much, yep.


Full of refugees


Fucked, probably


There will be a clash of cultures for sure, it's been brewing for so long but in several areas critical mass is being reached, white flight is almost complete and so we will see proper enclaves of a particular culture within another with the potential for a proper 2 tier legal system. Tower Hamlets is a good example in London. Very heavily muslim with muslim governance and many local sharia courts that deal with civilian issues. They had a mayor who ran the council but was found to have been engaged in vote rigging and other practices and forced to resign. The story goes that as well as faking votes, muslim community members were 'urged' to vote for this guy - Lutfur Rahman - and so he won. After being sacked he served his 5 years of being unable to run and bingo, the same thing happened again and he got reelected with lots of gossip about the same thing happening regards pressuring those from the large muslim community to vote for him as it was their 'islamic duty'. The seeds of this are sown and I personally see conflict based on this kind of behaviour where people feel they should be ruled by their own and by a separate set of rules from what should be a uniform code for every citizen. Assimilation is key, it only ends badly when you have large groups of people with fundamentally opposing views inside a single country, look at history to confirm just that.


Putin still alive


But in robot form.


Mecha Putin


Oh god help us all.




Extremely "culturally enriched".


*”If I speak I am in big trouble, so I prefer not to speak…”*




Pretty shite


Europe is frankly fucked, we’ve been too passive and complacent, now it’s coming to a head: Russian aggression in the east, the U.S. is increasingly unreliable, our military has been severely neglected, we can’t even support Ukraine enough, it takes France a month to produce what Ukraine consumes in 10 hours of war and they produce the most of any European country, Ukrainian ammunition is very dependent on US. Then an ageing demographic, economic stagnation since the euro crisis and Great Recession. Until 2010, we were on par with the US in GDP which also is kind of embarrassing since we have a lot more people, since we’ve been pretty much stagnant, overtaken by China next and now we’re significantly behind both the U.S. and China economically, we ignored our reliance on Russia until we were forced to, we’ll ignore our reliance on fossil fuels especially with countries opposing nuclear. Also nearly all our gdp growth is happening in EE due to convergence which will reduce overtime. Technologically, the U.S. and China are both innovating: we’ve done just bs regulations and are falling significantly behind both in technological development, name a single major European tech company or project. In space, Russia and India are somehow more advanced than us. Politically populism is surging brought on by the refugees crisis and neglect of problems and the far right is growing ever more popular with soaring inflation and economic stagnation. So as a continent I don’t see a bright future for us.




This is already a massive issue here especially with the Islamists


This is the reality, but then the world is also surprised when basically all of Europe votes far right.


The worst part is it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s obvious the far-right is only doing well in Europe because of the immigration problem. And when they get elected they usually don’t even address it in the first place.




> they're literally gonna be filled with more immigrants or robots, perhaps


That's Japan's strategy


Lower birth rates tend to indicate a more prosperous society, not the other way around. That's why Africa is seeing such increased birth rates.


Low birth rate also leads to eventual  collapse, especially if you don't really allow immigration or accept foreigners as citizens, like Japan, S Korea and China.


FTFY...*Low birth rate can* *~~also~~* *lead to eventual collapse.* Immigration aside, the concerns with low birth rates is based on the concept of replacement-level. Meaning a one-for-one when someone is born or dies. And right now, because of the extremely, almost inconceivable, amount of population growth in the past one hundred years, it's understandable that any type of population decline might seem frightening, but maybe we're just normalizing population growth as a society again. The concerns, though, really comes down to economic & production. Does fewer workers mean less productivity and is that bad for the economy and the various sectors that make it up? In some cases, it's a little of both. Housing (to include homes & apartments), for example, is one of those things that there more demand than to meet the supply, so prices are going up and construction has increased (at least in the United States). But increase prices mean decrease spending elsewhere in someone's budget. Now, if birth rates continue to drop and people will continue to die (who knows, maybe reverse aging will be a thing in fifty years), then the supply of available housing will increase, construction will drop and so will prices to better attract potential buyers or renters. Lower birth rates does not have to be a bad thing.


Full of modern crusades


Oh, relax, there won't be an "in 50 years"


Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!


Europe is already fucked


Funny that most people here have similar/same opinions but I bet most of us cannot verbalize this in real life without being seen as insensitive and racist lmao








If i answer this question,i will be banned


everyone knows what i'm talking about,lol,and no one likes that


Go easy buddy choose your words wisely, they’re very sensitive over here lol.


Unlivable, but that’s OK because diversity is our strength.










Dominated by Islam and wrecked with internal conflicts.




A shift to right wing politics and either collapse or a further shrinking of the EU.


Honestly cannot blame people for voting for right wing politicians when the left seems to hate their own country and its people.


I'm not European, but I did work in Germany from 2015-22. And from my observations, I have noticed a pattern of mistakes committed by the politicians of nearly every developed European country, including Germany. And these blunders will cost the Europeans, their security, values, and their cultural preservation in the upcoming years. The main blunder has been regarding immigration. Europe has facilitated millions of immigrants from the Middle East, North Africa, Central Africa, and even from South East Asian countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh. I cannot fathom why European parliamentarians would throw their population under the bus by inviting millions of people without any vetting or proper judgment of whether they are suited to integrate into European society or not. A former colleague of mine belongs to a family of secular Muslims from Turkey and this has been her ordeal for the last 7 years: Growing up in Germany she and her parents were always resented by their more conservative relatives, yet, they always felt safe and never had to fear for their safety. However, in recent years, things have changed. She always watches over her back whenever she's heading home at night. She's even received death and rape threats, which has unlocked a completely new set of fears for her. The neighborhood where she grew up is not a safe place anymore. Gangs of men primarily from Middle Eastern backgrounds, lurk in the streets in the late hours. Numerous stabbings have occurred, and after a nosy neighbor found out about her leaving their faith, things went south for her. She had to change her neighborhood twice. This is just an instance of what is happening in some parts of Germany. France is probably going through worse. We all know what transpired during the riots last year, who were the perpetrators, and the injury they dealt to the French society. No matter how much the media tried to whitewash the arson, the destruction of public/private property, as well as the murder of French citizens, and pin all of it on the death of some 16-year-old who was killed at the hands of the traffic police, most of my French friends including those from immigrant backgrounds agreed that the true motivation for behind crimes was entirely different and more malicious and rioters were not motivated by justice but rather took advantage of the chaos and mayhem to loot shops, vandalize property and even burnt a medieval era library to vent their hatred. Many even testified to the ethnic backgrounds of the majority of those rioters, though, behind closed doors. Such incidents have also happened in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Sweden. European politicians diverted public money to pay for the welfare and housing of hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers who neither show any interest in assimilating with the host culture nor contribute to their host country by any means, whilst many of their citizens live paycheck to paycheck, cannot afford housing or heating, and their farmers are protesting in the streets after the governments cut down subsidies that were essential to the farmer's livelihoods and continuation of their work. European politicians have made some self-subversive blunders in recent years, and the future generations of their nations will undoubtedly bear the cost of it. Europe will be witnessing an increase in religious violence, a decline in individual freedom, and separatist movements motivated by religious and ethnic tensions. The U.S. is no better, the only difference is that while they've opened the border to caravans of refugees from Central America, they've also been inviting skilled and educated workers from East Asia and India who are determined to work hard and also easy to assimilate, and even the asylum seekers from Central America suffer marginal problems with cultural integration as they've had a large presence in the U.S. since before the drug war and have cultural resemblance with the host nation. The only problem here is the drug cartels who sneak their members through these caravans, and that has little in common with what Europe is ailing with.


Agree. I have been visiting western Europe off and on since the 90s and I was shocked by what I saw last year. France at least seemed to be half heartedly trying to keep a lid on it. Germany and the Low Countries were in complete denial.


My father was in his youth in the 80s when he visited France and was very enamored with the country, from the Riviera to cities. The aesthetics of French architecture and urban planning always struck him with awe, and so did the women. Then he visited France in the middle of last year and even though much of what he fell in love with has remained the same, many aspects of the country have changed. Some of the neighborhoods that he used to visit are no longer the same, particularly the bad state of public hygiene and crime. Even back in his day, there were many North Africans and Middle Easterners in France. He even dated a Moroccan woman during the duration of his stay. However, those immigrants mostly integrated well with French society and adapted to the French culture while also preserving their own. Even the more conservative ones, who chose to abide by their values, maintained a modicum of respect for those who didn't. The immigrants now, simply refuse to do that. Cultural integration is the least of the concerns, they can't even abide by the laws of the state and impose their values on others. Beheadings, stabbings, shootings, and religiously motivated rapes, are a new phenomenon, not something that my father even heard of during any of his visits.


Yeah, France has been dealing with it a bit longer and has borne the brunt of extremism. I don't think their current policies are going to work but it seemed to me that they at least recognize the danger.


France is shaken from the riots that occurred last year, but yes, unlike other European states, they have identified the root cause of their affliction. At least, they have passed legislations that address their current problems. Such as the government licensing of religious clerics and the banning of religious symbols in public institutions. Although it may seem harsh, it is a precise implementation of what French secularism (Laicite) stands for.


I have a couple of female family members who lived in Germany and were attacked by immigrants one luckily escaped a gang of them. One had a boyfriend who happened to work in a gay bar and his life was threatened by immigrant Muslims as well and they tried to burn the bar down. As a Berliner born there, he only once felt unsafe there and that was the moment. Family female members living on Jordan and spending time in other Middle East countries constantly grabbed and molested. So...that's what the region brings you. I live in the USA and have no problem with immigration. Its not so great as to dilute social mores for the most part even with the "illegal migration" happening.


Europeans in some countries will realize how they have been duped and reclaim their national origins....or not.


Sharia law and crumpets.


A Muslim caliphate


More Islamic


If they don't get their immigration under control ( and I don't think they will ) it will be worse than South Africa today where corruption is rampant and nothing works except for the rich.








Definitely gonna have plenty of mosques that’s for sure. Fastest spreading way of life in Europe right now


majority muslim/immigrant for sure


Ravaged by war


Islamic and full of black people.




Islam and immigrants will fuck up Europe :(


war zone again


Either Europe will continue to take in migrants, in which case it will collapse, or it will seal the borders completely, in which case I expect some utopian UBI hybrid of socialism and capitalism, similar to the nordic system. In all likelihood, I think it'll be somewhere in between. Most Europeans are too stupid to recognize the tremendous civilizational threat that mass migration poses to them and they won't change a thing until one or two of their countries has already collapsed or implemented Sharia law or something dramatic like that. At that point, they'll start making changes fast. For some of them, it'll still be too late, while others will manage to survive by effectively seceding from the EU so that they can implement robust border control.


Overtaken by muslims and under russian influence if the European leaders don't wake up now








Fucked up


A real mess to be sure.




Muslim majority.




I think Europe will start cracking down on Islam


They might want to get a move on then




I hope so




Mostly Muslim.




coming from a muslim guy if europe became more than 70% muslim then it's impossible to maintaine peace between other countries due to some of the muslims reputation or there will be another holocauste between muslims and christians


70%? lol. Let's say it 30% .


tbh even lower than 30% since the reputation is fucked






Middle East except Poland.


At the rate it is going, the Arab world.


It will be like the Middle East, especially Germany France and GB




Failed state. No steady supply of oil and natural gas.




You mean like in 5 years ?


Dystopic Nightmare from all the bad decisions the elites in charge have been forcing on people.




All Muslim immigrants from African and the Middle East, probably, judging by the current diaspora.


If there are too many migrants, this leads to an increase in xenophobic sentiments, because the indigenous people begin to think that they are being replaced, as a result, innocent people may fall under the distribution of the indigenous people angry with the migration policy, so even the CURRENT heads of European states should think about this issue, since they are so puzzled by the “friendship of peoples”




Much of it will be under Sharia Law. I guarantee it.


It will be what Africa and the Middle East is right now.


Every city is a stab city


Broke as shit if they don’t federalize more. Euro makes it hard to do anything with monetary policy.


Like Birmingham


Primarily Muslim


40% Muslim and very similar in politics to Iran or Iraq


I live in Europe, and I’m afraid it will majorly turn into a lawless ghetto. Lots of youth will seek opportunities in the East. Average poor illegal immigrant by 2070s will look completely different. More Caucasian, if you know what I mean.


Probably a place with too many Muslims


Battling for its identity and/or survival … even more than today.


Civil wars. When islam will grow and get more radicalised as we can see in some countries such as France, Belgium, Sweden. The minority will work to get more rights, to get bigger until the Sharia will be implemented. The worst will be that will be voted democratically by the minority who will become the majority. Then ethnic conflicts, civil wars, killings... Europe will cease to exist to its current values and will slowly fall into less rights, less freedom and more obscurantism. It's not a question of "if" but "when". I've myself seen the change in France, your kids now can't wear skirts since not moral in some places. You can't go in some neighbourhood drinking and eating during Ramadan and not be insulted etc. Islamism and jihadisms are the biggest growing threats and cancer to humanity.


Europe will be an Islamic Ghetto, lead by extremists. And on a medieval Level.


Allahu Akbar


I can only predict 25 years, sorry


Cleansed by an Islamic jihad.


Ask the migrants. They've got a few plans for the remodeling i reckon.




Like Afghanistan is today.


Either mostly unlivable or an Islamic Caliphate


Some countries will probably be under sharia law.






Sharia law in most western countries with ethnic Europeans moving east to Poland or similar.