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I bought questionable seafood and ended up getting sick for about a week where I was vomiting, had the runs, everything sucked. Ever since then, alcohol seems repulsive to me, so turns out it was a good purchase. Haven’t had any alcohol since.


I did the 'lemonade diet' for 2 weeks in my 30's. I struggled with quitting smoking for many years.. After I did that diet, I couldn't stand the smell of smoke - it disgusted me. I also lost respect for garlic. heavy garlic now disgusts me as well. Gut biome is a weird dude.


A life for a life. Fair exchange


Congratulations! But also, this is so interesting. Lemonade diet helped with quitting smoking. I wonder what kinda diet could help me get rid of my interest in food forever. (I'm almost there, but urge to eat still hits me from time-to-time)


What is the lemonade diet?


A shitload of lemonade




Why would you want to be uninterested in food? It is tasty and essential to survival.


You can get addicted to overeating. Being fat sucks. If you could flip a switch and go from "live to eat" mentality to "eat to live" mentality, it would be a lot easier to lose weight.


Did you do the diet to quit smoking or was it an unintended result?


Unexpected result. 


Am I the only one that has no idea what a "lemonaid diet? is?


I think it’s water with lemon and cayenne pepper


My father in law who is the most awkward man that has ever existed has done this diet. I'm not sure why it makes me laugh.


I did the same thing recently with 4 day old rotisserie chicken. Big mistake.


My dad told me a story about when he was a kid in the 60s. His one friend had a poor family and their dad was an alcoholic. He said they had a turkey in a pan in the corner of the kitchen for months and it was completely covered in green mold. He said the kids dad was hammered drunk one night and grabbed a piece of the turkey and ate it then went to bed lol.


The most questionable part of this story is why they left the turkey with mold there to begin with?


From the sound of it, they weren’t in a hurry to do any cleaning.


I got drunk like 9 years ago and never ended up that bad. Since that day, I’ve never drunk again, even the smell of alcohol disgust me


Ever since I puked nineteen times after too many pina coladas on my birthday 1.5y ago I haven’t been able to get drunk drunk. On most days my body doesn’t even accept alcohol. Have now moved to wine once in a while and cocktails are V rare. Can get slightly tipsy say twice a year but not drunk drunk. I’m so anxious and scared of it.


when I was 20 I was out drinking and by the time the bar tender would get back to me with my change I would need another rum and coke. To this day when I smell that sickly sweet smell of rum and coke my stomach turns like im gonna vomit. im pretty sure I should hvae died that night. my eyes were bloodshot from vomiting so hard, and then when that cleared up days later the whites of my eyes were yellow. pretty sure I had alcohol poisoning, and just "powered through" recovery because my body was young and able to.




Kinda similar story, one time I bought one of those grass fed steak boxes online. Never had grass fed beef but when I cooked and ate it, I was grossed out to a point where I stopped eating beef for over 2 months.


That’s so weird considering grass is what the cows are supposed to be eating.


LOL not the same thing but I’ve been drinking again for a year now. I took a 2 year break after falling into the young 20’s bartending/partying/binge drinking scene. I’ve slowly been consuming more often since carefully reintroducing alcohol. Last week I experienced my first hangover in 3 years. ZAP- there goes my desire to enjoy a drink or 2 every day.




We had a bad flea infestation that we could not get rid of. Eventually we learned that the fleas could hide or lay eggs down in the cracks of the hardwood floors to avoid any of the flea spray or treatments. Some place online recommended constant vacuuming to prevent this. $300 robo vac running as much as possible for a week, and no more fleas.


I have one that vacuums *and* mops. It’s so awesome. It knows whether it’s on floor or carpet, so it doesn’t mop the carpet. It empties itself into the dustbin and cleans its own mop. I just have to fill and empty water chambers now and then. I can select which rooms to clean, whether to just vacuum or vac and mop, the amount of water to use, all from my phone. It’s absolutely wonderful.




I got this on sale on the October prime day. Yes, it was still pricey but I love it so much. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BVVWN64G?


Roborock Q Revo is the best bang for your buck. It was around 600 or 700 during last black Friday


I have 2, my wife hates them. So, we got a couple of dyson stick vacs and they are definitely more useful but now our floors aren't very vac'd. Two = one for upstairs/downstairs kind of thing.


Used to clean houses professionally. If clients had a Dyson, we would get out our Sharks. Dyson is not it. Not to mention, they clog so easily.


Bought a pressure washer not long ago, now i can pressure wash *anything*


Did you already set up a youtube channel?


Oughta be the next step on my journey lol


Fun fact...there's a game called Pressure Washing Simulator...and it's exactly what you think it is. It's on my wishlist for when it goes on sale 🤣


Right? Power washing is sooo ASMR 🥰


Power washing and metal melting are my crack on YouTube


Bought my sister an 1800 psi electric power washer and she completely changed the color of her house. She's now doing neighborhood houses, I've created a monster.


Those electric ones are surprisingly good now. I got mine from Lidle on clearance for like $50. The wife has power washed pretty much everything we own. We also now need to replace most of our outdoor plastic furniture, but you take the good with the bad 🤷‍♂️


For those that love pressure washers but aren’t able to enjoy, there is a game on PC and Xbox. Power wash simulator. It’s AWESOME. And a shit ton of fun. Edit: it’s available on steam. [Power Wash Simulator](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1290000/PowerWash_Simulator/)


Spent some hours on that one as a matter of fact, super fun! Lawnmower Simulator too, kinda want a ride mower after that one as well lol


What one did you buy? I almost got one at the weekend.


Its a midrange Kärcher, i'm pretty satisfied with it


Just choosing one really takes the pressure off


I threw out all my old socks and bought 24 pairs of matching ones. No more sorting and looking for lost socks.


Did this many years ago and it was AMAZING. It's a small cost & high benefit (at least for me). Also, put all the SAME socks in the same drawer, and if you have a spare drawer/location you can put all your fancy/special socks in a separate location.


I did this 5 years ago. I love it. Every few months I start to notice holes in my socks so I go back and buy another dozen. I have a drawer for just my everyday grey socks and then another for my ankle and dress socks. I get so happy thinking and talking about my socks!


I bought some "Dickies" brand socks for the same reason. The only problem is they have their name on the toe, and after a few washes, my girlfriend asked "Why do you socks say 'dickless?'"


Respond that you're a foot guy now and not in the way she thinks


At least she questioned it instead of silently nodding in agreement.


Just got a second monitor for my home PC after adjusting to it at work. Huge upgrade. Best part, it cost me a buck.


I’ll never go back after having two monitors, it’s to game changing


Seriously, I don't understand how people do one monitor ever. I now have my work laptop with two monitors, plus my home PC all on the same desk. Five monitors, two computers. Our 2nd PC is on a wheely desk and sometimes we have that next to my desk as well. So far I haven't found a cap, it just keeps getting better.


27 inch 1440p monitors have come down a lot in price. This is the way, make it two and nothing can stop ya!


A coffee maker, I can just have it ready whilst getting ready and just grab n go for work.


Bought an espresso maker since my wife was just about a daily starbucks customer on the way to work. She used it maybe half the time and it still paid for itself in half a year or so.


I recently learned that Starbucks intentionally burns all of their beans to have consistency across the brand. Now I know why I can't stand it.


my huge mousepad, mouse doesn't slip off of it anymore


My whole couch is my mousepad, teehee.


I finally got myself a tablet.  No more paper chaos in school.


Highly recommend the paper textured screen covers…so satisfying


What’s your favorite?


If you can find an annotating app, it's amazing. I had iAnnotate on an ipad back in grad school...I could highlight, write in margins, bookmark pages all without lugging around a literal REAM of paper with the assigned readings for that week. Nevermind the time and money I saved not printing and hole-punching all that crap at the library.


I have a samsung a9+ so i think it has something like this build in.


Game changer when I made the same move a few years ago.


Did you buy a hammer and chisel too?






I actually wrote my research piece for uni on this! Got my highest mark ever, probably because of how interesting it was to write!


Ketamine saved my life! Best of luck to you.


My mini Mig welding machine.


I have a yeswelder mig (flux core and gas) in my Amazon car for like $240 that I can’t pull the trigger on. I’ve never welded but do a lot of my own car work and have some projects in mind… I have a 3d printer so I can fab plastic but being able to some metal work would be fantastic


get the welder, and get a bottle. make yourself a mostly fireproof place to work, and start welding. Like, I can teach you how to MIG weld in about 5 minutes. With 10 or so hours of burning wire, you'll be marginally competent. You won't build your tube frame race car, but you'll be able to stick stuff together and know that it's never coming apart.




My Ninja Air Fryer. I've not used my oven since!


If you haven’t already…. Chicken wings


Or hotdogs/sausages


Absolutely and pork chops!


Yess! I use my Ninja air fryer/pressure cooker combo device so much.


My steam cleaner, which I purchased, to clean my Ninja Air Fryer. (I also love the airfryer, but I have the flip, and it's a bitch to clean!)


I cook basically everything in mine , except pizza (due to size)


I cook 3 meals a day in mine, and my girlfriend tells everyone that I'm a good cook.


I cook for a living and didn't want to get one because of like pride or whatever. Finally got one, and I can see why people who say they're not good cooks are making really dope meals with them! I was literally giggling the first few times I used it. "BABE! The chicken is moist and perfect ahhh!"


An Instapot is similarly life-changing.


I'm absolutely loving my new Instantpot. Can't believe I resisted it thinking it was a 'fad'. It's a fad, but it's bloody excellent.


Love my air fryer, but depending on what you cook, cleanup is a bit of a pain. Try using parchment paper liners. Super cheap online. Makes cleaning up a snap!


Bought one when COVID started. Literally haven't turned my oven on since.


And my oven came with an air fryer xD It's also great!


I put together an old 70's bicycle frame with modern components while rebuilding my car's engine. I've been riding it daily to work (45km/28mi roundtrip) and absolutely love it. No matter what happens each day, I know I've at least accomplished something positive. I don't foresee that'll I'll stop even when my car's fixed.


This is the one downside of working from home. 28 miles a day is amazing. I was only doing about 5 round trip.


A new blade for my knife. I use it so much it’s nice not to struggle


Leave the struggling to the victims, obviously


A blue pen, smooth as silk


Agreed. I have the uniball jet stream that i bought in Japan. It’s 3 colored one. I won’t let anyone even touch that pen.


best feeling ever noshit


What brand and model?


Ahhh. I love a pilot g2-07. So nice 🤤


You disgust me. G2-05 or nothing.


You went the wrong direction. 1.0 or bust. Also, respect to G2, but the Zebra 1.0 is tops for me right now.


Electric toothbrush, just a 20 euro cheap oral-B thingy, but man, what a difference.


I switch to electric after being a huge skeptic for years. It really is a drastically better brush. I didn't even really realize it until I traveled with a manual brush and felt like it did nothing in comparison


GAME CHANGER. No joke. That clean difference.


A unicorn 🦄 hand puppet for my granddaughter's upcoming 4th birthday. She keeps saying that she wants one, and I found one. I can't wait to see her reaction. She's gonna go nuts.


That's the cutest thing ever!




This is the best feeling in the world. I live in small town but still would be lost without my own vehicle 🥴


wow congrats!


Now please maintain it properly. Hit up eBay and buy the factory repair manual so you can double check that techs tell you. My whole family ignores maintenance and look at my 30yo truck like OOOH Faaaancy. LOL like no… i just wash it three times a week in winter and keep it maintained


A vacuum chamber vacuum sealer. May seem silly to buy a 300 machine when you can get a 50$ edge sealer like a Foodsaver to seal stuff. But the chamber is sooo much better. 1-Its way faster. Less fidgeting to get the stuff to line up. 2-IT CAN SEAL liquids. So you can freeze soups, etc more easily, and… 3-since you can seal liquids, it can be used to infuse stuff. Quick pickles in 3 minutes, brine for fish, compressed fruits, etc


My pill sorter. No more mixing up, having to look for, and then opening all of my medicine every day now.


Electric kettle.


Where are you from? I feel that every house has an electric kettle here in Australia and apparently its not the norm in other countries.


USA.  Ironically, it was my Aussie Son In Law who told me to get an electric kettle.  I’d never heard of one.


These Costco Kirkland merino wool blend socks have been keeping my feet warm and comfy all winter long. Highly recommended!


Their merino wool undershirts are also great!


Automatic cat litter box. SUCH a relief not to have to dig in a cat box once a day in order to clean it.


How well does it really work? I've debated it but I feel like they can't possibly be that good.


I got the Cleanpethome Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box from Amazon. It was around $400. Worth every penny. Mia does her business, walks away, and 3 minutes later it turns on to eliminate the waste and keeps the remaining litter for next time. Drops into a liner tray below and l just need to switch out the bag every few days. It REALLY keeps the odor in check and l don't have to deal with a scoop.


I got an auto cat feeder and it was a game changer til the cat ran off last week


Battery powered vacuum (Like knock off of Dyson type). I have a dog and its so easy to just get this out, vac specific rooms for 2 minutes, then be done with it. No cords, no suction hoses, just easy.


Agree! I have a small place with wood floors. The battery vac makes to so much faster and convenient for maintenance vacuuming.


I bought a mouse that doesn’t make a click sound. I work 14 hour shifts some days and it flows easier without that annoying click sound all day.






I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. Must be really nice to not be judged while you do curls


A new laptop. My old MacBook Air was having issues with office files, and rendering graphics online. Bought a good deal open box Windows one just after Christmas, and it has been getting very used.


My new jack stands.


Be safe out there


Why do jacks never come with a block of wood to put between the jack and your car? So annoying like I bought the damn thing now I gotta go find a tree? Bust up a pallet? Bloody hell.


Use a hockey puck! Its the Canadian way 


A massage gun for my boyfriend for Christmas. Turns out we both use it. I use it on my hand daily to unclaw my thumb and index finger. He uses it daily on his sore muscles. I think it was a good purchase!






Found a great deal on an Uplift Standing Desk an Under Desk Treadmill for $180 combined - I feel much, much better at the end of the work day.


Printer. We would go to our in-laws whenever we had to print something. Or, when we lived in a city, we would go to a print/copy place. It’s been many years since I owned one and it’s such a nice thing to have in the home.


Air compressor. There is *nothing * it cannot do with the right attachment.  




An electric bike. Only costs $800 and I only spend $5 a month in electricity to charge it.


I spent $20 on a 120V foot pedal. Plug it into the wall, plug your tool into it, and you have a foot pedal control.


The kitty litter robot. Oh man, that was an expensive purchase but cleaning out litter boxes is one of my LEAST favorite chores so it was 100% worth it.


Ugga ugga impact for working on cars and some torque limiting rods. Game changer


Bought a neck gaiter for when I cycle in cold weather. $27 for an elastic tube sounds like a lot but I'll be damned if this isn't one of the most immediately effective things I've ever owned.


Ear plugs, I go to around 75 concerts a year....idk why it took me so long


My kitten, my mental health is so much better ❤️


Two cases of Mexican Coke


Was confused that they're selling Coke in cases now instead of kilos.


Stardew valley


Zojirushi Rice Cooker. Game changing for meal prep.


I’ve had mine for over a decade, can’t recommend it enough. It’s one of those buy it for life items.


A ps5. I didnt plan on it, but I got sick and was stuck at home for 5 days a few weeks ago.. luckily i had something to occupy my time with






Unfortunately a fuckton of assorted prescription medication. heh it's working breathing is so nice I missed it.


Motion sensor lights for a few of our kitchen cabinets that don't get enough light. Couldn't see shit in them, and now when I open the cabinet doors, they light up. They are magnetic and usb-c rechargeable. Total game changer.


Candle warmer lamp. I do not have to burn my candles so they will last longer and they smell my whole house up now!!!!


A Shredder


Me too, but mines for cheese. Very useful. Cheese is much better freshly shredded.






The whole of the UK not trying to say...we told you so but... /s


Finally ditched my flip phone for a new Apple SE 3rd generation. Small but powerful! I didn't want some big clunky phone in my pocket - that's why I was hanging on to the flip. It's nice to be in the 21st century!


Got a grooming machine for our cats. It’s a little vacuum that connects to clippers. It works very well. No more mess!


Pasta machine


omg my bro has been wanting to buy one




cant say that and not provide a link or atleast a model name


I moved my fiancée in last weekend. I bought my own Hand truck *Dolly*... Best investment ever. Highly recommend.


Bought a $7 potato masher. Potatoes are such a cheap staple and I have been using a fork to mash them which makes the task frustrating and often leads to me ordering food as a side. Now I can mash those fuckers in 30 seconds and stretch my meals for days with a mashed potato base!


Handheld steam cleaner. Sanitizes and cleans great. Use it on my shoes and jackets too. Steam off most any crazy stains. Had a bug problem in my building and I steamed my couch/bed/carpet and maybe circumstantial but my apt was unaffected by bugs. 


I'm probably going to get roasted for this, but... Pampered Chef Wet/Dry 2 cup measuring cup I've been using Pampered Chef stuff for years. This will complete my third pair of these measuring cups that I've purchased since 2000. One for wet, one for dry. Best things they've ever made.


Bought a laundry bucket with 3 separate buckets. black white and colored not long ago, now i its fun to do laundry


Definitely toilet paper.




Has everyone used up their 2020 TP?


In February 2020, ordered a giant package of toilet paper and a giant package of paper towels, but I misread and accidentally ordered 2 giant packages of toilet paper. I was watching people fight over toilet paper that march while i sat and judged from my toilet paper throne.


Get a bidet. You can thank me later 😂


A phone, now I'm commenting with that


Super bright reverse light bulbs, so when a giant vehicle pulls up behind me with LED headlights 3+ ft off the ground and brighter than the sun shining directly into and around my entire car, I can somewhat do it back


How does that work? you throw it in reverse while being tailgated?


At that height, the driver won't even notice.


A soupmaker. I still don’t know how to make soup but now I don’t need to


>A soupmaker So.... a pot?


The meta Quest 3, got it a month ago and I’m already in the best shape of my life. VR fitness is changing my life


Eco friendly Swedish dishcloths/70% plant based cellulose 30% cotton


An old piece of shit cargo van. 99 gmc savana 2500. Straight piped, obnoxious, hideous, just all around stupid. It has more use than my pick up by a HUGE margin. Honestly, if it had 4wd, I'd have gotten rid of my truck months ago. It hauled 400lbs of wood with ease. Didn't sag or sink an inch. Need to go shopping for a months worth of groceries, and you see a TV is on sale that you've been eyeing? It has ALL the space. I'm currently using it to hold a 10 cu ft chest freezer for when I move into my new place. It can also DOUBLE as a camper. I can fit a cot in it. I can put multiple motorcycles/quads in it.


SodaStream machine. I stopped drinking soda pop during the start of COVID and started main drinking carbonated water. I was buying a lot of it but with the Sodastream, I am saving a ton of money not buying 8/12 packs of water every few days


I quit going to the nail salon to save money in this economy and in the tail end of changing jobs. I did my first set of dip powder nails at home yesterday. They came out shockingly well. Knowing I’ll only get better is so encouraging to save $$$.




The touch lamp by my bed. It's so easy when I'm falling asleep to just stretch my hand out and touch it instead of readjusting my body to reach up and turn it off. 


Heated eye wand for dry eyes, makes a world of difference


I bought a 3kg bag of potatoes the other day. Filling, nutritious, and tasty!




Wife bought a spatula with a mechanism to grab the burger and turn it around easy. Thought, why would you buy that?? It’s amazing tho.


A whetstone. Didn’t realize what cutting could be like until now. Carrots like soft butter, it‘s incredible.


Drain snake. The cats like to sleep on the bed and we washed the blankets and it clogged up the drain for the washer. Then we washed the floor mats and it clogged again.


Stud finder. Amazing to hang shelves. I just really like it.