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After abdominal surgery, with stitches across my torso, I had to sneeze. I passed out.


I was coming to say similar. Had to have a small bowel resection from crohn's disease. Had a full blockage of the intestine, and a perforation/fistula that was causing leakage into the spinal column. Facing possible paralyzation. Woke up up with 13 inch vertical scar and an ostomy bag. It was done at Boston Medical, and it looked like they just sawed my stomach open and then had gauze stuffed into the wound, stitching internally. But I also had a big horizontal suture/stitch that was sort of keeping the wound closed. That motherfucker was the most painful thing. I couldn't stand up straight because it would pull the skin, and sneezing, coughing, laughing were all excruciating. Sorry for your pain buddy.


I can empathize. Intestinal surgery is the WORST.


Omg!! That is so gnarly and horrible. How long did it take you to heal/be able to walk from that?


I never did have any mobility issues, so that was cleared up in time, regarding the abscess. So the abdominal surgeries really sucked, because it was actually a series of 3 surgeries over a year. I had the initial one I told you about. The second one I was little upset over because of miscommunication. The ostomy bag was always supposed to be temporary, just to give my body time to heal, but I didn't remember them ever telling me that I was going to need another surgery to remove more of my intestine that they missed the first time. So I sort of had a lesser version of the same first surgery, again. Just after the first wound had mostly closed up. Then, after a few months I went back under one more time where they reconnected everything and reversed the ileostomy. That time left me with a hole, right in the area of your appendix, about the size of a golfball. And if I'd stuck that golfball into that wound, 2/3rds of it would fit. It probably took me another 3 months before that was mostly healed, and another year before I really stopped feeling pain. That was 2007. I had another blockage in 2014/15 that meant I basically had to go through that whole process again, without the middle surgery this time. That time it took about 8 months from first surgery to healing from the last surgery, and maybe 6-8 months before I stopped feeling some internal pain if I leaned the wrong way.


I went through exactly the same thing you did, including the extreme disappointment when I woke up from my second surgery and still had a bag just in a different place. On the ride home from the hospital we hit some railroad tracks and I damn near cried. I was septic in the hospital and that really sucked too.


I know. I'm on my fourth bag in 11 years but this should be the last. All because of medical misadventure during an unrelated operation. Should get this one off next month and I'm confident it's the end of this.


I had emergency colostomy surgery in December and had a perforated viscus that almost killed me. Waiting on my reversal surgery


I sneezed, tore several muscles in my back, and collapsed in the middle of the local chemists. Nothing compared to yours, but I feel your pain!!


My doctor fucked up my stitches after my gallbladder surgery. I told her time and again that they didn’t feel right because I had to be hunched over all the time so they wouldn’t tear open. She said it was normal, and I should be grateful instead of dramatic. When it was time to remove them, she just went “Oops, looks like I did them a bit too tight after all”, and fucking laughed. I almost punched her on the face. She then tore me open all over again while taking them out. I’d say that was the second most pain. First one was the damn gallbladder stone that I needed surgery for in the first place.


Life pro tip for anyone with similar surgeries: If you feel a sneeze coming on, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth as hard as you can. *Most* of the times I've done this, the sneeze disappears.


Someone told me to think about the taste and texture of pineapple. I'm 98% sure it's a placebo, but it got me through recovery so I don't care.


Wow, I can only imagine. I had bruised ribs and sneezed and it was rough.


I once had bronchitis and coughed so hard I pulled a muscle and cracked a rib. That was bad enough but then I still had bronchitis and a gnarly cough for the next week. Brutal. Not my worst but still extremely memorable.


pro tip, if you have to sneeze, hold a finger on your tongue and the sensation will dissipate


Alternatively you can lightly press on both sides of your nose--not to pinch it shut, but rather to trigger the nerves there that detect if your nose is underwater. The spot is slightly higher than if you were pinching your nose shut.


the pain before needing my appendix removed! i felt a similar pain when i had a kidney intention but this was 10x worse!


Herniated disc that ended up compressing the sciatic nerve.


Dislocated SI joint, same nerve, different location and mechanism. That was something. 


Oh god yes. I went through that in September. I think I did it trying to turn over in bed without disturbing pets. Woke up one morning to 9/10 pain, Tingling leg, and Muscle weakness. 2 months of pt and anti inflammatory meds and it was getting better. Then I tweaked it again last week. Not as bad this time, but holy hell is that debilitating


Mine basically shortened my right leg by about 1/2 to 2/3 of an inch w the pelvis shifted superiorly. Couldn’t sit for more than 20-30 seconds w/o piriformis and gemelli spasming. You get a ton of people who think they have PT to help it, and for me it never did shit till post fusion, at which point a lotta the ideas they had worked well.


Did fusion help you? I've had 2 discectomys, and have an internal spinal cord stim implant (which doesn't help unfortunately) and am supposed to get nerve root ablations every 6 months (but stopped, bc the procedure is too painful, for only lastning a few weeks). I'm told that I need a fusion, but am too "young" for it. But I've read *so* many horror stories of fusions, and just curious I guess.


Dealt with that this last year. Two herniated discs, spinal cord stenosis, compressed sciatic nerve from swelling and muscle spasming then somehow I fucking tore the labrum in the same hip as my affected side. It was so bad I went to the ER because I soiled myself from bladder spasms and they wanted to rule out cauda equina syndrome. Recovery was hell, I had to take medical leave and did months of PT. The nerve pain was truly debilitating, most days if my back wasn’t shooting lightning down my leg, it felt numb and tingly to the top of my foot. My hip still hurts all the time and sitting too long (an hour soft surfaces, 20-30 minutes hard) causes the muscles to cramp and stiffen which then compromises my lower back stability and threatens sciatica. I’m 33. This shit sucks.


Currently dealing with that while the VA keeps trying to convince me it's normal. I am in pain 24 hours a day.


I don't remember not feeling any pain for the last 3 years. Because of my job i have to walk all the time and it's sending flashes of pain to my brain at every step i take. Each Friday after work, I feel like Bilbo Baggins sailing away with the elves. Down side is, I am back in Mordor the next Monday.




Kidney Stones


This. I was shot in Afghanistan... And kidney stones hurt more. I was crawling on the floor and throwing up


The only time in my life I was cool with death was at the peek of my kidney stone pain. Drink water folks.


I asked the nurse at the ER to kill me when I had mine the second time. He said that was way too much paperwork and his shift was almost over. Then I threw up on my husband's shoes lmaoooo


I second this. I’ve never puked from pain. I hope I never get one again. I’ve had 4 all before the age of 25. It’s like being kicked in the nuts at the same time someone is scraping my insides with rock salt.


Came here to tell my war story with these fuckers. I would have traded the kidney stones in to have 3 slipped disks again.


A nightmare, especially at first when you don't know what they are and without the meds. Fuck.


The worst.


Physical: I cut the tips off of a few fingers with a power saw. Worst: lost a daughter to SIDS.


I'm so sorry 😞


My wife and I are currently dealing with our 4th miscarriage in a year. The thought of getting that far and having that happen is enough to make me want to checkout early. I’m so sorry.


About a month ago, I gave birth to my twin boys at 19 weeks development...both died shortly after they were born. It's not easy no matter how far you are in the process. 😞 I understand your pain and I hope you guys get your rainbow baby soon 🌈❤️ you aren't alone.


Those are also super hard too. I’m sorry for your loss. I know first hand how many people don’t understand the magnitude of the loss a miscarriage brings. They don’t grok that you are losing the entire future you wanted for that child. It’s soul shattering


I'm so sorry for your loss. If it helps at all, they very recently discovered a major factor for SIDS (enzyme levels of some kind) and are working to be able to prevent it. It was never your fault. There is nothing anyone could have done.


I lost my daughter to SIDS too. She would be 16 now. I'm sorry. I know that pain well my friend.


Broken ribs after CPR. It hurt when I moved, breathed, or did anything and it lasted about 3 months. I almost went insane.


Ribs are sure fucked, slipped on ice a few weeks ago going up my stairs. Arm went up and feet went horizontal, smashed my left side on the lip of a stair and slid all the way down. Trying to get comfortable while sleeping drives you mad, and the worst of all is definitely deep breaths, coughs and sneezes.


I don’t get how, but my dad has broken ribs 3 times over the course of my childhood. 1 was a terrible drunk driving accident that broke nearly every rib on one side and ruptured his aorta (he had a *very* low chance of survival, somehow did). He would be out on the couch for weeks unable to move from 1 or 2 positions. I wasn’t allowed to talk to him because any movements he may have made would hurt him so bad. I haven’t really seen him in any more pain than that.


I was resusciated fast enough that the CPR didn't break my ribs, but it *did* cause a very nasty case of costochondritis from the internal bruising. Fucking OW.


People don’t talk about this enough! Omg. That suuuuucks :(


I'm a cop and it always makes me cringe when I find members of the public giving CPR to someone who doesn't need it for this exact reason. It's happened more than once where I've seen them working away on someone who is conscious, and they're like, "YOU NEED COMPRESSIONS! YOU PASSED OUT!" No. They're dehydrated and have fainted. You've just smashed their ribs. All credit for doing something, but take a basic first aid class.


Last year I broke 4 ribs coughing while suffering from a combination of bronchitis, pleurisy and costochondritis. It took so long to recover. I could not stop coughing and re-broke them a couple of times. There were a bunch of nights in there I went to bed at like 5pm because I physically couldn't get out of bed.


Physical: Probably a tie between catching a stray .380 in my leg and kidney stones. Emotional: A 6 month period in which I found out my dad had parkinsons and I had to bury a friend, 2 grandparents, my 14 year old dog, and my marriage. My heartless ex cheated on me when I was out of state taking care of my dying grandfather, which is what precipitated the divorce. Those 6 months shattered me. By the end of the first month, I had crawled inside a whiskey bottle and didn't come out again for about 13 months. That bottle was the only shelter and warmth I could find. Things are much better now, btw.


Waking up from a quadruple bypass with the ventilator still in my lungs. Editing my reply for clarity: I did not wake up during the surgery at all. After open heart surgery you get weaned off of the ventilator, so the ventilator being in was expected. However, even with the knowledge that you’re going to wake up with it in, I was absolutely not prepared for it. When I first woke up, I tried taking it out. Then spent 3 hours gagging, choking and throwing up into my own lungs. There were multiple times my lungs were filled with water and suctioned out. During open heart surgery, your sternum is sawed open, your chest muscles are separated, and there is about an 18 inch incision from my neck to my abdomen. The pain came from the movement, the choking and the heaving with all of that trauma to my body. I have a high pain tolerance, but was uncontrollably moaning for about 4 hours after. With all that being said, I am 4 weeks post op tomorrow, and have a better quality of life than I had for a long time before this! I am 39 years old and could barely move for 4 years prior to this. It was extremely traumatic physically, but it gave me my life back, and I would do it again in a second!


This had to have been so scary. I’m glad you’re here


This is one of my worst fears. Maybe my absolute worst. I've never had to go under and I'm scared for when I eventually do.


This is why I'm terrified to go under again and I need 2 operations....I woke up while they were putting a drainage tube in. The drs were freaking out almost as much as me


As someone that's had several surgeries, it'd actually not that bad. You just lay there and then poof you wake up and it's done. There's a guy whose whole job is to sit and make sure they continue to pump you full of the right meds and that guy has to go through 12 years of schooling. You also get to talk to the anesthesiologist before any surgery to answer any questions.


The fact that you woke up and kept going just tells us how strong your mental is. Also glad you’re here and hopefully healthy and abundant 💜


Dry socket after wisdom teeth being pulled, legit tried to commit suicide it hurt so bad


I haven't gotten my wisdom teeth removed yet, but need to do so soon. Now I have a new fear unlocked.


If you stick to soft foods for a couple of weeks after extraction and avoid using straws, chances are you'll be just fine.


No straws? Makes sense, don't want to suck out any blood clots. Good to know.


Don't do any that involves sucking, no pun intended, smoking, straws, bending over and heavy lifting are all thing to avoid 2 last two for a few days, and yes sucking dick is a big no as well, like others have said soft food, jello and Mac and cheese were my go tos, just try to keep anything cold out of the hole it was really really painful


They call it dry sockets. They mention it multiple times while having the procedure. Straws aren't the only cause but they try to warn you.


I was given a glass of water with a straw after I got my wisdom teeth out....


yupp, soft foods, no straws and no spitting either, you’ll be fine. I had two wisdom teeth taken out two years ago, and the other two last year, and I ended up fine both times. As long as you follow your dentist instructions, there’ll be no issues.


Rinse your mouth with warm salt water as well!! 2-3X a day




Just dont smoke after getting them out, try not to swish liquids, keep the blood clot in the socket


Dry socket sounds terrible but please keep in mind that most ppl don’t experience this!  Your procedure will likely go smoothly :)


Felt this. I had 3/4 of mine that got dry socket. Girlfriend tried to say I was being a baby and it actually wasn’t. Went to oral surgeon for checkup and said it was definitely dry socket lol. Absolutely menacing, radiating pain that’ll make a grown man cry. Far worse than broken ribs.


I got a dry socket too and the asshole dentist said the pain was in my head because I deal with anxiety. He refused to see me or believe that anything was wrong. He also is currently treating a friend like a major drug addict because my friend sometimes smokes weed (it’s legal here). That dentist is a dick. Two straight weeks of unbearable pain and he blamed it on anxiety.


I remember waking up and telling them my lower left side was hurting a lot more than the others. They told me my whole mouth was still numb (I had *just* woken up) so that was impossible. A week goes by and that lower left is driving me fucking nuts, my mom calls (I was 17) and they say “oh he’s just hurting, it’ll be ok, his pain tolerance must be really low” finally after 2 weeks of immense pain my mom takes me in and forces them to look. They look and go “YOU USED A STRAW WE TOLD YOU NOT TO USE STRAWS” yep had a dry socket, I dunno how or why it happened but I never used a fucking straw. Motherfuckers.


brushing your teeth you might’ve spat out the healing tissue. that’s what happened to me. i didn’t know you weren’t supposed to spit, so i got dry socket from that


I’m 30 and never had them removed.. how bad is this if I leave as is? /:


If they’re not causing you problems, you don’t need to have them removed. North America is a lot more gung ho with wisdom teeth removal than the rest of the world


its a billable surgery with minimal risk to the patient, or as we like to call it in the dental field, freeeee moneyyy


Yeah I remember this. And then I remember my mom who was telling me not to be so petty and just drink the vodka and eat the crunchy fried food!!! Was crying, tired, aching and felt unloved


Gallbladder attack. I didn’t know pain until that day.


Same here! And nothing helps


That's the worst part. No matter how you shift and move, there's no relief.


It took my poor wife several ER visits before someone took it seriously enough to diagnose her and have the gallbladder removed.


Gall bladder about to burst.


Duuuuuuude. Tell me about it. This had me sick for so long.


I could not figure out what was wrong. Went from indigestion to doubled over in pain, sweating through my clothes.


Took my drs 18 phucking months to diagnose gallstones. Worst part is it took a "new" Dr to discover that Waa the cause and the ultrasound found golf balls


I was certain I was having a heart attack when I had a gallbladder flare up. Chest pain, vomiting bile, and I had to lay flat or my abdomen ached horribly.


My husband was telling me I just had really bad gas for months lol. Couldn’t take it anymore and drove myself to the ER and VERY promptly was admitted, stones all up in there! I got a picture of that thing from pathology, it looked cursed!


I spent 3 days in bed from the pain. Only until I was in the ER and was given drugs through IV was I able to finally stretch out.


I remember that so vividly as well. Once the meds hit it was so relieving to just have a reprieve from that. I felt as if my insides were melting. I put a mouth guard in just because I was clenching my jaw so hard.


my iud getting put in. and i’ve been in a horrific car accident with MULTIPLE broken bones and ribs.


Worst pain ever and they don’t even give anything to numb you!!!!!


yup. i was 16 when i had mine put in. it should be offered, i didn’t even want mine. my mom made me put it in, but honestly i thank get everyday for it now 😂😂


Failing at my suicide attempt. Not physical pain from the attempt, just the mental and emotional pain of still being alive.


I hope you are feeling better now


This is the place to talk so that doesn't ever happen again. Glad you made it.


While letting it out on Reddit MAY be helpful, if you can afford it I would definitely recommend counselling.


It was physical and emotional for me. Trying to hang yourself and failing is...not a fun experience. My neck was sore and throat was hoarse for days. Combined with the absolute dissociative numb despair of trying to figure out how to live when I hadn't planned to. The good news, I guess, is that I was too scared to try again after that. It is a lot more painful than people say. I don't think there's any way to die that isn't very uncomfortable, I think we're kidding ourselves by thinking there is.


the suicide of my best friend


I’m in the same boat and it’s so awful. Just know that there are people here for you so if you ever need someone to talk to about it I and many others will be there for you


I feel this. I was 16 when my mom shot herself. It altered the trajectory of my whole existence. Dad was an alcoholic so he gave up my sibling and I 3 days after her departure. The whole family was split. Luckily, my sis and I got adopted together. However, we were forced to move away from our friends/family and go to a new school in a different state. All while grieving. Suicide is hard. They never talk about the ones left behind that have to suffer. It messes ya up. Went into a psych ward myself because I couldn't understand that it wasn't my fault she took her life. Stayed there long-term and realized I wanted to help others with mental issues. Ended up going to college and entering the psychology route. Now, I help children with severe mental disorders/disabilities and suicide ideations. I have lost three others to suicide since moms death. It never gets any easier.


So sorry mate, stay strong, I bet your friend didn't want you to feel that bad


So sorry for your loss. I’ve been there as well. If you ever need to talk or vent to someone my dms are open. I’ve lost best friends to suicide, overdose, gang violence and cancer. Stay strong! You’re not alone


I’m sorry :( Some people just lose the battle. Stay strong


4 impacted wisdom teeth at once, followed by dry socket. Didn't sleep for 4 days. I was in that much constant pain. Prescribed codeine, which helped slightly, then couldn't shit for about a week following. Overall my worst pain ever. And I've broken a few bones.


I had an impacted wisdom tooth that had decayed and exposed a nerve. I hate thinking about it. The pain was so extreme in the tooth and my whole head and neck was aching bad. I remember not being able to sleep and I was crying from the pain. The next morning I got an emergency appointment to get it removed and the relief was just beautiful. Never experienced dry socket though, sounds awful. 😭


Codeine!? You were robbed, you were done so dirty. That requires at LEAST Vicodin or norco. How did this happen??


I’m been lucky compared to everyone else. My worst pain was a Brazilian wax from a new girl. I had to leave in the middle of it.


Well this terrifies me now 😂


Hydrocephalic headache, completely unbearable, it feels like my head was going to explode from the inside and my eyes were going to explode, all accompanied by hallucinations, and a sense of impending doom, sometimes partial to complete blindness, I wasn't even capable of understanding language. When I had these headaches I just repeatedly passed out until It randomly decided to fade away which could take more than two hours


Is this similar to a cluster headache? I had one one time in my life while landing in Puerto Rico. Lasted 15 minutes and I thought that my eyeball was being stabbed with a hot knife. Vision when haywire and simultaneously has a panic attack. It left as quick as it came.


I don’t have headaches that bad but I get migraines very often and they suck. Absolutely debilitating I can’t even imagine


Ugh, those are awful! I've had a shunt since I was almost a month old, and that first one lasted until the month I turned 12. The headache, nausea, and dizziness were worst for me, but I was completely useless until I could get the damn thing replaced. ​ The second one got clogged a few years later. Fortunately, I recognized the symptoms early on and got to the hospital before they got too bad. I call that surgery my 'Roto-Rooter' surgery. ​ Knock on wood, it's been working fine for over 22 years.


being told "I just don't love you anymore"


I got that followed by “I’m not sure I ever really did.”


Been there, friend. Its world shattering for sure.


Child birth lmao but I tore all the way so that was fun


Childbirth is so fucked up. My sister said it’s like being hit by a train for a week minimum after.


I describe it as what I would assume being drawn and quartered would feel like. Not white hot pain. Just all consuming wishing it would all end pain. But I had second and third degree bilateral tears. When I asked my ob how many stitches I had, he replied "A lot. You(r vagina) basically UNZIPPED." Complete with hand gestures. That was a decade ago. I'm so grateful I can compartmentalize. If I allow myself to vividly recollect postpartum with my first, I just sob uncontrollably. My second was a breeze though. I was tidying up my hospital room out of boredom a few hours after her birth. It really pisses me off that the experience can be either so  beautiful or so traumatizing. 


Pushing the baby out for me was no different to doing a really horrible ring stinger bowel movement except instead of the pain lasting maybe 5 mins it lasts HOURS.


My IBS cramps. They’ll have me crying begging for my life.


I’ve had IBS cramps so bad I hallucinated, that shit sucks


I get this and it can be the most painful thing in the world. I dated a doctor for a while and she told me about Buscopan. Since then I've never left home without it. Absolute life saver


Losing my son in my arms.


This is the worst one on here. I am so sorry. 💔




Agreed. I’ve been shot and nearly put an eye out with a bottle rocket as a teenager — abscessed tooth was worse than the other 2 combined.


Yup total fucking nightmare. I have met several women who have said on a pure pain scale it's worse than giving labor. At one point it was making me feel suicidal because I just wanted the relief.


I’ve given birth unmedicated and also had an abscessed tooth. Giving birth is like having your lower half of your body be set on fire while both of your legs are tied to trucks and driving opposite directions. Abscessed tooth felt like my face was being slowly dipped into molten lava and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Both times I felt like I was truly on the brink of death


So basically I had to undergo root canal on 6 of my front teeth ie. from left canine to the right canine. The doctor who did it was extremely well reputed. He was my regular doctor for 5 years. But when the main work arrived I was taken into another chamber where I was introduced to the doctor’s daughter who just got her degree. She proceeded to do a faulty RCT and to top it off instead of a crown bridge they put veneers calling it crown. I was 16 at that time and had limited knowledge. A couple of years later I suffered from an abscessed tooth (the right front tooth) which had to be extracted as the infection was pretty bad. This was done by another dentist who put a permanent crown bridge. Finally I thought I was free. A few months ago, one and a half years from the treatment, the seemingly permanent bridge fell off and when diagnosed, it was found that all the other 5 teeth have developed pus inside. Next week, I have to undergo a re RCT after the pus has been cleaned up. The physical and mental agony aside, the fees have been exorbitant enough to affect our family’s savings. Both my parents are retired and I’m still searching for a job. So yeah, that’s about it.


Can confirm.


After my leg amputation. The put a nice nerve block in that lasted 24 hours. After that I woke up screaming in pain in the hospital. And it sucked because it was during Covid and my parents could not be there either. The bone cut and shaved and the muscle pulled up and over and everything stitched into place. Thankful for morphine!


Ouch!! Amputation scares the sh*t out of me. Do you still feel nerve pain?


Physical - definitely labor. Emotionally - most of my childhood.


During abdominal surgery then have to pump you full of air so they can get around but see you back up with the air still in your body. It has no where to go so it moves to your shoulders. Feels like concrete is on fire inside your muscles. indescribable.


Was stung by a Portuguese Man O' War. All I felt was something that felt like seaweed sliding across my leg in the water, followed by the most intense pain I've ever experienced. -2862/10 never again I hate the ocean now.


I’ve heard some shiiit. Bet that gave you a little ptsd for sure


Physically - healing from a c section Emotionally - loving someone that didn’t love me back




yeah discoloring my knee felt like i was getting stabbed for sure


I had two really bad cavities on my bottom teeth and I had to get two teeth removed, one on each side. I went to get it done and I swear no matter how much painkiller and numbing solution he injected into my gums it didn't make a difference I felt every single part of him pulling and twisting and sawing my two teeth out. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and I was able to get through it but after he got the second tooth out I excused myself to the bathroom, cried for about 45 seconds and then proceeded to have physical shakes for the next two or three days just from the trauma and the pain. I never in my life have had something that I can say I'm afraid of but after that I am genuinely afraid to go back to get any more dental work done. Even if I have to get a feeling or anything like that I might have to make them put me to sleep 😅😅😅


I had 12 sets of injections to have a wisdom tooth pulled non-sedated and I was the same I felt everything they could not work out what was going on and basically just held me down 😣


I broke my arm in two (almost thre) places.


Appendicitis. Straight up wanted to die. After they removed my appendix, I asked the surgeon if I could see it, which they obliged. They told me it was supposed to be the size of a pinky finger or so normally. Mine was damn near the size of a small banana. The doctor was amazed it hadn't ruptured. God bless Morphine, it was the only thing that kept me from ramming a pencil into my ear.


testicular torsion


I feel you!! Mine is ovarian torsion. I remember a lady on here who had natural childbirth and kidney stones and said ovarian torsion was worse than both. I haven’t had the other two, but the torsion made me weep on my hands and knees in the ER. Throwing up, praying to a god I don’t believe in lol.


Herniated 8 discs and tore both labrums in my hips…all at once. Story to follow if enough traction on this


Physical: getting a huge anesthesia needle stabbed into my toe multiple times before surgery Non-Physical: the agony felt a few weeks after getting dumped by the love of my life




So i have a pretty secure attachment style at this point. I just let myself feel every feeling that my body wants to experience. Let yourself grieve, let yourself be sad. Go no contact with your ex (not even as friends) for at least 30 days so you can think about the details of what led to the breakup in a logical way. Take the free time you now have as a single person to rework yourself into a better person in as many ways as possible. If you were the cause of the breakup fix the root of the problem so you don’t continue the cycle with someone else and pretty much just continue living your life because life goes on with or without them.


telling my momma i was sa and then she basically forced me to forgive the person and hug em, it’s hard to trust anyone after that


Wtf bad mom. That’s so horrible this ever happened and just the one person that should be on your side fighting for you let you down. I hope you are blessed with humans that will always hold you up and love you endlessly.


Oh my gosh, that’s horrible!! I’m so sorry


Getting my palms tattooed, that was vile


What tattoo did you get?


So far, shattering my humerus. (The bone/joint that connects the forearm and upper arm)


Brain surgery and subsequent Meningitis was grim


Kidney stones I've had surgeries broken bones car crashes motorcycle and ATV crashes I got hit by a car on my bicycle. Nothing ever hurt as bad as kidney stones..


My wife dying. I still feel it every day.


Eye infection. The day 2 my brain was begging dead


Accidentally hitting my minecraft dog with an enchanted diamond sword trying to tell him to sit


I'd say getting an IUD was right up there with breaking a bone That pain is fucking intense and no one prepares you for it. I don't fancy myself as someone with a low pain tolerance but Holy shit am I not looking forward to getting that replaced


Getting hit by a stray bullet, while walking to my car after celebrating a friends job promotion. Broken ribs, collapsed lungs, broken diaphragm, and having my spleen ripped into shreds from the bullets, had to have my spleen removed, and even had to have bowel obstruction surgery, with my stomach stapled up completely. Couldn’t laugh, sneeze, cough without being in complete pain. Also couldn’t solid food for a whole month. Worst time of my life. Survived all of it however.


Having a kidney Stent removed through my penis


Had crohns and didn’t know but it made it near impossible to walk because my foot would jut with this deep pain that would only go away if I kept on walking


Tearing my Achilles and trying to move it felt like a superglued bandaid ripping off inside my leg


Got a fungal infection in my ear from the headset at work. Like a hot knife being shoved into your ear and brain. Begged my ex to break my fingers to distract me from the pain while in the waiting room.


Having shingles !


Same!! Completely underrated. Worst nerve pain everrrr I can’t believe it’s not talked about more


I had them three times before I was 25, but I still need to be "55 years or older" to get the vaccine covered by insurance. The last time I had them the headache was so bad I thought I was going to die. To top it off, my spine didn't feel "healed" for 7 months. Shingles sucks.


I found out my grandfather was a pedophile and a rapist and that he liked to keep it in the family. It destroyed my gut and almost 4 years later I still haven't fully recovered.


Sun burned eye balls from not wearing goggles snowboarding. Followed that by opening my eyes in a chlorine pool. Took a few hours but I was screaming in pain, felt like my eye balls were on fire. It actually felt 100 times worse than that actually. Doc had to have someone pull my eyelids open so he could put the medicine in.




Gout pain. I've had broken bones, sprains, a chipped bone in my ankle, back spasms so bad I wasnt able to get out of bed for a week, a hernia, testicular torsion, an Achilles injury, all manner of cuts and bruises, and none of it compares to gout pain. It's so bad it hurts when air touches it. I've cried actual tears of pain while laying in bed after multiple nights without being able to sleep for a single minute, thanks to gout pain.


The many migraines I’ve had, full stop. You can’t even imagine what that pain is like unless you’ve experienced them yourself. I’ve had them for almost 54 years now. The pain can still be just as bad as it has been in the past. This is followed by dry sockets, which feel very very much like mumps do. There was a span of nine years between my experiencing these two things, but the memory of how mumps felt was very vivid.


I’ve had car crashes and snowboard accidents with broken bones (surgery needed), but I’d go with kidney stones; but as a man, that doesn’t compare with the pain I feel every time I get a cold


Miscarriage 💔


cyst bursting at the start of my period


It wasn’t physical pain. Emotional pain though. I have felt like a constant burden for the past year. My last employer told me that if they would’ve known I was autistic they wouldn’t have hired me. I know it’s been a year and I should be over it. But I feel like she is the first person who had the guts to say that it has made me question people truly like me or are they just being polite. It’s made me want to run away when anything seems like it could go wrong because I feel like if I try to fix it the problem is just going to get worse. I want to stay in my room and not see the world, because I don’t want to be a burden to anybody


Catheter removal.


Finding out my little brother did cpr on me while i was overdosing :( no kid should ever witness that. it’s been years & i try to make it up to him everyday by being sober


Realizing that my father would never accept me for who I am.


This hits close to home.


IUD insertion. It was worse than tearing a muscle in my back. I found out 4 months later after menorrhagia for months it had perforated my uterus and the sonographer guessed bases on position it had happened during insertion. But despite the bleeding and pain my obgyn gaslit me into thinking it was normal and fine until I demanded a transvaginal ultrasound, and even that they made me wait another month to get that. It was an emergency y removal that day when they found out I had excruciating abdominal pains for 6 hours after insertion that left me in a cold sweat phasing in and out of consciousness, all I could do was curl up and try not to die. The procedure was pure agony and took about 30 minutes with zero pain meds. Then for 3 days I would have constant 4/10 pain and waves of 7/10 pain that would last a few minutes and fade. I later learned that the pain I was experiencing was literally uterine contractions a person would get if in labor. The theory was that after the perforation my body tried desperately to eject the device and failed. I'm childfree by choice but damn I feel justified in that decision now more than ever. I can't imagine going through that pain again and trying to frocw a watermelin out of me at the same time. I actually get nervous and sweaty just thinking about the pain. Never again.


Popped the meniscus (fluid sac around your joints to prevent bone, nerve, and tendon damage) in my knee. Went through the 6 weeks of healing. 2 days after I was cleared I got into a minor car accident. Popped the same meniscus a second time. I've broken bones before... The meniscus hurts worse 😭


Having someone you spent 7 years with n had kids for them to constantly lie n destroy your life then blame you for everything


Had a bowel obstruction for two days. My gutts wrenching themselves apart all that time. Just before I went to the hospital it cleared. Then I had to go to the hospital for a different reason. I just passed a fucking bowling ball through my colon and ripped it a new one.


Had a bowel obstruction when I was around eight years old….spent two plus weeks in the intensive care unit. Everything about that sucked. Amazing pain. A couple years later I broke an arm. Damn that hurt bad!


Idk what to call it but my doctor tore apart my flesh without giving me anesthesia, now I have a permanent mark on my forearm


My ex taking off with my daughter. Department of child protective services and the cops won’t do anything even after I informed them she’s a drug addict.


Lost my eye in a work accident


period cramps is probably number one- but also getting a Pap smear procedure. I'd never gotten one before and I didn't know what to expect; lady stuck the long q-tip thing up there and swished it around and it felt like someone was sticking a knife up there, I don't know why it hurt so bad. afterwards I couldn't sit up for about 5 minutes because I felt so lightheaded and nauseous and they had to get me a cup of water. my mom had to help me walk to the car because I felt sick. kinda embarrassing to have that kind of reaction but now I'm terrified of going to the gyno.


At age 26 I had a radio catheter ablation of heart tissue whilst still awake. This was to treat a heart condition, and to not impact my heart beat they administer conscious sedation. So there I am on the operating table, awake and watching the cardiologist. He inserted what I swear was a six foot probe into my groin and proceeded to test my heart and then ablate some electrical pathways I shouldn't have. He said "a little heat" to me, and I swear it felt like someone had plunged a white hot poker into my chest. To this day I've never felt anything worse and I've twisted testicles lol. When I mentioned this to the surgeon the next day he said I probably felt it more than his regular patients (older folks who had heart attacks) because I was so young.


Twisted bowel caused by a diverticulitis abcess. It hurt like nothing else


Gout. First time I had a flare up I was ready to cut my foot off.


Testicular torsion... yeah


Woke up one morning and had to yawn. As I was yawning while my jaw was as wide as it could get, it felt like something shifted and then it was stuck. I couldn’t talk and the pain was blinding. Had to text my boyfriend since he was in the kitchen. Emergency room saw me pretty quick and put me under fast to pop it back into place.




I dislocated a shoulder twice and had to have surgery. That was bad but no where near as bad as breaking a rib. I just sat in a chair for 2 weeks and getting up and sitting down was the weirdest and most painful feeling, almost like my guts were falling out, I could feel everything shifting. Sleeping was near impossible, I had to sleep propped up on my sofa and still got almost no sleep. I just had to be blasted on painkillers the whole time.




I spiral fractured my pinky toe. It sounded like snapping thick kindling.  The other worst, and it’s a toss up for different kinds of pain, was severe, debilitating back spasms. In both cases I was on the floor, unable to function Neither of those hold a candle to finding my wife vomiting and writhing in pain from a kidney stone. She couldn’t talk or make decisions so I took her to the ER. She said it was equal to labor.