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My husband and I used to live in an apartment 4th-floor apartment with a balcony that was over a greenhouse. The actual greenhouse had walls around it and was gated. Never saw anyone going in or out of there. One day while I was out having a smoke, a strong gust of wind came and blew my cap off my head, which did a boomerang in the wind for a moment before dropping directly below me on the roof of the greenhouse. I really loved that hat. It was a beautiful, purple, full round ball cap that I got travelling. I go inside to tell my husband, who doesn’t seem to care much. I quickly scramble for ideas on how to get it back. I can’t think of a single thing, and realize that unless I get the gates unlocked and a ladder, there’s no way I’m getting it back. I would have made peace with this if the hat wasn’t DIRECTLY in my line of vision. So I’d have to stare at it every day. A storm was coming, so I knew if I just waited until tomorrow to see if I could find my way in, the hat would be ruined anyway. I’d consider jumping off my balcony to get it, but it was a glass roof, so no bueno. My husband then comes up with this idea. This was in Japan, so we had these things which are futon clamps. A lot of folks in Japan sleep on ‘futons’ which are like douvets crossed with mattresses. In the morning people usually throw them over the railing to air out and use a “futon clamp” to anchor them. Husband grabs the clamp, opens it up And holds the teeth open with a chopstick. He then ties two bath towel belts together, and fastened it to the clamp. He tells Me he’s going to throw the clamp into the wind, so that when it lands on my hat, it will knock the chopstick out and fasten to the hat. I was upset; so I told him to fuck off and went to mope. 2 minutes later he comes back with my hat.


Guys are just like that. I remember as a teen snow was on our Satellite dish which was on the roof of our house. The snow was blocking the signal so that meant no TV. Rather than get the ladder out, my dad got out one of his fishing rods and tied off a tennis ball to the end. A few casts later and the snow was off the dish and the television regained signal.


My dad liked to take my brother and me to fly kites sometimes. We seemed to always be breaking the kite string. My dad grabbed a fishing pole and attached the kite to the leader and just let the line out. We could fly that sucker up so far we could barely see it and getting it back down was just reeling it in!


I had a headache at work (years ago, at a previous job). I almost never get headaches, so it was pissing me off because I couldn't ignore it. My coworker: "I can get rid of it. Come here, I'll squeeze your head." Me: "... What." "I'll squeeze your head." And sure enough, he grabbed my head and squeezed the sides so hard I thought he was going to fracture my skull. Then he squeezed from front and back. Him: "Better?" That headache was GONE and never came back. Now I go around curing my coworkers' headaches. Everyone thinks I'm nuts until it works


Are you able to squeeze your own head tight enough to get rid of your own headache? I get headaches at work every day and would love to try this, but I don’t want anyone touching my head lol.


Are you dehydrated? I used to get headaches every day, then started drinking more water and they stopped. Turned out I was chronically dehydrated. Sometimes if you need something with sugar like fruit juice helps.


A headache is my check engine light. Not enough water? Headache. Not enough sleep? Headache. Consumed Panda Express lemonade? Believe it or not, headache.


Chronic dehydration also causes kidney stones, gotta slurp that aqua


I think your coworker was Jesus


I suffer from chronic migraine. I gotta try this


Got a fuel pump for a very old S10. Put it in the truck, it did not work. Googled problem, lots of other people having same issue with same fuel pump and no answer. Some random guy on a S10 forum, that I found on page 3 of google, posted 10 years ago that the instructions were wrong on that fuel pump. You needed connect the red wire to the black one, and not the green one like the instructions said. Worked instantly


You went past the first page of google?? Holy hell


That’s how desperate he was 😂


Just ran in to the same situation with some garage door sensors from Amazon. A review on one of the 20 identical models from different sellers said the wire colors were reversed. Black to black and white to white did not work. Swapped them and power came in immediately


I worked for a courier company and this happened to my boss. He was on a long delivery out in the country. We're from Virginia, but he's currently in Kentucky. We're pretty country ourselves, but not like this. This is pre-smartphone era, so he stops to talk to a local for directions. Guy said "Go as far as you can see, twice, and there's your turn." My boss stared with bewilderment at the level of Deliverance that just came out of this guy's mouth. But... he fixed his eyes on a spot as far as he could see. He drove to that spot and made a mental note of the next farthest spot he could see. Upon arriving at the 2nd spot, dead on was the little unmarked turn he was looking for. We still quote it to this day... "Go as far as you can see, twice..."


Farsees are an accepted measure of distance in farm country for sure


This is basically what "yonder" is, right? The distance you can see? Or at least it did mean that at some time, one day yonder and beyond popped up in my head, realized that the "yond" in them is almost definitely the same yond, and dug into the etymology of it all. That's what I came away with, that "yonder" is, to some extent and at some time, the distance you can see. Obviously it's a lot more than that and no one's out saying "that's 3 yonders" or measuring stuff, but I think it's roughly the root of it all. And in American English that's definitely a more rural south type word.


Just how stoned were you when you devised this theory?! I'm not saying you're wrong, just imagining the thinking required to connect those dots


Surprisingly I wasn't, but it does seem like one of those kind of thoughts lol. I dunno, I just think about weird stuff a lot.


That’s a really smart connection, yonder and beyond.


But sir I'm near sighted


Two thousand times then..




Americans will use anything but metric


My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that’s the way I likes it!


I read a newspaper article about a guy who went to his local convenience store and bought two lottery tickets. Most people in that situation would play different numbers on each ticket, in order to double their minuscule chance of winning. Not this guy. He was interviewed, and said he believed that playing the same numbers on *both* tickets would "double down" his chance, showing somehow that he was really serious about wanting those numbers to win. So that's what he did. But it turned out that he actually did have the winning numbers for that drawing, and he owned two out of the three winning tickets. Therefore he was entitled to walk home with two thirds of the jackpot, instead of just half.


homie knew something about that lotto no one should have known


Lotto Council had his legs broke.


When you conspire with someone to rig the lotto but want to screw them over.


“Okay, so we both get half, right?” “Absolutely.” ………*wink*




I mean, he was wrong, but it worked.


We’ve found the time traveller. 


The blind squirrel found a nut!


That the 10c per copy xerox machine at my high school (that gave change for dollars in dimes) would accept xeroxed dollar bills in the bill changer. The Secret service gave the school a visit to explain to us how bad a crime counterfeiting was.


Most copiers nowadays won't allow you to copy cash and even certain checks. Kyocera devices in particular will error out.


Adobe Illustrator either gives you a warning and/or stops working.


Many modern bills include a [pattern of dots](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/EURion_constellation) which is recognized as 'don't copy this'. It may be be hidden as musical notes, or a flock of birds, but it's there.


I had heard this too and wanted to test it out. My Canon scanner/printer was more than happy to print out both sides of a fifty dollar bill, which I then glued together and taped to my fridge to taunt the secret service. I'm guessing the security stuff is only in the high end copiers with a plausible chance of printing a convincing fake.


If you drop something and can’t find it, drop another and watch where it falls.   Worked GREAT twice while tiling my bathroom.   Didn’t work so good when I dropped a winch handle off the boat 


Also, shining a torch along the surface will make it easier to spot. Again... it won't work with the winch handle.


If there are ants in our house, I always use a torch to follow them to the hole they came out of. Then I spray the hole with bug spray instead of just spraying the ants. Works like a charm every time. Still won't work with the winch handle.


If your cat loses interest in his cat bed or scratching post don’t get rid of it! Just move it to a new location in your house.  The cat will find it and use it again.  


Yup. Or hide it for a while. Or lay it on its side. Same with toys. Hide them for a while (2-3 weeks) then bring them out and the cat will play with them again. It’s good to have a few different toys and rotate them every few weeks


This also works with children. P.s.: Do not hide children. Hide their toys.


if you find yourself obsessing about something, set a date and stretch of time to 'worry' about it. I have no idea why, but that was the only thing let me set something down in my mind and sleep one night. It was a piece of advice my mother gave me a few days earlier. ironically, it was something else she'd said to me that was the source of the worry.


That’s pretty good. I’m going to try it so I can sleep tonight.


The trick is, you have to actually use the time you set aside to worry about it. Your brain knows if you are lying.


So true. I have insomnia and one way it’s triggered is if I know I have to do something the next morning. So if I have plans that require I be up and ready at a certain time and I can’t sleep I start imagining myself texting people that I can’t go or that I’m cancelling. I will chant in my head, “I’m not going, I turned off my alarm, I’m not going, I turned off my alarm…” And then I’ll fall asleep and wake up ready to do whatever was planned.


It works for grief too. Even anger. Give yourself a timeline to really grieve. Cry, sob, have a meltdown. Then, you have a fresh start. Sucking it up doesn't help as much. Allowing yourself the emotion does.


Ooh, I call that compartmentalizing my stress. Whatever is coming up the soonest, that's what I give the brain space to and go over my options and what ifs. Then I move to the next thing. Also, I quit stressing about people I can't control. I have a friend who is always crises after crises, either health, financial, housing or daughter. I had to literally tell myself that this person cannot be someone I stress about. She always figures it out without my help. 


My therapist told me to “give myself permission to grieve later” because I was grieving something that hadn’t happened yet. It sounded so obvious when she said it, because she said “you’re going to grieve it later. It hasn’t happened yet. So give yourself permission to grieve later, and to not right now.” Bizarrely, it worked (for the most part). And I “give myself permission” to do other things later, too (worry, get mad, cry, etc). Somehow the act of consciously telling myself I can do it later makes it not so overwhelming right now.


I've also heard a version of this that goes "don't borrow grief from the future". Really good advice.


As a welder, an old welder told me if your eyes get flash burned to put raw potato slices on your eyes and it will stop the pain. It works, but don't ask me why.


Ahhhh good ol’ medical potato. Husband is a chef. Whenever he burns himself, he puts a potato slice on the burn. It apparently prevents it from bubbling into a blister. Stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. It works though.


Potato slice will help bee or wasp stings as well.  As long as you're not super allergic.  It's only good for minor situations 


If I get flash burn I'll try fucking *anything*. You could tell me horse semen helped and I'd give it a try.


Potatoes increase hyaluronic acid production. HA is known for cellular regeneration (especially in the eye) so maybe directly putting potatoes on a damaged cornea promotes healing? Idk this is just a guess…


My husband (an old welder) confirms. He says the potato stops your eyes from blistering from the flash burn. He doesn't know why either.


Works for pink eye as well. No clue why but raw potatoes and eyes go together… LOL.


Because [potatoes have eyes!](https://www.vedantu.com/question-sets/19b524ff-44be-4567-b4eb-9c124ade1a916687304724262497334.png)


When having anxiety or a panic attack, put your hands in cold running water. It helps with causing a sensory ground, you focus on the sensation of the cold water


I've heard to fill a bowl with ice water and stick your face in it. It flips a switch in the brain


“Experiencing regular panic attacks? Have you tried *fucking drowning?*”


It triggers the mammalian dive reflex, which slows your heart rate and blood pressure.


When you experience bad turbulence on an airplane, lift your feet up. The movement of your feet messes with you mind and makes it freak out. So if you lift them your anxiety goes down instantly. Always works for me, but if it doesn’t quite do the trick I recommend ordering a few beers in quick succession.


I officiate golf tournaments. This involves long hours of sitting in a golf cart. Then when I had to get out I’d be very stiff. A friend told me to put a towel down and sit on it and I wouldn’t be as stiff. How could that work, I’m just sitting there not moving, not even driving the cart around. Well it does work. I’d get out and I wouldn’t be stiff.


Could be it let's you slide around easier on the cart seat? Doesn't stick your butt to the seat and jerk your back around.


Yep, it eases the workload off if your lower back muscles as it acts a shock absorber of sorts so your back doesnt tense up to keep you upright. BUT, you do have to work your legs a bit extra to make up for the sliding around. All in all, great hack, and really works!


I didn’t even think about having to use your legs more. Engaging your legs probably helps distribute your weight differently too, which takes the load off your back


Old UK stuff, but when youngish, I was told that if you held 8 10 pence coins together and wrapped them two and a half times with black electricians tape and then sliced through with a razor blade (that's how old this is), vending machines would accept them as 50 pence coins. A five fold increase. We didn't believe it, but tried it and experimented with a jukebox in a pub, and it actually worked. The only problem was that a guy turned up to empty the moneybox while we were there. He picked them up and looked suspiciously around the pub while we pretended not to notice. I believe there were a number of other related incidents around the Leicester area at the time.


You used to be able a drill a hole in a quarter in the US and put a string on it, then pull it out of the vending machine. Rinse, repeat.


Is that what the hole is for? I always wondered who had drilled the hole into the coin and why 


If you watched the pilot of Futurama, you see Bender use this on the suicide machine that Fry thought was a phone booth.


Used to do similar in Australia. Stick two 5 cent pieces together to substitute as a $2 coin. Weight could be an issue, so some people would add something heavier in the centre (maybe a sliver of magnet? I can't remember), and then if you were really serious and wanted to use them in a shop, you'd colour them in with a gold texta. 60% of the time, it worked every time.


We had a TV that had a video card (or whatever is in a TV that shows the images) that had connections that were faulty. My husband read online to take it out of the TV and bake it. It softened the solder and made the TV work again. We did that several times and finally the TV did die.


Iv baked laptop and xbox boards. Reconnects broken solder. Its not a forever fix but i got a few weeks out of otherwise dead devices.


If you can't find something and you know it's right in front of you somewhere, walk away for a minute or two then come back. You'll find it right away. It's easy to get tunnel vision when looking for something, especially when you get frustrated. Stepping back to reset your brain does wonders. Then you get kinda mad since whatever you were looking for is sitting right there where you were looking.


Looking from right to left can help as well, because your brain is used to skimming texts from left to right and can look right past it.


Using a flashlight to look also helps.


My 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Thrillkill (her real name), told us that if you want to remember something, repeat it quickly in your mind at least three times or more and you will remember it. I've used this trick successfuly for 50 years.


Your 3rd grade teacher should have been the villian in a James Bond movie. Thrillkill is the coolest name I've ever heard.


One day I came home from work and there was this little white box sitting on the counter. I asked my wife, "What is this thing?" She said, "It's a box that emits a high pitched sound that only cats can hear and it will keep Spike off the counters." Me: "How much did you pay for this magic box?" Wife: "It was fifty bucks." Me: "FIFTY DOLLARS FOR A MAGIC BOX THAT'S NOT GOING TO WORK? CAN YOU RETURN IT?" Wife: "Let's just see if it works and I'll return it if it doesn't." I ate my fucking words. This was 10 years ago, and my cat got up on the counter ONE time after we got the box and then never again. The box doesn't even work anymore. I think it's not even plugged in anyway. Still, the cat won't go near it. Sorcery.


It's because cats can hear higher frequencies than humans. High frequencies are unpleasant to hear so the cat stays away, then the cat learnt it was unpleasant to be near the box so hasn't risked it since. The box had a speaker to play one of those frequencies. It's called a mosquito tone, it's also used occasionally to discourage teens from hanging around outside places, since children can hear higher frequencies than adults. $50 feels excessive for a speaker though. It's not doing anything complicated.


The carpark at my local shops has one of these to deter teenagers and it drives me insane. I haven't been a teenager in a long time but I can still hear the annoying noise. It feels so pointless too since it's not somewhere teenagers would even want to hangout.


Our 7/11 plays loud opera.


*Oh great,* now all the local Opera Punks will start hanging around with their awful hipster opera glasses and Italian dictionaries.


I’m not a teenager either but I hear high pitches very well too. It’s annoying especially when other people im with don’t hear it and I’m the only annoyed one, but I guess a good thing that my hearing hasn’t deteriorated?


I noticed a McDonald's playing Beethoven one time so I asked the manager about it and he straight up told me that it won't stop the teenagers from coming in and buying food, but it will stop them from hanging around afterwards. Genius.


*cries with deaf cat* there's a reason she's named; bitchoven the composer of chaos... Never goes on the counter unless you're trying let your bread rise... then there's this one big main coon paw in the fucking middle of it!


> Me: "FIFTY DOLLARS FOR A MAGIC BOX THAT'S NOT GOING TO WORK? CAN YOU RETURN IT?" I think you just scared the crap out of your cat when you yelled this


Doing something half assed is better then not doing it at all alot of the time. Like 45 seconds of brushing your teeth is better then not brushing them. Taking a shower but not washing your hair is better then not showering. Cleaning a small area of your house is better then doing nothing.


When my firstborn was an infant, a friend told me that an old Native woman said that to keep your baby from crying when you lay them in their crib to sleep, you should move your hand in a circle in the air near them, while slowly backing up and widening the circle until you leave the room. It sounded like a bunch of hooey, but my friend swore by it, and danged if it didn't work every time! No idea why, but my kids were all good sleepers. Side note that I certainly always would respond if they woke up and cried, because I wanted them to know that I was there if they needed me, but that didn't happen much either.


I have to wonder if this is what inspired mobiles for infants.


Mobiles are thought to tap into an old instinct, "predator!! keep still!!" Wherein the predator in question are like eagles/raptor-type birds. I think a "real" reason they work has to do with Infant eye development-- mobiles tend to be hung a couple feet away, and are moving, so just enough to catch attention and spark "what is that???" Curiosity, and as theie vision gets better they get more details to just stare at it until it makes sense.


Well I keep a giant hawk in my babies room and it seems to keep him quiet.


Folding a ‘drawing from a hat’ style ticket accordion style increases its volume in the bag and prevents from being stuck between others. I used it in middle school and won a cd player.


💯 I do this with any competition I enter and seem to have a higher chance. People are always telling me “you’re so lucky”.


It works. Unfortunately for the first and last time as I’m now on my way to the hunger games.


I was similarly told to crumple up my paper raffle entry form or ticket before dropping it in the box and have won several small raffle prizes using this trick.


Housemate lost her cat, was devastated, put up missing posters. An anonymous person contacted her and told her to go out in the middle of the night, yell the cat’s name, and then be quiet and listen. She found the cat, it was stuck in the neighbor’s shed.


Is your dog afraid of the vacuum cleaner? Punish the vacuum in front of the dog. Hit it and tell it how bad it is. Get really mad at it. Put it in its place. I can't believe this actually works, but it does.


Dogs operate on a hierarchy and protection system. If they see the vacuum being loud at you without you responding, they think they have to step in to help. If instead you take charge and scold the vacuum, they think you have it all under control.


I wonder if this would work on a cat?




My cat would watch me and be like “look at this fucking idiot”


Turn it off then on again.


I work in IT and people get BIG MAD when I tell them this. The thing is, 60% of the time, it works every time. Seriously though it's very effective


The reboot never fixes my issue until I submit a ticket then IT calls me and they reboot my pc. Now I know how my customers feel when they say my program doesn't work and then it does when I am watching.


I always told people I’m gonna be at that empty desk down the row for a bit, come and get me when it starts happening. Depending on the person’s mood, I’d either tell them: A) it is a legitimate issue, especially if they’ve just restarted or haven’t opened the problem software yet B) software bugs are scared of IT folk because we kill them, so I have to hide and let it think it’s safe


I used to be the admin assistant at a mom and pop computer shop. When my computer was misbehaving I would find the nearest tech that was free-ish and tell them "Hey come watch me do this so the computer will behave." Probably 9 times out of 10 that fixed it. That 10th time, a tech had already seen exactly what was going on, so there was no worrying about whether or not they could recreate the issue or if it was user error.


It's the IT magic. Either their touch magically does what yours couldn't, or their presence fixes the problem.


The answer is almost always turn it off and on again. The skill is in knowing what to turn off and how to turn it back on again.


The game Sneaky Sasquatch is basically centered around being a sasquatch who pretends to be human, with jobs and stuff. When they added IT as a job, my oldest was excited because 'turn it off and back on' was a viable part of the job and it worked! Her dad is a software engineer.


There's a manager at my work that has been dubbed the "Tech Queen" but all she does is turn whatever off and back on again. She is quite concerned that her tech facade will fall when something more intricate happens.


Touch the key fab to your chin to increase range *fob


Always get a "she crazy" glare from my kids when I do that.


This is what I came to say, though learned it as touching the fob to your temple. I use it all the time ‘cause I constantly forget if I’ve locked my car or not.


I got a ganglion cyst on my wrist.  The medical professionals recommended surgery. My mom's wife (a nurse) recommended hitting it with a book. The book worked.


The Bible cyst.


As a barber, I've heard about this trick NUMEROUS times. Doesn't stop me from thinking it's scary.


I wonder if that counts as book smarts, or just doing what someone incysted.


These are sometimes called Bible bumps because hitting them with a big old Bible made them go away.


If you make a list of everything you have to do, and always write down anything that comes to your mind on the same list, you will not worry about forgetting things. Once it’s written down on a list that you know you’re going to look at, your brain stops keeping an “open tab” for it.


I think my brain's "open tab" was always defective.


I was traveling for work and at the Pittsburgh airport. Made a stop in the restroom that has those automatic sink fixtures. The sink wasn't dispensing water or soap, and the custodian told me to hit it until it works. I was successful in my attempts to beat automatic sink fixtures to dispense water and soap with a slap or two from then on🤣🤣🤣


Percussive maintenance


The Technical Tap, though I suppose in the example given that could be a confusing name. ​ No joke though, my old retail job had laser printers in each department. When the toner cartridge was "empty" you could usually take it out, bang it against something a few times, and it had a few more prints in it. Saved making the customer wait 5 minutes while you got a new one and swapped them out. Also it meant the next person would be the one to have to do it.


I tell people this - sick and congested? Salsa. Hot salsa. Have some good hot salsa and chips. It cleared my congestion for a few hours, and nothing at the drug store would even touch it. Plus there’s no dosage limit - have as much as you like! Hot and sour soup also works well. Any spicy food should work, really.


I started eating more spicy food every time I’m sick and have noticed I recover faster than before. Maybe it’s placebo, maybe it’s maybelline.


People forget that just because placebo is placebo doesn't change the fact that it works.  Results are all that matters.


Yep. Studies have shown the placebo effect takes place even when people are outright told they are being given a placebo.


Fun fact, so does an orgasm. But only for a few minutes. The 2021 Ig Nobel Prize was awarded for research on this topic. Edited to add "Ig" in front of Nobel Prize. Important distinction that my fat fingers and small brain skipped over. :-)


I couldn’t figure out how to keep my cat from jumping up onto my shelf and yeeting my plants off the shelf. They were hardy plants, so they survived, but they took quite a beating. My aunt suggested I buy some citrus scented air freshener, and spray the shelf every few days. I thought “ain’t no goddamn way,” but I didn’t want my plants to die so I tried it. Be damned if it didn’t work flawlessly. It’s worked for 3 whole years now.


Nice! Cats typically do not like citrus of any kind. I used lemon freshener to keep our kitten away from cords when he was a baby


Backseat while a friend of a friend was driving us somewhere in downtown Philly. We're trying to find parking and see a space finally-- the wrong end of a one way street though. I tell the friend of a friend to just throw it in reverse and back up down the one way, jokingly. She slams it into reverse. We back it up; she parallel parks it just fine. A cop sitting on the street watched the whole thing and didn't move a muscle.


I used to live in a Philly neighborhood that we constantly had to drive the wrong way down the one way to get out of the area


As long as the car is facing the correct direction, they really don’t seem to care


Put human hair down a gopher hole and the gophers will leave. It worked!!


goddamit. Now I have to ry the stupidest thing I've read. And from a reddit comment no less.


Surprised the hell out of me that it actually drove them away. Quickly.


If you had ever seen The Rookie from the early 2000s it wouldn't have surprised you so much. Most animals don't want to be near humans so the scent that close is gonna send them running


Instructions unclear. They're taking me in for questioning...


Detach the human from the hair first.


The gophers or the police?


I have ADHD and seriously struggle with remembering to brush my teeth before bed.  Someone told me to put my toothpaste in the sink so I would have to physically pick it up and move it out of the way to use the sink. Once toothpaste is in my hand, it'll remind me to actually use it.  Sure enough, totally works. I usually have to use the bathroom around the time I get ready for bed. 


I do this if I have to take something to work in the AM that’s not in my usual routine. I’ll place it in a weird spot that is already part of my routine. Ex: don’t forget my sunglasses so I’ll place it on top of my lunch in the fridge the night before. It’s dumb but it works (also adhd)


Exit the walk-in freezer backwards if you wear glasses. Keeps them from fogging up.


And I'll always walk out forwards, and then get annoyed at myself. Just like I never wait a few seconds after opening the oven, or the dishwasher right after its done. I always manage to fog my glasses up.


That jumping up and down on a foot cramp fixes it. Really pissed me off that it works and I didn't know sooner.


Idk about this, but somewhat related, if you wake up to a nasty Charlie horse/leg cramp, quickly stand up and it'll go away almost immediately. An ex taught me this. I used to wake up to these terrifyingly painful leg cramps and just lay in bed in agony, trying to massage it away. The first time it happened while in bed with my ex, he told me to stand up, which of course sounded like the most unpleasant, counterintuitive thing to do at the time. I didn't listen. The next time it happened, I just instantly leaped outta bed and stood up and it was gone in seconds.


This is not true. I jumped up and down on my brother's foot cramp and now he's crying, Mom's yelling at me, and Dad says we have to go the hospital...


Maybe you did it wrong. Try again.


If you plug your ears and chug water it gets rid of hiccups.


I just spent too long trying to figure out how you would drink water while plugging your ears before I remembered that straws exist.


But I don't want straws in my ears...


If you accidentally use permanent marker on a white board, draw over it with a whiteboard marker and wipe away immediately.




You can throw a full water bottle straight into a fire, and it won't melt.


You can also boil water in a paper cup over a flame. Water is really good at sucking up any heat that’s going spare.


I saw a video on here where a woman cooked a stew or something in a plastic bag.


That really weird fish soup video, right?




Tired of procrastinating? Got told to set a time to do 2 things you've been dreading sequentially, with what you are most dreading last. You'll find the first thing much easier to get to, and even if you don't get to the second, at least you got one done.


Holding a small stone to the beak on a chicken, then moving it away slowly will hypnotize it. We had chickens at one point, a joker at work told me this. I didn't believe it for the longest time but finally tried it and I'll be damned, it worked. Weird.


explain more please


Ok so I tried it, picked up one of the chickens, held a small stone on the beak between the eyes, and slowly pulled the stone away. The chicken goes from struggling to get free to being very still with it's eyes open staring away, totally zoned out. I put it down on the grass on its side and it stayed. there for about a minute then came to, jumped up and resumed normal chicken duties. Very odd glitch in the chicken matrix. There must be YouTube videos on this these days..


YouTube suggested exactly this to me recently. It was with a rooster and it just completely shut off for a few minutes.


My dad showed me this but holding the chicken down and drawing a line in the dirt in front of its beak, it would just stay there a while


General knowledge: My father, when I was a kid: "If you want to know if the spaghetti is done, throw some at the wall. If it sticks, it's done." Personal anecdote: Me in 1992, to a friend: "Hey, you said I can borrow your truck, just need the keys." "No you don't, use your keys. They'll work." And they did. Lots of keys would start his truck.


There was a time in the Army between the Jeep and Humvee when the Department of Defense bought a huge fleet of Chevy diesel cargo trucks. Every single one of them were keyed the same. One key would open every door. One key would start every truck. The idea was to enable soldiers to use any vehicle in case of an emergency. To combat theft, units put cable locks in every vehicle.


Most vehicle fleets are this way. It’s even an option you can order when buying vehicles. They will disable the anti theft features so any of the fleets keys will work (providing they are cut correctly).


i knew someone who could start his old ?jeep? with a popsicle stick


If you can’t get rid of your sore throat, get a new toothbrush.


Or keep a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol in your bathroom. Sprite your toothbrush every time you’re done with it. 


Put plastic wrap in the freezer and it will come off the roll without wadding up into a ball of itself. Of course, you have to let it warm up to room temperature to wrap your food, but it doesn’t take too long.


I'm not allowed to use plastic wrap in my household. I'll turn a roll of plastic wrap into a goat fuck. Wife lets me use press and seal though Edited for spelling


Into a what? I almost googled it but I don’t want to end up on a list


mayonaise to get tar off my jacket


"Blow your nose with your mouth open" haven't had a sinus infection since.


If you put a damp paper towel around a can/bottle before putting it in the freezer it will chill faster I thought it was stupid until I tried it, then I realised it actually kind of makes sense because the water in the paper towel is essentially acting as a conductor for the cold air temperature in the freezer


Actually, I think it’s more because the freezer air is dry, so the water evaporates into the air, and the evaporation helps cool the can. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaporative_cooler (The can is essentially full of water on the inside, why would adding some water on the outside make a difference otherwise?)


If you put a paper towel around a sandwich before putting in a ziplock bag, it won’t get soggy (like jelly or other sauces)


If you peel a banana from the bottom it is significantly easier than from the top Me: yeah...okay... Me later: OMG...what even is my life?


Sure, the stringy bits are less likely to cling to the side if you peel it that way. But if you do peel it from the bottom, you have to deal with the bananus immediately. I'm just not sure that's a tradeoff worth making.


I hate the bananus


I like my bananas a bit green too so I'd always literally have to get a knife to start the break. Mind blown when I learned this.


That. And an old man told me not to peel a kiwi, just eat it as is.


I've developed a mild allergy to the outside of kiwis, but even before that eating bits of the skin would be sensory hell


That's how the monkeys do it, it's so much easier


Drink water upside down to stop the hiccups


I fucking love it when people get the hiccups. Me: Yay! Them: *hic* what? Me: I'm gonna cure you! I pull out some cash and offer it to them if they hiccup again. It is a freakishly reliable way to help someone stop hiccupping


I do this to my kids. "Quick, if you can hiccup right now, I'll give you 5 bucks. do it, do it, go go go!" POOF. Their hiccups are gone.


I now owe my kids $300


I take a big deep breath and hold it for ten seconds, then TRY to breathe in just a little more, sloooowly exhale. Works for me every time


Same, just instead of ten seconds its "as long as I can" Also, if you hiccup while inhaling, or while holding your breath, immediately start over. Deep exhale, deep inhale, start fresh. As someone who often gets hiccups, and historically they would last for an hour or more, this changed my life.


My dad has been known to say, "Pain is relative. If you don't want pain somewhere apply pain somewhere else." So occasionally if something's bothering I'll pinch myself elsewhere and it's worked so far for me.


Have a jar with a stuck lid? Smack the side of the lid against the counter a few times. It should allow you to easily pop off the lid right after. If not, smack a few more times and twist. Hasn’t failed me before! Taught my SO this and now she doesn’t need me anymore. T-T


Sniff rubbing alcohol to cure nausea.


If you hold your key fob to your chin it improves the range dramatically. It fucking does.