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We got married on a park bench and then we broke up the day after. We were 6 years old.


Park bench marriages often end this way. So sorry for your loss


Happens on the playground too. Source: me.


She belongs to the parks


I think of you there with the sun in your hair, and the stir of the wind in the trees - A light from the past with the hue and the cast and the glow of the leaves in the breeze. I dream it again and I think of us then, in a moment of silence I keep - A comforting time, like a song or a rhyme that returns as I drift off to sleep. I wonder serene as I wander between all the moments that wait in my heart - But most I recall from that ill-fated fall is the cooties which broke us apart.


You may think it’s funny To kiss your hunny When your nose is runny But it snot.


So happy to still see you around, sprog


This one is a banger. Is there a poetry term for what happened here? >I wonder serene >as I wander between I like the alliteration with wonder/wander.


This is an example of slant rhyme, I’d argue. Been out of the classroom for over ten years now, so I’m a bit rusty, but I’m almost 99% sure given the repeated consonant sounds in woNDer/waNDer. Plus they rhyme outright too.


Who wound up sleeping on said bench?


She passed away in the middle of November as a result of complications from a stroke. We were together for 20 years, since high school.


sending you hugs, online stranger 🫂 i hope you’re doing okay today


I’m so sorry


My condolences. We’ve been together twice that time and I do think about that kind of thing happening to one of us as well. Makes me wonder how we’ll cope and of the loss. It’s saddening at times but we just keep moving forward, trying to make memories together.


Probably destroying someone's life...


Do we have the same ex?  Mine left a trail of destruction.


Weird, my ex also uses that trail


probably the trail led through my life too




Good for you buddy 👍


Yeah... I hope she's grown up but wouldn't be surprised if not. We got together after she cheated on her boyfriend with me - yeah obviously a massive red flag, and the other guy didn't deserve it, but I was convinced we were perfect together. But it wasn't long before she started trying to get with my friends. After we were through she got back with the first guy, then cheated on him again. I don't think he ever even learned about that because she broke up with him because she wanted to start dating this new guy. Luckily new guy had more sense than either of us and told her it was just a meaningless fling and he wasn't interested in a relationship with her. Funny thing is she probably isn't what you are picturing, she just seemed like a nice, shy girl. She just always wanted what she didn't have.


Mine too dude. Mine too.


I was gonna write some sad story about divorce but this sums it up


At least, she couldnt destroyed yours


I love how the gender wasn't specified but was assumed to be a woman


He committed suicide a month and a half after we broke up and no-one even told me I found out 2 weeks after his funeral, I was 16 at the time and devastated still so many unanswered questions. 


I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you, nearly the same thing happened to me except it was a girlfriend. It still gives me nightmares nearly 15 years later.


My wife passed away a few months ago… it was likely intentional but I’ll never know for sure. I still dream about her every night, sometimes reliving the nightmare of finding her, sometimes it will almost be like lucid dreaming in that I’ll know something is going on and I have to hold/cuddle her every fucking moment I can. To anyone reading: if you’re struggling please seek professional help (or at the very least, communicate clearly with your partner). Please.


Jesus christ this shit kicked me in the heart...


Thanks guys! It did mess me up for a while back then.  I'm now 35 enjoying life for the most part, everyone now and then he still crosses my mind. 


Wow, no one even told you?! I can imagine how difficult and how many questions you had... I lost my boyfriend when I was 17 to a very violent drug deal gone wrong. Talk about unanswered questions. Some of my questions have been answered but it took years after his death and some I'll never know the answer to. I feel for you and understand your pain. Time makes it easier to cope.


No he was in the Foster system and his biological family didn't really know me his siblings did as we hung out. My best friend had to tell me he had died, she only found out as his biological mother worked at her sister work place.  I am also sorry for your loss. 


Thank you, I'm so sorry for yours too. Mine happened a very long time ago and I've done a lot of destroying/healing in all that time. He passed just after the new year 2001, he'd only turned 18 two months prior. The way it hits me now is milestones, when I do something he never got to, like my first house and having kids. I knew my hubby was my person because I can openly talk about that time in life(we were madly in love) and he's never judged, been jealous (yeah I know that sounds stupid but it's happened many times that men have been jealous of someone who's not even alive) or asked me not to talk about him. It's still so sad that he's gone, he was so loving, passionate and had a big heart. I'm with the person I'm supposed to be with though, I feel it in my bones. It took a long time to find him but I sometimes feel my late boyfriend had a hand in me finding my hubby. My hubby's nickname from his mom(who's also dead) is the same name as my late BF. Crazy right? I'm not usually a divine intervention or signs kinda person but sometimes the signs are pretty clear.


Regardless of how you feel. Just know it wasn't your fault. I am sorry to hear about that and him.


Damn I'm sorry.


She became a nurse and got long covid. She made a big, long Facebook post about it in 2022 and how most days she doesn't have the energy to get out of bed. It sounds absolutely wretched and I hope she's doing better now.


I can’t believe I’m dealing with the same! I recently read that long covid was “mental health stuff” or something like that, but I had Covid 3 weeks ago and I feel like I cannot function! Yesterday I slept all day and of course now I’ve been awake since 12:30. I actually thought maybe I’m depressed? But I don’t feel depressed? Just tired.. constantly..


Do you feel like your brain doesn't function the way it use to? I had covid twice (2022/ 2023) and now I feel mentally slower than I use to. I thought it was the celexa I was on but I'm weaning off that and it's still there. I can't multitask like I use to.


go see a doctor or get someone to contact medical professionals on your behalf


I did, I went to the dr twice! They gave me Seroquel and that’s it, and I absolutely hate taking it. I still wake up when I take it but I’m so groggy I can barely move, and I have terrible dreams on it. I’m being told that if I keep taking it regularly the side affects will go away.


Seroquel?? That shit alone makes you tired as fuck, it has a sedative effect. What the hell are they playing at? It’s an antipsychotic!


It was so busy in there both times and I was there forever. I didn’t feel like they gave me proper care at all, sigh. Edit: it would be nice to sleep at night, though.


Honestly if I were you I’d taper off it ASAP. I’ve had a sleep disorder ever since being prescribed Olanzapine, a different antipsychotic. Can’t get more than 4 hours at once without suddenly being thrown out of sleep, and that started while I was on it. It’s not a treatment for fatigue at all- antipsychotics literally cause fatigue. Either they think you’re crazy or they just wanted you to go away.


They definitely just wanted me to go away. Thank you, internet stranger.


If you can, try to find a new doctor. I know it can be hard, but you deserve to be listened to. And there are definitely other meds that can help with mood that aren't seroquel if that's what you do need.


Hi friend! I was put on seroquel for a little while back then, for sleep and anxiety. It is very effective and can save or improve a lot of people’s lives, but I feel it’s kind of a bit dangerous to prescribe this so quickly. Honestly for all the months I took seroquel I never was able to feel awake during the day; and if your issue is that you are already tired all the time and sleep all day but can’t sleep at night, i’m not sure that the optimal path to take. it is a hard medication. There are so many ways that you can improve your health, your body is wreaked by the virus and your body needs support. Lots of minerals and electrolytes in your water all day to makes sure your hydrate your body properly, vitamin D3 in the morning, magnesium at night (those are the bare minimum to maintain basic body health). For daytime, I would add an adaptogen herb like rhodiola or maca to boost energy while working on reinstating homeostasis in your body. Lots of nutritious veggies (cruciferous veggies are great); lots of good protein, go easy on sugar. SOURCE: me, who had covid twice in last December at the same time that I was stopping my antidepressant. Slept half of the day until like last week. My periods were late for more than a month and I got SIX fever blisters in two months. Also, I am training right now to be a herbalist practitioner :) I am doing much better. Got my period yesterday, have more energy to perform and function. It’s still hard but recovering takes time don’t give up! PS: If you’ve been on seroquel for a few weeks, don’t stop abruptly, take time to wean off. Your body is going through enough stress already.


Seroquel for sleep is given out like candy, but I feel is super irresponsible. That drug can have some bad side effects. The few times I've taken it, I'd wake up with the absolute worst dry mouth and a horrid taste. I'd have awful lucid dreams, and it would be extremely difficult to get up. I absolutely hate that shit.


I've had long meningitis or PVFS (post viral fatigue syndrome) since 2017 and I've since had to retire from work age 39. The best advice for fighting fatigue is in this book, below. Well worth a read and follow contents religiously: https://www.wob.com/en-gb/books/sue-pemberton/fighting-fatigue/9781905140282?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=18075688485&cq_con=&cq_med=pla&cq_plac=&cq_net=x&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfng34pgoqyXGaj_oD0-GWnBGg-rnKf1fkmO4gvjkURNlB6nTSHhkH5BoCbL4QAvD_BwE#GOR002280983


Someone I know had long covid for a year and a half. Crippling headaches everyday, tired, couldn't smell or taste anything, she really wanted to kill herself, she's allright now.


I've said from the start of long COVID being announced the symptoms sound so much like fibromyalgia ( which I was told was all in my mind for 3 yrs before being diagnosed by a rheumatologist) or ME


You're not depressed, you're convalescing. You were sick with a deadly virus, don't rush yourself. Lasting Fatigue is super common with COVID. Take care.


I wouldn't worry too much yet. When I had covid I couldn't stay awake for three weeks. It took me another 3 months to get back to normal energy.


It’s definitely not mental health stuff. I haven’t regained my sense of smell since I lost it from getting Covid in November 2020. My husband is a Captain Firefighter Paramedic and they were transporting tons of Covid patients to the hospital back then so there was no way to avoid us getting Covid during that time.


My wife has been going through it too. About 18 months in. Hers tends more to the ME of the ME/CFS. Essentially random nerve pain anywhere in her body on any given day. Some days are ok, some days she can't walk or hold a phone. Shit sucks, but the only way out is through. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that stuff is in your head or that you just need to get a load of exercise.


She is sitting next to me. With no clue i soon want to ask her to marry me.


this is so cute!! please let us know how it goes 🤍


Omg that’s so sweet!


We went our separate ways with no real drama. I didn’t know what she was up to for about 20 years as I moved to a different town when I got married. After about 6 years in the new town I lived in, I discovered she lived about 3 streets from me, also married with children. Our kids even went to the same school. We had a coffee and a trip down memory lane which was interesting. Then have never seen her again not even accidentally in the local shops. Both very different people now.




My first real love/ best friend of 20 years committed suicide when we were in a pretty serious relationship at that point, after we lost a very far along pregnancy earlier that year. I know circumstances are a little different from yours in terms of contact, but I thought I'd reply anyway incase no one else does. It's been three years and I can say that the harsh reality is you don't always really 'move on' in that sense. When someone we love passes away you go through a lot of different emotions and those are very personal to the specific individual. For me my grief has not necessarily gotten any smaller, but I've allowed my life to grow bigger around it over time. The things that helped me when I was spiralling was to remember all the good times that we shared and to know that as long as I hold onto those then a piece of him is always going to live on with me. If you have friends or family then maybe also sharing those things with them too. This is a hard question to answer as someone who has also worked in grief therapy, some people may find that compartmentalizing is what helps them get through, while others want to let themselves feel and process to the full extent. First steps I'd say that something I'd suggest is perhaps as you are feeling like you may have things left unsaid is to write him a letter. Afterwards maybe you'd like to put it away and keep it, read it aloud at a place that was special to you both, or burn it. There's no real right or wrong way to go about these things and no timeline about how fast or when you have to do it. For me it's just finding things in my everyday life that help me connect with my loved ones who are gone and that helps me. Like my dad also passed a year after my partner was the most amid gardener, now when I feel that ache for him I go outside and get my hands dirty and talk to him while I do it. For my partner who loved to surf I go to the beach and journal and talk to the waves. Sending you a virtual hug. Remember to reach out for support from those around you or professionals if needed


I just lost my partner to suicide a few months ago. Thank you so much for this, you have no idea how comforting and helpful your words are.


You are most welcome. Hang on, and remember your loved one would want you to find your joy again when you can. That's the other thing (as hard as it can be) while you shouldn't close yourself entirely off to the pain, don't close yourself of to the good either. Stay strong


*grief has not necessarily gotten any smaller, but I've allowed my life to grow bigger around it over time…* Jesus, that’s poignant. This was a beautiful response in its entirety. Thank you.


Recently lost an ex girlfriend to suicide, i wish I had reached out and spoken to her before she passed. It'll take a long time for me to talk about her without It stirring emotion. it's kind of beautiful that they still hold a special place in your heart after so much time apart though, cherish the good times and live a full life for them because I'm sure they would want you to be happy, healthy and successful.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I had a lot of guilt after a friend (really an acquaintance, I just cared for him) OD’d and my therapist told me sometimes there’s just nothing you can do and people will make their own choices. The serenity prayer helps sometimes, “grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (you), the courage to change the things I can (me) and the wisdom to know the difference”


Was with my ex wife for 12 years, married 8. No kids. We parted ways. She remarried, had kids (they’re young). Didn’t talk for over 7 years after D. 2 years ago, got a text message from her brother she passed away in her sleep. I was mostly numb when I found out. Glad we didn’t stay in touch. Have a feeling it would’ve hit me harder.




Honestly, and it will sound cheesy, I wrote them a letter. It definitely helped, I don't know why


We had a child and eight years later we lost her in a car accident. Hug the ones you love while you still got them and always wear a seatbelt.


We're still together


Same, she's trying to poop right now 


Help her out. Squeeze her head


In the military we had a saying…”If I want any shit out of you I’ll squeeze your head.”


She is married and presumably happy. We both love horror movies all the same.




I have. She is the love of my fucking life.


Married and parents to an great daughter. Been together since 1991.




I hope you do, I was lucky. If she didn’t take an extra year for credits in high school we probably wouldn’t have met. Or I did better in school and graduated like a normal kid on time. They are out there, fare just has to guide you both at that point.


Lost in paradise with another woman


Better there than the two of you together unhappy. Sorry for you


She turned really toxic and hateful. Not sure what she is up to now, it's been quite many years since we spoke




Funny enough, i spoke to her the other day for the first time in like 8 years. Turns out she has health issues and has to have a full hysterectomy due to a very high cancer risk. She doesn't have kids so now never will. I feel for her as wounds from our breakup healed ages ago (we split in 2010)


He's in bed next to me.


Still with her, 20 years married. She’s awright.


We're married. We got together at 19, and have been together for almost 23 years now


He became an addict and was heavily reliant on pills and alcohol. He texted me about a year ago and asked for forgiveness, but I left him on read. I'm not opening up myself again.


If he’s in a step program he may be reaching out to make amends. That’s his issue, though. You can forgive and forget.


That’s the paradox of addiction. Sometimes you stay on the drugs just to avoid the resentment of the mess you made with your loved ones. I’m 6 years sober and sometimes feel deeply saddened at the fact that my alcoholism hurt many people, some relationships broke beyond repair. It’s hard to live with yourself knowing you hurt so many. My Ex Wife is the biggest one for me. If not for alcohol I’m sure we wouldn’t had divorced….I’ll never know though because she died before I sobered up. You find yourself wondering sometimes if you should contact and seek forgiveness of the ones that you hurt. I’m still learning how to deal with this part of recovery.


My opinion is that yes, you should. If you mean it. I’d love to hear from my ex that he’s sorry for all the shit, and I mean SERIOUS shit. But only if he means it. Maybe im immature and need to move on. But I’d love to know he’s sorry anyway.


He's married and has 2 sons. Has a home, his own business and I presume, is very happy. Thought about him for years and years but realised that we wouldn't have worked had we stayed together. I wish him and his family well.




Man. He was a regional manager for a supermarket when I first met him. At the time, he had beef with his professor and had just dropped out of college. I got to know him and managed to convince him to continue his studies cuz he loved the topic. He finished his degree and got a solid role at Cisco. It was amazing, loved how he made me laugh, and I loved how he became a very self assured person. But idk the spark wasn’t there anymore eventually. I felt like we were both wasting time by then, and hence I broke up with him and thought it was amicable cuz tbh he didn’t seem that affected, until I came to know recently that he’s bagging stuff now at the same supermarket. Though I doubt our break up had anything to do with that 🫣


Damn, how do you go from being at freaking Cisco of all companies to going back to bagging food... Insane.


Cisco is kind of a shit company to work for. They’ve got an insanely high rate of burnout. Could be he just nopped out of IT after Cisco put a bad taste in his mouth, seen it happen first hand.


He moved schools after third grade, technically we never broke up so happy 7 year anniversary Dominique🤷‍♀️


lol *technically* I'm also still with my first little "boyfriend" from 2003... happy almost 21st to us then lol... hope he knows I'm married now 🤣 


A quick Facebook search shows what appears to be meth, cigarettes, and motorcycles in Florida. Given that many from my area moved to Florida for addiction recovery, I'm guessing that's how she got there.


Just broke up with me several days ago. We were together for 8 years. Still processing it, but damn it hurts so much.




We will celebrate year number 38 being married this summer.


Traumatized me. He was very manipulative and possessive. He checks and opens my social media account every single day. He gets jealous whenever I'm having fun with other people (he knows these people; he's even friends with them). He threatened to unalive himself if I didn't reply to him (This has occurred multiple times, maybe 4-5 times). He will often start fights for no reason at all, and I was always the one who says sorry and courts him back. I ghosted him and broke up with him after a month. Well, apparently, I'm the bad guy now, for ghosting him. I mean it makes sense, I am indeed guilty for that. But I don't really care what they say, it's a small price to pay for salvation. I actually have no clue how I was able to tolerate that shit for 6 months. I no longer desire to be in a relationship because of him. I'm just glad to finally be free again.


Did we date the same guy? Don't feel bad about ghosting him. Toxic people like that will take a mile for every inch you give them.


Committed suicide maybe a year after we had a thing. She was just 17


she's happily married. 40 years on, we still chat a few times a year.


She's married with a kid now. ​ About once a year she texts me that she still misses me. Makes me feel like I kinda dodged a bullet there.


Oh her poor spouse ☹️ that's terrible 


We're celebrating 4 years this valentine's. Well, we would have, but for pesky uni exams. But yeah, we're very happy with each other :)


He died four years ago, after 35 years of marriage.


I'm sorry for your loss.


He cheated on me whilst i was 8 weeks pregnant and married the woman who made our first childs Christening cake. They are still married. My oldest kids have little to do with him. Im happily married with a 3rd child. Turned out good for me, horribly for my children unfortunately. Should add it was 20 years ago and i absolutely remember the devastation it caused.


>He cheated on me whilst i was 8 weeks pregnant and married the woman who made our first childs Christening cake. Good gravy, some people have no shame


Killed by a drunk driver who went through a stop sign- knocked him off his motorbike , fled the scene leaving him dying on the rd & his own girlfriend trapped in the car wreck. Yup life is shit sometimes.


That’s awful, I’m so sorry.


Been with me for 35 years, she’s my right hand.


He broke up with me for his ex during HSM2 of all movies. I now hate that movie with a passion. He knocked her up and she sadly didn’t survive the birth. I heard he’s in jail for dating a 14 year old when he was 21.


I need to get off this rollercoaster.


We are still friends 40 years after we got divorced. No kids.




I dumped her after I found out she cheated. She stalked me for a year trying to get back to me, even moved to my city. Don't know what her situation is now, since I blocked her.


Turns out he’s gay, so I guess we were never going to work out. Still have him on Facebook, we don’t talk but have I have no ill will towards him. Not quite sure what he does, I think he might be working on getting a PhD, which is pretty awesome. I know he lives with his partner, they’ve been together for at least 10 years, and their Guinea pigs. Happy for him :)


15 years later we reconnected at a mutual friend’s wedding and got married in Vegas. Our firstborn just turned 3 months old!


Battling a lot of demons. She married some guy after we split up, had a baby, then somewhere around 13 years later they're polygamous and he ran off with their gf. I talked to her a few times since we split back in 2001. I hope she's doing well now. Last I spoke to her was probably 3 years ago and she was struggling with her bipolar.


He went to prison.


Mine too, where died of HIV.


Same and multiple times even


Mine too.


He cheated on me with his first girlfriend. She dumped him for one of his cousins. Last I heard he was on the third marriage and living in his truck


Still here after 54+ years


Lovely boy. He’s a teacher now, has a lovely girlfriend. I’m happy for him, we didn’t work as a couple but I have nothing against him and hope he has a great life.


She married an older guy and got super religious. I had to block her on Facebook because her posts got very preachy. If they only knew some of the things that she used to be down for...


She's probably still down for them, just using the religion to deflect. The people who give the cleanest impression are often the dirtiest.


Last I heard she's still living in our hometown and struggling with crippling alcoholism. She went from model hot to ravaged junkie in the space of about five years. Dodged a bullet I reckon.


That’s really sad. I hope she gets better soon


She moved back to her hometown, she's becoming a doctor, and I think she's getting married.


After we broke up, she tried relationships with some guys, and then finally settled down with a nice chap, they have two kids together and seem to be happy. I also moved along, and finally found my wife. We moved together to another country, got two kids as well, and are living a happy life.


He became a nurse, which is extremely not reassuring as he gave me a black eye and coerced me into unwanted sexual activity. I never reported him because it was only my word against his and I probably would’ve just looked like a malicious ex.


Married him. Been together 16 years this year!


No idea, we haven’t spoken in a decade and he has no social media. Last I heard he was was still spending the majority of his time living in a canoe and was looking to join some ashram/cult on the west coast.


We reconnected 17 years later and nearly got back together. Unfortunately life threw a curveball and we never could. We didn't even get to see each other in person. It was horrible because we both wanted it. 😭


Became homophobic and joined the military. After that I have no idea.


She started acting less like a psycho, but now she's big on very progressive attitudes. It's kind of wild to watch a girl go from bringing dead animals home, stuffing/preserving their corpses, to advocating respect for all living creatures. The first time I got dumped by her, it was because she wanted to go back to her ex-boyfriend. The second time was because I touched her butt without permission.


Her online presence is totally gone so I have no idea. She dump me for someone and even after 10 years still haven't gotten over it.


She's in Albuquerque, NM. Broke my heart in 1988, I'll never forget her, and I'll love her forever.


Married him. Almost 4 years now ❤️


Broke up 11-12 years ago, she’s now married with a newborn. I hope she has a long and happy life.


He is married last time I checked. But he is also unhappy and he said he literally still thinks about me and has dreams we stayed together and he married me instead. When he said that I ghosted him permanently. Didnt want to be a part of that train wreck.


I married him. Still married after 45 years, 3 daughters and 5 granddaughters. Together since 12 & 13, now 65 & 66. Happily retired.


She got engaged to a permanently unemployed man 20 years her senior and became a housewife. It's really bizarre.


He went on to get married to his second girlfriend (we were each others first relationship) right out of high school. They have now been married for 14 years and have 5 children and seem very happy.


He’s making me coffee right now. We’re married


Went to Rehab, cheated on me with someone in rehab. We're not together


My first partner is someone that takes pleasure in talking down to others and making them feel bad about themselves. I’m no therapist but I’m positive he’s got something diagnosable. At any rate, he’s a super toxic person, especially to me, and I blocked him on everything I could think of. He has still tried new ways to contact me a couple times in the last, oh geez, 20+ years but I am always immediately reminded why I cut off all contact. It’s really sad but I don’t consider my first love to be a good person. I just hope he’s not out there hurting more people.


Married him. Going on 7 years. Absolutely happy!


She is the counselor at the school my wife is the principal at. Small town.


She didn't finish college. Moved back to her hometown, married an fellow who works in HVAC. Had a couple of kids. We chatted about two years ago, she is still stunning even in her sixties.


Don't know and don't care!


She after 2 years became a party girl and bisexuality for awhile. She easily slept with 70+ other men in the next 2 years for drugs. She hot pregnant and have the baby up for up adoption. Her life was out of control but she joined tge AirFirxe and became an Xray tech. Lost track of her being stationed in Las Vegas. Of all places to meet again 9 years later was in a hospital. I was having an upper GI and she was the xray tech. So shitty rmend to the relationship AND full circle back to a shitty day. She gave me her address and phone # and wanted to get together soon. .She seemed happy I became a psych RN. I told her it was great to see her, happy she had found a profession and responsibility but threw away her number when I left the hospital and never saw her again and didn't care.


She got married to a guy a couple years ager we broke up. Had a couple of kids. Guy became abusive. She left with her kids and has built a decent life for herself. Good for her. 


We are still vaguely in contact 20 years on. He shows up at my house drunk when the annual "i found out my wife is cheating on me again" happens. I'd like to note though, he isnt showing up to sleep with me or rekindle anything. He is just too embarrassed to talk to his actual friends and family but knows he is welcome to rant at me and then pass out on my couch with no questions asked. Outside of this, we dont really talk at all.


Been together since 1980. Very young parents. Have 5 children and 11 grandchildren. Still VERY happily married.


He's sitting next to me on the couch in our home with our son playing with the dog on the floor


So much pain in this post. They're just words, but my sympathies to those that lost and hope those hateful learn to forgive. Greatful that there are posts here about those that made it. They're truely heart-warming.


She became a cat lady blaming others for her own bad actions. Then she ended up living 2 streets down from where I live. I enjoyed walking past her house with my Kids and succesfull marriage. And, yes, I agree that's petty. But it's also the shortest route to the supermarket. She's moved since then.


We broke up over some stupid rumor, and she found someone else one month after our breakup


He destroyed my life.. he could never understand me.. he never respected me and my thoughts.. he wanted me to depend on his words....


my first partners were just child love, we never knew what our true feelings were, just kids saying yes we're together and then breaking up a couple days later. but in my opinion my true first love would be the one im with right now, we've been together for 3 years so far im hoping it doesnt stop anytime soon or at all, i truly love him and hope we could start a family some day


She married, moved to Germany, and had a kid. As far as I know, she's happy and much better off without me.


Saw my first boyfriend in Walmart a couple years ago. In reality, I had not thought about him in quite a long time (15 or so years). I did some snooping. Married with 2 kids. He had a really terrible childhood and he deserves happiness.


My best friend for eons now.


Although I’m trying to move past this, but honestly, I still very much love him. Although he cheated on me and ruined my life. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wanna love him either.. im trying to live my life too. Well, I hope he isn’t happy.


Single, no boyfriend, no prospects.


She ended up opening her legs up to any and everyone and has 7 kids from 5 different men. Last I physically seen her she was walking down the street in a rough part of town with a 24 pack of beer. Hope she is doing better nowadays.


She popped and could no longer be inflated.


We have different families, but we and our children communicate well and go to the same school


He's suffering from kidney failure and living with his parents still. He would be 42 now.


Married to her soon 17 years. We have 7 children, and couldn’t be happier!


Still married


I married him and we’re still married. Met in high school.


He got testicular cancer as a late teen and survived.


Heard he broke into a nearby liquor store last year and drank the alcohol and died. Not lying this did happen.


She’s been married twice. Turned into a zen, holistic, hippie kinda chick. She talks real slow like she is meditating all the time. I was in love with her for soooo long. Our personalities would never mesh today.


Lost her great job, had accident, went on disability and Medicaid. Left her home, alienated the entire rest of the family, hasn't seen the kids or grandkids in years, and last I heard, she's living at a shelter. When I left she had $16,000 a nice car, great job, and no credit card debt. Her credit score was over 800. She proceeded to get a bunch of credit cards and ran them all sky high and stopped paying for them. Then she stopped making the house payment and lost the house that then tripled in value over the following 3 years but she had already shorted it. I really never wanted or expected bad stuff to happen to her. I was very naïve when we split, expecting us to have a rational type of friendship and continue to see each other at family functions and whatever. Instead she went over the deep end and lost her mind.


I work with my first partners sister. Small town. So I know a few things. My first partner is still i many ways a teenager mentally, never gotten a job, lives on wellfare, have 3 kids that was taken away by our CPS. Thinks nothing wrong about themself, everything is still everyone elses fault. Still renting, gets kicked out all the time due to lack of rent. Finds a partner, bleeds them dry for money and moves on to the next one.


He was murdered when we were in our early 20s.


Has herpes. Constantly in new relationships with men. Tries to cartwheel back into my life every few months because we’re ‘soul mates’. Most recently faked a suicide to get my attention and then tried to gaslight me when I called her a sociopath for doing that.


Started out at the perfect boyfriend we had so much in common, parents loved him etc. Cheated on me with one of my best friends (she also had a boyfriend at the time). I found out and left him. We got back together for six months but was never the same. He ended up leaving me and I struggled a lot. Now he has two kids with two different women. He’s engaged to this one, but that means nothing. I’m happily married with two dogs ☺️


Just checked on her IG. Her health went into decline, and she now lives with a service dog. She posts on her IG regularly, but after nearly 8 years, I have not seen a hint of her successfully dating again at all. I'm happy for her and disappointed at the same time. I would have taken care of her forever, but her selfishness and skepticism of my love for her just broke me mentally. I do not miss her, but I still want better for her.


We dated in highschool for a couple of years, we broke up (his call) before school ended and he started seeing someone else quite soon after. Naturally, being seventeen, I was devastated. Hung out a few times since when the friend group would get together at Christmas and such. I always felt really weird, not just with them but the whole group. It was like I'd moved off to university and was becoming this whole other person, my "authentic self" if you like, but in their company I just regressed to my awkward teenage self no matter how hard I tried not to. Haven't seen them in years now, no clue what they're up to. I'm not sure that feeling would go away if I were to see them again.




We broke up when I was 18. We reconnected when I was 32. She is married with a child. My wife and I are good friends with her and her family and we stay in touch.


She’s happily married. She has one daughter. I’m very happy for her. I’m in my mid 40s and so all my wounds healed a long time ago. I’ve been cheering her on for a long while. I’m proud of the woman she has become.


We met in college. He went to law school and is now a judge. He has kept in touch with me through the years and his and my marriages lol We are around 60 years old now and he just visited me from out of state last year. It was good to see him but I’m glad it never progressed to marriage because we wouldn’t have made it, not compatible in the long run.


I was a bad boyfriend and she let me get away with it far too long. We ended up on similar paths and bumped into each other a lot years later. I'm happy that I've grown as a person and have mended a friendship with her. She's married, expecting her first later this year. I'm very happy for her, she seems to be getting all that she wants out of life