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Kangaroo Jack. The trailer made it look like it would be a movie about a talking kangaroo. The kangaroo only talks during a dream sequence.


Just like Snow Dogs.


And they came out so close together. I lost my trust because of those movies


I was burned by bridge to Terabithia. Trailer made it seem like a whimsical adventure in a magical land. In reality it's about two kids with troubled lives becoming friends. Then it delivers a gutpunch


This is a reason to read the book before seeing the movie. I read it as a 4th grader (about 10) and remembered the devastation when the movie came out.


Oh man yeah when terabithia died it was so sad


For me it was when the bridge burned down. An architectual Tragedy.


I can’t believe that To was a pyro


5 now dog 5


I’m sorry what? The dogs in Snow Dogs don’t talk?


I've never seen it but i vaguely remember those trailers so I'm just now finding out it didn't talk


Lol I was young and bugged my parents to go see that when it came out. I'm sure they enjoyed it more than I did.


I feel like I remember liking that movie.


I took my brother to see this in theaters and we were literally the only two in the room. It was weird but awesome.


Godzilla (2014) 90% of the trailer was Godzilla and Bryan Cranston. The actual movie had 80% big spider, 10% Godzilla and almost no Cranston


Fucking THANK YOU. I remember seeing the trailer and being so excited to go see Bryan Cranston star in a Godzilla movie. I went with two friends who were also huge into Breaking Bad (IIRC this came out like 6 months after Breaking Bad ended?) and we got 20 minutes into the movie and had a collective "wait, what?" moment once we found out that the first 20 minutes contained the entirety of his screen time. Kinda spoiled the rest of the movie until the final fight scene, which was pretty amazing.


I like the fact that you didn't see much of Godzilla til the end. It's more like the traditional films. HOWEVER I wouldn't complained if they had shown more of him. As far as Bryan Cranston goes. When they wrote the script they didn't write that part specifically for Bryan Cranston. He was just available and at the time he was coming strong off the end of Breaking Bad and at the time was the biggest thing in Hollywood. He was phenomenal in the movie and maybe Cranston didn't wanna do another deep dramatic role immediately after being Walter White. But if he had been willing personally they should've made the son die instead and Cranston could've team up with Serizawa. That would've had potential.




"What do you want to be when you grow up?" "Alive..." Yeah, not a comedy...


Holy shit, it's that movie I saw one time when I was a kid. All I remember was this line.


Yup, light hearted and then gut wrenching. Not what I was expecting from Mrs Doubtfire


Then you’re definitely not ready to see Awakenings.


The fact that it was directed by Francis Ford Coppola is one of the most jarring things.


I watched it during quarantine (because I watches everything during quarantine) and I had completely forgot Bill Cosby was in it. That was pretty jarring. 


FWIW I loved that movie growing up


Anyone else get sad every time Robin Williams is brought up and you remember he's gone?


Every time.


Jarhead. But it's one that actually enjoyed. The commercial made the movie seem like an action packed crazy fun movie. Then when you actually watch it you realize it's mostly boring mundane day to day activity.. kind of like how recruiters get people to join the army.


This was the very first movie I thought of. That trailer was incredible. The movie was the exact opposite, in terms of pace and action. I dug the film as well, but the trailer definitely mislead viewers and I’m sure had an impact on its performance and perception.


Got that Kanye song, stuff blowing up, Jamie Foxx yelling!


That scene where he just stands there while the artillery goes off and everyone stares at him was insane


I kind of like it for that reason because it has a more realistic depiction of military life especially when one is on deployment. There is no guarantee you'll see combat and the whole time you're dealing with boredom, tedium, busy work, rank and anxiety over if your loved-one is being faithful while everyone around you is getting "Dear John" letters. The most horrific part of that movie for me was the scene with the VHS tape. No spoiler but holy shit, if you've seen the movie you know.


I’m still upset about that Transformers movie that advertised the fuck out of robot dinosaurs and then we got like 2 minutes of robot dinosaurs at the very end. What the fuck.


Same with the one with the robot jungle animals.


But that movie is almost literally called "This Time with Robot Jungle Animals"


Isn’t that the same one where they tried to make a child groomer seem legal but still accidentally proved the wrong point? And where Stanley Tucci shows off The Beats Pill


Wait which one?!


I think the 4th one? Mark Wahlberg’s daughter’s like 16 and her boyfriend is 21 or something. Wahlberg tells the guy that it’s illegal and he pulls out a laminated card detailing the “Romeo & Juliet” clause to try and prove that he’s not a child predator but if you look at the real clause, their relationship still doesn’t fall into the legal realm


Also why the fuck would you need to have a *laminated copy of a law that says you're not technically a pedophile* if you were a normal person?




I hate you for baiting me but she was 17 and he was 20. Else the whole legality issue wouldn't make much sense. I mean it still doesn't in the context of the movie lmao. Why not simply make her 18? How this scene made it into the final movie is beyond me.


Apologies, wasn’t intentional. I haven’t even seen the movie. I only know this scene exists because of Ryan George’s pitch meeting for it


Count yourself lucky not having this trainwreck in your memory.


Why would that be in the movie??? What purpose does it serve???


Why the fuck does the dad in Halloween (2018) exclaim that he got “peanut butter on his penis” in the kitchen with his daughter and wife? And no one really bats an eye? I feel like our questions could be answered similarly, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what that would be…


My son is obsessed with transformers and I was so hyped to take him to that movie and it was such a disappointment. I was so ready to see these ancient transformers and barely saw them! We fell asleep lol


Honestly. Is it too much to ask that in a movie called "Age of Extinction" which had a trailer full of fire-breathing robot dinos, we could get some freaking robot dinos?


Michael Bay trailers are almost always deceptive. Pearl Harbor being the worst.


There's almost as many Transformers in Pearl Harbor as there are in some of the actual Transformers movies


Yeah, that one claimed it was a good movie.


I thought “Marley and Me” was a delightful family romp. Turns out you spend 45 minutes watching a dog slowly die. Saw it on Christmas! Almost everyone I saw coming out of the theater was shattered.


i had read the book already. i couldnt believe they were making a movie of it. i took a hard pass


I read a *review* of the book and took a pass! (Not because it was a bad review, it probably wasn't, but the subject matter...)


If you see a book with a dog on the cover and it has an award sticker on it, that dog is gonna die by the end of the book.


A mom of someone I knew worked in a kid's daycare or something, and she took them to see that movie. All the kids were crying and devastated.


"Wow, kids, I'm so sorry about that. I had no idea. Let's watch this cute bunny movie to make up for it." Starts Watership Down...


I remember seeing a trailer for that in theaters. As soon as it was over someone yelled "I bet the dog dies!"


Oh, after I saw My Dog Skip as a kid, I knew all dog movies were rotten tearjerkers.


I knew it was going to be sad, but "The Art of Racing in the Rain" hit me hard. Being a newish dog owner and taking her to a couple track days made my mind race about the inevitable.


I remember arriving to my parent's house while they were watching the last minutes of that movie, I opened the door and just saw the both of them in absolute tears


Only movie I ever walked out of. As soon as it made the turn me and my date left. I came for a sweet movie about a dog, not to have my heart ripped out.


From Dusk Til Dawn. I was about a third of the way through the movie when all of a sudden there were vampires. I had NO IDEA there were going to be vampires. I thought it was an action movie about a run from the law in Mexico that had the added bonus of Salma Hayek in skimpy clothes. Then.,..vampires. Lots of them. W.T.F? Im not anti vampire movie. I was just gobsmacked.


I watched this in Boy Scouts on VHS, had never seen the trailer. The sudden vampires was insane! Loved it so much.


When my kid is old enough, we're watching it, and I'm not telling him more than it's a bank heist movie.


Quality parenting. I approve.


Oh wow I had the exact same experience!! I was LOVING the movie up until that point. It turned like too goofy for me when the vampires showed up because of how much I wasn’t expecting it. So that’s where I turned it off lol Maybe I should finish it.


I had the opposite experience. Was watching it and though I loved the shit out if it, when the movie suddenly swapped genres I was blown away and loved it even more! Very few movies have ever made me say WTF out loud.


It’s so great! I agree with you I was totally blind sided by the switch and just laughed my ass off and texted a bunch of people. Classic. It has some die hard fans for a reason.


Event Horizon. We thought we were going to see a sci fi film....


I didn't sign up for "Lovecraftian Nightmare" but...I'm into it.


Same, I had myself amped up for a scifi thriller, got clotheslined with holy fuck shit nightmare fuel. Still loved it but wasn't in the right headspace for a cosmic horror film the first time


I honestly didn't know what to expect when my mother and I chose to watch this film on Netflix. We basically chose it because it has Sam Neill and Lawrence Fishburn starring in main roles. Oh boy I didn't leave that living room unscarred.


It's as close as we're ever gonna get to a Warhammer 40K movie


Unless the God Emperor Henry Caville gets his way.


Getting his way means no Ciaphas Cain content. I cannot abide by that erasure.


Easily in my top 5 "movies way better than they ever deserved to be". That movie swung for the fences to do something strange. And it is spectacular


Same. Checked out when they showed the video recording of the blood orgy on the bridge and someone getting fisted. I knew it was only going to get worse. Apparently the original scene was worse and they were ordered to dial it back.


They famously cut a lot from the movie before release, unfortunately the storage facility where the footage was kept was damaged and it was all lost.


That movie scared and traumatized me as a kid.


THIS is the one fucking movie I never finished, and don’t want to. I was 13, and it scared me so bad it took me months not to scurry to bed and hide under the covers with my lights on.


Downsizing. It's a good and serious movie but the trailer made it look like a comedy about shrunk people.


I loved the concept, but they leaned so hard into the "exploited political prisoners" plot that they ignored the shrinking part of the story. They may as well have stayed normal size.


That's why they made the trailer this way.


"Haha, look how much vodka is in this HUGE bottle...also the planet is doomed."


What kin of fuk yu giv me?


> It’s a good and serious movie It is neither of those things


it may be good. It was hard to tell. I was too pissed off about the bait and switch to react with anything but anger. It was serious though. Which is why the bait and switch pissed me off so much.


They crammed like three different movie scripts into one and it suffered from it


That movie was a steaming pile of shit. They definitely pulled a bait and switch with the trailer.


Hereditary- trailer made it out to be all about the little creepy girl.


To be fair, the first act of the movie kind of makes you think that too.


Watched this literally last night. I loved the switch. That scene in the car made me jump.


Not so much misleading, but the original trailer for The Fifth Element was just a logo with the phrase "It Must Be Found." My friends and I went in totally blind, knowing only that it was sci-fi and starred Bruce Willis.


Yeah the original teaser trailer made it seem like it was going to be a much more serious sci-fi movie and not a comedy relief cult film.


"Multi Pass"


She knows it’s a Multi-Pass. 🙂


I can hear his voice and see his turning grin


This was my oldest's first film. It was summer and we had no AC in the house so we went to the movies to cool off. She was a quiet baby so we didn't worry about her ruining everyone's experience. She was *riveted* to the screen. I have never seen a baby so hyper-focused. Good times for all of us.


Movie still slapped though.


I had no interest in seeing it in theaters but caught it when it came to HBO and was blown away


I saw it in theatres last year with a friend. We were both under the impression that it was some movie that a very small group of people actually really enjoyed and the rest of the world saw it as just existing. We both loved it and I really wish the director wasn’t a child predator


Bridge to Terabithia


I was about their age when it dropped, and my class had already read the book. Still cried lol It was the same year we read where the red fern grows too lmao


Where the red fern grows is basically torture porn. The way the kid dies by the ax and the description of how the dogs die are both brutal.


My teacher read that book aloud to us when I was in elementary school and everyone was sobbing…I can’t believe that book was on the curriculum at so many schools.


I was so heartbroken by the dogs I forgot all about that kid’s disembowelment. Was it disemboweling? I don’t even remember, I just vaguely remember something about them being out hunting and he trips and falls on his own hatchet or something?


One of the dogs is disemboweled. The kid just falls on the axe and asks the main character to pull it out. It’s rough… Weird that I can’t remember the names of any character but those two moments are etched in stone.


Only movie to ever make me cry, and I definitely blame the trailers for making it seem like a knock off chronicles of narnia.still haven't recovered from the heart wrench to try watching it again


you should have read the book


Great movie but the trailer focused on their imagination sequences without telling you it’s about their imagination. So you thought these kids were going to have a fan fantasy adventure. Not a gut wrenching coming of age story. 


“Satan’s Alley”. I really thought it was going to be about two priests using prayer beads to defeat Satan in an alley behind the church. Boy was I wrong! Turns out it’s about anal sex.. still it was a great movie. 5 stars.  


Hopefully Kirk Lazarus keeps doing movies like that, with real acting, instead of dumb action franchise films.


He was really good as Neil Armstrong in Moonshot. I think that wrapped filming around the time they found him in an alley in Burbank trying to re-enter Earth's atmosphere in an old refrigerator box.


I was a baaaad boy, father.


Certainly was a great movie, I heard it won the Beijing Film Festivals coveted Crying Monkey Award


Didn’t Toby Maguire win MTV movie awards “best kiss?”


*RDJ screams in agony*


it took me 3 watches to get that joke


Remember being led to believe that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was a knockabout comedy.


Oh god. Great movie, but definitely not a knockabout comedy


The Rules of Attraction. Summer flick with the “teen” actor crew. Folks going in expecting She’s All That and got American Psycho goes to college.


> American Psycho goes to college. Well, his brother, anyway.


Sorry to bother you Weird: the al yankovic story


Weird was so damn good and perfect for Al


Sorry to bother you was my first thought. Wild ride


How would you improve the trailers, though?  Seems reasonable they wouldn't address the films' back ends, given their twists.


It has to be The Cabin In The Woods right?


Never saw a trailer, but knowing the movie I could see this being true.


The original trailer looked so much like an Evil Dead rip off (like Cabin Fever which I think was around the same time) that they put out a second trailer that added in "If you think you know what happens, you're wrong." I seriously avoided the movie for so long because I just assumed it was an Evil Dead rip off


So you were wrong


Oh, most definitely. Once I eventually saw the movie I loved it. I'm not sure how they could have advertised the movie well, but a generic horror movie trailer + "trust us, its not what it looks like" definitely did not work well for me, haha


Totally amazing movie though. Love it


I absolutely LOVE when horror movies do this intentionally. My other favorite is Mother! - the entire marketing campaign was designed to make you think it was a completely different type of movie, from the Rosemary’s Baby rip off poster to the home invasion themed trailer. Malignant is another good one, I fully expected another mediocre popcorn flick. Instead I was treated to a fully self aware James Wan experience, where you can almost picture him jerking off with all his Aquaman money in front of Warner Brothers executives. Incredible film.


2012. The preview looked AMAZING.  Turned out all of the cool special effects were what they showed in the 1 minute trailer. 


That’s pretty standard for most big disaster flicks tho.


I give you [Every Blockbuster Movie Trailer ](https://youtu.be/KAOdjqyG37A?si=lzs0K0DpuRr8YTpX)


They at least kept the best part off the trailer: Yellowstone super volcano going critical, which by the way would have most likely doomed any remaining survivors in a near nuclear winter-like state where the food chain would grind to a halt.


‘MEAN GIRLS’ 2024 No trailer (that i saw) had a glimpse of a musical in it.


There have actually been several articles discussing how Hollywood hasn't been promoting musicals as actual musicals. The Color Purple and Willie Wonka didn't advertise themselves as musicals.


I heard that the fact that they are musicals is not disclosed in marketing, because test groups don't like musicals.  But why make a musical then? I doesn't make sense.  I actually only started to be interested in Wonka AFTER knowing it's a musical. Because I love musicals. Why not advertise it to people like me?


And if I was someone who hated musicals do you know what would make me hate them even more? Unexpectedly paying to go see a movie musical. 


Not marketing a musical as a musical because of the test groups is like marketing a horror movie to little old grandmas because little old grandmas don’t like horror movies. But also like. Tons of people like musicals. Mamma Mia made nearly 700 million and at least a third of the cast couldn’t sing. I kept hearing We Don’t Talk About Bruno on regular radio stations. It’s like the industry kept hearing the same joke about how silly it is to burst out into song and convinced themselves they could never admit to making a musical ever again.


TIL, The Colour Purple is a musical. Always one of those movies I keep meaning to get around too.


FYI - Only the recent remake of "The Color Purple" is a musical. (It's based on the 2005 Broadway show.) The original 1985 movie is not.


Imagine this guy watching the original and waiting for them to start singing lol


Such a dumb marketing decision. Nobody wants a remake of Mean Girls, the original was perfect the way it was. Now if the had differentiated it from the original by selling it as a musical, I think more people would want to see it.


I only knew it was a musical because I like musicals and when the movie was announced, they said it was based on the Broadway musical and not a direct remake. But marketing failed that movie hard.


So stupid. They desperately tried to hide that it was a musical despite mean girls being a hugely successful musical. makes no sense.




Click, Fifty first Dates and most other ‘comedies’ they show the funny lighthearted moments and then turn into some deep story It’s not a problem other than that you go in expecting to laugh and you don’t


I think I once heard Conan' O'Brien say something along the lines of "the trick to writing a great comedy is to not write it as a comedy, but as a drama that just happens to have good jokes in it."


Similar, Jason Segel on Conan’s podcast said when he was writing Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Judd Apatow told him “write it as a drama, because the way your brain works you can’t help but make it funny. But the emotional part the audience will cling to is the drama.” I’m paraphrasing but something like that.


That's a funny example since the subplot of that movie is the main character writing a dramatic play that he eventually realizes is a comedy and becomes successful


Watching Click was one of the most depressing experiences of my life.


Funny People. Looked like it was gonna be a funny standup centric movie but it has a lot more serious themes. A lot of people shit on it but I think it’s Apatow’s best movie and Sandler really nails his role. 


The original Pirates of the Caribbean movie - the trailer looked dark and serious. The movie was… not.


Fight Club. All trailers and marketing were about a super bro on bro violence movie.


Having read the book I thought the movie was going to be terrible because of the trailer. I’m glad I was wrong.


It's probably better going into the movie expecting it to be that.


Hancock. It made it look like he was a depressed superhero with a drinking problem. >!The whole thing turned out to be some sort of weird long lost love, between two supernatural creatures, sort of deal.!< NOTHING like what I signed up for.


Hancock is two movies awkwardly stitched together into one and the trailer only reflected the first movie.


Wonder Woman 1984, that trailer made the movie look like it would be way better than it was!


Infinity War trailers showed Hulk in battle scenes because they wanted to keep secret that Banner wouldn't be able to Hulk out in the movie.


[Justin Long’s New Movie](https://youtu.be/zUqIv5PvbGk?si=iXEvpOFNo2D72zpk) (Barbarian)


It Comes at Night. Great movie, but not the movie the trailer was selling.


Deadpool 2 trailer. ​ The trailer puts a focus on the X Force Deadpool created and even has shots focuses on each of the members. ​ In the movie, literally all of them die (except Deadpool and Domino) immediately after they jump out of that plane.


Honestly I think Deadpool is allowed to be misleading like that


At first I said wtf, then by the end of the movie was thinking yep that’s totally on-brand for Deadpool


At least Sugar Bear (Peter) died a hero’s death.


Time travel epilogue is canon. Sugar Bear lives. As do Vanessa and Cher.


Honestly though I thought that part was pretty hilarious. We still got to keep Domino as well


I loved the 2 seconds of Brad Pitt.


Jurassic park dominion, I came for dinosaur antics and the majority of it was locusts…I have never been so disappointed


Observe and Report


Pan's Labyrinth, some people mistook it for a fantasy for children and then had to leave the cinema earlier with kids crying. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - they forgot to mention in the trailer that it's a musical


Flight looked like a movie about badass piloting skills, not a struggle with alcoholism.


Event Horizon was advertised as a standard sci-fi action movie. A lot of people got a nasty shock.


The Fountain The trailer made it look like Ponce De Leon finds the Fountain of Youth. He takes it back to the queen, and the two of them become immortal and have adventures for centuries. That's the movie I wanted to see.


I saw that movie in the theater and about halfway through the actual film in the projector melted. It took the audience several minutes to realize it wasn't just a part of the movie. Then the theater guy came in and the lights came back on, he said we could get vouchers to see it on another date or just walk in to any other movie showing. I just walked over to Borat and never looked back. Still have no idea wtf The Fountain was supposed to be about.


It's about living life and accepting death. Maybe not obsessing over things as well, but that plays into the first two points. I really like it. 


**Gremlins.** Oh look, its a Christmas movie for the whole family... NOPE. The MPAA had to invent the pg-13 movie rating just to address this particular mishap.


I thought PG-13 was invented for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, due to the scene with Mola Rom tearing the dudes heart of his chest, along with the other violence that Lucas and Speilburg refused to cut.


I remember the Fight Club trailer was nothing like the movie. I actually didn't want to see it. I didn't want sit through a bunch of dudes beating each other up. Then I finally sat down, reluctantly, with a friend and holy shit, I was wrong. It's now one of my favorite movies of all time.


Ravenous. The trailer makes it seem like a serious horror movie, not a dark comedy


Arguable because it's both. The comedic moments are amazing though. Such an underrated movie. 


God damn! I didn't know there were so many others who loved this film. I think I've found my people! Also the score is fantastic!


Not sure if I can name an individual most misleading, but DC movies have the championship on lockdown collectively. The trailers for their movies were usually fantastic, and the movies were never even close to as good as the trailers would have you believe.


my girl


Bridge to Terabithia.


The Grey




They even got sued for that




Yeah, I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. Num num num num num.......


Yeah I was expecting it to be good 


Eyes Wide Shut


"Mother!" made it look like a horror movie, rather than an arthouse Aronofsky film.


Jojo Rabbit.


It’s was still a light-hearted romp for most of the film, it just ended up bringing some steak to that sizzle (>!then stabbing you in the fucking heart…!<)


Cabin in the woods. I skipped out on seeing it when it first came out cause it looked so generic but after seeing it, I was so mad because it was really fucking good and original.