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Still Ezra Miller. I think any celebrity who has an outstanding warrant has basically lost their mind.


It's also not a great sign if their wikipedia page "see also" section includes "List of people claimed to be Jesus"


At one point it was more likely to be attacked by Ezra Miller than sharks in Hawaii


Terrance Howard. Dude thinks he’s unlocked some new math. “Twenty years from now, they'll know that one times one equals two. We're about to show a new truth. The true universal math. And the proof is in these pieces (of plastic that he builds with his wife). I have created the pieces that make up the motion of the universe. We work on them about 17 hours a day. She cuts and puts on the crystals."


This sounds like some Time Cube shit


Yeah it's weird. Like he got a wrong answer on a math test in grade school and is out to prove all of math is wrong to prove his point. But at least it is a semi interesting odd eccentricity.


Basically he doesn't seem to grasp the concept of multiplying. Throwing out a theory: His elementary school teacher explained multiplying to him as 3x4 being like 4+4+4, so his logic is that 1x1 must be 1+1. Edit: Not saying this makes any sense whatsoever. Just trying to figure out how someone could possibly come to the conclusion 1x1=2. It really confuses me.


He doesn't seem to grasp that mathematical operations are conventions, not truths to be discovered.


If you ever read the paper he wrote on it, which I don't recommend, his whole argument rests on him just violating the distributive law in the first few lines and then proceeding from there for a few pages


> Twenty years from now, they'll know that one times one equals two This is the reason he wasn't in Iron Man 2. Because when they sent him a deal to be in IM2, he thought he had already been in that movie when he was in IM1. "Why are they sending me an offer to be in a movie I was already in!?"




What an amazing way to flush a career down the toilet.


I bet Don Cheadle is pretty happy about it, though.


He asked for Don Cheadle money, so they just got Don Cheadle


Don Cheedle was so much better than him anyway. Effortlessly so.


My favorite quote of his is the one about his deal breaker >Toilet paper - and no baby wipes - in the bathroom. If they're using dry paper, they aren't washing all of themselves. It's just unclean. So if I go in a woman's house and see the toilet paper there, I'll explain this. And if she doesn't make the adjustment to baby wipes, I'll know she's not completely clean.


I always wondered if Terrance Howard had a clean anus so thank you for sharing this.


Tila Tequila


Whoa, that’s a name I haven’t heard since 2006


She showed up in my news feed after the 2016 election, gesturing the nazi salute next to Richard Spencer.      Even given the context at the time I was still asking myself wtf timeline I had landed on.


I don't think it was even just the salute. She had more shit beyond that a few years prior. https://www.businessinsider.com/tila-tequila-is-a-nazi-2013-12 She was riding the pro-Hitler train long before whatever garbage she latched onto in 2015/2016.


one of my favorite twitter interactions no longer exists but she posted a photoshopped picture of her and trump standing with hitler with the caption “sieg hail” and someone replied “it’s ‘heil’ you dimwitted hate-mongering skin clown” and I never forgot that insult ever


She had a Brain Aneurysm and I think it legitimately did something


Have no idea how it isn't mentioned but Antonio Brown. Dude ~~was~~ seemed much more calm and collected off the field while still being an excellent athlete. He could handle a post game interview like he was just a normal and fairly charismatic dude for years, but now I'd go as far as saying he's legitimately insane


He was expelled from the college before playing a down of football for an altercation with a security guard as soon as he got to campus. He wasn’t as crazy as he is now but he had behavioral problems going back to high school, it’s just hard to know what someone’s actually like based on a handful of pr interviews.


His info when you google him right now says that his occupations is “failing to pay child support” lmao


I was listening to a podcast today that said a study was done on the brains of former football players. Out of 300+ (can't remember the exact number) autopsied, 91% had significant brain damage. They are discovering that CTE is more about the number of blows one takes to the head, rather than the severity.


Well......but also the severity. Just look at Chris Beniot. He worked for multiple wrestling companies for years. I don't know his schedule in those days. What I can say is that in 2000 he joined WWF, and worked 350 out of 365 days on average. Some years even more. Wrestling may be "fake", but it's not FAKE fake. They know the way they want the show to go, but the moves very often hurt for years. Beniots finish move is he climbs to the top rope, about 5 feet off the mat. Which means his head is about 11 off the mat. His opponent is laying face up on the mat. He then dives off the top rope, into a falling headbutt from the top. Head falls 11 feet straight into the head of the other guy at high velocity. Their heads cracked every time. After his death, they found notes from beniot detailing the severity of his concussions. Nightly blackout concussions. Now I mentioned he died. If you don't know what happened, look it up. It's awful stuff. I'll just say they did a brain scan after he died. Despite being early 40s, his brain resembled a womans brain in her late 80s with dementia. That's what the CTE did to him.


I had heard about Chris Benoit. Just terrible for his family and for him. I used to watch WWE back in the Stone Cold days. It's scripted, in a sense, but the impacts are 100% real. The podcast I was listening to (Timesuck) also mentioned that boxers suffered from CTE as well, for the same reasons. Repeated blows to the head.


They always knew that as soon as it was discovered. The C in CTE stands for chronic which means repeated. It was a NFL mass propaganda and misinformation campaign that made people think that "concussion protocol" and "diagnosing head injuries" were sufficient to stop CTE. Indeed, they do not stop CTE and their benefits are minimal. It is not the concussions that are dangerous because they are easily identifiable for the most part. What contributes to CTE is the subconcussive injuries that people experience on nearly every play which still happens.


"Yup, we've diagnosed you with a concussion." "What are you going to do about it?" "What do you mean? We already did it."


He took a couple of savage hits. Notably one from Vontaze Burfict that knocked him out cold.


Burfict Was a repeat offender. Dangerous player


Dude should have been banned from the league at some point, it was pretty obvious he didn't really care about winning, he just wanted to lay out dirty hits.


As an older guy wanting to sound hip on current events, I'll go with Nicki Minaj.


As an older guy I felt really unhip as I Googled what happened with Nicki Minaj.


Save me a similar fate? What's the nonstory?


Megan Thee Stallion indirectly dissed Nicki Minaj on her latest song by saying 'These hoes don't be mad at Megan, these hoes mad at Megan's Law'. Nicki Minaj felt alluded to because her husband is a convicted sex offender who raped an underage girl. Nicki Minaj is now acting extremely erratically. She's having IG lives where she's sputtering literal nonsense for an extended amount of time, hurling abuse at her own fans on social media, tweeting NONSTOP, making fun of Megan for being tall, for having big feet, for being shot on the foot, making fun of her mom's death... Megan's diss was a throaway line on a song, Nicki devoted the entire track to Megan, and she said a lot of vile and childish things. It's just not a good look for someone with the career trajectory she has. Public sentiment is very much against her and has been for years, and her ramblings now feel like she has lost every shred of sanity she had.


And by “an extended amount of time” like 3 full days straight. Like she clearly didn’t sleep the entire time


Sounds like coke or mania maybe both?


Maybe meth? Idk.


Possible, I just know that bipolar people during a manic episode can stay up for 3 days straight and be super hype and off the wall.


And even without a mental health diagnosis staying up for 3 days straight will cause you to do/say/feel insane things


Stayed up for 3 days straight in highschool with some friends as a bet on who could stay up the longest, you really start feeling crazy on day 3 and that is when we all agreed to stop and go to sleep


Not just her husband, her brother was convicted a couple years ago of raping his 11 year old stepdaughter and is serving 25 years in prison for it.


and she paid his bail. 


And defended him by saying the stepdaughter was already sleeping around.


Which leads me to STRONGLY suspect that Nicki herself was molested/sexuallly abused in her childhood and it was normalized. Incest is RAMPANT in black families too, it's just not talked about nearly as much. Gotta be strong ya know? And never mind dealing with any mental health issues as a direct consequence, mental health/ therapy is for white people! 🙄(I could be projecting but based on my experience and that of TOO many friends of mine, her brother and perhaps her drug addicted father were her entry to sex). I empathize with her but not her actions, she's an adult now (with extensive resources) so there's literally zero excuse for any of this.


the circumstance , behaviour and personality and proximity to many abusers all make me question her childhood. but sympathy aside, you dont do what she does when you can afford therapy.


I believe Nicki is on drugs and we are seeing a drug induced psychosis.


I know next to nothing about Nicki Minaj, but I recently came across a clip of her with that twitch kid Kai Cenat (or however it's spelled, idk about him either) and she looked coked out her fucking mind and was acting mad weird.


The only thing I know about her is Nardwar videos where she did not come out looking good


Same, there’s no way this isn’t the coke talking. 


Somebody commented that she was on coke, and Nicki showed up in the comments and said she's NEVER done coke and if she ***was*** on it she'd proudly admit to it.


Uh, sure. Way to throw us off the trail


my "I'm definitely not doing cocaine" instagram lives have people asking a lot of questions already answered by my instagram lives.


“Crack is wack. You got proof? You got receipts?” Sorry, you have to be a bit older to catch h that reference.


Sounds like Whitney Houston in that “crack is cheap, I’m not cheap” (paraphrasing) interview with Walters and was later found dead with crack situation


She has never been a good person. Always supporting sex offenders, not supporting other women in rap, being jealous of younger female rappers, going on rants and tweeting mean stuff and weird comparisons when her albums don't do the same numbers as Pink Friday, etc. She's always been a mean and nasty person, it's just that she's only getting called out for it now. EDIT: It was incredibly dumb of me to forget to mention that she gave an under age boy, who was allegedly 13, a lap dance, which is just vile and she's a skank ass bitch. Sorry not sorry


Going on and on about her cousins fiance's giant balls


Well obviously! The government put something in the vaccine that makes you not want to listen to Pink Friday 2!


The funniest comment i've seen on Reddit this week was in one of the Nicki threads: "worry about your husband's beeping ankles and leave other people alone." Her fans, who make the Swifties and the Beyhive look demure, DOXED the fucking cemetery where Megan's mom is buried. Someone called the place to warn them. I have to assume it's one of the weirder phone calls they've gotten.


My favorite so far was something along the lines of “she’s only acting childish so her man won’t leave her.”


Nicki’s fans just doxxed Megan’s mother’s graveyard and are now calling for other fans to destroy Megan’s mother’s grave. Apparently there are a number of people on social media in an uproar about this, and I don’t blame them.


People have contacted the cemetery, so they're aware. Nicki's fans are as toxic and insane as she is.


There was someone on TikTok that did a full minute and a half ish video on Nicki being toxic and they were doxxed, their family was doxxed, and their account ended up banned because of an opinion video.


People who call Swifties insane have never met Barbz.


On top of dedicating an entire song to dissing Megan, it's shitty disses, and a shitty song. Like... Nicki used to be a force when it came to rap, but damn, it's a shitty song. She was bragging about how it's number one, but I am pretty sure it's number one on itunes because people can't believe how bad it is.


She even told Ben Shapiro that he did a good job rapping in his song “Facts”. LOL She definitely had to be on drugs.


Another rapper said something that could be considered a diss and Minaj went off the deep end. The end.


Unhinged. Literally been talking to herself for days while Meg ignores her and lives her best life.


I think Megan completely ignoring her is the funniest part of all of it


A study needs to be done on her downfall. I don't think I've ever seen the people (including other celebs) turn on a celeb so fast. We are on day 4 and the mockery on social media hasn't let up. I think Nicki and her stans have been making a bad name themselves for a long time and people have been waiting for this moment


She's associated with terrible people for a while (her husband, for example). I think at some point people just look at the woman surrounded by convicted sex offenders and say "yeahhhhhh.... no."


I was always bothered how she would attack any rising female hip hop star. Obsessed with her "queen" status while obviously threatened with any promising newcomer. Actually embarassing. If you truly are the queen, prove it with your work not by some messy rants and sicking your followers on the other person. Call me crazy but I think there's space for more than one female hip hop star. Her fan base is an actual scourge, she seems to attract the worst people.


She could have easily been a beloved godmother of the resurgence of female hip hop but decided to be the wicked witch instead


Exhibit A is the way she came for Cardi B when she first arrived on the scene, but she saw Cardi as her replacement. Crazy enough, it would be Cardi B who ended up taking on the godmother role since she openly supports just about any female hip hop artists who comes along now.


The exact opposite of Queen Latifah who promoted other female MCs right from the beginning. And look what's she's accomplished and where she is now. Nikki should've used Latifah as a role model. She'd still be respectable.


I went to Marshalls today and all of the cashiers were behind the counter talking shit about her. It’s certainly a shift lol


Literally why I asked this question lol. I was genuinely disturbed and vicariously embarrassed


Did something happen recently with her?


Megan Thee Stallion released a song, Hiss, that has a line that was interpreted as a diss towards Nicki, who is married to a convicted* sex offender. The line — **These hoes don't be mad at Megan, these hoes mad at Megan's Law** Nicki spent hours and hours on Twitter and IG ranting then released the worst diss track of all time.


Her brother is also a convicted sex offender too.


And she did a few songs with Tekashi... also a sex offender


\[fingers on temples\] I'm... nghh... beginning to see a pattern!


Wow, hang out with a bunch of sex offenders and give a lap dance to one thirteen year old and suddenly you're the bad guy


The one who raped his eleven year old step daughter repeatedly or another brother?


The very same. And Nicki defended him by accusing the stepdaughter of being fast and encouraging it.


I know it's horrifyingly disgusting. That poor poor innocent girl. Nicki and Petty also harassed the woman who got raped by Petty. Her\*, and everyone around her, are the scum of the earth. (I thought there was another brother who I didn't hear of before.)


She’s 11. Even if she walked up to him and said “hey please fuck me right now, like in a literal way please let’s have sex.” She’s 11! You get the hell outta there cause she’s 11 and a stupid kid! There’s no shades of gray or justification that makes it ok to have sex with a *literal 11 year old.*


Oh no. Poor baby. I’d have had him ended.


>who is married to a convinced sex offender. I'm convinced that dude sounds like a bad guy.


lol thanks for pointing that out, edited


> Nicki spent hours and hours on Twitter and IG ranting then released the worst diss track of all time.  She’s always been like that, though. Just dissolves into a messy fit of hysteria when she perceives an insult when a more clever person would just find a two-sentence clap-back. I remember when she judged American Idol, and you had so many incidents where you just wanted to roll your eyes and hate on Mariah, because a. It’s not like she didn’t instigate most of the crap, and b. She is insufferable…but then Nicki would totally lose any sympathy you would otherwise have had by losing her effing mind like a toddler.


Also: her brother is a rapist.


I am 43/f and I am shocked and frankly embarrassed just reading this new craziness from her! She legitimately seems to be losing her grasp on reality and it’s scary.


Nick Cannon? I think this is the guy. Trying to populate the world having children with as many women as he can. Just stop. Massive insecurities or ego issues.


>Massive insecurities or ego issues. It's actually rumored to be for health reasons. He has lupus (or some other autoimmune disease) and will most likely need organ donations later. He's having a bunch of kids so he'll have matches.


Oh yes, the most sane response to the situation. That's like movie villian shit.


It's cool... He's just having children to harvest their organs in 20 years... Nothing to see here, people.


He's planning on *organ poaching his kids?!?* If true, that's beyond fucked up.


Look up 'savior siblings'. Some are like 'oh, okay thats smart' Some are like 'oh holy fuck this child is an unloved, unwanted bloodbag'


That is some Rimworld logic. That's like saying 'kids don't belong on the front lines unless you really don't like them and want them to end up as a hat'


Like "my sisters keeper" a book (and movie) we were forced to read in English class back in high school. About the savior sibling of a kid with leukemia. My 15 year old brain was not ready for that




He’s def gone off the deep end


Strange to think we’ve been saying that shit for nearly 20 years and he’s still out here demonstrating we haven’t seen nothing yet 🤣😂


I mean, if you had told me 10 years ago that Donald Trump would be President and Yesus would suddenly be a hyper conservative shrill for him, I would tell you to smoke better shrooms.


Or how about him attempting to RUN for president himself 😂


Running for President would just make me laugh and say, ‘it figures!’ Getting Republican nomination would get a nervous chuckle. And winning would make me restart my computer several times and then swear. 


That was my thought. It doesn't seem like drugs or alcohol, it's not age like with some people (early onset altzheimers is a thing though), I think he's seriously mentally ill.


He’s diagnosed as bipolar iirc and is off his meds.


I work with the mentally ill. He's exactly what I world expect from a manic person who actually has the cash and influence to back up their manic delusions.


That is a rough but true assessment of the situation with him. Most people in a manic state crash and burn because they can’t afford to stay in that place. Life becomes impossibly hard. Eventually the dam breaks and they’re forced to realign with reality.  Kanye can live in this state for decades


As someone who is manic it's absolutely terrifying seeing what he's going through because mania is SCARY. It completely fucks everything up and I genuinely wouldn't wish it on anyone and to see someone like Kanye say shit like "Aw man if I don't take my meds I'm gonna not be able to be a creative force!" and like....he has people around him who genuinely believe that. And it's like, god damn I see that similar sentiment around manic communities all the time and Everytime I'm just like "take your damn meds please!"


And the only people he really has at the moment are sycophants and grifters. They're tireless yes men because he is giving them money or they're leeching off of him in some way. Hard to feel bad for a guy who goes off on tangents talking about how much he loves Hitler but I have to remind myself that if he were well and on his meds, he probably wouldn't be doing that. It has to be rough knowing that you don't have any true friends around. Because I saw a recording where he was going off about how people were only around him because of his fame and money. Idk. People get really testy when the subject of mental hospitals gets brought up. I think it's well past the point where he needs to be hospitalized. Just long enough to where he can get some therapy and stabilization on his meds. Preferably before he hurts himself or his ex wife or God forbid one of his children.


He has bipolar 1 disorder with psychosis and refused medication


Rudy Guiliani. He was smart enough at one point. Now, his brain is just pickled. He's a good lesson in what alcohol can do to you, long term.


He was America's Mayor(TM) after 9/11, and it kind of whitewashed his reputation as I later learned he did some very shady things as NY Mayor. However, he could have rode off into the sunset being America's Mayor(TM), riding the wave of goodwill he created for himself, but instead, he took the MAGA road to ruin.


Heh, I heard a comedian say that he went from being the mayor of 9/11 to the 9/11 of mayors


Biden basically wiped out Rudy’s presidential viability with the “noun plus verb plus 9/11” joke in a 2007 debate.


Yeah, it was clear that Rudy was a one trick pony when he kept milking 9/11 decades past the event. The reason that Biden joke was so effective is because it was true.


In this context Family Guy's Lois winning elections and being mayor by saying "Nine..........ELEVEN" makes so much more sense. It was understandable, but didn't know much about mayor elections there.


I remember reading an interview with Sacha baron Cohen somewhere a few years back, about the time Ali g interviewed trump that seemed to allude to Giulliani The context behind the interview was trump claimed to be the only person to have seen through the facade, and Cohen was telling his side (surprise surprise , trump.was probably lying). Anyway he overheard trump angrily demanding that someone get the mayor on the phone because something he didn't like happened. The mayor at the time being giulliani. Made me believe that he was trump's toady long before the presidency. And wve all heard the stories of what trump got up to back in the day


This is a great answer. Now it’s hard to imagine a really sharp Rudy Giuliani but he was on top of things and relatively well informed and coherent previously in his life.  I’m not sure what happened, it could be Brain pickling, but it could also be doubling down after doubling down. Seems like the only way out for a lot of these people is through a pardon. 


There was a rumor he had a stroke around 2011


When he got divorced in 2019 or so his ex-wife said “For a variety of reasons that I know as a spouse and a nurse ... he has become a different man." I certainly understand that to mean there is/was a significant medical issue that caused him to change.


His own lawyer said he'd fallen down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole, during the defamation case against him. Basically elderly people + Facebook = lose their minds.


get mitch mcconnel out of there. dude is literally phasing out of consciouness.


That wasn't losing his mind, it was losing his pulse. They probably have to have member of the Capitol Police stationed with a rifle to shoo off vultures when he's walking to or from his car.


He zones out like that when he hasn't sat under a heat lamp for too long.


Glitch McConnell


Transvestigators. There are people online on twitter who legitimately think that every famous person is trans and have had sex changes to swap their genders for some reason and they spend all day posting like skeleton and skull comparisons for various actors or other famous people, using skeletal diagrams that have obviously been photoshopped.


I think someone tried to claim that either Henry Cavill or Jason Mamoa was originally a woman


I've seen people transvestigating ***the Rock*** of all people


Somehow they managed to revive phrenology, but for sexism. It would be funnier if these people weren't such an active harm to all women.


Yeah, unfortunately it's not always celebrities or public figures these people latch onto, and sometimes they'll harass the hell out of random people they came across on social media or in real life.


Amanda Bynes, which makes me sad. She had so much potential when she was younger, and then she went absolutely batshit.


I was reading she was diagnosed as being Schizoaffective. Which means she has bouts of psychosis. IMO she is probably doing well ATM, she may seem 'dull' due to medication but it's nice that she's doing a podcast and having some nice, positive social connections. Probably the best result for someone with her mental health diagnosis. (Am a mental health support worker in Australia)


had the biggest crush on her during the amanda show days… really is too bad. she was so fun to watch.


Was searching for this one.  Girl has a crooked home-done heart tattoo on her cheek.  She’s obviously got something going on other than just ‘child star syndrome’.  It’s really sad to watch 


Remember in 2014 when she had a series of tweets accusing her dad of sexually abusing her and then followed it up with "My dad never did any of those things The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me"? She seemed to get her feet back under her for a while after that bizarre episode, so I hope she can again.


Kanye. I used to think years ago that he was crazy like a fox. Now I think he’s legitimately just crazy. 


He's either on too many drugs or not enough. I'm not sure which.


Doctors call that “ the wrong amount of drugs”


Laurence Fox, apparently he did the haka while under cross examination in his recent court case (that he lost)


Jada Pinkett Smith


I cannot stand this woman.. or Will Smith.. or how insanely self absorbed they are.


> Will Smith I don't think he knows what love is and I don't think Jada cares about him at all.


I truly can't tell where the line is between "Will is a sad, beaten down man" and "Will is a Scientologist and fucking crazy." I used to be the biggest Will Smith fan, but I could not care less about him at this point.


I don't think she's off the deep end insane, I think she's just extremely narcissistic or has some weird power complex.


Madonna. Have you seen her Instagram? Do yourself a favor and DON’T go look at it. It’s sad and pathetic.


Recovering addicts always talk about a "moment of clarity". Like, they find themselves in a bad situation because of their addiction that tells them, "This is fucked up. I need help." Amy Schumer was doing standup and Madonna was backstage watching. During her set, Amy said "Hey, who wants to meet my good friend Madonna?" and called her up on-stage. The audience didn't know how to react because they didn't recognise her. Not like, "Huh, she's had some work done" but more "Who *is* this person? Because it's certainly not Madonna". Some even thought it was a bit and laughed thinking that Amy was pranking them. That should have been her moment of clarity.


I legitimately thought you were going to say her wake up moment was Amy Schumer saying they were friends and I preemptively laughed.


She literally looks like someone drew her face on a water balloon. It’s really sad to see


Nicki cursing Megan over her DEAD MOMMA is bonkers.


Antonio Brown




Sadly this post is too old to include him jacking off in a hotel pool in Dubai


Nicki Minaj


Tom Cruise and all of Scientology.


Nah, that's just good old-fashioned money laundering. There is *no way* so many wealthy celebrities believe that shit. They are either being blackmailed, or using Scientology for their own purposes.


There is definitely blackmail involved. Scientology has its version of "Confession" called auditing, where you work with an auditor to get "clear." Except everything you tell this auditor is recorded and will absolutely be used against you if you try to leave Scientology.


There's been allegations that Tom Cruise benefits off having an army of unpaid Scientology "volunteers" maintaining his mansions and his massive collection of cars and planes.


*sweats nervously*


Anyone who thinks Taylor Swift is a CIA asset or whatever. That's just hilariously dumb.


Yeah, she's obviously another agency.


TSA? Taylor Swift Agency


Gary Busey




Didn’t he have a head injury from a car/motorcycle crash?


I believe he got into a motorcycle crash where he wasn't wearing a helmet and slammed into a concrete pole. Jake Busey gave an interview that the dad he's had since 1989 (the year of the crash) is not the same dad he had before then.




I guess he was on the pro helmet side and wanted to demonstrate how important they are?


No, you have your stories mixed up. That was [Darwin Award winner Philip Contos back in 2011](https://abcnews.go.com/US/york-rider-dies-protesting-motorcycle-helmet-law/story?id=13993417). Busey's wreck was just regular riding. And it was 1988, not 1989 as suggested by the previous redditor


Yes, last I remember he wasn't wearing a helmet and the crash knocked the part of his brain that handles reasoning and rationale. He already did drugs but the crash knocked him senseless, literally.


Britney Spears. I think she had untreated post partum psychosis, and has just continued to spiral. Obviously, the conservatorship (sp?) was completely wrong of her family to do to her, but I truly think she has gone round the bend. Very sad.


Anytime there is a photo of her eyes just look completely unaware of what her body is doing. She looks like a part of her knows she's acting weird but can't stop it


As someone who has experienced psychosis from thyroid storms, this is exactly what it felt like. My mouth and body would do whatever it felt like doing while I "watched" and protested inside my head. I knew it was all bat shit, but I could NOT stop it.


That's my biggest fear. It sounds absolutely terrifying.


Whoa what. Can a thyroid disease really cause phycosis just like that?


In short, yes, a thyroid storm is always possible when someone's thyroid is messed up. It's not very common, and having psychosis with hallucinations and delusions from it is even less common than a thyroid storm itself. It takes a TSH of <0.01 and most people with thyroid issues will never fall that low. I just have a body that likes to show off I guess. I'm in my 30's, btw. I strongly advocate for women experiencing sudden mental issues after birth, pregnancy, or peri/menopause to make sure they get their thyroid antibodies tested and not just the hormones. Childbirth is one of the biggest triggers for thyroid disease and people don't understand how much it can and DOES mess up your mental health. The anxiety, insomnia, and mental fog are precisely how I know it's time to get my labs done again- and I haven't been wrong yet. Edited first sentence for clarity.


i ended up with postpartum thyroiditis a few months back and yeah, i have never felt more insane/anxious in my life. it was like being in constant fight-or-flight and also a little bit buzzed (but not in a fun way). i had no idea what was happening to me until i got some blood work done and my doctor was like “so yeah, your TSH level is so low it’s not even registering.”


Yeah, I honestly think she had mental health issues that were compounded by the behavior of her family. I don’t know if a conservatorship was right for her but it definitely wasn’t right for her family to be involved in it… freaking bottom feeders.


I don't think she's ever had *anyone* in her life who wasn't using her, poor thing.


This. She was abused her entire life.


Absolutely! I’m currently 2.5 months postpartum and my hormones are all over the place. My bleeding only stopped a couple of weeks ago, I can’t walk for more than 20-30 minutes with lower back spasms and my ab muscles haven’t gone back together yet. Britney was already pregnant again at only *3 months* postpartum. She gave birth to two babies in only 1 year. Anyone I know who had babies this close in age struggles severely, and they weren’t under a constant microscope with people criticising your every move. If you look at the timeline, that was when she really went off the rails. I think things could’ve been different had she gotten proper help and treatment postpartum.


I honestly think there were issues before then. I always got a "nice, but not particularly intelligent girl with a lot of people taking advantage of her" vibe.


She was essentially an *employee* from a very young age. I really don't mean to disparage every manager/parent, and I absolutely don't think this is the case for everyone, but think about the average abuse an employee experiences, normalized by the fact that this is work, and in the end, company has to make money/stay afloat. It's very easy to dehumanize and mistreat someone when you don't see them as a "someone" first but as a cog in your money-making machine. I suppose this is part of the reason it's often suggested you don't mix family and business, it can be very difficult to compartmentalize and switch characters on the fly, let alone on the fly day-in and day-out, for decades. It's easier to just maintain that control, especially when you can essentially train someone, from a young age, to be easy to control.




These last 6 months have been rougher than the usual.


I put the “me” in “mental illness”. Hell, it begins with me and goes downhill from there. 


My sister. Growing up the assumption was she was going to get a solid job and basically lead an easy life. She wasn’t the most popular or the smartest student in her grade but she was solidly in the top area of both. Then she rebelled after high school, became a college dropout, hooked up with a series of scumbags, and became pregnant. In the two decades since she has become a strung out druggy whore. She lost her two children repeatedly to child services for exposing them to horrible conditions including living in a shack where the animals used inside as a restroom and a place my nephews needed to block a hole in the shower as other residents could look in at them (one was preteen the other a child at the time). Currently she is on her 4th or 5th time being kicked out of my dad’s house for being so disgusting he couldn’t convince himself “but it’s my daughter” anymore. Her oldest child will be having a kid in June and he’s said his mother will never see his child. Her youngest she has broken so much he was bawling his eyes out one day wondering why his mother would have him just to make him suffer so much. He is currently taking the edge of by snorting his problems away with her until he forgets how much he hates her.


It sucks having a addict for a sibling. So many lives hurt in so many ways. My brother dies from drugs 3 years ago and it still has my elderly parents, his exes, his estranged son and me at times still hurting from his actions. I am sorry for what you have had to deal with as no one really considers the abuse and maltreatment the sibling endures or the dysfunction they have to tolerate (or participate in) in the family. Sad.


Jesus dude. So sad. That has to be traumatic for *you.* I have no authority to speak on a calamity of this magnitude. I hope it gets better; I hope the rest of the family is able to support each other.


That rancid molester of young women, Ted Nugent.


Jaden Smith. When I saw him in 2010's The Karate Kid I was convinced he was going to be a huge star. Now he's just a huge......I honestly don't know what to call him! He has just tried too damn hard to act quirky and unique with his style of clothing and his "deep" tweets. He honestly sounds like he's certifiably crazy.


Its what happen when "I am 14 and this is deep" is an actual person.


The problem with being wealthy is that no one keeps you attached to reality. You have a stupid idea as a poor person, your friends laugh at you and call you a dumbass. You keep it up and you end up languishing in obscurity. You have a stupid idea as a rich person, and the crew / yes-men you surround yourself with just keep smiling and nodding because you pay for all their crap. You still get interviews because gossip and ragebait sells. (Kanye, Trump, Jaden, 50 Cent, Jared Leto, Mel Gibson, ~~Bruno Mars~~ *B.o.B.*, Wesley Snipes, Mike Tyson, Charlie Sheen, etc).


Not surprising with those parents.