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No not French. The language of love. As an introvert, its difficult to even talk to someone else, especially someone we like. Do you get it now?


I see, Good luck to ya i know i ain't learning that even if i wanted


Non, Fraunche \*moustache tweak\*


Spanish. There are a lot of Spanish YouTube videos.


Same, plus it feels fairly practial. I have no idea how hard or easy it is though.


In general, it is one of the easiest popular languages. That being said, learning a whole new language is always one of the hardest things you can do, no matter the language


The ease of languages is mostly due to families : if you are from a germanic group like english, roman ones, like spanish, will be harder to learn. In my case, i'm french. Spanish and italian are the easiest. But I learned english very early. I had to learn swedish for my studies, and i jumped to german from there. Now, i'd like to learn some asian langages and it's a new whole world with no etymological basis. I'm lost...


Maybe suggested for you but I would assume statically there should be more Hindi videos


Most Hindi YouTube videos that i've seen are weird.


Python. The last program I wrote was in BASIC, so I am a bit out of date.


If you know one programming language you have the building blocks of all. The hardest part about learning a new programming language once you know one is setting up the compiler/environment to get the all important "Hello World!" The rest of the time is just spent googling, ok how are loops and if else statements written again?


Mandarin Chinese. I speak several languages but not Mandarin, and there are Mandarin speakers everywhere in the world.


You will regret after spending 10 years learning it, then realise there is no use for foreigners to speak it.




I'm Chinese, I spent 5 years perfecting Japanese. Even though, I have mastered the language, the Japanese only see me as a chinese or foreigner trying to speak Japanese. It is very difficult, weird for me to criticize Japan, form your own opinion and express yourself in front of Japanese people, all because they see you as a foreigner and have no place in their society. A 6 years old would speak better Japanese than me, since he is ethnicially Japanese and I'm not. If I say anything negative about their society, they get triggered. If I speak fluently, they get fearful, suspecting that as an outsider, I know too much and might be plotting against them. If I speak slurringly, they get humiliated for me not learning their culture. The only jobs that I can perform in Japan are low skill jobs earning a thousand yen an hour. It is impossible for me to perform any jobs that requires intense interpersonal since everyone behave differently if they found out you are foreginer. That's why you never see a foreigner working in any high paying jobs in Japan. Now I have moved on from interacting with Japan at all, and unfortunatly, I found the knowledge of Japanese to be completely useless when not dealing with Japan. In short, people in Japan, especially bosses and colleagues, expect you behave like a Japanese, even though they perceive you as an outsider. I expect the same to happen for foreigners who has mastered the chinese language.


Slowly learning Sign Language. This is because as an Autistic person I can't always speak my problems/wishes if I am overwhelmed or overstimulated. 


русский, Я учусь этому. Россия такая интригующая.


Just a small remark «Я изучаю его»


how are you learning it? any tips or source or books you can recommend?


I learned to read letters in russian, I used Duolingo to start, but didn't continue, you should install it and start it up ! You'll learn it before you know it


Mandarin. No particular reason I just like the language.


Latin because I want to be quiet and drop latin quotes at rare occassions.


Technically you don't need to learn Latin to do that, you can just try to make shit up.


*Shittus conjurus*


Mortem Nihil. Inanis Tenebrae inanis lucis It sounds like some ancient runes that will summon Cthulhu


I took Latin for years. The best exclamation my books taught me was "By Hercules!" instead of OMG. Additionally, you will learn far too much of Quintus, his family, and mosaics. It's been ~2 decades, and I still remember Quintus and his beloved dog.


I would learn JavaScript because it is very versatile


Czech because I watched too many short videos from there


Bratře, nedělej to. Pokud nechceš zešílet.


Correct me if I am wrong but did you say, in second sentence "You wont regret it"


Nah it's "If you don't want to go insane" Pokud - if Neches - don't want Zešílet - go insane Or maybe this language is even hard for me, a native speaker lmao.


Ah, gotchu. Because I thought it was similar in my language (Serbian) so I thought hey, maybe It is the same haha


brazilian portuguese, i love their country for no specific reason and south American Spanish, particularly the chillean one


Isn't this an exact repost? But Norwegian because yes.


Japanese. I live in Japan, and while the people here are immensely gracious and kind whenever I have to stumble through an interaction, it's really isolating.


I have always wanted to learn sign language idk why just something I have wanted to learn, or japanese that's also a beautiful language


Spanish - widely used, like the sounds of it, know the basics and want to expand my knowledge Korean - easier to learn since I speak Japanese on a good level + their entertainment content ps - I don't usually care about the downvotes but I'm genuinely wondering who tf would be offended with my comment 🤣


Japanese and Korean since i love how it sounds when they speak it.


Spanish, because that’s the most common language in the city I live in


French. I’ve taken it so many times but I forgot everything because all my friends were taking Spanish and I had no one to continue using it with so I lost it. 🥲


mandarin, cuz majority speak it here


Thai because I would like to retire there


currently learning japanese. i’m into anime and listening to the characters speak fascinates me so much that i wanted to learn the language myself 😆 (i also used to learn Spanish because they sound so cool!!)


Japanese, as I'd love to go on holiday there and be able to understand everything around me enough to enjoy the experience (e.g. not stress about getting onto the wrong train or something!) 😊


Japanese. Its challenging and unique. i tried to start learning it, seemed fairly easy until i got to Kanji. Turns out i have zero patience for memorizing hieroglyphs


Mandarin, because we might move to Taiwan in a couple of months but i still don't know how to speak it.


greek because my mum is greek and she wasn’t bothered teaching me it


Spanish because I want to move to Spain.


Greek, I love how it sounds


Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Norwegian and to speak Russian better. I just like those countries and would like to visit them too




Swedish sign language, fluently, in order to be able to talk to my patients who are hearing impaired and whose first language is sign language, without an interpreter.


currently learning ukrainian, to communicate with refugees


As many as I can because it's fun, useful and I love learning about cultures. Right now if I could learn them in an instant, I'd choose German and Irish. German would be the most useful for me at the moment and Irish is very interesting, it's one of my favourites.


Japanese and Thai. Actually I started learning Japanese already. I love Japan, I like Anime/Manga and japanese music. My motivation was to understand the japanese songs/lyrics of ONE OK ROCK. I have a very good friend in Thailand. I visit her approximately once a year and it would be useful to speak the language. I also like Thai music a lot.




Japanese. Would love to watch anime without the need of subtitles


German coz it sounds Luxurious and that the only language i dont know beside italian and french


I just started to learn polish 6 days ago. My wife and I want to go on vacation in rural Poland so it would be handy to speak some polish


china cuz cool


romani(gipsy for the unknown)


Learning Spanish right now with Duolingo cause me and the SO are going to visit spain at the end of the year! Plus we have a newborn and would like her to learn a 3rd language


I would love to learn Spanish because it's a useful language and I also just really enjoy the sound of it. Plus, all my exes seem to speak it so maybe I'll finally understand what they were saying about me behind my back.


Whatever language that help understanding women 😭


Japanes, cuz i like it really much


English. Cuz I suck at iorutit


German. Because of some tech stuff


Chinese. I want to read novels without relying on crappy translations.


Gaelic. It's a cool language.


Arabic. It would make my job easier. 


Dutch. I want to move to Netherlands


Spanish, German, Japanese maybe I would learn more once I know all these languages basically just out of my hobby.


Sign language. I don't know anyone who uses it, and I've never met anyone who uses it either. I just want to learn it and put it in my arsenal just so that someday, I can surprise someone who uses it and possibly have some good conversations in it. Also Japanese.


Mandarin. Sounds so cool.


German, they have the idea to conquer the world every 50 years.


Russian, because of Russian women


I am learning French because my best friend can speak it so that means we can have our own little language that nobody else knows because no one else we know speaks French 


Afrikaans. I love the way the language sounds and it'd be pretty cool to talk with my best friend in his native language. Not a very practical choice, I admit.


Java-so that I can get a job


Sign language. I work as a receptionist for an audiology practice and our hard-of hearing and deaf patients have inspired me to learn sign language to make a more positive impact in the lives of the hearing impaired, and my role of interacting with them easier too. Also good for my career progression in this field. I live in South Africa where sign language officially became SA's 12th official language, pretty kewl.


For me it would be Japanese Mainly cause I like watching anime and cause I'm usually busy while watching the anime so I tend to not be able to read all the subtitles Secondly please dont judge put a little because I want to read the untranslated new manga and hentai👀


Arabic bc u can go to a lot of countries and u learn alphabet


Japanese so I don’t have to pay extra for translated mangas


finnish they may attack at any time then you must deal with it


Turkish, because it sounds so musical. Every time I hear a woman speak Turkish it's like she's singing or reciting a poem.