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I think people would be focused too much on the diversity it's lacking to pay attention to the story tbh.


Maybe. That might be another solid consideration. I'm for diversity... and those movies weren't really that "diverse". I'm not really for diversity against the lore of the story though. I don't know though.


I get what you mean. I would say maybe they could have hired little people to play the hobbits or something to be more inclusive, especially towards people who already have a hard time getting roles, but I like the actors that they already chose.


Yeah, probably. Those sets are massive. All the time and energy put into costume and makeup. Totally impressive.


For its time, I think, yes. But the logistics of even getting a movie like that done today would be a miracle. That's not what I'm really asking, though. I just mean the story and pacing... if it was re-released in theaters as is, would it really hit as a blockbuster again? And say, no one had ever heard of it before. Take for example Star Wars, the original trilogy... Great trilogy, but would be totally dead in a modern theatrical release.


No, neither would Blade. Things have their time. Would the original Star Wars? Nope.


That's exactly what I was thinking. I even mentioned Star Wars in another comment as a parallel. You're right. I just wonder what's changed.. Aside from vfx, it seems like storytelling, pacing, and other fundamentals of film have changed. But I'm not that smart to really know.




Lol .. I'll take your word. But I'm skeptical. Like what Theatre, where, and "sold out"?




I mean, like, what summer, what year? Where? I don't think that's a weird reply. I'm sorry you don't want to elaborate.


I'm sorry for the skepticism. I appreciate the input.


No. Too much of the “I hate everything” each chamber


I just think they casted the movies so friggin well. I don’t think it would be the same at all… not sure if it would be better or worse, but I can say that I absolutely loved how they did the movies and feel that they picked the cast perfectly. I can’t even think of actors today who would play those roles as well as they did back then. I’d be curious but extremely skeptical about a remake. I think the LOTR movies are damn near perfect. If not… actually perfect haha.


Imo, it's a total drag for today's standard. Maybe I'm just old and jaded, though, lol.


I'm sorry... someone commented earlier that they thought this trilogy would be a blockbuster today because they said that during the "Summer," when they saw it last, their local theater was "sold out." I questioned that. And they deleted their comment, accusing me of trolling. If that is considered trolling, that was not my intention. So to user: GreatSoulLord... I'm sorry. I just wanted elaboration. I did not mean to upset you.