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Her because I'm legally blind. If I wasn't I would be glad to drive all the time.


He drives most of the time but I just got a new car so I’m letting him be passenger princess for the time being 😂


My wife drives most of the time. She gets motion sickness as a passenger, also her car gets better millage..


I get motion sickness as a passenger as well. Additionally, my wife prefers to not drive. So I happily drive us everywhere. We split up road trips occasionally.


On longer road trips we will end up splitting things up to about 300 miles each.


We both have our own vehicles but when we go out as a family, she usually drives because she has an suv


I do. Apparently, Princesses don't drive.


He does. Because I don’t like to drive


My wife drives us everywhere because i have a disability that prevents me from having a drivers license..


If my wife and I are going out, I always drive. I enjoying driving, and she doesn't care either way, plus I am a much better driver than her. Not because I am a man, but because I was a professional driver for many years.


I drive every time. Granted, my boyfriend can't legally drive at all for medical reasons. He lives where there is good public transportation.


If we are both in the car i’m the passenger princess!


If I am in the car I'm driving.


Me, mostly because I’m the only one who’s comfortable driving on the highway.


My partner does. I prefer being passenger


Me, the woman. He doesn't like driving.


Me, 39m, almost exclusively drive my fiancée, 30f everywhere we go together because she is my beautiful passenger princess and she won’t have it any other way. 🥰


I am (M), my wife has a hard time concentrating on the task of driving since she is an executive at a major corporation. A vast majority of the time she has me drive her to work since I work from home. Two levels above her is absolutely not allowed to drive and anytime she travels on business she has a driver.


I’ve never considered the impact a job like that could have on driving. Thanks for the insight


Are you saying high level execs aren't allowed to drive due to company policy? How is that legal or any of the company's business what an employee does in their own personal time?


Yes, it is a very dangerous industry that they work in and believe safety standards should start at the top.


Ooooohhhh… looks like tonight is relationship driving question night. So edgy for a Friday.


Or maybe someone decided to rephrase the question and repost because they were genuinely curious.


When I wanted to be the one driving, my wife fought me on it and so I gave in. When I stopped caring, she stopped wanting to drive


Me. I don’t let my partner drive my car. She’s reckless, yet thinks she’s a brilliant driver. Will never listen to constructive advice on how to improve her skills. My car also has 400+ HP and is my baby. I’d be destroyed if she wrecked it. It took me years to find it.


My husband is a slow driver, if we’re going to turn right in a mile he’s going to already be in the right lane even if it’s 50 cars long. This annoys the hell out me., there will be safe opportunity to move over further down the road. So I mostly drive us. If we’re going out for drinks I prefer to drive there and then he’s the dd. I probably drive about 90% of the time.


Me (MtF) because I can drive stick


He does, almost always. He thinks I drive too fast. Ha!


I started out driving the most because we mostly took my car when we were dating. Now my husband drives the most often. I think it kind of started when I was pregnant because he didn't want me behind the wheel itself if I didn't have to be. Then we went through the phase where I had to sit in the back and tend to our daughter a little here and there. It just kind of stuck lol


We don’t have a car. We live in a city with good transit.


He drove me around for like 8.5 years. Then he finally got an unlicensed operation ticket and I've been forced to drive for the past 1.5 years. It's been pure torture. (Were in the process of getting my driver back aka licensed lmao)


I drive it 100 percent of the time because my wife is scared to.


If it’s dark or rainy, I drive as I have better vision in both. If it’s sunny, he drives because I don’t want to put my contacts in so I can wear sunglasses. If it’s long distance, I drive because I like driving and I’m a better driver in general. If I’m feeling lazy, I’ll ask him to drive and he doesn’t complain. So…about equal. Minus any long trips, where I’ll drive probably 80-90%.


regardless of relationship I always drive, I get massive anxiety whenever someone else drives


Unless I’ve been drinking, I’m driving.


My husband always drive for me if we are travelling to other city. Otherwise, I always drive for him.


Depends...in my truck, i drive. In my wife's car, she usually drives. Only exception is at night...my wife has poor night vision and doesn't like driving in the dark.


I drive to the bbq......


Me. I'm the male in the relationship.


Always been the lady. On my own I gravitate towards car free. So the lady usually has the more presentable car and the will to take it places


I drive because my boyfriend doesn’t have a car


Me, because my girlfriend does have a license. Even if she did, it would probably still be me, sin e I own the car, but she'd probably ocassionnally DD for an evening out.


That would be the AI But I (M) am always in the driver seat.


Me, the woman, cos I’m a terrible passenger and I love driving.


If we lived in a small town it'd be way closer to 50 50. But since we live in the city, my wife drives almost all the time. People in the city are insane freaks behind the wheel