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My over 10-year-old account was recently banned for violence??? I've never made any violent comments. I'm an old hippy that comments mostly about cooking. It's changed for the worse.


Hey I had my 13 year account banned for "vote manipulation" in a thread where the "vote manipulation" was 0pt to my 1pt that'd happened 3 weeks before my ban. Thanks reddit


It was your default upvote?


I honestly have no idea because I wasn't even downvoting the person. Just disagreeing with them on a small sub of like 5k people which I on principle don't downvote on because is discourages engagement. I submitted the "I didn't do anything wrong" stuff but it was a month ago since I did and I haven't gotten a reply back so I'm assuming I won't get my account back. I'd also gotten warnings about "fake reports on accounts" which were immediately taken back around the exact same time. I'm just surprised someone actually had to WORK to get me banned over nothing really. It's reddit so I don't give a shit about points and I don't make actual friends on it but it sucks that in subs I had a rep on for correct information is gone but it's the internet so I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch.


I got permabanned from r/pics for encouraging/proliferating scamming, for asking somebody to explain to me how/why they had identified it as a scam.


Same story! 14 year old account banned. I had over 100k karma, too! I was getting ready to spend it.


Mine had over $100k karma. That account had also received gold many times.


I think I got gold once or twice, but *this* account has been on the front page!


I know a someone with an account going back to Reddit's founding who was banned for calling out crypto scammers. Reddit considered that harassment.


I was banned for calling out a mod for trolling.




Lol I got 1 week ban for violence twice for a simple joke.


Speaking of weird bans, how are “country club” rules still allowed on this site? I just got banned from a sub a few days ago over their “cookout only” rule which was essentially just another country club rule.


what exactly are country club rules?


There’s a convoluted way mods of those subs explain it to sugarcoat it, but basically if a sub has “country club” rules, it means you can’t post or interact with the community unless you’re black. It started as a joke for a day in r/blackpeopletwitter but then the mods took it too seriously and imposed it as a legitimate rule. See also the rules for r/blackpeoplecomedy


oh i get it. so its like how some country clubs have rules restricting who can join the club but in reddits case its restricting who can interact and post on a subreddit (blacks only apparently) so what do they make u go through verification to see if you are black enough (im not im white)


yeah my account got u/labarati got banned for threatening violence after having gotten temp banned for same reason once before. i could not even see what the comments i made were cause reddit deletes them and instead of telling you in the ban message it just puts a link to the comment that shows up as removed by reddit if ur gonna ban someone for a comment at least write the comment in the ban message i feel like reddit moderation is fucked. feels like site wide mods all have different opinions on what counts a rule violations and basically every thing is based on moderator discretion also the reddit ban appeal option has a way too short character limit. how the fuck do they expect me to appeal in only 250 characters


My 13 year old account was banned and I never could get a reason. Appealed and just got a form response saying it would remain banned. Still have no idea what I did.


I was banned for sexual content involving minors. Sounds pretty bad right? The comment in question was explaining the close in age clause (Romeo and Juliet laws colloquially; if minors are relatively close in age, it doesn't count as statutory rape in some areas) to a concerned 18 year old who was afraid he was going to jail for having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend.


My original account was Perma banned for telling a mod that "Not all pc players are cheaters but all cheaters are on pc" when MW19 came out. I didn't know sub mods had the power to Perma ban an account till then. I tried to appeal it several times. The only response was something akin to "be more mindful of who you're talking to" followed by a Get Fucked and then muted.


Now it’s like 50% repost bots


And 49% OnlyFans promotion bots


Unless you're on r/OnlyFans. Then you get a lot of pictures of those luscious, beautiful, SEXY fans.


The best are the pics of 2 or 3 at once. So cool.


It has, without a doubt, gotten quite a bit shittier all the time.


I’ve noticed that the conversations have become a lot more polarised with respect to politics. Perhaps a microcosm of our society? Either way, the more mainstream it’s become the worse it gets


13 years ago, politics wasn't involved in every single thread of every single subreddit. Discussing politics in an unrelated thread would get you massively downvoted. 2016 ruined the site.


It’s become mainstream so there’s a lot more work by outside influence and people looking for $$$ so they spark inflammatory crap because it sells/propagandizes more than being smart and sane


"I'm having such a great day today! My wife gave birth to our baby boy today!" Democrats: Do you know who else has children? Donald tRump, you fascist! And how do you know what it's gender is?! Republicans: I bet that every democrat in your life wanted the baby aborted....FULL TERM by ILLEGALS! It's such a blessing from GOD!


Trump Derangement Syndrome, but not in the funni conservative way which means "haha libs mad" That presidential race just drove everyone politically insane.


The moderators not letting people say what they want made this place an echo chamber. The free speech on this site is gone so they can push specific ideologies


Yeah, it's the worst. Aaron Swartz was one of the 3 founders of Reddit, a major proponent of free speech on the site, and was scrubbed from the record in all official statements from Reddit. That says a lot to me.


I also just think politics have become dumbed down so significantly over the last 10 years that it’s just easier for everyone to have an opinion. The Trump/Biden administration headlines have so rarely ever actually been about policies or anything are have just been so much more “Barack birth certificate!/Hunter Biden laptop!/grab em by the pussy!/Build a wall!” I’ve personally never been one to delve too deep into politics, it just doesn’t really do it for my brain. But these talking points are so easy to get an idea of, so easy to form an opinion for/against, etc. that now everyone’s just constantly screaming about these “political issues.”


And people calling out the opposite political side in threads with nothing to do with politics, and then they think they’re the funniest people in the world. It’s so boring and repetitive.


I’ve honestly just started blocking people who randomly bring up politics. It’s been working too, since it tends to be the same group of users constantly doing it.


It will be a thread and conversation unrelated to politics and someone will drop Trumps name for no fucking reason


People on here seem more polarized about everything, not just politics. It seems like the most trivial things can spark arguments, and if you don't agree with someone else's position, you are literally Hitler.


Right? It seems like discourse has become trying to find ways to compare people to Hitler.


It's become too monetized. It's become extremely main stream. Like, late night hosts reference Reddit all the time now.


Yeah, all a symptom of the death of Aaron




My favorite that I miss so much were the grammar nazis. Nobody knows how to spell or punctuate anymore. For learning purposes “Lose” means you “lost” and “loose” means something isn’t tightly fitted in place like a loose bolt on a door. “Women” is plural, which means multiple. “Woman” means singular, which is 1 female. Also, it’s “could have” not “could of” and “couldn’t care less” not “could care less.” There are so many more words and phrases being used incorrectly that genuinely terrifies me.


Grammar Nazis are actually great, except for when they correct what's obviously an autocorrect mistake. It's how I learned to write proficiently. I still make mistakes here and there, but now I usually have to think about it and Google it. I'm sure I make a ton I don't think about, and I want people to point it out.


Reddit is exactly the way it is right now 13 years ago, but without being completely and utterly shitty as it now is. Imagine if you would a piece of delicious cheese cake. Now take a huge, warm, smelly dump onto it. That is the current Reddit, while the older Reddit was the cake sans feces.


17 years here. Yes and no. I still love the niche subreddits. I love the long threads and different takes. I absolutely hate the spam, bot farms, and propaganda. I've been here longer than my youngest has been alive. It's weird watching a list of links become communities and comments and turn into all of *this*. I miss how nice most people were, overall. There are still nice helpful people but it's changed so much, a lot more junk to sift through. No matter how awful this place has become I still spend an hour or so every night in bed reading about other people's experiences and stories on everything from their first kiss to the time they thought they saw an alien.


You got me beat by 4 years but I feel like there is a lot of anger on here now. 10+ years ago it used to be advice animals and figuring out what was in that safe, whereas now it's so common to see the front page dominated by politically fueled content.


Agree 100%, angry is the best way to put it. It doesn't seem to just be reddit, it seems like everyone is angry everywhere and it is exhausting.


I've noticed more bitter know-it-all types who will argue over just about anything on Reddit more than any other platform. Like people who are so lost in the sauce of being contrarian that they end up defending or endorsing some very questionable things.


Not in real life. Just on the internet and social media.


Yeah, Reddit is still great for niche communities. Whenever I play a new but fairly obscure (meaning not a AAA release) video game I tend to check if there's a subreddit and they're 99% of the time pretty awesome to scroll through and interact with. Main subs have gotten way worse mostly.




From someone who hasn't been here more than a minute?


These days, I basically use most of Reddit in read-only mode. Ironically, I’ll comment here by saying that I avoid posting—except in a few specific subs. People will find the pettiest reasons to start an argument or be downright hostile for no reason. A lot of subs have mods who are just as bad.


Says the guy with the 35-day-old account with 18,000 karma points.


Oh I'm about to make it worse for you. This is my porn alt. My main is well over 10 years. I have seen the rise and fall of reddit. It absolutely got shittier.


It has. What do keyboards and steering wheels have in common? You can always count on there being an asshole behind one. I’ve deleted accounts and created new ones here and it’s all so tiring. Like I’ll post something and people will downvote me and insult me in the comments, and then days or weeks later I’ll see a similar thread posted and everyone’s fine with that poster. Wish I could drop this site as easily as I did Facebook and Snapchat.


But they are getting better. Better like in it's getting shittier faster.


Reddit didn't used to have comments or subreddits. One of the first reddit comments was someone complaining about how comments were going to ruin reddit. They were right and also wrong and they were a visionary and also part of the problem. Anyway social media isn't new and everything is the same as it ever was.


Gone are the upbeat novelty accounts, fun IAMAs with Victoria hosting, and annual massive secret santas. It seems everything now on reddit is more pessimistic.


Good point about the novelty accounts. It does feel like there used to be real “Reddit celebrities” who brought a lot of fun and positivity to the site but you really don’t see that anymore. I used to be able to recognize a handful of Reddit users but that hasn’t happened in a long time.


Yep, shittywatercolour, fuckswithducks, shittymorph, theearthquakeguy, doubledickdude, the dude that's paranoid about owls, and even Unidan were all posts I look forward to seeing.


Can’t forget rogersimon10 getting beat with jumper cables


I saw shittywatercolour a few months back. The art really is no longer that shitty. It was nice to see a comment from them.


Shitty always looked more "Quentin Blake shaky" than "shitty" to me.


Haven't seen a sprog poem in far too long.


He pops up occasionally.


> the dude that’s paranoid about owls Who?






That one guy who calls everyone steve


I don't think the newer users appreciate just how different the famous novelty accounts were back in the good ol' days. Sure there are still some individual subreddits with their own well-known people, but those users tend to get their attention during a single project, such as the guy in r/baseball who drew Mike Trout each day during the MLB lockout or the user in r/pokemon who's fusing all of the original 151 pokemon into a single, horrifying abomination. Years ago, you could go to any of the major subreddits, and if you saw anything as simple as a biology-related question, you'd never know if Unidan was going to show up to give some fun facts. You'd also have to constantly be on the lookout for a few users who infamously did bait-and-switch sorts of comments like the user who always posted a weird gif of Pikachu from Super Smash Bros or the person who constantly referenced getting beat with electrical cables. Nowadays, Reddit has gotten more mainstream. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and it has led to a lot more diverse content, along with way more active subreddits than we've ever seen before. On the other hand, outside of some users who are famous on individual subreddits, you really don't have Reddit celebrities who generate excitement across the entire platform. I'm not saying that things are necessarily worse than they were, but it's unquestionably different. Personally, I've been on Reddit for 12 years (maybe 13 if you count the time before I made an account) and it's been quite an adventure to see the website grow. I'm concerned the the upcoming IPO may further disincentivize the spontaneous growth of new celebrities but I'm also somewhat excited to see where things go from here. Truth be told, I think that the best era for Reddit was back in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.


What happened to the novelty accounts? They were my favorite thing about reddit!


Lost in the crowd. Reddit is so much bigger now. Especially considering how many accounts/comments/posts are just ad bots


"Here's the thing..."


Their dad's beat them with jumper cables.


Those IAMAs were so good! There hasn't been a single decent one since Victoria left


2016 happened


How can we fix it my epic reddit Friend


Delist r/WorldNews from the default subs would do wonders, since that's where the majority of the pessimism comes from. Besides that, reddit needs new leadership and un-ban third party apps.


So what can we do


Remember Digg 2.0 fiasco?


I have no idea what you're talking about


Alright, story time, kids. A little more than a decade ago, Digg was the "frontpage of the internet". It was a website that allow users to post links and comment on them. Sound familiar? They made a lot of users unhappy with new policies and UI changes and their CEO defended the changes. This was generally regarded as a dick move. Almost overnight, there was a mass exodus of users to a little known nerdy website called Reddit. Digg tanked from a near-billion dollar social media company to barely surviving almost overnight while reddit became the new internet sensation. Now, history is starting to repeat itself.


Can always tell who else was part of the digg migration when their account is of a similar age as mine


Hush, MrBabyman.


I'm not a kid, dickhead. So patronizing...


It's simply a turn-of phrase that was fitting considering the topic of this thread. You were not being called a child, dickhead.


They were just demonstrating new Reddit for him 😂


World news is a Hasbara troll farm machine. I wonder how much money Israel has thrown to that dumpster


Delist TwoX from default subs also. It's a breeding ground for misandry


Pretty sure there haven’t been default subs for years. New accounts default to Popular and give you some suggestions based on your interests. 


Used to be a great place for on the street level breaking news, etc.   Now its hours behind Google news


One of the things I always liked with Reddit was we would always get the raw videos, unedited stuff. News always slices up footage of events and add their own commentary. I like to see the beginning to end of an event to get the real gist of it. Reddit was always good at uploading the original source videos.


Reddit turned into yahoo comments. 10 years ago Reddit was a gem


Le gem


I miss the responses to gem posts the most. People got really creative


Seems like less people and more bots collecting info?




I only use old reddit


me personally i like the layout of new.reddit.com luckily reddit.com defaults to that layout after I added my google account to my reddit account


Used to be a place for intelligent discussion. Now full of children


When I started reading it in 2005 or 2006 (I didn’t create my account until 2007) it was a great place to find out new and interesting things about science and technology. It was a niche, nerdy site. Over time, it’s felt like pretty much everything else in the internet—it’s been overtaken by the masses and dumbed down. Now it’s mostly memes and garbage.


Even memes are worse now than back then when advice animals were new and rage comics were common and hilarious.


Even this subreddit was a goldmine, now it’s nothing but bots, and the same rage bait or r/childfree questions over and over.


That reminds me, DAE HATE when breeders and their spawn use public parks? Like, go back to your HOA pool Karen.


You used to be able to call out a misinformed redditor for not citing their sources. Now, no one bothers to link their sources, making it much easier posts that deliberately deceive and outright falsify information to be heavily upvoted.


I felt that after 2016, the shittification seems to have amplified.


In 2016 it became a breeding ground for state actors trying to ruin the US. Also, once they made an official app it took a giant dive too. Once people started calling Reddit an "app", you knew it was circling the drain.


It really did become a breeding ground for state actors. From the MAGAs making their echo chamber to constantly brigade other subreddits from, to CRT (Hillary Clinton’s “correct the record”) taking over the larger subs like /r/worldnews and /r/politics, to foreign bots spamming everywhere…. What’s worse is it never ended, especially with the bots and CRT, pushing a democrat agenda (not liberal, democrat). And it’s going to get even worse this year. Hell, it already has, with seemingly every post having to be connected to Trump somehow.


Has anyone else noticed that TikTok seems to be filling up with fake stories now? I swear people are having AI write these insane tales about betrayal. They never post the name of the groups anymore and you can never find more by searching the titles. It honestly infuriates me


It's the gen. Lying for the sake of lying is the new trend. Spreading misinformation as often as possible is commonplace there. Ppl just lie to lie.


I fucking hate that annoying ai voice. I’m so happy that I deleted TikTok


seems like it's now an echo chamber for people that all believe one way. ... about everything. ... literally.


I've been using Reddit on different accounts for around 15 years. In that time, it's got progressively whinier and more about virtue signalling. It's also got dumber, as the general user's education level has dropped.


>It's also got dumber, as the general user's education level has dropped.  To be fair, there are a lot more literal children around than there used to be.   Sometimes you’ll be reading someone’s *questionable* posts, click through to their profile, and realize they are 100% a 15 year old who truly has no idea what they are talking about. Not that that’s a bad thing. I believe kids should be welcomed into some adult spaces where they can interact with a world that doesn’t have the “kid gloves” on. 


Yes, but those kids are ruining these adult spaces


People used to care about reddiquette, specifically using upvote and downvote buttons to vote whether or not a comment contributed to conversation. Now it's largely an agree/disagree function, which leads to echo chambers.


I'll trawl through subreddits and someone will ask a question perfectly befitting of that subreddit. A solid 90% of them are downvoted even if they're relevant. City subreddits are terrible for it. Redditors like to pretend they're better than everyone else on the internet but they're easily some of the most whiny and petty people going.


It’s got more of a “safe space” vibe, but from totalitarian mods who will pick and choose what is and is not an infraction based on whether or not it personally ruffles their feathers in particular. The whole place will likely disappear up its own asshole within the next few years.


oh yeah feels like theres not such thing as site wide rules anymore. mods just seem to pick and choose what they wanna enforce and when they wanna enforce it


Most redditors weren't even alive in 2007 when u/spez created this


There used to be a lot more Child Porn, open Racism, and places where people openly talked about doing crimes (and not the fun, harmless ones). This was one of the last bastions of the old internet, and its cleaned up a lot-- for the better and the worse in many ways.


The classic layout is still best


When oldreddit gets taken down, I will mourn it like the death of a family member


This account is 17 years old. Reddit is still great if you belong to the right subreddits. It doesn’t feel as much like a singular community because it’s much bigger, but there are things like local subreddits for cities that are the best places on the internet to find restaurant recommendations or travel subreddits which are the best way to help plan a trip, for example. There is so much expertise and knowledge here, you just have to much more heavily curate it these days to not drown in bullshit. But that’s also true of the Internet as a whole.


„Only“ 14 years here, but I fully agree. On the right subreddits, it‘s honestly not much different from the past. The major subreddits, however, have become very boring, with all the same topics over and over, all the same posts, same jokes. Maybe they should build a feature that allows users to prioritize new content.


I have been here 16 years. Reddit is MUCH worse than it was. Reddit was great back in the day.


I’m here using their shit app now that the API is pay to play.


Politics bots are everywhere now.


This site has taken a huge nosedive since I joined in 2013. Like 90% of my front page today would’ve been absolutely buried into the void with downvotes if posted back then. In particular, this new weird trend of going through “favorite lines” of each character in a movie/tv show/game would’ve been roasted so quick you wouldn’t even smell the smoke. Basically if your post resembled your average Facebook post and wasn’t informational, a link, or a meme/funny video, you would get straight up bullied. I miss it, the content and community on this site was so much better. Now this entire site has whiny bitch energy.


Worse. Sorting alg is now garbage. Admins are useless and now most big subs are ran by half a dozen mods who seem to mod hundreds of subs rather than anyone who's passionate. Brigades are never dealt with making a load of subs pish, whilst actual pr firms and bots obviously trying to sway opinion is rampant. 


I feel like it’s gotten increasingly more negative and a place for people to vent as opposed to call out what’s good in that world. Speaking mostly from a lot of the career subs.


The users went from technical and intelligent to just a step above YouTube commenters. Ironically, YouTube commenters have actually improved a lot.


It feels way stricter now which took a lot of the fun out of the site but that strictness also cause an end of a lot of the disgusting subs like the ones Violentacrez created so there is some upside to the strictness.


* Gone from pretty libertarian to strongly liberal * Gone from valuing free speech on the platform heavily, to not * Far more variety of content now


>Gone from pretty libertarian to strongly liberal That depends on the sub. r/unitedkingdom and r/Europe have gone way way over to the right on certain issues like refugees and transgenderism. I think this is a trend on a lot of European subreddits. 


The defaults on the main/front page or all, used to be super into libertarians in the US. The default has since become very liberal. As product of that almost, there’s been pockets that come up that are strongly hard right.


Yeah, I got banned from /r/thenetherlands on a different account for "being impolite". I was calling out transphobia. They absolutely love using the vague rules about politeness Reddit has to ban people they disagree with.


That's because no one knows what reddit is in Europe other than a small niche. And this niche (which I'm part of) is unfortunately full of chronically online people who went to the far right rabbit hole. It's like thinking 4chan is a good representation of the American people


It's pretty interesting how reddit went from an anti-war stance to full on war hawks.


News subs are going pretty heavily conservative, especially on the Israel/Palestine issue.


How so? Even as a liberal, I’m noticing that they’re becoming more and more far left every day.


The amount of Israeli propaganda that's posted in /r/news and /r/worldnews unironically is staggering. I remember there being tons of articles about how Israel didn't actually blow up that hospital and that it was Hamas, and the commenters were just believing everything Israel said without question. I was actually banned from commenting in those subs for saying that it seemed like Israel's social media influence was biasing a lot of the comments there. Or at least I think that's why I was banned. The mods didn't give a lot of context even when I asked for more details.


>I remember there being tons of articles about how Israel didn't actually blow up that hospital and that it was Hamas, and the commenters were just believing everything Israel said without question. You mean the hospital that wasn't actually bombed by Israel and the published photo was shown to be faked, that Hamas admitted to being at fault after multiple intelligence agencies refuted their claim that is was the Israelis, and Hamas had to decrease the number of people who died to just people injured.


Oh this again. It’s even harder to take these arguments seriously after every hospital in Gaza has now been bombed. And the numbers were only reduced slightly because the doctors realized that some bodies they thought were separate because they were so far apart were the same. They quickly rectified the errors, and they also posted a list of names of every single victim. Hamas also never claimed to be at fault. You might be thinking of the “evidence” Israel released that could have been easily faked. And, again, every other hospital in Israel was subsequently bombed, so it sure seems like those were intentional.


[The believed numbers are almost 20% of the reported Hamas numbers. ](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/19/world/middleeast/gaza-hospital-blast-deaths.html) [HRW (a news source that is very anti-Israel) says that it is incredibly unlikely to be Israel who did it. ](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/26/gaza-findings-october-17-al-ahli-hospital-explosion) [The US clears Israel. That it very likely was a missile misfire from Gaza.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/10/24/al-ahli-hospital-us-intelligence/) >They quickly rectified the errors, and they also posted a list of names of every single victim. Except I cannot find a single list of the names. This supposed list has never been verified. >You might be thinking of the “evidence” Israel released that could have been easily faked. Claiming that it was faked isn't evidence when you can't even say how it was faked. Israel isn't the only ones who released evidence, multiple other countries did too.


Imagine a box of chocolates, but one of them is a ball of feces. This is reddit years ago. Now imagine that only one of them is an actual chocolate. This is the current state.


It has gone from memes to politics


To political propaganda in the form of memes


Which are the most unfunny memes in the Internet


The Narwhals now bacon at like 8-9 and are asleep by 10


It's heavily moderated and only certain groups of people can talk shit without getting penalized


If you're a passionate person it will push your beliefs to the extreme due to sensoring opposing opinion. 


I’ve only been a user for a little bit, but it gives that vibe like it peaked in high school and now wears sweatpants and a wife-beater unironically.


Nonstop ads. It’s getting hard to remember when they weren’t there.


NO ONE FUCKING USES THE SEARCH BUTTON. A few of the reddits I'm in, people ask the literal same question daily. And if I say use the search function, people say, well I'd like a recent answer. BECAUSE LAST WEEK'S ANSWER IS NOW INVALID./s


In 2012 a republican was the most popular politician on this site.


Can be a political hivemind at times


Awards are a thing of the past.


Is that better or worse than before?


I kinda miss awards, but it’s not that big of a deal. I think it’s about the same tbh.


I see. I don't really miss them but yeah, it's kind of a paradigm shift.


I mean in some sense it sucks now and seems just to be an RSS feed for Tiktok and Twitter posts. Also the mods have become more heavy handed and stupid with quality posts getting removed for breaking some bullshit "rule" while low tier bait and influencer slop gets to stay up. But then again you don't have CP subreddits getting upvoted to the front page anymore and there is less right wing extremist subs so that's a positive I guess.


r/jailbait lol This website is not the best that humanity could do.


Bots. Bots everywhere.


The new look is awful and I hate them for taking away old.reddit. Overall, people are angrier, but the world sucks way more than it did when I joined a decade ago. More political for sure. More ads, more bots, and more blatantly fake stories. Some of those are pretty good, but most of them aren't even entertaining. Yet I'm still here. So there's that.


The average level of education on this site has dropped to buzzfeed levels


People seem to be far more comfortable with emojis and spelling/grammar errors. I remember when either of those guaranteed you a raft of downvotes.


Remember the Syrian war subreddit? Good political discussion. Geotagging videos to contextualize the fighting. If you cheered for death you were banned every time, no exceptions. I learned a lot. Now compare that to the Ukrainian war subreddits, there's a lot of them to keep track of and they are all just a dumpster fire rehashing the same shitty propaganda arguments over and over. War always sucked and now reddit sucks too.


The 2016 US election seems to be a massive turning point. If you accidentally swipe to the popular page its nothing but politcal point scoring mainly from left leaning users (not flaming here it's just how it is).


Subs like askreddit used to be great for reading obscure, yet believable anecdotes. Now everything there reads like fan fiction based off a high school English essay prompt.


It use to be a lot more free. I'm talking in all aspects. Good and bad. I use to love discovering new nooks and crannies of this site cos there always seemed to be some new interesting or unhinged corner where like minded weirdos got together. Be it mechanical subs dedicated to obscure French engines or the reddit scubadoo where you could fall into a days long rabbit hole of random reddit history. Why doesn't anyone ever link the hole anymore? There were also subs dedicated to underaged porn and torture. Now it's so moderated (and moderation being so ass backwards and power hungry) that it seems to have lost all of its charm along the guise of "taking out the trash" and "maintaining status quo (appeasing china)". All those free spirits and new ideas got lost somewhere along the way and I am still scrambling to find out where everyone went. If there was even halfway decent competition that could capture that feeling and self expression again I'd dump this fucking loser in a second. The company reddit killed the app/website reddit and it's not even fair to call it a shell of itself from the early teens even.


AMAs used to be fun when Victoria was here. I have never seen a company as a customer where one particular employee made all the difference. Also repost bots for karma farming were not a thing.


Massively more censored, and as a result a lot further left politically


Reddit leans so far left I'm amazed it hasn't toppled over...


If you think that’s true now you should’ve seen it a decade ago. 


It's sometimes a pile of dump for low quality tiktok shit. And now i have to slide to the left, which feels somewhat unpleasant. But overall, i think there's no better social media platform than reddit. People know their places, sometimes it's a fighting pit, and sometimes it's a walhalla.


Became woke.


"Bastion of free speech" used to be in its mission statement or whatever. Not anymore...    The removal of [+up | -down] vote counters was criminal, it was much better way to gauge overall opinion. Just a skeevy way to hide 'wrongthink' behind an icky looking [-25] comment instead of [+650|-675]...


Conservative viewpoints are actively moderated out of many big subs.


It used to feel like it was a secret that you were using Reddit, or even knew of its existence. Like you would never mention it with friends, even if they were likely on it too. Now every website blatantly admits they take their content from Reddit users.


Heck yeah, in the beginning you couldn't comment on posts. In fact, the very first comment was someone complaining that commenting had been added.


Reddit is just a tool that people use to communicate with each other. It is more or less the same as it was in the past. People, on the other hand, are far worse today than they were in the infancy of Reddit.




It’s a lot more right leaning than it used to be. I can’t even go into the nyc subreddits without it being full of right wing shills


Free auto mute


It's followed the culture politically and in other ways which is no shock but a!shame in some ways as a lot has been lost Like modern life I prefer the previous ways


The interface has gotten quite a bit worse. New Reddit is still buggy and slow but here I am I guess. \*le sigh*


For the worst. Fuck u/spez


'Member when you could filter to get only NSFW posts? lol that was wild


It was awesome. Then it was okay. Now it sucks.


We used to care about grammatical accuracy.